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RECART 0011 (Barcode: 5908285287107) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2013 Released: 2014

This is the second album by the fabulous young Polish Jazz drummer / composer Marek JakubowskiFind albums by this artist, recorded with the same trio that recorded the sensational debut ("My Own…Find albums with this title") just a few months earlier, which includes pianist Adam BieranowskiFind albums by this artist and bassist Piotr Max WisniewskiFind albums by this artist. The album comprises of eleven original compositions, all by Jakubowski, two of which are short interludes and the rest are fully developed pieces.

Everything I already wrote in my review of the debut applies yet again to this album. Jakubowski´s compositions are all little gems, beautifully melodic and harmonic and yet completely non-trivial and full of twists and turns. The strength of the material is consistent and diverse, which makes listening to this album a real pleasure. This compositional attitude is a wonderful example of how mainstream Jazz can still be creative and inventive.

The level of execution is also excellent from start to finish with Bieranowski displaying incredible lyricism and delicate touch, which result in elegant and intelligent delivery. Wisniewski is supportive and his solos are beautifully modest and concise. Jakubowski is a very versatile drummer, using an array of different sounds produced by his sticks and brushes, always at the appropriate volume and fitting the music ideally. This trio is emerging as one of the classic piano trios on the Polish scene, following in the footsteps of the established leaders like RGGFind albums by this artist or Marcin WasilewskiFind albums by this artist´s trio.

The album is very well recorded and its sonic quality contributes greatly to the overall result, creating is a superb piano trio achievement, which many listeners around the world could enjoy. It is great to see that Jakubowski and his trio managed to repeat their success yet again and hopefully thy will continue to do so in the future. I can´t wait to hear more of this music!
 CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

AMJ 001 (Barcode: 5906395769315) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2015 - 2017 Released: 2018

Every new release by the Polish Diva Anna Maria JopekFind albums by this artist is a celebration of Culture and a major musical event on an international scale, especially so when it involves a revered Jazz superstar like saxophonist Branford MarsalisFind albums by this artist. Jopek, famous for her consistent independent Artistic vision, managed to create her own universe, where she does not need to compare or compete with the rest of the world, which enables her complete freedom of expression and self-determination, which only very few Artists worldwide were able to achieve over time.

Recording an album with Marsalis was a dream, which Jopek held on to since the time she heard him playing with StingFind albums by this artist, which of course was a huge influence on every true music lover at the time. The incredible chemistry that Sting and Marsalis demonstrated was an extremely tall order to follow, but Jopek never eschewed a challenge and this album proves that the realization of that dream was indeed worthwhile waiting for.

The album was recorded during two separate recording sessions, twenty one months apart, which considering the busy schedule that Jopek and Marsalis are both entangled in, is not as surprising as it might sound. The somewhat esoteric group of musicians includes percussionist Mino CineluFind albums by this artist, pianists Krzysztof HerdzinFind albums by this artist (who was also in charge of arrangements and conducting) and Marcin WasilewskiFind albums by this artist, multi-instrumentalist Piotr NazarukFind albums by this artist, bassist Robert KubiszynFind albums by this artist and Atom String QuartetFind albums by this artist (violinists Mateusz SmoczynskiFind albums by this artist and Dawid LubowiczFind albums by this artist, violist Michal ZaborskiFind albums by this artist and cellist Krzysztof LenczowskiFind albums by this artist). Polish Folklore Guru Maria PomianowskaFind albums by this artist guests on one track. The album presents ten tracks on the "formal" first CD and four additional tracks (one of which is an alternate version of a track on the album) on the "bonus" second CD. The songs are mostly originals, written by Jopek or co-written with her spouse Marcin KydrynskiFind albums by this artist, one song is by Herdzin, one by Tomasz StankoFind albums by this artist (see below), one by Andrzej ZielinskiFind albums by this artist (SkaldowieFind albums by this artist) and one by Harry KandelFind albums by this artist with the rest being originally traditional Polish Folklore songs.

Musically the album marks a return to Jopek´s established modus operandi, which combines Polish Folklore and original songwriting, spiced with Jazzy arrangements and of course dominated by her highly original expressionism. The music is deeply soaked in Polish lyricism and melancholy and her decision to sing in the Polish language emphasizes these elements even further. Marsalis plunges into this Slavic environment with vigor and determination, as if Eastern European sensitivities were his second nature, which is quite remarkable. It proves not only his openness and ability to embrace diverse Cultures, but also his incredible musicality, which enables him to feel completely at home in this Slavic musical setting. It also proves, perhaps more importantly, that music is universal, as is human soul, and ethnic boundaries can be crossed and amalgamated on the collective plane.

Jopek, Marsalis and all the musicians involved in the recording of this album are of course veteran professionals in addition to their individual Artistic abilities, which results in the music being perfectly and incredibly sensitively executed. This music requires total dedication and every single note played by every musician at every given moment must be precisely articulated to achieve the desired effect. Luckily this team rises to the challenge admirably. The delicate and wonderfully written string arrangements performed by the Atoms add a superbly "angelic" aura to the overall sound and the folkloristic elements by Nazaruk spice the proceedings splendidly. Marsalis plays a series of breathtaking solos throughout the album, exactly as expected of course and Jopek, as always, manages to create goose bumps all over the listener´s body regardless if she sings lyrics or awe-inspiring vocalese.

When selecting the material for this album, Jopek requested the permission of Tomasz Stanko to use his beautiful ballad "A Farewell To MariaFind albums with this title", originally used in the soundtrack of a movie of the same name, as she was sure Marsalis would be able to embrace the lyricism of this incredible melody and create a marvelous solo while performing it. She was right of course and this track is definitely one of the highlights of this album, and at the same time it constitutes a mournful tribute to Stanko, who passed away before the album was released.

Another interesting piece is the excellent arrangement of the classic Harry Kandel (born in Lwow) Klezmer tune "A Night In The Garden Of Eden", which features Jopek´s hair-raising vocalese. Of course Klezmer music has always been an integral part of the Polish Folklore tapestry, in which the Jewish contribution was invaluable.

Overall this album is a Masterpiece from start to finish, which is no news to the numerous Jopek´s fans. There is not one moment on this album, which is not inspirational and eloquent, heartwarming and heartfelt. Both deeply Polish and at the same time universally appealing this music knows no stylistic or Cultural boundaries. It is beautiful and sensitive and at the same time deeply emotional, soul-searching and introspective. In short, this album delivers everything one expects to hear when Great Artists are involved. Thank you, as always, my Dear!
Updated: 08/12/2018Posted: 08/12/2018CD 2 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

ECM 1896 (Barcode: 602498698150) ~ FRANCE ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2004 Released: 2005

First recording on the legendary ECMFind albums on this label label by French / African (born in Ivory Coast) drummer / composer Manu KatchéFind albums by this artist, who established his international career in the 1980s when he played with Peter GabrielFind albums by this artist, StingFind albums by this artist and many others Rock stars. However, his true vocation is Jazz, as this spectacular album shows. Accompanied by a dreamy team of musicians: Norwegian saxophonist Jan GarbarekFind albums by this artist and legendary Polish trumpeter Tomasz StankoFind albums by this artist with two young players from his quartet - pianist Marcin WasilewskiFind albums by this artist and bassist Slawomir KurkiewiczFind albums by this artist; Katché presents ten original compositions, all written by him. The music is brilliant from start to finish, superbly performed by all the participants with Katché´s drumming, as unusual as it is for Jazz, adding a new dimension. African rhythms and pulsations play a major role in Katché´s drumming, but they are not aggressive and overly dominating, which is all for the best. Altogether this is a superb piece of music, full of heavenly moments and surprises. An absolute must!
Visitors' Comments
Christopher  Brice
The playing, recording and production are outstandingly good, including the interplay between these wonderful musicians; but I have to say that the composition is not as interesting as we would expect on a Stanko or Garbarek album
Christopher  Brice
Something keeps drawing me back to this album despite the partly negative comment above, and I have even been tempted to try MK´s later Playground; This album really does have a special sound, but those little repetitive parts do irritate.

 CD 1 Slipcase Recommend To A Friend

ECM 2016 (Barcode: 602517373211) ~ FRANCE ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2007 Released: 2007

2nd recording on the legendary ECMFind albums on this label label by French / African (born in Ivory Coast) drummer / composer Manu KatchéFind albums by this artist, who established his international career in the 1980s when he played with Peter GabrielFind albums by this artist, StingFind albums by this artist and many others Rock stars. However, his true vocation is Jazz, as this spectacular album shows. Accompanied by a dreamy team of young musicians: Norwegian trumpeter Mathias EickFind albums by this artist and saxophonist Trygve SeimFind albums by this artist and Polish pianist Marcin WasilewskiFind albums by this artist and bassist Slawomir KurkiewiczFind albums by this artist; Katché presents ten original compositions, all written by him. The music is brilliant from start to finish, superbly performed by all the participants with Katché´s drumming, as unusual as it is for Jazz, adding a new dimension. African rhythms and pulsations play a major role in Katché´s drumming, but they are not aggressive and overly dominating, which is all for the best. Altogether this is a superb piece of music, full of heavenly moments and surprises. An absolute must!
Visitors' Comments
Christopher  Brice
My comments on MK´s Neighbourhood apply equally here: Wonderful playing, and Mr Eick sounds sufficiently like Mr Stanko in subdued mood that I had to double check the line-up; but the writing is not quite good enough to justify to the musical skills on hand in the studio.

 CD 1 Slipcase Recommend To A Friend

UNIVERSAL MUSIC POLSKA 602557206852 (Barcode: 602557206852) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2015 Released: 2016

This is a live recording of a gigantically ambitious project conceived by Polish Jazz vocalist Dorota MiskiewiczFind albums by this artist, which pays tribute to the Polish Jazz piano school, which spans several generations and is a sublime example of Polish / European Jazz tradition. The album presents twelve songs, one original by Miskiewicz and eleven "Polish standards" composed and written by the best Polish composers and lyricists, each performed by Miskiewicz accompanied by a different pianist and on eight of them also accompanied by the renowned Atom String QuartetFind albums by this artist. The list of the pianists reads like the who´s who of Polish Jazz: Michal TokajFind albums by this artist, Andrzej JagodzinskiFind albums by this artist, Lutoslawski Piano DuoFind albums by this artist, Bogdan HolowniaFind albums by this artist, Leszek MozdzerFind albums by this artist, Piotr OrzechowskiFind albums by this artist, Tomasz KalwakFind albums by this artist, Marcin WasilewskiFind albums by this artist, Krzysztof HerdzinFind albums by this artist, Dominik WaniaFind albums by this artist, Grzegorz TurnauFind albums by this artist (who also briefly sings) and Wlodzimierz NahornyFind albums by this artist. Saxophonist Henryk MiskiewiczFind albums by this artist (Dorota´s Father) guests on one song. The DVD (filmed during the concert), included in the package, adds the concert´s intro, outro and a couple of songs not included on the CD.

I am happy to say that I managed to have a more modest (with just three pianists) version of this project perform at the 2018 Singer Jazz Festival, which was extremely successful.

As expected, all the performances are absolutely wonderful, a typical example of European haute Culture, where music, words and stage performance are combined to deliver an overall experience, which is more than just a sum of its ingredients. The album moves between Jazz & Poetry and highly lyrical popular music, all expertly arranged and brilliantly executed, especially in view of the fact that it was captured live.

This album delivers exactly what it promises: an extraordinary panorama of Polish Jazz piano, full of elegance, virtuosity and flair. Miskiewicz moves with ease from one song to another, with a chameleonic change of moods and emotions, as appropriate for a great performer.

For lovers of Polish Jazz in general and Polish Jazz piano in particular, this album is a superb introduction to the subject. Even for listeners beyond the Polish language sphere, this music easily penetrates and language barriers and should be completely accessible to every music lover.
Updated: 14/09/2018Posted: 14/09/2018CD+DVD 2 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

AGORA 5903111495572 (Barcode: 5903111495572) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz & Poetry

Recorded: 2021 Released: 2021

This is an album by Polish Jazz vocalist (and violinist) Dorota MiskiewiczFind albums by this artist and her Father, saxophonist / composer Henryk MiskiewiczFind albums by this artist, recorded with an excellent team which includes pianist Piotr OrzechowskiFind albums by this artist (a.k.a. PianohooliganFind albums by this artist), bassist Slawomir KurkiewiczFind albums by this artist and another member of the Miskiewicz clan (often fondly referred to as the “Polish Jazz Royal Family”), Dorota’s brother Michal MiskiewiczFind albums by this artist. Kurkiewicz and Miskiewicz are the rhythm section of the Marcin WasilewskiFind albums by this artist Trio (previously Simple Acoustic TrioFind albums by this artist). The album presents eight original compositions, all composed by Henryk Miskiewicz or co-composed with his two offspring. Seven of the compositions feature lyrics by Polish Poets and one features Dorota singing wordless vocalese.

The music is absolutely beautiful, kept well within the Classic Jazz convention and presenting superb melodies and spotless aesthetics, as well as perfect and truly virtuosic performances. All the five musicians, each in his own specific field, contributes to the final result, which emerges as more than just a sum of its parts.

Dorota masterfully utilizes her velvety voice and her sensitivity to the lyrics, which she interprets splendidly. Henryk ideally emphasizes the romantic atmosphere and proves to be both a great accompanist and a soloist. Piotr adds the spark and fantasy, with his virtuosic piano parts, proving that he can be as imaginative and inventive in mainstream Jazz as he is in more complex Jazz idioms. And the rhythm section is a dream come true, supporting the music firmly and elegantly.

Overall this is a superb vocal Jazz experience, which combines lofty compositions, intelligent and elegant lyrics and classy Jazz, that is an absolute marvel from start to finish. Although perhaps not a classic Jazz & Poetry project per se, it has many common characteristics with my beloved High Art idiom, shedding some light on the romantic side of the poetry of Ewa LipskaFind albums by this artist, and returns to the splendid work of Bogdan LoeblFind albums by this artist, Wojciech MlynarskiFind albums by this artist, Grzegorz TurnauFind albums by this artist and Andrzej PoniedzielskiFind albums by this artist, all being true wizards of words. Absolutely delightful!
Updated: 20/10/2021Posted: 20/10/2021CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

GRAMI 002 ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2000 Released: 2001

This is an excellent album by veteran Polish Jazz saxophonist / composer Henryk MiskiewiczFind albums by this artist, accompanied here by the best Polish piano trio called at the time of the recording Simple Acoustic TrioFind albums by this artist, which consists of pianist Marcin WasilewskiFind albums by this artist, bassist Slawomir KurkiewiczFind albums by this artist and drummer Michal MiskiewiczFind albums by this artist. There is a family connection of course as Michal is Henryk´s son. The quartet performs seven tunes, four of which are original compositions by the leader, one by Wasilewski, one is a standard and the remaining one is by the US composer Maria SchneiderFind albums by this artist.

Neither Miskiewicz nor Simple Acoustic Trio needs any introductions to people familiar with the Polish Jazz scene; Miskiewicz has been active on the scene since the early 1970s and over time played in several important ensembles like Sun Ship and was member of groups led by many of the leading Polish Jazz musicians as well as leader of his own groups. Simple Acoustic Trio are commonly recognized as the leading Polish piano trio, propelled to fame as the rhythm section on the seminal ECMFind albums on this label recordings by trumpeter Tomasz StankoFind albums by this artist and now recording for ECM on their own.

Therefore there are no surprises here as far as the level of performances, which are simply spotless. Miskiewicz plays some great lyrical lines and the support from the trio is simply phenomenal, inventive and daring in some aspects but always solid and within the boundaries specified as the albums motto: music as a device to tell a story in a non-verbal setting. All the compositions selected for this album, original or not, fit the bill perfectly and the overall result is a prime example of intelligent modern mainstream Jazz, which remains fresh and moving in complete disregard of the passing time.

This is definitely an album no Polish Jazz music collector will be able to skip in their collection and a great example of how mainstream Jazz can remain valid and artistically sound today. Highly recommended!
 CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

ECM 2573 (Barcode: 602557645620) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2017 Released: 2017

This is the fourth album by the Polish Jazz saxophonist / composer Maciej ObaraFind albums by this artist and his international quartet, which also features Polish pianist Dominik WaniaFind albums by this artist and Norwegian rhythm section: bassist Ole Morten VaganFind albums by this artist and drummer Gard NilssenFind albums by this artist. It is the first studio recording by the quartet, as the three previous albums, all released on the Polish For TuneFind albums on this label label, were live recordings. It is of course also the first album by the quartet released on the German ECMFind albums on this label label. The album presents seven tracks, six of which are original compositions by Obara and one (the title track) is a relatively infrequently recorded composition by the Godfather of Polish Jazz, Krzysztof KomedaFind albums by this artist. The music was recorded at the legendary Rainbow Studio in Oslo with Jan Erik KongshaugFind albums by this artist in charge of the sonic quality.

Obara´s numerous earlier recordings, including the three albums with the quartet present here, established his position on the Polish Jazz scene as a restless explorer, a rebel and a fearless avant-gardist, who constantly pushed the borders of contemporary Polish / European Jazz. These recordings were uncompromising, adventurous, soaked in free-form and Avant-Garde expressionism, and yet deeply rooted in the Jazz idiom´s tradition.

The fact that this is a studio recording, as already mentioned above, and taking into account the decisive role of Manfred EicherFind albums by this artist, ECM´s supreme boss, who assumed the role of "musical producer" on this album, were obviously bound to have an effect on the outcome, but probably nobody could have imagined how dramatic the transformation was about to become.

The album is clearly divided into two sections (sort of A / B sides of an LP), with the first section (first four tunes) presenting deeply melancholic and introvert music, nicely rounded melodically and harmonically, but alas somewhat pale and monotonous, and the second part (last three tunes) being more ambitious and vibrant, but still not up to par with Obara´s earlier recordings. Gone is the fire and brimstone and the Obara heard on this album is all gentleness and sweetness, delicately uttering lovable notes, who seems to have lost completely the identity he worked for years to establish. Is this the next stage of development for Obara and his quartet? Quite possibly, but his old identity will be sadly missed.

But not everything is lost as far as this album is concerned. Wania manages to escape unspoiled and his work here is as brilliant as always, pure genius in fact. When he solos the music suddenly comes alive and sparks are flying. His brief interludes move elegantly into free-form, albeit briefly, finding the way back within a few bars. In many respects this album is as much Wania´s triumph as it is Obara´s underachievement. Sadly Wania´s brilliant work is not enough to save the album from the lethargic flow of "nice notes". The rhythm section is also excellent proving that playing in a much more relaxed environment is still within their capability and can be done intelligently and excitingly. And of course the sound quality is as heavenly as one might expect.

I am deeply saddened by the fact that this, obviously flagship recording by Obara, turned out to be less than I´d have hoped for. I can only hope that everything will turn for the better in the future.

Side Note: I have to admit that I was completely and utterly flabbergasted by the mass hysteria on the Polish Jazz scene surrounding the fact that this album was released on ECM. It is true that Obara is only the third Polish Jazz leader to have his album released by ECM (preceded by Tomasz StankoFind albums by this artist and Marcin WasilewskiFind albums by this artist), but what does it really mean?

Firstly it means that Manfred Eicher is simply not familiar enough with the burgeoning Polish Jazz scene and its world class talented musicians. If he was familiar with them, he would have surely invited some of them to record for his label, especially in view of the fact that dozens of Polish Jazz albums released by small independent Polish labels are way more interesting and meaningful than most of ECM releases in the last couple of decades.

Secondly it means that ECM is still considered by many people as a leading recording label, whereas in fact it lost its legendary status and influence many years ago. As pioneering and groundbreaking as the label was in the first couple of decades of its existence, bringing up scores of Jazz musicians to the attention of music connoisseurs, the label´s impact and leadership vastly diminished in time. Just ask yourself how many albums in the ECM catalogue do you know / own that were recorded in the 1970s / 1980s and how many albums you know / own that were recorded since 2000? Do the same with a list of recording artists who released albums on ECM in these two periods? The statistics are abundantly clear.

And lastly it means that Polish Jazz scene is completely consumed with the inferiority complex that has always haunted it, looking somewhere else for excellence and example rather than paying tribute to its own Artists and showing them the appreciation they really deserve. Many Polish Jazz fans are still convinced that only Afro-American musicians can play Jazz and everything happening at home is secondary and meaningless, whereas in fact that is completely contrary to the truth.
Updated: 12/04/2019Posted: 30/11/2017CD 1 Slipcase Recommend To A Friend

ALCHEMIK ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-Classical Fusion

Recorded: 2016 Released: 2016

This is the seventh album by Polish Jazz saxophonist / composer Grzech PiotrowskiFind albums by this artist (a.k.a. Grzegorz PiotrowskiFind albums by this artist), recorded in a quartet setting with pianist Marcin WasilewskiFind albums by this artist, bassist Jaroslaw StokowskiFind albums by this artist and drummer Robert LutyFind albums by this artist, and with a superb string quartet, which includes violinists Mariusz PatyraFind albums by this artist and Mateusz SmoczynskiFind albums by this artist, violist Aleksandra JarosinskaFind albums by this artist and cellist Krzysztof LenczowskiFind albums by this artist. The album presents six original compositions, all by Piotrowski, named after the usual four seasons with two additional seasons added ("pre-spring" and "pre-winter"), which together constitute a suite-like structure.

The music is an ambitious Jazz-Classical Fusion project, beautifully melodic and gently flowing from one part of the suite to another, full of melancholy and tranquility. In some respects it often sounds like a soundtrack of an imaginary movie, inspiring colorful visions in the mind of the listener. It is all about precision, delicate relationships between the harmonies and elegant melodic vistas, with no much space left for spontaneity.

The performances by all the participants are perfectly suited to this specific musical environment, with Jazzy improvisation being relatively limited, due to the strict arrangements, but nevertheless quite impressive. This album is not intended to present individual virtuosity as much as it is about coordinated effort, perfectly matched and working towards a common goal.

Some critics will probably say that this music is way too sweet and organized and borders on Smooth Jazz or even pastiche. Admittedly, such music as presented herein, quite often ventures into these territories, but in this specific case it does not happen at all. Yes, the music is pleasant and easy on the ear, but at the same time it is full of original melodic themes, superb orchestration and arrangements, topped with flawless execution. There is an obvious effort and talent invested here by Piotrowski, and the resulting music can be seen as a tribute to Romanticism and Classical Music tradition, wonderfully intertwined with contemporary tools of the trade, used in Jazz and Pop.

Personally I had a wonderful time listening to this music, which despite its pleasurable appearance, offers many inspiring moments, superb instrumental solos and fifty minutes of calmness and tranquility, which in our world happen way to infrequently.

The album comes in a hand-made packaging, which adds another highly personal dimension to the entire project. Definitely not for everybody, but hopefully many listeners will find this gorgeous music deeply moving and penetrating their souls.
Updated: 26/10/2016Posted: 17/10/2016CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend

NOT ON LABEL (Barcode: 5905912559873) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2010 Released: 2011

This is the 5th album by the excellent Polish Jazz piano trio RGGFind albums by this artist, which comprises of pianist Przemyslaw RaminiakFind albums by this artist, bassist Maciej GarbowskiFind albums by this artist and drummer Krzysztof GradziukFind albums by this artist. Its release marks the trio´s tenth anniversary and adds a new direction to the remarkable body of music already recorded by the trio. In contrast to its predecessor, that included only spontaneously improvised music, most of the music on this album is composed, either by the trio members or other well known Jazz composers like Carla BleyFind albums by this artist and Richie BeirachFind albums by this artist. Of the thirteen compositions presented here only two are free improvisations, which is unusual for them.

All three RGG members are brilliant instrumentalists, but their performances together clearly create an outcome much bigger than the sum of its parts. The level of interplay, cooperation, mutual respect and understanding is truly phenomenal and the resulting music is able to move emotional mountains. To an attentive listener it is quite clear that even when they play relatively close to the original composition, RGG members display a high level of spontaneity, which is present only within the best piano trios in the world, like that of Keith JarrettFind albums by this artist, Gary PeacockFind albums by this artist and Jack DeJohnetteFind albums by this artist. Another rare quality of RGG is the active involvement of the bass player and drummer in the process of music creation. This is definitely not a pianist with a rhythm section, but an organic three-headed body making music together.

This album can be a great service to the group as an introduction to their universe; surely anybody listening to it will want to explore their music further. People familiar with the Polish Jazz scene will immediately make the inevitable comparison between RGG and the "other" great Polish piano trio: Simple Acoustic TrioFind albums by this artist (or Marcin WasilewskiFind albums by this artist Trio). Comparisons of this sort are futile and have absolutely no sense, as both these trios play great music, each differently from the other. RGG are definitely closer to the Free / Improvised spirit of the music whereas Wasilewski´s trio is more disciplined and conventional, but both are examples of human talent and ingenuity of the highest ranking, which gives us all the immense pleasure of music.

It´s worth to mention that the album was recorded at the Studio Tokarnia, the best sound studio in Poland, and engineered by the studio´s owner (and a gifted musician himself) Jan SmoczynskiFind albums by this artist, which explains the incredible sound quality of this album. This is an absolute must to every Jazz piano trio connoisseur and of course anybody with a right pair of ears to appreciate great music. Not to be missed under any circumstances!
 CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

NOT TWO 712 ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 1999 Released: 2000

This is the 4th album by the Polish Jazz ensemble Simple Acoustic TrioFind albums by this artist, which consists of pianist Marcin WasilewskiFind albums by this artist, bassist Slawomir KurkiewiczFind albums by this artist and drummer Michal MiskiewiczFind albums by this artist. Of the eight tracks on this album five were composed by Wasilewski, one by Kurkiewicz, another by the Polish Jazz legend Tomasz StankoFind albums by this artist, who employed the trio as his rhythm section for several years and finally the title track by Spanish composer Miguel BlancoFind albums by this artist.

Recorded just before the trio recorded the three seminal albums for the ECMFind albums on this label label with Stanko (as his sidemen), this album is definitely a turning point, which marks their arrival at the level of musical champions, paralleled only by very few other Jazz musicians in general and piano trios in particular. This was also their last album to be released on a Polish label, as they were about to be enlisted to the ECM roster as a trio in the days that followed.

Personally I love this transitory album and in many respects it is my favorite album by the trio, as it finds them completely mature and fully developed on one hand and still enthusiastic, hungry and burning on the other. As a result this album includes some of their best performances, which are full of elegance, virtuosity and sophistication, but at the same time are more relaxed and less constrained than their future work. Of course these are marvelous and devilishly talented musicians, so everything they do tends to be both perfect and beautiful, but these last glimpses of their youth and innocence are truly precious to me.

Whichever way one looks at this album, it remains a milestone of Polish Jazz, a superb opener for the 21st Century European Jazz and a must in any decent record collection. Since the ensemble managed to become an integral part of the history of Jazz piano trio, this album becomes an essential piece of the infinite puzzle called Jazz, which we love so much. Essential stuff!
 CD 1 Digipak Essential Recommend To A Friend

GOWI 22 (Barcode: 786497137329) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 1995 Released: 1995

Polish Jazz musicians are well aware of the enormous contribution made to modern Jazz in their country by the Genius pianist / composer Krzysztof KomedaFind albums by this artist, the Godfather of modern Polish Jazz. Therefore they play tribute to the great man quite often, either by including his compositions or dedicating entire albums to Komeda´s music. This is one of such album, recorded by the great Polish Jazz trio, called Simple Acoustic TrioFind albums by this artist, led by pianist Marcin WasilewskiFind albums by this artist with bassist Slawomir KurkiewiczFind albums by this artist and drummer Michal MiskiewiczFind albums by this artist. This is the trio´s debut album. If these names seem somewhat familiar to you, no wander, as they are also the members of the superb Polish quartet let by the legendary trumpeter Tomasz StankoFind albums by this artist, which recorded three albums for the ECMFind albums on this label label. In fact the trio now records for ECM as well. So now with everything in place, there is little need to expand much further here, as people familiar with the Stanko recordings already know this is one of the best piano trios in the world and everything they touch turns to instant musical gold. This album is no different and every Jazz fan on this planet should enjoy it greatly and with Komeda´s music present, things just can´t get much better. Wholeheartedly recommended!
 CD 1 Recommend To A Friend

NOT TWO 727 ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 1995 - 2001 Released: 2001

This is a reissue of the debut album, originally entitled "KomedaFind albums with this title", by the superb Polish Jazz trio called Simple Acoustic TrioFind albums by this artist, which consists of pianist Marcin WasilewskiFind albums by this artist, bassist Slawomir KurkiewiczFind albums by this artist and drummer Michal MiskiewiczFind albums by this artist. This edition includes a bonus track not present on the original release, which is a live recording at the Polish Radio. In retrospect recording a debut album with Komeda´s music might have been slightly overreaching, since Komeda´s intricate compositions require sensitivity and experience well beyond the age of these musician at the time this album was recorded. Nevertheless they stood up to the challenge admirably, which proved that they were surely not "another" piano trio, but a formidable unit destined for greatness, which of course did materialize later. The bonus track gives a nice point of reference between the original music recorded six years earlier and the trio´s abilities at a later stage. In short this is a brilliant piano trio album worthy of an honorable place in any serious record collection and a must for any Polish / European Jazz fan. For more information read my comments on the original album. Superb stuff!
 CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Bonus Tracks Recommend To A Friend

ECM 1891 (Barcode: 602498206324) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2004 Released: 2005

This is the debut album on the legendary ECMFind albums on this label label by the great Polish Jazz trio, called Simple Acoustic TrioFind albums by this artist, led by pianist Marcin WasilewskiFind albums by this artist with bassist Slawomir KurkiewiczFind albums by this artist and drummer Michal MiskiewiczFind albums by this artist. If these names seem somewhat familiar to you, no wander, as they were also the members of the superb Polish quartet led by the legendary trumpeter Tomasz StankoFind albums by this artist, which recorded three albums for ECM. However, the ECM recording is far from being the trio´s recording debut, as they have been active on the local scene in Poland a whole decade earlier and recorded several brilliant albums already. Always in top form, sensitive and technically perfect, these musicians are pillars of the new generation of Polish Jazz and their music is a true inspiration. The thirteen pieces presented on this album come from a variety of sources, from Pop to Classical music and about half of the material was composed or co-composed by the trio members. This is one of the best piano trios in the world and everything they touch turns to instant musical gold. This album is no different and every Jazz fan on this planet should enjoy it greatly. Wholeheartedly recommended!
 CD 1 Slipcase Recommend To A Friend

POLONIA 069 (Barcode: 5904542687574) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 1995 Released: 2008

This is the 2nd album by the superb Polish Jazz trio called Simple Acoustic TrioFind albums by this artist, which consists of pianist Marcin WasilewskiFind albums by this artist, bassist Slawomir KurkiewiczFind albums by this artist and drummer Michal MiskiewiczFind albums by this artist. Recorded just a few months after their brilliant debut album "KomedaFind albums with this title", dedicated to the music of the Godfather of Polish Jazz, pianist / composer Krzysztof KomedaFind albums by this artist, this album is quite different and features the trio´s leader as the main composer in addition to his duties as the focal soloist. Wasilewski composed six of the nine compositions present on this album, Kurkiewicz added one of his own and the other two originate outside the trio, with the title tune being by Ornette ColemanFind albums by this artist and an additional one by Carla BleyFind albums by this artist. Playing their own music allows the trio to stretch out and dare, much more so that on the debut. Of course Komeda´s music can be intimidation and even plain scary to every Polish Jazz musician, in view of Komeda´s legendary status, especially to such young musicians as the trio members at the time of recording the debut. But here they are, free of any (psychological or other) apprehensions, and the music surely indicates that. Of course these musicians are extremely talented and carry the "spark" of Jazz in their soul / heart, so anything they play sounds simply wonderful, even if the youthful energies are sometimes just a bit over the top. Of course a few years later the trio will receive a great lesson in Jazz from their Mentor Tomasz Stanko, with whom they were destined to play and record, a fact that at the time of this recording could only be a dream. But dreams do come true sometimes. In retrospect this is an incredible album by any standard, which (all things considered) withstands the test of time flawlessly and serves as a proof to the fact that the 1990 were not all a loss after all. An absolute must to Polish Jazz fans, piano trio fans and anybody with a pair of clean ears!
 CD 1 Slipcase Recommend To A Friend

WARNER MUSIC POLAND 5021732288127 (Barcode: 5021732288127) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-Classical Fusion

Recorded: 2021 - 2022 Released: 2024

This is an album by Polish Jazz violinist / composer Mateusz SmoczynskiFind albums by this artist, recorded with the Chopin University Chamber OrchestraFind albums by this artist conducted by Rafal JaniakFind albums by this artist. The album presents two extended pieces for violin and orchestra: the five-part concerto for violin and orchestra composed by Smoczynski in 2018, entitled "Adam’s Apple”, and the four-part concerto for violin, rhythm section and Symphony Orchestra composed by Polish Jazz violinist / composer Zbigniew SeifertFind albums by this artist in 1974. The rhythm section comprises of pianist Dominik WaniaFind albums by this artist, bassist Slawomir KurkiewiczFind albums by this artist and drummer Michal MiskiewiczFind albums by this artist.

In the album’s liner notes Smoczynski credits the influence of Seifert on his musical development from his early age and the more recent influence of the American composer John AdamsFind albums by this artist, and explains how the album’s title refers both to the Biblical story and the composer’s name.

The music is every bit as brilliant as one might expect, in every sense. Placing both these violin concerti side by side, presents a wonderful opportunity to observe the development of the Jazz-Classical Fusion genre over the forty-four years’ time gap, as well as stylistic differences and approaches between the two composers. Considering the fact that this is the first time the Seifert’s concerto is released on record, this album is already a sensational occasion for celebration.

Not less important is the opportunity to have such ambitious music recorded and released, which sadly is rather uncommon in the world ruled by commerciality and questionable aesthetics. As such, this album is an absolute gem, offering a wonderful opportunity to hear such a delightful music and at the same time playing tribute to the memory of Seifert, who was undoubtedly one of Polish Jazz most prominent figures.

The performances by Smoczynski, the Orchestra and the rhythm section are stellar in every sense, which is hardly surprising, considering the fact that these are some of Polish Jazz top Artists. Listeners familiar with the local scene are of course aware that Smoczynski is a member of the fabulous Atom String QuartetFind albums by this artist, Kurkiewicz and Miskiewicz are members of the Marcin WasilewskiFind albums by this artist Trio and Wania is one of the most revered Polish Jazz pianists. One can hardly wish for a better team.

Overall, this is a superb example of the highly artistic level of the Polish Jazz scene, which often sees local musicians undertaking very ambitious projects, like the music on this album, with full support of the local recording industry and fellow musicians from across the genres. For Jazz-Classical Fusion lovers, this is as high as the genre soars. Not to be missed!
Updated: 28/12/2024Posted: 28/12/2024CD 1 SACD Recommend To A Friend

GOWI 16 (Barcode: 786497093526) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 1994 Released: 1994

This little-known album by Polish trumpeter / composer Tomasz StankoFind albums by this artist contains the music he wrote for the theatre performance of the tragedy "Balladyna" written by Polish playwright Juliusz SlowackiFind albums by this artist. Not to be confused with Stanko´s pivotal album also entitled "BalladynaFind albums with this title", recorded almost two decades earlier and released on ECMFind albums on this label. The album presents the complete theatre soundtrack for the play, consisting of 23 tracks ranging in length between half a minute to over five minutes. The central theme is repeated many times in different renditions, arrangements, tempi and instrumentations, creating a beautiful and often chilling atmosphere. The music stands on it´s own as a completely valid piece of music, which can be enjoyed separately from the theatre performance it was intended for. The performers include Stanko´s quartet members: pianist Marcin WasilewskiFind albums by this artist, bassist Slawomir KurkiewiczFind albums by this artist and drummer Michal MiskiewiczFind albums by this artist, as well as saxophonist Tomasz SzukalskiFind albums by this artist, vocalist Ewa WanatFind albums by this artist and percussionists Piotr WolskiFind albums by this artist and Zbigniew BrysiakFind albums by this artist. In retrospect this is an important piece of Stanko´s recorded legacy, similarly to his other soundtrack compositions, which show his rare ability to write wonderful atmospheric music. This is a must to all Stanko connoisseurs, although deleted since many years with (so far) no prospects for a reissue.
 CD 1 Recommend To A Friend

NIFC 074 (Barcode: 5906395034710) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2014 Released: 2022

This is a live album by iconic Polish Jazz trumpeter / composer / bandleader Tomasz StankoFind albums by this artist, recorded in a quartet setting with pianist Marcin WasilewskiFind albums by this artist, Norwegian bassist Arild AndersenFind albums by this artist and Finnish drummer Olavi LouhivuoriFind albums by this artist. Fragments of Frederic ChopinFind albums by this artist’s letters are recited by Andrzej ChyraFind albums by this artist. The album presents fifteen tracks, nine of which are performed by the quartet, of those eight are original compositions by Stanko and one is by Krzysztof KomedaFind albums by this artist. Three of the quartet tracks include recitation and six tracks are recitations only. The album is packed in a lavish digibook format with bi-lingual texts, which include the texts of the letters and background information about the musicians.

The album presents a special concert, organized by The Fryderyk Chopin Institute, recorded in 2014, which was part of the music festival called “Chopin and his Europe”. The album was released only in 2022, four years after Stanko’s death in 2018. In many respects the recording follows the Jazz & Poetry concept, but in this case the spoken word is Prose, which is obviously less effective, especially since the music was not specifically written to accompany these texts, but rather offers a random (?) selection of Stanko’s compositions recorded during his long career.

The performances are, as expected, nothing short of spectacular, with Wasilewski’s beautiful romanticism, Anderson’s brilliant bass parts, Louhivuori’s energetic and tasteful rhythmic accents and of course Stanko’s Godly trumpet artistry. The sound quality of the live recording is a bit iffy at times, but acceptable.

Chopin’s fate as the Polish “National” composer has been brutally abused over time by the Polish Jazz community, with hundreds, if not thousands of interpretations of his music, often completely tasteless and unnecessary. Although this album is completely innocent of these vices, it still rises a question as to the relevance of the project as a whole, at least in my mind.

Overall, this is a beautiful Jazz album, which Stanko’s many fans worldwide can fully enjoy, if they program their player to skip over the spoken word tracks. Polish speakers can of course enjoy also Chopin’s witty and emotional letters, in addition to the excellent Jazz music, and I leave them to contemplate the connection between the two at their own leisure.
Updated: 02/08/2024Posted: 02/08/2024CD 1 Digibook Recommend To A Friend

ECM 1980 (Barcode: 602498773802) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2005 Released: 2006

Legendary Polish trumpeter / composer Tomasz StankoFind albums by this artist, one of the great Lions of European Jazz, now in his fifth decade of the tireless journey dedicated to discovering uncharted territory, is definitely still in top form. This is the third album with his all Polish quartet, which includes brilliantly talented young Polish Jazz musicians: pianist Marcin WasilewskiFind albums by this artist, bassist Slawomir KurkiewiczFind albums by this artist and drummer Michal MiskiewiczFind albums by this artist. Although separated from his quartet members by decades (chronologically), Stanko is in perfect harmony with them, mentally, keeping his youthfulness, energy and creativity. Compared to Miles DavisFind albums by this artist, who played progressively less and less during his late period, Stanko is still the main soloist in his groups, with his unique tone and expressionism untouched by age. His music remains majestic, mystical and deeply penetrating, as always, and this album is again a superb addition to his magnificent legacy. Absolutely brilliant stuff and a must to any serious Jazz aficionado!
 CD 1 Slipcase Recommend To A Friend

ECM 2650 (Barcode: 602465191431) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2004 Released: 2024

This is an archival live album by iconic Polish Jazz trumpeter / composer / bandleader Tomasz StankoFind albums by this artist, recorded in a quartet setting with pianist Marcin WasilewskiFind albums by this artist, bassist Slawomir KurkiewiczFind albums by this artist and drummer Michal MiskiewiczFind albums by this artist, recorded in 2004 and released twenty years later. The album presents seven tracks, six of which are credited to Stanko and one is co-credited to all four musicians.

Chronologically recorded between the sessions of “Suspended NightFind albums with this title” (2003) and “LontanoFind albums with this title” (2005), the material is a mixture or earlier compositions and some previously unrecorded material. Although recorded live, the music has been sterilized of the applause and any contact with the public present at the concert hall, while the music was performed.

The music is… well, everything one might expect from Stanko and the quartet, i.e. elegant, perfectly performed, beautifully balanced, classy, etc., etc. As such, it is a lovely piece of music, which many Stanko fans and followers worldwide will enjoy and cherish, and again as such worthy of being released, providing it is not a prognosticator of a series of similar albums of live recordings by Stanko, which in the case of ECMFind albums on this label and their deep vaults, is often the modus operandi one might expect.

One might ponder if this album offers any new insights about Stanko’s music of that period, or in general, and the answer is: “not really”. But the same can be said about many other live recordings by Jazz musicians, who are well documented on studio recordings. In some cases, the live recordings are diametrically different from the studio efforts, in other cases the difference is almost indistinguishable. The choice and the decision to buy this album or not is, as always, in the hands of the listener.

Overall, considering the fact that Stanko was one of the greatest European Jazz Masters, and this particular quartet was one of the tightest and able European Jazz ensembles, there is no risk of being disappointed by the music, even if it only once again affirms one’s admiration of this phenomenal Artist.
Updated: 04/08/2024Posted: 04/08/2024CD 1 Slipcase Recommend To A Friend

ECM 1788 (Barcode: 044001637421) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2001 Released: 2002

Legendary Polish trumpeter / composer Tomasz StankoFind albums by this artist, one of the great Lions of European Jazz, now in his fifth decade of the tireless journey dedicated to discovering uncharted territory, is definitely still in top form. This is the first album with his all Polish quartet, which includes brilliantly talented young Polish Jazz musicians: pianist Marcin WasilewskiFind albums by this artist, bassist Slawomir KurkiewiczFind albums by this artist and drummer Michal MiskiewiczFind albums by this artist. Although separated from his quartet members by decades (chronologically), Stanko is in perfect harmony with them, mentally, keeping his youthfulness, energy and creativity. Compared to Miles DavisFind albums by this artist, who played progressively less and less during his late period, Stanko is still the main soloist in his groups, with his unique tone and expressionism untouched by age. His music remains majestic, mystical and deeply penetrating, as always, and this album is again a superb addition to his magnificent legacy. Absolutely brilliant stuff and a must to any serious Jazz aficionado!
Visitors' Comments
Christopher  Brice
Label this one "Essential"!

 CD 1 Slipcase Recommend To A Friend

ECM 1868 (Barcode: 602498112441) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2003 Released: 2004

Legendary Polish trumpeter / composer Tomasz StankoFind albums by this artist, one of the great Lions of European Jazz, now in his fifth decade of the tireless journey dedicated to discovering uncharted territory, is definitely still in top form. This is the second album with his all Polish quartet, which includes brilliantly talented young Polish Jazz musicians: pianist Marcin WasilewskiFind albums by this artist, bassist Slawomir KurkiewiczFind albums by this artist and drummer Michal MiskiewiczFind albums by this artist. Although separated from his quartet members by decades (chronologically), Stanko is in perfect harmony with them, mentally, keeping his youthfulness, energy and creativity. Compared to Miles DavisFind albums by this artist, who played progressively less and less during his late period, Stanko is still the main soloist in his groups, with his unique tone and expressionism untouched by age. His music remains majestic, mystical and deeply penetrating, as always, and this album is again a superb addition to his magnificent legacy. Absolutely brilliant stuff and a must to any serious Jazz aficionado!
 CD 1 Slipcase Recommend To A Friend

FIRE 001 (Barcode: 5907587611009) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2005 Released: 2005

This magnificent album by Polish trumpeter / composer Tomasz StankoFind albums by this artist includes the music commissioned by the Warsaw Uprising Museum, which accompanies the permanent exhibition. The heroic and tragic struggle to free the Polish Capital from the Nazi occupation in August of 1944 is to this very day a pivotal episode of modern Polish history, in many respects unresolved (morally and politically) to this very day. The bold decision to bestow the task of composing the music played at the museum upon Poland´s most distinguished Jazz composer is surely unusual and highly commendable. Stanko, of course, had little trouble to produce a masterpiece, which consists of a six-piece suite for Jazz combo and string orchestra. The participants are all Polish Jazz heroes, starting with the members of Stanko´s regular quartet at the time: pianist Marcin WasilewskiFind albums by this artist, bassist Slawomir KurkiewiczFind albums by this artist and drummer Michal MiskiewiczFind albums by this artist. Additional players include Stanko´s veteran partners: keyboardist Janusz SkowronFind albums by this artist, saxophonist Tomasz SzukalskiFind albums by this artist and guitarist Apostolis AnthimosFind albums by this artist (who plays only percussion here). Another old friend, keyboardist Wojciech KarolakFind albums by this artist, is responsible for the string orchestra arrangements, played by the Polish Radio String Orchestra. The music, as always with Stanko, is absolutely breathtaking, from start to finish, performed brilliantly by all the musicians involved. Stanko´s trumpet, with its distinctive and unique sound, soars vigorously and caresses gently, both with the same magic quality only he seems to be able to produce. Overall, this is definitely one of the finest Stanko´s later period albums and an essential peace of European Jazz. An absolute must!
Side Note: It´s a great pity that this album as now out of print and absolutely impossible to find. A repress is desperately in order!
 CD 1 Digipak Essential Recommend To A Friend

ECM 2677 (Barcode: 602438100057) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2019 Released: 2021

This is the 6th album by the Polish Jazz trio led by pianist / composer Marcin WasilewskiFind albums by this artist, which also includes bassist Slawomir KurkiewiczFind albums by this artist and drummer Michal MiskiewiczFind albums by this artist. The album presents seven tracks, three of which are parts of the same composition / improvisation cycle co-composed by all three members of the trio, one is by Wasilewski, one by Carla BleyFind albums by this artist, one by Johann Sebastian BachFind albums by this artist and finally one by The DoorsFind albums by this artist.

Although the album was released well over two years ago, somehow a copy never landed on my desk until my recent visit in Warsaw, where I attended a concert by the trio and got a copy of the album, autographed by the musicians, following a chat in the dressing room. Life is hectic and with pandemics, wars and political upheavals, anything can happen…

Together for well over two decades, the trio is not only one of the most firmly established Polish / European Jazz entities, but also a superb example of the unifying force of a stable Artistic environment. Three great and highly creative individuals, who are able to function like a multi-headed organism, in perfect symbiosis.

The music on this album is the most serene, delicate, contemplative and melodic collection of sounds that the trio created since a long time. In perfect contrast to the havoc surrounding my life at present, this is a perfect balsam for the soul, exactly what the doctor prescribed. As far as a classic Jazz piano trio is concerned, these are but a few better examples of the harmony, not only musical but also spiritual, that can be achieved within this format, going as far back as the Bill Evans / Scott LaFaro / Paul Motian trio, with an up to date musical format of course, which includes shades of Free Improvisation entwined within the proceedings.

Overall, this is a truly Masterful piece of contemporary Jazz, one of Wasilewski & Co. best recordings and an absolute must for all Polish / European Jazz enthusiasts. A minimalist outing, with the “less is more” mantra at helm, this album is an immediate classic!
Updated: 29/12/2023Posted: 29/12/2023CD 1 Slipcase Recommend To A Friend

ECM 2208 (Barcode: 602527591056) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2010 Released: 2011

This is the second album released on the ECMFind albums on this label label by the great Polish piano trio, led by pianist / composer Marcin WasilewskiFind albums by this artist with bassist Slawomir KurkiewiczFind albums by this artist and drummer Michal MiskiewiczFind albums by this artist. The trio used to be called Simple Acoustic TrioFind albums by this artist and released several albums under that name before someone (at ECM?) decided to put the leader´s name up front, which seems hardy fair or appropriate after so many years they played together under that name.

But setting such trivia as marketing tactics and ego trips aside, the music made by these wonderful musicians is as usual outstanding. Of the ten tracks present here, Wasilewski composed five and the others are by such diverse composers as Ornette ColemanFind albums by this artist, Hermeto PascoalFind albums by this artist or the German composer Hanns EislerFind albums by this artist. The music is played with flair and panache, but slightly lacks the adventurous streak I personally always look for. One might have thought that after years of playing with Tomasz StankoFind albums by this artist, some of his magic would have rubbed off.

Nevertheless both technically and emotionally this is as near perfection as one can expect from a "well behaved" album, and the above comments do not reflect negatively on this beautiful piece of music and the exceptional music-making captured herein. Always melodic, even in the heat of improvisation, with a wonderful support from the bassist and gentle but accurate input from the drummer, this music simply sounds great, especially when so well recorded.

Listeners, who enjoyed the trio´s previous output, will definitely not be disappointed, with a good chance for many new followers discovering them here.
Visitors' Comments
Christopher  Brice
I think they get better and better!

Updated: 19/09/2018Posted: CD 1 Slipcase Recommend To A Friend

ECM 2019 (Barcode: 602517373457) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2007 Released: 2008

This is the debut album on the legendary ECMFind albums on this label label by the great Polish Jazz trio, which used to be called Simple Acoustic TrioFind albums by this artist, led by pianist / composer Marcin WasilewskiFind albums by this artist with bassist Slawomir KurkiewiczFind albums by this artist and drummer Michal MiskiewiczFind albums by this artist. If these names seem somewhat familiar to you, no wander, as they were also the members of the superb Polish quartet led by the legendary trumpeter Tomasz StankoFind albums by this artist, which recorded three albums for ECM. However, the ECM recordings are far from being the trio´s recording debut, as they have been active on the local scene in Poland a whole decade earlier and recorded several brilliant albums already.

Always in top form, sensitive and technically perfect, these musicians are pillars of the new generation of Polish Jazz and their music is a true inspiration. The ten pieces presented on this album include classic Jazz compositions by musicians like Carla BleyFind albums by this artist and Gary PeacockFind albums by this artist, but most of the material was composed by the pianist, who is undoubtedly a great composer as well.

This is one of the best piano trios in the world and everything they touch turns to instant musical gold. This album is no different and every Jazz fan on this planet should enjoy it greatly. Wholeheartedly recommended!
Visitors' Comments
Christopher  Brice
Oddly, they have changed their name to Marcin Wasilewski Trio but they are building on the two excellent albums as Simple Acoustic Trio; this one arrived today and is stuck in the CD player on "repeat." I look forward to sampling their new album from ECM as soon as Adam brings it to Israel!

Updated: 19/09/2018Posted: CD 1 Slipcase Recommend To A Friend

ECM 2592 (Barcode: 602567384861) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2016 Released: 2018

This is the fourth album on the ECMFind albums on this label label by Polish Jazz pianist / composer Marcin WasilewskiFind albums by this artist and his trio, which also includes bassist Slawomir KurkiewiczFind albums by this artist and drummer Michal MiskiewiczFind albums by this artist. This is also the first live recording by the trio on that label. The album presents seven compositions (the first two combined into one piece), all composed by Wasilewski except for an interpretation of a song by StingFind albums by this artist and a Herbie HancockFind albums by this artist tune. All of these compositions originate from the trio´s previous album "Spark Of LifeFind albums with this title" except for one that originates from the second album "FaithfulFind albums with this title". As usual for ECM recordings, the album offers excellent sound quality and clarity.

Wasilewski and his trio managed to develop a symbiotic musical relationship in the twenty years they played together and ten albums they recorded together, not to mention their work with the legendary Tomasz StankoFind albums by this artist as members of his "Polish Quartet". These years proved to be fruitful and rewarding in every sense, and established the trio among one of the top European piano trios since the turn of the Millennium.

Wasilewski´s role as a composer also developed steadily over time and he is today a core member of the Polish Jazz musical architects, who define the idiom, combining the Jazz tradition with Polish Folklore sources, the typical Polish melancholy and deeply melodic / harmonic sense of beauty and European finesse. His round and elegant music is the epitome of modern European Jazz, continuing the path set by the Godfathers of Polish / European Jazz. Naturally in time he achieved a highly respected position on the local Jazz scene as one of the leaders of the mid-generation and a highly sought after performer.

The trio functions at all times like one body, with the obvious virtuosity displayed by the leader, but not less importantly by the rhythm section, which fused together create an effect that is greater than the sum of its parts. These live recording enables the numerous fans of the trio to experience an instantaneous connection with the process of music making, which of course is much more intensive than listening to a studio album.

Overall this is a superb piece of Jazz piano trio music, performed by Masters and full of delicate and intricate moments hanging in the air, before the next touch of a key or pluck of a string or strike of a stick take the listener to the next magical moment. Elegant, sophisticated, lofty and above all unpretentious and honest, this music is pennies from heaven to every true Jazz connoisseur! Hats off!
Updated: 18/09/2018Posted: 16/09/2018CD 1 Slipcase Recommend To A Friend

ECM 2678 (Barcode: 602508359835) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2019 Released: 2020

This is the fifth album by Polish Jazz trio led by pianist / composer Marcin WasilewskiFind albums by this artist, which also includes bassist Slawomir KurkiewiczFind albums by this artist and drummer Michal MiskiewiczFind albums by this artist. It is only the second time in the trio´s recording career, which stretches back some twenty-five years, when it is expanded to a quartet with the addition of a saxophonist, this time the American Joe LovanoFind albums by this artist. The album presents eleven tracks, four composed by Wasilewski, one by Lovano and two versions of a Carla BleyFind albums by this artist tune. The remaining four tracks are collective improvisations, credited to all four participants.

The music moves between the composed and improvised realms, and remains very intimate, at times minimalist, with Wasilewski sticking to his wonderful lyricism, whenever allowed to do so. The rhythm section is as perfect and complying as humanly possible, with brilliant, albeit usually very short, bass mini-solos by Kurkiewicz and supportive and yet subtle drumming by Miskiewicz. In short everything seems to be perfect as long as the trio is left alone.

However, the unholy alliance with Lovano comes immediately into the picture from the first notes he utters. There is an obvious clash of Cultures, aesthetics and sensibilities here, which is sadly unbreachable. There are very few American Jazz musicians that are able to connect to the European Jazz sensitivities, especially those of Eastern Europe, and Lovano is certainly not one of them. He is a veteran player with vast experience, impressive recording legacy and obvious skills, but he never managed to cross the boundaries of the American Jazz tradition and his playing is completely predictable. As a result he is basically holding the trio back rather than playing along or ideally pushing them forward. Even, or perhaps especially, in the improvised pieces he really has very little inspirational input to offer.

Overall, the album certainly has its moments, the trio is absolutely superb and the original music by Wasilewski is as brilliant as usual, but for me the quartet does not work out that well, and the result is crippled. I am looking forward to the next trio album or hearing them play live, which is always heavenly experience.

And yes I have read dozens of "reviews" hailing this album as a Holy Grail…oh well I am pretty much used to be in the opposition and I still trust my ears.
Updated: 30/10/2020Posted: 30/10/2020CD 1 Slipcase Recommend To A Friend

UNIVERSAL 028948107599 (Barcode: 028948107599) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-World Fusion

Recorded: 2011 Released: 2013

The World Orchestra is a brainchild of Polish Jazz saxophonist / composer Grzech PiotrowskiFind albums by this artist, who managed to create an international ensemble of dozens of musicians from all over the world, which performs a sort of Jazz-World Fusion music, based on melodic themes with strong ethnic flavors. This album presents a live recording by the World Orchestra, featuring some world-famous World Music artists, like the Bulgarian kaval player Theodosii SpassovFind albums by this artist, Finnish kantele player Sinikka LangelandFind albums by this artist, the Bulgarian Voices AngeliteFind albums by this artist choir and many others. Polish artists included Atom String QuartetFind albums by this artist, pianist Marcin WasilewskiFind albums by this artist and a large orchestra; all in all 84 (according to the liner notes) musicians on one stage. They perform fourteen pieces, most of which were composed by Piotrowski, with a few exceptions.

Although the logistics behind this project must have been staggering and the basic idea of combining musical cultures is definitely commendable, the overall result is very problematic. There is no common bond linking the different pieces together, no thematic thread, not even a loosely devised common denominator. As a result each of the pieces more or less works on its own, but is not connected to anything before and after it and the entire concert becomes a sort of tribute to different folkloristic themes, but not more. Although all the musicians involved are true masters of their respective trade, the lush orchestral arrangements and the ambience of Smooth Jazz floating above create a typical overproduced easy-listening music, which keeps the brain in a state of blissful lethargy.

This kind of domesticated World Music is very popular since it is accessible to large crowds, who would definitely have a problem to stomach some authentic Folklore and need the sugary envelope to be able to swallow it. Of course one can wonder is this is the correct way to bring new musical thrills to people, but that becomes a question of moral / artistic choices.

The CD is accompanied by a DVD of the same concert, which adds no additional music beyond the contents of the CD and is therefore completely redundant.
Updated: 26/10/2016Posted: CD+DVD 2 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

ECM 2366 (Barcode: 602537688968) ~ NORWAY ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2013 Released: 2014

This is the 6th album as a leader (3rd on ECMFind albums on this label) by Norwegian guitarist / composer Jacob YoungFind albums by this artist, recorded in a quintet setting with Norwegian saxophonist Trygve SeimFind albums by this artist and a Polish rhythm section of pianist Marcin WasilewskiFind albums by this artist, bassist Slawomir KurkiewiczFind albums by this artist and drummer Michal MiskiewiczFind albums by this artist, collectively known as Marcin Wasilewski TrioFind albums by this artist. The album presents ten tracks, all original compositions by Young. The album was recorded at the legendary Rainbow Studio in Oslo and engineered by my late Friend Jan Erik KongshaugFind albums by this artist, offering a spectacular sound quality, as expected.

The music is beautifully melodic, almost romantic, flowing gently and being a classic illustration of the Nordic Jazz sound. Although Young is undoubtedly the leader of this recording, he is certainly happy to share the spotlight with Seim and Wasilewski, who share at least as much if not more of the soloing duties with the leader. The Polish rhythm section is absolutely perfect for this music, as Wasilewski is a Master of romantic / lyrical expression, as evident on his numerous recordings with this trio. Strangely / sadly it took a whole decade for Young to record his next solo album “EventuallyFind albums with this title” to follow this one.

Overall, this is a wonderful piece of Norwegian Jazz, which after all is still very much associated with the Nordic Jazz idiom, going back to the early Jan GarbarekFind albums by this artist recordings, which influenced generations to come. Exquisite performances by all the musicians, beautiful compositions and crystal clear sound combined, create a classic modern Jazz album with a pinch of Nordic cool and Polish warmth.
Updated: 27/01/2024Posted: 27/01/2024CD 1 Slipcase Recommend To A Friend

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