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PROVOGUE 7160 (Barcode: 8712725716020) ~ USA ~ Blues-Rock

Recorded: 2005 Released: 2005

Although completely anonymous, Stoney CurtisFind albums by this artist and his power trio (Colby SmithFind albums by this artist – bass and Charles Glover IIFind albums by this artist – drums) play a nock-out Blues-Rock set on this (apparently) debut album. All the music is original, but based on the 1970’s classics of the genre with Jimmy HendrixFind albums by this artist and Johnny WinterFind albums by this artist as immediate associations. The guitar work is absolutely stunning, twisting and screaming the blues in ways previously attempted only by the very best guitar players. The retro psychedelic sound fits this music perfectly and if I didn’t know better I would swear this was a lost treasure from the past. I realize it is almost impossible to convince people to try unknown artists, but this one truly deserves to be discovered and ignoring it would be a (musical) crime. I hope you will dare (and later send me a thank you note, as usual).
 CD 1 Recommend To A Friend


Recorded: 2014 Released: 2015

This is the third and last part in a triptych of duo recordings by Polish drummer / composer Rafal GorzyckiFind albums by this artist (see his duo albums with Sebastian GruchotFind albums by this artist and Kamil PaterFind albums by this artist), this time with British guitarist / composer Jonathan DobieFind albums by this artist. The album presents seven original pieces co-composed by Gorzycki and Dobie.

In the last decade or so Gorzycki firmly established his position on the Polish scene as one of the most individual voices, amalgamating Jazz with contemporary Classical music, electronic and ambient influences and above all standing firmly as a symbol of uncompromising music creation. His work as a leader and member of such forward thinking ensembles as Sing Sing PenelopeFind albums by this artist or Ecstasy ProjectFind albums by this artist and his individual projects in duo, trio and quartet settings are all exceptional examples of individuality and excellence.

In many respects this duo album is a culmination of Gorzycki´s modus operandi, which presents a minimalistic and fragmented approach to melody and harmony, which often hints at some musical statements rather then expressing them in full, leaving it to the listener to connect the dots. Dobie is obviously an ideal partner and cohort in such circumstances, playing short fragments of rapid guitar fire, which reminds early improvising electric guitarists such as John McLaughlinFind albums by this artist or Jimmy HendrixFind albums by this artist and utilizing ancient fuzz and other sound devices. This retro sound combined with the modern approach creates an absolute stunning effect.

Of course, as in every other duo album, the interplay between the two partners is the essential ingredient of the entire project. Gorzycki´s seemingly endless palette of drums and percussion instruments and Dobie´s guitar pyrotechnics are perfectly suited for each other and their dialogs reach telepathic levels.

I am very glad that Gorzycki manages finally to achieve at least some recognition by the Polish musical "establishment", after years of being ignored and neglected beyond the small circle of his musical partners. Hopefully this recognition will enable him to create even more of his groundbreaking projects, to the delight of old and new fans. Visiting his personal web site will allow a glimpse at his huge achievements so far. This album is a must have for the many fans of the alternative Polish Jazz / contemporary music scene and is of course is highly recommended.
Updated: 19/01/2018Posted: CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend

SELLES 0115 (Barcode: 5908260401153) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-Rock Fusion

Recorded: 1998 - 1999 Released: 1999

This is the debut recording by the Polish Jazz-Rock Fusion quartet Kapela YaninaFind albums by this artist led by the veteran guitarist / composer Janusz Yanina IwanskiFind albums by this artist with saxophonist Lukasz KluczniakFind albums by this artist, bassist Marcin LamchFind albums by this artist and drummer Przemyslaw PacanFind albums by this artist. They perform 8 compositions, five of which are originals by Iwanski, two are group compositions by Kluczniak / Pacan / Lamch (known together as the Kapela TrioFind albums by this artist) and the remaining one is by John ColtraneFind albums by this artist.

By the turn of the Century (and the Millennium as well) Polish Jazz was entering a new and exciting period. The first decade (the 1990s) of the country´s political freedom influenced Jazz potently and led to the development of the Yass phenomenon, which was primarily an expression of rebellion against tradition and destruction of limitations and formulas, which ruled previously for decades. Although aesthetically Yass was rather rough and often limited musically, its main contribution was the openness, especially among the younger Polish Jazz players, which allowed for cross genre / cross Culture exploration and experimentation.

Kapela Yanina exemplifies splendidly this new direction. Iwanski, a Blues, Rock and Jazz influenced player, manages to create a perfect new amalgam by inviting a saxophonist, who plays almost completely Free, a bassist, who is the personification of Funk and a drummer, who is steady as a Rock (pun intended). Together they are simply unstoppable and the music they create sweeps everything aside like a bulldozer. Just imagine John Coltrane and Jimmy HendrixFind albums by this artist blowing their chops together.

Iwanski has a completely unique approach to his instrument. He plays only occasional solos, where he uses notes, but most of the time he plays chords, which are sustained, distorted and twisted and create complex, almost keyboards-like ambient background, which features the saxophonist as the main soloist. It is exceptional for a leader to give up his ego and allow someone else to play the first fiddle. Kluczniak is simply superb and plays with such confidence and fluidity, that one would never guess his age at the time this music was recorded. The fact that he remains relatively unknown to this very day is a travesty. The rhythm section is simply perfect, playing just what is right, from soft and delicate touches to a hurricane like storm at the climatic moments.

Kapela Yanina was one of the most interesting groups, which were active on the Polish Jazz scene at the time. They managed to record one more album, called "The Searchers For Something…Find albums with this title" a couple years later and then after an almost ten years long break they reunited and recorded the excellent "Yanina Free WaveFind albums with this title" album. The fact that all these three albums received little attention is simply beyond comprehension, as they all belong to the canon of Polish Jazz recordings.

This is an important piece of the puzzle, which is Polish Jazz, and anybody interested in it should definitely have this album in their collection. Apparently this album is still available and therefore I urge everybody to grab a copy ASAP, as this is definitely too good to be missed. Act now or be repentant later!
 CD 1 Recommend To A Friend

NOT ON LABEL ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-Rock Fusion

Recorded: 2014 Released: 2014

This is the debut album by Polish guitarist Ted NovakFind albums by this artist, recorded with a trio which also includes Polish Jazz veterans: bassist Krzysztof PacanFind albums by this artist and drummer Pawel DobrowolskiFind albums by this artist. The album presents eight compositions, seven of which are Novak originals and the remaining one is a Miles DavisFind albums by this artist tune. The music was recorded at the excellent Studio Tokarnia with Jan SmoczynskiFind albums by this artist presiding, as usual, at the console. This is the first heavily electric production that comes to my attention recorded at Studio Tokarnia, which usually excels at acoustic music, and once again I must raise my hat to Mr. Smoczynski for his incredible skills as a sound magician.

From the first note heard on this album the listener is exposed to an unfamiliar electric guitar sound, which is pretty original and surprising. After many decades, where the music scene was under complete guitar domination, one is sure that everything that is possible to do with a guitar was already done, but apparently the surprises never cease to pop up. However after a couple of tunes the guitar tone and sound effects get absorbed by our brain and we get back to a quite familiar world of heavy Fusion, which although has some improvisational elements, is much closer to Rock than to Jazz, especially rhythmically.

Guitar pyrotechnics are unfortunately a very perilous and slippery ground; how much of it is sheer genius and how much is just a show off and boring repetitious doodling? It´s for the listener to decide in every specific case, and those opinions will probably vary quite a bit. Personally I must say that I have heard all of this before, after all I was lucky to hear Jimmy HendrixFind albums by this artist, Mahavishnu OrchestraFind albums by this artist and all other significant guitar players in person and at their prime. But does it mean that this album has no merit at all? Not at all, I´m quite sure that many guitar aficionados will absolutely love the distorted, echoing guitar screams to bits. Combined with the unusual sound, superb rhythm section and excellent sound quality, this album is actually a lot of fun.

But the album has its drawbacks: with just slightly over half an hour of music it is hardly a full CD and should really be treated as an EP, especially if someone is going to buy it (if that happens at all any more). The Fusion listeners might find it too Rocky and the Rock listeners might find it too complicated. Life is a bitch…I´m already waiting for the next adventure!
 CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

ECM 2136/38 (Barcode: 602527945668) ~ NORWAY ~ Jazz-Rock Fusion

Recorded: 1975 - 1976 Released: 2012

This magnificent Box Set includes, for the first time, the complete content of the seminal album "OdysseyFind albums with this title" recorded by Norwegian guitarist / composer Terje RypdalFind albums by this artist and his quintet and released originally as a double LP (ECM 1067/68). In addition to Rypdal the quintet also included trombonist Torbjorn SundeFind albums by this artist, keyboardist Brynjulf BlixFind albums by this artist, electric bassist Sveinung HovensjoFind albums by this artist and drummer Svein ChristiansenFind albums by this artist. This Box Set also includes a third CD entitled "Unfinished Highballs", with the previously unreleased live recordings by the same group (less the trombonist) accompanied by the Swedish Radio Jazz GroupFind albums by this artist, which incorporated some of the best Swedish Jazz players at the time. "Odyssey" comprises of eight pieces, all composed by Rypdal, the longest of those being over 23 minutes long. "Unfinished Highballs" presents seven additional compositions by Rypdal, which do not appear on "Odyssey".

The music of "Odyssey", strongly influenced by the great modern Classical composer György LigetiFind albums by this artist, who composed some of the music included in the soundtrack of the celebrated "2001: A Space Odyssey" movie (hence the connection), combines also many influences from other genres, like Jazz (Miles DavisFind albums by this artist) and Rock (Jimmy HendrixFind albums by this artist). Although it certainly defies known genres, and perhaps defines a genre of its own, in retrospect it is certainly one of the earliest major efforts to create Ambient music, which moves somewhere between contemporary Classical on one hand and Jazz-Rock on another. It is certainly one of the rare cases where the word "unique" in truly and completely justified.

In retrospect this music is way ahead of its time, as perhaps only now some music listeners are mature enough and experienced enough (myself included) to appreciate the prophetic nature of this music. Ambient music "happened" only decades later and then most of it was nowhere near the magnificence of this music included herein. Rypdal´s screaming guitar backed by organ and trombone and propelled by the electric rhythm section are a universe of sound, which remains unchallenged.

The famous sound of Rypdal´s guitar is best defined by this album, as it can be heard in many different settings, from painting atmospheric soundscapes to soloing furiously on top of a Rocky rhythmic pattern. The legendary "Rolling Stone" piece, which closes the album (and was omitted from the first single CD reissue), is perhaps one of the most remarkable Jazz-Rock anthems ever recorded.

The release of "Unfinished Highballs" is a true cherry topping, as it presents a completely new perspective of Rypdal´s music. Although Rypdal was no stranger to the Big Band setting (see for example his recordings with George RussellFind albums by this artist) this time we can hear his music being performed by a Big Band, which is quite another story. The power of a Big Band takes the music to a new territory, which is more Jazzy that the music of "Odyssey", but retains the Rypdal spirit. Rypdal will return to the Big Band only 33 years later, with the recording of "Crime Scene".

This is an absolute must for any faithful follower of European Jazz and Jazz-Rock and Jazz-Classical Fusions. This is a milestone recording, which remains as fresh as on the day it was recorded, with most of it still quite futuristic. An absolute gem!
Updated: 26/01/2019Posted: CD 3 Mini-Sleeve Box Set Bonus Tracks Recommend To A Friend

COLUMBIA 478089 (Barcode: 5099747808920) ~ USA ~ Progressive Rock

Recorded: 1972 Released: 1995

By the end of 1971 the "Woodstock Era" version of the group SantanaFind albums by this artist, led by guitarist Carlos SantanaFind albums by this artist, was over and the leader decided to search for a new path for his artistic experimentations, which would bring him much closer to Jazz, Fusion and improvisation in general. After recording three brilliant albums, which defined Latin Rock as a genre, Carlos was looking for new musicians to form the second incarnation of Santana, which would be quite different, as we know in retrospect. In the interim period, which lasted just a few short months, Santana joined forces with drummer Buddy MilesFind albums by this artist (ex-Electric FlagFind albums by this artist, ex-Jimmy HendrixFind albums by this artist) creating a band, which played several live concerts, one of which was recorded for posterity and released as this album. The musicians comprise of several members of Santana, including the young guitarist Neal SchonFind albums by this artist, en extended percussion section with the best Latin players and a brass section. The resulting music, although hectic at times, is a great example of greatly talented musicians in process of searching new ways to mix Rock with the improvisational elements. The expanded improvised piece (almost 25 minutes long, which was side B of the original LP) is the most important and obviously the most advanced achievement of this meeting, sounding absolutely nothing like anything else at the time. In retrospect this stuff still sounds fascinating forty years later. A must to all Santana fans and wholeheartedly recommended!
 CD 1 Recommend To A Friend

ATLANTIC 075678280924 (Barcode: 075678280924) ~ USA ~ Classic Rock

Recorded: 1970 Released: 1995

This is the debut album by American singer / songwriter / multi-instrumentalist and one of the greatest icons of American Classic Rock, Stephen StillsFind albums by this artist. Released alongside the solo albums by his fellow members of Crosby, Stills, Nash & YoungFind albums by this artist, which were recorded following the release of their debut "Déjà VuFind albums with this title" album, where each of the four musicians emphasized his personal preferences and stylistic idiosyncrasies. Although Stills plays many different instruments on the album and sings the lead vocals, he is supported by what seems to be a who´s who gathering of the Classic Rock icons, including John SebastianFind albums by this artist, David CrosbyFind albums by this artist and Graham NashFind albums by this artist on vocals, guitarists Jimmy HendrixFind albums by this artist and Eric ClaptonFind albums by this artist, drummers Ringo StarrFind albums by this artist and Dallas TaylorFind albums by this artist, bassists Calvin SamuelsFind albums by this artist and many others. The album presents ten original songs, all by Stills, many of which remain to shine brightly fifty years later as timeless Classic Rock anthems.

Stylistically Stills continues the Buffalo SpringfieldFind albums by this artist songwriting tradition as well as developing new ventures into Classic Rock balladry and embraces social awareness as one of his main themes. Although received relatively coldly at the time of its release, Stills and this album proved the critics and to some extent the fans wrong, as this material grew stronger in time, serving as a painful contrast to songwriting, which followed later on. Stills´ unique talent to combine the electric guitar with great melody lines remains sadly unparalleled over the years.

The album offers an incredible diversity, flirting with Rock, Jazz, Country, World Music and many other influences, which at the time were truly prophetic and ahead of their time. Stills simply refused to be boxed within the Pop / Rock boundaries, which made him one of the great heroes of the era.

I can´t imagine any serious record collection that does not include a copy of this milestone album, way beyond the strict Classic Rock frame of reference. It still is one of the greatest American Rock albums of all times and it doesn´t look like this will change anytime in the foreseeable future. An absolute epic essential must have!
Updated: 28/03/2019Posted: 28/03/2019CD 1 HDCD Remastered Essential Recommend To A Friend

EPIC 886978302427 (Barcode: 886978302427) ~ USA ~ Blues-Rock

Recorded: 1983 Released: 2013

This is the debut album by American guitarist / vocalist / composer Steve Ray VaughanFind albums by this artist and his group Double TroubleFind albums by this artist, a power trio which also included bassist Tommy ShannonFind albums by this artist and drummer Chris LaytonFind albums by this artist. This is one of the few history-changing albums, which brought on the 1980s Blues revival, when this musical genre was slowly being forced out by the awful Pop "music", which was taking over the front stage, and in fact never stopped since.

Vaughan and his group presented a fresh look at the Century-old music, which peaked two decades earlier with the electric guitar heroes of the Rock revolution all being deeply indebted to Blues. He successfully, although probably subconsciously, amalgamated the Afro-American Blues tradition with the electrified Blues-Rock and Rock, and spiced it up with his absolutely amazing virtuosity, which left hordes of fans open-mouthed.

Vaughan died tragically in a helicopter crash at a ridiculous young age of 35, after recording just five albums, which makes if very difficult to make any assumptions as to his overall contribution to the Blues-Rock genre. In retrospect his albums are full of brilliant guitar solos and heartbreaking Blues vocals, which are a lasting legacy completely immune to the passing time. Vaughan´s deep respect and love of the music played by Jimmy HendrixFind albums by this artist and his interpretations of Hendrix material are particularly memorable.

This new edition adds a second CD with a previously unreleased live recording, which includes some material from the debut album and a few other tunes, including three Hendrix songs.

This is an absolute must to all Blues-Rock fans, as Vaughan takes no prisoners here and his guitar is simply red hot. Guitar heaven!
 CD 2 Digipak Remastered Bonus Tracks Recommend To A Friend

EPIC 888430914223 (Barcode: 888430914223) ~ USA ~ Blues-Rock

Recorded: 1980 - 1989 Released: 2014

This wonderful Box Set collects all the recordings made by American guitarist / vocalist / songwriter Steve Ray VaughanFind albums by this artist and his band Double TroubleFind albums by this artist, recorded for the EpicFind albums on this label label. It includes the four studio albums they recorded and a plethora of live material recorded between 1980 and 1989. Remastered, repackaged in original albums mini sleeves and expanded, this is an absolute must to every Blues-Rock enthusiast on this planet and an iconic statement of 20th Century American Culture.

Steve Ray Vaughan passed briefly trough our sky, dazzling like a comet and burning intensely, moving out of sight way too quickly. He completely shook the stagnant American Blues and Blues-Rock scene, quickly becoming the top Blues guitarist of the 1980s. The tragic accident in 1990, which claimed his life, was a terrible blow and a tragedy for the genre, which never truly recovered to this very day. In many ways Vaughan was the last of the great Blues-Rock heroes, who spearheaded the scene since the 1960s, and firmly belongs to the Pantheon of such Blues guitar luminaries like Eric ClaptonFind albums by this artist, Peter GreenFind albums by this artist, Jimmy HendrixFind albums by this artist and Johnny WinterFind albums by this artist.

Blues always was a music based on deep feeling rather than virtuosic proficiency, but Vaughan combined these two, personalizing the "perfect" Blues player. His guitar work especially that heard on the so called "slow" Blues pieces is simply unparalleled. Blues is also meant to be played live, as is most of the material included here, which makes it an authentic document of what he played on stage and spontaneously created in front of the listeners.

Personally I´m less thrilled with Vaughan´s ability to perfectly impersonate Jimmy Hendrix; I believe the Hendrix pieces were simply a means to get a wider attention from the audiences. But of course those were a minor chapter of his total output and the enormous wealth of his original material and personal interpretations of classic Blues songs stand out and form a proud legacy, which is everlasting.

Considering the fact that Blues influenced and in many respects conceived not only Jazz but also large parts of Rock and Pop, it deserves to be remembered and cherished. Listening to the music included in this Box Set is an excellent way to do just that. It is essential Blues-Rock heritage and no serious record collection should miss it this among its components. Blues heaven indeed!
Updated: 26/01/2019Posted: CD 12 Mini-Sleeve Box Set Remastered Bonus Tracks Essential Recommend To A Friend

COLUMBIA 472769 (Barcode: 5099747276927) ~ USA ~ Blues-Rock

Recorded: 1970 Released: 2001

3rd album, which was recorded by a new band Johnny WinterFind albums by this artist formed with ex-McCoysFind albums by this artist members, including the guitarist / singer / songwriter Rick DerringerFind albums by this artist, who was to be Winter’s associate for many years. The new quartet had a rockier sound, based on guitar and vocal duets. Still strongly rooted in the blues legacy, this is one of the strongest examples of early Southern Rock (see Allman Brothers BandFind albums by this artist). Derringer contributes some notable songs, which are rockier than the traditional Winter material and the bland of tunes works perfectly. Winter’s guitar pyrotechnics are of course the highlight time after time, but the entire album is just a superb trip down the memory lane, when everything just sounded right. Edgar WinterFind albums by this artist, Johnny’s brother and future band member helped with the excellent production. Just listen to the track “Nothing Left”, where Winter plays in similar fashion to Jimmy HendrixFind albums by this artist, in order to appreciate his guitar playing skills. As excellent as this album is, it was to be overshadowed by the bands live performances of some of these songs captured on the next album.
Updated: 18/01/2016Posted: CD 1 Remastered Recommend To A Friend

BGO 610 (Barcode: 5017261206107) ~ USA ~ Blues-Rock

Recorded: 1970 - 1971 Released: 2004

3rd album, which was recorded by a new band AndFind albums by this artist Johnny WinterFind albums by this artist formed with ex-McCoysFind albums by this artist members, including the guitarist / singer / songwriter Rick DerringerFind albums by this artist, who was to be Winter’s associate for many years. The new quartet had a rockier sound, based on guitar and vocal duets. Still strongly rooted in the blues legacy, this is one of the strongest examples of early Southern Rock (see Allman Brothers BandFind albums by this artist). Derringer contributes some notable songs, which are rockier than the traditional Winter material and the bland of tunes works perfectly. Winter’s guitar pyrotechnics are of course the highlight time after time, but the entire album is just a superb trip down the memory lane, when everything just sounded right. Edgar WinterFind albums by this artist, Johnny’s brother and future band member helped with the excellent production. Just listen to the track “Nothing Left”, where Winter plays in similar fashion to Jimmy HendrixFind albums by this artist, in order to appreciate his guitar playing skills. As excellent as this album is, it was to be overshadowed by the bands live performances of some of these songs captured on the next album.
4th album and a natural follow up to its predecessor, the studio album with Winter’s group And. Recorded during two concerts (Fillmore East in NY and Pirate’s World in Florida) this is one of rock’s greatest live albums with levels of energy and superb performances rarely captured on record. Winter and Derringer exchange guitar licks and vocals and the rhythm section drives the show like there’s no tomorrow. Just listen to their version of "Jumpin’ Jack Flash", which makes the Rolling StonesFind albums by this artist sound like kindergarten kids, to understand the level of musicianship involved. Some other Rock And Roll classics get a similar treatment and of course a fair share of great blues numbers are included. This electrifying concert is a classic example of what rock sounded like at its peak and sounds every bit as good today as it did then. I hope the entire concerts get a release sometime in the future, but in the meantime this is not to be missed. Essentail stuff!
Updated: 01/06/2018Posted: CD 2 Slipcase Essential Recommend To A Friend

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