Record Reviews
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  | LUKASZ BOROWICKI ~ PEOPLE, CATS & OBSTACLES FOR TUNE 0037 (Barcode: 5902768701371) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz Recorded: 2013 Released: 2014
This is the debut album by young Polish Jazz guitarist / composer Lukasz BorowickiFind albums by this artist, recorded in a trio format with Polish bassist Mariusz PrasniewskiFind albums by this artist and Danish drummer and frequent collaborator with Polish musicians Kasper Tom ChristiansenFind albums by this artist. Both Borowicki and Prasniewski studied at the Academy of Music in Odense (Denmark), as did many of Poland´s young Jazz musicians in recent years. The album presents nine original compositions recorded by the trio and a bonus track which is a solo guitar piece, all composed by Borowicki.
The music is a surprising amalgam of many different elements, which create a unique musical perception, fascinating and absorbing right from the onset. Borowicki has a distinctive guitar sound, which is raw and distorted, somewhat similar to early John McLaughlinFind albums by this artist´s efforts. The melodies, or rather melodic fragments, are quirky and unstable, changing rapidly and continuously, and yet producing an overall coherent compositional whole. The same applies to the frequent tempo changes and improvisational approaches, which move within one piece between tightly knit interplay and completely free form, spacey improvisation. The overall effect of this unusual music is definitely fascinating and completely fresh. Considering the fact that guitar is the most popular instrument on this planet, it takes a truly ingenious musician to create something new with it, such as Borowicki manages to do in this case.
The leader gets a most sympathetic support from his cohorts; Prasniewski is a wonderfully melodic player, who against all odds manages to keep the surreal paste of change this music demands, supporting the guitar every inch of the way. Christiansen, who is already a well seasoned musician and a superb composer on his own, is an ideal partner completing the trio. He plays sparingly and unobtrusively, but is right where he is needed at all times.
In conclusion, this is a first class debut effort, which shows an enormous potential and talent that Borowicki represents which hopefully will mature and develop further in time. As a result of this album, he immediately becomes a worthy candidate to become one of the top Jazz guitar players in his country, a position which at the moment is rather sparingly populated.
| | CD 1 Recommend To A Friend |
  | LUKASZ BOROWICKI ~ SONGS WITH RHYMES NOT ON LABEL ~ POLAND ~ Avant-Garde Jazz Recorded: 2017 Released: 2017
This is the third album by Polish Jazz guitarists / composer Lukasz BorowickiFind albums by this artist and his second recording with a trio he recorded his debut with, which also includes bassist Mariusz PrasniewskiFind albums by this artist and Danish drummer Kasper Tom ChristiansenFind albums by this artist. The album presents nine original compositions, all by Borowicki and is beautifully recorded with wonderful aural atmosphere.
The music on this album is meant to present the acoustic side of Borowicki´s guitar playing and as a result is indeed very delicate, intimate and low volume. The rhythm section offers a remarkable support to this acoustic effort, playing also very subtly, but clearly in sync with the leader and most inventively. Therefore as a trio effort, this album is absolutely fascinating and one of the best of its kind I have come across lately.
However, Borowicki evidently steps here towards much more Free Jazz and Improvised Music than on his earlier recordings. In my review of his debut album I mentioned that his playing reminds me of early John McLaughlinFind albums by this artist recordings; the music here is much closer to what Derek BaileyFind albums by this artist had to offer. Nothing wrong with that of course, except for the fact that Borowicki is stepping away from the majority of Jazz listeners and entering the Avant Garde niche, with everything that such a move implies.
As a result there are almost no melodic themes here, at most some melodic fragments, which is a pity considering Borowicki´s fine composing talent, which he displayed on his earlier recordings.
Overall this is a bold step for this young and talented musician, which is obviously a part of his search towards his musical self-discovery. People expecting traditional guitar playing will be definitely disappointed, but Improvised Music / Free Jazz lovers should find this album an exquisite example of trio cooperation and elegant European non-aggressive and yet completely individualistic music creation.
| Updated: 17/12/2018Posted: 26/05/2017 | CD-R 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend |
  | TOMASZ DABROWSKI / FREE4ARTS ~ SIX MONTHS AND TEN DROPS BAREFOOT 041 (Barcode: 5707471040270) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz Recorded: 2014 Released: 2015
Polish (resident in Denmark) Jazz trumpeter / composer / bandleader Tomasz DabrowskiFind albums by this artist is one of the leading upcoming European musicians and his prolific, almost feverish output manages to astound his fans time after time. This album follows suit several albums already released this year and as always maintains incredible quality. This time Dabrowski leads a quartet, which besides him includes three leading young Danish Jazz musicians: baritone saxophonist Sven Dam MeinildFind albums by this artist, pianist Jacob AnderskovFind albums by this artist and drummer Kasper Tom ChristiansenFind albums by this artist. The album presents seven original compositions, all by Dabrowski.
This music is more free oriented than Dabrowski´s explorations so far, which seems to be a continuing development in his work. It is therefore further away from mainstream Jazz and explores other areas, like contemporary Chamber music and improvised Avant-Garde, although based on written themes. The entire scheme of using the quartet is also very unusual, as there is no conventional "soloists vs. rhythm section" setting at all, only an ensemble performance by the entire quartet as one body. The exclusion of the bass is also very significant, where some of the typical bass parts are taken over by the baritone sax and others by the percussion. This music is only as good as the level of cooperation achieved by the quartet members and therefore the interplay is its central ingredient. Luckily for Dabrowski these three musicians belong to the same "school of thought" like himself, enabling the quartet to become a unity.
There is no doubt that this music points towards a new epoch of Jazz, which becomes an amalgam of all forms of improvised music, those previously experienced and those still undiscovered. Dabrowski and his generation are brave pioneers of these uncharted territories and it´s a great experience to bear witness while this music keeps unfolding in real time in Copenhagen, Warsaw, Berlin and other parts of Europe.
This is quite difficult music for most people, no doubt about it, but it is also deeply rewarding and intellectually challenging. It is spearheaded by a relatively tiny group of musicians and has a limited audience. Nevertheless it encompasses perhaps some of the most important musical developments happening in a world which is rapidly turning away from challenge and cultural progress, and therefore becomes even more significant. It is in these young people that we entrust our Cultural feature.
| Updated: 12/04/2019Posted: | CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend |
  | TOMASZ DABROWSKI / FREE4ARTS ~ WHEN I COME ACROSS AUDIO CAVE 2019/009 (Barcode: 5905669566810) ~ POLAND ~ Avant-Garde Jazz Recorded: 2017 Released: 2019
This is the second album by Polish Jazz trumpeter / composer Tomasz DabrowskiFind albums by this artist and his Danish quartet Free4ArtsFind albums by this artist, which also includes baritone saxophonist Sven Dam MeinildFind albums by this artist, drummer Kasper Tom ChristiansenFind albums by this artist and this time guitarist Simon KrebsFind albums by this artist, who replaced pianist Jacob AnderskovFind albums by this artist that played on the debut album. The album presents seven original compositions, all by Dabrowski.
In many respects this album continues the direction set by the debut, which moves completely into Avant-Garde Jazz, far away from traditional, melody based Jazz, flirting also with contemporary Chamber Music explorations. The music offers some melodic motifs but those often get hidden to a less experienced listener by the group improvisations. Without the presence of bass and now also the piano, there is almost no conventional harmony and rhythmic continuity, which leaves it to the listener to connect the dots. The sharp sound of the guitar is initially somewhat weird and takes time to get used to within the otherwise acoustic environment.
The music is mostly very subdued and delicate, low profile and quietly streaming, with long passages that involve solos, duets and trios and rarely the entire quartet. It seems Dabrowski is trying to re-define the known parameters of Jazz and Improvised Music, stretching the existing limits of these idioms. He uses the trumpet to produce a plethora of unusual sound effects that often do not resemble the conventional sound of the instrument. The same can be said about Christiansen, who again proves to be one of the most creative European Jazz drummers, moving on a completely unique acoustic parallax, again re-defining the role of drums in contemporary music. Unexpectedly, it is the guitar which turns out to be the most conventional factor of this music, playing at times long melodic strings of notes.
In many respects this is the boldest and most adventurous project Dabrowski headed in the decade-long period of his artistic development. It is completely uncompromising and boldly unconventional, against all odds. Hopefully the music, despite its estranged exterior, will find sympathetic, open-minded audience in time. Avant-Garde was never a rewarding and smooth career choice and Dabrowski and his cohorts deserve our respect for pushing the boundaries time and again.
| Updated: 04/10/2019Posted: 04/10/2019 | CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend |
  | FUSK ~ ABSURD ENTHUSIASM WHYPLAYJAZZ 060 (Barcode: 4250459992609) ~ DENMARK ~ Jazz Recorded: 2022 Released: 2022
This is the fifth album by International Jazz quartet FUSKFind albums by this artist, led by Danish drummer / composer Kasper Tom ChristiansenFind albums by this artist, with Polish trumpeter Tomasz DabrowskiFind albums by this artist, German clarinetist Rudi MahallFind albums by this artist and Danish bassist Andreas LangFind albums by this artist. The album presents ten original compositions, all by Christiansen, recorded “live” in the studio. This album celebrates 15 years of the quartet’s existence and is released five years after the previous album “The Jig Is UpFind albums with this title” from 2018.
The music continues pretty much where it was left before the lengthy break, with excellent modern Jazz padded by a large degree of freedom, based on the excellent and very complex compositions by the leader. All members of the quartet are first class musicians, with extensive experience, so nothing can really go wrong.
FUSK offers a unique sound as it misses a harmonic support and the trumpet / clarinet front line has to create all the melodic messages, which they of course manage to handle beautifully. The excellent rhythm section offers full support for the two soloists, who play most of the time in tandem, often unisono, which creates the distinctive sound effect the quartet offers.
Overall, this is another splendid offer by this quartet, which explodes with talent and creativity. The open borders of the European Union make it easy for international cooperation to blossom, which this quartet personifies, but it is by far not the only gathering of the kind. Hopefully we won’t have to wait for another five years to hear the next outing by FUSK.
| Updated: 26/02/2023Posted: 26/02/2023 | CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend |
  | FUSK ~ FUSK WHYPLAYJAZZ 005 (Barcode: 4050486034583) ~ DENMARK ~ Jazz Recorded: 2010 Released: 2011
This is the debut album by the Danish / German quartet FUSKFind albums by this artist led by Danish drummer / composer Kasper Tom ChristiansenFind albums by this artist, which also features the Danish bassist Andreas LangFind albums by this artist and the German saxophonist Philipp GropperFind albums by this artist and bass clarinetist Rudi MahallFind albums by this artist, who is also a member of the Kasper Tom 5Find albums by this artist ensemble. The album presents nine original compositions, seven of which are by Christiansen and the remaining two are group compositions.
This album is a superb example of contemporary modern European Jazz developed and created by a young generation of greatly talented individuals who are lucky to grow up in the affluent borderless Europe, which enables a much wider access to musical education and international cooperation than just a few decades earlier. These young musicians are able to size the moment and exploit this new reality, which results in an explosion of young international groups playing Jazz and Improvised Music all over the continent.
Christiansen, who has been recoding music both as a leader and a sideman for several years before forming FUSK, established his position as one of the leaders of this new European scene, playing extensively with Scandinavian, German, Polish and other young musicians and additionally developing his skills as a composer, which came to full fruition with FUSK. Here he presents his most adventurous works and the quartet turned out to be an ideal vehicle for exploring his music. He is one of the relatively few drummers, who are bandleaders and principal composers in their ensembles.
As a team Christiansen and Lang are one of the strongest and most imaginative rhythm sections on the European scene and this album is full of wonderful examples of their telepathic interplay. Supported by such an excellent rhythm section the two soloists are able to spread their wings and explore the freedom of improvisation in full. Both Gropper and Mahall gently weave their lush structures, both individually and collectively, creating a highly aesthetic whole.
Overall this is an exciting and wonderful album from start to finish, full of surprises and one that keeps the listener on his toes from start to finish. Considering the fact that it is a debut recording, the result is even more commendable. Well done indeed!
| | CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend |
  | FUSK ~ SIEBEN ACHT GUTE NACHT FOR TUNE 0048 (Barcode: 5902768701548) ~ DENMARK ~ Jazz Recorded: 2012 Released: 2014
It´s been a while since Shakespeare pointed out that "Something is rotten in the state of Denmark"; as a matter of fact nothing could be further from the truth as far as the state of Danish Jazz in the second decade of the 21st Century is concerned. The country is enjoying an incredible renaissance of its Jazz scene, which thrived between 1950s and 1970s, when the legendary Copenhagen Jazzhus Montmartre club often seemed like one of the epicenters of European modern Jazz, and a long list of great American expatriates lived in Denmark at the time. The difference is that this time around it is the young generation of incredibly gifted Danish Jazz musicians who are setting the tone.
The last few years of the Danish drummer / composer Kasper Tom ChristiansenFind albums by this artist´s career have been definitely good years; a succession of recordings and concerts as a leader of a number of ensembles firmly established his position as one the most prolific and outstanding young European Jazz musicians and his progress and development are continuously in full swing. Kasper Tom is quite an unusual musical figure, firstly being one of relatively few drummers / leaders and secondly and even more extraordinarily being the main composer of the material performed by his ensembles. We all know the jokes told about drummers and Kasper Tom simply shatters all these stereotypes.
One of the effects of today´s European reality is the fact that international cooperation is easier and more common today then ever. Kasper Tom definitely seems to be able to explore that degree of freedom to the max, playing with other young musicians not only from his native Denmark, but also those from Poland, Germany and other countries. The quartet FUSKFind albums by this artist is an example of such international collaboration, with joins two Danish (Christiansen and Andreas LangFind albums by this artist) and two German (Philipp GropperFind albums by this artist and Rudi MahallFind albums by this artist) players. This is the quartet´s third album and the first live recording, captured at the legendary Warsaw Pardon, To Tu club, one of the most important alternative Jazz venues in Europe.
The music is a wonderful display of Kasper Tom´s talent as a composer. His tunes are always somewhere between a catchy melodic theme and an open structure ideal for improvisation and exploration. Such incredible balance is quite rare and difficult to achieve and yet Kasper Tom manages to create these tunes with astonishing ease and versatility. Handled by the FUSK quartet, these tunes playfully follow one after another effortlessly, although they are anything but trivial or easy on the ear. The incredible strength of this music lies exactly in the fusion of melodic approach and complex execution, which result in aesthetic pleasure experienced by the listener, often unaware of its ingredients.
It is quite educational to compare the music captured here with the studio version of the same tunes presented on the previous album, called "Super KasperFind albums with this title", which was recorded almost immediately after the Pardon, To Tu session. The ambience and the audience of the club, which I know personally very well from first hand experience, have a distinctive influence on this performance. In an ideal world we would always have an opportunity to hear the same music recorded live and in the studio; this album is therefore the ideal partner to the studio recording.
European Jazz still manages to reinvent itself and push its boundaries ever further away from the stale mainstream tradition. Thanks to the young generation of Jazz players, which fearlessly explores the Jazz aesthetic, often against all odds, shunning from fads and fashions of contemporary non-culture, we are able to see our beloved music alive and kicking, going through another stage of its evolution. Kasper Tom and his colleagues all over Europe are our hope for the survival of what we consider true Culture, even if we need to enjoy it in the catacombs rather than in the amphitheaters. Side Note The above are my liner notes included on this album's artwork.
I am honored when asked by the Artists to write liner notes for their albums, always hoping that my words reflect the true spirit of the music. This is also a symbol of our mutual respect and friendship developed over the years.
The same is also true when Record Labels ask me to write liner notes for their releases, mostly in the case of reissues of archival albums, which is a symbol of their appreciation of my knowledge and historical perspective and my recognition of their dedication to the preservation of the history of recorded music and the effort to keep human Culture and Aesthetics alive.
| Updated: 19/09/2018Posted: | CD 1 Recommend To A Friend |
  | FUSK ~ SUPER KASPER WHYPLAYJAZZ 009 (Barcode: 4050486086735) ~ DENMARK ~ Jazz Recorded: 2012 Released: 2013
This is the second album by the Danish / German quartet FUSKFind albums by this artist led by Danish drummer / composer Kasper Tom ChristiansenFind albums by this artist, which also features the Danish bassist Andreas LangFind albums by this artist and the German saxophonist Philipp GropperFind albums by this artist and bass clarinetist Rudi MahallFind albums by this artist, who is also a member of the Kasper Tom 5Find albums by this artist ensemble. The album presents eleven original compositions, eight of which are by Christiansen and the remaining three are group improvisations.
Christiansen is one of the most prolific young European Jazz personalities in the last decade and participates in several diverse ensembles in parallel, both led by him and by others, which involve musicians from different European countries. This kind of international collaboration is one of the most creative ingredients of the new European Jazz scene, where the artists can enjoy the freedom of movement without any restrictions and some take advantage of it quite broadly.
As a result of his recordings Christiansen has established quite a reputation not only as a player and bandleader, but particularly as a superb composer of diverse stylistic approaches. His work is worth following across the broad spectrum of his creative output, of which FUSK is just a singularity. The music presented here emphasizes the freedom and openness in his compositions, which are based on short melodic themes which are then explored by the quartet quite liberally and without limitations. Of course even if the music is mostly improvised, both harmonically and rhythmically, it is neither chaotic nor disorganized, keeping well within the boundaries of group improvisation. The quartet members obviously listen to each other attentively and support each other constantly. There is an overall feeling of tenderness and respect and none of the aggression often associated with group improvisation is present here. The individual performances are all first class, with the two soloists obviously standing up front most of the time, but with the rhythm section firmly involved as well. Lang´s bass and Christiansen´s drumming are an excellent example of superb contemporary rhythm section work, which is nonabrasive and nonaggressive and yet keeps the music moving forward on a solid track.
The music recorded on this album was also recorded live at the legendary Warsaw Pardon, To Tu club shortly before being recorded in the studio, and it´s highly recommended to listen to both versions, in order to appreciate the dramatic influence of a live audience on a Jazz performance. The live album is scheduled to be released on the Polish For TuneFind albums on this label label.
Kasper Tom Christiansen and his cohorts are the new generation of European Jazz and judging by their accomplishments we have little to worry about the quality of the music they will create. What kind of impact this kind of music will have on the general Culture of the continent is another question…
| | CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend |
  | FUSK ~ THE JIG IS UP WHYPLAYJAZZ 043 (Barcode: 4250459991442) ~ DENMARK ~ Free Jazz / Improvised Music Recorded: 2017 Released: 2018
This is the fourth album by the European Jazz quartet FUSKFind albums by this artist, led by Danish drummer / composer Kasper Tom ChristiansenFind albums by this artist, which also includes for the first time Polish trumpeter Tomasz DabrowskiFind albums by this artist, and founding members: German bass clarinetist Rudi MahallFind albums by this artist and Danish bassist Andreas LangFind albums by this artist. The album presents ten original compositions, all by the leader.
Christiansen and Dabrowski cooperated and recorded together many times in the past and therefore the fact that Dabrowski joined the quartet is only natural, replacing German saxophonist Philipp GropperFind albums by this artist, who was a member since the inception of the quartet. Although the music of FUSK is first and foremost a reflection of Christianson´s compositions, the presence of Dabrowski changed the internal balance and the overall sound of the quartet, taking it slightly back towards the American Jazz tradition and the early Free Jazz explorations of the late 1950s and early 1960s. Of course it is only one of the many aspects of this music as a whole and FUSK retains all its European Jazz qualities, but at the same time pays tribute to the Free Movement innovators.
As usual, the music is based on highly complex and yet wonderfully melodic themes, which Christianson so ably creates, which in turn provide ideal platform for the quartet members to develop their individual and collective statements. The beautiful bass clarinet / trumpet double parts are one of the highlights of this album, as both Dabrowski and Mahall are able to keep an almost "romantic" form of dialogue between them, which is intriguing without being aggressive. Lang and Christiansen are a highly sensitive and technically fabulous rhythm section, which is standing shoulder to shoulder with the two soloists, participating equally in the process of group improvisation and mutual creation.
The scope of the compositions, and as a result the scope of the music presented on the album is very diverse, which creates an element of tension with the listener not sure as of what to expect next. The music movies in and out between the improvised and precisely composed parts, often several times within the same track, with the rhythmic parts changing from no time to almost swinging time in an blink of an eye. However a blissful and relaxed feeling of order and coherence is present at all times and the music never falls apart in spite of its intricacy.
For an experienced Jazz connoisseur this album is a lecture of Jazz, and especially Free Jazz history, delightfully illustrated by the music. Not surprisingly it is a wonderful piece of music, which should be enjoyed by as many listeners as possible and another milestone in Christiansen´s path, which is one of the most consistently excellent on the burgeoning European Jazz scene. Hats off, again, Maestro!
| Updated: 12/05/2018Posted: 12/05/2018 | CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend |
  | HUNGER PANGS ~ II AUDIO CAVE 2020/004 (Barcode: 5905669566940) ~ POLAND ~ Avant-Garde Jazz Recorded: 2016 Released: 2020
This is the second album by the Hunger PangsFind albums by this artist trio, which comprises of Polish guitarist Marek KadzielaFind albums by this artist, Polish (resident in Denmark) trumpeter Tomasz DabrowskiFind albums by this artist and Danish drummer Kasper Tom ChristiansenFind albums by this artist. The album presents six original compositions, three by Kadziela, two by Christiansen and one by Dabrowski. For reasons unknown to me, the album recorded four years earlier, is being released only now.
The music continues the direction set by the trio´s debut, which mixes composed themes with free (collective) improvisation on one hand and Rock versus Free Jazz interactions on the other. The music is often rather minimalist, with three distinct instrumental voices merged together into one fabric. The individual parts are perfectly audible at all times and the amalgam happens more in the listener´s brain than actually within the music.
All three musicians are strong individual voices, each of them with impressive recorded legacy under the belt in spite of their relative young age. Their work together is a typical example of being more than just a sum of their individual contributions, and certainly manages to be a fascinating listening experience throughout.
As a big fan Dabrowski, his contributions usually draw my attention immediately and as usual he does not disappoint here. His virtuosic trumpet parts are simply outstanding; both technically and emotionally, and firmly assert his position as one of the leading European Jazz trumpeters of the last decade.
It took me a while to appreciate the talents of Kadziela, but hearing him perform live several times in the last years broke the ice and convinced me as to his great talent as well. He is a very unique and forward thinking player and composer, firmly stuck in the proud legacy of the Rock idiom, but always taking his music beyond the ordinary. He is certainly one of the most interesting guitar players in the Polish scene at the moment.
Christiansen has also an impressive recorded legacy, which proves his outstanding position as a drummer, bandleader and for me especially as a composer. All his albums are superb examples of contemporary European Jazz and his contributions here are all in par with his usual excellence.
Overall this album is every bit as good as the debut and connoisseurs of contemporary Improvised Music / Avant-Garde Jazz should be perfectly happy with every note this album has to offer.
| Updated: 22/05/2020Posted: 22/05/2020 | CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend |
  | HUNGER PANGS ~ MEET MEAT FOR TUNE 0008 (Barcode: 5902768701081) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz Recorded: 2010 - 2011 Released: 2013
This is the debut album by the Hunger PangsFind albums by this artist trio, which was formed in 2006 by students of the Music Academy in Odense, Denmark. It comprises of two Polish musicians: guitarist Marek KadzielaFind albums by this artist, who is also the trio´s main composer, and the upcoming excellent trumpeter Tomasz DabrowskiFind albums by this artist, together with Danish drummer Kasper Tom ChristiansenFind albums by this artist. The album includes nine compositions, which were recorded over a period of two years in Germany and Denmark, six of which were composed by Kadziela, one each by Dabrowski and Christiansen and the remaining one being credited to the trio.
The album´s liner notes, entitled "A Vacation From Bebop", seem to point out the musical direction undertaken by the trio, which proves once again that the development of Jazz did not stop with Bebop and continues to this very day way beyond the established ground rules. The essence of this music is all about freedom of expression limited only by the artists´ abilities and talents. Stylistically the trio moves between diametrically different environments like Jazz-Rock Fusion and Improvised Music, but the music remains coherent and beautifully expressive at all points. The absence of bass, which usually glues the music together and adds tremendously to the overall atmosphere of most Jazz recordings, is not a major hindrance here and is hardly even felt.
As usual is such circumstances, the musical cooperation of the trio members is more important than the individual contributions, notwithstanding the fact that all trio members present plenty of talent and professionalism. Personally the focus of my attention converges on the absolutely stunning performances by the trumpeter Tomasz Dabrowski, who is firmly emerging as one of the most promising trumpet players of the young Polish Jazz scene, which can be easily verified by listening to a series of recordings he made recently, including his excellent debut album released a year earlier. Both the guitarist and the drummer play very well but have not reached a point of clear-cut personal identity, which usually comes in time. The years spent in Denmark by the two Poles as well as the presence of a Danish drummer contribute to the specific Scandinavian sound / spirit present on this album, perhaps more subconsciously than intended.
This recording is one of the multiple steps taken by the young generation of Polish (in particular) and European (in general) young Jazz musicians on the way to establish a new Renaissance of the Jazz artistry, which seems to overflow the continent with a Tsunami like wave of new talent. Considering the level of maturity and power of expression present here, usually associated with musicians at the peak of their artistic powers, it´s truly scary to realize that these are players at the early stage of their career.
Released by the excellent new Polish For TuneFind albums on this label label, this album deserves to be heard by all European Jazz fans, as it heralds the shape of things to come.
| | CD 1 Recommend To A Friend |
  | CESAR JOANIQUET / BRICE SONIANO / KASPER TOM ~ SONGBOOK ASTROPI 1502 (Barcode: 5707471041512) ~ SPAIN ~ Jazz Recorded: 2014 Released: 2015
This is the debut album by the international trio comprising of Spanish saxophonist Cesar JoaniquetFind albums by this artist, French bassist Brice SonianoFind albums by this artist and Danish drummer Kasper Tom ChristiansenFind albums by this artist. The album presents nine compositions, six of which are standards and three are originals co-composed by the trio members.
The music is a subtle tribute to Billie HolidayFind albums by this artist, as the six standards are associated with her heartbreaking performances of these tunes. Of course the trio treats the standards only as a very loosely melodic / harmonic structure, while they improvise extensively and intensely.
These three young players have all already established quite a record in the last few years, which puts them in the top echelons of the European Jazz scene in spite of their age. Anybody listening to this album should immediately understand why, as their performances are simply stellar.
Joaniquet, when playing the melody lines, sounds remarkably close to Stan GetzFind albums by this artist, which is probably the highest compliment I personally could give any saxophone player, as I was sure until now that nobody will ever come close to Stan´s phrasing and sensitivity. Well, I have been proven wrong. When he improvises freely, he is of course in a different musical universe, so the similarity to Getz does not apply, but he still is a brilliant player.
Soniano is one of the most imaginative and expressive bassist I happened to came across lately and his work on this album is a superb example of the role of the bass in contemporary music; no longer a background support but a soloist of equal standing and importance to the other band members. His tone, technique and ability to converse with his cohorts is nothing short of miraculous.
Kasper Tom, an old acquaintance, has already captured my attention many times before and his highly unique approach to drumming, or rather playing the drums, has been a pleasure to follow through his diverse and always courageous and groundbreaking recordings.
This album is an instant classic, a case study of the "Art of the Trio" variety in the Jazz idiom; in which telepathic group improvisation and lofty inspiration take the music straight to the top of human gratification hubs. This is definitely some of the finest music that landed on my player this year, full of immense aesthetic pleasure as well as intellectual contentment. Way to go!
| | CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend |
  | K.R.A.N. ~ THE ZOMBIE CHORDS FOR TUNE 0099 (Barcode: 5902768701999) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz Recorded: 2015 Released: 2016
This is the second album by the Polish / Danish quartet K.R.A.N.Find albums by this artist, which consists of Polish clarinetists / saxophonist Tomasz LicakFind albums by this artist and guitarist Marek KadzielaFind albums by this artist and Danish bassist Richard AnderssonFind albums by this artist and drummer Kasper Tom ChristiansenFind albums by this artist. They perform seven original compositions: three by Licak and two each by Andersson and Christiansen.
The music is typical young contemporary European Jazz, full of complex and passionate statements by the quartet members. The brief melodic intros give way to extended improvisations by Licak and Kadziela, admirably supported by the excellent Danish rhythm section, with both Andersson and Christiansen already recognized as some of the best new generation European players on the scene.
The quartet manages to balance skillfully between discipline and freedom, both individually and as an ensemble. Some of the soloing plunges deeply into Free Jazz, but the rhythm section keeps things right in check, successfully avoiding mayhem and cacophony. Licak sounds great both on clarinet and saxophone and Kadziela adds some electronic effects to his guitar vocabulary, enhancing the overall sound of the quartet. He also supports Licak very skillfully during his solo parts and plays beautiful unisono parts with him.
It is very encouraging seeing K.R.A.N. make such a progress since their debut album some years ago, recorded when they were still students. The experience they all gained during the years that passed since then is plainly evident. By now they are a mature and fully equipped unit, which is capable of delivering solid musical statements.
Overall this is definitely a very fine effort, which brings forward some fresh ideas and a lot of interesting music, which speaks volumes about the future of European Jazz. Definitely worth investigating!
| Updated: 11/08/2016Posted: 11/08/2016 | CD 1 Recommend To A Friend |
  | MAREK KADZIELA ADHD ~ IN BLOOM FOR TUNE 0079 (Barcode: 5902768701807) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz Recorded: 2014 Released: 2015
This is the debut album by an international Jazz quartet ADHDFind albums by this artist, led by Polish Guitarist Marek KadzielaFind albums by this artist with German bass clarinetist Rudi MahallFind albums by this artist and a Danish rhythm section: bassist Andreas LangFind albums by this artist and drummer Kasper Tom ChristiansenFind albums by this artist – the latter three being all members of the excellent FUSKFind albums by this artist quartet. Two distinguished Polish Jazz musicians participate as guests: saxophonist Maciej ObaraFind albums by this artist and trumpeter Piotr DamasiewiczFind albums by this artist. The album presents ten original compositions (one appears in two versions), all by Kadziela and one standard by Thelonious MonkFind albums by this artist.
Although free spirited and unconventional, the music is perfectly well rounded and aesthetically pleasing, flirting with Free Jazz and Improvising Music but also presenting melodic motifs and straight forward progressions. Across the board this music is quite accessible even to listeners who are embedded within modern mainstream Jazz.
Kadziela´s guitar playing on this album is quite different from his earlier recordings, and most of the time it is pretty straight forward, almost acoustic, and avoids the usage of electronics and heavy sound effects. He manages to completely keep away from the dreaded Fusionist banalities that most modern guitar players suffer from, which is truly praiseworthy. Therefore it is perhaps the first time the listener can truly appreciate his ability to play melody and complex improvisations, which sound perfectly clear and vivid. The solo guitar piece on this album is definitely one of its absolute highlights.
The contributions by the other members of the quartet, as well as those by the guests, are all excellent as well. I have already written much about the FUSK quartet and these are some of my favorite European musicians, so their performances here are hardly surprising. The Lang / Christiansen rhythm section in one of the top of its kind at the moment and Mahall´s legendary status is already well established. Kadziela couldn´t have found better partners for his musical explorations anywhere else to be honest. The two Polish guests are also masters of their trade and the tracks that feature their contributions add generously to the diversity of this album.
I admit to having digestion problems with some of Kadziela´s earlier recordings, but I completely love this one, and I am very happy to say so. This music makes perfect sense to me, worms up my brain cells and keeps me smiling. For me it definitely is the best piece of music I have heard, that he produced. But of course the future is ahead of us…
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  | KASPER TOM / ALEXANDER VON SCHLIPPENBACH / RUDI MAHALL ~ ABSTRACT WINDOW WHYPLAYJAZZ 032 (Barcode: 4250459999325) ~ DENMARK ~ Free Jazz / Improvised Music Recorded: 2016 Released: 2017
This is the debut album by the trio consisting of Heavyweight Champions of the European Improvised Music scene: Danish drummer Kasper Tom ChristiansenFind albums by this artist and German pianist Alexander von SchlippenbachFind albums by this artist and clarinetist Rudi MahallFind albums by this artist. They perform eleven relatively short improvised pieces credited to the three participating musicians.
The trio is a wonderful example of the continuity of the European Improvised Music tradition, bringing together musicians from three generations: Kasper Tom (born 1981), von Schlippenbach (born 1938) and Mahall (born 1966). The age and experience differences are of course completely irrelevant as far as the music is concerned. The album also crowns the fast developing career of Kasper Tom, who with his consistently excellent contributions as performer and composer pawed his way from anonymity the international repute in this extremely competitive field in a relatively short period of time.
The music also emphasizes the nature of European Improvised Music, against its parallel from across the pond. These relatively short pieces are concentrated expressions of Freedom, which is articulated by the unity of the trio and not by a race of musicians trying to blow each other off the stage.
The music is of course everything people familiar with these musicians in particular, and the European Improvised scene in general, might expect: brilliant musicianship, wonderful respect and attention towards each other, minimalism and elegance, all these of the highest caliber. Improvised Music does not get better than this.
The individual statements are also very interesting, being completely different from each other. Von Schlippenbach plays long beautiful arpeggios and harmonic chords, which constitute the basic layer upon the music is floating. Mahall carries the role of a story teller, spinning his short, dramatic tales consisting of long series of notes. Kasper Tom plays everything but a steady rhythm, but at the same time he still is the metronome of this music. His tribal approach turns the rhythmic patterns into a multicultural experience. Of course the performances present a series of wonderful solo, duo and trio improvisations, which spontaneously emerge in the process.
Overall this is an instant classic, an album which other Improvised Music recordings will be measured against, not in the sense of competition but in the sense of setting an example others should learn from. Absolutely essential to all Improvised Music connoisseurs!
| Updated: 03/06/2017Posted: 03/06/2017 | CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend |
  | KASPER TOM 5 ~ I DO ADMIRE THINGS THAT ARE ONLY WHAT THEY ARE BAREFOOT 046 (Barcode: 5707471042632) ~ DENMARK ~ Jazz Recorded: 2015 Released: 2015
This is the second album by the exceptional European Jazz quintet Kasper Tom 5Find albums by this artist led by Danish drummer / composer Kasper Tom ChristiansenFind albums by this artist, which also includes German clarinetist Rudi MahallFind albums by this artist, Polish trumpeter Tomasz DabrowskiFind albums by this artist, Swedish trombonist Petter HangselFind albums by this artist and Danish bassist Jens Mikkel MadsenFind albums by this artist. The album was recorded live and presents seven original compositions, all by Christiansen.
In the last decade or so Kasper Tom Christiansen emerges as one of the most talented and thankfully prolific modern European Jazz musicians and his many projects and recordings amount to a most impressive legacy already at this early stage of his career. The ensembles in which he takes part are all wonderful examples of the borderless artistic Europe, which seems to flourish infinitely better that the politically torn apart Europe.
This quintet presents the perfect balance between composed and improvised music, keeping the form and structure of "conventional" composed music, but stretching way beyond the basic layout and explodes with imagination and musical freedom. Christiansen collected in this quintet an exceptional group of highly talented musicians, and their collective abilities, emotions and of course technical skills as players and improvises add up to a total that is much bigger than just the sum of the components. The mutual respect and the level of communication, which is especially apparent on this live recording, are simply phenomenal.
It is also important to note Christiansen the composer, in addition to his tasks as bandleader and drummer. His compositions are the solid basis upon all the improvised music is firmly based. His quirky, beautiful and fascinating little melodies are always superbly crafted, both melodically and harmonically. In fact they are perhaps in some respect the most important facet of Christiansen´s multitalented persona.
For fans of well organized Free Jazz (no, this is not an oxymoron) and improvised music this album is simply a fulfillment of a perfect dream. Not a dull moment, from start to finish, countless examples of superb individual and collective skills and above all an atmosphere of joy as a result of playing together. As usual in his case, this is one more triumphant achievement for Christiansen and the Kasper Tom 5, which should not be missed!
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  | KASPER TOM 5 ~ OST BINGO SKRUER BAREFOOT 031 (Barcode: 5707471031551) ~ DENMARK ~ Jazz Recorded: 2013 Released: 2013
This is the debut album by the European Jazz quintet Kasper Tom 5Find albums by this artist, led by Danish drummer / composer Kasper Tom ChristiansenFind albums by this artist, with German clarinetist Rudi MahallFind albums by this artist, Polish trumpeter Tomasz DabrowskiFind albums by this artist, Swedish trombonist Petter HangselFind albums by this artist and Danish bassist Jens Mikkel MadsenFind albums by this artist. Christiansen and Dabrowski are also members of the excellent Hunger PangsFind albums by this artist trio. The album presents ten original compositions, six of which were composed by the leader and the remaining four are credited to the entire quintet.
The quintet is constantly walking on a tight rope between "usual" and "unusual", which is of course great fun. Seemingly a standard quintet and yet the brass section features a completely nonstandard bass clarinet / trumpet / trombone front line, which has a completely different sonority from a regular saxophone dominated ensemble. Seemingly playing melodies, yet there is actually more freedom and free improvisation than one might expect or even be able to hear upon the initial encounter. This stuff requires some serious listening in order to be properly digested, which is usually the case with unusual music.
With all the freedom and group improvisation involved, this music is surprisingly "easy" on the ear, mainly because it is completely non aggressive, even in the most passionate moments. The flow of the music is all natural, following a melodic theme or a harmonic sequence, often even introducing several complex intertwined leads, but always executed with grace and obvious mutual respect and understanding between the quintet members. The whole proceedings are a rare example of group members that actually complete each other rather than compete between each other. There is no obvious leader; nobody gets more solo space than anybody else, in short a wonderful unity is achieved herein.
Of course the album is also a superb display of individual skills and talents, but those can be truly appreciated only with repeated listening sessions, allowing the listener to concentrate on a specific instrumentalist rather than listen to the entire ensemble. One way or another, this album is full of wonderful moments, which are simply waiting there to be discovered.
With young European Jazz musicians like these one can look forward to the future with at least some optimism. The renaissance of ambitious music in Europe is truly heartwarming, against all odds and like an oasis in the desert of mediocrity that modern life pushes down our throats. Well done indeed!
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  | MADS LA COUR / ALMUGI ~ HULE WHYPLAYJAZZ 044 (Barcode: 4250459991442) ~ DENMARK ~ Free Jazz / Improvised Music Recorded: 2017 Released: 2018
This is the second album (well, second physical album, as two more download only albums were also released on the excellent German WhyPlayJazzFind albums on this label label) by the European Jazz quartet AlmugiFind albums by this artist, led by Danish cornetist / trumpeter / composer Mads la CourFind albums by this artist, which also includes Danish clarinetist / saxophonist Lars GreveFind albums by this artist, Polish bassist Mariusz PrasniewskiFind albums by this artist and Danish drummer Kasper Tom ChristiansenFind albums by this artist. The album presents nine original compositions, all by the leader.
The music is a beautiful collection of melodic themes, mostly serene and melancholic, with a lot of space and breathing air, which allows for each note to be heard distinctly and clearly. The trumpet / clarinet and trumpet / saxophone duets roll on like intimate conversations with the rhythm section defining the scope and tempi of these conversations, always respectfully in the background but always being an inseparable part of the complete musical unity. Prasniewski and Christiansen already appeared together as a rhythm section on earlier recordings and their playing together tightens telepathically in time.
The individual contributions as well as collective improvisations and ensemble performances are all superbly executed and convey the European Jazz aesthetics, elegance and flair. Obvious respect between the musicians and a common goal of achieving the most fulfilling effect are fully realized herein, and the album is a truly delightful listening experience. The balance between the Jazz tradition and the new forms of expression, treatment of time, rhythm and harmony are a perfect example of the strength and ingenuity of contemporary young European Jazz, which is bursting with talent and creativity.
This album also exemplifies the rapidly developing musical ties between Danish and Polish Jazz scenes, which results is some of the most ambitious and searching Jazz explorations heard today. This album is highly recommended to all modern European Jazz connoisseurs, who are open-minded enough to deal with some degree of Free Jazz, which is well behaved enough to please and avoid chaos, but challenging enough to keep the listener on his toes. Very well done indeed!
| Updated: 13/05/2018Posted: 13/05/2018 | CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend |
  | MADS LA COUR / ALMUGI ~ QUARTET WHYPLAYJAZZ 019 (Barcode: 4050486928226) ~ DENMARK ~ Jazz Recorded: 2015 Released: 2015
This is the debut album by the AlmugiFind albums by this artist quartet, led by Danish cornetist / composer Mads la CourFind albums by this artist, which also includes clarinetist Lars GreveFind albums by this artist, bassist Andreas LangFind albums by this artist and drummer Kasper Tom ChristiansenFind albums by this artist. The album presents nine original compositions, all by la Cour.
Christiansen, Lang and la Cour were members of the QuartzFind albums by this artist quartet, which recorded a debut album almost a decade earlier and which was also released at the time on the excellent German WhyPlayJazzFind albums on this label label.
The music is a an open form of modern Jazz, which ignores genres and conventions and freely floats between melodic passages and free improvisations, presenting the complete palette used by today´s new generation of European Jazz players, who are constantly trying to expand the Jazz idiom.
These musicians are all very experienced players, having participated in numerous recordings as leaders and sidemen and played countless gigs, so there is nothing surprising about their proficiency and brilliance. Their functionality as a group is also beyond reproach, both when playing straightforward and improvising.
The cornet solos are excellently structured and for some strange reason bring an association of the work by Don CherryFind albums by this artist in the early Ornette ColemanFind albums by this artist´s quartets. Of course la Cour has his own individual language and this is just a nostalgic whim on my part. He also weaves excellent melodies, which serve as vehicles for the quartet to improvise and express the individual statements.
Greve is very expressive and skillfully uses the clarinet and bass clarinet to create atmospheric layers and solos, expanding the sonic scope of the music. The rhythm section is, as usual, exceptional. Lang and Christiansen are already well known for their skills and adaptability to every imaginable musical setting, and they don´t disappoint here as well.
Overall this is another superb album coming out of Denmark, where Jazz is enjoying an impressive Renaissance in the last decade, which makes all connoisseurs of Scandinavian Jazz extremely happy. Very well done indeed and I am looking forward to hear more from this group in the future. Two more albums: a duo and a large ensemble recording by la Cour are also available.
| Updated: 11/06/2016Posted: 11/06/2016 | CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend |
  | MEINILD / ANDERSKOV / TOM ~ SPECTRAL ENTANGLEMENTS BAREFOOT 081 ~ DENMARK ~ Free Jazz / Improvised Music Recorded: 2022 Released: 2023
This is the debut album by the Danish Jazz trio comprising of saxophonist / clarinetist / flautist Sven Dam MeinildFind albums by this artist, pianist Jacob AnderskovFind albums by this artist and drummer Kasper Tom ChristiansenFind albums by this artist. The album presents five tracks, all original compositions co-credited to all three members of the trio.
Despite their relatively young age, all these musicians have already quite extensive experience playing and recording together, but not as a trio. Christiansen has been active on the European scene since 2006 and recorded more than two dozen albums as a leader and sideman, with various European musicians, mostly from Poland and Germany, and is certainly one of my favorite drummers / composers on the young European scene.
The music is a wonderful example of contemporary European Improvised Music / Free Jazz at its absolutely best. Using, albeit with great care, electronics and sound manipulation, the music remains coherent and focused, despite the feeling of abstract and freedom prevailing for the duration. Although spontaneously improvised, the melodic / harmonic “backbone” remains, as they define it, “abstract compositional”, and the emotional restrain serves the desired effect perfectly.
There is a lot of space, silence, minimalism and understatement present in this music, creating a delicate fabric, which leaves enough distance between the notes to stimulate the listener’s brain to fill the blanks at will, which makes him a partner in the creative process. This is definitely a superb example of the “less is more” approach, which I am always a great fan of.
Overall, this is an amazing piece of music, which although perhaps somewhat demanding, is full of European aesthetics, cleverness and brilliant inventiveness. I find it uplifting and satisfying, and as such recommend it wholeheartedly to every lover of contemporary music out there!
| Updated: 10/01/2024Posted: 10/01/2024 | CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend |
  | QUARTZ ~ SO EIN DING MUSS ICH AUCH HABEN WHYPLAYJAZZ 002 (Barcode: 5707471006665) ~ DENMARK ~ Jazz-Rock Fusion Recorded: 2006 Released: 2007
This is the debut album by the young Danish quartet QuartzFind albums by this artist, which comprises of trumpeter Mads la CourFind albums by this artist, guitarist Frederik VedersoFind albums by this artist, bassist Andreas LangFind albums by this artist and drummer Kasper Tom ChristiansenFind albums by this artist. When this album was recorded nobody could have predicted that Vederso would soon become one of Denmark´s top Pop / Rock / Folk stars. This is also the debut recording of the Lang / Christiansen rhythm section, which in the decade following this recording was about to turn into one of the best Jazz rhythm sections in Europe. The album presents nine original compositions, all credited collectively to the quartet.
The music of Quartz floats constantly somewhere between Jazz-Rock Fusion and contemporary modern Jazz. The Rocky guitar tends to pull the music towards Fusion, but the trumpet and rhythm section are obviously Jazz oriented, hence the duality. Regardless of the stylistic umbrella, this music is fresh, intelligent and full of intrinsic freedom, which allows for interesting improvisations and interplay between the band members. La Cour is a hell of a trumpet player and his solos soar high with a blood curdling intensity and speed. The rhythm section immediately presents their unique approach to providing the backbone for an ensemble, which is done with a specific twist of roles, with the bass being the rhythmic chronometer and the drums working with, against and above the expected rhythm patters, actually playing the instrument. The mutual understanding, respect and level of telepathic cooperation between these two guys are simply marvelous.
There are also plenty of great tunes on this album, with some great melodies and catchy riffs, which make this music immediately accessible to most listeners. Although the music is quite sophisticated, it is also seemingly "easy on the ear", which of course is the best way to win over the listeners attention. In retrospect this is by far the most accessible album on the excellent WhyPlayJazzFind albums on this label label. This is definitely a superb debut effort and a piece of music that is certainly worth returning to from time to time.
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  | KASPER TOM / JACOB ANDERSKOV ~ CHROMA BAREFOOT 037 (Barcode: 5707471036099) ~ DENMARK ~ Jazz Recorded: 2014 Released: 2014
This is an album by a duo of Danish Jazz musicians: drummer / composer Kasper Tom ChristiansenFind albums by this artist and pianist / composer Jacob AnderskovFind albums by this artist, both representatives of the new wave of Danish Jazz music, which has been experiencing a significant resurgence since the turn of the Millennium. Anderskov, who is commonly recognized as one of the leaders of the local Danish scene, is a prolific performer, composer and recording artists with a sizeable legacy of over twenty releases as a leader since his debut in 2001 and many more as a sideman. He won the Danish Jazz Composer of the Year award in 2013 and is definitely an Artist worth following. Christiansen, who started to record in 2007, participated in more than ten releases since, with a steady progress towards excellence. This album includes eight original compositions, seven of which are by Christiansen, and the opening track is a piece credited to both participants.
The fact that Anderskov takes part in this album almost exclusively as a pianist is a tremendous vote of confidence in Christiansen´s talent as a composer. But more importantly, for anybody listening to this music, it becomes pretty obvious that Christiansen is a brilliant music weaver. His intrinsic melancholy, lyricism and feel for freedom of expression are his pillars, and then it´s up to the performers to translate these principles into actual soundscapes.
Anderskov was an ideal choice to turn this music into what it finally becomes: a dreamy soundtrack of an imaginary voyage through space and time, delicate and fragile, illusive and mystical. The gentle piano strokes and the muffled drum parts work hand in hand towards a common goal of caressing the listener´s soul via his ears. This music can be absorbed on many different levels, from highly cerebral to completely emotional, all with an equally satisfactory aesthetic effect.
This is a very intimate piece of music, humble in a way, somewhat minimalistic, and yet it contains more music and artistic expression that most other, much more flamboyant recordings. For me this is one of the most profound pieces of music I´ve had the pleasure to hear this year. As usual in such occasions, I simply raise my imaginary hat, thanking the Artists for sharing.
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  | KASPER TOM / RUDI MAHALL ~ ONE MAN`S TRASH IS ANOTHER MAN`S TREASURE BAREFOOT 050 (Barcode: 5707471045640) ~ DENMARK ~ Free Jazz / Improvised Music Recorded: 2016 Released: 2016
This is an album by the duo comprising of Danish drummer / composer Kasper Tom ChristiansenFind albums by this artist and German clarinetist / composer Rudi MahallFind albums by this artist, who are both members of the Kasper Tom 5Find albums by this artist quintet. Together they perform nine original pieces, all co-composed by Christiansen and Mahall.
The music is by far the most Avant-Garde excursion by Christiansen, who recorded prolifically in the last few years. Most of his albums as leader or sideman have been quite Free oriented, but this one seems to be completely instantaneously created Improvised Music, which abandons all forms of conventional Jazz completely.
The great charm of Christiansen´s music was always the ability to play ambitious and innovative music and at the same time to maintain accessibility to his music, which is not present, for the first time, on this album. Improvised music for the sake of being improvised is almost never able to reach many listeners beyond the actual performers, and this album proves it.
Although both Christiansen and Mahall are very gifted and promising young musicians, this album is simply "a bridge too far", crossing into the metaphysical sphere of concentration upon oneself and leaving the rest of the world behind.
After following Christiansen for a few years and enjoying his development, I am not discouraged at all by this album. It simply is another experiment on his path towards discovering his musical personality. Perhaps a bit self indulging and detached, but this album still shows great musicality and ability to communicate with his partner.
In short this is extreme Avant-Garde Improvised Music, for the hardcore fans of the genre only, and little appeal to more or less conventional listeners.
| Updated: 12/04/2019Posted: 29/05/2016 | CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend |
  | TROUBLE HUNTING ~ SOMEBODY ELSE WITH A WRONG DOG RECART 0023 (Barcode: 5908285287220) ~ POLAND ~ Free Jazz / Improvised Music Recorded: 2016 Released: 2017
This is the second album by the Polish / Danish Jazz quintet Trouble HuntingFind albums by this artist, led by saxophonist / composer Tomasz LicakFind albums by this artist. On this album the other members of the quintet are: trumpeter Tomasz DabrowskiFind albums by this artist, saxophonist Sven Dam MeinildFind albums by this artist, bassist Richard AnderssonFind albums by this artist and drummer Kasper Tom ChristiansenFind albums by this artist. These excellent young musicians play together in many other different ensembles with various personnel constellations in the last five years and produced a considerable body of recorded music together. On this album they perform seven original compositions, all by Licak.
The music is quite characteristic of the new generation of European Jazz musicians, which combines composition and free improvisation conceptually, blurring the difference between these idioms. As a result the pieces presented here are all based on composed themes, which are stated several times within the duration of each of the pieces, but most of the time serve as a basis for individual and group improvisations, which are the heart of this music. In spite of the free-spirited approach, the music manages to maintain a coherency and form, which is accessible to a relatively large fraction of the Jazz listening audiences, even though it offers no artistic compromises of attempts to sound likeable.
The individual statements of all the musicians involved are all heartfelt, honest and excellent musically. Licak plays some wicked bass clarinet parts, which are, together with the electric bass, part of the pulse behind the music and of course adds saxophone improvisations. Dabrowski is as usual the virtuoso in the pack with some heartbreaking solo parts, but also great as part of the "brass section" playing the unisono melody statements. Meinild adds his beautiful gentle tone on both alto and tenor saxophones, expanding the overall sound of the band considerably. Andersson plays electric bass, which sounds perfectly in place in this environment, which is usually reserved for the acoustic double bass. Christiansen, also as usual, plays the drums, managing to keep the time and play around it with his seemingly endless box of percussive tricks. Altogether this is a wonderful display of amazing individual talents and superb ensemble work.
Albums like this one are not only aesthetically pleasing and heartwarming, but first and foremost point the way towards the development of European Jazz, which is still making giant steps forwards and manages to discover new territory, to the joy of the connoisseurs of the genre. This is brilliant stuff from start to finish, which I wholeheartedly recommend to everybody who enjoys challenge while listening to music. Well done Sirs!
| Updated: 28/10/2017Posted: 28/10/2017 | CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend |
  | HENRIK WALSDORFF / ADAM PULTZ MELBYE / KASPER TOM CHRISTIANSEN ~ GRON BAREFOOT 022 (Barcode: 5707471027547) ~ GERMANY ~ Jazz Recorded: 2012 Released: 2012
This is the debut album by the trio consisting of veteran German saxophonist Henrik WalsdorffFind albums by this artist and a young Danish rhythm section: bassist Adam Pultz MelbyeFind albums by this artist and drummer Kasper Tom ChristiansenFind albums by this artist. The album was recorded live at the Dexter club in Odense, Denmark during the trio´s tour. It is an unedited document of the performance and presents five compositions / improvisations, all credited to all three trio members.
All three players are experienced performers in the Free Jazz / Improvised Music field, which is very obvious from the very first moment of the album. The generation gap, which can be a problem under similar circumstances, works out wonderfully here, as Walsdorff carries over post Bee Bop sonorities and melodic motifs, while his young partners contribute their youthful energies and unconventional rhythmic patterns, creating together quite a spectacular effect.
In spite its Avant Garde character, this music should be more easily accessible to wider Jazz audiences than similar such efforts. The melodic character of the saxophone improvisations enables the listener to fill the missing notes and enjoy the ride. These are obviously kindred spirits making music together, which is always a source of aesthetic and intellectual satisfaction. Although no spectacular new ground is being broken here, this is solid and ambitious improvised music, performed with passion, emotion and affinity.
It is worth mentioning that all three musicians take part in many different projects in parallel, as do all three players involved in this project. The days of steady job in one band are over for the Jazz musicians, and the hectic vicious circle of survival takes over. Luckily for us more fascinating music is being created in the process, like the music on this album, but the life of a Jazz musician is becoming ever more complex.
| Updated: 17/12/2018Posted: | CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend |