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MULTIKULTI MPJ 012 (Barcode: 5907796319710) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-Rock Fusion

Recorded: 2014 Released: 2015

This is the debut album by the young Polish Jazz quintet BlackBirdFind albums by this artist, which comprises of trumpeter Pawel SurmanFind albums by this artist, guitarist Michal WalczakFind albums by this artist, pianist Michal RoratFind albums by this artist, bassist Bartek BednarekFind albums by this artist and US drummer Frank ParkerFind albums by this artist. Veteran vibraphonist Bernard MaseliFind albums by this artist appears as a guest artist on a couple of tracks. The album presents seven original compositions (one of which is repeated four times), four by Walczak, two by Rorat and one by Bednarek. The album was recorded live and has a very good sound quality.

The music is dominated by the sound of the electric guitar and immediately falls under the typical Fusion imagery. The combination of lead guitar and trumpet, which was favored by early Jazz-Rock / Fusion artists, like Larry CoryellFind albums by this artist and his Eleventh HouseFind albums by this artist ensemble for example, was pretty dormant lately and the attempt by BlackBird to bring it back is very effective. With the guitar / trumpet lead balanced by the acoustic piano and the electric bass and drums pulsating vigorously, the overall sound of the quintet floats somewhere between Fusion and the Scandinavian ECMFind albums on this label sound, which of course turns it immediately into a very likeable piece of music.

Once we have established that the album sounds great the question of course arises as to its musical contents, which is definitely not on the same level as the sound. The melodies are rather simplistic and a bit repetitive, which makes the album to sound like one continuous piece of music with very little diversity. Even the attempt to break the monotony by repeating the theme song four times does not help much. It´s not that the music is bad or anything, it just sort of stays in one place all the time. But of course this is only my personal opinion and others may find it completely misguided.

The personal performances by the quintet members are all quite adequate, although the guitar is definitely too loud and aggressive. For me Rorat delivers the most impressive solos, even if he is the most introvert and timid player herein. His piano strokes are a true joy throughout.

Overall this is a pleasant Fusion album, which many Fusion fans might find attractive and which sounds absolutely divine, but is hardly a brainer. Since it is a debut effort, things will probably improve with their next release, which I am impatiently waiting for already.
 CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

FM 021 (Barcode: 5903240365180) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2015 - 2016 Released: 2016

This album by Polish Jazz trumpeter / composer Maciej FortunaFind albums by this artist finds him returning to the trio setting, which was his favorite format during the early days of his career a few years earlier. The trio includes bassist Jakub MielcarekFind albums by this artist and drummer Frank ParkerFind albums by this artist, both musicians that Fortuna played with earlier on. The album presents eight original compositions, all by Fortuna. These compositions are all rather concise and as a result the entire album lasts only slightly above half an hour, which really means in today´s standards that it is an EP rather than a full album.

The music is up to the usual Fortuna´s high class, presenting modern acoustic Jazz with little touches of electronics. The melodies are very melancholic and even somber, displaying the typical Polish Jazz tendency towards sustained tension and long lingering notes. Fortuna performs these tunes masterfully and is supported amicably by the rhythm section, which adds additional layers in parallel to the trumpet notes floating loftily above.

Fortuna is a master of the trade, capable of creating atmospheric pieces full of beauty and suspense. His somewhat distorted tone makes things interesting and shows him experimenting while searching for new ways to express his Art. His prolific recording activity presents a vide scope of stylistic diversity, which is quite unique.

The Polish Jazz trumpet triumvirate, which includes Fortuna, Tomasz DabrowskiFind albums by this artist and Wojciech JachnaFind albums by this artist, is an unprecedented phenomenon in the Jazz world. Such amount of talent and ingenuity, held by just three relatively young Master players is a clear testimony as to the vitality and unprecedented strength of the Polish Jazz scene in the last decade, especially in view of the fact that similar triumvirates could be named for other instruments.

Getting an album by Fortuna is a completely risk-free deal as far as Jazz connoisseurs are concerned, and this one is no different. Although short and concise, this is a powerful statement, which should be listened to by all Polish Jazz and trumpet fans anywhere in the world.
Updated: 24/05/2016Posted: 24/05/2016CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend

FM 002 ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2009 Released: 2010

This is the debut album as a leader by Polish Jazz trumpeter Maciej FortunaFind albums by this artist, recorded with his quartet, which comprises of pianist Przemyslaw RaminiakFind albums by this artist, bassist Andrzej SwiesFind albums by this artist and American drummer Frank ParkerFind albums by this artist. Fortuna has been one of the recognized talents on the local Jazz scene for a few years and this recording serves as the "formal" act of entering the major league of Polish Jazz musicians. The quartet performs nine original compositions, seven of which are credited to all four band members; of the two remaining one is by the pianist and the other by the bassist.

The music fits perfectly the modern Jazz mainstream, but is very interesting and aesthetic, with beautiful melodic themes and perfect arrangements. The execution is also absolutely first class, from start to finish. Most solos are performed (not surprisingly) by the leader and the pianist, but the rhythm section is firmly present throughout, playing confidently, accurately and with a lot of imagination. Pianist Raminiak is definitely one of the best among the young generation of Polish Jazz players, which erupted in the last couple of years forcing its way towards the top and his other recordings (with his RGGFind albums by this artist trio) are all worth investigating. As to the leader, his playing is both beautiful and perfect in every respect, with great sense of melody and technical proficiency.

Stylistically Fortuna is still distilling and purifying his personal and unique voicing, with his many influences even now quite apparent – mostly Miles DavisFind albums by this artist and other American Bop players, but also several notable Europeans. Of course every young Polish trumpeter is expected to follow and is judged by comparison to the mentor of Polish trumpet – Tomasz StankoFind albums by this artist, which of course is not fair and quite absurd. Even if Fortuna should in the future lean more towards less structured music, his voice and sound will be his own, so let´s give him a fair chance. It definitely sounds as we´ll hear quite a lot about him in the future.

This is definitely a brilliant debut album, which should make all the participating musicians proud. Wholeheartedly recommended!
 CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

FM 005 (Barcode: 5907529223499) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2011 Released: 2012

This is the 2nd album as a leader by the young Polish Jazz trumpeter / composer Maciej FortunaFind albums by this artist, recorded in a trio format with the excellent Polish bassist Piotr LemanczykFind albums by this artist and US drummer Frank ParkerFind albums by this artist, who took part in Fortuna´s debut recording. All the music on the album is original and of the nine compositions present Fortuna composed six, Lemanczyk two and one is a Lemanczyk / Parker co-composition.

The music is quite excellent and although kept within the boundaries of modern mainstream Jazz, it often sounds unusual as far as the tonality and rhythmic approach are concerned, incorporating World-Music elements in both areas. The fact that Fortuna decided to create the album in the difficult trumpet trio format proves his self-confidence, which fortunately is fully justified. The trio format works perfectly here and suffers nothing from the lack of an accompanying harmonic instrument.

The individual performances by all three musicians are first class from start to finish. Lemanczyk uses a full-body tone with a lot of pulsating vibrato, which is perfect for this setting and Parker ornaments the music rather than keeping time, which is done mostly by the bass. Fortuna´s playing is inspired and technically excellent. His lyricism, expressed primarily by his flugelhorn solos, is the highlight of his playing, but his up-tempo trumpet excursions are exciting and quite electrifying as well. Perhaps he is not quite there yet, as far as building his completely unique voice on the trumpet, but such a process takes many years and Fortuna has, after all, all the future ahead of him.

Overall the album presents Fortuna as a maturing player / composer, who is sure to occupy a center-stage position on the vigorous Polish Jazz scene in the years to come. If the level of excellence, as documented here, as well as the refinement of his personal voice will continue on the path he has already travelled on, his success is guaranteed.

This album should prove a source of joy to all trumpet aficionados, and Jazz buffs in general, and is of course wholeheartedly recommended. Satisfaction guaranteed!
 CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

FM 020 (Barcode: 5903240365166) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-World Fusion

Recorded: 2013 Released: 2015

Polish Jazz trumpeter / composer Maciej FortunaFind albums by this artist is consistently building a reputation for himself both on the artistic and professional level; he releases his own records, he develops international collaborations with other musicians, he is active in social networking and organization and so on. In addition he manages to create some superb music on the way and keeps establishing his position in the top echelon of Polish Jazz trumpeters. For a young musician this is definitely very impressive.

Modern Polish Jazz is characterized, among other things, by amalgamation of Polish Folklore motifs with jazz. Such approach enjoyed a lot of popularity in the 1960s and 1970s, when it had its political significance as well, and now, in the second decade of the 21st Century it seems to be in full bloom again. Many top Polish Jazz musicians, like Irek WojtczakFind albums by this artist, Piotr OrzechowskiFind albums by this artist, High Definition QuartetFind albums by this artist (which also features Orzechowski), Marcin MaseckiFind albums by this artist and many others, recorded albums based on this concept Fortuna adds his valuable contribution to this wonderful multicultural puzzle. In this case, similar to what Wojtczak did, Fortuna recorded the music with a quartet which except for him features an all American lineup: saxophonist Mack GoldsburyFind albums by this artist, bassist Erik UnsworthFind albums by this artist and drummer Frank ParkerFind albums by this artist. The album presents ten tracks, six of which are traditional Polish Folklore songs / dances and four are original compositions, all by Fortuna, composed especially for this project.

Wojtczak´s album proved that American Jazz musicians can play Polish folklore-based music quite brilliantly and this album does it again. Goldsbury, Unsworth and Parker are all up to the challenge and honestly they play better on this album than on any album I have heard them play earlier on, which of course shows that when seriously challenged, musicians often perform better that usual. As Fortuna says, and I quote: "Following decades of Polish Jazz musicians playing American Jazz, it´s time for American Jazz musicians to play Polish Jazz". I couldn´t agree more.

The music is a Jazz-World Fusion project, but only well trained listeners will be able to recognize the exact origins of the tunes used here, both on the melodic and rhythmic layer. Fortuna´s originals fit in excellently to the overall sound and become an organic part of the project. Fortuna is the main soloist of course, but all the members of the quartet have plenty of opportunity to show their chops and the overall level of musicianship is superb.

Polish Jazz connoisseurs and enthusiast of Jazz-World Fusion explorations should enjoy this album immensely. All I can do is to urge everybody to give it a try ASAP, as it is definitely worth everybody´s attention. Well done, as usual!
Updated: 07/03/2016Posted: 07/03/2016CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend

NOT ON LABEL ~ USA ~ Free Jazz / Improvised Music

Recorded: 2015 Released: 2016

This is the third album by American bassist / composer Mike ParkerFind albums by this artist, who spends much of his time in Eastern Europe playing and recording with Polish Jazz musicians, as documented on his previous album. This album, recorded live in Czech Republic and Serbia, documents a tour by Parker´s trio, which also includes Polish Jazz saxophonist Slawomir PezdaFind albums by this artist and American (resident in Poland) drummer Frank ParkerFind albums by this artist. Together they perform six compositions, four by Mike ParkerFind albums by this artist, one co-composed by him and Bartlomiej PrucnalFind albums by this artist and one composed by Bryson BarnesFind albums by this artist.

The music is mostly improvised, except for short melodic intros which immediately develop into a frantic Free Form extended blowing sessions. Pezda, who is definitely one of the most impressive young Lions among the Polish Jazz saxophone players, performs incredibly on this album; even more remarkably than on several earlier recordings he participated in. The intimate setting and the live atmosphere, as well as the excellent work of the rhythm section, allow him to soar and shine, which he does from start to finish.

But of course this is a trio effort and the overall result is successful thanks to the interplay and mutual respect these three players share among them. Saxophone trios are an extremely difficult environment to create impressive music, but this trio is definitely blessed with the ability to make it work. If course Parker´s music also adds to the success of this music.

Although seemingly aggressive and certainly very intensive, this music displays a lot of elegance and intrinsic beauty. The "beast" is definitely tamed and the improvisations and far out excursions are apparently well planed ahead. The wonderful tension between the intensity of this music and its underlying structure is one of the strongest assets.

This is definitely one of the strongest statements I have had the pleasure to listen to in the last months and it truly deserves to be discovered by as many Jazz lovers as possible.

A strange thought passed through my head; since this great album was created by two American practically living in Poland and a Pole, playing in Eastern Europe, perhaps the only way to save American Jazz before it disintegrates completely is to move it to Eastern Europe?
Updated: 30/05/2016Posted: 27/05/2016CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend


Recorded: 2018 Released: 2018

This is the fourth album by American (partly resident in Poland) bassist Mike ParkerFind albums by this artist and his second album with the Trio TheoryFind albums by this artist, which also includes Polish saxophonist Slawomir PezdaFind albums by this artist and American (also partly resident in Poland) drummer Frank ParkerFind albums by this artist. The album presents seven original compositions, all by Mike Parker.

The music is melody based modern Jazz, which in contrast to the preceding album with the trio, which was recorded live and presented mostly Free Jazz approach, is much more organized and structured. Of course there is still plenty of improvisation herein, which dominates Pezda´s superb performances, but the overall approach is much more relaxed and "disciplined".

The album develops on two separate planes: the energetic and highly complex improvised saxophone parts and the hypnotic rhythmic background created by bass and drums. When combined, these two planes overlap splendidly and the resulting music amalgamates rhythm and melody into one cohesive unity, which is highly emotional and moving.

All three players demonstrate highly developed technical skills and understanding of the Jazz idiom. The rhythm section is mostly very powerful and carries the strong beat in a manner closely related to rhythms originating in African Cultures. Pezda is naturally more related to the European approach but his saxophone playing is also strongly related to early Free Jazz Masters like Albert AylerFind albums by this artist and Eric DolphyFind albums by this artist. He certainly emerges on this recording as one of the leading Polish Jazz saxophonists of the young generation.

The music on this album is quite different from most other Polish Jazz recordings, which mostly follow a much mellower, melancholic and lyrical trends, whereas here the main tendency is more raw and penetrating, facing the listener right in his face rather than appealing to his intellectual antennae. Mike Parker deserves praise for the wonderful compositions he created for the trio.

Overall this is a splendid outing, which is definitely worth being discovered and admired and an important step in the career of the musicians involved. Wholeheartedly recommended!
Updated: 14/12/2018Posted: 14/12/2018CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

SOLITON 417 (Barcode: 5901571094175) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2014 Released: 2015

This is the first album by Polish Jazz pianist / composer Przemyslaw RaminiakFind albums by this artist, following his departure from the seminal Polish piano trio RGGFind albums by this artist, of which he was a founding member. The album was recorded in a quartet setting and features also saxophonist Jakub SkowronskiFind albums by this artist, bassist Bartosz KuczFind albums by this artist and American drummer Frank ParkerFind albums by this artist. The album presents eight original compositions, seven composed by Raminiak and one co-composed by him with Skowronski.

Musically the album presents a complete about face as far as Raminiak´s role with RGG is concerned. No more long, contemplative, lyrical and almost free form ambient explorations, but straightforward melodic mainstream, almost smooth Jazz, energetic, vigorous, funky, groovy and danceable. Although at the first moment this can be quite shocking to some of Raminiak´s fans, there is basically nothing wrong with changing one´s approach, even dramatically. If Chick CoreaFind albums by this artist and Herbie HancockFind albums by this artist can do it, why can´t Przemyslaw Raminiak do it as well?

This is very immediate music and yet it has many virtues: the melodies are all first-class, the arrangements are slick and professional and the performances are brilliant in that particular milieu. Raminiak plays acoustic and electric piano and a few synthesizers, always with flair and spotless technique, which of course is not surprising. Skowronski is a big surprise with his smooth phrasing and superb melodiousness. The rhythm section plays pretty solid background timekeeping stuff, with beautiful fretless bass playing a few nice solos and drums staying respectfully in the background, as appropriate for this setting. In short this whole thing works like a dream, delivering pleasant, nontrivial and highly satisfactory music, which is a lot of fun to listen to.

Of course Raminiak will be accused of "selling out" and playing rubbish by Polish "music critics", but honestly most of them secretly enjoy this music very much and are simply embarrassed to admit it. As far as fellow musicians are concerned most of them wish they could come up with an album like this one themselves.

So here it comes again people: this is a great album for what it is, straightforward uncomplicated good music. We can´t eat the same food all the time and we can´t listen to the same music all the time – this is definitely a nice alternative, mostly for those who know it all.
 CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

ARS SONORA 5903855701052 (Barcode: 5903855701052) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-Classical Fusion

Recorded: 2020 Released: 2020

This is the first volume of psalms recorded by Polish Jazz trombonist Grzegorz RogalaFind albums by this artist and his ensemble, which includes soprano singer Barbara RogalaFind albums by this artist, German saxophonist Roman OttFind albums by this artist, Swedish bassist Anders GropFind albums by this artist and American drummer Frank ParkerFind albums by this artist. Theorbo player Filip ZielinskiFind albums by this artist guests on three tracks. The album presents seven tracks, all of which are based on Biblical David’s psalms, loosely translated into Polish language by 16th Century poet Jan KochanowskiFind albums by this artist, with music by his friend, composer Mikolaj GomolkaFind albums by this artist. The idea is continued on the second volume of this project, presented on a separate album, recorded by a different lineup (except for the Rogala couple) three years later.

The music is an amalgam of the original pieces, sung by Barbara Rogala and then expanded into instrumental parts with Jazzy arrangements, performed by the instrumental ensemble, resulting in a characteristic Jazz-Classic Fusion. The album manages to create a fusion of the original Renaissance music with Jazz, which works splendidly, despite the obvious Centuries long time gap between them.

It takes a while to get used to the transitions between the two musical spheres, there and back, but once over that hurdle everything works smoothly and the music is quite delightful. Most of the splendid soloing within the Jazzy parts is performed by Ott, whose playing fits the spirit of the project perfectly, but all the instrumentalist play excellently in both domains. The presence of the theorbo strengthens the link to the original sound of the music. The soprano vocal parts are of course the anchor of the entire project, and are performed with confidence and clarity.

Overall, this is a very original undertaking, which demands open-mindedness and skill to pull off. The excellent arrangements and obvious dedication demanded from all the participants pays off and the resulting music is deeply moving and highly aesthetic. Although unusual and somewhat challenging, it should keep most Jazz lovers happy, especially those with affinity to vocal Classical music and the Renaissance period. Very well done indeed and wholeheartedly recommended!
Updated: 25/05/2024Posted: 25/05/2024CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

AGORA 5903111494148 (Barcode: 5903111494148) ~ POLAND ~ Avant-Garde Jazz-Rock Fusion

Recorded: 2014 - 2018 Released: 2019

This is an album by the legendary Polish ensemble Tie BreakFind albums by this artist, which features four founding members of the ensemble: trumpeter Antoni GralakFind albums by this artist, saxophonist Mateusz PospieszalskiFind albums by this artist, guitarist Janusz Yanina IwanskiFind albums by this artist and bassist Marcin PospieszalskiFind albums by this artist and also American (resident in Poland) drummer Frank ParkerFind albums by this artist. The album presents nine tracks, all co-composed by the ensemble members, five of which also include lyrics which are chanted (rather than sung) by the ensemble in a Greek chorus manner. The music was recorded during three separate sessions between 2014 and 2018.

Following the release of the marvelous "Tie Break (Box Set)Find albums with this title" in 2014, which summed up the ensemble´s output recorded between 1984 and 1995, it seemed that the fate of Tie Break was sealed, but apparently the protagonists thought otherwise and continued to make music together, which is collected here. Following this pattern, one might hope that the ominous title of this album is also only temporary, as Tie Break definitely has still more energy and creativity than most young contemporary ensembles.

The music is, not surprisingly, completely unique; a zany mixture of Rock, Funk, Punk, World Music and Jazz worthy of epic Frank ZappaFind albums by this artist and his Mothers Of InventionFind albums by this artist proportions. This music is bolder than most contemporary Rock, Funkier that today´s Funk, way Punkish than anything in Punk history and still Free Jazzier than most. The overall sound of the ensemble manages to create a wall of sound effect, which allows every tiny detail of the multi-layered complexity to be heard clearly and distinctly. The music has elements of marching funeral bands, Balkan wedding music, Polish Folklore and countless other relations, which can only be discovered as a result of repeated listening sessions. In short there never was anything in the Polish music history close to Tie Break, and following this album, the gap becomes even deeper.

Although the ingredients of which the music of Tie Break is made of is not Avant-Garde as such, the unique combination and the obvious "oppositional" attitude to everything mainstream is still deeply implanted in this music and it is obviously refusing to be tamed.

The album pays tribute to all the numerous members of the ensemble over the years and other outside of the mainstream great Polish musicians like the lamented Andrzej PrzybielskiFind albums by this artist, including the founding member Krzysztof MajchrzakFind albums by this artist, whom I had the pleasure to meet a few weeks ago and reminiscence early days of the ensemble and many other things with.

In short this is a brilliant piece of music, full of creativity, ingeniousness and pure joy, completely unique and striking, unconventional and as musically anti-establishment as music can be. I refuse to interpret the album´s title literally and already long for the next chapter in Tie Break´s journey! The End of boredom is definitely here!
Updated: 21/12/2019Posted: 20/12/2019CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

FOR TUNE 0171 (Barcode: 5906395808878) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2019 Released: 2024

This is a live album by Polish Jazz saxophonist / violinist / composer / bandleader Michal UrbaniakFind albums by this artist, one of the Godfathers of the modern Polish Jazz scene and one of a few Polish Jazz musicians, who managed to develop a career in the US, including even a short stint with Miles DavisFind albums by this artist. The music was a recorded by a quintet, which includes another Polish Jazz legend and Urbaniak’s collaborator for many years, pianist / organist Wojciech KarolakFind albums by this artist, which sadly marks one of Karolak’s last live appearances before his untimely death in 2021. The rest of the quintet comprises of trumpeter Piotr WojtasikFind albums by this artist, guitarist Gabriel NiedzielaFind albums by this artist and American, resident in Poland, drummer Frank ParkerFind albums by this artist. The album presents six tracks, three of which are original compositions by Urbaniak and three are standards. Karolak’s presence hints as to the quintet’s moniker chosen for this quartet.

As appropriate for a live album, the tracks are extended, all bar one lasting for over twelve minutes, which of course offers a splendid opportunity for musicians to solo at length, and which is highly enjoyed by the audience. Urbaniak displays his incredible virtuosity on the violin, which actually was his second instrument, as his early career was devoted to the saxophone. During this concert he plays the saxophone on three tracks. Karolak’s Hammond playing is absolutely delightful, and he was always a completely reliable player of great imagination and most importantly superb taste. The rest of the team also performs splendidly, supporting the two veterans amicably and with obvious respect.

Urbaniak’s compositions are obviously the more interesting material, especially his reference to the fusion of Polish Folklore elements with Jazz, which brought him fame in the 1970s, when he recorded the series of three such Fusion albums (“FusionFind albums with this title”, “AtmaFind albums with this title” and “Fusion IIIFind albums with this title” for ColumbiaFind albums on this label Records in the US), which were revolutionary and visionary at the time and still remain as some of the most rewarding example of this genre. Karolak played on the first two of these albums.

Overall, this is a wonderful snapshot of two Polish Jazz greats in action, which captures them at full swing, to the delight of the concert audience, and now also available as a lasting reminder of their talent. For Polish Jazz lovers this is obviously a must have item, and as usual kudos to the For TuneFind albums on this label label for keeping these memories alive.
Updated: 13/02/2025Posted: 13/02/2025CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

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