Record Reviews
14 Reviews Found. Use search to find more reviews or follow the links in the review text.
  | D.R.A.G. ~ OBEREK AUDIO CAVE 2017/003 (Barcode: 5905669566230) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-World Fusion Recorded: 2016 Released: 2017
This is the debut album by Polish Jazz quartet D.R.A.G.Find albums by this artist led by violinist Dominika RusinowskaFind albums by this artist, which also includes pianist Mateusz GawedaFind albums by this artist, bassist Jakub MielcarekFind albums by this artist and drummer Jozef RusinowskiFind albums by this artist. As the title suggests, the album presents six Polish Folklore melodies, arranged for the Jazz quartet by Rusinowska, Gaweda and the entire quartet (two pieces each). Although not stated on the album´s liner notes, the music was recorded live (at least partly).
The renaissance of the Polish Jazz Violin School in the last decade is a true joy and seeing finally a female violinist joining the pack is encouraging. Especially so in view of this ambitious and interesting effort which crosses genres between Improvised Music and Jazz-World Fusion, which is extremely demanding.
The arrangements take the folkloristic themes only as basic musical ideas, which are then expanded by the lengthy improvisations, featuring the violin and piano. The rhythm section supports the soloists by creating a steady pulse, which drives the music forward and allows the soloists to move pretty far away, both harmonically and rhythmically. Most of the solo parts are quite Free oriented, at times even extremely Free, which sometimes slightly exceeds the abilities of the soloists, especially in the case of the leader. Nevertheless the music flows energetically and presents many superb moments of highly interesting intensity. By the nature of things Gaweda steals a lot of the attention with his stellar piano parts, but this of course should have been expected.
Overall the album tries to say a bit too much that is really necessary in this case. A more modest and calculated approach might have produced a more refined result, but considering the age and experience of these talented musician, a youthful enthusiasm is understandable. Definitely an impressive debut for the leader, who emerges as one more Polish Jazz musician worth following!
| Updated: 24/02/2017Posted: 24/02/2017 | CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend |
  | PIOTR DAMASIEWICZ PROJECT ~ IMPROGRAPHIC 1 FOR TUNE 0006 ~ POLAND ~ Jazz Recorded: 2012 Released: 2013
This double CD album captures live performances by the quartet called Piotr Damasiewicz ProjectFind albums by this artist, led by Polish Jazz trumpeter Piotr DamasiewiczFind albums by this artist, with saxophonist Gerard LebikFind albums by this artist, bassist Jakub MielcarekFind albums by this artist (both members of the Polish ensemble EraseFind albums by this artist) and Portuguese drummer Gabriel FerrandiniFind albums by this artist. The music was recorded over a short period of just six days during the quartet´s performances in three clubs, each in a different Polish city. All the music is spontaneously improvised and is credited to all the quartet members.
Stylistically the music belongs to the gray area between spontaneous Improvised Music, Free Jazz and contemporary Avant-Garde. The concept of using graphic notations instead of notes, as the basic directions upon which the improvisations are based, is of course quite old and was pioneered decades ago by such Jazz icons as Anthony Braxton as well as several contemporary Classical composers.
Although Damasiewicz and his colleagues are obviously very talented musicians, this music leaves me stone cold. Having been listening to this kind of music for the last fifty years, I don´t find any substance here, which justifies listening to this music for over two hours; there is no real innovation, no fire that I can feel, no concept except for total freedom. Even the collective improvisation is quite limited, as the two soloists rarely play together and the rhythm section contributes very little to the overall result. Of course there are some great moments, but overall this is not going anywhere as far as I can hear. There are some differences between the music on the first and on the second CD of this set, with the latter being definitely more engaging to the listener, but still it was mostly a déjà vu of music heard many times before. Although the liner notes hint towards such legendary sources of influence as the British Spontaneous Music EnsembleFind albums by this artist, or Peter BrötzmannFind albums by this artist´s Machine GunFind albums by this artist and other European improvising ensembles, honestly I fail to see the parallels here.
Of course this kind of music deserves to be documented and kudos to the For TuneFind albums on this label label for including it in its catalogue. Hardcore Avant-Garde fans will definitely find this interesting, as this kind of music is certainly quite rare these days.
| Updated: 12/04/2019Posted: | CD 2 Recommend To A Friend |
  | DAREK DOBROSZCZYK ~ SIMPLE DELIGHTS NOT ON LABEL 807 (Barcode: 5902596839529) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz Recorded: 2013 Released: 2014
This is the debut album by Polish Jazz trio led by pianist / composer Darek DobroszczykFind albums by this artist, which also includes bassist Jakub MielcarekFind albums by this artist (who also plays in a free form atmosphere with trumpeter Piotr DamasiewiczFind albums by this artist and the EraseFind albums by this artist quartet) and drummer Grzegorz MaslowskiFind albums by this artist (who is also a member of the Bartosz PernalFind albums by this artist / Michal SzkilFind albums by this artist quintet). Guitarist Przemyslaw HanajFind albums by this artist guests on one track. The album includes eight tracks, four of which are original compositions by Dobroszczyk, one is by Krzysztof KomedaFind albums by this artist, one by StingFind albums by this artist and two are standards.
The album is kept well within the modern piano trio idiom, as established by such luminaries as the Keith Jarrett trio or Esbjorn Svensson trio, which are listed among the trio´s influences. The music is mostly very melodic and shows melancholic influence popular with Scandinavian modern Jazz composers. But considering the crystal-clear sound and the obvious talents displayed by these young players, one can hope that this is not an attempt to imitate but just a starting point of their venture together.
The original compositions are all interesting and well suited for the piano trio format, although it is yet early to determine if they will be unique enough to become the composer´s trademark. The overall aesthetics and atmosphere of the album certainly points out a path, which the trio intends to follow. Considering that this is their debut recording, they certainly show a lot of hope and potential.
Although perhaps not very innovative or groundbreaking, this is nevertheless a very well played and beautifully recorded pleasing listening experience, which Jazz enthusiast should enjoy without reservation. It is also a remarkable debut effort and therefore worthy of well deserved praise.
| | CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend |
  | ERASE ~ NEW AND OLD DREAMS FOR TUNE 0014 ~ POLAND ~ Jazz Recorded: 2012 Released: 2013
This is the debut album by Polish Jazz quartet EraseFind albums by this artist, which consists of saxophonist Gerard LebikFind albums by this artist, bassists Max MuchaFind albums by this artist and Jakub MielcarekFind albums by this artist and drummer Michal TrelaFind albums by this artist. The album presents a live recording at Warsaw´s Pardon To Tu club, which in the last few years managed to establish an honorary position as the home of the Avant-Garde scene in the country´s Capital. The quartet performs five completely improvised pieces attributed to all the four musicians.
The quartet presents music, which is naturally associated with the mid 1960s, when Free Jazz was at its artistic peak and musicians like Albert AylerFind albums by this artist, John ColtraneFind albums by this artist, Eric DolphyFind albums by this artist and others bravely broke the ties with Jazz conventions and stepped into uncharted territory to expand the Art Form beyond the known boundaries. However, keeping in mind that all this happened fifty years ago, playing Free Jazz today lost much of its originality, especially in view of the fact that its true pioneers are all dead by now.
On the other hand, bands like Erase are needed today to shake up the somewhat stagnant Jazz scene, which often gravitates towards the dreaded retrograde mainstream. Therefore this total and uncompromising music is a welcome wake up call in that respect. Of course Erase has a lot to say on its own account, with the drenched saxophone wall-of-sound effect and the double bass lines and intensive drumming. It is a brutal encounter, which can leave no listener indifferent.
Free Jazz is mostly an essence of a live performance and Free Jazz recordings suffer from the same problem that food suffers from, i.e. eating it is quite different than seeing pictures of it. Hearing this concert was probably a momentous experience for those lucky to be there at the time. The recording is only a secondary experience. That does not mean of course that the music is not worth being recorded, on the contrary For Tune made exactly the right decision to include it in their catalogue, simply for what it is: unadulterated explosion of musical energy, which pays tribute to the glorious past. And since nobody else is doing anything remotely similar, even more so!
I don´t know if the album´s title is a tribute to the fabulous Old And New DreamsFind albums by this artist ensemble, which by itself was a tribute to Ornette ColemanFind albums by this artist; regardless if this is intentional or not, it is certainly most appropriate.
| Updated: 12/04/2019Posted: | CD 1 Recommend To A Friend |
  | MACIEJ FORTUNA ~ JAZZ FM 021 (Barcode: 5903240365180) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz Recorded: 2015 - 2016 Released: 2016
This album by Polish Jazz trumpeter / composer Maciej FortunaFind albums by this artist finds him returning to the trio setting, which was his favorite format during the early days of his career a few years earlier. The trio includes bassist Jakub MielcarekFind albums by this artist and drummer Frank ParkerFind albums by this artist, both musicians that Fortuna played with earlier on. The album presents eight original compositions, all by Fortuna. These compositions are all rather concise and as a result the entire album lasts only slightly above half an hour, which really means in today´s standards that it is an EP rather than a full album.
The music is up to the usual Fortuna´s high class, presenting modern acoustic Jazz with little touches of electronics. The melodies are very melancholic and even somber, displaying the typical Polish Jazz tendency towards sustained tension and long lingering notes. Fortuna performs these tunes masterfully and is supported amicably by the rhythm section, which adds additional layers in parallel to the trumpet notes floating loftily above.
Fortuna is a master of the trade, capable of creating atmospheric pieces full of beauty and suspense. His somewhat distorted tone makes things interesting and shows him experimenting while searching for new ways to express his Art. His prolific recording activity presents a vide scope of stylistic diversity, which is quite unique.
The Polish Jazz trumpet triumvirate, which includes Fortuna, Tomasz DabrowskiFind albums by this artist and Wojciech JachnaFind albums by this artist, is an unprecedented phenomenon in the Jazz world. Such amount of talent and ingenuity, held by just three relatively young Master players is a clear testimony as to the vitality and unprecedented strength of the Polish Jazz scene in the last decade, especially in view of the fact that similar triumvirates could be named for other instruments.
Getting an album by Fortuna is a completely risk-free deal as far as Jazz connoisseurs are concerned, and this one is no different. Although short and concise, this is a powerful statement, which should be listened to by all Polish Jazz and trumpet fans anywhere in the world.
| Updated: 24/05/2016Posted: 24/05/2016 | CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend |
  | MACIEJ FORTUNA ~ JAZZ FROM POLAND VOL. 1 FM 012 (Barcode: 5903240365050) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz Recorded: 2013 Released: 2015
This is a beautiful album by leading Polish Jazz trumpeter Maciej FortunaFind albums by this artist, recorded with his acoustic quartet, which also includes pianist Krzysztof DysFind albums by this artist, bassist Jakub MielcarekFind albums by this artist and drummer Przemyslaw JaroszFind albums by this artist. Since the album is intended as a tribute to the great Polish Jazz composers, it presents seven compositions by prominent Polish Jazz figures, such as Krzysztof KomedaFind albums by this artist (two compositions), Zbigniew SeifertFind albums by this artist (three compositions), Janusz MuniakFind albums by this artist (one composition) and Maciej SikalaFind albums by this artist (also one composition); these four representing three generations of post-WWII modern Polish Jazz musicians / composers.
In the liner notes of this album Fortuna mentions the dilemma, which many Polish Jazz musicians struggle with, whether to play Jazz according to the well defined formula originally defined by the American Jazz precursors or play original music with different influences and tendencies, like those characteristic of Polish Jazz for example. This album is his answer, clearly pointing towards the originality and individual search rather than repeated replication of past formulae. Although Fortuna and his cohorts treat the compositions with a great amount of freedom and individuality, the spirit of this wonderful music, its intrinsic Polish melancholy and lyricism, are well preserved and brought from the past to contemporary musical environment.
As usual on all albums by Fortuna, his trumpet performances are the focal point of the music. His virtuosic and almost superhuman abilities keep surprising his listeners with each new release and one wonders how far can he still travel from here. The three musicians playing with Fortuna on this album are also incredible by any standard. The young Dys emerges in the last couple of years as one of the leading contenders for the narrow pedestal of top Polish Jazz pianists and the rhythm section does a phenomenal job to keep up with these two "crazy" Geniuses, keeping the music swinging and pulsating, even in its most free form manifestations.
Almost on every album by Fortuna that I reviewed over the years I couldn´t stop myself from drawing some parallels between Fortuna and Tomasz StankoFind albums by this artist. On this album these parallels are stronger and more obvious that ever before, especially in view of the fact that Stanko played in Komeda´s ensembles and is subconsciously always associated with his music. Hearing Fortuna playing Komeda immediately brings Stanko to mind, and with deep satisfaction I can say that Fortuna bears the torch without any inferiority complexes.
This is a second edition of this album, which was initially released as a limited private edition and is now released on the open market, which of course means that it should be immediately grabbed by every Polish Jazz fan, as albums of this quality do not pop in the open very often.
| | CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend |
  | GAWEDA / MIELCAREK / STWORZEWICZ ~ SILBERMAN AND THREE OF A PERFECT PAIR AUDIO CAVE 2016/006 (Barcode: 5905669566131) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz & Poetry Recorded: 2015 Released: 2016
This is the third album recorded under the "Silberman" moniker recorded by a Polish trio comprising of keyboardist Mateusz GawedaFind albums by this artist, bassist Jakub MielcarekFind albums by this artist and drummer Lukasz StworzewiczFind albums by this artist (a.k.a. SilbermanFind albums by this artist), which presents six pieces, five of which are originals: one by Gaweda, two by Stworzewicz and two co-composed by all three members of the trio. The remaining tune was composed by the Italian operatic composer Umberto GiordanoFind albums by this artist. The music incorporates poetry by Polish poetess Krystyna MilobedzkaFind albums by this artist and text by British philosopher Alan Wilson WattsFind albums by this artist, narrated by Jan PeszekFind albums by this artist.
The music is a mixture of many different elements, from Classical to Avant Garde, performed by a piano trio, but having very little to do with a classic Jazz piano trio per se. There is a certain Punkish (see post-Yass) attitude, especially in the role of the drums, which obviously is more Rock than Jazz oriented. The three instruments seem to have divided the genre-related responsibilities, with piano playing the Classical parts, the bass the Avant Garde parts and the drums the Rock parts. Overall this music sounds often like Emerson, Lake & PalmerFind albums by this artist on acid. Add the narrated poems and you get a Psychedelic party like we used to have in the good old sixties.
But seriously this is brilliant stuff from stat to finish, perhaps somewhat hesitant and searching, but certainly defining new rules as far as cross-genre excursions are concerned. The musicianship is, as expected, simply stunning with the still very young Gaweda does things with the piano that might not be allowed in some parts of the world. Mielcarek swings his bow like the legendary Helmut NadolskiFind albums by this artist, but also keeps a steady pulse when needed. Stworzewicz beats the hell out of the drums like Animal of the Muppets, but always within the proper boundaries, and always swinging.
We need more albums like this one, which throw out everything we know about music into the garbage basket and take it from there, doing exactly what the people behind the music are after: fun, adventure, exploration, innovation and above all artistry. This is what being an artist is after all…
This is definitely one of the most unique and curious Polish albums I heard in the last few years, and I have heard many of them, as my readers know. I can only recommend it wholeheartedly, hoping that it will find its way to as many open minded listeners as possible. Well done!
| Updated: 17/06/2021Posted: 14/06/2016 | CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend |
  | JACEK MIELCAREK ~ ZYCIODAJNA WODA NOT ON LABEL ~ POLAND ~ Free Jazz / Improvised Music Recorded: 2022 Released: 2022
This is an album by Polish Jazz clarinetist / saxophonist / composer Jacek MielcarekFind albums by this artist, recorded in a quartet setting with guitarist Marek KadzielaFind albums by this artist, bassist Jakub MielcarekFind albums by this artist and drummer Lukasz StworzewiczFind albums by this artist. The album presents five lengthy improvised pieces, inspired by the New Testament Gospel of John, fragments of which are recited by Waldemar KotasFind albums by this artist. The music is co-credited to all four musicians.
Spiritual / religious beliefs have been inspiring music as far back as the human race exists, so the fact that such inspirations occur still today is nothing out of the ordinary. Jazz music offers plenty of such inspirations as well, those reaching the absolute peak with the late period John ColtraneFind albums by this artist’s divine and deeply spiritual musical Artistry.
The music on this album is Freely Improvised by four excellent Polish Jazz musicians, all with impressive recording legacy. Together they are able to communicate and produce an interesting flow of Improvised Music, engaging mutual exchanges and sound variations between more ambient and electronics soaked vistas to acoustic planes dominated by the bass clarinet.
The spoken word is a double edged sword here: on one hand the texts taken from the Biblical source are obviously highly dramatic and meaningful, and excellently performed by the lector, becoming part of the entire message, but on the other hand they are in Polish, which obviously limits the audience to Polish-speaking listeners and since they are quite extensive, lasting for long minutes, they stay in the way of the listener, who tries to concentrate on the music played in the background. This is obviously an Artistic decision by the creator of this project, which is perfectly valid as it is.
Overall, this is highly interesting and ambitious musical project, with a profound spiritual message, to those who are ready to listen, but even without its religious implications it offers some excellent Improvising Music by superb instrumentalists, which is obviously heartfelt, original and aesthetically sound. A call for reflection of any kind is always a welcome initiative in this chaotic, Godless world we were destined to live in. Be with God, my Friends!
| Updated: 15/02/2023Posted: 15/02/2023 | CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend |
  | JACEK MIELCAREK KWARTET BASMYT ~ CORAZ AUDIO CAVE 2023/015 (Barcode: 5908298549766) ~ POLAND ~ Free Jazz / Improvised Music Recorded: 2023 Released: 2023
This is an album by Polish Jazz saxophonist / clarinetists / composer Jacek MielcarekFind albums by this artist, recorded in a quartet setting with guitarist Marek KadzielaFind albums by this artist, bassist Jakub MielcarekFind albums by this artist (Jacek’s son) and drummer Lukasz StworzewiczFind albums by this artist. Vocalist Emilia HamerlikFind albums by this artist guests on one track. The album presents eight tracks, two composed by Jacek Mielcarek, one each by Jakub Mielcarek, Marzena MielcarekFind albums by this artist (Jacek’s wife) and Kadziela, two co-composed by the quartet and one is a standard.
The music floats between Freely Improvised and more conventional Jazz vistas, beautifully played by Jacek Mielcarek and his cohorts, displaying strong spiritual trends, mysticism and contemplative moods, similar to his earlier recordings. Despite the high degree of freedom, the music remains completely cohesive and coherent, which of course is remarkable in itself.
The fact that the compositions are contributed by several musicians adds to the diversity and scope of the music. Kadziela’s dense guitar passages and his utilization of electronically generated sounds also expand the range of the sonority and the rhythm section is hardly keeping time in the traditional sense, adding active tempo / rhythmic improvisation on top or perhaps just under everything else.
The arrangement of the classic standard is one of the highlights of the album, demonstrating a perfect merger of tradition and innovation, all with sympathy and respect to the past put looking forward for new forms of expression.
Overall, this is a wonderful example of Improvised Music, which makes sense, is reasonably easy to listen to, offers a balanced portion of high energy and tranquility, in short being a highly absorbing and fascinating listening experience, which continues previous achievements by Jacek Mielcarek and his favorite team of musical Argonauts. As usual I had a wonderful time listening to this music as should all open-minded listeners the world over.
| Updated: 07/03/2024Posted: 07/03/2024 | CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend |
  | JACEK MIELCAREK / JAKUB MIELCAREK ~ I CO DALEJ? NOT ON LABEL ~ POLAND ~ Jazz Recorded: 2014 Released: 2015
This is a debut album by Polish Jazz saxophonist / clarinetist Jacek MielcarekFind albums by this artist and his son bassist / pianist Jakub MielcarekFind albums by this artist, which presents ten original compositions / improvisations, all co-composed by the duo. The music was initially intended as a soundtrack for children´s stories, but the recorded music turned out to be solid enough to tell a story of its own.
According to the PR material the music was recorded completely spontaneously and was all composed at a spur of the moment, unplanned and unrehearsed. It is difficult to believe that nothing was planned in advance, as this music is way to organized to be completely composed on the fly, but of course I might be mistaken.
In any case the album presents, as said above, ten duets of improvised music, performed beautifully by both musicians, who are completely in synch both emotionally and musically. They both display a high level of technique, with Jacek especially impressive on clarinet, and Jakub, as already evident from his other recordings over time, is a superb virtuoso bassist. The music, in spite of its free spirited nature, manages to remain very melodic, even if the melody is mostly subconscious.
It is quite an experience to listen to these duets for the first time, and the only reservation one might put forward is if this music is interesting enough to make listeners to return to it periodically. The problem with atmospheric music like this one is of course that it moves the listeners emotionally while it is playing, but leaves them rather baffled when it´s over. But of course this might be just my impression.
There is still enough great musicianship on this album to grant it the opportunity to be heard by as many people as possible. It is gentle and "nice" enough to bring new listeners to improvised music, which is already a winner.
| | CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend |
  | JERZY MILIAN ~ MUSIC FOR MR. FORTUNA SJP 002 ~ POLAND ~ Jazz Recorded: 2016 Released: 2016
This is a very unusual album in every respect and a wonderful illustration of the diversity, ingenuity and continued tradition of the Polish Jazz scene. It features nine original compositions by veteran Polish Jazz composer / vibraphonist Jerzy MilianFind albums by this artist, one of the legendary Godfathers of the local scene, including a two part composition which gave this album its title, which the composer created especially for the great upcoming Polish Jazz trumpeter Maciej FortunaFind albums by this artist. Both Milian and Fortuna hail from the city of Poznan. The album also features an unconventional packaging in a form of a triangle, which easily wins the title of most awkwardly packaged album in recent times. The music is performed by a quartet, which includes Fortuna on trumpet, pianist Krzysztof DysFind albums by this artist, bassist Jakub MielcarekFind albums by this artist and drummer Przemyslaw JaroszFind albums by this artist, which is occasionally also supported by a string quartet.
The music is all within the mainstream Jazz idiom, full of typical Milian´s melancholy and lyricism, which have always characterized his compositions. The execution is also rather constrained, fully delivering the beautiful melodic themes and elegantly incorporating the gentle quartet string arrangements. It is the most "conventional" album by Fortuna as of late, which emphasizes his deep respect for the Jazz tradition at its best.
The personal performances are, as expected, top notch. The music does not push Fortuna to exhibit the full power of his virtuosic abilities, but it definitely shows his elegance and finesse as a mainstream player. Dys is as masterly as always, here playing mostly the electric piano with great taste and his typical sense of humor. Mielcarek supports the soloists amicably and his strong pulse is the platform upon which the music moves forward. Jarosz keeps respectfully in the background, delicately adding his rhythmic support.
The title track (in two parts) is the most complex and advanced piece of music on this album and shows the full power of the quartet and the individual abilities at their best. But overall this is a very nice musical adventure which should be enjoyed by all Polish Jazz fans and the many followers of Fortuna.
The music is available as a free downloadable mobile app and of course is definitely recommended!
| Updated: 14/03/2017Posted: 14/03/2017 | CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend |
  | JERZY MILIAN ~ OSTATNIA KOMPOZYCJA SJP 007 ~ POLAND ~ Jazz Recorded: 2019 Released: 2019
This is the third installment of the project dedicated to the music by and the memory of the iconic Polish Jazz vibraphonist / composer / arranger / bandleader Jerzy MilianFind albums by this artist, carried out by trumpeter / composer Maciej FortunaFind albums by this artist. Milian, who died in 2018, cooperated during the last years of his life with young musician from his hometown of Poznan, and even wrote new compositions for them, the first of which was released as part of the first installment of this project called "Music For Mr. FortunaFind albums with this title". Two further compositions: "Dylematy Dla Pieciu" and "Konsylium Z Zyrafa", both of which are multi-part suites, are released here for the first time. The music is performed by top Polish Jazz musicians: trumpeter Maciej Fortuna, saxophonist Maciej KocinskiFind albums by this artist, trombonist Piotr BanysFind albums by this artist, pianist Kuba StankiewiczFind albums by this artist, bassist Jakub MielcarekFind albums by this artist and drummer Stanislaw AleksandrowiczFind albums by this artist. On two additional tracks Milian plays vibraphone accompanied by symphony orchestra conducted by Grzegorz StasiukFind albums by this artist, who also created the orchestral arrangements. "Konsylium Z Zyrafa" was the last composition by Milian completed before his death, hence the album´s title.
The music is everything one might expect from Milian, as far as the compositions are concerned, and from the musicians as far as execution is concerned. Milian was always a master of atmosphere; ad his compositions here confirm his reputation. Fortuna and his cohorts play brilliantly, as expected.
Overall this is another piece in the hyper-sized puzzle of Milian´s legacy, which proves his importance as one of the leading European Jazz composers and trendsetters. The album is an absolute must to Milian´s avid fans and completists of his recorded legacy. Although only slightly above half an hour in playing time, it fully justifies to be a part of any serious Polish Jazz collection.
| Updated: 18/01/2020Posted: 18/01/2020 | CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend |
  | SILBERMAN NEW QUINTET ~ PIESN GESI KANADYJSKICH AUDIO CAVE 2017/006 (Barcode: 5905669566278) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz Recorded: 2016 Released: 2017
This is the fourth album recorded under the "Silberman" moniker, following the third album recorded by a trio, which comprised of pianist Mateusz GawedaFind albums by this artist, bassist Jakub MielcarekFind albums by this artist and drummer Lukasz StworzewiczFind albums by this artist (a.k.a. SilbermanFind albums by this artist). On this album the lineup is expanded to a quintet with the addition of saxophonist Maciej ObaraFind albums by this artist and bass guitarist Artur KudlacikFind albums by this artist. Together they perform five original compositions, two by Gaweda, two by Stworzewicz and one co-credited to the quintet, and their interpretation of a Nino RotaFind albums by this artist piece.
The music on this album is much more Jazz oriented, mostly pretty standard modern Jazz, with some Free Jazz elements and unusual rhythmic parts performed by the electric bass and the drums. It is less unique and surprising than the debut album, but probably more acceptable to the Jazz connoisseurs, who found the debut album to be somewhat bizarre. Personally I think that the debut was much more interesting and forward-thinking.
The album is also very strangely recorded, with a muddy sound, which creates some serious aural problems which make hearing properly everything that is played by the musicians very difficult. I have no idea if this was done on purpose as part of the album´s overall concept, but it was definitely a mistake. Although Obara and Gaweda play some very impressive solo parts on this album, those are somehow less impressive than their usual output.
Overall this album manages to achieve much less than the impressive lineup would promise and especially in view of the superb debut recording by the core trio of this quintet. It is of course still partly very good music, but the album lacks focus and coherence, and sadly does not excite at all. Of course this is just my personal opinion.
| Updated: 10/04/2019Posted: 27/05/2017 | CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend |
  | SILBERMAN QUARTET ~ ASANISIMASA AUDIO CAVE 2019/003 (Barcode: 5905669566728) ~ POLAND ~ Avant-Garde Jazz Recorded: 2018 Released: 2019
This is the fifth album released under the "Silberman" moniker, this time recorded by a quartet of Polish Jazz musicians: keyboardists Dorota ZaziabloFind albums by this artist (who played on the debut album) and Mateusz GawedaFind albums by this artist (who played on the third and fourth albums), bassist Jakub MielcarekFind albums by this artist (who also played on the previous two albums) and drummer Lukasz StworzewiczFind albums by this artist (a.k.a. SilbermanFind albums by this artist). Together they perform seven compositions, four by Stworzewicz, one credited to all four members of the quartet, one of unknown origin and finally one based on a Classical piece by the Tatar-Russian composer Sofia GubaidulinaFind albums by this artist, which makes me happy that she is finally being discovered by young musicians.
The music is a wild amalgam of stylistic influences, constantly moving between Avant-Garde Jazz, Improvised Music and mainstream Jazz. The double-keyboards lineup opens wide possibilities between the acoustic piano and the synthesizer sounds, which are fascinating and constantly changing. There are some very nice melodic themes scattered between the more open / improvised pieces, which helps to maintain a nice balance and coherent diversity.
Both keyboards players manage to produce a kaleidoscope of sound vistas, which is quite innovative and more importantly they support and complement each other successfully. Mielcarek does a splendid job, both as a rhythmic, Jazz oriented player and as an improviser, including some surprising bow work. Stworzewicz is of course one of the most original drummers on the Polish scene and his work on this album emphasizes his maturity and stylistic freshness.
The album not only offers some superb music and excellent execution, but also a musical and sound concept as a whole. The dark, often minimalist atmosphere and the atypical lineup, combined with the weird / atypical sound of the drums, offer to the listener a whole new experience, which happens relatively rarely. Although not specifically stated as such (except perhaps by the album´s artwork), this music definitely offers a musical parallel to the film noir, or perhaps an imaginary soundtrack to an imaginary movie created in that genre. The ambience of uncertainty, apprehension and ambivalence is certainly present within the music, although obviously echoes differently with each listener.
In retrospect this is certainly the most coherent and mature album recorded under the "Silberman" moniker so far, and a truly unique piece of music, which stands out even on the extremely competitive Polish Jazz scene. It should be listened to not only by Jazz listeners, but by all open-minded music connoisseurs, who are always searching for new thrills. Hats off to the Silberman phenomenon ;)
| Updated: 12/04/2019Posted: 12/04/2019 | CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend |