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23 Reviews Found. Use search to find more reviews or follow the links in the review text.

WARNER MUSIC POLAND 5054197299612 (Barcode: 5054197299612) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2021 Released: 2022

This is the debut album as a leader by Polish Jazz bassist / composer Michal BaranskiFind albums by this artist, recorded in a trio / quartet setting with Polish pianist Michal TokajFind albums by this artist and drummer Lukasz ZytaFind albums by this artist and Israeli guitarist Shachar ElnatanFind albums by this artist. Seven additional Polish musicians guest on selected tracks. The album presents eight tracks, seven of which are original compositions by Baranski and one is his arrangement of a Polish Folk song.

Baranski earned his reputation as one of Poland’s top bass players since the turn of the Millennium, appearing on dozens of albums by Polish and international musicians, always being in absolute top form. He was mentioned as a co-leader on three albums over the years, but it is truly amazing to see that his debut recording as a leader arrives only now. Perhaps this should be appreciated, since the decision to record this album is a result of many years of studying and developing his musical personality, and his natural modesty and patience prompted him to make this album when he really had something to say.

The music is an elegant amalgam of modern Jazz and Folkloristic influences, both Polish Folklore and the Indian konnakol vocal percussion technique, which is one of Baranski’s passions since several years. Based on solid melodic themes, the music emphasizes the rhythmic facets, which often are very intricate and require some “elasticity” from the listener, who might find some of these rhythms very unusual and even hard to follow.

The decision to involve Elnatan, who is one of numerous Israeli Jazz players active on the NY Jazz scene, with a rich Ethnic background of Yemenite and other Middle Eastern influences, resulted in providing the album with many exotic sonic colors and other vistas, way beyond what can be found on most Polish Jazz albums. But his old friends, Tokaj and Zyta, also contribute brilliantly for the entire duration. The guests decorate the album with their contributions on selected tracks, putting the proverbial cherries on top.

The result is definitely one of the most refreshing and interesting Polish Jazz albums released in 2022, and the fact that just a few days ago it won the “best Polish Jazz album of the year” prize and Baranski won the “Jazz artist of the year” prize, is hardly surprising and well deserved in this case.

Overall, this is both a very interesting and beautiful album, recorded by top Polish Jazz musicians, offering a deep exposure to diverse rhythmic patterns, which are not found usually on Jazz albums. The inquisitive and open-minded listeners should find every second of this music highly fascinating.
Side Note
The iconic "Polish Jazz" series of recordings, originally released between 1965 and 1989 by the Polish state owned record company Polskie NagraniaFind albums on this label, which used the MuzaFind albums on this label label as its moniker, consists of seventy six LP albums. It presents the history of Polish Jazz recordings during that period, which includes some of the most important Polish / European modern Jazz milestones and reflects the extraordinary development of Jazz music behind the Iron Curtain. It is one of the most important historic documents of Polish Music and of course Polish Culture in general.

The series had an eminent logo designed by Roslaw Szaybo and the albums were numbered sequentially from Vol.1 to Vol.76 accordingly. The album's artwork was wonderfully stylish and modernist, featuring the brilliant photographs and characteristic design by the legendary Polish Artist Marek Karewicz.

Stylistically the series presented all Jazz genres, from Traditional Jazz to Avant-Garde / Free Jazz, which was extraordinarily liberal considering the cultural censorship imposed by the Socialist Regime. It suffered from some inconsistency, as far as the musical quality and aesthetics were concerned, as well as the internal "politics" of the Polish Jazz scene at the time, but in retrospect it achieved a spectacular overall result, unparalleled as far as consistently documenting a national Jazz scene is concerned.

After the Polskie Nagrania catalogue was bought by Warner Music PolandFind albums on this label, the new owner started a reissue process of the Polish Jazz series, carefully remastered, repackaged and including extensive liner notes, which keeps the artwork as close to the original design as possible. So far forty four volumes of the original series were reissued.

In 2016 Warner Music Poland decided to continue the original series by releasing new contemporary Polish Jazz recordings under the same format and even to continue the sequential numbering starting with Vol.77 – a decision I personally consider almost sacrilegious. Some things are simply untouchable, and the "Polish Jazz" series is surely one of those things. If Warner Music Poland wants to produce Jazz albums, which is always more than welcome, they could have started a new series, under a new title, rather than exploiting the reputation of the historic series.

As a result, some artist whose albums are released as part of the new series might be led to expect instant gratification, fame and stardom, just for being an artificial part of a prestigious past, which of course is as bogus as it is sad.
Updated: 25/04/2023Posted: 25/04/2023CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

NOT ON LABEL 5907809494038 (Barcode: 5907809494038) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2009 Released: 2011

Kaddish, the ancient Jewish prayer usually associated with Jewish funeral and mourning services can be considered as a representation of the essence of the Jewish religion and is also often associated with the faith of the Jewish People. The fact that the great Polish saxophonist / composer Piotr BaronFind albums by this artist used this idiom as the title of his new album, as well as the title of the central composition, which opens the album, is by no means accidental. Baron, a devoted Christian, dedicated many of his previous releases to religious themes, expressing the idea that any Artist´s religious views are an integral part of his personality, which is also reflected in his Art, or in his case his music. In Poland, Jews and Christians lived together for centuries, sharing the same soil and culture. It was Poland´s bitter destiny to become the central setting of the Jewish Holocaust, which almost completely eliminated the Jewish presence in Poland, separating the two Nations by a chasm, which is still bleeding after seven decades. Baron, paying respect to Jewish faith and tradition, represents a present-day trend among the Poles to build a new bridge between Christians and Jews, re-establishing the severed relationships, a trend strongly present and growing.

How much all this background information is related and relevant to the music itself is a decision every listener will have to make, while listening to it. The album consists of seven pieces, of which two are composed by Baron, three are improvised duets by him and his respective partners and the remaining two originate from other sources. Three of the pieces are dedicated to specific persons (one close friend – Polish journalist Jan Mazur, Baron´s friend, one religious personality – Pope John Paul II, and one musician – the great mulireedist Bennie MaupinFind albums by this artist). The personnel includes Baron´s son Adam Milwiw-BaronFind albums by this artist on trumpet and didgeridoo and three Polish Jazz veterans: pianist Michal TokajFind albums by this artist, bassist Michal BaranskiFind albums by this artist and drummer Lukasz ZytaFind albums by this artist.

The music is absolutely entrancing, deeply atmospheric and moving, constantly changing and elegantly amalgamating strong melodic content with advanced improvisational excursions. Baron´s playing is virtuosic at all times, often reminiscent of John ColtraneFind albums by this artist´s mid-period, which is about the highest compliment I can bestow upon any sax player. The other musicians are all masters of their trade, with Baron Jr. continuing the family name and trade with honors. It´s obvious that Baron is making a statement here: spiritual, artistic, musical and philosophical, all combined. This is a very personal album, which definitely stands its ground on purely musical merits, but proposes a lot of added values, when put in its proper background. An album one can surely return to many a time, re-discovering its beauty repeatedly. I raise my hat, Maestro!
 CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

POLSKIE RADIO 2372 (Barcode: 5907812241889) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2019 Released: 2021

This is an album by veteran Polish Jazz saxophonist Piotr BaronFind albums by this artist recorded in a classic quintet setting with top Polish Jazz musicians: trumpeter Robert MajewskiFind albums by this artist, pianist Michal TokajFind albums by this artist, bassist Maciej AdamczakFind albums by this artist and drummer Lukasz ZytaFind albums by this artist. As the title suggests, the album plays a Jazz tribute to the music of Polish National composer Stanislaw MoniuszkoFind albums by this artist, and features four of his compositions in a Jazz arrangement. The fifth track on the album is an arrangement of a composition by Feliks NowowiejskiFind albums by this artist, another Polish Classical composer.

The year 2019 was declared as Moniuszko year in Poland, which not surprisingly produced a plethora of recordings of his music, including several within the Jazz idiom, some already reviewed by me earlier. Personally I am not convinced that the music of Moniuszko and Jazz go ideally hand in hand, but since the Moniuszko year offered a possibility to get a grant for playing his music, many musicians took advantage of such an offer – not a bad thing per se of course.

The music on this album has very little to do with Moniuszko, except for the fact that the melodic themes from his compositions are quoted subtly. This does not mean of course that the music suffers from that fact, since anything played by these excellent musicians must sound great thanks to their talents.

The arrangements call for a gentle, melodic, mainstream approach, which is taken here to the max. Following the intros, where the source is quoted, the five tracks present lengthy solos by all five musicians, all brilliantly executed, as expected.

Overall, this is a wonderful Polish Jazz mainstream album, performed by top musicians, which is a joy to listen to, although does not try to be innovative or surprising in any way. Works for me! And please leave Moniuszko out of Jazz in the future.
Updated: 31/12/2021Posted: 31/12/2021CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend

POLSKIE RADIO 2213 (Barcode: 5907812244460) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2018 Released: 2019

This is an album by veteran Polish Jazz saxophonist / composer Piotr BaronFind albums by this artist, which pays homage to the music composed by much respected and loved Polish singer / songwriter / musician Zbigniew WodeckiFind albums by this artist, who died in 2017. Baron, who plays saxophones and bass clarinet, is accompanied by trumpeter Robert MajewskiFind albums by this artist, pianist Michal TokajFind albums by this artist, bassist Maciej AdamczakFind albums by this artist and drummer Lukasz ZytaFind albums by this artist and several guests. The album presents six songs composed by Wodecki (one is repeated twice in vocal and instrumental versions). One of the songs features vocals, one features a short rap part and another one includes spoken word, but most of the material is entirely instrumental.

The music is a usual mainstream Jazz treatment of Pop material, definitely on the lighter side of the spectrum, but very professionally executed by the participating musicians, which is obviously intended for a wide audience of Wodecki´s fan base. Contrary to the opinion voiced by Polish Jazz "critics" this album does not cross over to kitsch and as far as the playing by the quintet is concerned it is a perfectly legit mainstream outing. Baron, Majewski and Tokaj are seasoned veterans and their performances are excellent as always, as is the job done by the rhythm section. Of course personally I´d prefer to hear Baron and his cohorts to play a way more ambitious material, as they did many times in the past, but there is nothing wrong with playing a bit of relaxing mainstream, based on the excellent melodies composed by Wodecki. At least they are not playing standards.

Of course the circumstances sound a bit opportunistic, but the album´s liner notes explain that Baron and Wodecki, who loved Jazz and even had a Jazz period in his career, intended to record an album together since a long time but Wodecki´s untimely death sadly put an end to these plans. So this album is a sort of fulfillment of a promise rather than a less noble intent.

Overall this is a very well rounded mainstream Jazz album, which does justice to Wodecki´s compositions and offers highly professional performances, with excellent soloing by Baron and Majewski and superb piano parts by Tokaj. Even the use of rap is tasteful and the arrangements of all the songs are elegant and even sort of cool. I wish the listeners were spared the one vocal part, but otherwise this is a nice, accessible but still very well done album, which will make many listeners very happy.
Updated: 06/07/2019Posted: 06/07/2019CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

ANIMAL MUSIC 005 (Barcode: 8594155996551) ~ CZECH REPUBLIC ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2006 Released: 2007

This is the fourth album as a leader by Czech Jazz bassist / composer Jaromir HonzakFind albums by this artist and his first release on the excellent Czech label Animal MusicFind albums on this label. The album was recorded by a Czech / Polish quartet which also included Czech guitarist David DoruzkaFind albums by this artist and Polish pianist Michal TokajFind albums by this artist and drummer Lukasz ZytaFind albums by this artist, both of which played with him on this album´s predecessor "Present PastFind albums with this title". Clarinetist Tomas CisteckyFind albums by this artist, flautist Lucie CisteckaFind albums by this artist and pianist Vojtech ProchazkaFind albums by this artist appear as guests. The album presents eight original compositions, all by Honzak. Seven of the tracks were recorded at the excellent Studio Tokarnia and engineered by Jan SmoczynskiFind albums by this artist, with the usual superb sound quality. The last track was recorded at the Czech Radio and features the a.m. guests.

Honzak, whom I have been watching closely since many years, proudly continues the Czech Jazz Bass tradition, established by internationally known bassists like George MrazFind albums by this artist (really Jiri MrazFind albums by this artist) and Miroslav VitousFind albums by this artist, but also less known outside of their homeland like Ludek HulanFind albums by this artist, Frantisek UhlirFind albums by this artist, Karel VejvodaFind albums by this artist, Petr KorinekFind albums by this artist and others. His beautifully round notes and chronometric pulsations are always a guarantee of a perfect rhythm section anchor in the numerous recording he took part in.

But on this album Honzak great forte are his wonderful compositions, which are beautifully woven, versatile and most importantly open enough to be stretched and explored by the quartet members, often towards unexpected directions. As a result this album is a superb ride into the unforeseen, with each track taking the listener on a new adventure. Not losing the sense of melody and coherence, the music has so much freedom and breathing space that the flexibility is endless.

Of course the leader gets fantastic support from the quartet members; Doruzka, here fourteen years younger than today, is already a bright star on the European scale, while Tokaj and Zyta, despite their relatively young age at the time were already seasoned veterans, capable of playing virtually anything. Together the quartet sounds like an organic unit and in retrospect I´d love to hear this experience repeated again.

Overall this is a brilliant album from start to finish, a perfect reflection of 21st Century European Jazz at its best. Fourteen years later it still sounds perfectly fresh and sparkling with ingenuity, like a gem it is. Absolutely not to be missed!
Updated: 14/11/2020Posted: 28/08/2020CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend

ANIMAL MUSIC 013 (Barcode: 8594155994335) ~ CZECH REPUBLIC ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2009 Released: 2009

This is the fifth album as a leader by Czech bassist / composer Jaromir HonzakFind albums by this artist and his second release on the excellent Czech label Animal MusicFind albums on this label. It was recorded by the same Czech / Polish quartet which recorded the previous album "A Question To All Your AnswersFind albums with this title" which also included Czech guitarist David DoruzkaFind albums by this artist and Polish pianist Michal TokajFind albums by this artist and drummer Lukasz ZytaFind albums by this artist – this time expanded to a quintet with the addition of American saxophonist Chris CheekFind albums by this artist, Honzak´s colleague from the Berklee College of Music days. The PKF String QuartetFind albums by this artist plays on one track. The album presents eight original compositions, all by Honzak. The music was splendidly recorded at the SONO Records studio and engineered by Milan CimfeFind albums by this artist.

The music is, as usual, a wonderful collection of beautiful melodies, deeply melancholic and superbly crafted, which Honzak manages to produce time after time from the depth of his Artistic mind. After listening to his almost entire recorded legacy, he emerges as one of the most consistent European Jazz composers today, appearing to be able to reinvent himself time after time without repeating any idea more than once.

The quintet also does not disappoint, with all the participants playing absolutely perfectly. Tokaj is, as always, the epitome of melancholy, young Doruzka has always something new up his sleeve, Zyta is a true Master of the percussive sounds and even Cheek, out of his American habitat, sounds remarkably European and solos beautifully, especially on the saxophone trio track, which is the most open piece on the album. Honzak´s bass parts are of course the skeleton of the music, always perfectly in tune and on time, leading the way but in fact creating a perfect spacetime for the music to develop within it.

Overall this is another brilliant album by Honzak, a wonderful example of the intrinsic beauty of European Jazz and the importance of composition in Jazz, without which all music sound simply hollow, regardless of how well it is played. Recorded eleven years before these lines are written, this music proves to be absolutely timeless and deeply moving, as always. Obviously, this is a must have for all European Jazz connoisseurs, whenever they might be…
Updated: 14/11/2020Posted: 14/11/2020CD 1 Slipcase Recommend To A Friend


Recorded: 2004 - 2005 Released: 2006

This is the third album by Polish Jazz vocalist / composer / arranger Grzegorz KarnasFind albums by this artist, one of the most unique and talented representatives of the young generation of the local Jazz scene. Born in the southern Polish province of Upper Silesia, Karnas graduated form the Jazz Institute at the Katowice Academy of Music, where a large percentage of the young Polish Jazz musicians get their initial graduate education. His debut album "ReinkarnasjaFind albums with this title", released in 2000, created quite a stir on the local scene and immediately established him as one of the most significant newcomers.

Stylistically this album is a direct continuation of its predecessor "SnyFind albums with this title", except for the fact that all the music was co-composed by Karnas and cellist Adam OlesFind albums by this artist (who also plays on the album) with lyrics by Karnas. The thirteen pieces are all relatively low-key, hence the reference to ballads in the title, although they have little in common with what is considered a ballad in classic Jazz other than the slow tempo. The accompaniment is also more subtle than on the previous album, with more ambient background sounds and less typical Jazz solos. Oles, who plays his cello mostly as if it was an acoustic bass, sets much of the overall sound and atmosphere. Other participants include saxophonist Radoslaw NowickiFind albums by this artist, keyboardist and electronic sounds creator Tomasz KalwakFind albums by this artist, and congas player Bogusz WekkaFind albums by this artist. In addition two guest artists also participate: pianist Michal TokajFind albums by this artist and guitarist Damian KuraszFind albums by this artist.

Karnas apparently found in Oles an ideal partner in his search for a decisive stylistic crystallization, which is quite apparent here. His vocal explorations are less chaotic and outrageous, with spontaneity replaced by self-control and moderation, which of course does not make his music any less exciting. But this album is somewhat less accessible and immediately likeable that his earlier work, perhaps due to the depressing lyrical subject matter (end of the world), which is apparent not only in the lyrics but also in the somewhat gloomy melody lines. All in all this is definitely another excellent piece of musical artistry.

Karnas is a unique voice and everything he recorded is worth the listeners´ attention, especially since vocal Jazz is such a neglected area dominated by mediocrity if not worse. Therefore this album stands out as a beacon of hope that not all is lost and the end of the world will have a wait for a while. Exciting stuff!
 CD 1 Recommend To A Friend

HEVHETIA 0050 (Barcode: 8588002496776) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2010 Released: 2011

This is the fourth album by Polish Jazz vocalist / composer / arranger Grzegorz KarnasFind albums by this artist, one of the most unique and talented representatives of the young generation of the local Jazz scene. Separated by five years from its predecessor "Ballady Na Koniec SwiataFind albums with this title", this album is significantly different from his earlier work and presents several novelties as far as his recording career is concerned, for example the inclusion of songs not composed by him, usage of lyrics in several different languages, a new instrumental concept, etc. The singer is accompanied by a splendid quartet, which features pianist Michal TokajFind albums by this artist, cellist Adam OlesFind albums by this artist, bassist Michal JarosFind albums by this artist and drummer Sebastian FrankiewiczFind albums by this artist. Except for the bassist the other three musicians are long time collaborators on his earlier recordings. The presence of a bassist allows Oles to play his cello more in the way it was originally intended, as opposed to the earlier recordings, where it was mostly playing the bass parts.

The album comprises of no less than nineteen tracks, some quite short (under a minute) and other fully developed and lasting around seven minutes. One song (Laurie AndersonFind albums by this artist´s "Langue D´Amour") appears four times in different incarnations and two other songs are reprised. Karnas composed or co-composed six of the pieces, four other pieces are credited to the band accompanying him, one is an instrumental composed by Tokaj and three are songs from the canonic Rock repertoire like StingFind albums by this artist´s "Roxanne", Joni MitchellFind albums by this artist´s "Black Crow" and the a.m. song by Laurie Anderson.

It is immediately obvious that this is Karnas´ most ambitious album to date. The complexity and versatility of the material is overwhelming and music moving from one theme to another creates a charming flow, which makes the listener whish for it never to stop. Instrumentally this album, with Tokaj taking over the role of the main soloist, is finally perfect and Tokaj´s beautiful tango is the best original piece of music on the album. Oles finally shows what he´s made of and plays some amazing sounds. The vocal performances are also excellent, obviously more mature and relaxed than ever before. This time Karnas is pretty minimalistic, not trying to overemphasize his part and treating the entire project as a whole rather than another solo album. The group effort is definitely what makes this album tick so wonderfully and takes it a few notches up the scale.

Overall this is a truly amazing vocal Jazz album, which plainly stands out as an artistic achievement, leaving most other albums of its kind way behind. Suffice to listen to the vocalist´s interpretations of the three well known songs, in order to appreciate his originality. Add to this the strength of his original material and Karnas emerges as an artist worth following and already leaving his mark on the contemporary scene, with very few contenders. An absolute must!
 CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

HEVHETIA 0150/0151 (Barcode: 8588005258111) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2016 Released: 2017

This is the seventh album by Polish Jazz vocalist Grzegorz KarnasFind albums by this artist, this time recorded live during his 2016 concerts in China. The enclosed CD presents ten tracks, five of which are original compositions / improvisations by Karnas, one song (repeated twice) is by Joni MitchellFind albums by this artist, another song (also repeated twice) is by Laurie AndersonFind albums by this artist and one is a Michal TokajFind albums by this artist composition. Karnas is accompanied by a piano trio, which consists of Azerbaijani pianist Elchin ShirinovFind albums by this artist and Polish bassist Alan WykpiszFind albums by this artist and drummer Grzegorz MaslowskiFind albums by this artist. The enclosed DVD presents mostly the same material included on the CD with a couple of alternate takes.

Karnas is of course the most unique Polish Jazz vocalist and his music presents a completely individual approach, which is basically incomparable with anything else in the vocal department, not only in Poland but in the whole world for that matter. He hardly ever uses words (lyrics) and most of what he utters is virtuosic vocalese unrelated to any "real" language (although here he seems to make an effort to communicate with his audiences in Chinese). His inventive use of his vocal cords and his unearthly timbre, combined with superb instrumental work by his band members always create epic results, which are beyond what one might expect within the vocal Jazz idiom.

It is absolutely amazing what these four musicians are able to achieve on stage, live and "naked". Karnas chose some of the absolutely best young musicians on the European scene, with the brilliant Shirinov creating all the melodic / harmonic background (and soloing spectacularly) and the rhythm section simply carrying the music all along on a rock-steady foundation and with exquisite inventiveness.

Overall this is a stunning piece of music, which deserves to be taught in music schools not only for its musical qualities, but primarily for the freedom of creation it symbolizes like only very few other recordings do. Every true music connoisseur should find this album enchanting, even if not immediately likeable. Music of such quality requires total involvement, nothing less.

It is great to see Karnas still able to move mountains, especially in view of his relatively sparse release schedule lately. All his albums deserve an honorable place in any serious Polish / European Jazz collection, and they are all a chronicle of an Artist, who does not rest for one moment, constantly searching for new territory and new forms of expression; a rare and precious quality for which he deserves all praise.

Thank you for the gift of music!
Updated: 12/09/2017Posted: 12/09/2017CD+DVD 2 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

DEBIES 002 ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2002 - 2004 Released: 2004

This is the second album by Polish Jazz vocalist / composer / arranger Grzegorz KarnasFind albums by this artist, one of the most unique and talented representatives of the young generation of the local Jazz scene. Born in the southern Polish province of Upper Silesia, Karnas graduated form the Jazz Institute at the Katowice Academy of Music, where a large percentage of the young Polish Jazz musicians get their initial graduate education. His debut album "ReinkarnasjaFind albums with this title", released in 2000, created quite a stir on the local scene and immediately established him as one of the most significant newcomers.

He is accompanied on this album by a superb team of excellent players: pianist Michal TokajFind albums by this artist (who plays the Fender electric piano here rather than his usual acoustic piano), guitarist Damian KuraszFind albums by this artist, bassist Robert KubiszynFind albums by this artist and drummer Sebastian FrankiewiczFind albums by this artist. In addition several guest artists also participate: legendary veteran saxophonist Tomasz SzukalskiFind albums by this artist, trumpeter Jerzy MalekFind albums by this artist, cellist Adam OlesFind albums by this artist (a future close collaborator, who also hails from Silesia), vocalist Patrycja GolaFind albums by this artist and congas player Bogusz WekkaFind albums by this artist.

The album consists of twelve pieces, ten of which were written (music & lyrics) by Karnas, one was co-written by Karnas and Oles and one is a standard. Karnas wrote all the arrangements, which are quite unusual and beautifully atmospheric. Of course Karnas´ vocal performances are the focal point of the album, but his ability to involve all these wonderful players to become an integral part of the overall result is absolutely astounding. Szukalski plays wonderfully here, but for me Tokaj and his incredible electric piano phrasing are the cherry on the cake.

Karnas is a unique vocalist, a power of Nature. Although many of the tricks of the trade he so skillfully utilizes can be traced back to other great vocalists, like the great Bobby McFerrinFind albums by this artist and the Polish diva Urszula DudziakFind albums by this artist, but he is truly original. First and foremost he completely disregards any conventions, allowing himself a total freedom as far as his vocal expressions are concerned. Regardless if he sings lyrics, vocalese, scat or just utters sounds from his throat, there are no rules involved. His pronunciation of the lyrics is completely off the wall and probably would give his primary school Polish language teacher a heart attack, but the effect is overwhelming. He also twists the melody any way he wants and his disregard of "proper" timing is simply scandalous; and yet all these elements put together create an amalgam, which is just so beautiful and intelligent, that any experienced music connoisseur simply melts away.

Vocal Jazz or more exactly interesting and challenging vocal Jazz is unfortunately a rarity on contemporary Jazz scene and therefore any Artists of the level presented by Karnas is a most welcome addition. People who truly love music will love this music immediately and unconditionally. Not to be missed!
 CD 1 Recommend To A Friend

ALLEGRO 034 (Barcode: 5901157049346) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2015 Released: 2017

This is the debut album as a leader by Polish Jazz trumpeter / composer Lukasz KorybalskiFind albums by this artist, known primarily for his work as composer of cinematic music. This album presents the music Korybalski wrote for the film "Cale Mnostwo Milosci" (hence CMM), performed by a quintet which features the leader on trumpet and also includes saxophonist Borys JanczarskiFind albums by this artist, pianist Michal TokajFind albums by this artist, bassist Andrzej SwiesFind albums by this artist and drummer Lukasz ZytaFind albums by this artist; a most formidable team. Saxophone icon Zbigniew NamyslowskiFind albums by this artist and percussionist Bogusz WekkaFind albums by this artist guest on one tune each. The album presents six original compositions, all by Korybalski.

The music is absolutely stunning from start to finish, typical melancholic Polish Jazz very closely reminiscent of early cinematic music by Krzysztof KomedaFind albums by this artist, with the same melodic hooks one just can´t stop humming after the music is over. The similarity is so close, that if I didn´t know what album is playing, I´d suspect that a newly discovered Komeda album is on. This is not only reflected by the music, the melodic approach and the harmonic progressions, but also by the way the quintet performs the music, which has a tinge of wonderful "out fashioned" nostalgia to it. Even the one relatively "free" composition on the album is spiritually almost identical to Komeda´s famous composition "Astigmatic".

The instrumental performances are all top notch. Korybalski displays some Miles Davis modal influences, all being in the most elegant form, Janczarski has a warm and smooth tone and Tokaj, one of Poland´s best pianists, sadly relatively rarely heard on albums, is a dream. The superb rhythm section cements the lineup with amicable support for the soloists and wonderful drive.

Albums like this one are a persuasive proof that contemporary melodic mainstream can be intelligent, creative, fascinating and aesthetically fulfilling. It simply has something that sets it apart from thousands of other mainstream albums, firmly standing in a class of its own. It also shows why European Jazz left the American Jazz in a fifty years slumber.

Overall this is one of the best Polish Jazz albums that I have had the pleasure to listen to in many years. It is perfect in every way, it bridges the tradition with contemporary ideas, it pays tribute to its cultural background and sources; in short it is it! Absolutely not to be missed!
Updated: 09/04/2017Posted: 09/04/2017CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

MUZA 1449 (Barcode: 5907783424496) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2008 Released: 2012

This is the debut album by Polish Jazz vocalist Szymon MakohinFind albums by this artist, which was recorded in 2008 and waited for four years to finally see the light of day. It presents Makohin performing eleven Pop / Blues / Soul standards, beautifully arranged by pianist Michal TokajFind albums by this artist, who leads the excellent quartet accompanying the singer, which also includes saxophonist Radek NowickiFind albums by this artist, bassist Michal JarosFind albums by this artist and drummer Sebastian FrankiewiczFind albums by this artist. On two of the tracks Makohin performs duets with female singers, the incredible Aga ZaryanFind albums by this artist and Irena KijewskaFind albums by this artist.

It seems that most Polish Jazz (and not only Jazz) vocalists consistently repeat the fatal mistake of trying to sing in English, which unfortunately in most cases, including this one, simply does not work. It becomes especially apparent in the duet with Zaryan, where the singer´s accent and phrasing contrasts with those of Zaryan, who is one of the very few Polish vocalists able to sing properly in English. Therefore, regardless of how good this album is on the instrumental level, the vocals are a priori an obstacle. Makohin has a very nice tone and obvious vocal talents, but his battle is lost the minute he opens his mouth. It´s a pity he didn´t follow in the steps of other Polish vocalists, like Grzegorz KarnasFind albums by this artist for example.

The selection of the material is also quite problematic, as all the songs have a strong common bond of sounding "sweet", with very little diversity, and none of them are challenging vocally. All these songs were performed brilliantly by their original authors, and this slightly Jazzed up version has very little added value. The only case of a Jazz standard present here is more a showcase of a brilliant bass accompaniment than vocal ability.

Of course Tokaj and the quartet play spotlessly and brilliantly, as always. The instrumental work keeps this album alive and kicking, which in retrospect is a pity, since this could have been such a great album under different circumstances.

However, considering this is a debut album, it should not be judged too severely; there is a lot of potential here and Makohin has a lot to offer, so I´m looking forward to hear his next album, hopefully in Polish this time. I certainly wish him all the best and keep my fingers crossed.
 CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

UNIVERSAL MUSIC POLSKA 602557206852 (Barcode: 602557206852) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2015 Released: 2016

This is a live recording of a gigantically ambitious project conceived by Polish Jazz vocalist Dorota MiskiewiczFind albums by this artist, which pays tribute to the Polish Jazz piano school, which spans several generations and is a sublime example of Polish / European Jazz tradition. The album presents twelve songs, one original by Miskiewicz and eleven "Polish standards" composed and written by the best Polish composers and lyricists, each performed by Miskiewicz accompanied by a different pianist and on eight of them also accompanied by the renowned Atom String QuartetFind albums by this artist. The list of the pianists reads like the who´s who of Polish Jazz: Michal TokajFind albums by this artist, Andrzej JagodzinskiFind albums by this artist, Lutoslawski Piano DuoFind albums by this artist, Bogdan HolowniaFind albums by this artist, Leszek MozdzerFind albums by this artist, Piotr OrzechowskiFind albums by this artist, Tomasz KalwakFind albums by this artist, Marcin WasilewskiFind albums by this artist, Krzysztof HerdzinFind albums by this artist, Dominik WaniaFind albums by this artist, Grzegorz TurnauFind albums by this artist (who also briefly sings) and Wlodzimierz NahornyFind albums by this artist. Saxophonist Henryk MiskiewiczFind albums by this artist (Dorota´s Father) guests on one song. The DVD (filmed during the concert), included in the package, adds the concert´s intro, outro and a couple of songs not included on the CD.

I am happy to say that I managed to have a more modest (with just three pianists) version of this project perform at the 2018 Singer Jazz Festival, which was extremely successful.

As expected, all the performances are absolutely wonderful, a typical example of European haute Culture, where music, words and stage performance are combined to deliver an overall experience, which is more than just a sum of its ingredients. The album moves between Jazz & Poetry and highly lyrical popular music, all expertly arranged and brilliantly executed, especially in view of the fact that it was captured live.

This album delivers exactly what it promises: an extraordinary panorama of Polish Jazz piano, full of elegance, virtuosity and flair. Miskiewicz moves with ease from one song to another, with a chameleonic change of moods and emotions, as appropriate for a great performer.

For lovers of Polish Jazz in general and Polish Jazz piano in particular, this album is a superb introduction to the subject. Even for listeners beyond the Polish language sphere, this music easily penetrates and language barriers and should be completely accessible to every music lover.
Updated: 14/09/2018Posted: 14/09/2018CD+DVD 2 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

HEVHETIA 0089 (Barcode: 8588005257312) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2014 Released: 2014

This is the second album as a leader by Polish Jazz pianist / composer Michal TokajFind albums by this artist, one of the most well-regarded and respected musicians on the local scene, known primarily as accompanist, arranger and composer working with top Polish Jazz vocalists like Aga ZaryanFind albums by this artist, Szymon MakohinFind albums by this artist, Grzegorz KarnasFind albums by this artist and others, but also as member of distinguished instrumental ensembles led by Piotr BaronFind albums by this artist, Marek NapiorkowskiFind albums by this artist, Janusz MuniakFind albums by this artist, Czech bassist Jaromir HonzakFind albums by this artist and others. The album was recorded in the classic piano trio format, with bassist Michal BaranskiFind albums by this artist and drummer Lukasz ZytaFind albums by this artist, the same lineup that recorded Tokaj´s debut album "Bird AloneFind albums with this title" a decade earlier. The music comprises of ten original compositions, nine of which were composed by Tokaj and the album´s closing track, which was composed by the great Polish bassist / composer Darek OleszkiewiczFind albums by this artist.

The music is brilliantly performed by the trio, which displays not only superb instrumental abilities but more importantly remarkable affinity and interplay, which is hardly surprising considering the fact that they have been playing together for so many years. Tokaj´s piano playing here is somewhat different, as might be naturally expected, from his delicate accompaniments when playing along vocalists or other leading instrumentalists. It is much more assertive and focused, definitely more complex and adventurous, and yet still incredibly melodic, even during the condensed and expressive improvisational passages. Of course both Baranski and Zyta deserve all the compliments for their intelligent and sympathetic, as well as technically exquisite support.

The music is a true delight from start to finish, a wonderful mixture of melody, lyricism and even romanticism combined with quite complex ventures into intensive improvisation and above all a lot of freedom and breathing space, which make this music crystal clear even during its most demanding moments. It´s pretty obvious that Tokaj´s gift as a composer and his incredible versatility earn his a well deserved position close to the top of the list of Polish Jazz composers.

For me this is easily the best "piano trio playing original music" album recorded in 2014, which is quite a distinction considering how much great music is produced on the Polish scene every year. As usual in such circumstances both a wholehearted recommendation to the fans to grab this gem ASAP and a humble expressions of gratitude towards the musicians are in order. Very well done indeed Gentlemen!
 CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

AGORA 5903111493684 (Barcode: 5903111493684) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-Rap Fusion

Recorded: 2019 Released: 2019

"Jazz is (*) the music of the oppressed black working class in capitalist America". This is the slogan that enabled Polish Jazz musicians to play and flourish behind the iron curtain, when the above definition was softened following Stalin´s death (1953) from its original form, which also included "the product of the degeneration presented as" in the place of the asterisk above. Expression of solidarity by the Polish working class with the "black working class in capitalist America" was allowed by playing Jazz. Of course Polish Jazz musicians – including our hero saxophonist / violinist Michal UrbaniakFind albums by this artist – were never a part of the working class, but that was the beauty of the whole thing. Polish intelligentsia and the artistic bohemian class in particular, which included filmmakers, Jazz musicians, actors, poets and other undesirable riffraff, were absolute Masters in fooling the system and its censorship apparatus into believing in their legitimacy as representatives of the working class and their conformity with the official Socialist Party policies.

Urbaniak and a few of Polish Jazz pioneers visited the US in 1962 and he fell head over heels in love with the "original" American Jazz. From that moment on his primary life´s desire was to move to NY and become part of the local scene, which he consistently pursued and eventually achieved in 1973, together with his wife at the time, vocalist Urszula DudziakFind albums by this artist. His NY residency was crowned by a recording contract with Columbia and release of several brilliant and groundbreaking albums and a brief stint with the legendary Miles DavisFind albums by this artist. His talent and intensive work schedule earned him many friends among the American (and not only) musicians, which explains how he managed to get on this album a string of stars like drummer Lenny WhiteFind albums by this artist, bassist Marcus MillerFind albums by this artist, pianist Herbie HancockFind albums by this artist, guitarist David GilmoreFind albums by this artist, rapper Walter WestFind albums by this artist and others.

Eventually Urbaniak, like many other Polish Jazz musicians who tried their luck in the US, returned to Poland, which in the meantime managed to free itself from the shackles of the Socialist regime, and resumed his activity on the local scene, retaining of course his NY ties. His keen senses and sharp ears enabled him to select some of the best Polish Jazz musicians, mostly members of the young generation, and invite them to take part in this project, like pianist Michal TokajFind albums by this artist, keyboardists Jan SmoczynskiFind albums by this artist, Michal WroblewskiFind albums by this artist and Marek PedziwiatrFind albums by this artist and others.

Formally this album is a tribute to the city of Warsaw, commemorating the 75th Anniversary of the tragic Warsaw Uprising against the Nazi German occupation and the album was issued by the Warsaw Uprising Museum. To be honest I completely fail to see any connection and for me this is not a tribute to Warsaw but a tribute to NY and contemporary American music scene. It offers a mixture of Rap, Hip-Hop, Groove, Blues and a bit of Jazz, with a distinct Afro-American feel, which to people familiar with Urbaniak´s current activity is hardly surprising. Most of the music is attributed to Urbaniak, but there are also two classic Jazz standards dressed up to fit with the rest of the album. And yes, it offers a lot of superb playing on the way.

The album proves that Urbaniak wishes to stay relevant and up to date with contemporary trends, which is certainly more than other musicians of his group age are doing. It has a strong Jazz tinge, but certainly is not meant as a Jazz album per se; and why not? Urbaniak does not have to justify his musical choices to anybody, and his extensive legacy proves that he paid his dues and can do whatever he wants to do. The "critics", who dismissed this album outright, fail to see the point here – it is up to the musician to play what see thinks is right and it is up to the listener to decide if he wishes to listen / buy the album. Urbaniak is simply well beyond scrutiny by self proclaimed "critics" – he has been around for long enough to ignore this bullshit.

It was a pleasure to meet Michal again a couple of month ago at the after party of the Singer Festival, where he gave me an autographed copy of this album. Nigel KennedyFind albums by this artist, the star of the final concert and an accomplished musician by all standards, looked at Michal with love and admiration deserved by an older Master… certainly good enough for me. Even if this music is not exactly my glass of vodka, if this is what he wants to play, who am I to tell him otherwise? Respect!
Updated: 11/11/2019Posted: 11/11/2019CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

NOT ON LABEL (Barcode: 5904204733700) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-Pop Fusion

Recorded: 2020 Released: 2021

This is a tribute album dedicated to the music of Polish singer / songwriter / musician Zbigniew WodeckiFind albums by this artist. Initiated by his daughter Kasia Wodecka-StubbsFind albums by this artist, this highly unusual project consists of archival original recordings by Wodecki made in the 1970s, original recordings overdubbed by parts added especially for this project and finally contemporary arrangements of Wodecki’s compositions recorded for this project. Some top Polish Jazz musicians take part in this project: saxophonist Henryk MiskiewiczFind albums by this artist, pianists Leszek MozdzerFind albums by this artist and Michal TokajFind albums by this artist, guitarist Marek NapiorkowskiFind albums by this artist, bassist Michal BaranskiFind albums by this artist and drummer Pawel DobrowolskiFind albums by this artist.

Obviously the idea behind the project is to show the proximity and affinity Wodecki obviously held for Jazz music, proposing a “what if” alternative, which speculates how his music might have developed in a “parallel universe”, in which he would have chosen Jazz and not Popular Music as his main field of activity.

The album shows Wodecki’s superb sense of melody, which of course is no surprise to any Polish music fun, and his wonderful compositional skills, which made his compositions timeless and borderless, paving the way for the arrangements present on this album to sound completely natural, as if the music was composed today. The arrangers and musicians performing on the album are all veterans and Masters of their trade, so it’s not a surprise that the music sounds wonderful and is overall a highly enjoyable listening experience.

Of course it is important to keep the music in the correct context, which is all about Jazz arrangements of Popular music, resulting in music suitable for a wide audience and therefore obviously on the easier side of the Jazz spectrum. Nevertheless, the soloists and the wonderful rhythm section do exactly what is best for the music, except perhaps for Mozdzer, whose overdose of sugar-coating is, as usual, exaggerated.

Overall this is a highly unusual, ambitious and emotional project, which sheds new light on Wodecki’s legacy and contribution to Polish Culture, which is accessible to a wide audience, not necessarily only to Jazz buffs, but all lovers of Wodecki’s wonderful music. Well done!
Updated: 28/07/2021Posted: 28/07/2021CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

INDYGO 003 (Barcode: 5907222872024) ~ POLAND ~ Avant-Garde Jazz-Classical Fusion

Recorded: 2020 Released: 2022

This is the third album by Polish Jazz trumpeter / composer / bandleader / educator Piotr WojtasikFind albums by this artist, released on his IndygoFind albums on this label Records label. The album was recorded with the Choir of the White Stork Synagogue in Wroclaw, conducted by Stanislaw RybarczykFind albums by this artist, vocalist Magdalena ZawartkoFind albums by this artist, harpist Julia ZiembinskaFind albums by this artist and the members of Wojtasik’s quintet: saxophonist Marcin KaletkaFind albums by this artist, pianist Michal TokajFind albums by this artist, bassist Michal BaranskiFind albums by this artist and drummer Kazimierz JonkiszFind albums by this artist. The album presents six original compositions by Wojtasik, one co-composed with Sylwester OstrowskiFind albums by this artist. The music was superbly recorded at the RecPublica Studios and offers a sublime quality, balance and clarity of sound.

The music reflects the deep sorrow and personal anguish of Wojtasik, which resulted from the tragic circumstances surrounding his life at the time. As such it is quite different from the “usual” mainstream Jazz, spiced with Gospel, that dominated his earlier recordings, and this time is absolutely drenched in melancholy and painful lyricism, showing a new facet of his musical identity.

The use of the Choir is absolutely perfect for the music and the amalgamation of its sound into the fabric of the compositions is nothing short of perfection. The Jazzy aspects, as reflected by the soloing of the quintet members follow suit smoothly, with sympathetic echoing of the somber atmosphere. Wojtasik, Kaletka and Tokaj are highly experienced players and perform as expected, as is the brilliant rhythm section, which keeps everything in a clear framework.

The biggest surprise of the album are actually the vocal contributions, both those by the Choir but even more so by Zawartko, who is simply sensationally brilliant. Since her arrival on the scene a few years ago, she never stops to amaze and her other recordings are all worth checking out.

Overall, this is a beautiful album, full of melancholy and glumness, but nevertheless offering a moving aesthetic experience, beautiful melodies and heartfelt performances by all the participants. Hopefully making this album was, at least partly, a process of healing and time will do the rest to make things better. Wojtasik has never made a bad album in his life and this is a proof that he does not mean to lower his standards, come what may. My heart is with you my Friend!
Updated: 04/06/2022Posted: 04/06/2022CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

BLUE NOTE 5099908449825 (Barcode: 5099908449825) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz & Poetry

Recorded: 2011 Released: 2011

This is the 6th album by Polish Jazz vocalist Aga ZaryanFind albums by this artist and her second release on the legendary Blue NoteFind albums on this label label (she is the first Polish Jazz artist to release albums on that label, and so far the only one, which is altogether disheartening, considering the level of musical artistry readily available in Poland). Any reference to this album as yet another vocal Jazz release would be completely off the track. This is much more than just one more vocal Jazz album; it is an artistic statement, which encompasses different Art disciplines – in this case music and poetry – amalgamating them into an aesthetic whole, which becomes more than the sum of its parts. This kind of (music & poetry) format, which has an established tradition on the Polish cultural scene, continues the superb Jazz & Poetry movement, which has its roots more that half a century ago in the Beat generation.

Zaryan created this concept work around the works of Polish Nobel laureate, poet Czeslaw MiloszFind albums by this artist, and three poetesses, which Milosz admired. Of the twelve songs presented on this recording, six are based on poems by Milosz and the other six are by the three poetesses, each with two poems. To complicate things a bit further, all the texts are in English, although most were written originally in Polish. Milosz, who lived in the US since 1960, firmly believed that he should write poetry only in his Mother tongue (i.e. Polish), and only later translated his own poems into English. He also translated the poems by the Polish poetess Anna SwirszczynskaFind albums by this artist. The other two poetesses: British-born American Denise LevertovFind albums by this artist and American Jane HirshfieldFind albums by this artist wrote their poems in English of course.

As to the music, the list of credits is no less impressive. The basic tracks were recorded in a quartet format with musicians, who cooperated with Zaryan on earlier recordings: pianist / composer Michal TokajFind albums by this artist, who also composed almost all the music, guitarist Larry KoonseFind albums by this artist, bassist Darek OleszkiewiczFind albums by this artist and percussionist Munyungo JacksonFind albums by this artist. The basic tracks were then ornamented by rich orchestral arrangements, written by Tokaj and performed by the Polish Radio String Orchestra, which was directed by another Polish Jazz celebrity, pianist / composer Krzysztof HerdzinFind albums by this artist. If all this is not confusing enough, the basic tracks were recorded in the US and the orchestra in Poland.

But what really counts is of course the final result, and in this case in spite of the intellectual complexity looming in the background and the musical intricacy involved, the overall result is a delicate, almost reserved and unpretentious little gem of an album. There is nothing flashy and overbearing here, just an intimate dialogue between Zaryan, her cohorts and the listener. Yes, it takes some effort to plunge deep beneath the surface and yes it takes a few listening sessions to discover some of those wonderful details veiled behind the sounds. I´d be surprised if Zaryan would´ve wanted it any other way; after all subtlety and modesty were always her distinctive gifts. Her vocal performances here, mystical and sensuous, reveal her struggle with the lyrical content, which is often devilishly convoluted. Yet everything sounds seemingly effortless and natural, as if no sweat was spilled in the process. These are true star qualities, in the best possible meaning of the idiom and in complete contrast to what are commonly conceived as star qualities these days. Although the album does not break and new musical ground, it certainly manages to create a unique atmosphere and climate, proving once more that intelligent, meaningful and non-trivial music combined with an obvious love and conviction leading the Artist are the essential ingredients needed to create true Art.

Zaryan´s Polish listeners will probably impatiently await the Polish language version of this album, which should be available very soon, but it is this version which might bring some listeners in Europe and the US closer to the treasures of the Polish Cultural Heritage, which unfortunately remains mostly completely unknown beyond its own ghetto. Thank you Aga for your vision and conviction: chapeau! kudos! and respect!
Updated: 01/01/2016Posted: CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

WARNER MUSIC POLAND 190295534981 (Barcode: 190295534981) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-Pop Fusion

Recorded: 2018 Released: 2018

It is almost unheard of for a Polish Jazz album to take a year to get to me; in fact in most cases I get new releases before they are even formally released… Apparently the tides of time rocked our (Aga´s and mine) boats pretty high & low in the last year, keeping us apart. As appropriate for old Argonauts it took a common sail on the good old Argo to get us finally together and share a glass of wine and a warm smile, and a word or two… ergo Argo served Pandora´s role and this album finally landed in my lap.

Aga ZaryanFind albums by this artist, surrounded by her beloved musicians, recorded twelve songs, some new and some old, some of hers and some by her favorite songwriters, a story in twelve chapters describing her life´s story in the five years proceeding the recording. Her lyrics tell the story sometimes subtly, but often straight in the face. She was never afraid to say what´s on her mind and she definitely does not mean to start now. A mature, intelligent, open-minded Woman, who cares about her loved ones, her friends, people in general and the world we share.

So is this a Jazz album? Well, not really, but who cares; it is a beautiful piece of music performed by some of the best musicians around with a distinct Jazzy tinge, and wonderfully sung by a first class vocalist, who does not care if she needs to stick to any rules any more, as she has nothing more to prove. The only thing that matters is if her delivery is convincing and moving, and anybody in their right mind has to agree that it certainly is so. Zaryan has learned to use her hard learned Jazz experience to get above genre classification – she simply sings like nobody else.

But there are plenty of instrumental passages that bring fond Jazz memories and with a crew that includes keyboardist Michal TokajFind albums by this artist, guitarist David DoruzkaFind albums by this artist, bassist Slawomir KurkiewiczFind albums by this artist and other Jazz legends nothing can go wrong. Whatever the fussy Jazz "critics" might say (or already did) means very little, as Zaryan is by now in a class of her own, and whatever she decides to do is entirely her own decision. Her loyal fans definitely seem to think the same.

Zaryan certainly didn´t loose any of her ability to write great songs, as this album proves beyond any doubt. Her melodies are well weaved and her lyrics concise, straight to the point and heartwrenching in their openness and directness, however painful. Getting together and parting, politics and social issues, sex and femininity, freedom of speech, nothing is taboo especially in times when people "fill their mouth with water" instead of voicing an opinion. Her poetic streak seems to be alive and kicking and getting better with maturity. Of course her faithful long-term partnership with Tokaj as the arranger and often co-creator of these songs should also be mentioned here.

So whatever happens, my Dear, high & low, here or there, sad or merry, please just be yourself and do what you do best: sing. And yes after all these years you are still the only Polish vocalist able to sing in English and not make a fool of yourself!
Updated: 10/11/2019Posted: 10/11/2019CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

BLUE NOTE 5099963139020 (Barcode: 5099963139020) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2008 - 2009 Released: 2010

This is the 5th album by Polish Jazz vocalist Aga ZaryanFind albums by this artist and her first release on the legendary Blue NoteFind albums on this label label, a first ever by a Polish artist. This album marks a new stage in Zaryan´s career, characterized by performing original material especially composed for her by pianist / composer Michal TokajFind albums by this artist (six of the twelve songs on the album) and Czech guitarist / composer David DoruzkaFind albums by this artist (four songs), both actively playing on this album. One additional song was composed by guitarist / composer Larry KoonseFind albums by this artist, who accompanied Zaryan on her earlier recordings and another one is by the great and sadly recently departed Polish bassist / composer Zbigniew WegehauptFind albums by this artist. Apart from Tokaj and Doruzka the other accompanying musicians include bassist Michal BaranskiFind albums by this artist, drummer Lukasz ZytaFind albums by this artist and percussionist Munyungo JacksonFind albums by this artist.

Zaryan also takes charge of writing the lyrics for seven of the album´s songs with the remaining five being poems by the marvelous British-born American poetess Denise LevertovFind albums by this artist. The lyricism of Zaryan´s texts and the intricacy of Levertov´s modern and deeply moving poetry give the album a clear artistic direction, which draws from the beautiful tradition of combining music and poetry, especially the Jazz & Poetry movement, which flourished in the 1960s.

The music is a perfect match to the complex lyrics, fluidly and gently carrying the singer´s words on the waves of sound. It is mostly lyrical as well, reflective and introvert, but energetic enough to prevent an overall morose atmosphere, which many "serious" musical projects suffer from. Obviously this kind of music requires serious and repetitive listening to uncover its complex content and allow intimate contact, but its obvious beauty is quite obvious from the very first exposure to it. This is both intellectual and emotional music, a rare quality indeed, especially these days.

Zaryan´s performances as well as the accompaniment are both an absolute bliss. As usual she cooperates with her musicians on levels rarely achieved elsewhere, making the best of their respective talents and abilities. Doruzka, who is the main soloist, plays some of the finest guitar I´ve heard in a long time and Zaryan´s obvious love for the guitar is commendable, as most singers prefer to use the piano as the main supportive instrument. The album, which was recorded in Warsaw and Los Angeles over a period of several months, displays an overall level of musicianship and recording / production as well as sonic quality, which are simply extraordinary.

There is no doubt that Zaryan and her cohorts deserve an honorable place on the Polish Jazz scene as much as being a part of world´s Jazz elite with the Blue Note as their home base. Buying this album is definitely a no brainer and I can´t imagine money better spent that this. A must!
 CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

BLUE NOTE 5099909494220 (Barcode: 5099909494220) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2001 Released: 2010

This is the debut album by the undeniable present-day diva of Polish Jazz, vocalist Aga ZaryanFind albums by this artist. Recorded over a decade ago, when Zaryan was completely anonymous, it exhibits for the first time an outstanding talent, fresh and innocent on one hand and remarkably mature and daring on the other. Backed up by a classic Jazz quartet, Zaryan performs ten standards, which were arranged by pianist Michal TokajFind albums by this artist. The other quartet members are veteran Polish Jazz saxophonist Tomasz SzukalskiFind albums by this artist, bassist extraordinaire Darek OleszkiewiczFind albums by this artist and drummer Lukasz ZytaFind albums by this artist.

The fact that Zaryan received her primary school education in UK enables her to sing in English, free from a foreign accent, which often annoys English-speaking audiences. But the lack of a foreign accent is by far not what is so remarkable about this album. It is the choice of material and the highly personal interpretation of the songs, which is strikingly original and aesthetically pleasing. She is able to twist and turn the familiar tunes around her small finger so to speak, with ease and elegance which is simply charming and highly sophisticated.

Another forte of the album is Zaryan´s extraordinary rapport with the quartet members, especially with bass player Darek Oleszkiewicz. Several of the tunes are by and large duets between the vocals and the bass and those are simply breathtaking. Szukalski is an ideal partner as well, constructing concise but wonderfully structured solos, always brilliantly complimenting the music. The entire quartet does a truly beautiful job, supporting the singer without overshadowing her for even a single moment. Such wonderful balance between a vocalist and her group is extremely rare and contributes immensely to the overall success of this recording.

In retrospect one can easily hear all the elements, which over time amalgamated into present day Aga Zaryan and her outstanding abilities. This debut album remains a timeless beauty and a favorite album, which I intend to revisit time and again. Extraordinary!

Side Note: This album was originally recorded in Warsaw in 2001 and released in 2002 on an independent label. This version of the album is a 2007 remaster, released on Blue NoteFind albums on this label in 2010, after the legendary Jazz label signed Aga Zaryan as the first Polish Jazz artist in its roster. The sound quality is simply marvelous!
 CD 1 Digipak Remastered Recommend To A Friend

EMI 5099909494428 (Barcode: 5099909494428) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz & Poetry

Recorded: 2007 Released: 2010

This is the 3rd album by the wonderful Polish Jazz vocalist Aga ZaryanFind albums by this artist, which marks the beginning of the second phase of her career. It is dramatically different from her two preceding albums in almost every conceivable artistic aspect, retaining only her beautiful vocal expression and the profound connection to Jazz. It is the first album, which finds her singing in the Polish language, her first recording which features string ensemble arrangements, but most importantly it marks the beginning of her love affair with poetry, or more exactly the Jazz & Poetry movement, which has deep roots in the Polish Jazz legacy. All these elements were to become the characteristic features of her future recordings. The album was recorded in the intimate piano trio setting, with pianist Michal TokajFind albums by this artist, who also wrote the music for all the nine songs included on the album, bassist Michal BaranskiFind albums by this artist and drummer Lukasz ZytaFind albums by this artist. Some of the songs also feature subtle string arrangements, performed by an excellent large string ensemble expanded with harp and oboe. The album was recorded at the legendary Studio Tokarnia and engineered by Jan SmoczynskiFind albums by this artist, and not surprisingly is simply stunning sonically.

But of course the main focus of this album is the concept behind it, which is to commemorate the tragic 1944 Warsaw Uprising during WW II, which to this day is remembered as one of Polish history´s most heartbreaking and frustrating events. The album´s title "Umiera Piekno" ("Beauty Is Dying" in Polish), which is also the title of one of the songs, expresses the subject matter most astutely. The lyrics to all the songs on this album are poems written by people who participated in the uprising (and in the case of poetess Krystyna KrahelskaFind albums by this artist, who wrote four of the poems featured here, died while fighting), or others who wrote about the event. The subject matter is deeply moving and intrinsically painful and poignant, especially in view of the fact that the memory of the uprising was neglected and even purposely concealed by the Socialist regime. Zaryan performed the music from this album live during a special concert at the Warsaw Uprising Museum, which was broadcasted live by Polish radio and TV and amassed an incredible crowd of Warsaw´s inhabitants and is viewed by many as one of the most significant artistic achievements in the country´s cultural life in the last decade. It also resulted in the relatively anonymous Zaryan reaching unprecedented heights of popularity following the event.

In spite of the incredibly intense subject matter, the album turns out to be more melancholic than depressing, with the beautiful melodies and Zaryan´s delicate, almost whispered vocals simply enfolding and enchanting the listener and isolating him completely from his surroundings, building gradually an intimate exchange between the singer and her audience. Zaryan is obviously a sorceress putting her magic spells to work on every possible emotional level the listener is exposing, both consciously and subconsciously. As a result the music and the performances by the singer and her cohorts amount to an unprecedented work of Art.

Listeners, who are not familiar with the polish language, need not to worry. The overall effect of this music transcends language barriers with ease and elegance and listening to this album will be a rewarding experience for any sensible human being on this planet.

Side Note: This album was originally recorded in Poland in 2007 and released the same year on an independent label. This version of the album is released on EMIFind albums on this label in 2010, after the legendary Jazz label Blue NoteFind albums on this label (owned by EMI) signed Aga Zaryan as the first Polish Jazz artist in its roster.
Updated: 01/01/2016Posted: CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

WARNER MUSIC POLAND 190295535001 (Barcode: 190295535001) ~ POLAND ~ Xmas Jazz

Recorded: 2018 Released: 2018

This Xmas Jazz album by Polish Jazz vocalist Diva Aga ZaryanFind albums by this artist was released a year ago (2018), but my personal health havoc at that time prevented me from writing about it then. Luckily Xmas has the habit of revisiting us at regular intervals, so here we are again nearing the White Holidays and I can return to this music and share my reflections about it with my readers, better late than never.

The album was recorded in Warsaw, Prague & New York and features a marvelous ensemble of Polish Jazz veterans, headed by pianist Michal TokajFind albums by this artist, who was also in charge of the fabulous arrangements and co-produced the album with Zaryan: saxophonist Marcin KaletkaFind albums by this artist, trumpeter Robert MajewskiFind albums by this artist, trombonist Grzegorz NagorskiFind albums by this artist and a sublime rhythm section comprising of bassist Michal BaranskiFind albums by this artist and drummer Lukasz ZytaFind albums by this artist. American vocalist Freddy ColeFind albums by this artist shared the vocal duties with Zaryan on selected tracks and the Filharmonic Orchestra PragueFind albums by this artist supplied the orchestral accompaniments. The album presents ten Jazz Xmas standards and one Polish song by the eternal Czeslaw NiemenFind albums by this artist, which is the only track with lyrics in Polish language. The carefully selected songs present a mixture of classic Xmas evergreens and less obvious and often almost forgotten songs, which deserve to be revisited.

As we all know, Xmas Jazz albums are often not more than a mixture of cynical opportunism and sappy sentimentalism, bordering on complete kitsch, if not worse. It makes me very happy to say that Zaryan and Tokaj managed to avoid all the commercial traps and temptations, creating first and foremost a bona fide Jazz album, which also focuses on the Xmas Spirit. The arrangements are sophisticated and unique to give all the songs a fresh perspective and Zaryan´s vocals are as sincere and heartfelt as always, treating each and every song with outmost care and personal interpretation.

The instrumental parts are all, as expected, absolutely perfect. These musicians are all capable of playing anything, and they give their best every time, both on record and live. The ensemble is capable of producing an almost Big Band sound on one hand and delicate low key accompaniment on the other hand. There are of course plenty of superb soli spicing the proceedings. Tokaj´s piano playing is outstanding as always and he proves again to be a true Zaryan´s musical soul-brother all along, exemplified by their piano / vocals duo. Also Baranski performs a beautiful bass / vocals duo with Zaryan which brings on goose bumps.

Zaryan´s vocal performances are brilliant of course, and she carefully avoids unnecessary theatrics and focuses on her expressions, which is a great Art in itself. Her voice is wonderfully steady and focused, and her emotions so genuine, that one can not resist to feel them entering straight into one´s heart. Although dedicated to her two young sons, the album is obviously intended to be shared with everybody who takes time to listen to this wonderful music.

The inclusion of Niemen´s song (with lyrics by the poet Jaroslaw IwaszkiewiczFind albums by this artist) is the proverbial cherry on top (or perhaps the star on top of the Xmas tree); it is a tribute to Niemen´s genius as a songwriter but also a longing for the spring that follows after winter and the Xmas Holidays, with renewed life and hope, as the deeply lyrical text implies. It is also a relatively rare opportunity to hear Zaryan sing in Polish, something I personally always long for.

Overall this is a delightful listening experience, which offers a coherent and wonderfully put together piece of music, which sounds as good in December, as it does in July and which is honestly Spiritual.

A Merry Xmas to you all, even if you personally don´t celebrate it – the Xmas spirit is universal, as is great music!
Updated: 06/12/2019Posted: 06/12/2019CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

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