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MULTIKULTI MPJ 021 (Barcode: 5907529223598) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2017 Released: 2018

This is the fourth album by Polish (resident in Denmark) Jazz guitarist / composer Lukasz BorowickiFind albums by this artist recorded this time with a sextet, which also features three Danish musicians: trumpeter Mads la CourFind albums by this artist, pianist Soren GemmerFind albums by this artist and drummer Anders MogensenFind albums by this artist and two Polish musicians: saxophonist Bartlomiej WawryniukFind albums by this artist and bassist Mariusz PrasniewskiFind albums by this artist. The album presents eight original compositions, all by Borowicki.

The music on this album takes a step back towards more structured / composed modern European Jazz, with emphasis on composition and ensemble effort. In contrast to the typical albums produced by young Polish Jazz musicians these days, this album is much closer in spirit to Scandinavian Jazz, not only due to the fact that half of the sextet´s members are Danish, but mainly due to the character of the compositions, which offer typical Nordic open space and "windy" ambiance. The music is relaxed, and offers a lot of breathing space for all the musicians to solo and interplay extensively, with every single note being perfectly clearly audible.

Borowicki plays the guitar with wonderful minimalist, almost completely acoustic touch, shunning flashy displays of egocentric show-off. All the rest of the sextet members follow his lead in this respect, and the album is a wonderful example of mutual respect and understanding between the musicians, as well as a display of the elegance, restraint and artistry that characterizes European Jazz.

The sextet members are all superb instrumentalists, and they all contribute equally to this album´s success. Wonderfully "cool" trumpet parts by la Cour, beautifully melodic solos by Gemmer and spirited saxophone parts by Wawryniuk are kept in check by the solid and yet creative work by the rhythm section, which is fully up to par with the front line players.

Overall this is an excellent album in every respect, clear evidence that the prolific work of Borowicki is consistently excellent and has a lot to offer in a long term. Full of great compositions and excellent playing, this album is an indicator of how young European Jazz is exploding with talent and extraordinary quality, which never ceases to amaze. Well done Gentlemen!
Updated: 27/10/2018Posted: 27/10/2018CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend

FOR TUNE 0037 (Barcode: 5902768701371) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2013 Released: 2014

This is the debut album by young Polish Jazz guitarist / composer Lukasz BorowickiFind albums by this artist, recorded in a trio format with Polish bassist Mariusz PrasniewskiFind albums by this artist and Danish drummer and frequent collaborator with Polish musicians Kasper Tom ChristiansenFind albums by this artist. Both Borowicki and Prasniewski studied at the Academy of Music in Odense (Denmark), as did many of Poland´s young Jazz musicians in recent years. The album presents nine original compositions recorded by the trio and a bonus track which is a solo guitar piece, all composed by Borowicki.

The music is a surprising amalgam of many different elements, which create a unique musical perception, fascinating and absorbing right from the onset. Borowicki has a distinctive guitar sound, which is raw and distorted, somewhat similar to early John McLaughlinFind albums by this artist´s efforts. The melodies, or rather melodic fragments, are quirky and unstable, changing rapidly and continuously, and yet producing an overall coherent compositional whole. The same applies to the frequent tempo changes and improvisational approaches, which move within one piece between tightly knit interplay and completely free form, spacey improvisation. The overall effect of this unusual music is definitely fascinating and completely fresh. Considering the fact that guitar is the most popular instrument on this planet, it takes a truly ingenious musician to create something new with it, such as Borowicki manages to do in this case.

The leader gets a most sympathetic support from his cohorts; Prasniewski is a wonderfully melodic player, who against all odds manages to keep the surreal paste of change this music demands, supporting the guitar every inch of the way. Christiansen, who is already a well seasoned musician and a superb composer on his own, is an ideal partner completing the trio. He plays sparingly and unobtrusively, but is right where he is needed at all times.

In conclusion, this is a first class debut effort, which shows an enormous potential and talent that Borowicki represents which hopefully will mature and develop further in time. As a result of this album, he immediately becomes a worthy candidate to become one of the top Jazz guitar players in his country, a position which at the moment is rather sparingly populated.
 CD 1 Recommend To A Friend

NOT ON LABEL ~ POLAND ~ Avant-Garde Jazz

Recorded: 2017 Released: 2017

This is the third album by Polish Jazz guitarists / composer Lukasz BorowickiFind albums by this artist and his second recording with a trio he recorded his debut with, which also includes bassist Mariusz PrasniewskiFind albums by this artist and Danish drummer Kasper Tom ChristiansenFind albums by this artist. The album presents nine original compositions, all by Borowicki and is beautifully recorded with wonderful aural atmosphere.

The music on this album is meant to present the acoustic side of Borowicki´s guitar playing and as a result is indeed very delicate, intimate and low volume. The rhythm section offers a remarkable support to this acoustic effort, playing also very subtly, but clearly in sync with the leader and most inventively. Therefore as a trio effort, this album is absolutely fascinating and one of the best of its kind I have come across lately.

However, Borowicki evidently steps here towards much more Free Jazz and Improvised Music than on his earlier recordings. In my review of his debut album I mentioned that his playing reminds me of early John McLaughlinFind albums by this artist recordings; the music here is much closer to what Derek BaileyFind albums by this artist had to offer. Nothing wrong with that of course, except for the fact that Borowicki is stepping away from the majority of Jazz listeners and entering the Avant Garde niche, with everything that such a move implies.

As a result there are almost no melodic themes here, at most some melodic fragments, which is a pity considering Borowicki´s fine composing talent, which he displayed on his earlier recordings.

Overall this is a bold step for this young and talented musician, which is obviously a part of his search towards his musical self-discovery. People expecting traditional guitar playing will be definitely disappointed, but Improvised Music / Free Jazz lovers should find this album an exquisite example of trio cooperation and elegant European non-aggressive and yet completely individualistic music creation.
Updated: 17/12/2018Posted: 26/05/2017CD-R 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

FOR TUNE 0095 (Barcode: 5902768701937) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2015 Released: 2016

This is the second album by young Polish Jazz guitarist Lukasz BorowickiFind albums by this artist. Following the debut album recorded in a trio format, this album presents a quartet effort, with Danish flugelhornist Mads la CourFind albums by this artist and Polish bassist Mariusz PrasniewskiFind albums by this artist (who also appears on the debut) and drummer Karol DomanskiFind albums by this artist. The album includes ten original compositions, eight of which are by Borowicki and two are improvisations credited to the quartet members.

In contrast to the debut, this album is much more relaxed and organized, probably since there is no pressure to prove anything this time. The compositions are lyrical and much closer to the European Jazz idiom, with breathing space and freedom being the most important ingredients in addition of course to the personal abilities of the participants. The addition of the flugelhorn expanded the ensemble´s possibilities considerably and Borowicki could have hardly find a better partner for his musical explorations that the amazing Dane, who has caught my ear already and who is definitely worth following carefully.

The quartet is very tight together, which is quite remarkable considering the complex, both harmonically and rhythmically, music they perform. The rhythm section truly supports the soloists as well as builds up the platform on which the entire structure securely advances in time. As the result the instrumental work is nothing short of amazing. It is hard to believe that this album was recorded by such young musicians.

Borowicki also presents an impressive compositional palette and the overall level of his tunes is very notable. His compositions serve as ideal vehicles for the musicians to play their best. The interplay between the guitar and the trumpet is especially exciting, as are their respective solo parts. Both Borowicki and la Cour have a distinctive sound and approach and on this album they simply complete each other perfectly.

It is a joyful feeling to hear music of such quality, especially when it comes from musicians who are at early stages of their careers. The maturity and talents displayed here are all exemplary. As a result this is another great album released by the For Tune label, and certainly one of the strongest releases this year on the Polish Jazz scene. Congratulations!
Updated: 08/08/2016Posted: 08/08/2016CD 1 Recommend To A Friend

MULTIKULTI MPJ 026 (Barcode: 5903068680182) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2021 Released: 2022

This is the debut album by young Polish Jazz pianist / composer Maciej CzajkowskiFind albums by this artist, recorded with his trio, which also includes bassist Mariusz PrasniewskiFind albums by this artist and Danish drummer Jesper Lorup ChristensenFind albums by this artist. The album presents eight original compositions, all by Czajkowski, and was recorded in Denmark, where he currently resides.

The music fits within melody based modern Mainstream Jazz and continues the tradition of the classic Jazz piano trio idiom. The compositions are remarkably well structured and mature, characterized by lyricism and introspection, which are also the basic qualities of Czajkowski’s piano playing, often minimalist and even skeletal, but always able to deliver the melodic continuity, avoiding unnecessary arpeggios and other glimmery ornamentation.

All three musicians are obviously well schooled and offer splendid delivery, with the rhythm section supporting the piano amicably all the way through, with punctual and highly imaginative performances and occasional soloing, which round up the music into a wonderful listening experience. Although not trying to be explicitly innovative of groundbreaking, the music delivers the essence of the tradition of modern European Jazz at its best, being unique and enthralling enough to stand out.

Overall, this is a very impressive debut album, which deserves to be heard and will most probably will be highly appreciated by lovers of European Jazz, especially enthusiasts of the piano trio format, which is still the most likely candidate of affection among Jazz listeners. Definitely well done!
Updated: 22/12/2022Posted: 22/12/2022CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend

HEVHETIA 0135 (Barcode: 8588005257923) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2015 Released: 2016

This is the debut album by Polish Jazz clarinetist / composer Jakub DybzynskiFind albums by this artist recorded with his trio called Equilateral TrioFind albums by this artist, which also includes bassist Mariusz PrasniewskiFind albums by this artist and drummer Karol DomanskiFind albums by this artist. All trio members are graduates of Music Academies in Denmark, where many young Polish Jazz musicians study and often also stay in the last decade, and where this album was recorded. Together they perform eight original compositions, all by Dybzynski.

The music is quite diverse and moves between melodic modern Jazz and open compositions which are closer to Free Jazz. Some compositions have a steady swinging rhythmic drive others are much less restrained rhythmically, in short an interesting mixture of melodies, rhythms and musical freedom, which works out very well.

Dybzynski is a skilled player, but for the moment lacks the finesse displayed by the veteran Polish Jazz clarinetists. He is however certainly on the right track and will surely gain the necessary experience in the years to come. His compositional skills are already quite mature, and the material on this album is definitely very promising.

The rhythm section is really excellent and handles the complex rhythmic patterns with ease and elegance, carrying the music steadily even during the free form passages. They are perfect accompanists to the delicate clarinet sound, delivering an overall powerful message to the listener.

The open, free form compositions are the most impressive parts on this album, and hopefully will be more prominent in the future recordings by the trio. But even on the steady swinging tunes the trio plays interestingly enough to keep the listener fully engrossed in the music.

The clarinet is sadly not as popular in Jazz as it deserves to be, and hearing young musicians pursuing the great clarinet Jazz tradition is very encouraging. This is definitely an impressive debut and hopefully will be followed up by no less impressive recordings in the feature. Well done!
Updated: 18/11/2016Posted: 18/11/2016CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

GATEWAY RHBB 01 (Barcode: 5707471046494) ~ DENMARK ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2016 Released: 2016

This is the debut album by Danish trombonist / composer / arranger / conductor Rasmus HenriksenFind albums by this artist, recorded with an international Big Band comprising of musicians associated with the Odense Music Academy, which includes twelve musicians, several of which are from Poland, like trumpeters Tomasz DabrowskiFind albums by this artist and Wojciech MorelowskiFind albums by this artist, guitarist Lukasz BorowickiFind albums by this artist and bassist Mariusz PrasniewskiFind albums by this artist. The album presents eight pieces, six of which are original compositions by Henriksen and two are standards. Fours of the pieces feature vocals performed by Amanda LagoniFind albums by this artist.

The music is well within the mainstream Jazz idiom, with excellent compositions by the leader and of course the wonderful sound of a Big Band that melts my heart every time. The arrangements are very elegant and interesting, typical of European Big Band approach, which treats the Big Band as a complex instrument. In view of the fact that there are so few Big Band albums released each year these days, every one of them is a blessing.

The Big Band performs excellently, obviously well rehearsed and including gifted instrumentalists. There are plenty of superb, albeit short, solos by the band members, testifying to the generally high level of the players. The vocal tracks are also first-rate, much to my surprise, as singing with a Bing Band requires a special talent, but Lagoni handles the task splendidly.

The overall sound and atmosphere are at times a bit too "retro", mimicking the great Swing orchestras of times long gone, but that does not spoil the great fun one can have with this music. This is pure pleasure from start to finish and mainstream Big Band / Orchestral Jazz should enjoy this effort to the max. Very impressive for a debut album and definitely worth getting!
Updated: 22/02/2019Posted: 09/05/2017CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

NOT ON LABEL 1 (Barcode: 5707471076774) ~ DENMARK ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2020 Released: 2021

This is the third album by Danish Jazz trombonist / composer / arranger / conductor Rasmus HenriksenFind albums by this artist recorded with a Danish / Polish septet called Polymetrum EnsembleFind albums by this artist, which also includes saxophonists Kasper WagnerFind albums by this artist and Andreas BottingerFind albums by this artist, trumpeter Mads la CourFind albums by this artist, Polish guitarist Lukasz BorowickiFind albums by this artist, Polish bassist Mariusz PrasniewskiFind albums by this artist and drummer Anders MogensenFind albums by this artist.

The album presents a four-part suite (on four tracks) composed by Henriksen, which according to his note on the album’s artwork celebrates the Jazz made behind the Iron Curtain in the 1960s and 1970s, a period marking an incredible development of the Jazz Art Form despite difficult political circumstances of the Socialist Regime. Denmark (but also Sweden and Finland), being geographical Baltic neighbors to Poland, always maintained a close relationship with Polish Jazz, allowing many of them to play and record locally during that period. In the last two decades the artistic proximity repeated itself with many young Polish Jazz musicians either studying or moving to Denmark, mixing with local young scene, often creating some remarkable achievements.

As his two earlier recordings clearly show, Henriksen clearly prefers larger ensembles, which allow him to showcase his composing and arranging skills to the max. His music is always melody based, with beautiful lyrical atmosphere, meticulously put together and superbly executed by the excellent ensembles he puts together to record his work, with a relative stable lineup. Despite the fact that the players are all brilliant soloists, the music is more ensemble oriented, following the European Jazz orchestral concept, and features relatively little soloing, which does not mean that the album avoids soloing completely and there are definitely some wonderful examples of solo and ensemble cooperation. The compositions are all superbly crafted and dull of dynamics and versatility, which makes the music flow splendidly, with the listener completely losing the sense of time.

Overall, this is a beautiful and deeply moving album, definitely the best work by Henriksen so far, which shows his rapid development as a composer and arranger. The music is brilliant from start to end with never a dull moment in between. Fans of European Orchestral Jazz will be obviously delighted to hear this album, but it should be able to satisfy every Jazz lover on this planet. European Jazz at its best – hats off!
Updated: 05/12/2021Posted: 05/12/2021CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend

WHYPLAYJAZZ 044 (Barcode: 4250459991442) ~ DENMARK ~ Free Jazz / Improvised Music

Recorded: 2017 Released: 2018

This is the second album (well, second physical album, as two more download only albums were also released on the excellent German WhyPlayJazzFind albums on this label label) by the European Jazz quartet AlmugiFind albums by this artist, led by Danish cornetist / trumpeter / composer Mads la CourFind albums by this artist, which also includes Danish clarinetist / saxophonist Lars GreveFind albums by this artist, Polish bassist Mariusz PrasniewskiFind albums by this artist and Danish drummer Kasper Tom ChristiansenFind albums by this artist. The album presents nine original compositions, all by the leader.

The music is a beautiful collection of melodic themes, mostly serene and melancholic, with a lot of space and breathing air, which allows for each note to be heard distinctly and clearly. The trumpet / clarinet and trumpet / saxophone duets roll on like intimate conversations with the rhythm section defining the scope and tempi of these conversations, always respectfully in the background but always being an inseparable part of the complete musical unity. Prasniewski and Christiansen already appeared together as a rhythm section on earlier recordings and their playing together tightens telepathically in time.

The individual contributions as well as collective improvisations and ensemble performances are all superbly executed and convey the European Jazz aesthetics, elegance and flair. Obvious respect between the musicians and a common goal of achieving the most fulfilling effect are fully realized herein, and the album is a truly delightful listening experience. The balance between the Jazz tradition and the new forms of expression, treatment of time, rhythm and harmony are a perfect example of the strength and ingenuity of contemporary young European Jazz, which is bursting with talent and creativity.

This album also exemplifies the rapidly developing musical ties between Danish and Polish Jazz scenes, which results is some of the most ambitious and searching Jazz explorations heard today. This album is highly recommended to all modern European Jazz connoisseurs, who are open-minded enough to deal with some degree of Free Jazz, which is well behaved enough to please and avoid chaos, but challenging enough to keep the listener on his toes. Very well done indeed!
Updated: 13/05/2018Posted: 13/05/2018CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend

MULTICULTI MPJ 018 (Barcode: 5907796319819) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-Rock Fusion

Recorded: 2015 Released: 2016

This is the debut album by Polish Jazz drummer / composer Radek WoskoFind albums by this artist and his new Atlantic QuartetFind albums by this artist, which also includes Israeli guitarists Gilad HekselmanFind albums by this artist, Danish pianist Soren GemmerFind albums by this artist and Polish bassist Mariusz PrasniewskiFind albums by this artist. Together they perform eight pieces, seven of which are original compositions by Wosko and one is by the late Polish violinist Zbigniew SeifertFind albums by this artist.

It seems that Wosko finally found the perfect formula for his music, which is presented here by this quartet, i.e. a melodic Jazz-Rock Fusion, which does full justice to his compositions. Coupled with beautiful execution by all the quartet members, this album guarantees a pleasurable listening experience, without lowering the musical standards.

The album is dominated by the enchanting sound of Hekselman´s guitar, with virtuosic phrasing and crystal clear sound bringing on immediately fond memories of early Pat MethenyFind albums by this artist, but definitely presenting a unique and personal approach. Gemmer offers a wonderfully sensitive accompaniment, but sadly does not play too much solo. The rhythm section moves the music forward amicably, playing exactly what is needed in such environment.

Although Wosko states in the liner notes that this music represents the meeting of European and American influences, as symbolized by it´s title, personally I find it to be almost completely dominated by contemporary American Jazz approach, with very little of the European aesthetics left, which of course does not diminish its quality.

Overall this is a wonderfully crafted Jazz-Rock Fusion album, perfectly executed by the musicians on board and accessible to a very wide range of music lovers, which hopefully will result in at least some commercial success.
Updated: 21/02/2017Posted: 21/02/2017CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend

MULTIKULTI MPJ 025 (Barcode: 5903068683329) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2019 Released: 2019

This is the second album by Polish Jazz drummer / composer Radek WoskoFind albums by this artist and his Atlantic QuartetFind albums by this artist, which includes Norwegian (resident in Copenhagen) guitarist Stian SwenssonFind albums by this artist (who replaced Israeli Gilad HekselmanFind albums by this artist who played on the debut), Danish pianist Soren GemmerFind albums by this artist and Polish bassist Mariusz PrasniewskiFind albums by this artist. The album presents eleven original compositions, eight composed by Wosko and three co-composed by all four members of the quartet.

The music, although sonically continuing the guitar dominated Fusion ambience of the debut, is way more open and offers significant proximity to European Jazz elements, including the Nordic loftiness and Polish lyricism, two of the most powerful ingredients of modern European Jazz. It is great to find Wosko finally approaching his "natural" elements in his music, which combined with his maturity and experience accumulated over time and his excellent compositions come all together on this album.

The playing is also excellent all the way, with the two Scandinavian melody weavers leading the way with confidence and finesse. Swensson is a wonderful surprise (sadly I failed to hear his debut album so far) and steps easily into Hekselman´s shoes with complete confidence. His playing is the most significant color of the music, but he respectfully leaves space for his cohorts to have their say. He can be firm and decisive but also delicate and considerate, showing great sensitivity. Gemmer is a superbly lyrical player and his sense of melody and atmospheric vistas are simply hair-rising. Prasniewski offers both a solid bottom filling to the quartet´s sound and a significant rhythmic drive. Wosko offers inventive and supportive drumming parts, especially significant during the open / almost free compositions, but does not dominate the music, staying respectfully in-line with the other quartet members.

The album is a wonderful example of the ideal balance between melody and order and freedom and open space, which is always so difficult to achieve without pulling the music one way or another; one could almost say that it is case study of such vague and evasive musical phenomenon.

Overall this is a beautiful and superbly executed album, for me definitely the best recording by Wosko so far and a gate of hope for his future endeavors. This quartet is a formidable team, which exemplifies the best there is in contemporary, still young but already mature European Jazz. Well done!
Updated: 08/12/2019Posted: 08/12/2019CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend

MULTIKULTI MPJ 009 (Barcode: 5907529223383) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2011 Released: 2013

This is the debut album by a young Polish Jazz trio comprising of pianist Sebastian ZawadzkiFind albums by this artist, bassist Mariusz PrasniewskiFind albums by this artist and drummer Radek WoskoFind albums by this artist. The album was recorded in Odense (Denmark) where the trio members studied music at the time of the recording at the local Academy, where many other Polish musicians also study music in the last decade. The album presents eight original compositions, five by Zawadzki, one by Wosko and two collective compositions by all three members of the trio.

Although recorded at the early stages of their career, this album shows the musicians searching and exploring the Jazz idiom with a youthful carefree approach, not yet bounded by convention and "proper" norms. The music is melodic and falls within the mainstream classic piano trio setting, but it is also pretty adventurous and at times even unconventional.

Technically both the pianist and the rhythm section are proficient and sound professional. Zawadzki shows early signs of his brilliant technique, which will blossom a bit later, as evident on his subsequent albums. Prasniewski plays beautifully, with great feel and intrinsic melodious elegance, always exactly when his support is needed, and so does Wosko, who manages to keep the volume of his drums at a suitable level, not being obstructive with his solo spots being truly inspired.

The two collective compositions are much more open and improvised than the strictly composed pieces, and are the highlights of this album, showing the trio´s experimentation and more ambitious approach. Zawadzki´s tunes are a bit too sweet at times, but definitely not crossing over into the sugary muzak.

Overall a very impressive debut, which is just a glimpse at these talented young musicians, a sonic document caught for posterity. It is definitely nothing to be ashamed of and can be proudly mentioned in their respective CVs as a jumpstart success.
 CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend

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