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AUDIO CAVE 2024/004 (Barcode: 5908298549803) ~ POLAND ~ Avant-Garde Jazz-Classical Fusion

Recorded: 2022 Released: 2024

This is an album by Polish percussionist / composer Hubert ZemlerFind albums by this artist, recorded with the AUKSO Chamber OrchestraFind albums by this artist, conducted by Marek MosFind albums by this artist. The album presents five tracks, which are parts of the suite, which gives the album its title. The music lasts for just slightly over thirty minutes.

The suite is basically an Avant-Garde piece, which floats between contemporary Classical Music and Improvised Music, although most of the music is strictly composed and features only limited improvised elements. The music is minimalist, fragmented and offers a difficult to follow continuity, which appeals probably a limited audience, even among the most adventurous listeners.

Zemler plays a wide range of percussion instruments, with the orchestra creating a background layer of Ambient, repetitive themes, stylistically resembling the minimal music by composers like Steve ReichFind albums by this artist, Terry RileyFind albums by this artist and others, highly popular in the 1960s, but almost completely abandoned since.

Overall, as much as I admire Zemler’s originality and non-conformism over the years, I find this album somewhat less interesting or innovative than his usual work. Of course, Polish music needs adventurers and pioneers like Zemler, so I thank him for this piece of his creativity.
Updated: 12/07/2024Posted: 09/07/2024CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

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