Record Reviews
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  | AALTONEN, HELASVUO, HAUTA-AHO, VESALA / EDWARD VESALA ENSEMBLE ~ JAZZ LIISA VOL. 17 & VOL. 18 SVART 100 (Barcode: 6430065583516) ~ FINLAND ~ Avant-Garde Jazz Recorded: 1973 - 1974 Released: 2018
The two "Jazzstudio" broadcasts compiled on this CD focus on the iconic figure of drummer / composer / bandleader and Godfather of modern Finnish Jazz, Edward VesalaFind albums by this artist, who is probably the most famous Finnish Jazz musician outside of his native country. Born in 1945, Vesala was active on the local Jazz scene since the late 1960s and until his tragically premature death in 1999 at the ridiculous young age of 54. His premiere recording was the little known album "NykysuomalaistaFind albums with this title" (Contemporary Finnish) from 1969 and the full debut "NanaFind albums with this title" came a year later. In 1972 he took part in his first ECMFind albums on this label album, the Jan Garbarek´s "TriptykonFind albums with this title" and soon after recorded his debut album for the label "Nan MadolFind albums with this title". He recorded five more albums for ECM and also participated on albums by Polish trumpeter Tomasz StankoFind albums by this artist. On the whole he left an impressive recorded legacy, including releases on his own LeoFind albums on this label Records.
The first session presents the Edward Vesala trio, with bassist Teppo Hauta-AhoFind albums by this artist and pianist Esa HelasvuoFind albums by this artist on one track composed by him and then with saxophonist Juhani AaltonenFind albums by this artist (who replaces Helasvuo) on two tracks, both composed by Vesala. Whereas the first track is still pretty conventional, the two other tracks are mostly freely improvised and explode with energy and spontaneous exploration as appropriate for Avant-garde at its best.
The second session presents the Edward Vesala EnsembleFind albums by this artist, a collection of top Finnish Jazz improvisers at the time: trumpeter Simo SalminenFind albums by this artist, trombonist Mircea StanFind albums by this artist, saxophonists Juhani Aaltonen, Paroni PaakkunainenFind albums by this artist and Pentti LahtiFind albums by this artist, bassist Teppo Hauta-Aho, electric bassist Make LievonenFind albums by this artist and Antero HonkanenFind albums by this artist who added some electronic effects on one track. This lineup is very similar to the lineup that recorded the a.m. ECM debut a few months after this session was recorded. They play three stacks, all by Vesala, all of which were later recorded for that album. In addition a short interview with Vesala in also present, in Finnish of course, which makes it sadly accessible only to Finnish speaking audience. (A transcript in English would have been most welcome).
The music is spectacular and breathtaking, a true Avant-garde masterpiece combining composed and group-improvised parts, mystic Nordic moods and brilliant performances by these excellent musicians. These versions of the material are quite different from the recorded versions, which makes this session especially valuable.
These two sessions are some of the most important documents of Finnish Jazz and are definitely among the strongest releases in the entire Jazz Liisa series.
Overall this is some of the most staggering music created in Europe in the early to mid 1970s that one is able to hear and for European Jazz connoisseurs this is an absolute must have! Side Note The Finnish independent label SvartFind albums on this label Records released an unprecedented series of albums called Pop Liisa and Jazz Liisa, which present priceless historical recordings of Finnish Rock, Progressive Rock, Jazz-Rock Fusion and Jazz music, recorded live and broadcasted from the Liisankatu Studios in Helsinki under the "Popstudio" and "Jazzstudio" monikers between 1972 and 1977. The studios were owned by the YLE (Finnish Broadcasting Company), a public broadcasting service, which not only allowed the burgeoning Finnish music scene at the time to be exposed but also carefully archived the recordings for future generations. All this incredible music was previously unissued and collectively is probably the most important document of Finnish music from that period ever assembled.
The music was released on 36 LPs (Pop Liisa Vol. 01 to Vol. 18 and Jazz Liisa Vol. 01 to Vol. 18) and on 18 CDs with every two consecutive volumes combined on one CD.
The sound quality is absolutely superb, often better than the sound quality on the LPs released by these artists at the time. Many of the groups appearing on these albums never managed to record an album and these recordings are the only recorded legacy in existence of their activity. The released are accompanied by well researched and intelligent liner notes.
This archival project is an outstanding example of how Cultural Legacy should be treated as well as of exemplary dedication to record producing professionalism.
| Updated: 28/06/2020Posted: 19/06/2020 | CD 1 Remastered Recommend To A Friend |
  | JUHANI AALTONEN ~ ETIQUETTE LOVE 119 ~ FINLAND ~ Jazz Recorded: 1974
Debut album by one of the greatest European jazz players - Finnish virtuoso Juhani AaltonenFind albums by this artist. The album presents Aaltonen`s incredible range of instruments: tenor and alto saxophones and a wide selection of flutes, all of which he handles with exquisite elegance and total control. The settings vary from solo to quintet and the music is European free jazz - intelligent, sophisticated, provocative and beautifully structured. Other superb Finnish musicians, including the legendary Edward VesalaFind albums by this artist on drums and the divine Pekka SarmantoFind albums by this artist, who is (for me) one of the best bass players on this planet, accompany the leader. This music is typical of European free jazz in the early 1970`s, when cross-country cooperation flourished. Aaltonen and Vesala were used to play with German, Polish and other European musicians, swapping influences, ideas and cultural backgrounds and creating a new amalgam of the jazz Art Form, which was aeons ahead of its time and remains the most advanced achievement of the genre to this day. This album is an absolute must for people with two ears and any substance between them.
| | CD 1 Oversampling Remastered Recommend To A Friend |
  | TOTO BLANKE ~ ELECTRIC CIRCUS CHICKADISC 001 (Barcode: 5901549197624) ~ GERMANY ~ Jazz-Rock Fusion Recorded: 1976 Released: 2016
This is a reissue of the second album by German Jazz-Rock Fusion guitarist / composer Toto BlankeFind albums by this artist, recorded by a superb trio, which consisted of Blanke, Dutch keyboardist / composer Jasper Van`t HofFind albums by this artist and Finnish drummer Edward VesalaFind albums by this artist. The trio later adopted the album´s title as their stage name and recorded a few albums together later on. American bassist Dave KingFind albums by this artist plays on four tracks and the album´s co-producer Ulli A. RuetzelFind albums by this artist plays piano on one track. The album presents seven original compositions, six of which were composed by Blanke and one by Van`t Hof.
The music presented here is an extraordinary example of European Jazz-Rock Fusion at its best, which is characterized by complex melodies, elegance and sophistication, rather than endless instrumental doodling which dominated Fusion across the pond. The music is multi-layered, spacey, funky, and sometimes even ventures into almost Free territory; in short it bursts with ideas and eschews repeating worn-out formulas. Although Blanke was the leader and the main composer, the album in fact features the work of Van`t Hof as the primary instrumentalist, both as the soloist and the musician who provides the background layers upon which the music is glued together. Van`t Hof´s limitless imagination is at its absolute most prolific best herein.
Blanke, a very original and plainly "different" guitar player also produces some amazing ventures on this album, mostly unconventional both stylistically and as far as the sounds he uses for his instrument. Vesala, one of Europe´s best and most original drummers, known mostly for his Free Jazz activities, plays some incredible drum parts on this album, proving his versatility and ability to adapt to any environment. He stays relatively in the background here, but listening to his work is very educational and of course aesthetically pleasing.
Overall this is one of the great Fusion albums which are almost completely forgotten and the fact that is reissued forty years after it was recorded is a miracle in every respect. This album is a must to every true Fusion fan anywhere on this planet and hopefully it will be rediscovered, as the music deserves it in every respect.
This release marks the start of a new ChickadiscFind albums on this label label, which is owned by the Polish GADFind albums on this label Records label, and promises to unearth many more amazing albums lost in the tides of time. Hats off as usual!
| Updated: 21/03/2017Posted: 21/03/2017 | CD 1 Remastered Recommend To A Friend |
  | BROTZMANN / AALTONEN / KOWALD / VESALA ~ HOT LOTTA SVART 253 (Barcode: 6430065584575) ~ FINLAND ~ Free Jazz / Improvised Music Recorded: 1973 Released: 2018
This is a reissue of the iconic album by the German / Finnish Free Jazz quartet, a one time cooperation formed as a result of a Finnish tour organized by the Goethe Institut for the two German musicians: saxophonist Peter BrotzmannFind albums by this artist and bassist Peter KowaldFind albums by this artist, joined by Finnish Free Jazz pioneers: saxophonist / flautist Juhani AaltonenFind albums by this artist and drummer Edward VesalaFind albums by this artist. The original album, which offered just four tracks, is remastered and expanded by a sensational and previously unavailable live radio session, adding five tracks and almost doubling the original album´s playing time. All the music is of course original, and although credited to individual quartet members, it is mostly spontaneously created by the players.
At the time of the recording the German musicians were already Free Jazz "veterans", with the German Avant-Garde already flourishing for a few good years, and Brotzmann gaining already a legendary status with his brazing innovations and complete disregard of conventions. Aaltonen and Vesala started to play Free Jazz just about a couple years earlier, recording the first Finnish Free Jazz album "NanaFind albums with this title". When the tour and the recording of this album happened, Vesala already recorded the "TriptyconFind albums with this title" album with Jan GarbarekFind albums by this artist for the ECMFind albums on this label label and a year later would record "Nan MadolFind albums with this title", his first ECM release.
The music is, as expected, absolutely stunning and completely fresh, sounding better than most Free Jazz played five decades later, which is not able to reproduce the spontaneity, group improvisation and telepathic communication between the musicians. Aaltonen´s flute parts are especially interesting, as flute is relatively rarely used in Improvised Music, surely at the time. The unusual double saxophone lineup is also a factor in making this album so outstanding.
Overall this is a quintessential piece of European Avant-Garde / Free Jazz history, which is sadly little known due to the obscurity of this album, which reaches astronomical prices on the vinyl market these days. Therefore this reissue is an absolute marvel and again kudos is due to the SvartFind albums on this label label for their amazing work in keeping the Cultural legacy alive.
Obviously this is an absolute must to all European Free Jazz connoisseurs anywhere on this planet. Essential listening!
| Updated: 28/06/2020Posted: 28/06/2020 | CD 1 Digipak Remastered Bonus Tracks Recommend To A Friend |
  | MACIEJ GARBOWSKI / KARI HEINILA ~ LINES OF POETRY IMP 001 (Barcode: 191061889045) ~ POLAND ~ Free Jazz / Improvised Music Recorded: 2016 Released: 2017
This is the debut album by the impromptu duo comprising of Polish Jazz bassist / composer Maciej GarbowskiFind albums by this artist and Finnish Jazz saxophonist / composer Kari HeinilaFind albums by this artist. The album presents twelve completely improvised pieces, all credited to Garbowski and Heinila.
This meeting between two mature and experienced musicians / improvisers is a wonderful example of spontaneity and mutual respect. Garbowski, well known as the bassist of the RGGFind albums by this artist trio and participant in many other top Polish Jazz projects, and Heinila famous for his work with Edward VesalaFind albums by this artist, the wonderful UMO Jazz OrchestraFind albums by this artist and his work as a leader, both bring into this meeting years of experience and more importantly unlimited amounts of sensibility and creativity.
For freely improvised music, the contents of this album could be considered as most communicative. Although there are no melodic motifs per se, Heinila´s saxophone lines are all extremely melodic, delicate and tender, flowing freely in time. Garbowski, who plays mostly in the background, is at all times in sync, both harmonically and rhythmically, with the saxophonist, listening attentively to his weaving of the notes.
Like all classic "Art of the Duo" albums, this music presents a document, which although of limited scope and intrinsic minimalism, is no less expressive than music created by much larger ensembles. It is up to the listener of course to expand the input received while listening to the music into inner emotions and virtual sound structures, but the contents of this album should be wonderfully supportive in such process.
This music works for many reasons; apparently the mutual affinity between the two musicians, but also perhaps due to the emotional similarities between the characteristic qualities of both Polish and Finnish music: melancholy, sadness, reflection and introvert perspective. But whatever the reasons, the meeting proved to be very inspiring and productive, as reflected by these recordings.
Improvised music has a priori a limited audience, but this album is quite accessible to a relatively wider circle of listeners, regardless of its improvised character. Therefore it is my suggestion to the open-minded listeners to try it out without any preconceptions – the result might prove to be pleasantly surprising. For more experienced improvised music connoisseurs this album is obviously a gem!
| Updated: 18/11/2017Posted: 18/11/2017 | CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend |
  | IRO HAARLA ELECTRIC ENSEMBLE ~ WHAT WILL WE LEAVE BEHIND SVART 274 (Barcode: 6430077094833) ~ FINLAND ~ Avant-Garde Rock Recorded: 2019 Released: 2021
This is an album by Finnish keyboardist / harpist / composer Iro HaarlaFind albums by this artist, ex-wife of iconic Finnish drummer / composer Edward VesalaFind albums by this artist, recorded with her ensemble called Electric EnsembleFind albums by this artist, which also includes her current husband, bassist / keyboardist Ulf KrokforsFind albums by this artist, guitarist Jukka OrmaFind albums by this artist, saxophonist Sami SippolaFind albums by this artist and her child with Edward Vesala, drummer Aniida VesalaFind albums by this artist. The album presents twelve tracks, eight composed by Haarla, two co-composed with Krokfors and Aniida Vesala, one co-composed with Krokfors and one composed by Aniida Vesala.
The music is an amalgam of Ambient synthesizer soaked atmospheric sounds and electronic music, Psychedelia, Jazz and Rock, which shuns any attempt to be categorized. It will probably mean / sound differently to different listeners, and could be considered as contemporary Progressive Rock with strong Improvised Music influences. It also has the quality of a soundtrack to an imaginary movie.
There are obvious melodic parts, which appear in some of the compositions, and more Ambient approach in others, presenting a fascinating musical trip, which keeps the listener on his toes for the entire duration of the album. The guitar parts are obviously Rock oriented, as is the strong drumming, but this is only one of several facets of the music, which keeps constantly changing.
Overall, this is a highly original piece of music, created by veteran and young musicians playing alongside each other, which is interesting and unexpected and offers music which can be accessible to a wide audience. Listeners looking for innovation and surprise won’t be disappointed and the album is definitely quite an experience.
| Updated: 09/03/2022Posted: 09/03/2022 | CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend |
  | EERO KOIVISTOINEN ~ THE FRONT IS BREAKING LOVE 188 ~ FINLAND ~ Jazz-Rock Fusion Recorded: 1976
Apart from Edward VesalaFind albums by this artist, Eero KoivistoinenFind albums by this artist is probably the most well known Finnish jazz musician outside of his native country, due to his US residency and numerous recordings around the world. Deeply influenced by John ColtraneFind albums by this artist, he started his jazz adventure playing free jazz in cahoots with Edward Vesala and Pekka SarmantoFind albums by this artist as early as 1964 (which was about the time European free jazz was developing fiercely). Later on he moved away from free jazz and concentrated more on structured and carefully composed music. By the time this album was recorded, the jazz world was deeply involved in the Jazz-Rock Fusion explosion, following Miles DavisFind albums by this artist’ pioneering work in the field and later on groups like John McLaughlinFind albums by this artist’s Mahavishnu OrchestraFind albums by this artist. Inspired by these developments, Koivistoinen decided to record a fusion album, for which he composed the music. The carefully assembled a dreamy combo to record the music, in which he gathered the best Scandinavian musicians from both the jazz and Progressive Rock genres, including Esko RosnellFind albums by this artist (drums) and Olli AhvenlahtiFind albums by this artist (piano) – Finland / jazz, Jukka TolonenFind albums by this artist (guitar – Tasavallan PresidenttiFind albums by this artist) and Pekka PohjolaFind albums by this artist (bass – WigwamFind albums by this artist) – Finland / Prog and Wlodek GulkowskiFind albums by this artist (keyboards) and Georg WadeniusFind albums by this artist (guitar – Blood, Sweat & TearsFind albums by this artist) - Sweden (well Gulkowski was a Polish refugee) / Fusion. The result is surely one of the best, most sophisticated and musically uplifting fusion albums ever recorded and an absolute must for any fan of the genre. This was to be the only fusion album Koivistoinen would record, as he returned to “pure” jazz soon after.
| | CD 1 Oversampling Remastered Essential Recommend To A Friend |
  | EERO KOIVISTOINEN ~ THE ORIGINAL SIN SVART 307 (Barcode: 6430077093621) ~ FINLAND ~ Jazz Recorded: 1971 Released: 2021
"The Original SinFind albums with this title", recorded on August 13, 16 & 23, 1971, was the fourth album released by Finnish saxophonist / composer / arranger Eero KoivistoinenFind albums by this artist. Aged 25 at the time, Koivistoinen was already recognized at the time as a central figure on the burgeoning Finnish Jazz scene.
During his student days at the Sibelius Academy in Helsinki, one of the first European educational institutions to recognize Jazz as a valid musical Art Form worthy of academic studies, Koivistoinen frequented the Finland´s Capital Jazz club scene, performing at jam sessions. By 1967 he already had his first trio with bassist Pekka SarmantoFind albums by this artist (brother of pianist / composer Heikki SarmantoFind albums by this artist) and the legendary drummer Edward VesalaFind albums by this artist, who is often considered as the Godfather of modern Finnish Jazz. The trio played adventurous free-improvised Jazz, being the pioneers of Free Jazz in their country. Sadly, the trio never recorded an album and the only recorded evidence of their performances can be found on a live EP recorded at the Espoo Jazz Festival in 1967.
In 1967 the newly founded Finnish Jazz Federation (FJF), probably the best professional Jazz organization in Europe at the time, selected Koivistoinen as the first recipient of the annual Georgie Award in recognition for his outstanding talents. Two years later Koivistoinen performed for the first time outside of his country´s borders at the Montreux Jazz Festival in Switzerland (his performance at Montreux as a member of the International Festival Big Band was recorded and released on PolydorFind albums on this label), winning the festival´s competition for bands, which in turn led to his appearance at the Newport Jazz Festival in the US, exposing his talents on the global scale.
In the early 1970s Koivistoinen continued his studies in Jazz composition at the Berklee College of Music in Boston, where numerous of his compatriot Jazz musicians also studied over the years, starting with Heikki Sarmanto, who upon his return home brought over the American guitarist Lance GundersonFind albums by this artist who plays on this album. During the 1970s Koivistoinen recorded a stream of exceptional albums, which featured his compositional and arranging skills as well as his brilliant saxophone playing. Constantly re-inventing himself, his music kept changing during this decade and touched upon various Jazz genres, including his pioneering contribution to Jazz-Rock Fusion, but always remaining his very own.
Starting with "ValtakuntaFind albums with this title" (1968) and continuing with "OdysseusFind albums with this title" (1969), "For ChildrenFind albums with this title" (1970), "The Original Sin" (1971), "Muusa Ja RuusaFind albums with this title" (1971), "Wahoo!Find albums with this title" (1972), "3rd VersionFind albums with this title" (1973), "The Front Is BreakingFind albums with this title" (1976), "LabyrinthFind albums with this title" (1977) and finally "Live At The Belmont Jazz ClubFind albums with this title" (1977) Koivistoinen produced a body of work of amazing depth, beauty, sophistication and intellectual significance, which remains as a wonderful illustration of the Finnish and European Jazz heritage during that decade.
However, by the end of the 1970s, the immense popularity, which European Jazz managed to kindle, was gradually losing its steam. Record labels, owned by international mogul corporations, lost interest in any kind of adventurous music, Jazz included, and the number of Jazz releases went down considerably, a situation which affected Finland as well. Undeterred by this turn of events Koivistoinen decided to take matters into his own hands and established in 1983 one of the first musician-owned independent record labels, PROFind albums on this label Records, which enabled him to realize his musical projects.
This album is a deeply significant milestone in Koivistoinen´s musical development, since it presents for the first time the true depth of his compositions as well as his overall musical approach. It is also his first work with a large-scale ensemble, which enables him to utilize his arranging skills to a full extent.
The six compositions present here were recorded by three different lineups; a tentet ("Sinner", "Both & And" and "Rock & Roll"), a septet ("The Original Sin") and a sextet (the remaining two). The tentet comprised of: Eero Koivistoinen – tenor, alto & soprano saxophones, Tapani LuuppolaFind albums by this artist – trumpet, Jussi AaltoFind albums by this artist or Erkki LipponenFind albums by this artist – trombone, Pekka PoyryFind albums by this artist – tenor & alto saxophone, Pentti LahtiFind albums by this artist – baritone saxophone, Eero OjanenFind albums by this artist – piano, Lance Gunderson – guitar, Pekka Sarmanto – bass and Reino LaineFind albums by this artist & Esko RosnellFind albums by this artist – drums. The sextet comprised of: Koivistoinen, Ojanen, Gunderson, Sarmanto, Laine and Rosnell and the septet added Unto Haapa-ahoFind albums by this artist on bass clarinet.
Both the music and the performances are absolutely breathtaking, although the album focuses on ensemble playing rather than on extensive soloing, but of course there are still plenty of most impressive solos. An atmosphere of serenity, contemplation and wide-open spaces, typical in Finnish music, prevails even in the up-tempo passages, which turns listening to this album into a most satisfying love affair with music. The fact that it is now almost 50 years old is completely meaningless in this context, where true classics only get better with time.
Thanks to SvartFind albums on this label Records for making this musical treasure available again. Listeners interested in Finnish Jazz legacy are recommended to check out also the other Svart Records reissues documenting this burgeoning period. Side Note The above are my liner notes included on this album's artwork.
I am honored when asked by the Artists to write liner notes for their albums, always hoping that my words reflect the true spirit of the music. This is also a symbol of our mutual respect and friendship developed over the years.
The same is also true when Record Labels ask me to write liner notes for their releases, mostly in the case of reissues of archival albums, which is a symbol of their appreciation of my knowledge and historical perspective and my recognition of their dedication to the preservation of the history of recorded music and the effort to keep human Culture and Aesthetics alive.
| Updated: 11/06/2021Posted: 11/06/2021 | CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Remastered Recommend To A Friend |
  | EERO KOIVISTOINEN WITH FRIENDS ~ JAPPA SVART 373 (Barcode: 6430077093812) ~ FINLAND ~ Jazz Recorded: 1967 - 1968 Released: 2021
This is a sensational reissue of the one of the modern Finnish Jazz most obscure and sought after recordings, a series of four EPs released originally in 1967/68 by the Jazz Society formed by the students of the Helsinki Polytechnic (now Helsinki University of Technology), who were avid Jazz fans and some of the students were also Jazz musicians.
The album presents all the nineteen tracks, that appeared collectively on these EPs, recorded by different lineups, which featured the absolute crème de la crème of the young generation of Finnish modern Jazz players.
EP 1 presents the earliest recording by saxophonist Eero KoivistoinenFind albums by this artist, which also includes bassist Pekka SarmantoFind albums by this artist and drummer Edward VesalaFind albums by this artist with a percussionist on one track and a couple of cellist on another. They perform three original compositions by Koivistoinen and the music is an example of early Finnish Free Jazz. It precedes the recording of Koivistoinen’s debut album “ValtakuntaFind albums with this title”.
EP 2 presents two original compositions by pianist Pentti HietanenFind albums by this artist, recorded by a septet, which also included trumpeter Kaj BacklundFind albums by this artist, saxophonists Ilkka KrumoFind albums by this artist, Stanley LindroosFind albums by this artist and Paroni PaakkunainenFind albums by this artist, bassist Teppo Hauta-AhoFind albums by this artist and drummer Esko RosnellFind albums by this artist. Both are wonderful example of modern European Jazz with some Free oriented soloing by the participants and superb ensemble work by the septet.
EP 3 presents three tracks, one by saxophonist Pekka PoyryFind albums by this artist and two by Koivistoinen. The first is performed by Poyry with pianist Eero OjanenFind albums by this artist, Hauta-Aho and Rosnell. The second is performed by a trio with Koivistoinen, Sarmanto and drummer Reino LaineFind albums by this artist. The third is performed by a quintet with Koivistoinen, Poyry, Ojanen, Sarmanto and Laine. Again, the music is wonderful modern Jazz, brilliantly performed by all the participants.
EP 4 presents eleven short tracks documenting an Art Happening, mostly performed by the Finnish “underground” artist Tommi ParkoFind albums by this artist, who sings and plays a plethora of instruments. He appears solo on the first seven tracks and then is joined by other instrumentalists, including Jazz trumpeter Mike KoskinenFind albums by this artist. These tracks, although only marginally associated with Jazz, reflect the open-mindedness and diversity of the late 1960s.
Overall this is a superb effort by SvartFind albums on this label Records, which returns to life some great music, which deserves to be available for both old and young Finnish Jazz fans.
| Updated: 26/06/2021Posted: 26/06/2021 | CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Remastered Recommend To A Friend |
Trumpeter / composer / bandleader Mike KoskinenFind albums by this artist was one of the most prominent figures on the Finnish Jazz scene in the early to mid 1970s, involved in a wide rage of stylistic explorations, from Free Jazz to more conventional post Bebop. He was one of the first Finnish Jazz musicians to study at the Berklee College of Music. He released his debut album "SunwebsFind albums with this title" on 1976 and moved to the US a year later.
This live radio broadcast presents Koskinen leading two ensembles, an octet and a big orchestra, which include the crème de la crème of the Finnish Jazz scene at the time: trombonists Mircea StanFind albums by this artist, Petri JuutilainenFind albums by this artist and Raimo NaatanenFind albums by this artist, trumpeter Kaj BacklundFind albums by this artist, saxophonists Juhani AaltonenFind albums by this artist, Paroni PaakkunainenFind albums by this artist, Pentti LahtiFind albums by this artist, Pekka PoyryFind albums by this artist and Teemu SalminenFind albums by this artist, pianist Olli AhvenlahtiFind albums by this artist, guitarist Otto BergerFind albums by this artist, bassists Teppo Hauta-AhoFind albums by this artist and Heikki VirtanenFind albums by this artist, drummer Edward VesalaFind albums by this artist and percussionist Ari ValtonenFind albums by this artist.
They perform five compositions (three by the octet and two by the orchestra) four of which are original compositions by Koskinen and one is an arrangement of a Chick CoreaFind albums by this artist tune. The music portrays the diversity of Koskinen musical interests, with almost straightforward Jazz pieces and Free / Improvised orchestral experimentations, which are the more challenging and in retrospect interesting.
Composer / arranger / bandleader / trumpeter Otto DonnerFind albums by this artist is one of the Godfathers of Finnish Jazz and one of the greatest European Jazz composers. His ensemble Otto Donner TreatmentFind albums by this artist changed lineups according to specific project requirements and the large orchestral lineup caught on this live radio broadcast is sadly not fully known, but includes trumpeter Markku JohanssonFind albums by this artist, saxophonist Christer BoustedFind albums by this artist, Juhani Aaltonen (who also plays flute) and Paroni Paakkunainen, pianist Esko LinnavalliFind albums by this artist and others.
They perform four original compositions by Donner, which feature Bousted and Aaltonen as the primary soloists. The music is absolutely delightful and reflects Donner´s talents as composer and arranger, as well as the incredible level of musicianship by his band members. As everything else recorded by Donner, this is a first class musical gem.
Overall this is some of the most staggering music created in Europe in the early to mid 1970s that one is able to hear and for European Jazz connoisseurs this is an absolute must have! Side Note The Finnish independent label SvartFind albums on this label Records released an unprecedented series of albums called Pop Liisa and Jazz Liisa, which present priceless historical recordings of Finnish Rock, Progressive Rock, Jazz-Rock Fusion and Jazz music, recorded live and broadcasted from the Liisankatu Studios in Helsinki under the "Popstudio" and "Jazzstudio" monikers between 1972 and 1977. The studios were owned by the YLE (Finnish Broadcasting Company), a public broadcasting service, which not only allowed the burgeoning Finnish music scene at the time to be exposed but also carefully archived the recordings for future generations. All this incredible music was previously unissued and collectively is probably the most important document of Finnish music from that period ever assembled.
The music was released on 36 LPs (Pop Liisa Vol. 01 to Vol. 18 and Jazz Liisa Vol. 01 to Vol. 18) and on 18 CDs with every two consecutive volumes combined on one CD.
The sound quality is absolutely superb, often better than the sound quality on the LPs released by these artists at the time. Many of the groups appearing on these albums never managed to record an album and these recordings are the only recorded legacy in existence of their activity. The released are accompanied by well researched and intelligent liner notes.
This archival project is an outstanding example of how Cultural Legacy should be treated as well as of exemplary dedication to record producing professionalism.
| Updated: 08/06/2020Posted: 08/06/2020 | CD 1 Remastered Recommend To A Friend |
  | HEIKKI SARMANTO SERIOUS MUSIC ENSEMBLE ~ A BOSTON DATE PORTER 4002 (Barcode: 656605854625) ~ FINLAND ~ Jazz Recorded: 1970 Released: 2008
This is one of those albums, which immediately invoke the recurring question: "How many recordings like this one remain hidden and unreleased all over the world?" The fact that it took 38 years for this gem to surface is criminally negligent, to put it mildly, with the only solace being the proverbial better late than never. Finnish pianist / composer Heikki SarmantoFind albums by this artist has been one of my favorite musicians for the last four decades, always awe-inspiring and never disappointing. His life-time achievements indisputably deserve a book-sized biography (unfortunately not written yet) and his role as Europe´s leading Jazz personality and a prominent creator of the emancipated European Jazz is sadly little known outside of a tiny circle of connoisseurs and researches. In fact the entire Finnish music scene often appears to be the one of world´s best hidden secrets, which is amazing in view of the miraculous contribution of Finnish musicians and composers to the Pantheon of the overall human musical culture. Apparently even the most devoted music fans and critics often suffer from chronic narrow-mindedness and Xenophobia, with Americans leading the camp, with pride and remarkable consistency, over the years.
Although recorded in 1970, this session does not reflect Sarmanto´s early musical steps. He was 31 years old at the time and already a seasoned musician, with extensive Classical Music education (a graduate of the Helsinki Sibelius Music Academy - the country´s most prestigious musical education institution) and extensive Jazz experience going back almost a decade earlier as member of several Jazz ensembles active on the country´s burgeoning scene. In 1964-65 Sarmanto took part in the recording of Finland´s first modern Jazz album, the legendary "The Modern Sound Of FinlandFind albums with this title" by saxophonist / flautist Esa PethmanFind albums by this artist, and his piano playing on that album already sounds refined and focused. In 1968 Sarmanto was the first Finn to be awarded a scholarship at the Berklee College of Music in Boston, which gave him a chance to get some formal Jazz education (the Jazz department of the Sibelius Academy would be established only in the early 1980s, and of course Sarmanto would be appointed its first department head).
Sarmanto used his time in Boston not only to expand his formal Jazz horizons, but also to mingle and play as much as he could on the local Jazz scene, which was quite active at the time. The Berklee students and the local musicians often gigged together and soon enough ensembles were formed. Following a brief home visit in 1969, during which Sarmanto recorded his first album as a leader, a live sextet recording released as "Flowers In The WaterFind albums with this title" (on which Pethman is also featured), he returned to Boston to "wrap up" his Berklee affairs. During that period he formed the quintet, quite accidently, which is often the best way for things to happen, which is featured on this semi-professional recording. The quintet consists of Sarmanto on piano, another Finnish giant, saxophonist / flautist Juhani AaltonenFind albums by this artist, who followed Sarmanto to Berklee but lasted only one semester (without a grant the finances were just against all odds), Czech bassists George MrazFind albums by this artist, who also arrived in Boston on a Berklee grant (together with compatriot pianist Jan HammerFind albums by this artist), escaping the brutal Warsaw Pact forces invasion of their homeland, following the brief "Spring of Prague" in 1969, the first major crack in the Berlin Wall. The remaining two musicians were guitarist Lance GundersonFind albums by this artist and drummer Craig HerndonFind albums by this artist, both Bostonians at the time. The quintet was nicknamed, half-jokingly, The Serious Music EnsembleFind albums by this artist, a name which would stick to several Sarmanto´s groups in the future, featuring the core of this quintet.
The three Europeans and two Americans obviously had no difficulty in communicating musically, and it´s hardly surprising that they chose to play mostly Free Form, for several reasons. The air was still reverberating with the sounds of Albert AylerFind albums by this artist, Eric DolphyFind albums by this artist and John ColtraneFind albums by this artist, with the US Free Jazz scene at its peak by the end of the 1960s (unfortunately soon to be almost completely neglected, passing the torch to the Europeans). The limited, if any, rehearsal time the ensemble had before entering the studio, obviously left most of the content to be developed at the spur of the moment, making collective improvisation the only logical path to follow. And perhaps the youthful spirit of rebellion had also something to do with it, considering Berklee´s extreme conservatism, which is legendary even today. Aaltonen, the oldest and most experienced musician on board, already had extensive Free Jazz practice, after playing with Finnish pioneers of the genre, most notably with drummer Edward VesalaFind albums by this artist, and his contributions are the most consistent, with remarkable power of expression, intensity and technical brilliance rivaling the Masters of the genre.
The six pieces played during the session, all composed by Sarmanto, are performed in one continuous flow with no gaps between them. Typically, after a briefly stated theme, the musicians enter a series of exchanges, with one, two or even three players soloing simultaneously, with the rhythm section frequently changing the tempo. Most of the material is up-tempo, except for the beautiful ballad, which ends the set (dedicated to Margareth ChaloffFind albums by this artist, the legendary piano teacher), which is the gentlest and most structured piece on the album, featuring the exquisite bass work by Mraz and more typical of Sarmanto´s future output. In many respects the session is quite typical European Free Jazz, resembling many similar musical encounters happening in Europe at the time, especially in the UK, but also in Poland, Germany and the Netherlands. It is quite distinctly different from American Free Jazz, which demonstrates rawer and more spontaneous approach but lacks the European Classical Music background, which is deeply implanted in the minds of European musicians, evident even in the most extreme Improvised Music experiments. In many respects, this session is probably one of the most "European sounding" recordings ever captured at a US studio.
It is really interesting to compare this session with the material recorded by the almost identical quintet (exchange Mraz with Heikki´s brother bassist Pekka SarmantoFind albums by this artist) just a few months later and released as Sarmanto´s second (first studio) album "CounterbalanceFind albums with this title" (also reissued on PorterFind albums on this label Records). With Aaltonen playing exclusively flute and Sarmanto switching to Fender Rhodes, this seems to be a completely different group, even if still pretty much in the Free vain. The European influence simply becomes overwhelming, changing the music dramatically. Even if the sound quality of this recording is not up to modern digital standards (the recording was most probably not intended to be commercially released), the musical content and the immense historical importance of this session make it an indispensible document of the highest value.
Kudos to Luke MoslingFind albums by this artist, the brave owner of Porter Records, for releasing this treasure and making it available to us, the music lovers, and saving a lost gem from extinction. Sarmanto´s followers worldwide will be obviously delighted to hear this, as should be every connoisseur of good music, especially those who follow the emergence of the modern European Jazz. Brilliant stuff! Visitors' Comments Dr. Rafael Augusto Lara Palmeros One of the most impressive, extraordinary and wonderful work from real modern European Jazz.¡¡Very essential!!. More of five stars.
| Updated: 29/09/2017Posted: | CD 1 Recommend To A Friend |
  | TOMASZ STANKO ~ BALLADYNA ECM 1071 (Barcode: 602517775978) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz Recorded: 1975 Released: 2008
This is a debut recording on the ECMFind albums on this label label by legendary Polish trumpeter / composer Tomasz StankoFind albums by this artist, one of the great Lions of European Jazz, now in his fifth decade of the tireless journey dedicated to discovering uncharted territory, and the first album by any Polish artist on that label. Stanko´s association with ECM continues now into its fourth decade. The music, recorded by an international quartet, which features also the great Polish saxophonist Tomasz SzukalskiFind albums by this artist, British bass Giant Dave HollandFind albums by this artist and Finnish Master-drummer Edward VesalaFind albums by this artist, is one of the greatest recording of modern European Jazz in the 1970s. Stanko, who was a member of the first Polish modern Jazz group, led by his Mentor pianist / composer Krzysztof KomedaFind albums by this artist, continued the tradition of cooperating with players from other European countries, whenever possible at those troubled times. His cooperation with Szukalski and Vesala continued for several years and they recorded several albums together, including the phenomenal "TwetFind albums with this title", recorded a year before this album, with bassist Peter WarrenFind albums by this artist in place of Holland. The music is mostly oriented towards Free Jazz, but Stanko´s intrinsic sense of melody and immense lyricism overpowers the free form and becomes the leading force, pushing the music effortlessly and magically into a mystic plane, full of sounds and intermitting silences, which create a gentle, deeply emotional vistas. The interplay between all the quartet members is simply incredible and the resulting music sounds as if created by one collective body and mind. This is undoubtedly on the finest moments of Jazz ever recorded and an essential piece of music, timeless and everlasting! Visitors' Comments Christopher Brice I definitely agree with Adam`s "essential" label on this one. But look out for Stanko`s "From the Green Hill" with John Surman and others - even better IMHO
| | CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Essential Recommend To A Friend |
  | TOMASZ STANKO ~ TWET (POLISH JAZZ VOL.39) POWER BROS 33860 ~ POLAND ~ Jazz Recorded: 1974 Released: 1986
This monumental album by Polish Jazz trumpeter / composer Tomasz StankoFind albums by this artist in one of the most important releases on the legendary Polish Jazz series, which means it´s a truly stellar performance. It captures perfectly the soul of Stanko´s 1970s Free Jazz period, which culminated just a year later with the recording of the legendary "BalladynaFind albums with this title" album for ECMFind albums on this label, in almost identical lineup. Similarly to his Mentor, Krzysztof KomedaFind albums by this artist, Stanko always tried to work with musicians from other countries, even when the bureaucracy of the Socialist regime made it quite difficult. Like Komeda before him, he worked with musicians from the neighbor Scandinavian countries, finding a close friend and partner in the free-spirited Finnish legendary drummer Edward VesalaFind albums by this artist. Young Polish saxophonist Tomasz SzukalskiFind albums by this artist was given the position previously held by such giant musicians as Zbigniew NamyslowskiFind albums by this artist and Michal UrbaniakFind albums by this artist, which testifies to Stanko´s high confidence in him. The quartet was completed by the great American bassist Peter WarrenFind albums by this artist, who lived at the time in Europe and participated actively in the incredible European Jazz scene of that period. The album includes five pieces, credited to all four musicians and obviously largely improvised, with some limited preconceived melody lines barely audible under the surface. The unedited, "live in the studio" recording perfectly reflects the atmosphere of the session, with Free blowing and intense interplays, enthusiastically encouraged by Vesala´s howls and cries in the background. This is definitely a magic moment, captured for posterity on this recording, which has very few parallels, and therefore is so incredibly important. Stanko´s fans will of course find plenty of his superb trumpet performances here, which are second to none. Any European Jazz connoisseur, Polish Jazz enthusiast or Stanko aficionado must absolutely have this album!
| | CD 1 Remastered Essential Recommend To A Friend |
  | TOMASZ STANKO ~ TWET (POLISH JAZZ VOL.39) MUZA 0939 ~ POLAND ~ Jazz Recorded: 1974 Released: 2004
This monumental album by Polish Jazz trumpeter / composer Tomasz StankoFind albums by this artist in one of the most important releases on the legendary Polish Jazz series, which means it´s a truly stellar performance. It captures perfectly the soul of Stanko´s 1970s Free Jazz period, which culminated just a year later with the recording of the legendary "BalladynaFind albums with this title" album for ECMFind albums on this label, in almost identical lineup. Similarly to his Mentor, Krzysztof KomedaFind albums by this artist, Stanko always tried to work with musicians from other countries, even when the bureaucracy of the Socialist regime made it quite difficult. Like Komeda before him, he worked with musicians from the neighbor Scandinavian countries, finding a close friend and partner in the free-spirited Finnish legendary drummer Edward VesalaFind albums by this artist. Young Polish saxophonist Tomasz SzukalskiFind albums by this artist was given the position previously held by such giant musicians as Zbigniew NamyslowskiFind albums by this artist and Michal UrbaniakFind albums by this artist, which testifies to Stanko´s high confidence in him. The quartet was completed by the great American bassist Peter WarrenFind albums by this artist, who lived at the time in Europe and participated actively in the incredible European Jazz scene of that period. The album includes five pieces, credited to all four musicians and obviously largely improvised, with some limited preconceived melody lines barely audible under the surface. The unedited, "live in the studio" recording perfectly reflects the atmosphere of the session, with Free blowing and intense interplays, enthusiastically encouraged by Vesala´s howls and cries in the background. This is definitely a magic moment, captured for posterity on this recording, which has very few parallels, and therefore is so incredibly important. Stanko´s fans will of course find plenty of his superb trumpet performances here, which are second to none. Any European Jazz connoisseur, Polish Jazz enthusiast or Stanko aficionado must absolutely have this album!
| | CD 1 Digipak Oversampling Remastered Essential Recommend To A Friend |
  | EDWARD VESALA ~ LUMI ECM 1339 (Barcode: 602567431053) ~ FINLAND ~ Avant-Garde Jazz Recorded: 1986 Released: 2019
This is a reissue of the 3rd album as a leader on the ECMFind albums on this label label by Finnish Jazz drummer / composer / bandleader Edward VesalaFind albums by this artist, recorded by an ensemble comprising of eleven top Finnish musicians, including saxophonists Pentti LahtiFind albums by this artist and Tapani RinneFind albums by this artist, guitarist Raoul BjorkenheimFind albums by this artist and his wife harpist / keyboardist Iro HaarlaFind albums by this artist. The album presents nine tracks, eight of which were composed by Vesala and one was co-composed by him and Polish Jazz trumpeter Tomasz StankoFind albums by this artist, with whom he cooperated for many years.
The music, although composed, is full of Avant-Garde elements, Free improvisation, all framed by remarkable close large ensemble work, kept tightly in check by Vesala’s ingenious drumming. Many different musical elements are amalgamated on this album, including Rock, Big Band licks and the Nordic melancholy, with the music floating between quiet meditative pieces and hard rocking crescendos.
Vesala was of course one of the Godfathers of Finnish Jazz and his interest in Improvised Music marked the earliest exploration of that genre on the local scene already in the 1960s. He was always very open to cooperation with other European Jazz musicians and recorded many albums with European ensembles, especially with the a.m. Stanko and other Polish, German and British musicians, and as such was an early icon of European Jazz.
Overall, this is a remarkable piece of Finnish / European Jazz, full of beautiful melodic lines and fascinating exploration of the Free idiom, which are perfectly balanced on this wonderful album. Wholeheartedly recommended for those young Jazz enthusiasts, who discovered Jazz after his tragically premature departure in 1999.
| Updated: 15/06/2024Posted: 15/06/2024 | CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend |
  | EDWARD VESALA ~ NORDIC GALLERY ECM 1541 (Barcode: 731452329424) ~ FINLAND ~ Jazz Recorded: 1993 - 1994 Released: 1994
This is the last ECMFind albums on this label album by the great Finnish drummer / composer Edward VesalaFind albums by this artist, recorded a few years before his untimely death in 1999. Vesala was one of the great forefathers of the extraordinary Finnish Jazz scene, which started to develop in the 1960s, as well as one of the great figures of European Jazz, as collaborator with musicians from many European countries, like the Polish trumpeter Tomasz StankoFind albums by this artist for example. In the last years prior to his death Vesala led an ensemble called Sound & FuryFind albums by this artist, comprised of young Finnish players, which is present on this album. Several additional musicians are also present, including the legendary bassist Pekka SarmantoFind albums by this artist. The music, all written by Vesala, is as usual based on Finnish folklore and mixes in Jazz improvisation, contemporary Classical idioms, World Music and Avant-Rock. This is definitely not easy music, but its Nordic serenity and intrinsic beauty are captivating. Warmly recommended to the more adventurous listeners!
| | CD 1 Recommend To A Friend |
  | EDWARD VESALA ~ RODINA LOVE 189 ~ FINLAND ~ Jazz Recorded: 1976
For almost four decades, until his untimely death in 1999, Edward VesalaFind albums by this artist was one the leaders of the European jazz scene with dozens of recordings to his credit (as leader and sideman). His phenomenal talent as a drummer, composer, bandleader and trendsetter made him a pivotal figure and his status was truly legendary. This recording is one of the highlights of his illustrious career. It is a suite for a large jazz ensemble, which incorporates modern jazz idioms with Eastern European folk motifs. Vesala collected for this project the creme de la creme of the Finnish jazz scene, with such illustrious names as Juhani AaltonenFind albums by this artist (sax & flute), Esa HelasvuoFind albums by this artist (piano), Pekka SarmantoFind albums by this artist (bass) and two phenomenal Polish jazz musicians: Tomasz StankoFind albums by this artist (trumpet) and Tomasz SzukalskiFind albums by this artist (sax), with whom he played many times before in the Polish / Finnish quartet. The vocal talents of Irina MilanFind albums by this artist are also featured on some tracks. The music is truly majestic, floating constantly between melodic themes, solos by the individual instrumentalists and group improvisations. It leaves the listener awestruck and humble, following a larger then life soundtrack of wonders. A modern jazz icon and an absolute must in any decent jazz collection.
| | CD 1 Remastered Bonus Tracks Essential Recommend To A Friend |
  | EDWARD VESALA TRIO ~ NANA SVART 421 (Barcode: 6430065585183) ~ FINLAND ~ Free Jazz / Improvised Music Recorded: 1970 Released: 2018
This is a reissue of the iconic debut album by the Godfather of modern Finnish Jazz drummer / composer / bandleader Edward VesalaFind albums by this artist and his trio with Finnish saxophonist Juhani AaltonenFind albums by this artist and Norwegian bassist Arild AndersenFind albums by this artist. The album presents seven original compositions, four by Aaltonen, one each by Vesala and Andersen and one co-composed by all three members of the trio. Finnish trumpeter Mike KoskinenFind albums by this artist, who was supposed to play on the album, fell ill and the recording went down in history as a trio affair.
This was the first ever Finnish Free Jazz album and except for the little known album "NykysuomalaistaFind albums with this title" (Contemporary Finnish) recorded a year earlier, on which Vesala and Aaltonen appeared only on the B side of the LP, this was the debut full album for both of them.
The music is typical of the early European Free Jazz wave, which exploded on both sides of the Iron Curtain by the late 1960s. Vesala enlisted Anderson (who was a few months younger than him) to play with the trio as Anderson had already gained experience playing Free Jazz with Don CherryFind albums by this artist and others. The cooperation proved to be of crucial importance for Vesala, as it led to him being introduced to Norwegian saxophonist Jan GarbarekFind albums by this artist. In 1972 Vesala took part in his first ECMFind albums on this label album, the Jan Garbarek´s "TriptykonFind albums with this title" and soon after recorded his debut album for the label "Nan MadolFind albums with this title". He recorded five more albums for ECM and also participated on albums by Polish trumpeter Tomasz StankoFind albums by this artist released by the label.
In retrospect, the album is not only a highly important document of Finnish / European Jazz, but also a piece of music that still sounds vibrant and exciting, in spite of the fact that it was recorded five decades earlier.
This remastered edition is the first ever appearance of this historic album on CD, and considering its immense importance, it is an absolute must for any serious European Free Jazz connoisseur!
| Updated: 28/06/2020Posted: 26/06/2020 | CD 1 Remastered Recommend To A Friend |
  | KENNY WHEELER ~ AROUND 6 ECM 1156 (Barcode: 731452912428) ~ UK ~ Jazz Recorded: 1979 Released: 1990
This is the third album on the ECMFind albums on this label label by the great British (born in Canada) trumpeter / composer Kenny WheelerFind albums by this artist, one of the Godfathers of modern British and European Jazz. Recorded in a sextet setting, the album combines the forces of several superb European musicians: British saxophonist Evan ParkerFind albums by this artist, Swedish trombonist Eje ThelinFind albums by this artist, US (resident in Europe) vibraphonist Tom van der GeldFind albums by this artist, French bassist Jean-Francois Jenny-ClarkFind albums by this artist and Finnish drummer Edward VesalaFind albums by this artist. The sextet performs six original compositions by Wheeler, two of which are expanded pieces over ten minutes long and one is a solo trumpet piece.
In many respects this album is quite different from all other recordings Wheeler made for ECM, mostly due to the presence of Parker, who belongs to the radical Free Jazz circle, which almost never (except for the very early days) manages to get any exposure on the label. Wheeler, however, seems to have absolutely no problem with Parker being a part of the lineup and switches elegantly between the melodic / lyrical compositions or passages within a composition, into the wild free realms Parker resides in. There are very few recordings, which manage to create such a wonderful cross-genre symbiosis like this one, and therefore this album is in retrospect one of the most interesting ECM recordings.
All the players here have been major figures on the European Jazz scene since many years and participated in countless recording sessions from the mid 1960s all throughout the 1970s and Wheeler´s capability to bring them together as part of this project is truly admirable. The level of performance is absolutely dazzling and combined with the level of freedom the musicians are granted by the leader they are able to express themselves to the max, which is clearly evident to the listener.
This music lost absolutely nothing of its power and beauty over time, on the contrary listening to this album only makes one wonder why such ambitious and groundbreaking music is rarely being recorded today. This is an absolute gem and every record collection will be greatly enriched by having this album as one of its items. Grab it if you can find it!
| | CD 1 Recommend To A Friend |
  | YLE EXPERIMENTAL STUDIO ~ ODE TO MARILYN SVART 130 (Barcode: 6430065584506) ~ FINLAND ~ Avant-Garde Electronic Recorded: 1973 Released: 2018
This is a reissue of one of the rarest and most important Finnish Jazz / Electronic Music / Avant-Garde albums from the early 1970s. The album was recorded under the auspices of the YLE (Finnish Broadcasting Company) Experimental Studio by a group of Finnish musicians led by trumpeter Jarmo SermilaFind albums by this artist, which also included flautist Mikael HelasvuoFind albums by this artist, bassist Teppo Hauta-AhoFind albums by this artist, drummer Edward VesalaFind albums by this artist and electronic music composer Antero HonkanenFind albums by this artist. Soprano singer Pirkkolisa TikkaFind albums by this artist guests on one track. The album presents eight original compositions, three composed by Honkanen, two each by Sermila and Vesala and one by Hauta-Aho. The album’s title originates from the poem by Marilyn MonroeFind albums by this artist “A Doll’s Cry”, which lyrics sung by Tikka appear on one of the tracks.
The music is a wonderful amalgam of contemporary Avant-Garde, Electronic Music and Jazz improvisation and remains completely original and unique today, almost half a Century later. The fact that such audacious music was recorded in Finland at the time is a testimony to the incredible musical Renaissance of Finnish music in the late 1960s / early 1970s, which produced an immense amount of fresh, inventive and challenging music at the time.
This long overdue reissue (kudos to SvartFind albums on this label Records) is a wonderful opportunity for this music to be discovered by young generations of music lovers, as well as an important document of the era. For lovers of experimental music this album is an absolute classic and should not be missed!
| Updated: 17/02/2021Posted: 17/02/2021 | CD 1 Digipak Remastered Recommend To A Friend |