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OLO 003 ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2001 Released: 2001

This is the second album by Polish Jazz vocalist Krystyna StankoFind albums by this artist and her debut recording with the group (0-58)Find albums by this artist, which placed her as a co-leader with guitarist / composer Maciej GrzywaczFind albums by this artist and bassist / composer Olgierd WalickiFind albums by this artist. The group also included accordionist Cezary PaciorekFind albums by this artist and alternating drummers Cezary KonradFind albums by this artist and Grzegorz GrzybFind albums by this artist. Saxophonist Adam PieronczykFind albums by this artist guests on two tracks. The album includes nine original compositions, four each by Grzywacz and Walicki and one by Stanko with lyrics all written by Stanko.

Musically the album presents a process of searching after a unique identity, which takes the musicians exploring many different avenues, such as Blues, chanson, alternative Pop and of course Jazz. The songs are very diverse in their tempi, moods and melodic ranges and the album keeps changing quite dramatically between one song and another. Listening to the album is like embarking on a journey with destination unknown. On the whole the approach is acoustic and rather intimate.

The instrumentalists perform splendidly, improvising extensively between the vocal parts. Grzywacz and Walicki both play some outstanding instrumental parts as do the guest soloists. Stanko is theatrical and somewhat reserved, perhaps still not aware or her formidable vocal ability, which will flower on her later recordings.

In retrospect this is a very interesting document of the Polish Jazz scene at the turn of the Millennium. Obviously the young generation of musicians is looking for something different than the mainstream tradition and with Yass paving the way in the previous decade, everything is open and nothing is taboo any more. The album is unfortunately out of print since many years and it took me ages to track a copy down – lucky me!
 CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

POLONIA 133 ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-World Fusion

Recorded: 1997 Released: 1997

This album by veteran Polish Jazz saxophonist / composer Zbigniew NamyslowskiFind albums by this artist summarizes many years of his career by concentrating on one of the most important characteristics of his music: the symbiosis of Jazz and World Music, or more precisely Jazz and folklore, as represented by dances from different regions. The album comprises of fourteen original compositions by Namyslowski, all of which are based on specific dance rhythms, like tango, waltz and samba or Polish folk dances like mazurka, kujawiak and oberek. Several of the compositions included on this album are new arrangements of compositions recorded and released previously over time.

The music is performed by a quartet, which besides Namyslowski, who plays saxophone, flute and trombone (his original instrument) includes also pianist Krzysztof HerdzinFind albums by this artist, bassists Olgierd WalickiFind albums by this artist and drummer Grzegorz GrzybFind albums by this artist. Three additional players expand the lineup to a septet: accordionist Cezary PaciorekFind albums by this artist, violinist Maciej StrzelczykFind albums by this artist and percussionist Jose TorresFind albums by this artist. A Cuban percussion group guests on one tune (obviously the samba).

Namyslowski´s ability to compose melodies, which fit the various rhythms and meters, including some very odd meters indeed, is absolutely phenomenal. This album is full of such clever tunes, which happen also to be delightful and sound completely "easy" in spite of their complex and capricious nature. The actual performance is of course first-rate, as always with ensembles led by Namyslowski, who is very strict and meticulous as far as playing is concerned.

In many respects this is the most unconventional album ever recorded by Namyslowski in which Jazz plays still a central role, but is intertwined with the folkloristic elements so tightly, that is sounds often like a soundtrack to a documentary produced by National Geographic. Jazz connoisseurs will find this album absolutely charming in every respect, even though it covers musical ground not habitually associated with Jazz.

It might be very difficult to find, but I urge every Polish Jazz enthusiast to lay their hand on a copy of this gem. Listening to this music is such a great fun!
 CD 1 Recommend To A Friend

JAZZ FORUM 019 ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-Classical Fusion

Recorded: 1998 Released: 1999

This is probably the least known as well as most unusual album by veteran Polish Jazz saxophonist / composer / band leader Zbigniew NamyslowskiFind albums by this artist, who is associated with the local scene continuously since the late 1950s. The album consists of a live recording captured by the Polish Radio, which presents a Jazz arrangement of Wolfgang Amadeus MozartFind albums by this artist´s Clarinet Concerto in A major, K 622, performed by Namyslowski´s quartet, clarinetist Wojciech MrozekFind albums by this artist and the CamerataFind albums by this artist string quartet. The Zbigniew Namyslowski quartet at the time of the recording included also pianist Krzysztof HerdzinFind albums by this artist, bassist Olgierd WalickiFind albums by this artist and drummer Grzegorz GrzybFind albums by this artist. Mozart´s masterpiece, which was his last completed work before his untimely death, consists of three movements, but this extended interpretation adds five more "variations". All the pieces were arranged by Namyslowski, except the middle movement of the original concerto, which was arranged by Herdzin.

Of course this is by far not the first attempt of creating Classical-Jazz Fusion, which has been attempted countless times before. The matching of these often distant musical idioms is probably the most perilous area, and this album is a "classic" (pun intended) example why. The idea behind such attempts is of course to fuse the two idioms and create an amalgam, which somehow manages to preserve the best of both ingredients and create a new flavor, previously unknown. Sadly the music presented here fails completely in that sense, as far as I am concerned. The resulting music mixes Mozart´s melodic themes with Jazz rhythms and improvisations, but the resulting music simply sounds unsavory. Sort of "pickles with marmalade", which makes sense to pregnant women only.

Of course Namyslowski and his crew are all wonderful musicians and perform spotlessly all the way through, as do their Classical counterparts. There are many showcases of splendid musicianship and inspired soloing. However the overall atmosphere simply doesn´t let one enjoy this music. Mozart dancing calypso is simply not my cup of rum…

But considering Namyslowski´s remarkably long and otherwise spotless career and tremendous contribution to Polish Jazz, this excursion is easily forgiven, as it is forgotten.
Updated: 08/09/2021Posted: CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend

ALBUM 66919 (Barcode: 4022685201226) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2003 Released: 2003

This is a recording by Polish Jazz veteran Zbigniew NamyslowskiFind albums by this artist and his quartet: pianist Krzysztof HerdzinFind albums by this artist, bassist Olgierd WalickiFind albums by this artist and drummer Grzegorz GrzybFind albums by this artist, with the Lithuanian saxophonist Remy FilipovitchFind albums by this artist as a co-leader. They perform nine original compositions, six of which are by Namyslowski and the remaining three by Filipovitch.

Although excellently played by all the musicians involved, the album brings little adventure to the listeners. Namyslowski´s compositions are brilliant, but they are not new and were recorded previously on other albums. The two saxophonists cooperate very little except for a few unisono statements of the themes, soloing separately and not playing against each other or soloing together or even exchanging licks. Therefore the whole idea of a double-sax front line seems to be missed completely here.

Nevertheless this is still Namyslowski and a bunch of first-class players so the music sounds great and is a classic example of European modern mainstream Jazz at its best. With two saxophones up front the rhythm section gets naturally a bit less opportunity to shine, but Herdzin manages to squeeze in a few very nice piano solos. Walicki and Grzyb support the soloists steadfastly, as always.

Perhaps not the strongest album in Namyslowski´s lifelong and legendary legacy, but then again nothing he should regret or be ashamed of. Polish Jazz fans will find this a pleasant addition to their collection.
 CD 1 Recommend To A Friend

POLONIA 174/176 ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 1998 Released: 1999

This album by Polish Jazz Colossus saxophonist Zbigniew NamyslowskiFind albums by this artist documents a live recording captured during three consecutive nights at the legendary Warsaw Jazz Club "Akwarium". Accompanied by his regular (at the time) quartet, with pianist Krzysztof HerdzinFind albums by this artist, bassist Olgierd WalickiFind albums by this artist and drummer Grzegorz GrzybFind albums by this artist, as well as guest musicians: trumpeter Piotr WojtasikFind albums by this artist, trombonist Grzegorz NagorskiFind albums by this artist, accordionist Cezary PaciorekFind albums by this artist and percussionist Jose TorresFind albums by this artist, Namyslowski played a different program each night, which comprised entirely of his original compositions, twenty three of them in total.

Although not intended as such, this recording is a sort of retrospective, both for Namyslowski the composer and Namyslowski the player. Approaching the age of sixty Namyslowski celebrated four decades of activity on the local and international scenes: recording some of the Polish Jazz milestone albums, grooming generations of Jazz musicians and playing countless concerts, an impressive record, which only very few other musicians share with him. Among the compositions performed one can find a few of his early tunes, going over thirty years back before the date of this recording, as well as some recently composed ones.

The three nights seem to have quite a different character, although it´s difficult to guess if that was intended. The first night is all up-tempo tunes, performed by a septet with strong presence of the percussion, which spices the music with a Cuban feel. The second night is more modern mainstream, performed by a sextet and the last night is the most adventurous, with odd meters and World Music influenced compositions, which are often Namyslowski´s trademark. Overall the quality of the compositions and the performances are of course excellent. Namyslowski always knew how to pick up his group members, almost always from the ranks of one young generation after another. Walicki and Grzyb represent the youngest (at the time) generation and both prove to be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with the veterans. Herdzin, who played for several years with Namyslowski in the late 1990s, was still relatively unknown at the time (in the years to come his career was about to literally explode) and is the most interesting soloist on this album except the Boss of course. The guest players are all well known and their contributions are professional, but not very inspiring, except perhaps for Paciorek, who is so original that his playing is always fascinating.

In the long discography by Namyslowski, this is perhaps not one of his milestone recordings, but in retrospect it definitely reflects his exceptional abilities as a player, composer and bandleader. The sound quality of these live recordings is spotless and has a warm aura and superb presence. This is a must have for the many Namyslowski fans and Polish Jazz buffs in general!
 CD 3 Slipcase Recommend To A Friend


Recorded: 1998 Released: 1999

This album by veteran Polish Jazz saxophonist / composer Wojciech StaroniewiczFind albums by this artist was recorded with a septet, which also included trumpeter Robert MajewskiFind albums by this artist, trombonist Grzegorz NagorskiFind albums by this artist, pianist Cezary PaciorekFind albums by this artist, bassist Olgierd WalickiFind albums by this artist, drummer Cezary KonradFind albums by this artist and Indonesian (living in Netherlands) percussionist Nippy NoyaFind albums by this artist. It includes seven compositions, five of which are originals by the leader and two are standards.

It was also the first release on his own record label, called AllegroFind albums on this label Records, one of the first musician´s owned independent record labels in Poland, which just a decade prior to the release date of this album finally managed to shake off the Socialist regime. During that regime´s rule, which lasted for forty five years, all recordings in Poland were released only by the state owned record label, which single-handedly dictated which music saw the light of day and which didn´t. Of course as a result many great musicians, especially those with Avant Garde inclinations or anti-Government attitude, never received the opportunity to make an album. After the regime´s fall by the end of 1980s, the economic realities replaced the political censorship as a decisive factor as to which music will be released, and an independent, self owned record label is definitely the best solution. In retrospect Allegro Records managed to become one of the leading such labels in Poland, releasing consistently excellent material by the owner, his many friends and other Polish Jazz musicians.

The music on this album presents a change of direction for Staroniewicz, as for the first time his great love for World Music is revealed in full. Strongly influenced by Cuban music and other South American musical accents, the music emerges as a superb amalgam of classic mainstream with these folkloristic elements. Beautifully arranged and perfectly executed, it is a non-stop delight from start to finish, with plenty of great soloing and excellent support by the rhythm section. The presence of Noya adds greatly to the overall sound and enhances the World Music feel. Although to a great extent sophisticated, the music sounds really "easy" and most of all danceable, which is a rare achievement. There is an incredible version of George GershwinFind albums by this artist´s "Summertime" here, which will make your behind vibrate.

This is definitely an album every true Jazz connoisseur would love to have in his collection. I can´t help it but to recommend it wholeheartedly. Superb stuff!
Updated: 17/12/2018Posted: CD 1 Recommend To A Friend

OLO 004 ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-Classical Fusion

Recorded: 2004 Released: 2004

This is an obscure but wonderful album by Polish Jazz bassist / composer Olgierd WalickiFind albums by this artist (a.k.a. Olo WalickiFind albums by this artist), recorded in a highly unusual setting of a piano trio accompanied by a Classical brass quartet. The trio consists of Walicki with pianist Leszek MozdzerFind albums by this artist and German drummer Maurice de MartinFind albums by this artist. The brass quartet comprises of four players from the Gdansk Philharmonic. The ensemble performs a six-part suite composed and arranged by Walicki.

The music is an unusual Jazz-Classical Fusion piece, which differs from most other attempts to create such cross genre projects. The six musical themes are highly melodic and lyrical, and with the added brass arrangements they all sound like Classical miniatures, but with a twist. There is a lot of humor in these pieces, some of it right in the open, the rest subtly hidden, but always there.

This entire project is more a composing and arranging exercise than the usual Jazz oriented performance, as most of the truly interesting stuff happens when the brass is playing or Walicki plays arco. The piano trio parts a bit sugary; probably due to Mozdzer´s inclination to turn everything into honey (some may use a different word). The drummer is also quite exceptional, moving freely between Jazz, Rock and Avant-Garde / humorous ornamentations, all beautifully suitable to the music.

Overall this is a zany and highly interesting piece of music, which differs from most other stuff and therefore is highly educational. In some respects the Zappaesque atmosphere of this music is quite brilliant. It might be of course dismissed as being frivolous and lacking respect, but in fact nothing could be further from the truth. Walicki keeps the listener in suspense till the very last moment of this album (I won´t spoil the surprise), when the tongue-in-cheek irony is fully revealed. In any case this is definitely an album worth hunting for and investigating.
Updated: 12/04/2019Posted: CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend

HEVHETIA 0221 (Barcode: 8588005259026) ~ POLAND ~ Free Jazz / Improvised Music

Recorded: 2020 Released: 2021

This is an album by Polish Jazz pianist / composer Ignacy Jan WisniewskiFind albums by this artist, which presents a series of duos recorded with other Polish Jazz musicians: bassist Olo WalickiFind albums by this artist (a.k.a. Olgierd WalickiFind albums by this artist), saxophonist Mikolaj TrzaskaFind albums by this artist, drummer Michal BryndalFind albums by this artist and vocalist Marcin JanuszkiewiczFind albums by this artist. The album presents ten original pieces, all of which are freely improvised.

For “freely improvised music”, the music on this album is at times remarkably melodic and returns to the formats used by Wisniewski in his earlier recordings, which amalgamate elements of Jazz and Classical music with Avant-Garde vistas, being this time perhaps somewhat more radical, since the earlier music was definitely largely pre-composed.

In any case, if all Improvised Music was as coherent, sensible and aesthetically pleasing as what can be heard here, my general cautiousness about the genre would have been way less intensive. This music is simply beautifully expressive and inviting, in complete contrast to most contemporary Improvised Music, with constant challenges, strange twists and turns and quite unexpected performances by the participants, like almost romantic saxophone parts by Trzaska and Cecil TaylorFind albums by this artist staccatos by the leader.

The biggest surprise for me are the vocal performances by Januszkiewicz, whose earlier work I admit to not being familiar with. Due to his contacts with the theatre circles, as composer of music for spectacles, Wisniewski uses actors rather that Jazz vocalist in his projects (see / hear Kamil DominiakFind albums by this artist in “Kantata JazzowaFind albums with this title”), proving his perfect instinct as far as making such decisions. Januszkiewicz is absolutely stunning in his unconventional vocal approach and his parts are, for me, absolutely climatic. But to be fair all the participants contribute heartfelt roles in the entire project.

Overall, this is one of the absolutely most wonderful Polish Free Jazz / Improvised Music recordings lately, which is rather unusual in its tameness, which perhaps is the source of its success. Presenting great musicianship, firmly managed by the leader, it proves that Improvised Music can be lasting and still innovate, which is happening very rarely lately. An absolute must to listeners, who are ready to be challenged. Hats off to all participants!
Updated: 01/10/2021Posted: 01/10/2021CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

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