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16 Reviews Found. Use search to find more reviews or follow the links in the review text.

SOLITON 707 (Barcode: 5901571097077) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-Rock Fusion

Recorded: 2016 Released: 2017

This is the second album by Polish Jazz-Rock Fusion ensemble Elec-Tri-CityFind albums by this artist, which comprises of bassist / keyboardist / composer Janusz MackiewiczFind albums by this artist, guitarist Marcin WadolowskiFind albums by this artist, vibraphonist Dominik BukowskiFind albums by this artist (who plays his electronic vibraphone called xylosynth) and drummer Grzegorz SyczFind albums by this artist. The album presents ten original compositions, seven of which are by Mackiewicz and the remaining three are one each by the other ensemble members.

The album continues the path set by the debut and presents a superbly elegant Jazz-Rock Fusion, based on beautiful melodic compositions, which serve as vehicles for extended improvisations by the ensemble members. The music brings fond memories of what Fusion was at its early days, when it was all about the music and not about technical, but boring proficiency show-offs by mediocre musicians. Each and every one of the tunes on this album is a wonderful piece of stylish music, which stands very well on its own.

All four members of the ensemble are experienced musicians with impressive personal record and the music they play here is evidently a labor of love and joy of playing. There is plenty of superb guitar, synthesizer, bass and drum solos to keep every Fusion fan happy.

Overall this is a very enjoyable and yet exceptionally musical and elegant album, which is a true joy to listen to from start to end; one of those pieces of music that can simply "make your day". Warmly recommended!
Updated: 12/05/2017Posted: 12/05/2017CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

BITTT 002 (Barcode: 5907632690072) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-Rock Fusion

Recorded: 2013 Released: 2013

This is the debut album by Polish Jazz-Rock / Funk ensemble Elec-Tri-CityFind albums by this artist, formed by bassist Janusz MackiewiczFind albums by this artist and including also the excellent veteran vibraphonist Dominik BukowskiFind albums by this artist, guitarist Marcin WadolowskiFind albums by this artist and drummer Grzegorz SyczFind albums by this artist. As the word-play title suggests, the band members originate from the country´s Tricity on the Baltic Sea. Several guest musicians participate on the album, most notably the keyboards wizard Leszek MozdzerFind albums by this artist. The album includes seven original compositions all by Mackiewicz.

The music lies well within the boundaries of the Jazz-Rock Fusion / Funk variety, but presents an up to date version of the idiom and even tries to expand its boundaries by adding somewhat more electronic ambience and more advanced harmonic structures as well as more ambitious improvisations than usually utilized by musicians operating within these genres. The compositions are surely better than most sketchy melodic lines usually used in Funk over a repetitious rhythmic pattern. In short this music is a breath of fresh air as far as Funk & Co are concerned.

The individual contributions are all beyond reproach, which is not surprising considering the obvious abilities of the musicians involved. Mackiewicz plays some pretty "nasty" bass lines, which can wake up the dead, Bukowski and his xylosynth (xylophone-synthesizer) produces superb atmospheric sonic layers and inspired solos, Wadolowski adds a gutsy, Bluesy guitar sound and Sycz keeps the entire shamadan moving forward straight to the listeners guts (or heart). Even Mozdzer plays here considerably more imaginatively than on his solo albums lately.

Overall this is an excellent album as far as Funk is concerned, elegant and entertaining and above all great fun. I enjoyed every minute of this music, which is definitely more suitable for warm climates. Thank you guys for bringing some joy to life!
Updated: 12/05/2017Posted: CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

SOLITON 1227 (Barcode: 5903684232277) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz & Poetry

Recorded: 2021 Released: 2022

This is an album by Polish pianist / composer Leszek KulakowskiFind albums by this artist, which presents a live recording of a spectacle, featuring music composed by Kulakowski and texts written by the Polish writer / poet / painter WitkacyFind albums by this artist (a.k.a. Stanislaw Ignacy WitkiewiczFind albums by this artist). The participants comprise of Kulakowski, who plays electronic keyboards rather than piano, vocalist Jorgos SkoliasFind albums by this artist, trumpeter Tomasz DabrowskiFind albums by this artist, guitarist Marcin WadolowskiFind albums by this artist, bassist Konrad ZolnierekFind albums by this artist, drummer Sebastian FrankiewiczFind albums by this artist and actor Jerzy KarnickiFind albums by this artist, who narrates the texts. The album presents seven tracks and is beautifully packaged with an informative booklet, which also includes all the texts, as well as Witkacy’s paintings.

Witkacy’s literary / philosophical / artistic heritage remains to be controversial and more often than not misinterpreted since the day it was conceived and published, and the state of affairs did not change much during the last century. Many of the subjects touched upon by Witkacy in his works, like sex, drugs and social relationships remain a taboo in Poland to this very day, despite the superficial openness and modernism. Therefore, his artistry is often treated as scandalous and sensational, rather than prophetic and educational.

This is not the first attempt to interpret Witkacy’s “aura” within the Polish Jazz setting of course. In the mid-1980s iconic Polish trumpeter / composer Tomasz StankoFind albums by this artist made a groundbreaking recording inspired by Witkacy’s legacy, which also related to the subject of drugs, which of course was a household issue among many Jazz musicians, not only on the west side of the Iron Curtain. The trumpet duos between Stanko and Andrzej PrzybielskiFind albums by this artist are certainly some of the Polish Jazz highlights of that period.

Dabrowski’s parts on this album serve as a bridge between that momentous album and this new creation. But Kulakowski managed to create a completely new and original approach herein in every respect. The music is highly melodic, with clearly defined themes, the Funky, Fusion oriented rhythmic background makes the music sound contemporary and vigorous. The synthesizers suit this environment way better than acoustic piano, and Kulakowski certainly made the right choice here. Wadolowski’s guitar fits the scenario perfectly as well as the round and pulsating bass parts. But the greatest asset of this album are the vocal / vocalese parts by Skolias, who is as demonic and fascinating as only humanly possible.

Overall, this is an important, courageous attempt to interpret Witkacy and his legacy, highly original and moving, and beautifully performed, especially considering the fact that this is a live recording, which offers a superb sound quality. Kulakowski never ceases to re-invent himself, and despite the fact that I know him and his music for so many years, he still manages to surprise me time after time. Hats off, Maestro!
Updated: 22/02/2022Posted: 22/02/2022CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

NOT ON LABEL (Barcode: 198004805995) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-Rock Fusion

Recorded: 2022 Released: 2023

This is the second album by Polish Jazz bassist / composer Piotr LemanczykFind albums by this artist under the Electric BandFind albums by this artist moniker, this time as a basic trio with guitarist Marcin WadolowskiFind albums by this artist and drummer Tomasz LosowskiFind albums by this artist, expanded to a quartet with the addition of pianist Leszek MozdzerFind albums by this artist. Vocalists Hanna-Sosnowska-BillFind albums by this artist and Natalia Capelik MuiangaFind albums by this artist guest each on one track. The album presents eleven original compositions, ten composed by Lemanczyk and one co-composed with Mozdzer.

In the last few years Lemanczyk seems to prefer the (six strings) electric bass guitar over the acoustic bass, and his recordings become consistently more Fusion oriented, leaving Jazz behind. This album continues this new direction and offers a series of melodic compositions, performed by the quartet, with the electric bass at the very epicenter of things. Lemanczyk is a great virtuoso beyond any doubt, and the only question remains if this is enough to keep things to hold water.

There is no doubt that Wadolowski refined his guitar playing over time and he adds some excellent soloing on this album and Losowski is a superb drummer with great experience and technique, who keeps this album rhythmically together. But Mozdzer seems to have kidnapped the music completely, adding his piano parts, which are hardly appropriate to the Fusiony environment, with his usual “as many notes per second as humanly possible” approach. Mozdzer’s lyrics to the song he co-composed with Lemanczyk don’t help to clear the confusion as well. As a result, the music loses its focus time after time and sadly the album, despite its potential, does not manage to create a cohesive musical massage.

Overall, although offering some amazing bass guitar performances by the leader and great support by the guitarist and drummer, the album succumbs to overproduction and studio manipulation, lack of artistic vison and way too many piano notes. I miss the old Lemanczyk…
Updated: 06/04/2023Posted: 06/04/2023CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

ALLEGRO 024 (Barcode: 5901157049247) ~ POLAND ~ Blues-Rock

Recorded: 2012 Released: 2012

This is the debut album by a young Polish Blues-Rock / Funk band MoongangFind albums by this artist, fronted by female vocalist Joanna KnitterFind albums by this artist, with harmonica player Roman BadenskiFind albums by this artist, guitarist Marcin WadolowskiFind albums by this artist, pianist Hubert SwiatekFind albums by this artist, bassist Karol KozlowskiFind albums by this artist and drummer Piotr GoraFind albums by this artist. The album comprises of eleven original songs and one instrumental. The guitarist composed eight of the pieces, the vocalist two and the bassist and pianist contributed one each. Knitter wrote the lyrics to all eleven songs, ten of which are in English and one is in Polish.

Obviously based on the Blues tradition, the music stretches out into other genres, like Rock, Funk and even occasionally Fusion. Almost all the tunes are up-tempo and have a very funky feel about them, which certainly tends to make the listeners dance or at least tap their feet. The instrumental performances are all quite excellent, especially the beautiful harmonica parts, which are the link to the Blues roots of this music, but also the guitar and electric piano solos are a delight. The rhythm section does an excellent job keeping the music moving forward and providing the funky feel. The vocalist has a worm, strong voice, which she uses cleverly and effectively and which is ideal for this kind of music. She has a great timing and phrasing and overall her performances are just what this music needs.

Having said all that, there are some points about this album, which bother me personally, although most local listeners probably won´t mind them at all. I understand the desire of Polish bands to sound "international" and use English lyrics. The vocalist´s English pronunciation and accent are actually quite passable and are not a problem as such, but the lyrics are. Using slang and dirty words does not make lyrics more "native" English, does it? One does not have to even go beyond this very album to see that the sole song in Polish sounds so much better that all the others, in order to learn a lesson not to make the same mistake again, hopefully.

But all in all this is an excellent debut album by a band with a lot of abilities and even more potential in the future. This band most probably kicks ass on the stage like few others and gives the audiences a great time. The album is great for driving, as I´ve experienced, making the long stretch of the road to pass unnoticed. Well done indeed!
 CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

NOT ON LABEL ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-Rock Fusion

Recorded: 2014 Released: 2014

This is the debut album by young Polish Jazz ensemble QuartadoFind albums by this artist, which consists of keyboardist Jan RejnowiczFind albums by this artist, guitarist Marcin WadolowskiFind albums by this artist, bassist Karol KozlowskiFind albums by this artist and drummer Tomasz LosowskiFind albums by this artist. The album presents ten original compositions, eight of which are by Rejnowicz and one each are by Wadolowski and Losowski.

The music can be generally classified as Jazz-Rock Fusion, but it certainly has quite an unusual approach, mixing the standard Fusion tricks of the trade with Latin rhythms, Jazzy acoustic piano passages and many other devices, which sets the quartet apart from most of their competition. The level of the compositions is quite surprising, with solid melodic and harmonic ideas rather than the usual Fusion chord progressions which only purpose is to serve as a basis for endless doodling.

The personal contributions are all impressive, with the rhythm section driving the music forcefully forward. The bass has a very thick sound and the drums are very busy, and although together they are well synchronized, personally I think that the rhythm section is too dominant and comes way to forward in the mix, which causes a listening fatigue after about half the album, actually hurting the listeners ears. The overall sound is not great either, sounding muddy and condensed as if recorded in a tiny box, which is a great pity as this album could have sounded infinitely better.

Rejnowicz, who wrote most of the music, comes up as a gifted composer, but his playing is not sensational and fails to make a unique personal statement, probably due to the fact that he is still very new at it. However, Wadolowski, who has been very busy in the last few years and participated in quite a few recordings, is the absolute star of this album, playing his heart out and sounding really good from start to finish. His solos are inventive and well developed, obviously making hordes of young guitarist to cringe with envy. It is truly satisfying to follow a musicians for a period of time and see (or rather hear) his progress and development.

Overall quite a nice debut with many fine moments and a lot of potential, just take it a bit easy next time around and channel the testosterone elsewhere.
 CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

SOLITON 938 (Barcode: 5901571099385) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-Rock Fusion

Recorded: 2019 Released: 2019

This is the second album by Polish Fusion quartet QuartadoFind albums by this artist, which comprises of keyboardist Jan RejnowiczFind albums by this artist, guitarist Marcin WadolowskiFind albums by this artist, bassist Karol KozlowskiFind albums by this artist and drummer Tomasz LosowskiFind albums by this artist. The album presents eight original compositions; four by Rejnowicz, two by Wadolowski and one each by Kozlowski and Losowski.

The music continues exactly where the debut left off, with the same Fusion feel based on highly melodic compositions and full of typical Fusion riffs, which have been around for the last fifty years, which means that this album might have been recorded anytime between 1970 and now and nobody would be able to pinpoint the recording date. This of course proves that Fusion is one of the most stable (or stale is one wants to be nasty) Jazz idioms out there. Having said that, this music is really quite excellent as far as Fusion is concerned, full of great tunes, excellent playing and "positive energy", as the quartet states on the album´s cover.

The technical level of the performances is much better than on the debut, especially the keyboards, which offer a diverse sonic kaleidoscope of instruments between acoustic and electric pianos, organ and synthesizers. The soloing is solid and very well structured this time. The only pity is that the keyboards completely dominate the proceedings, and the role of the guitar is sadly much less prominent. Wadolowski is obviously a growing force on the Polish guitar scene and his playing is significantly superior, which is an asset the quartet could have explored more efficiently. The rhythm section does a perfect job all the way through, doing exactly what is expected in the Fusion environment, i.e. keep the beat steady and the groove swinging.

Overall this is a splendid Fusion album, perfectly in the middle of the Fusion mainstream, which should keep most of the fans of the genre perfectly happy. It is certainly as good as anything produced by American Fusion bands that are still around, if not better than most. Highly recommended to Fusion-heads the world over!
Updated: 09/08/2019Posted: 09/08/2019CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

STM 006 (Barcode: 602577499500) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2018 Released: 2019

This is the 9th album by Polish Jazz vocalist Krystyna StankoFind albums by this artist, recorded with her more or less regular musical companions: vibraphonist Dominik BukowskiFind albums by this artist, guitarist Marcin WadolowskiFind albums by this artist, bassist Piotr LemanczykFind albums by this artist and drummer Cezary KonradFind albums by this artist. Violin virtuoso Mateusz SmoczynskiFind albums by this artist guests on a couple of tracks. Additionally the Sinfonia VivaFind albums by this artist Orchestra, conducted by Krzysztof HerdzinFind albums by this artist, who also wrote the orchestral arrangements, provides the orchestral accompaniment. The album presents ten songs, three of which were written by Antonio Carlos JobimFind albums by this artist, two by Chick CoreaFind albums by this artist, four are Jazz standards and one is a Polish cabaret song.

Musically this album is a direct continuation of Stanko´s previous album "Novos AnosFind albums with this title", which was characterized by a distinct Bossa Nova flavor, which is also present here. The same idea of presenting well known songs in a very personal interpretation applies also here. The superb instrumental work by the excellent musicians who accompany the vocalist, are enhanced here with the addition of the orchestral arrangement, wonderfully and cleverly put together by Herdzin.

Altogether the instrumental work on this album is every bit as impressive as the vocal parts. Bukowski uses the vibraphone and the marimba like a snake charmer, adopting his solos to every tune. Wadolowski plays quiet acoustic guitar parts but also excellent electric solos and consistently proves that he is one of the top guitar players on the local scene. Lemanczyk, as usual, keeps everything under control with his caressing bass lines, which fill all the spaces. Konrad is steady like the Rock of Gibraltar, and his delicate, but firm drum parts, which are the heartbeat of the music.

Herdzin´s arrangements deserve praise not only for their sophistication, but more importantly for their incorporation within the overall framework of the sound, staying respectfully in the background and ornamenting the sonic whole rather that dominating it.

Stanko, as usual, balances between singing lyrics and vocalese, in order to keep the things interesting. Her sensuous and dreamy voice is charming as always, and she is not trying to sound like anybody else simply being herself, a quality I always admired in her career. Her understanding of the fact that there is nothing wrong with singing standards, as long as the result is both musically solid and uncompromising, is a key ingredient of her musical mission.

Overall this is a beautiful album full of superb music and outstanding performances, which can be enjoyed by a wide spectrum of Jazz listeners, from complete beginners to experienced connoisseurs, with each one being able to find something that touches them.

Thank you again, my Baltic Siren, for sharing your musical heart with me and everybody else who will listen to this music and enjoy it. You are the one and only, as always!
Updated: 23/03/2024Posted: 02/04/2019CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

FOR TUNE 0113 (Barcode: 5906395808151) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2016 Released: 2016

This is the eighth album by Polish Jazz vocalist Krystyna StankoFind albums by this artist, recorded with her regular wonderful Baltic crew which includes vibraphonist Dominik BukowskiFind albums by this artist, guitarist Marcin WadolowskiFind albums by this artist, bassist Piotr LemanczykFind albums by this artist and guest Brazilian drummer / percussionist Ze Luis NascimentoFind albums by this artist. Trumpeter Marcin GawdzisFind albums by this artist guests on two tracks and drummer Lukasz ZytaFind albums by this artist on three tracks. Together they perform eleven songs (one is repeated twice), six of which were composed by Antonio Carlos JobimFind albums by this artist, and the rest by different composers like Chick CoreaFind albums by this artist, Mongo SantamariaFind albums by this artist and others, all with a distinct samba and bossa nova character. All the songs use English lyrics.

This album marks a significant diversion in Stanko´s career, which is usually focused on singing original material composed by her or her band members. When I visited her in Gdansk three months ago, not long after this album was recorded, she told me that this was a conscious decision to create an album which could be enjoyed by a much wider audience than her previous recordings, without compromising the artistic and aesthetic values. There is no doubt that she and her band managed to do just that.

The album includes mostly very well known songs, which have been previously recorded many times by artists all over the world. This album offers however a slightly different approach, with the instrumental arrangements being much more Jazzy than similar efforts. The presence of Bukowski adds another dimension, normally not present on such recordings and the brilliant bass playing by Lemanczyk firmly places these interpretation within the Jazz idiom rather that the usual Pop or easy Jazz genre. Wadolowski adds some beautiful guitar parts, which are also quite different from the standard guitar parts used on samba albums and so does Gawdzis, albeit briefly. Of course having a Brazilian drummer / percussionist on boards ensures that rhythmically everything works perfectly.

Stanko´s deep sensual voice is of course ideally suited for these songs, and her vocal theatrics fit the bill perfectly. Although her pronunciation is not exactly "perfect" English, it is not significant as these songs have been sung in English by Jobim himself, Astrud GilbertoFind albums by this artist and countless other non-native English speaking vocalist and a slightly foreign accent in this case is perhaps an asset rather than a weakness. Stanko of course has the perfect feel needed to perform these songs and does it with obvious passion and love. She uses superb vocalese parts in addition to the lyrics, which are truly delightful. For me the most touching song of the album is the intimate trio which finds Stanko supported just by vibraphone and bass, which is perfection itself. Stanko respectfully leaves a lot of space for instrumental parts, which is most appropriate.

If this album will bring Stanko to a wider public attention, it will serve its purpose ideally. She deserves to be heard and adored by everybody as much as I do adore her, regardless what she does, not because she is my friend, but because she is a true Artist and a wonderful human being. Well done Krystyna, Dear!
Updated: 26/11/2016Posted: 20/11/2016CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend


Recorded: 2005 Released: 2017

As the title suggests, this is a tribute album to the great American saxophonist Illinois JacquetFind albums by this artist, recorded live by top Polish Jazz musicians. The album presents eight tunes recorded over a period of one year at the Gdynia Jazz club UCHO and two bonus tracks recorded earlier at the NOSPR concert hall in Katowice. The album features ten Polish tenor saxophone players, whose ages span four generations: Piotr CheckiFind albums by this artist, Michal Jan CiesielskiFind albums by this artist, Przemek DyakowskiFind albums by this artist, Tomasz GrzegorskiFind albums by this artist, Dariusz HerbaszFind albums by this artist, Janusz MuniakFind albums by this artist, Maciej SikalaFind albums by this artist, Wojciech StaroniewiczFind albums by this artist, Irek WojtczakFind albums by this artist and Jan Ptaszyn WroblewskiFind albums by this artist. They are accompanied by various rhythm sections comprised of organist Wojciech KarolakFind albums by this artist, vibraphonist Dominik BukowskiFind albums by this artist, guitarists: Maciej GrzywaczFind albums by this artist, Marcin WadolowskiFind albums by this artist and Michal ZienkowskiFind albums by this artist, bassist Janusz MackiewiczFind albums by this artist and drummers: Eric AllenFind albums by this artist (an American in Gdynia who played with Jacquet´s quintet and Big Band) and Tomasz SowinskiFind albums by this artist. Two of the tracks are originals by Jacquet and the rest are standards. Although recorded live, the album offers excellent sound quality.

The music is everything one might expect form a tribute album like this one: familiar tunes, superb playing and an obvious joy ride. This is Swing and Bebop at its best and the participants seem to have great fun but the performances are all professional and heartfelt. It is great to see four generation of Polish Jazz musicians cooperating on one stage and playing every inch as good as any American musician might do, again simply wiping out any inferiority complexes still present among Polish Jazz musicians and many Jazz fans in Poland.

Mainstream classic Jazz fans all over the world should have a great fun with this music, as it is full of the Jazz spirit and offers a high standard of playing well beyond of what is present on similar album recorded over the pond.

The entire project, including this superbly produced album with beautiful artwork and fabulous photography is an obvious labor of love and the people standing behind it deserve all the praise we can offer them, including buying the album. Great stuff!
Updated: 24/11/2019Posted: 31/07/2018CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

ALLEGRO 023 (Barcode: 5901157049230) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2009 Released: 2011

This album presents the live recording of a memorial concert dedicated to the Polish pianist / composer Janusz HajdunFind albums by this artist, who died a year before this concert took place. Hajdun composed music to more than a hundred films, including the short animated film "Tango", which was the first and so far only Polish film to win the Oscar in 1983, as well as many popular songs. His music was characterized by a distinctive swing and a Jazz spirit, and therefore it is only natural that the Polish Jazz musicians taking part in this concert would pay this loving tribute to the beautiful music composed by Hajdun, hoping to preserve it for posterity.

The album presents thirteen compositions by Hajdun (in two cases co-compositions), all of which were beautifully arranged by the participating musicians and three of which include vocals sung by Wanda StaroniewiczFind albums by this artist. The instrumentalist are: legendary pianist Wlodzimierz NahornyFind albums by this artist, trumpeter Piotr NadolskiFind albums by this artist, guitarist Marcin WadolowskiFind albums by this artist, saxophonist Wojciech StaroniewiczFind albums by this artist, bassist Janusz MackiewiczFind albums by this artist, vibraphonist Dominik BukowskiFind albums by this artist, saxophonist Dariusz HerbaszFind albums by this artist, percussionist Adam GolickiFind albums by this artist and pianist Kuba HajdunFind albums by this artist (the composer´s son).

The music is truly beautiful, full of the typical Polish lyricism, somewhat melancholic and even gloomy, but always absorbing and aesthetically perfect. There is more than a coincidental similarity to Krzysztof KomedaFind albums by this artist´s cinematic work, which indisputably inspired Hajdun, as it did all Polish composers. Hearing all this music collected here makes a great impact as a sum total and emphasizes his incredible value as a composer and contributor to the development of Polish Culture.

The performances are inspired and overall perfect, full of superb solos and excellent team work, kept in relative low-key, as appropriate for a memorial concert. Ranging from solo piano performances to a full-blown Jazz ensemble, things are definitely happening here, which should leave no listener cold. The fact that people pay tribute to their departed colleagues and mentors is heartwarming and commendable and when it is done with such love, dedication and talent, it becomes an unforgettable event.

This is Polish Jazz at its best, and as such it deserves to be listened to with attention and open-mindedness. Taking care of the past and the heritage is every bit as important as taking care of the future, let´s not forget it.
 CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

ALLEGRO 028 (Barcode: 5901157049285) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2013 Released: 2014

This is the second album by the Polish Jazz guitarist / composer Marcin WadolowskiFind albums by this artist, recorded in a quintet setting with saxophonist Wojciech StaroniewiczFind albums by this artist, vibraphonist Dominik BukowskiFind albums by this artist, bassist Janusz MackiewiczFind albums by this artist and drummer Adam CzerwinskiFind albums by this artist, all seasoned players from the Polish Tricity region. The album presents ten original compositions, all by Wadolowski. Wadolowski can be also heard as a member of Elec-Tri-CityFind albums by this artist and MoongangFind albums by this artist.

The music is all very melodic and kept within the mainstream Jazz conventions. All the tracks are relatively short, creating a sort of "songs" album, although of course entirely instrumental, in contrast to a typical Jazz recording, which focuses on the improvisational skills. Wadolowski simply decides to concentrate on featuring his skills as a composer and presenting his music rather than his and his quintets performing talents. There is basically absolutely nothing wrong with such approach of course.

Nevertheless the album features very talented and skilled instrumentalists and although the framework and time limitations of this album allow rather modest contributions, those are all executed perfectly. Staroniewicz is a marvelous player and so is Bukowski, who uses recently more and more the xylosynth (a combination of xylophone and synthesizer, which sound really more like a keyboard and produces some very beautiful moments. The rhythm section is also perfect for the job, staying mostly in the background but providing a solid support for the soloist and doing it with grace and elegance. As to the leader, personally I prefer his work in a more electric / Fusion / Funky environment than playing gentle almost acoustic guitar, which limits his possibilities or perhaps exposes more his technical weaknesses, but overall his performance is also quite satisfactory.

All in all we have here a pleasant well played album, which should satisfy most Jazz connoisseurs, with a slight tendency towards melodic and less complex musical forms. This album is quite ideal for a lazy evening with a glass of a wonderful cognac or very old single malt on ice.
 CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

DUX 1539 (Barcode: 5902547015392) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-Classical Fusion

Recorded: 2020 Released: 2020

This is the sixth album by Polish guitarist / composer Marcin WadolowskiFind albums by this artist, which continues his new path of bringing together Jazz and Chamber Classical Music influences. He is accompanied by his faithful cohort and extraordinary bassist Piotr LemanczykFind albums by this artist, oboist Marta RozanskaFind albums by this artist and the NeoquartetFind albums by this artist string quartet. The album presents nine pieces, five of which are original compositions by Wadolowski and four are Classical pieces, two each by Frederic ChopinFind albums by this artist and Jacques BerthierFind albums by this artist, all arranged by Wadolowski. Same as its predecessor, the duo album with Lemanczyk "Preludes For Guitar And Double BassFind albums with this title", this album was beautifully recorded by Piotr LukaszewskiFind albums by this artist and considering the fact that this is a live recording, the result is simply phenomenal.

During the decade that passed since the recording of his debut album, Wadolowski took his followers on a wonderful and highly unusual ride, which crossed such distinct genres as Rock, Blues, Fusion and Jazz, finally arriving at the footsteps of Classical Music. This process of searching reflects just one of Wadolowski´s many qualities, all plainly visible / audible on this album: fabulous guitarist, wonderful composer and a person of refined music aesthetics.

The original compositions are all superb examples of Wadolowski´s skill to create gems encapsulating melody, harmony and song weaving talent. His arrangements of the music composed by others follow suit, making the entire album sound brilliantly coherent and enjoyable, without compromising an iota of quality.

The performances are, as expected, also perfect, and fondly reminiscent of the a.m. duo album. Lemanczyk, one of the absolutely top Polish bassists, is a virtuoso in every cell of his body and every touch of his fingers on the strings generates pure magic. Wadolowski also plays wonderfully, with great sensitivity, feeling and emotion, and his improvisations, which still show a shadow of the Blues from time to time, are absolutely heartwarming.

Overall this is a brilliant album, full of excellent music and sublime performances, which should deeply move every true music connoisseur on this globe, regardless of their genre affiliations. Great taste and professionalism like this are rare and should be cherished. Hats off!
Updated: 31/07/2020Posted: 31/07/2020CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

ALLEGRO 030 (Barcode: 5901157049308) ~ POLAND ~ Blues-Rock

Recorded: 2015 Released: 2015

This is the third album by Polish guitarist / composer Marcin WadolowskiFind albums by this artist, this time recorded in a trio setting with superb bassist (both acoustic and electric) Piotr LemanczykFind albums by this artist and drummer Adam CzerwinskiFind albums by this artist. The album presents nine original compositions, all by Wadolowski.

If the two earlier albums by Wadolowski flirted with Jazz to some extent, this one abandons all Jazz connections and concentrates on Blues or Blues-Rock entirely. Of course the rhythm section comes from the Jazz environment, but they too play along splendidly within the Blues idiom, retaining their superb technique and feeling. Of course Wadolowski improvises extensively during his extended solos, but this is typical Blues-Rock improvisation.

It becomes plainly evident from the early moments of this album that Wadolowski really feels great in this environment and his playing is not only more daring and adventurous but also much gutsier than earlier on. Of course Lemanczyk also adds a few bass solos of his own, which are, as always, absolutely breathtaking, but he easily complies with the Bluesy atmosphere.

Wadolowski writes great melodic tunes, which are ideal vehicles for his guitar pyrotechnics and combine some Funk and Groove on top of the basic Blues-Rock stuff. In short, this music should not be judged by Jazz standards, as it is not Jazz music. It is a down to earth Blues-Rock, excellently played and ideal for the many fans of the genre. It is a great listen and a true fun, without any compromise whatsoever as far as musicianship and integrity are concerned.
 CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

SOLITON 517 (Barcode: 5901571095172) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2016 Released: 2016

This is the fourth album by Polish guitarist Marcin WadolowskiFind albums by this artist, recoded in an intimate trio setting with the superb Polish Jazz bassist Piotr LemanczykFind albums by this artist and Canadian Drummer Tyler HornbyFind albums by this artist. The trio performs ten Jazz standards, three of which are by John ColtraneFind albums by this artist and two by Miles DavisFind albums by this artist. The album is dedicated to the two great Masters of Polish Jazz guitar: Marek BlizinskiFind albums by this artist and Jaroslaw SmietanaFind albums by this artist, both sadly no longer with us.

Previous recordings by Wadolowski flirted with Jazz to some extent, but this one presents him for the first time as a bona fide Jazz player. The delicate arrangements, the careful selection of the tunes and their wonderful execution are all kept within the strict Jazz idiom, shearing away all the Blues-Rock or Fusion elements present on his older recordings. The transformation is quite remarkable.

Wadolowski´s approach is very minimalistic and remarkably clean. The music is kept low key, almost acoustic, in order to emphasize every single note and chord, which thanks to the excellent recording quality are all perfectly audible. The guitar plays long beautifully structured solos, often introducing the tunes alone before the bass and drums join in. Even when the whole trio plays together, the music is still very unobtrusive and deliberately constrained. A wonderful atmosphere of relaxation and contemplation is present through out the entire duration of the music.

As expected, Lemanczyk plays superbly, both as an accompanist and during his solos, which are all pearls of bass perfection. Although rarely in the limelight, he is definitely one of the absolute top Polish Jazz bass players and every album he plays on is enhanced by his fantastic contributions.

Hornby keeps his involvement in these proceedings to bare minimum which is exactly what is required in such circumstances. His delicate drum parts stay in the background, keeping the rhythm rolling gently. Drummers who don´t try to dominate a recording session are a rare find and he is to be congratulated for his attitude.

Overall this is a wonderful album from start to finish: fascinating guitar licks, breathtaking bass solos, superb selection of tunes and innovative nontrivial arrangements make it a brilliant listening experience. Yes it´s mainstream and yes these are standards – this is exactly what was supposed to happen here and the result speaks for itself.

In retrospect I am very glad Wadolowski recorded this album and proved his versatility and his skills as a player to all those who dismissed him in the past. This is definitely one of the finest Polish Jazz guitar albums ever recorded and a solid tribute to the past Masters. Hats off!
Updated: 29/06/2016Posted: 29/06/2016CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

DUX 1530 (Barcode: 5902547015309) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-Classical Fusion

Recorded: 2018 Released: 2018

This is the fifth album by Polish guitarist / composer Marcin WadolowskiFind albums by this artist recorded in a duo setting with veteran bassist Piotr LemanczykFind albums by this artist. It presents ten original compositions, or preludes, all composed by Wadolowski. The intimate guitar and bass duo was superbly recorded by Piotr LukaszewskiFind albums by this artist and offers exquisite sound quality and clarity.

Wadolowski, one of the representatives of the Polish Baltic Tricity scene, made a remarkable progress since the release of his debut album in 2011, flirting with diverse stylistic associations, such as Blues, Jazz-Rock Fusion and Jazz, and with this album touching, as the title suggests, upon some Classical Music influences amalgamated with a strong Jazz foundation. The pieces are all melody based but involve a significant measure of improvisation and interplay between the two partners.

Lemanczyk is obviously an ideal partner for an enterprise of this sort, as his virtuosity and inventiveness are absolutely astounding. He is one of the most proficient and accomplished bassist on the Polish scene, and on this album his presence is felt stronger than perhaps on any other album he recorded to date, proving his immense talent, technique, feel and musicality.

Wadolowski handles the acoustic guitar with gusto and respect, concentrating on playing the melodies, soloing and accompanying the bass solos, without trying any unnecessary pyrotechnics, which would have been completely out of place here.

The interplay and cooperation between the two musicians is the heart of this music, and elevates it above the individual performances, feeding on the mutual respect and the wonderful intimacy achieved by the duo. Wadolowski behaved gentlemanly naming Lemanczyk a full partner in the process of creating this album, as anything less would have been simply unjust.

Overall this is a wonderful, intimate and uplifting spiritually album, which emits superb musicianship, true camaraderie, amazing virtuosity and a gentle feeling of embracing, heartwarming music. An absolute must to guitar and bass aficionados, but no less heartwarmingly recommended to music lovers, who long for something low volume, which strikes powerfully between the eyes (ears). Brilliant stuff and hats off to the people in charge of the strings!
Updated: 06/01/2019Posted: 06/01/2019CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

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