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METAL MIND 0836 (Barcode: 5907785041288) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-Rock Fusion

Recorded: 2022 Released: 2023

This is the debut album by the Polish Fusion trio led by guitarist / composer Apostolis AnthimosFind albums by this artist, with bassist Robert SzewczugaFind albums by this artist and drummer Krzysztof DziedzicFind albums by this artist. Although the trio exists since the early 2000s, this is their debut recording. The album presents ten original compositions, nine of which were composed by Anthimos (one with a little help from The BeatlesFind albums by this artist) and one was co-composed by all three members of the trio.

The music is everything one would expect from a contemporary Fusion act, which has experienced and talented members and manages to avoid the usual traps, which most Fusion ensembles are unable to get free off. There are no trivial melodic ditties, which serve as vehicles for senseless guitar doodling, but rather excellent coherent compositions, which are played with great sensitivity and not one needless note to spare.

Anthimos enjoys a revered status on the Polish scene after playing with Czeslaw NiemenFind albums by this artist, Tomasz StankoFind albums by this artist and SBBFind albums by this artist, all legendary figures on the Polish Jazz, Fusion and Prog scenes, but his guitar playing keeps evolving and never sticks to repeating old clichés. I have had as opportunity to hear him play recently live with SBB and it was an exhilarating experience.

Szewczuga is a great bass player, very melodic and imaginative and his pulsations fill the aural space with a worm, highly supportive harmonic layers, which fit like a glove to the guitar leads. Dziedzic in very energetic, but also restrained player, who never tries to dominate the proceedings, but pushes the music firmly forward.

Overall, this is an excellent Fusion album, offering some first class tunes and splendid instrumental work, without sounding like another copy of endless Fusion albums one might have heard in the past. But it is also a great fun to listen to, all the way through. Highly recommended!
Updated: 21/08/2023Posted: 21/08/2023CD 1 Recommend To A Friend

PIANOART 5907760035028 (Barcode: 5907760035028) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2007 Released: 2010

This is the fourth album as a leader by Polish Jazz pianist / composer Artur DutkiewiczFind albums by this artist, recorded in a classic Jazz piano trio setting with bassist Darek OleszkiewiczFind albums by this artist (bassist Daniel BielFind albums by this artist plays on three tracks) and drummer Sebastian FrankiewiczFind albums by this artist as his partners. The music, as the title suggests, is a tribute to the legendary American guitarist / songwriter Jimi HendrixFind albums by this artist and presents nine instrumental arrangements of songs from his repertoire, seven of them composed by Hendrix and two composed by others. The album was recorded at the excellent Studio Tokarnia and was engineered by Jan SmoczynskiFind albums by this artist with spectacular sonic results

This album was recorded at the same sessions which produced the previous album by Dutkiewicz, called "Niemen ImprowizacjeFind albums with this title", which pays tribute to the music of Czeslaw NiemenFind albums by this artist, the legendary Godfather of Polish Pop / Rock. Therefore these two albums share not only the recording dates but also basically the same musical concept, i.e. the transformation of Pop / Rock music into the mainstream Jazz environment.

Of course the music of Hendrix, who was a major Rock star with a worldwide following, was already arranged and performed by many Jazz artists earlier, with varying results, some absolutely spectacular and other utterly worthless. Although seemingly words apart, Niemen and Hendrix shared one obvious characteristic: their deep affinity to the Blues, which Dutkiewicz cleverly exploits on both these albums, and uses this opportunity to highlight his own Blues chops.

The fact that these two albums were recorded basically together and present a common concept obviously "asks for" a comparison, which I´d rather avoid, but unfortunately that is quite impossible. Personally this album works slightly less effectively for me than its companion, which probably has nothing to do with the music but my own perception of the music Hendrix created and I was fortunate to hear live on several occasions. I seem to be unable to free myself from the stunning guitar sound which my memory / brain stores under the Hendrix pointer. This music played by a piano, however well, simply does not cut it for me as well as it should.

But of course this album shares many of the same beautiful qualities present on its companion: great performances, intelligent arrangements, wonderful interplay between the trio members and so on. It is a great piano trio album in every respect and an admirable tribute to the Genius of Hendrix. Obviously Jazz connoisseurs all over the globe should be able to enjoy this music without reservation.
 CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

PIANOART 5907760035011 (Barcode: 5907760035011) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2007 Released: 2009

This is the third album as a leader by Polish Jazz pianist / composer Artur DutkiewiczFind albums by this artist, recorded in a classic Jazz piano trio setting with bassist Darek OleszkiewiczFind albums by this artist (bassist Daniel BielFind albums by this artist plays on one track) and drummer Sebastian FrankiewiczFind albums by this artist as his partners. The music, as the title suggests, is a tribute to the legendary Polish singer / songwriter Czeslaw NiemenFind albums by this artist and presents ten instrumental arrangements of songs from Niemen´s repertoire, eight of which were also composed by him and two which were composed by others. The album was recorded at the excellent Studio Tokarnia and engineered by Jan SmoczynskiFind albums by this artist with spectacular sonic results

Niemen was always associated with Jazz and was a pioneer of the Polish Jazz-Rock Fusion movement, but he actually never quite crossed over into Jazz, and this album does it for the first time. Niemen´s songs, stripped of their dramatic vocals and poignant lyrics, can be hear here for what they really were; a superb amalgam of Blues soaked Rock, Rhythm And Blues, Soul, Groove and Folkloristic themes, which are all obviously quite timeless.

Dutkiewicz took quite a risk here, as transforming Niemen´s music into a swinging Jazz environment might have trivialized it or even turned it into grotesque muzak. Luckily all this was cleverly avoided by the intelligent arrangements and highly sensitive performance, which simply transformed the music into a completely different plane. Many musical Icons seem to be simply untouchable, and most attempts, which try to utilize or update them, fail miserably. This is a rare example of a successful attempt of transplanting iconic music to a new environment without destroying the original.

The trio´s performance is of course spotless, as nothing less should be expected from musicians of such class. The players concentrate on playing the music and there are no lengthy individual solo sports, which would be quite inappropriate here, but a wonderful togetherness and concise delivery. Intelligence, sensitivity and grace are the name of the game and the music is never trivial or banal.

Listeners familiar with Niemen´s original performances of these songs will find this album quite fascinating of course, when trying the find the parallels and the divergences. But even people who never heard of Niemen (obviously beyond Poland´s borders) should find this to be an excellent piano trio album worthy of repeated listening.
Updated: 08/05/2023Posted: CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend


Recorded: 2019 Released: 2019

A couple of years ago (in 2017) a young Polish Jazz ensemble from Wroclaw, called EABSFind albums by this artist, released their debut album "Repetitions (Letters To Krzysztof Komeda)Find albums with this title" which created quite a stir in the local jazz swamp. Subsequently the ensemble released a couple of LPs with material still connected to Krzysztof KomedaFind albums by this artist´s music, which together with the debut they call the "Komeda Triptych". The original septet lineup: keyboardist Marek PedziwiatrFind albums by this artist, drummer Marcin RakFind albums by this artist, guitarist Vojto MonteurFind albums by this artist, bassist Pawel StachowiakFind albums by this artist, trumpeter Jakub KurekFind albums by this artist, saxophonist Olaf WegierFind albums by this artist and percussionist also in charge of sound fx Spisek JednegoFind albums by this artist (a.k.a. Piotr SkorupskiFind albums by this artist) was expanded to an octet with the inclusion of British flautist / saxophonist TenderloniousFind albums by this artist (a.k.a. Edward CawthorneFind albums by this artist), which released their genuine second album. It presents original compositions by the band members, two by Pedziwiatr, one each by Stachowiak and Monteur and three collective compositions; altogether seven tracks lasting just under forty four minutes. More about the music later…

Similarly to the debut, the Limited Edition of this album includes an extensive essay by Sebastian JozwiakFind albums by this artist, the executive producer of the album, who is an organic member of the ensemble, their spokesman and sort of spiritual guru. The almost 300 pages long massive essay (in bilingual Polish / English version) printed in a book form is in fact an integral part of the release and presents the intellectual / historic / philosophical aspects of the subject matter, complimenting the musical content of the album, which as the title suggests tries to explore the "Slavic Spirit" in a multi-plane analysis attempt. More about the book later…

My reaction to the debut album (which can be read by clicking on the link above) was somewhat reserved but overall encouraging. I clearly stated my subjective pros and cons but I obviously misjudged the hysterical / hyperbolical / fanatical hype that was created around that album at the time of its release by what can be collectively called the Polish Jazz media and beyond. I refused, as always, to follow the crowd and pay allegiance to vox populi that claimed the album was a Godsend and a monumental event on the Polish Jazz scene, which I found overtly exaggerated. The predicted wave of internet hate that followed was a small price to pay for my intellectual liberty. Considering the average level of professionalism in contemporary Polish Jazz musical journalism and criticism, which is sadly inversely proportional to the level of the music itself, and the omnipresent herd mentality which dominates it, I have always proudly maintained an independent point of view, helped by the geographical distance and total lack of dependence on the social / economic / political and even religious constrains acting upon people living in Poland. Therefore I admit that I was quite surprised to find a copy of the album in my daily heap of albums arriving in the mail – which I interpret as a sign of trust in every case when someone asks for my opinion.

Whenever I write a review of an album recorded by Polish musicians and / or composed by Polish composers there is a high probability that the phrases "Polish lyricism" or "Polish melancholy" might appear within the text, which is only natural since Polish Music generally across all genres, but especially so within the Polish Jazz idiom, offers a spirituality which is probably indescribable in words (see "Dancing about Architecture"), but is very easily recognizable while listening to it. With this album EABS go on a journey of discovery of this particular musical Polishness, which they expand into musical Slavic Spirituality. Although Poles and the various ethnic Polish minorities are of course part of the Slavic peoples, they are in fact a minority within the Slavic global identity and therefore perhaps this generalization is slightly overstretched. Nevertheless the idea is to define the Slavic Spirituality musically, by the music on this album, as well as by the text which examines its other aspects.

The music is diametrically different from what the ensemble offered on their debut. It does not include any vocal parts, no Hip Hop, almost no electronics except for some limited sound effects, in short it makes an almost complete about-face towards mainstream melodic Jazz, which features extended soloing by the keyboards, the saxophones and the trumpet. The three short collective improvisations serve as introductions to the extended main compositions that follow. The four main compositions are developed slowly towards a final climax featuring group improvisation. The melodic themes are undoubtedly lyrical and melancholic, well structured and admittedly beautiful.

That said the question arises if this music is an epitome, a classic / archetypical example of Polish Jazz, which defines its Slavic Spirituality? In all fairness I feel that such a lofty ambition would be beyond the true scope of this music. I´d even say that any attempt to define an entire Cultural aesthetics by one piece of music, regardless how ingenious it might be, is a priori futile.

The text accompanying the album is however much closer to the goal it sets before the reader. It is by no means a scholarly, academic research, impeccably organized and proposing a deterministic outcome. It is a complete opposite; a collection of personal (or rather collective) reflections on the subject of ethnic spirituality, historic processes, religious believes and myths, Paganism and Christianity and many others. The development of contemporary Polish music and its connection to the Slavic Spirituality is approached via an examination of the key personalities that shaped its fate, most extensively Czeslaw NiemenFind albums by this artist (a deeply spiritual person) in the chapter entitled "Inspirations". The opening track and each of the four main compositions on the album has a chapter dedicated to it, which explains in depth the Slavic believes, cults and deities connected to the names of the tracks.

Although reading the entire text is challenging, it is also intellectually rewarding and highly educational, full of facts and ideas which probably never occurred to most people before coming across it. The chapter dealing with the Slavic aspects of Polish music is a must read to all connoisseurs, especially the younger ones who did not experience that music during their lifetime. The most important aspect of the text is that is does not try to indoctrinate or impose any views or ideologies on the reader. It presents an impressive collection of facts and views, but leaves the interpretation of the above to the reader himself.

If anybody got finally here, it is time to summarize; this is a very ambitious project, which combines excellent music with well written text related to the subject the music and the text are dedicated to. The music is enjoyable and accessible, superbly performed and offering a rewarding listening experience, which many listeners might enjoy repeatedly. Probably fewer people will have the stamina required to read the entire test attentively, although it is most highly recommended.

Overall a splendid piece of dedicated work, which hopefully this time will be appreciated for what it is but not unnecessarily overhyped, which can only case grief and damage in the long term. Well done Gentlemen!
Updated: 01/07/2021Posted: 24/06/2019BOOK+CD 1 Digipak Box Set Recommend To A Friend

GAD 066 (Barcode: 5901549197891) ~ POLAND ~ Progressive Rock

Recorded: 1972 - 1994 Released: 2017

This is an archival release collecting previously mostly unreleased recordings by the legendary Polish Prog group KlanFind albums by this artist, founded and led by vocalist / guitarist / songwriter Marek AlaszewskiFind albums by this artist. The material spans a period of twenty two years and includes radio, studio and live recordings featuring several lineups of Klan and recordings Alaszewski made with other musicians. Some cult Polish musicians take part in these musicians, like guitarist Tomasz JaskiewiczFind albums by this artist and Tomasz ButowttFind albums by this artist from Czeslaw NiemenFind albums by this artist´s AkwareleFind albums by this artist group, Wojciech WaglewskiFind albums by this artist and others.

The music includes a wide kaleidoscope of stylistic approaches, from Psychedelic Rock, Progressive Rock and Alternative Rock, and presents Alaszewski as a composer of great diversity and talent. The three part suite, which also includes string quartet arrangements, is a beautiful example of East European Prog at its best.

Considering the fact that these musical treasures remained hidden until recently, finally brought to life by the restless team of GADFind albums on this label Records, is especially significant in view of Alaszewski´s tragic health problems. All the proceeds from this album are dedicated to his convalescence.

For fans and collectors of East European Prog this album is a great find and a must have item in their collections!
Updated: 02/02/2018Posted: 02/02/2018CD 1 Remastered Recommend To A Friend

GAD 039 (Barcode: 5901549197501) ~ POLAND ~ Progressive Rock

Recorded: 1972 Released: 2016

This is a sensational archive live recording by the legendary Polish Prog group KlanFind albums by this artist, recorded during their performance in Finland, which sees here the light of day for the first time forty four years later. The album´s booklet tells the story of this performance and the surrounding circumstances contributing to the establishment of the unique lineup of Klan which is heard here, which includes only one original member of Klan, leader guitarists / songwriter Marek AlaszewskiFind albums by this artist, who adopted guitarist Tomasz JaskiewiczFind albums by this artist (from Czeslaw NiemenFind albums by this artist´s backing group) and a formidable rhythm section consisting of bassist Bronislaw SuchanekFind albums by this artist and drummer Janusz StefanskiFind albums by this artist, both members of the top Avant-Garde Polish Jazz ensemble at the time, led by trumpeter Tomasz StankoFind albums by this artist. Together they perform five original songs, all written by Alaszewski, which are expanded into lengthy instrumental improvisations.

The resulting music is one of the most unique phenomena of the period, and considering the fact that it was a one time only event, which makes it even more important, this album becomes a major discovery. It amalgamates Prog-Rock, Jazz-Rock, Avant-Rock and Free Jazz and completely obliterates any boundaries between musical idioms and symbolizes artistic freedom, which was one of the characteristics of the period, when open-mindedness and acceptance ruled, also behind the Iron Curtain.

The individual performances, especially those by Suchanek and Stefanski are absolutely stunning. Suchanek plays several brilliant solos and his pulsations all along, which are basically Jazz-based, are a superb example how Jazz and Rock rhythmic patterns can ideally coexist. Stefanski, who had a bit more Rock experience, adds his Jazz skills and drives the quartet forcefully forward, also performing some great solo parts. Both guitarists stay within the Rock territory, although the rhythm section really pushes them to improvise the whole time, much more extensively than under the unusual Rock circumstances.

Although the sound quality of this recording is somewhat limited, even after very careful remastering process, the importance of it as a piece of Polish / East European Rock & Jazz history is invaluable. Therefore it is highly recommended to all listeners interested in music made behind the Iron Curtain. Of course anybody following the development of Progressive music in the broad meaning of the idiom should find this most interesting. As usual our thanks to the GADFind albums on this label Records label for unearthing and releasing this piece of history, which would have been most probably lost if not for their efforts.
Updated: 12/04/2019Posted: 06/05/2016CD 1 Remastered Recommend To A Friend

GREEN TREE 169 (Barcode: 4015689001695) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-Rock Fusion

Recorded: 1972 Released: 2018

This is an archival album, which presents live recordings by the greatest Polish Rock / Fusion musician of all times, vocalist / keyboardist / songwriter Czeslaw NiemenFind albums by this artist.

The first three tracks on the album were recorded during a concert at the Helsingin Juhlaviikot (Helsinki Festival), Finland captured on August 28, 1972 (not on the 26th as the CD info states) and recorded by Finnish National Broadcasting Company (YLE) and later broadcasted on Finnish Radio and TV. Polish TV years later broadcasted the concert giving the wrong recording year, which is why the wrong date is associated with these tracks here and on YouTube, where the TV recording can be found. Another Polish Rock group, KlanFind albums by this artist, was also invited to that festival and their performance captured on the same day by the YLE can be found on the "Live Finland 1972Find albums with this title" album released by the great archival record label GADFind albums on this label Records – this time completely legally and with restored sound quality.

The two other tracks were recorded at the "Jazz Now!" 1972 Olympic Games concert in Munich, Germany, captured on August 17, 1972 and recorded by the German TV, which can also be found on YouTube. German Jazz critic / author / activist and my Friend and Mentor Joachim BerendtFind albums by this artist was the Artistic Director of the entire "Jazz Now" series (August 17 to 20, 1972) and his love and knowledge of the Polish scene was the reason why Niemen was the only Artist from behind the Iron Curtain invited to take part in this highly prestigious event..

All the tracks feature the core of what was to become the most famous Polish Fusion band SBBFind albums by this artist: bassist / keyboardist Jozef SkrzekFind albums by this artist, guitarists Apostolis AnthimosFind albums by this artist and drummer Jerzy PiotrowskiFind albums by this artist, accompanying Niemen´s vocals.

The music is absolutely stunning, as expected, and even the dubious sound quality of these recordings is not able to spoil the unadulterated pleasure this music is still able to generate almost fifty years after it was initially performed. Niemen was always light years ahead of his contemporaries on both sides of the Iron Curtain, and the fact that he remains still relatively anonymous beyond Eastern Europe, despite his revolutionary contributions and pioneering spirit, is a crying shame.

It is a great pity that the entire legacy of Niemen´s recordings made outside of Poland and many of his live recordings remain unreleased and are available only unofficially, like all the Green TreeFind albums on this label titles. His third Box Set, which was to include all these treasures, remains sadly an unfulfilled dream.

For all Polish Rock / Fusion enthusiasts as well as for the numerous Niemen fans this is an essential piece of his discography, which is definitely worth having, despite its technical flaws.
Updated: 29/12/2023Posted: 15/12/2019CD 1 Recommend To A Friend

PROG ART 001 (Barcode: 4018564220013) ~ POLAND ~ Progressive Rock

Recorded: 1971 Released: 2018

This is an archival album, which presents a live recording of a concert by the greatest ever Polish Rock / Prog musician of all times, vocalist / keyboardist songwriter and bandleader Czeslaw NiemenFind albums by this artist. The material performed at the concert includes two songs from Niemen´s fourth album "EnigmaticFind albums with this title" with music by Niemen and lyrics (poems) by the great Polish poet Cyprian Kamil NorwidFind albums by this artist and two songs from his fifth album "NiemenFind albums with this title" (a.k.a. "The Red AlbumFind albums with this title") with music and lyrics by Niemen. The fifth song is Niemen´s version of an Otis ReddingFind albums by this artist song ("I´ve Been Loving You Too Long"), which was unrecorded at the time and was about to appear on Niemen´s first English-language album "Strange Is This WorldFind albums with this title" in 1972. For the Niemen aficionados the album includes the crowd cheering during a ceremony of Niemen receiving the Gold Album award for "Enigmatic" celebrated by the traditional Polish "100 Years" blessing, which tragically was not even close to Niemen´s destiny.

Niemen is supported by a great band, which includes organist Jacek MikulaFind albums by this artist, guitarist Tomasz JaskiewiczFind albums by this artist, bassist Janusz ZielinskiFind albums by this artist and drummer Andrzej TylecFind albums by this artist and a trio of female background singers, which includes Krystyna PronkoFind albums by this artist, Zofia BorcaFind albums by this artist and Elzbieta LinkowskaFind albums by this artist, all three ex-members of the group RespectFind albums by this artist. This band is much more Rock oriented than the studio lineups, which recorded the two albums, and which include some of the best Polish Jazz musicians and therefore are way more Fusion oriented. Sadly the guitar is mostly lost in the live mix, which is a great pity. The sound is dominated by the organ and overall is quite satisfactory. Two of the songs last for almost twenty minutes, one for ten minutes and the remaining two for eight and five minutes – together almost an hour of Niemen Magic.

The music and the performances are of course stellar and there is no point in going any further into the musical qualities and the historic importance of this recording. For Niemen fans and Polish / East European Classic Rock connoisseurs this is an absolute must of course! This edition of this album is identical to the Green TreeFind albums on this label edition.

This is obviously a bootleg, since none of Niemen´s live recordings are approved by his family, which is a pity. The artwork is riddled by countless spelling mistakes, which is unbecoming for such important document and Niemen´s memory. But all things considered, this is definitely better than this music being unreleased – the proverbial lesser evil.
Updated: 13/02/2020Posted: 13/02/2020CD 1 Recommend To A Friend

NIEMEN ~ ON STAGE 1970 / 1972
GREEN TREE 170 (Barcode: 4015689001701) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-Rock Fusion

Recorded: 1970 - 1972 Released: 2018

This is an archival album, which presents live recordings by the greatest Polish Rock / Fusion musician of all times, vocalist / keyboardist / songwriter Czeslaw NiemenFind albums by this artist. Two of the tracks were recorded during the 1970 Jazz Jamboree Festival in Warsaw and three other at the 1972 National Festival of Polish Song in Opole. Niemen was at the time at the absolute peak of his artistic creativity as well as at the top of his immense popularity. Four of the tracks time at about ten minutes and one at almost twenty minutes, and all offer extended instrumental improvisations by some of the best Polish Rock and Jazz musicians active at the time.

The 1970 tracks feature organist Jacek MikulaFind albums by this artist, guitarist Tomasz JaskiewiczFind albums by this artist, bassist Janusz ZielinskiFind albums by this artist and drummer Czeslaw BartkowskiFind albums by this artist as well as a vocal trio and an ensemble comprising of top Polish Jazz musicians: saxophonists Zbigniew NamyslowskiFind albums by this artist, Janusz MuniakFind albums by this artist and Tomasz SzukalskiFind albums by this artist, violinists Michal UrbaniakFind albums by this artist and Zbigniew SeifertFind albums by this artist, trumpeter Tomasz StankoFind albums by this artist, bassist Bronislaw SuchanekFind albums by this artist and drummer Janusz StefanskiFind albums by this artist.

The 1972 tracks feature the core of what was to become the most famous Polish Fusion band SBBFind albums by this artist: bassist / keyboardist Jozef SkrzekFind albums by this artist, guitarists Apostolis AnthimosFind albums by this artist and drummer Jerzy PiotrowskiFind albums by this artist and two great Polish Avant-Garde Jazz musicians: bassist Helmut NadolskiFind albums by this artist and trumpeter Andrzej PrzybielskiFind albums by this artist.

The music is absolutely stunning, as expected, and even the dubious sound quality of these recordings is not able to spoil the unadulterated pleasure this music is still able to generate almost fifty years after it was initially performed. Niemen was always light years ahead of his contemporaries on both sides of the Iron Curtain, and the fact that he remains still relatively anonymous beyond Eastern Europe, despite his revolutionary contributions and pioneering spirit, is a crying shame.

It is a great pity that the entire legacy of Niemen´s recordings made outside of Poland and many of his live recordings remain unreleased and are available only unofficially, like all the Green TreeFind albums on this label titles. His third Box Set, which was to include all these treasures, remains sadly an unfulfilled dream.

For all Polish Rock / Fusion enthusiasts as well as for the numerous Niemen fans this is an essential piece of his discography, which is definitely worth having, despite its technical flaws.
Updated: 07/09/2019Posted: 07/09/2019CD 1 Recommend To A Friend

WARNER MUSIC POLAND 190295535001 (Barcode: 190295535001) ~ POLAND ~ Xmas Jazz

Recorded: 2018 Released: 2018

This Xmas Jazz album by Polish Jazz vocalist Diva Aga ZaryanFind albums by this artist was released a year ago (2018), but my personal health havoc at that time prevented me from writing about it then. Luckily Xmas has the habit of revisiting us at regular intervals, so here we are again nearing the White Holidays and I can return to this music and share my reflections about it with my readers, better late than never.

The album was recorded in Warsaw, Prague & New York and features a marvelous ensemble of Polish Jazz veterans, headed by pianist Michal TokajFind albums by this artist, who was also in charge of the fabulous arrangements and co-produced the album with Zaryan: saxophonist Marcin KaletkaFind albums by this artist, trumpeter Robert MajewskiFind albums by this artist, trombonist Grzegorz NagorskiFind albums by this artist and a sublime rhythm section comprising of bassist Michal BaranskiFind albums by this artist and drummer Lukasz ZytaFind albums by this artist. American vocalist Freddy ColeFind albums by this artist shared the vocal duties with Zaryan on selected tracks and the Filharmonic Orchestra PragueFind albums by this artist supplied the orchestral accompaniments. The album presents ten Jazz Xmas standards and one Polish song by the eternal Czeslaw NiemenFind albums by this artist, which is the only track with lyrics in Polish language. The carefully selected songs present a mixture of classic Xmas evergreens and less obvious and often almost forgotten songs, which deserve to be revisited.

As we all know, Xmas Jazz albums are often not more than a mixture of cynical opportunism and sappy sentimentalism, bordering on complete kitsch, if not worse. It makes me very happy to say that Zaryan and Tokaj managed to avoid all the commercial traps and temptations, creating first and foremost a bona fide Jazz album, which also focuses on the Xmas Spirit. The arrangements are sophisticated and unique to give all the songs a fresh perspective and Zaryan´s vocals are as sincere and heartfelt as always, treating each and every song with outmost care and personal interpretation.

The instrumental parts are all, as expected, absolutely perfect. These musicians are all capable of playing anything, and they give their best every time, both on record and live. The ensemble is capable of producing an almost Big Band sound on one hand and delicate low key accompaniment on the other hand. There are of course plenty of superb soli spicing the proceedings. Tokaj´s piano playing is outstanding as always and he proves again to be a true Zaryan´s musical soul-brother all along, exemplified by their piano / vocals duo. Also Baranski performs a beautiful bass / vocals duo with Zaryan which brings on goose bumps.

Zaryan´s vocal performances are brilliant of course, and she carefully avoids unnecessary theatrics and focuses on her expressions, which is a great Art in itself. Her voice is wonderfully steady and focused, and her emotions so genuine, that one can not resist to feel them entering straight into one´s heart. Although dedicated to her two young sons, the album is obviously intended to be shared with everybody who takes time to listen to this wonderful music.

The inclusion of Niemen´s song (with lyrics by the poet Jaroslaw IwaszkiewiczFind albums by this artist) is the proverbial cherry on top (or perhaps the star on top of the Xmas tree); it is a tribute to Niemen´s genius as a songwriter but also a longing for the spring that follows after winter and the Xmas Holidays, with renewed life and hope, as the deeply lyrical text implies. It is also a relatively rare opportunity to hear Zaryan sing in Polish, something I personally always long for.

Overall this is a delightful listening experience, which offers a coherent and wonderfully put together piece of music, which sounds as good in December, as it does in July and which is honestly Spiritual.

A Merry Xmas to you all, even if you personally don´t celebrate it – the Xmas spirit is universal, as is great music!
Updated: 06/12/2019Posted: 06/12/2019CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

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