Record Reviews
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  | WOJCIECH GOGOLEWSKI TRIO ~ MEDYTACJE WIEJSKIEGO LISTONOSZA JAZZOWEGO NOT ON LABEL 9788365344007 (Barcode: 9788365344007) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz Recorded: 2015 Released: 2015
This is an album by Polish Jazz piano trio led by veteran pianist / composer Wojciech GogolewskiFind albums by this artist, with bassist Pawel PantaFind albums by this artist and drummer Adam LewandowskiFind albums by this artist. As the album´s title suggests, at least to those familiar with the Polish music scene, this album is dedicated to the music by the legendary Polish Rock group SkaldowieFind albums by this artist and pays tribute to their extraordinary talents. The album presents ten songs Skaldowie created during their heyday, all composed by Andrzej ZielinskiFind albums by this artist (one of the two Zielinski brothers who led the group) and arranged for Jazz trio by Gogolewski.
It is of course completely impossible for someone like me, who grew up listening to the music of Skaldowie, to be in any way objective while listening to this album, and indeed I don´t intend to be objective at all. This is a marvelous piece of music in every respect, even without the tsunami of nostalgia, which floods my brain while listening to it, since it perfectly holds water just by being what it really is, i.e. an excellent piano trio album playing some superbly crafted music, beautifully recorded and perfectly executed.
Of course the music of Zielinski presents some of the most incredibly weaved melodies on this planet, full of "impossible" chord changes and weird harmonies, tempi shifts and other musicological mumble-jumble, which most people have absolutely no idea about, but which simply work wonders and create some of the most beautiful songs ever written, which made our childhood and then adolescence so incredibly beautiful. Comparing Skaldowie to the BeatlesFind albums by this artist would have been mostly unfair to the Polish group, as they were light-years ahead musically. The fact that their music transfers so gracefully into the Jazz idiom is a great proof of its quality, whereas most Jazz arrangements of Beatles songs never really rise above pastiche.
I am pretty sure this album should be universally appealing to every Jazz connoisseur around, even those who can´t find Poland on the map. This music is simply universal and its elegance and typical European sophistication is irresistible.
I can only wholeheartedly thank the people involved in creating this masterpiece for the immense pleasure it has bestowed upon me. Perhaps some listeners, happy with what they find here, will reach out for the original Skaldowie albums, where this music originates from, to take another step on the path of exploration. Bless you all!
| Updated: 11/09/2017Posted: 11/09/2017 | CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend |
  | ANNA MARIA JOPEK / BRANFORD MARSALIS ~ ULOTNE AMJ 001 (Barcode: 5906395769315) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz Recorded: 2015 - 2017 Released: 2018
Every new release by the Polish Diva Anna Maria JopekFind albums by this artist is a celebration of Culture and a major musical event on an international scale, especially so when it involves a revered Jazz superstar like saxophonist Branford MarsalisFind albums by this artist. Jopek, famous for her consistent independent Artistic vision, managed to create her own universe, where she does not need to compare or compete with the rest of the world, which enables her complete freedom of expression and self-determination, which only very few Artists worldwide were able to achieve over time.
Recording an album with Marsalis was a dream, which Jopek held on to since the time she heard him playing with StingFind albums by this artist, which of course was a huge influence on every true music lover at the time. The incredible chemistry that Sting and Marsalis demonstrated was an extremely tall order to follow, but Jopek never eschewed a challenge and this album proves that the realization of that dream was indeed worthwhile waiting for.
The album was recorded during two separate recording sessions, twenty one months apart, which considering the busy schedule that Jopek and Marsalis are both entangled in, is not as surprising as it might sound. The somewhat esoteric group of musicians includes percussionist Mino CineluFind albums by this artist, pianists Krzysztof HerdzinFind albums by this artist (who was also in charge of arrangements and conducting) and Marcin WasilewskiFind albums by this artist, multi-instrumentalist Piotr NazarukFind albums by this artist, bassist Robert KubiszynFind albums by this artist and Atom String QuartetFind albums by this artist (violinists Mateusz SmoczynskiFind albums by this artist and Dawid LubowiczFind albums by this artist, violist Michal ZaborskiFind albums by this artist and cellist Krzysztof LenczowskiFind albums by this artist). Polish Folklore Guru Maria PomianowskaFind albums by this artist guests on one track. The album presents ten tracks on the "formal" first CD and four additional tracks (one of which is an alternate version of a track on the album) on the "bonus" second CD. The songs are mostly originals, written by Jopek or co-written with her spouse Marcin KydrynskiFind albums by this artist, one song is by Herdzin, one by Tomasz StankoFind albums by this artist (see below), one by Andrzej ZielinskiFind albums by this artist (SkaldowieFind albums by this artist) and one by Harry KandelFind albums by this artist with the rest being originally traditional Polish Folklore songs.
Musically the album marks a return to Jopek´s established modus operandi, which combines Polish Folklore and original songwriting, spiced with Jazzy arrangements and of course dominated by her highly original expressionism. The music is deeply soaked in Polish lyricism and melancholy and her decision to sing in the Polish language emphasizes these elements even further. Marsalis plunges into this Slavic environment with vigor and determination, as if Eastern European sensitivities were his second nature, which is quite remarkable. It proves not only his openness and ability to embrace diverse Cultures, but also his incredible musicality, which enables him to feel completely at home in this Slavic musical setting. It also proves, perhaps more importantly, that music is universal, as is human soul, and ethnic boundaries can be crossed and amalgamated on the collective plane.
Jopek, Marsalis and all the musicians involved in the recording of this album are of course veteran professionals in addition to their individual Artistic abilities, which results in the music being perfectly and incredibly sensitively executed. This music requires total dedication and every single note played by every musician at every given moment must be precisely articulated to achieve the desired effect. Luckily this team rises to the challenge admirably. The delicate and wonderfully written string arrangements performed by the Atoms add a superbly "angelic" aura to the overall sound and the folkloristic elements by Nazaruk spice the proceedings splendidly. Marsalis plays a series of breathtaking solos throughout the album, exactly as expected of course and Jopek, as always, manages to create goose bumps all over the listener´s body regardless if she sings lyrics or awe-inspiring vocalese.
When selecting the material for this album, Jopek requested the permission of Tomasz Stanko to use his beautiful ballad "A Farewell To MariaFind albums with this title", originally used in the soundtrack of a movie of the same name, as she was sure Marsalis would be able to embrace the lyricism of this incredible melody and create a marvelous solo while performing it. She was right of course and this track is definitely one of the highlights of this album, and at the same time it constitutes a mournful tribute to Stanko, who passed away before the album was released.
Another interesting piece is the excellent arrangement of the classic Harry Kandel (born in Lwow) Klezmer tune "A Night In The Garden Of Eden", which features Jopek´s hair-raising vocalese. Of course Klezmer music has always been an integral part of the Polish Folklore tapestry, in which the Jewish contribution was invaluable.
Overall this album is a Masterpiece from start to finish, which is no news to the numerous Jopek´s fans. There is not one moment on this album, which is not inspirational and eloquent, heartwarming and heartfelt. Both deeply Polish and at the same time universally appealing this music knows no stylistic or Cultural boundaries. It is beautiful and sensitive and at the same time deeply emotional, soul-searching and introspective. In short, this album delivers everything one expects to hear when Great Artists are involved. Thank you, as always, my Dear!
| Updated: 08/12/2018Posted: 08/12/2018 | CD 2 Digipak Recommend To A Friend |
  | JERZY MILIAN / MACIEJ FORTUNA ~ BIG CLUB BAND SJP 006 ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-Pop Fusion Recorded: 2018 Released: 2018
This is the second installment of the project dedicated to the music by and the memory of the iconic Polish Jazz vibraphonist / composer / arranger / bandleader Jerzy MilianFind albums by this artist, carried out trumpeter / composer Maciej FortunaFind albums by this artist. The music is performed by the re-activated Poznanska Pietnastka OrchestraFind albums by this artist (The Poznan Fifteen Orchestra), which was originally co-founded by Milian, in his hometown as a Radio Orchestra and for which he wrote many original compositions. The re-activated Orchestra under the artistic direction of Fortuna consists of young generation Polish Jazz musicians. The album presents seven compositions by Milian and two compositions by Andrzej ZielinskiFind albums by this artist, all arranged and orchestrated by Iwona WitekFind albums by this artist.
The music Milian composed for the Poznanska Pietnastka Radiowa at the time was not intended to be Jazz oriented but was basically instrumental entertainment music, which was more ambitious than simplistic popular music. The new arrangements stay more or less faithful to the originals but are slightly more Jazzed up and feature more Jazz oriented soloing.
Overall this is only marginally Jazz oriented music, but the album is a nice gesture towards Milian and his contribution to Polish Jazz and Polish music in general and an educational enterprise to get young Jazz musician involved in Big Band / Orchestral music, which is almost completely absent from the contemporary scene.
For people interested in the career of Jerzy Milian and his compositions, this is a welcome reminder of his mostly forgotten and hard to find early works. This album is not a commercial release and as such might be not so easy to find, but its historical and educational values are obvious. It follows the same unusual triangular design, unpractical for storage, but nevertheless very unique.
| Updated: 31/12/2018Posted: 31/12/2018 | CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend |
  | KRZYSZTOF SADOWSKI ~ THREE THOUSANDS POINTS (POLISH JAZZ VOL.47) GAD 031 (Barcode: 5901549197396) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-Rock Fusion Recorded: 1974 - 1997 Released: 2015
This is a reissue (first time on CD) of the third album by Polish Jazz keyboardist / composer Krzysztof SadowskiFind albums by this artist recorded with an ensemble called Organ GroupFind albums by this artist, which also included flautist / vocalist Liliana UrbanskaFind albums by this artist, saxophonists Vesselin NikolovFind albums by this artist and Tomasz SzukalskiFind albums by this artist, guitarist Winicjusz ChrostFind albums by this artist, bass guitarist Wojciech BruslikFind albums by this artist, drummers Zbigniew KitlinskiFind albums by this artist and Wojciech MorawskiFind albums by this artist and finally percussionists Andrzej ZielinskiFind albums by this artist and Bozena BruszewskaFind albums by this artist. The reason for the long lineup is the fact that the album was recorded during two separate sessions with two different lineups.
This album was released at the time as part of the legendary "Polish Jazz" series (as Vol.47) and included originally only four tracks, the first of which gave the album its title and was a twenty one minutes long suite originally found on side A of the LP. The three tracks on side B were shorter and spanned between three to nine minutes in duration. Two of the compositions were originals, both composed by Sadowski; one was a Keith JarrettFind albums by this artist tune and one was a Classical piece. This remastered reissue adds three bonus tracks recorded at the Polish Radio.
The music on this album shows Sadowski at full swing as a Jazz-Rock Fusion musician, firmly based in the Fusion idiom, which was pretty well established by then both on the Polish scene and abroad. He expands his arsenal and uses electric piano and early synthesizer (ring modulator) gadgets. The flute parts are more daring and the vocalese more developed, clearly following the work of Urszula DudziakFind albums by this artist. Nikolov adds a tinge of Balkan spice and Szukalski blows away like only he could, touching upon Free at times. The rhythmic support is very Rock oriented and the overall sound and feel of the music resembles to some extent the best Fusion ensembles active in the West but maintains an East European identity both harmonically and melodically.
In retrospect the album is a great document of the time at which it was recorded, proving that in spite of the relative separation from what was happing beyond the Iron Curtain, Polish Jazz was responding rapidly to the changes in the Jazz idiom, often with ferocity and ingenuity, which were impossible to hold back by the political regime. The grammar mistake in the English version of the title (preserved for historic consistency) is a nice reminder of Socialist bureaucracy (an insider´s joke).
As usual it is my duty to thank GADFind albums on this label Records for taking care of the Polish Jazz heritage, who is sadly a lonely rider on that trail. This superb music definitely needs to be fondly remembered and discovered by new generations!
| | CD 1 Remastered Bonus Tracks Recommend To A Friend |
  | SKALDOWIE ~ KRYWAN SESSIONS 1971-1973 – COMPLETE GERMAN RADIO RECORDINGS KAMELEON 17 ~ POLAND ~ Progressive Rock Recorded: 1971 - 1973 Released: 2012
This album by the legendary Polish group SkaldowieFind albums by this artist, founded by brothers: Andrzej ZielinskiFind albums by this artist (vocalist, keyboardist, composer, arranger and leader) and Jacek ZielinskiFind albums by this artist (vocalist, multi-instrumentalist) presents an alternate version of their great Prog magnum opus "Krywan, KrywanFind albums with this title" recorded and released originally in Poland. These recordings were made in East Berlin for the East German AmigaFind albums on this label label to be used on the local market (a common practice in those days in the Socialist Countries) and were supposed to feature German lyrics. However, only two of the five songs on this album are sung in German and the remaining three songs are sung in the original Polish versions. The other group members on this album are: guitarist Jerzy TarsinskiFind albums by this artist, bassist / vocalist Konrad RatynskiFind albums by this artist and drummer Jan BudziaszekFind albums by this artist.
As expected, these versions of the material appearing on the original album are quite different, since the extended instrumental parts were mostly improvised and improvisations hardly ever sound the same. Also slightly different arrangements and instrumentations are used here as opposed to the original. In addition the sound and ambience of these recordings are again different from the original. Overall this is quite a rare case of a seminal album being recorded twice in two different versions.
Considering the fact that "Krywan, Krywan" is considered as one of the most important recording of the East European Prog scene, the existence of an alternate version of the album is a most welcome event to the many fans of the group in general and hardcore aficionados of this release in particular.
This album is perhaps not as essential as the original, but many Prog fans all over the world will find it a worthy addition to their collection. Warmly recommended!
| Updated: 16/05/2016Posted: | CD 1 Remastered Recommend To A Friend |
  | SKALDOWIE ~ KRYWAN, KRYWAN (EXPANDED EDITION) KAMELEON 07 ~ POLAND ~ Progressive Rock Recorded: 1972 Released: 2011
This is the seventh album by the legendary Polish group SkaldowieFind albums by this artist, one of the most influential East European ensembles, founded by brothers: Andrzej ZielinskiFind albums by this artist (vocalist, keyboardist, composer, arranger and leader) and Jacek ZielinskiFind albums by this artist (vocalist, multi-instrumentalist). The other group members on this album are: guitarist Jerzy TarsinskiFind albums by this artist, bassist / vocalist Konrad RatynskiFind albums by this artist and drummer Jan BudziaszekFind albums by this artist. Congas player Jozef GawrychFind albums by this artist guests on two tracks. The album was recorded practically live in the studio during one all-night session with only a few overdubs recorded later.
This album is the first full-fledged Prog album by the group and features mostly instrumental music, with the vocal parts being kept in the background. It introduces the group members as improvisers, who use the basic musical themes as a vehicle to present extended improvisations, which made each live performance of this music different every time it was played. This was a completely new direction for the group, which up to this point excelled in meticulous arrangements, which were superbly musical but severely limited the abilities of the group members to express their own statements.
The original LP consisted of just five tracks, with the title track being a fully developed suite, which occupied the entire A-side of the LP and lasted for almost 18 minutes. Although the entire album was not a concept album per se, the folkloristic themes and Classical music quotation constitute a unifying factor, which in retrospect turns the album into a concept album of sorts. The group uses the music of the Polish Highlanders (Gorals) as influence to most of the themes presented on this album. The musical approach is sometimes similar to what Emerson, Lake and Palmer presented on their early albums, but Skaldowie were unaware of these developments occurring behind the Iron Curtain.
Soon after it was released this album turned into East European Rock icon and was sought after by Rock / Prog fans in all the ex-Socialist countries, influencing countless musicians who lived in these countries and propagated the idea of Progressive Rock to new territories. It is also the most popular Polish Prog (original Prog, not Neo-Prog) album among the genre´s fans around the world.
This edition adds eleven bonus tracks, seven of which are instrumentals recorded by West German Radio and the other four are the original LP´s B-side songs recorded by Polish Radio. The sound and musical quality of the bonuses is perfect and the overall product value of this expanded edition is truly commendable.
This is an essential piece of Polish Rock / Prog history and a must have for every Polish music fan. The music stands the test of time beautifully and one wishes music like this was done by some of the contemporary Prog outfits, rather than repeating the obsessive doodling that seems to occupy their space-time continuum. A true gem!
| Updated: 21/09/2021Posted: | CD 1 Remastered Bonus Tracks Essential Recommend To A Friend |
  | SKALDOWIE ~ LISTY SPIEWAJACE KAMELEON 15 ~ POLAND ~ Pop & Rock Recorded: 1967 - 1972 Released: 2012
This album by the legendary Polish group SkaldowieFind albums by this artist, founded by brothers: Andrzej ZielinskiFind albums by this artist (vocalist, keyboardist, composer, arranger and leader) and Jacek ZielinskiFind albums by this artist (vocalist, multi-instrumentalist) collects their recordings for the Polish Radio and TV, which were featured in two episodes of the TV series called "Listy Spiewajace (Singing Letters)". They span the early days of the group between 1967 and 1969 and were performed by the early lineups.
All these songs feature lyrics by poetess Agnieszka OsieckaFind albums by this artist and the songs in the first episode of the series were composed by Adam SlawinskiFind albums by this artist, and are a rare example of songs performed by Skaldowie, which were not written by the group members. The songs in the second episode were all composed by Andrzej Zielinski.
The bonus tracks present additional Polish Radio and TV recordings (and one West German Radio recording), which feature a couple of songs in different versions and arrangements from those appearing in the original TV episodes and other songs.
The original music presents the group as great performers of sophistical Pop material and their leader as superb craftsman of such songs. Although not their most popular or strongest material, this album includes many fabulous moments, which deserve to be remembered. The beautiful lyrics by Osiecka also add a poetic dimension to these songs.
The fans of the group will find this album as an integral part of their legacy, but otherwise it has only a marginal importance as far as Polish popular music is concerned. Nevertheless that fabulous late 1960s / early 1970s sound is simply irresistible. Worth investigation!
| | CD 1 Remastered Recommend To A Friend |
  | SKALDOWIE ~ LIVE IN GERMANY 1974 KAMELEON 24 ~ POLAND ~ Progressive Rock Recorded: 1974 Released: 2012
This album by the legendary Polish group SkaldowieFind albums by this artist, founded by brothers: Andrzej ZielinskiFind albums by this artist (vocalist, keyboardist, composer, arranger and leader) and Jacek ZielinskiFind albums by this artist (vocalist, multi-instrumentalist) presents a complete live performance of the group in Cologne, Germany, which was recorded and broadcasted by the WDR. The other group members on this album are: bassist / vocalist Konrad RatynskiFind albums by this artist and drummer Jan BudziaszekFind albums by this artist. The group´s guitarist Jerzy TarsinskiFind albums by this artist did not play on this concert for health reasons, so this is a rare opportunity to hear the group as a quartet.
The music includes the more Prog and Jazz-Rock material by the group, which is performed in extended form, with long instrumental solos. A few shorter well known songs are also included in different arrangements. The most interesting piece is the early version of the group´ opus "Stworzenia Swiata Czesc DrugaFind albums with this title", which lasts for almost twenty minutes. The studio version of this piece was only recorded a couple years later and released on record another two years later.
Although the sound quality of this recording is not ideal, it is quite listenable and considering the fact that almost no other live recordings from that period exist, it is of enormous importance to the group´s fans and followers. Andrzej Zielinski plays some superb Hammond and Fender piano parts, trying to cover up for the missing guitar parts.
Overall this is an interesting piece of Polish Rock / Prog history and will be warmly received by connoisseurs of that scene and of course a must to the diehard fans of the band. Worth investigating!
| | CD 1 Remastered Recommend To A Friend |
  | SKALDOWIE ~ NIE DOMYKAJMY DRZWI (EXPANDED EDITION) KAMELEON 12 ~ POLAND ~ Pop & Rock Recorded: 1988 Released: 2012
This is the twelfth album by the legendary Polish group SkaldowieFind albums by this artist, one of the most influential East European ensembles, founded by brothers: Andrzej ZielinskiFind albums by this artist and Jacek ZielinskiFind albums by this artist (vocalist, multi-instrumentalist). This album is the first recording by the group, which does not feature the group´s leader Andrzej Zielinski, who at the time was resident in the USA. The other group members on this album are: keyboardist Grzegorz GorkiewiczFind albums by this artist, guitarist Jerzy TarsinskiFind albums by this artist, bassist / vocalist Konrad RatynskiFind albums by this artist and drummer Wiktor KierzkowskiFind albums by this artist.
This album was recorded in autumn 1988, almost nine years after the group recorded their previous album. Poland went through dramatic political upheavals during the 1980s, including the Martial Law period and strikes led by the Solidarity movement. When the Martial Law was declared the group was touring the USA and they decided to stay there until the situation clears. Gradually they returned to Poland, with Andrzej Zielinski delaying his return for longest. Those members who returned decided to re-activate the group in 1987, which eventually led to the recording of this album. With the absence of Andrzej Zielinski the composing duties fell upon Jacek Zielinski and Konrad Ratynski, and they added a keyboardist to retain the traditional keyboard oriented sound.
Musically the album pretty much continues the musical tradition of the original group, with strong melodies and elegant arrangements. Although an attempt was made to use self-penned lyrics, eventually the decision to return to lyrics written by Polish poets was made. Although the album does suffer a bit from the dreaded synthesizer sound of the 1980s, it is overall quite impressive, especially due to the superb songwriting. Re-activating the group after almost a decade long break and without its leader was a very bold step, which in retrospect worked way beyond the initial expectations.
This album was the last release by the group on the state owned Polskie Nagrania / MuzaFind albums on this label label and their last recording before the Socialist regime in Poland gave way to the democratic Third Republic. Unfortunately it was also the last album for over a decade and a half before the group started to record again the mid-2000.
This edition adds seven bonus tracks, all of which are radio versions of the songs present on the original album. This is an important document of Polish Rock history and a must have for every Polish music fan. Most of the music stands the test of time quite well and is definitely worth revisiting.
| | CD 1 Remastered Bonus Tracks Recommend To A Friend |
  | SKALDOWIE ~ OD WSCHODU DO ZACHODU SLONCA (EXPANDED EDITION) KAMELEON 04 ~ POLAND ~ Progressive Rock Recorded: 1970 Released: 2012
This is the fourth album by the legendary Polish group SkaldowieFind albums by this artist, one of the most influential groups during the Golden Decade east of the Iron Curtain. Founded by brothers: Andrzej ZielinskiFind albums by this artist (vocalist, keyboardist, composer, arranger and leader) and Jacek ZielinskiFind albums by this artist (vocalist, trumpeter, percussionist), Skaldowie epitomized everything that was great about the Polish scene in the late 1960s / early 1970s, which struggled against all odds with economic hardships, political censorship and relative isolation from the Western centers of musical progress at the time. Considering those objective adversities, their achievements were simply phenomenal and the music they created remains a symbol of human genius and creativity overcoming all limitations.
The album was recorded in early 1970, shortly after the group returned from their US / Canadian tour, bringing with them the Hammond organ, which was Andrzej Zielinski´s dream since many years. Obviously the album features the Hammond extensively, and its sound was about to become the group´s trademark in years to come. The other group members are: guitarist Jerzy TarsinskiFind albums by this artist, bassist / vocalist Konrad RatynskiFind albums by this artist and drummer Jan BudziaszekFind albums by this artist.
Musically the album clearly marks the group´s transition from sophisticated Pop, Psychedelia and Baroque Rock into the realms of Progressive Rock, which was exploding with creativity at the time. The tracks are longer than before and feature extensive instrumental passages, complicated arrangement involving orchestra and choir and the entire album is soaked in the Hammond sound. Zielinski´s incredible talent to compose breathtakingly beautiful melodies and his arrangement skills, which involved vocal harmonies, unexpected tempo changes and multi-themed songs, as well as catchy riffs, which made this music, in spite of its complexity and sophistication, accessible to a wide range of audiences.
Skaldowie also used excellent lyrics, which were written by the great lyricist Leszek Aleksander MoczulskiFind albums by this artist, who cooperated with the group for many years. Luckily they were never tempted to sing in English and stuck with their native tongue. Of course the Polish lyrics are lost to listeners not speaking the language, but the music is definitely strong enough to stand on its own and Skaldowie achieved a worldwide following despite the language barrier.
This expanded edition includes ten bonus tracks (doubling the original album´s length), partly radio recordings and partly rare recordings they made in Czechoslovakia and East Germany. The bonus tracks all have excellent quality and are a valuable addition to the original album.
This is a perfect piece of Rock music, if there ever was one. Of course the destiny placed the group at the right time at the wrong place. Had they been active in UK or US they would have been a Rock icon, no doubt, but alas it was not to be. Nevertheless they made a tremendous contribution to East European music and many of their albums are absolute gems, this one included. Essential!
| | CD 1 Remastered Bonus Tracks Essential Recommend To A Friend |
  | SKALDOWIE ~ PASTORALKI KAMELEON 16 ~ POLAND ~ Pop & Rock Recorded: 1967 - 1992 Released: 2013
This album by the legendary Polish group SkaldowieFind albums by this artist, founded by brothers: Andrzej ZielinskiFind albums by this artist (vocalist, keyboardist, composer, arranger and leader) and Jacek ZielinskiFind albums by this artist (vocalist, multi-instrumentalist) collects their recordings for the Polish Radio and TV, which were seasonal Christmas songs. Of course these were not traditional Christmas carols, but original songs composed by Andrzej Zielinski with text by the poet Ernest BryllFind albums by this artist. They span mostly the early days of the group between 1967 and 1972, except for three songs recorded much later.
Most of these songs were never previously released on records, except for four of them, which were released as the EP called "PastoralkiFind albums with this title" by Polskie NagraniaFind albums on this label / MuzaFind albums on this label. Two of the songs feature female vocalists: Maryla RodowiczFind albums by this artist and Lucja PrusFind albums by this artist. Some of the songs appear here more than once in different versions. These songs show again the superb diversity of the group, which was up for any challenge they were presented with, always showing their upper hand. They include many superb melodies, some quite intricate and of course all are executed perfectly.
The fans of the group will find this album as an integral part of their legacy, but otherwise it has only a marginal importance as far as Polish popular music is concerned. Nevertheless that fabulous late 1960s / early 1970s sound is simply irresistible. Worth investigation!
| | CD 1 Remastered Recommend To A Friend |
  | SKALDOWIE ~ PIESN NAD PIESNIAMI, CZYLI BALLADA CZLOWIEKA O MILOSCI POLSKIE RADIO 1437 (Barcode: 5907812244378) ~ POLAND ~ Pop & Rock Recorded: 1980 - 1981 Released: 2011
Although not a "proper" SkaldowieFind albums by this artist album per se, this recording presents the group taking part in a very special artistic project created by the legendary Polish cabaret "Piwnica Pod Baranami" in Krakow. Skaldowie, one of the most influential East European ensembles, were founded by brothers: Andrzej ZielinskiFind albums by this artist (vocalist, keyboardist and composer) and Jacek ZielinskiFind albums by this artist (vocalist, multi-instrumentalist and composer). The other group members at the time were: guitarist Jerzy TarsinskiFind albums by this artist, bassist Konrad RatynskiFind albums by this artist and drummer Wiktor KierzkowskiFind albums by this artist.
Jacek Zielinski composed a cycle of songs to the lyrics written by Wieslaw DymnyFind albums by this artist, who himself performed at the cabaret and was famous for his witty lyrics. But the lyrics used here show his lyrical / poetic side as well. The songs were performed by the group and several additional vocalists, who were regular members of the cabaret. The entire project can be seen as a typical Jazz & Poetry project, although in this case the music was performed by a Rock group, with a strong Jazz orientation. The song cycle was also recorded by the Polish Radio in the winter of 1980 / 1981 and celebrating the 30th anniversary of the recording, was released on record for the first time.
In retrospect this album is one of the best albums ever that Skaldowie recorded during their long career. It also shows that Jacek Zielinski was also quite an accomplished composer, which was never apparent on the formal recordings of the group, where Andrzej Zielinski was almost exclusively in charge of the composing. The actual performances are brilliant from start to end, in a much more informal atmosphere than the album recorded by the group and of better sound quality. The music is versatile and cross-genre, moving freely between Rock, Jazz, Chanson, Pop and of course Cabaret. Of course the complete experience of this recording is very much language dependent, even more so than on the regular albums by the group. But considering the fact that Skaldowie have a wide following among fans, who do not speak Polish, this one should be no exception, especially in view of its brilliant quality and artistic merit.
This is an important document of Polish Rock history and Polish Culture in general and should be a must have for every Polish music fan. It stands the test of time with flying colors and is definitely worth revisiting. Brilliant stuff!
| | CD 1 Digipak Remastered Recommend To A Friend |
  | SKALDOWIE ~ PODROZ MAGICZNA KAMELEON 19 ~ POLAND ~ Progressive Rock Recorded: 1973 - 1978 Released: 2012
This album by the legendary Polish group SkaldowieFind albums by this artist, founded by brothers: Andrzej ZielinskiFind albums by this artist (vocalist, keyboardist, composer, arranger and leader) and Jacek ZielinskiFind albums by this artist (vocalist, multi-instrumentalist) presents four recordings of instrumental Symphonic Prog pieces recorded during the 1970s, all previously unreleased, which of course is a major event for the many fans of the group. The other group members on this album are: guitarist Jerzy TarsinskiFind albums by this artist, bassist / vocalist Konrad RatynskiFind albums by this artist and drummer Jan BudziaszekFind albums by this artist. Two Polish Symphonic Orchestras and one German Radio Orchestra and two Big Bands are utilized in the recording as well as choir in one case. Two guest guitarists: Pawel BirulaFind albums by this artist and Andrzej PuczynskiFind albums by this artist participate in the title track. Andrzej Zielinski composed and arranged three of the pieces and Jan OleszkowiczFind albums by this artist composed the remaining one.
The title piece (and the first track on the album) is the longest and most complex composition, lasting over half an hour. It was commission as a ballet suite, which was performed on and filmed by Polish TV. The suite is subdivided into twelve themes, flowing each other and presenting a coherent musical continuum. The music combines influences from Classical music, World Music (mostly Middle Eastern and Spanish motifs), Jazz and of course Prog and is simply exquisite.
The second piece, which was recorded in West Germany for the WDR is a shorter suite utilizing extensively the brass section of the Radio Big Band, which results in Jazz-Rock oriented music similar to that performed by Brass-Rock bands like ChicagoFind albums by this artist, Blood, Sweat & TearsFind albums by this artist and others.
The third piece is another suite, comprising of pieces which were used as the soundtrack for a film comedy, directed by Andrzej KondriatukFind albums by this artist entitled "Jak To Sie Robi (How Is It Done)".
The last piece is an ambitious concerto for a Rock group and Orchestra, similar to other such endeavors tried previously, like Jon LordFind albums by this artist´s (Deep PurpleFind albums by this artist) "Concerto For Group And OrchestraFind albums with this title", which pioneered this style. This recording was the first event of the kind in Poland and Skaldowie was the only group that could perform it, due to their musical education and ability to read music fluently.
Overall this album presents some superb instrumental music, very versatile but all of the highest quality, which shows previously unknown sides of the group and emphasizes their highly artistic ambitions. Andrzej Zielinski is portrayed not only as an extraordinary songwriter, but also as an ambitious composer of extended musical works. The musicality, intelligence and open-mindedness heard on this album are simply exceptional.
The bonus DVD presents the filmed performance of the ballet suite, which is the title track of this album.
This album is an absolute must for all the many fans of the group around the world and might surprise many by its wealth of ideas and musical beauty. Definitely worth investigating!
| | CD+DVD 2 Remastered Recommend To A Friend |
  | SKALDOWIE ~ REZERWAT MILOSCI (EXPANDED EDITION) KAMELEON 10 ~ POLAND ~ Pop & Rock Recorded: 1979 Released: 2012
This is the tenth album by the legendary Polish group SkaldowieFind albums by this artist, one of the most influential East European ensembles, founded by brothers: Andrzej ZielinskiFind albums by this artist (vocalist, keyboardist, composer, arranger and leader) and Jacek ZielinskiFind albums by this artist (vocalist, multi-instrumentalist). The other group members on this album are: guitarist Jerzy TarsinskiFind albums by this artist, bassist / vocalist Konrad RatynskiFind albums by this artist and drummer Jan BudziaszekFind albums by this artist.
This album was recorded in March 1979, almost three years after the group recorded their previous album. Musically it reflects the dramatic change the Pop / Rock music went through in the late 1970s, with ambitious Progressive Rock being replaced by Punk, Disco and other brainless music forms. Skaldowie struggled to maintain their musical quality in spite that hostile musical climate. The album includes songs with a common motive, which in this case is love, composed by Andrzej Zielinski with one exception, where the song is composed by Konrad Ratynski. For the first time one of the songs features a guest vocalist Stanislaw WeglorzFind albums by this artist, who has vocal qualities remarkably similar to those of the legendary Niemen. As usual the lyrics were written by Polish poets the group cooperated with for many years.
Some of the songs have excellent vocal, strings and brass arrangements, and overall this album is probably the most "produced" album the group ever made. With the synthesizer stepping up to take the leading role in the Rock world, the sound becomes more dense and complex and with the addition of the orchestral arrangements, this album is more similar to the lush productions popular in the US than to the more simplistic and rough sound of Polish Rock.
This edition adds eight bonus tracks, some of which are radio versions of the songs present on the original album and other material which was only recorded by the radio. Three of these tracks feature the vocals of Stanislaw Weglorz. This is an important document of Polish Rock history and a must have for every Polish music fan. Most of the music stands the test of time quite well and is definitely worth revisiting.
| | CD 1 Remastered Bonus Tracks Recommend To A Friend |
This is the ninth album by the legendary Polish group SkaldowieFind albums by this artist, one of the most influential East European ensembles, founded by brothers: Andrzej ZielinskiFind albums by this artist (vocalist, keyboardist, composer, arranger and leader) and Jacek ZielinskiFind albums by this artist (vocalist, multi-instrumentalist). The other group members on this album are: guitarist Jerzy TarsinskiFind albums by this artist, bassist / vocalist Konrad RatynskiFind albums by this artist and drummer Jan BudziaszekFind albums by this artist. Percussionist Jozef GawrychFind albums by this artist guests on three tracks and a string orchestra is also utilized in the recordings.
This album is the second full-fledged Prog album by the group and follows up in the steps of the "Krywan, KrywanFind albums with this title" magnum opus. The original LP consisted of just five tracks, with the title track being a fully developed suite, which occupied the entire A-side of the LP and lasted for almost 20 minutes. The group uses again the music of the Polish Highlanders (Gorals) as influence to some of the themes presented on this album. The musical approach is similar to what other Prog groups were doing at the time in Western Europe, but is years ahead of the East European scene, where Skaldowie were definitely one of the top acts at the time.
Similar to the release of "Krywan, Krywan", which was accompanied by the release of the "Wszystkim ZakochanymFind albums with this title" album containing Pop oriented but still excellent material, also in this case Skaldowie released a second album almost simultaneously called "Szanujmy WspomnieniaFind albums with this title", which also presented the less complex side of the group´s music.
This edition adds six bonus tracks, four of which are Polish Radio recordings and the remaining two are studio recordings, one previously unreleased and the other released as a single in Czechoslovakia. The sound and musical quality of the bonuses is perfect and the overall product value of this expanded edition is truly commendable.
This is an essential piece of Polish Rock / Prog history and a must have for every Polish music fan. The music stands the test of time beautifully and one wishes music like this was done by some of the contemporary Prog outfits, rather than repeating the obsessive doodling that seems to occupy their space-time continuum. A true gem!
| | CD 1 Remastered Bonus Tracks Essential Recommend To A Friend |
This is the eighth album by the legendary Polish group SkaldowieFind albums by this artist, one of the most influential East European ensembles, founded by brothers: Andrzej ZielinskiFind albums by this artist (vocalist, keyboardist, composer, arranger and leader) and Jacek ZielinskiFind albums by this artist (vocalist, multi-instrumentalist). The other group members on this album are: guitarist Jerzy TarsinskiFind albums by this artist, bassist / vocalist Konrad RatynskiFind albums by this artist and drummer Jan BudziaszekFind albums by this artist.
This album was recorded in June 1976 just a month before the group recorded their second Progressive Rock album "Stworzenia Swiata Czesc DrugaFind albums with this title". It includes more song oriented material Andrzej Zielinski composed since the recording of their previous album four years earlier. It features the synthesizer for the first time in addition to the Hammond organ used extensively by the group earlier on. It also features, for the first time, one song written by Ratynski. It is the second time Skaldowie released two albums almost simultaneously, one with Pop / Rock material and the other with more ambitious Prog material.
This collection of songs again proves the incredible versatility and talent of Andrzej Zielinski and the group as a whole, which crosses genres, styles and moods, always with elegance and panache. As usually they use excellent lyrics written by Polish poets. The songs are performed with charm and everlasting joy of music, which always were a part of the phenomenon called Skaldowie.
This edition adds eleven bonus tracks, ten of which are radio versions of the songs present on the original album and the last comes from the group´s private vaults. This is an essential piece of Polish Rock history and a must have for every Polish music fan. The music stands the test of time beautifully and one can only wish music like this was done today. A true gem!
| | CD 1 Remastered Bonus Tracks Recommend To A Friend |
  | SKALDOWIE ~ TY (EXPANDED EDITION) KAMELEON 05 ~ POLAND ~ Progressive Rock Recorded: 1970 Released: 2011
This is the fifth album by the legendary Polish group SkaldowieFind albums by this artist, one of the most influential groups during the Golden Decade east of the Iron Curtain. Founded by brothers: Andrzej ZielinskiFind albums by this artist (vocalist, keyboardist, composer, arranger and leader) and Jacek ZielinskiFind albums by this artist (vocalist, trumpeter, guitarist, percussionist), Skaldowie epitomized everything that was great about the Polish scene in the late 1960s / early 1970s, which struggled against all odds with economic hardships, political censorship and relative isolation from the Western centers of musical progress at the time. Considering those objective adversities, their achievements were simply phenomenal and the music they created remains a symbol of human genius and creativity overcoming all limitations.
The album was recorded in early 1970 just three months after the group recorded their previous album "Od Wschodu Do Zachodu SloncaFind albums with this title". It features the Hammond organ extensively, which the group managed to bring over from the US and its sound was about to become the group´s trademark in years to come. The other group members are: guitarist Jerzy TarsinskiFind albums by this artist, bassist / vocalist Konrad RatynskiFind albums by this artist and drummer Jan BudziaszekFind albums by this artist.
Musically the album combines their earlier work in the realms of sophisticated Pop, Psychedelia and Baroque Rock and the new territory of Progressive Rock, which was exploding with creativity at the time. The tracks are longer than before and feature extensive instrumental passages, complicated arrangement involving orchestra and choir and the entire album is soaked in the Hammond sound. Zielinski´s incredible talent to compose breathtakingly beautiful melodies and his arrangement skills, which involved vocal harmonies, unexpected tempo changes and multi-themed songs, as well as catchy riffs, which made this music, in spite of its complexity and sophistication, accessible to a wide range of audiences.
Skaldowie also used excellent lyrics, which were written by the great lyricists like Leszek Aleksander MoczulskiFind albums by this artist, who cooperated with the group for many years, Wojciech MlynarskiFind albums by this artist or the poetess Agnieszka OsieckaFind albums by this artist. Luckily they were never tempted to sing in English and stuck with their native tongue. Of course the Polish lyrics are lost to listeners not speaking the language, but the music is definitely strong enough to stand on its own and Skaldowie achieved a worldwide following despite the language barrier.
This expanded edition includes ten bonus tracks (doubling the original album´s length), partly radio recordings and partly other studio material. The bonus tracks all have excellent quality and are a valuable addition to the original album.
This is a perfect piece of Rock music, if there ever was one. Of course the destiny placed the group at the right time at the wrong place. Had they been active in UK or US they would have been a Rock icon, no doubt, but alas it was not to be. Nevertheless they made a tremendous contribution to East European music and many of their albums are absolute gems, this one included. Essential!
| | CD 1 Remastered Bonus Tracks Essential Recommend To A Friend |
This is the sixth album by the legendary Polish group SkaldowieFind albums by this artist, one of the most influential groups during the Golden Decade east of the Iron Curtain. Founded by brothers: Andrzej ZielinskiFind albums by this artist (vocalist, keyboardist, composer, arranger and leader) and Jacek ZielinskiFind albums by this artist (vocalist, multi-instrumentalist), Skaldowie epitomized everything that was great about the Polish scene in the late 1960s / early 1970s, which struggled against all odds with economic hardships, political censorship and relative isolation from the Western centers of musical development at the time. Considering those objective adversities, their achievements were simply phenomenal and the music they created remains a symbol of human genius and creativity overcoming all limitations.
This album was recorded in May 1972 just a week before the group recorded their Progressive Rock Magnum Opus "Krywan, KrywanFind albums with this title". It includes more song oriented material Andrzej Zielinski composed since the recording of their previous album two years earlier. It features the Hammond organ extensively, which the group managed to bring over from the US and its sound was about to become the group´s trademark in years to come, but also some quiet songs with almost acoustic accompaniment. The other group members are: guitarist Jerzy TarsinskiFind albums by this artist, bassist / vocalist Konrad RatynskiFind albums by this artist and drummer Jan BudziaszekFind albums by this artist. The group was about to repeat in the future the same practice of releasing two albums almost simultaneously, one with song oriented material (like this one) and the other with Progressive Rock material.
Musically the album combines their earlier work in the realms of sophisticated Pop, Psychedelia and Baroque Rock and the new territory of Progressive Rock, which was exploding with creativity at the time. Zielinski´s incredible talent to compose breathtakingly beautiful melodies and his arrangement skills, which involved vocal harmonies, unexpected tempo changes and multi-themed songs, as well as catchy riffs, which made this music, in spite of its complexity and sophistication, accessible to a wide range of audiences.
Skaldowie also used excellent lyrics, which were written by the great lyricists like Leszek Aleksander MoczulskiFind albums by this artist, who cooperated with the group for many years or the poetesses Agnieszka OsieckaFind albums by this artist and Wislawa SzymborskaFind albums by this artist (the future Nobel Prize Laureate).
This expanded edition includes ten bonus tracks (doubling the original album´s length), partly radio recordings and partly alternate studio material. The bonus tracks all have excellent quality and are a valuable addition to the original album.
This is a perfect piece of Rock music, if there ever was one. Of course the destiny placed the group at the right time at the wrong place. Had they been active in UK or US they would have been a Rock icon, no doubt, but alas it was not to be. Nevertheless they made a tremendous contribution to East European music and many of their albums are absolute gems, this one included.
| | CD 1 Remastered Bonus Tracks Recommend To A Friend |
This is the second album by the legendary Polish group SkaldowieFind albums by this artist, one of the most influential groups during the Golden Decade east of the Iron Curtain. Founded by brothers: Andrzej ZielinskiFind albums by this artist (vocalist, keyboardist, composer, arranger and leader) and Jacek ZielinskiFind albums by this artist (vocalist, trumpeter, percussionist), Skaldowie epitomized everything that was great about the Polish scene in the late 1960s / early 1970s, which struggled against all odds with economic hardships, political censorship and relative isolation from the Western centers of musical progress at the time. Considering those objective adversities, their achievements were simply phenomenal and the music they created remains a symbol of human genius and creativity overcoming all limitations.
The album was recorded in partly in 1967 and than completed in 1968, while the personnel of the group was still unsteady and included: guitarists Jerzy TarsinskiFind albums by this artist, Marek JamrozyFind albums by this artist and Feliks NaglickiFind albums by this artist, bassists Konrad RatynskiFind albums by this artist and Tadeusz GogoszFind albums by this artist, and drummer Jan BudziaszekFind albums by this artist. The female vocal group AlibabkiFind albums by this artist accompanies the group on several tracks.
Musically the album clearly shows the group´s stylistic development from the debut album, full of sophisticated Pop, Psychedelia and Baroque Rock. The beautiful arrangements involving orchestra and choir by Andrzej Zielinski, who also composed all but one of the album´s songs, are outstanding. He presents incredible talent to compose breathtakingly beautiful melodies and his arrangement skills, which involved vocal harmonies, unexpected tempo changes and multi-themed songs, as well as catchy riffs, which made this music, in spite of its complexity and sophistication, accessible to a wide range of audiences.
Skaldowie used excellent lyrics, which were written by the best Polish lyricists at the time, like Leszek Aleksander MoczulskiFind albums by this artist, Agnieszka OsieckaFind albums by this artist, and Wojciech MlynarskiFind albums by this artist, Luckily they were never tempted to sing in English and stuck with their native tongue. Of course the Polish lyrics are lost to listeners not speaking the language, but the music is definitely strong enough to stand on its own and Skaldowie achieved a worldwide following despite the language barrier.
This expanded edition includes thirteen bonus tracks (more than doubling the original album´s length), all of which are radio recordings. The bonus tracks all have excellent quality and are a valuable addition to the original album.
This is almost a perfect piece of Pop / Rock music, a status they were about to reach in their next albums. Of course the destiny placed the group at the right time at the wrong place. Had they been active in UK or US they would have been a Rock icon, no doubt, but alas it was not to be. Nevertheless they made a tremendous contribution to East European music and many of their albums are absolute gems, this one included.
| | CD 1 Remastered Bonus Tracks Recommend To A Friend |
  | SKALDOWIE ~ Z BIEGIEM LAT POLSKIE RADIO 1327-1328 (Barcode: 5907812243272) ~ POLAND ~ Progressive Rock Recorded: 1972 - 1980 Released: 2010
Polish group SkaldowieFind albums by this artist made a rapid transition from Pop / Rock to Progressive Rock and in the 1970s they were the best and most creative Prog outfit behind the Iron Curtain. Led by brothers Andrzej ZielinskiFind albums by this artist – vocalist / keyboardist / composer and Jacek ZielinskiFind albums by this artist – vocalist / multi-instrumentalist / composer the group´s lineup changed somewhat over time but remained always in absolute peak form. Andrzej Zielinski is blessed by an incredible talent, which enables him to compose quality music, which appears simple enough to the listener, in spite of its complex harmonic structure. His compositions over the years add up to a magnificent song book, which has few parallels. This brilliant album presents for the first time a collection of sings by the group, recorded in the 1970s by the Polish Radio, all previously unreleased. It includes the entire unreleased album, which the group planned to release in 1981, but never did, due to their decision to stay in the US, where they toured when the Martial Law was declared in Poland in 1981. The music lost absolutely nothing of its quality and merit over the years and for the numerous fans of the group this is a major event. Prog fans from all over the world have a rare opportunity to listen to this music for the first time and realize it is as good as anything else recorded at the time in Western Europe. Brilliant stuff!
| | CD 2 Recommend To A Friend |
  | VARIOUS ARTISTS ~ POLISH RADIO JAZZ ARCHIVES VOL.15 POSKIE RADIO 1665 (Barcode: 5907812246655) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz Recorded: 1961 - 1962 Released: 2014
This is the fifteenth installment in the new series of releases initiated by the Polish Radio, which presents archive Jazz recordings. Radio recordings are always a fabulous source of remarkable material, and as far as Polish Jazz history is concerned, the Polish Radio, which was a state monopoly for 45 years, recorded over time a plethora of invaluable material, which apart from the albums released by the Polskie Nagrania record company (also a state monopoly), is the only available additional source of Polish Jazz recordings. For many years Polish Radio recorded concerts presented during Poland´s most important Jazz venues, including the annual Jazz Jamboree Festival and many other festivals as well.
The material collected here presents the second volume of recordings made in 1961 and 1962 by Polish Radio in several Polish cities, presenting Polish Jazz ensembles performing American Jazz standards. Although played well, this music presents very few challenges as far as Jazz development is concerned, but from a historical perspective that stage of development was an important step towards a the creation of a new voice in modern Polish Jazz, which was just around the corner. Playing standards prepared these musicians for the challenges that were in store for them when the music made a decisive leap forward towards the new Polish / European Jazz.
The album includes sixteen tracks, by two ensembles, playing as mentioned earlier standards, in a manner still very similar to their American models. The ensembles are: Zbigniew NamyslowskiFind albums by this artist (saxophone) Jazz RockersFind albums by this artist with saxophonist Michal UrbaniakFind albums by this artist, pianist Krzysztof SadowskiFind albums by this artist, bassist Adam SkorupkaFind albums by this artist and drummer Andrzej ZielinskiFind albums by this artist (thirteen tracks) and Andrzej KurylewiczFind albums by this artist (piano / trumpet) quintet with saxophonists Jan Ptaszyn WroblewskiFind albums by this artist, pianist Wojciech KarolakFind albums by this artist, bassist Roman DylagFind albums by this artist (bassist Jan ByrczekFind albums by this artist plays on one track) and drummer Andrzej DabrowskiFind albums by this artist (three tracks).
Stylistically the music is based on mostly Bee Bop and Hard Bop standards, played with obvious talent and affinity, but lacking any originality. Of course this is still an important document of the era and fans of mainstream Jazz and Polish Jazz history should be happy with it.
The beautifully restored sound quality is excellent and the warm ambience of the analog recording is a true joy. As usual with this series, which is very reasonably priced, I miss the presence of "in depth" liner notes / booklet, which should convey the circumstances at which this music was recorded and its importance to the development of Jazz in Poland. Nevertheless this is an absolutely essential piece of Jazz history which every Jazz fan will surely consider an absolute must.
| Updated: 12/06/2018Posted: | CD 1 Digipak Remastered Recommend To A Friend |