Record Reviews
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  | FUSION GENERATION PROJECT ~ NO FUSION ALLEGRO 027 (Barcode: 5901157049278) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-Rock Fusion Recorded: 2012 - 2013 Released: 2013
This is the debut album by young Polish quartet called Fusion Generation ProjectFind albums by this artist, which consists of keyboardist Dariusz PeteraFind albums by this artist, guitarist / cellist Krzysztof LenczowskiFind albums by this artist, bassist Lukasz Jan JozwiakFind albums by this artist and drummer Krzysztof KwiatkowskiFind albums by this artist. They perform nine original compositions, six of which are by Petera and the rest are one each by the other three quartet members. Saxophonist Marcin KajperFind albums by this artist and American trumpeter Michael Patches StewartFind albums by this artist appear as guest on a few tracks.
The music is a nice brand of Jazz-Rock Fusion, on the lighter side of the genre almost touching on instrumental Pop occasionally. The tunes are very melodic and pretty straight-forward, but the level of performances as well as the general atmosphere of the album is quite excellent. There are also a few nice surprises, for example when the guitarist plays the cello out of the blue, and other less enjoyable ones when the album starts with a long drums solo track. The keyboardist, who is also the principal composer of the material, is the Jazziest player in the quartet, whereas the guitarist (at least when playing the guitar) is a definite Rocker. The excellent rhythm section is quite Funky on the other hand, so the overall effect works well, without taking any major risks.
The usage of the sax and trumpet seem a bit out of place as the band sounds pretty balanced as a quartet and loses the focus with the addition of the brass. Stewart´s solos, although adequate, seem out of place stylistically and sort of misguided. But overall the music is good fun and a nice listen, especially when driving.
I´d prefer that such talented musicians would have played a more adventurous and challenging music altogether, but each to his choices and the future will tell where does all this lead. In the meantime this album will surely find many satisfied listeners.
| | CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend |
  | NAXOS ~ THE TRIP AROUND THE BRAIN WARNER MUSIC POLAND 0825646292103 (Barcode: 0825646292103) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-Rock-World Fusion Recorded: 2014 Released: 2014
This is the debut album by the Polish ensemble NaxosFind albums by this artist, led by the celebrated musician / personality Milo KurtisFind albums by this artist, one of the pioneers of World Music and World-Jazz Fusion in Poland, who was a member of the legendary ensemble OssianFind albums by this artist in the 1970s and many other groups over the years. It was delightful to meet Milo in person just a few weeks ago in Warsaw and talk about the old times and the future, which for him is always full of bright things. I remember him taking part in my production of "The Book Of JobFind albums with this title" in 1985, under insane circumstances, and his worm personality didn´t change one iota over the years, which is truly remarkable
Kurtis is one of several Polish musicians of Greek origin, same as guitarist Apostolis AnthimosFind albums by this artist of SBBFind albums by this artist fame, who also participates in this recording. Other members of the ensemble include keyboardist Konstanty JoriadisFind albums by this artist (also of Greek origin), female vocalist Rasm Al-MashanFind albums by this artist (of Yemenite origin), percussionist Adeb ChamounFind albums by this artist, saxophonist Marcin KajperFind albums by this artist and bassist Marcin PendowskiFind albums by this artist. Several guest musicians participate on selected tracks. The album presents thirteen tracks, most of which are credited to Kurtis and Joriadis, either separately or as co-composers.
The music has a distinctive Mediterranean flavor, mixing Greek and Middle Eastern influences, rhythms and melodies into a lively and fascinating amalgam of cultures. On the Polish scene that kind of music is definitely quite unusual and exotic, but where I live this is basically a part of our everyday milieu and this kind of music can be heard all day long on the radio or on stage in music venues, big and small. This kind of synthesis has been the most distinctive characteristic of Israeli music over the last few decades, and it´s really heartwarming to hear it happening in Poland as well. Kurtis is doing his pioneering work again, and deserves to be encouraged and praised for it, especially in view of the impressive outcome, not to mention the popularization the idea that diverse cultures can work together for a common goal, as much aesthetic as practical.
This music has no boundaries and should appeal to every open-minded fun loving person on this globe. The streets of Athens, or Beirut or Tel-Aviv swarm with fun loving people and their music reflects their love of life and the ability to live life in full, if only allowed to do so. This album could be a perfect soundtrack of that desire to simply enjoy life. Of course a glass of ouzo, arak or raki (preferably all three) definitely makes listening to this music even more enjoyable. So ευχαριστώ πολύ, my dear friend, I am looking forward to many more such great musical gifts in the future.
| | CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend |
  | MARCIN PENDOWSKI ~ PENDOFSKY NOT ON LABEL ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-Rock Fusion Recorded: 2012 - 2013 Released: 2014
This is the debut album as a leader by the Polish bassist / composer Marcin PendowskiFind albums by this artist, who started his career as a Rock musician (as a member of the band ArtrosisFind albums by this artist) but later on cooperated with many Polish Jazz musicians as well. On this album he presents ten original compositions recorded with a core group of musicians, which includes guitarist Krzysztof KawalkoFind albums by this artist, saxophonist Marcin KajperFind albums by this artist, trumpeter Przemyslaw KostrzewaFind albums by this artist, keyboardist Marcin CichockiFind albums by this artist, drummer Tomasz WaldowskiFind albums by this artist and several guest artists. On the album Pendowski plays on two old electric basses manufactured in Czechoslovakia (Jolana Diamant) and Poland (Defil Mamba) during the Socialist regime, which have a very specific ambience.
The music is a great mixture of Jazz-Rock Fusion, Funk, Soul, Grove and superb retro / vintage sounding pieces, which are almost never played these days by anybody. The arrangements and instrumentation, including the Hammond organ and the in-sync unisono brass section, the airy guitars and the fantastic bass sound are simply irresistible. Of course the best part is the fact that although this is truly enjoyable music, it is also of the highest quality, with great melodies, riffs and interesting arrangements, supported by virtuosic instrumental work.
This music could be an ideal partner for a long car drive, a club setting or a groovy party with your friends, and it would fit all these diverse surroundings perfectly. I must admit that it was quite a while since I enjoyed myself that much listening to an album. Hopefully this won´t be a one off, as that would be a true shame. We need more honest and fun music like this in this world full of phony pretentious garbage.
I wholeheartedly recommend this album to people who really love music and are able to enjoy it in full, without inhibitions. For bass aficionados this is a must of course. Very well done Sir, chapeau!
| | CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend |
  | SWITCH ON QUINTET ~ OUR CAR WILL NEVER STOP FM 003 ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-Rock Fusion Recorded: 2009 Released: 2010
This is an excellent debut album by Polish Jazz-Rock Fusion Switch On QuintetFind albums by this artist which comprises of young musicians making their early stepson the local scene: trumpeter Maciej FortunaFind albums by this artist, saxophonist Marcin KajperFind albums by this artist, guitarist Jakub KujawaFind albums by this artist, bassist Michal RybkaFind albums by this artist and drummer Bogumil RomanowskiFind albums by this artist. They perform eleven original compositions, four by Romanowski, three by Fortuna, three by Kajper / Kujawa and the remaining one by Kajper. Keyboardist Michal SzlempoFind albums by this artist guests on selected tracks.
The music is a superb fresh approach to Fusion, which balances the Jazzy sound and feel of the brass with the Rocky sound and feel of the electric guitar, which although reminiscent of the legendary ChicagoFind albums by this artist, is completely up to date and kicks ass like mad. To be perfectly honest I haven´t heard such great Fusion in a very long time and this album is real treat. What a pity it remains almost completely obscure. These young Polish cats could teach a thing or two to all those wannabe American Fusion players, who constantly flood the marked with Fusion garbage.
As usual on the Polish scene the level of virtuosity displayed by the musicians is astounding, especially in view of their age. Fortuna´s fiery solos soar through the air with incredible intensity, Kujawa´s distorted guitar rips the air and its Bluesy undertones break your heart and Kajper´s saxophone (especially the soprano) twist and turn like a snake on acid. The rhythm section kicks exactly when and where needed, keeping the ride right on time and your feet tapping uncontrollably.
Honestly this is one of the best Fusion albums I´ve heard in a long time and an absolute joyous musical ride, highly recommended to all Fusion heads out there. Fortuna, who since recording this album produces already a plethora of superb Jazz and other music, shows here his incredible versatility and I hope he´ll return to play his chops in a Fusion environment again. Not to be missed!
| | CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend |