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  | DOROTA MISKIEWICZ / HENRYK MISKIEWICZ ~ NASZA MILOSC AGORA 5903111495572 (Barcode: 5903111495572) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz & Poetry Recorded: 2021 Released: 2021
This is an album by Polish Jazz vocalist (and violinist) Dorota MiskiewiczFind albums by this artist and her Father, saxophonist / composer Henryk MiskiewiczFind albums by this artist, recorded with an excellent team which includes pianist Piotr OrzechowskiFind albums by this artist (a.k.a. PianohooliganFind albums by this artist), bassist Slawomir KurkiewiczFind albums by this artist and another member of the Miskiewicz clan (often fondly referred to as the “Polish Jazz Royal Family”), Dorota’s brother Michal MiskiewiczFind albums by this artist. Kurkiewicz and Miskiewicz are the rhythm section of the Marcin WasilewskiFind albums by this artist Trio (previously Simple Acoustic TrioFind albums by this artist). The album presents eight original compositions, all composed by Henryk Miskiewicz or co-composed with his two offspring. Seven of the compositions feature lyrics by Polish Poets and one features Dorota singing wordless vocalese.
The music is absolutely beautiful, kept well within the Classic Jazz convention and presenting superb melodies and spotless aesthetics, as well as perfect and truly virtuosic performances. All the five musicians, each in his own specific field, contributes to the final result, which emerges as more than just a sum of its parts.
Dorota masterfully utilizes her velvety voice and her sensitivity to the lyrics, which she interprets splendidly. Henryk ideally emphasizes the romantic atmosphere and proves to be both a great accompanist and a soloist. Piotr adds the spark and fantasy, with his virtuosic piano parts, proving that he can be as imaginative and inventive in mainstream Jazz as he is in more complex Jazz idioms. And the rhythm section is a dream come true, supporting the music firmly and elegantly.
Overall this is a superb vocal Jazz experience, which combines lofty compositions, intelligent and elegant lyrics and classy Jazz, that is an absolute marvel from start to finish. Although perhaps not a classic Jazz & Poetry project per se, it has many common characteristics with my beloved High Art idiom, shedding some light on the romantic side of the poetry of Ewa LipskaFind albums by this artist, and returns to the splendid work of Bogdan LoeblFind albums by this artist, Wojciech MlynarskiFind albums by this artist, Grzegorz TurnauFind albums by this artist and Andrzej PoniedzielskiFind albums by this artist, all being true wizards of words. Absolutely delightful!
| Updated: 20/10/2021Posted: 20/10/2021 | CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend |
  | BEATA PRZYBYTEK ~ TODAY GIRLS DON`T CRY FLID 003 (Barcode: 5908254159718) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-Soul Fusion Recorded: 2015 - 2017 Released: 2017
This is the long anticipated fifth album by Polish singer / songwriter Beata PrzybytekFind albums by this artist. It presents twelve original songs composed by Przybytek, nine of which feature English lyrics by Alicja MaciejowskaFind albums by this artist, two feature Polish lyrics by Dariusz DuszaFind albums by this artist and one features Polish lyrics by Grzegorz WasowskiFind albums by this artist. There is also a bonus track (lucky thirteen) written by Polish poet Andrzej PoniedzielskiFind albums by this artist and guitarist / composer Jakub ChmielarskiFind albums by this artist. The recording of the album lasted for almost two and a half years, spans several recording studios and features some of the best Polish Instrumentalist, many of them associated with Polish Jazz. Keyboardist Tomasz KalwakFind albums by this artist is again in charge of the arrangements and production and other musicians involved include keyboardists Boguslaw KaczmarFind albums by this artist and Pawel TomaszewskiFind albums by this artist, guitarists Damian KuraszFind albums by this artist and the a/m Jakub Chmielarski, bassists Adam KowalewskiFind albums by this artist, Robert SzewczugaFind albums by this artist and Andrzej SwiesFind albums by this artist, drummers Pawel DobrowolskiFind albums by this artist, Filip MozulFind albums by this artist and Arek SkolikFind albums by this artist, percussionist Slawomir BernyFind albums by this artist, saxophonists Marek PodkowaFind albums by this artist and Mariusz MaczkaFind albums by this artist and trumpeter Sebastian SoldrzynskiFind albums by this artist. Vocalist Beata BednarzFind albums by this artist guests on one track.
About five years ago the previous album by Przybytek ("I`m Gonna Rock YouFind albums with this title") landed accidently on my desk and my enthusiastic review expressed my delight and joy experienced while listening to it, heralding her as one of the great hopes of the Polish vocal scene, despite the fact that she was almost completely unknown at the time. After a long wait it is even more delightful to hear that my "discovery" proved to be spot on and Przybytek delivered another masterpiece, not only on the Polish scale, but surely on a world scale as well. There are only a handful of other singer / songwriters active today who are able to write such wonderfully heartfelt songs and deliver them with such passion, conviction and seductive magnetism. Each and every one of these songs is an absolute gem, with no weak moments on the entire album.
Although rooted in Jazz, Przybytek made a very conscious and in retrospect astute decision to move towards Soul, Rhythm And Blues and sophisticated Pop, which suit both her warm, sexy voice and obviously also her musical inclinations better than the Jazz idiom she started with. It takes a lot of intuition and self-confidence to make decisions like that, which in Przybytek´s case paved the way for her spectacular success. She truly "found herself" perfectly on this album, which directly projects on its quality, making it as "perfect" musically as albums get.
Of course Przybytek´s vocals are more polished than on her earlier recordings, luckily not destroying her natural vocal qualities, which are still convincing and heartbreaking. Although I prefer her singing Polish lyrics (as usual in my case) her delivery of the English lyrics are spotless and completely natural. The instrumental work by all the musicians involved is absolutely stunning, as expected. My personal favorites are the organ parts played by Tomaszewski, who is superb as always, but the overall level of performances is simply extraordinary.
This is obviously one of the best Polish albums released in 2017, regardless of what other critics may say. Over the years I have completely lost confidence in the Polish music awards scene, including the "Fryderyki", which have become a complete farce, but if any Polish album deserves the title of album of the year 2017, this is it! Przybytek is the epitome of talent and professionalism, which sadly are not in high esteem any more.
Personally I wish to thank you Beata for fulfilling my belief in you, for writing such beautiful songs, for singing them so exquisitely and for making this dark, sad world a better place, even if only for some fifty six minutes and twenty two seconds ;) Go Women!
| Updated: 08/05/2023Posted: 24/12/2017 | CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend |
  | AGNIESZKA WILCZYNSKA / ANDRZEJ JAGODZINSKI ~ WILCZE JAGODY NOT ON LABEL (Barcode: 5907222840030) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz & Poetry Recorded: 2019 Released: 2019
This is a beautiful Jazz & Poetry album by the Polish duo comprising of vocalist Agnieszka WilczynskaFind albums by this artist and veteran pianist / composer Andrzej JagodzinskiFind albums by this artist. The album presents eleven original songs composed by Jagodzinski and featuring lyrics by contemporary Polish poets / lyricists: Andrzej PoniedzielskiFind albums by this artist, Stanislaw TymFind albums by this artist, Wieslawa SujkowskaFind albums by this artist and Jan WolekFind albums by this artist. Wilczynska contributed the lyrics to one of the songs. Jagodzinski in addition to playing the piano add also some accordion parts.
The music is an archetypal example of what the essence of Polish Jazz represents, in its profound lyricism, melancholy and harmonies deeply rooted in Polish Folklore, which are unmistakably idiosyncratic. Jagodzinski´s compositions, which are influenced and inspired by his insightful love and understanding of the music of Frederic ChopinFind albums by this artist, are heartbreakingly melodic and deeply wistful, and when combined with the intelligent and thoughtful lyrics they simply become irresistible. For listeners interested in exploring his exceptional status and his contribution to the Polish Jazz idiom, I recommend the wonderful "Muzyka PolskaFind albums with this title" album, which is a classic.
But clearly the amalgam of this superb music and the marvelous vocal performances by Wilczynska is what makes this album even more special. She is undoubtedly an ideal Jazz & Poetry singer, with a perfect diction that allows each and every syllable to be heard precisely, a sublime theatrical expressionism which allows sensitive delivery of the underlying emotions and last but not least has a wonderful voice and feel of the music, which is clearly evident when she sings the lyrics or improvises using vocalese. Wilczynska cleverly avoids any unnecessary theatrical extravagance, delivering the lyrics with charming minimalism, clearly achieving the "less is more" effect, which ideally suits the concept of this album. I wish all the young Polish Jazz vocalists simply listened to this album, which is a classic example of how things should be done in that field.
During my last visit in Poland, just a few weeks ago and before the corona virus took control of our lives, I had an opportunity to hear Wilczynska, Jagodzinski and other Polish Jazz musicians deliver an unforgettable performance in a small club in the outskirts of Warsaw. The venue was absolutely packed with fans, which wouldn´t let the musicians off the stage after two solid hours of brilliant music. I hope all of you, my Friends, are well and I do hope to see you all again soon. May the Jazz Force be with you!
| Updated: 22/03/2020Posted: 22/03/2020 | CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend |