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  | MACIEJ FORTUNA ~ ZOSKA FM 020 (Barcode: 5903240365166) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-World Fusion Recorded: 2013 Released: 2015
Polish Jazz trumpeter / composer Maciej FortunaFind albums by this artist is consistently building a reputation for himself both on the artistic and professional level; he releases his own records, he develops international collaborations with other musicians, he is active in social networking and organization and so on. In addition he manages to create some superb music on the way and keeps establishing his position in the top echelon of Polish Jazz trumpeters. For a young musician this is definitely very impressive.
Modern Polish Jazz is characterized, among other things, by amalgamation of Polish Folklore motifs with jazz. Such approach enjoyed a lot of popularity in the 1960s and 1970s, when it had its political significance as well, and now, in the second decade of the 21st Century it seems to be in full bloom again. Many top Polish Jazz musicians, like Irek WojtczakFind albums by this artist, Piotr OrzechowskiFind albums by this artist, High Definition QuartetFind albums by this artist (which also features Orzechowski), Marcin MaseckiFind albums by this artist and many others, recorded albums based on this concept Fortuna adds his valuable contribution to this wonderful multicultural puzzle. In this case, similar to what Wojtczak did, Fortuna recorded the music with a quartet which except for him features an all American lineup: saxophonist Mack GoldsburyFind albums by this artist, bassist Erik UnsworthFind albums by this artist and drummer Frank ParkerFind albums by this artist. The album presents ten tracks, six of which are traditional Polish Folklore songs / dances and four are original compositions, all by Fortuna, composed especially for this project.
Wojtczak´s album proved that American Jazz musicians can play Polish folklore-based music quite brilliantly and this album does it again. Goldsbury, Unsworth and Parker are all up to the challenge and honestly they play better on this album than on any album I have heard them play earlier on, which of course shows that when seriously challenged, musicians often perform better that usual. As Fortuna says, and I quote: "Following decades of Polish Jazz musicians playing American Jazz, it´s time for American Jazz musicians to play Polish Jazz". I couldn´t agree more.
The music is a Jazz-World Fusion project, but only well trained listeners will be able to recognize the exact origins of the tunes used here, both on the melodic and rhythmic layer. Fortuna´s originals fit in excellently to the overall sound and become an organic part of the project. Fortuna is the main soloist of course, but all the members of the quartet have plenty of opportunity to show their chops and the overall level of musicianship is superb.
Polish Jazz connoisseurs and enthusiast of Jazz-World Fusion explorations should enjoy this album immensely. All I can do is to urge everybody to give it a try ASAP, as it is definitely worth everybody´s attention. Well done, as usual!
| Updated: 07/03/2016Posted: 07/03/2016 | CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend |
  | HIGH DEFINITION ~ HOPASA EMARCY 602537434725 (Barcode: 602537434725) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz Recorded: 2012 Released: 2013
This is the debut album by High Definition QuartetFind albums by this artist, a young Polish Jazz outfit comprising of saxophonist Mateusz SliwaFind albums by this artist, pianist Piotr OrzechowskiFind albums by this artist, bassist Alan WykpiszFind albums by this artist and drummer Patryk DoboszFind albums by this artist. Polish Jazz connoisseurs are of course familiar with Orzechowski (a.k.a. PianohooliganFind albums by this artist), who made a meteoric entrance on the scene as a solo performer and recorded one of the most interesting Polish Jazz albums a year earlier, which presented his interpretations of music written by Maestro Krzysztof PendereckiFind albums by this artist. Here we have the occasion to hear him finally as a part of an ensemble, which of course is quite different than performing solo. Dobosz is also somewhat familiar as a member of the phenomenal Magnolia Acoustic QuartetFind albums by this artist, which released a brilliant live album shortly before this album was released. The quartet performs six pieces (well, five actually, as the first one is just a brief intro), four of which were composed by Orzechowski and one is a Wayne ShorterFind albums by this artist composition. The album offers a sublime sound quality and ambiance, which not surprisingly is a result of it being recorded at the Studio Tokarnia and engineered by Jan SmoczynskiFind albums by this artist.
Musically High Definition is a quintessence of Modern Jazz in every respect. The musicians are all masters of their trade, which is absolutely amazing considering their tender ages, who perform with virtuosic sophistication, superb intelligence and brilliant feel; and yet these strong individuals are able to collaborate seamlessly to create a whole, which is stronger than the sum of its parts. The music they play is completely contemporary and yet it plays a loving tribute to all the traditional Jazz sub-genres, with humorous hints of Swing, Bebop, Hard Bop, Cool Jazz and of course Free Form, switching from one to another like a butterfly hopping from flower to flower. All that Magic is being performed completely effortless, elegantly and almost nonchalantly, which of course is a sign of true Artistry. They are able to switch tempi, keys and approach several times within a very short span of time, doing it in perfect harmony and unison, which is nothing short of stunning.
There is no doubt the Orzechowski is the most dominant personality behind this album, both as a composer and a player. This is not as much a question of solo exposure, but the overall feeling one gets listening to the music, with the piano chord obviously leading the way and stating (or emphasizing) the melodic content. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that of course, as Orzechowski is very charismatic and his musical personality is obviously very extrovert. On this album he is exposed, both as a composer and a player, showing his deep lyricism and even romanticism without any attempt to hide it behind false facades. Here it is, all in the open and in its full glory for us to enjoy.
Overall this is undoubtedly one of the strongest releases on the Polish Jazz scene this year, which is even more astounding as this has been a truly amazing year for Polish Jazz. And again, being a debut it is absolutely a miracle. Even more of a miracle is the fact, that it was released on a Major label, which usually releases less ambitious music. Perhaps even they can be converted? Heaven on earth!
| Updated: 12/06/2018Posted: | CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend |
  | HIGH DEFINITION QUARTET ~ BUKOLIKI FOR TUNE 0074 (Barcode: 5902768701760) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz Recorded: 2015 Released: 2015
This is the second album by the Polish Jazz outfit called High Definition QuartetFind albums by this artist, which comprises of saxophonist Mateusz SliwaFind albums by this artist, pianist Piotr OrzechowskiFind albums by this artist (a.k.a. PianohooliganFind albums by this artist), bassist Alan WykpiszFind albums by this artist and drummer Dawid FortunaFind albums by this artist (who replaced Patryk DoboszFind albums by this artist). The album presents five pieces related to the five piano miniatures by contemporary Polish Classical composer Witold LutoslawskiFind albums by this artist based on Polish Folklore tunes from the Kurpian region and called "Bukoliki". Orzechowski, rather than using the pieces by Lutoslawski, found the original Folk tunes that Lutoslawski used as his inspiration and rearranged them into his own version of "Bukoliki", later transforming it into the Jazz quartet version heard here.
As the year 2015 swiftly approaches its ending it becomes apparent that the Polish Jazz scene this year was dominated by two parallel trends: the re-discovery of Polish Folklore and the re-discovery of Polish contemporary Classical Music by Polish Jazz musicians / composers. The most impressive releases by Polish Jazz artists in 2015 are either related to one or another of these trends and in some cases, like this album, to both of them simultaneously.
Orzechowski, who is obviously the most dominating personality in this team, has already a rich history of tackling with Folklore ("15 Studies For The OberekFind albums with this title") or Classical Music ("Experiment: PendereckiFind albums with this title") and this album is a natural development as far as his musical path is concerned. What is less natural and much closer to "supernatural" is of course his immense talent to transpose pieces of music between genres or rather to transform them into his own universe, which is completely unique and unparalleled by anybody else.
But it takes a team work, like the one presented here, to make this transformation complete. Sliwa, Wykpisz and Fortuna, all brilliant representatives of the young generation of Polish Jazz musicians, play along Orzechowski completely free of any inferiority complexes and sound like young semi-Gods performing in Pieria at the foot of the Olympus Mountain with Zeus and the rest of the Godly pack grinning madly and the Muses dancing along as if possessed by the sounds floating in the air.
From the very first notes heard on this album it becomes immediately apparent that this is one of the best pieces of music produced in the Jazz sphere this year, not only in Poland, but worldwide. The intensity, elegance, flair and above all European aesthetic is omnipresent here, creating a true artistic masterpiece. I am not going to name it the "best" album of 2015, not because it does not deserve the title, but simply because I don´t believe art is a competition. It is brilliant and deserves to be heard by every music connoisseur on this planet, before the barbarians take the world over or our idea of Culture implodes upon itself. Absolutely essential!
| | CD 1 Essential Recommend To A Friend |
  | HIGH DEFINITION QUARTET ~ DZIADY ANAKLASIS 007 (Barcode: 5907795208732) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-Ambient Fusion Recorded: 2018 Released: 2019
This is the third album by Polish Jazz ensemble High Definition QuartetFind albums by this artist, which comprises of saxophonist Mateusz SliwaFind albums by this artist, pianist / composer Piotr OrzechowskiFind albums by this artist (a.k.a. PianohooliganFind albums by this artist), bassist Alan WykpiszFind albums by this artist and drummer Grzegorz PalkaFind albums by this artist (each of the three albums features a different drummer). On this album the ensemble collaborates with five electronic music composers: Polish veteran / pioneer of the idiom Krzysztof KnittelFind albums by this artist, Igor BoxxFind albums by this artist (a.k.a. Igor PudloFind albums by this artist), Americans William BasinskiFind albums by this artist and Robert RichFind albums by this artist and Austrian Christian FenneszFind albums by this artist. The album presents ten original compositions, five of which are performed by the ensemble and were composed by Orzechowski and five shorter pieces, each composed and performed by one of the above listed electronic music composers (except for the Knittel piece which was co-composed with Orzechowski and co-executed with the ensemble), which are sandwiched between the ensemble pieces.
The album´s title "Dziady" ("Forefathers´ Eve") refers of course to the epic poetic drama by the Polish national poet Adam MickiewiczFind albums by this artist, considered as one of the greatest works of European Romanticism and a source of controversial interpretations throughout the convoluted Polish political history, famous for its role in the 1968 Polish Political crisis, but retaining its prophetic actuality to this very day. The drama was staged many times over the years of course and one could speculate that this music could be considered as a possible soundtrack / stage music to an imaginary / future spectacle.
Combining Jazz with electronic / ambient music is of course quite fashionable these days and this year´s (2019) Polish Jazz recording harvest offers several such outings. In most cases the electronic / ambient music is closely amalgamated with the Jazzy content, whereas on this album, with the exception of the opening Knittel / Orzechowski track, the rest of the electronic / ambient tracks stand on their own musically, which raises a basic speculation as to their integration within the album´s musical fabric and its continuity. Personally I feel that their absence would not have changed the album´s overall effect dramatically.
The Jazz part of the album is however absolutely brilliant, as one might expect. Orzechowski´s dramatic music, rich in texture and full of imagination, is delightful from start to finish. The five seemingly separate themes constitute a coherent whole, which is perfectly executed by the quartet. Orzechowski´s piano playing is radiant as always, and he proves to be on top of the heap, in spite of the fact that his recording output is sadly way too infrequent for my liking. Sliwa manages to keep his unique personal style, which sets him apart from most contemporary young Polish Jazz saxophonists, and who sadly also does not record frequently enough. Big Bear Wykpisz is amazing as always, a monster bass player in every bone and muscle of his body – he does play constantly and is omnipresent on the local scene, being probably the most sought after bassist around these days. Palka integrated with the three founding members without a hitch, which is completely natural in view of his achievements lately. Together they are able to carry a tune as well as open up and improvise, supporting each other amicably and offer a superb listening experience.
The album was released by a new record label on the Polish market called AnaklasisFind albums on this label Records. I must admit that I was quite taken aback by the primitive / simplistic cover design; perhaps this is some kind of new sophisticated graphic aesthetics, but it looks plain ugly to me. This music surely deserves a better packaging. The album includes an extensive booklet, which offers a bilingual version of an essay by Polish music journalist Jaroslaw SzubrychtFind albums by this artist.
Overall this is a brilliant piece of music, ambitious and searching, which stands up to the highest echelon of contemporary European Jazz and which is consistent with the earlier work by High Definition. Hopefully the listeners won´t be discouraged by the cover and reach out to embrace this exquisite music, as it truly deserves it. Well done Gentlemen!
| Updated: 12/12/2019Posted: 12/12/2019 | CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend |
  | KLIMA / WYLEZOL / KOWALEWSKI ~ LUTOSLAWSKI RETUNED HEVHETIA 0114 (Barcode: 8588005257664) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-Classical Fusion Recorded: 2014 Released: 2015
This is the debut album by a Polish Jazz trio comprising of clarinetist Szymon KlimaFind albums by this artist, pianist Piotr WylezolFind albums by this artist and bassist Adam KowalewskiFind albums by this artist. Veteran Polish Jazz musician Piotr Baron guests on one track playing bass clarinet. The album´s music was all composed by the contemporary Classical Polish composer Witold LutoslawskiFind albums by this artist, and includes his five dance preludes (composed in 1954 as a five-parts suite) and a sixth unrelated composition, which was initially published under a pseudonym.
What prompted to rearrange (or retune) these composition for a Jazz environment was probably the Lutoslawski Year celebrations in 2013 (his 100 Birthday), which were a big cultural event in Poland and brought the composer to the attention of a much wider audience, including many young Jazz musicians. As a result a long list of Polish Jazz albums, like this one, paid tribute to the great composer; for example "Inspired By LutoslawskiFind albums with this title" by Grazyna AuguscikFind albums by this artist, "BukolikiFind albums with this title" by High Definition QuartetFind albums by this artist, "AtomsphereFind albums with this title" by Atom String QuartetFind albums by this artist and many others.
The dance preludes suite, which was originally composed for clarinet and piano, was later twice (1955 and 1959) re-orchestrated for larger ensembles, but Klima based his Jazzy approach on the original intimate version, which remains intimate under the new arrangement. As almost always with Lutoslawski, his music is deeply rooted in the Polish Folklore, and these "dances" all bear resemblance of the characteristic folklore melodies and harmonies, at least to people who are acquainted with that music.
Klima, both as arranger and player, oscillates between the Classical and the Jazz idioms, as his clarinet tone and phrasing are almost completely Classical whereas his improvised parts are of course Jazz related. Of course Wylezol and Kowalewski are bona fide Jazz musicians, and their contributions have a decisive weight to turn this music into a wonderful Jazz-Classical Fusion.
The intimacy of this music, the virtuosi performances, the elegant and respectful treatment of the original inspirations all add up to a superbly balanced and delightful musical adventure, which should prove pleasing and satisfying to all connoisseurs of good music. Hopefully some of the listeners will try to find out how the music sounds in its original Classical incarnations, and perhaps venture into more fabulous music created by Lutoslawski, other might wish to explore other recordings by Wylezol and Kowalewski, also released by the excellent HevhetiaFind albums on this label label. If so everybody wins, both of the Classical and the Jazz enthusiasts.
This album is a great example of a cross-genre exploration, which treats the origins with respect and love, creating a new, perfectly valid amalgamation, which manages to preserve the aesthetics of its origins. Wholeheartedly recommended!
| | CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend |