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  | MACIEJ GARBOWSKI / KARI HEINILA ~ LINES OF POETRY IMP 001 (Barcode: 191061889045) ~ POLAND ~ Free Jazz / Improvised Music Recorded: 2016 Released: 2017
This is the debut album by the impromptu duo comprising of Polish Jazz bassist / composer Maciej GarbowskiFind albums by this artist and Finnish Jazz saxophonist / composer Kari HeinilaFind albums by this artist. The album presents twelve completely improvised pieces, all credited to Garbowski and Heinila.
This meeting between two mature and experienced musicians / improvisers is a wonderful example of spontaneity and mutual respect. Garbowski, well known as the bassist of the RGGFind albums by this artist trio and participant in many other top Polish Jazz projects, and Heinila famous for his work with Edward VesalaFind albums by this artist, the wonderful UMO Jazz OrchestraFind albums by this artist and his work as a leader, both bring into this meeting years of experience and more importantly unlimited amounts of sensibility and creativity.
For freely improvised music, the contents of this album could be considered as most communicative. Although there are no melodic motifs per se, Heinila´s saxophone lines are all extremely melodic, delicate and tender, flowing freely in time. Garbowski, who plays mostly in the background, is at all times in sync, both harmonically and rhythmically, with the saxophonist, listening attentively to his weaving of the notes.
Like all classic "Art of the Duo" albums, this music presents a document, which although of limited scope and intrinsic minimalism, is no less expressive than music created by much larger ensembles. It is up to the listener of course to expand the input received while listening to the music into inner emotions and virtual sound structures, but the contents of this album should be wonderfully supportive in such process.
This music works for many reasons; apparently the mutual affinity between the two musicians, but also perhaps due to the emotional similarities between the characteristic qualities of both Polish and Finnish music: melancholy, sadness, reflection and introvert perspective. But whatever the reasons, the meeting proved to be very inspiring and productive, as reflected by these recordings.
Improvised music has a priori a limited audience, but this album is quite accessible to a relatively wider circle of listeners, regardless of its improvised character. Therefore it is my suggestion to the open-minded listeners to try it out without any preconceptions – the result might prove to be pleasantly surprising. For more experienced improvised music connoisseurs this album is obviously a gem!
| Updated: 18/11/2017Posted: 18/11/2017 | CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend |
  | GARBOWSKI-CRUZ QUARTET ~ RASHOMON EFFECT IMP 002 ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-Rock Fusion Recorded: 2012 Released: 2014
This is the debut album by the international Jazz quartet co-led by Polish bassist / composer Maciej GarbowskiFind albums by this artist and French guitarist / composer Ivann CruzFind albums by this artist and also including Finnish reedman Kari HeinilaFind albums by this artist and French drummer Peter OrinsFind albums by this artist. The album presents ten original compositions, four each composed by Garbowski and Cruz and the remaining two co-composed by them.
Musically the album is an attempt to create a modern sound which bridges between Jazz and Rock without referring to the weathered Jazz-Rock Fusion armory, and manages to do so with elegance, flair and a dash of humor. Although the titles of the compositions seem to suggest a musical suite of sorts, the compositions themselves are quite diverse and touch upon a plethora of different sub-genres, with hints of Classical, Baroque, Jazz of course and a distinctive Rocky edge, emphasized by the sound of the guitar and the dynamics of the drums. The saxophone and especially the wonderful flute playing are the improvisational facets of the music and the virtuoso bass performances in the background keep the entire, often quite complex structures, in perfect harmony of the spheres.
All four musicians are obviously masters of the trade and each one contributes immensely to achieve the overall effect. There is a superb relationship within this quartet based on mutual respect and common dedication, which produces a result greater than the sum of its parts. These performances, which are by far not straightforward or trivial, sound effortless and natural simply because they are executed by a team rather than just four musicians playing together. There is plenty of open space within the music for all four individuals to show off their particular talents, but their group performances are the absolute highlight of this album.
When great music is combined with superb performances the result becomes inspirational, as it is in this particular case. This is fresh, intelligent, stirring and refreshing music that kicks butt and bites, like only very few other albums do at this point of time. Of course Jazz purist will find it too spicy at times and Fusion purist will find it to complex while drinking Budd, but who cares about purists anyway? This music deserves to be heard and enjoyed and appreciated, so grab it if you find it, as life is too short for boring music!
| | CD 1 Recommend To A Friend |