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HEVHETIA 0048 (Barcode: 8588002496738) ~ SLOVAKIA ~ Jazz-Rock Fusion

Recorded: 2011 Released: 2011

This is the second album recorded by the Slovak AMC TrioFind albums by this artist – pianist Peter AdamkovicFind albums by this artist, bassist Martin MarincakFind albums by this artist and drummer Stanislav CvancigerFind albums by this artist – with Swedish guitarist Ulf WakeniusFind albums by this artist, released again on the Slovak HevhetiaFind albums on this label label. It presents eight original compositions, all credited to the trio members. The album was fabulously recorded at the legendary Viennese Jazz club Porgy & Bess (although not live).

The music is a collection of highly melodic, relatively simple themes, performed skillfully by the trio and beautifully complimented by the presence of the guitar, which adds a new dimension to the proceedings. Wakenius´ guitar sonically resembles the ambiance of Pat MethenyFind albums by this artist early recordings, but is much more focused and inspired, saving the album from the dangers of elevator muzak. Personally this kind of music usually bores me after a couple of tracks, but this album maintains a magical thread of interest, which kept me alert for the entire duration.

The trio is obviously a smooth and highly polished musical unit and their music sounds simply perfect (perhaps too perfect) from start to finish. The dynamics of the tunes, the solos, the arrangements are likeable, full of lyricism, romanticism and obvious intrinsic elegance, but the music lacks drama and development in my opinion. If not for the guitar parts, this album would have been too sweet to swallow. The trio members are skilled instrumentalists; Adamkovic plays several inspired solos and Marincak pushes the trio forward with his pulsating rhythms. Sadly the drums are recorded / mixed so much in the background that they are hardly audible.

Wakenius is of course a brilliant player, with rare sensitivity, superb technical mastery of his instrument and a great deal of imagination, which are all clearly apparent when he plays his solo parts. When his solos are over one is always left with a lingering for more. I have been following his career for many years and he is consistently excellent in all the settings his path led him through, both as a leader and as a sideman.

Overall this is an enjoyable album for fans of melodic, slightly Fusion oriented music with some scorching guitar parts, which sounds great while driving a cabriolet by the sea. Enjoy!
 CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

CONCORD 888072313033 (Barcode: 888072313033) ~ USA ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2007 Released: 2009

In the 1960s the celebrated American vibraphonist / composer Gary BurtonFind albums by this artist led a quartet, which also included guitarist Larry CoryellFind albums by this artist, bassist Steve SwallowFind albums by this artist and drummer Roy HaynesFind albums by this artist (and later Bob MosesFind albums by this artist). That quartet recorded a series of brilliant albums, which in retrospect clearly show how pioneering and revolutionary that music was at the time, giving birth to Jazz-Rock Fusion years ahead of anybody else in the US. The young and up-coming guitarist Pat MethenyFind albums by this artist joined that same quartet just a few years later (mid-1970s), adding his unique input to the quartet´s sublime legacy.

This live recording at the legendary Yoshi´s Jazz club in Oakland captures a reunion of the original (1970s) quartet with the exception of the Mexican drummer Antonio SanchezFind albums by this artist, who is of course a member of the much younger generation of Jazz players, but his remarkable qualities suited the occasion perfectly. They perform a series of mostly original compositions by the three veteran group members, which have all been performed at the time by the original quartet. A few compositions originating from outside the quartet, but performed at the time, as also included, those being by Chick CoreaFind albums by this artist, Carla BleyFind albums by this artist, Keith JarrettFind albums by this artist and Duke EllingtonFind albums by this artist.

This quartet treats these compositions quite differently in comparison to the original performances, bringing the arrangements up to date both sonically and stylistically, which awards them a second life. The overall level of performance is of course stellar, which is not surprising considering the aggregation of talent present. It is really great to hear Metheny play Jazz again, which he scarcely does with his own group. Both Burton and Swallow seem to be completely untouched by time and sound in top form. It is truly uplifting to see Jazz veterans being able to create music, which is fresh and valid today, as it was decades ago. Great stuff!
 CD 1 Recommend To A Friend

ECM 1072 (Barcode: 602517758308) ~ USA ~ Jazz-Rock Fusion

Recorded: 1975 Released: 2008

US vibraphonist / composer Gary BurtonFind albums by this artist is one of the pillars of American modern Jazz and his extraordinary legacy of recorded music includes a monumental body of work, spanning decades, styles and an incredible variety of sounds. On this very unique album, Burton and his quintet - which consists of two guitarists: British Mick GoodrickFind albums by this artist (one of the greatest and sadly little known guitar virtuosi) and US Pat MethenyFind albums by this artist, bassist Steve SwallowFind albums by this artist and drummer Bob MosesFind albums by this artist - play tribute to the great US composer Carla BleyFind albums by this artist. Bley´s compositions have been always a superb example of ingenuity and intelligence as much as deep lyricism and melodic perception. Stylistically in a universe of her own, Bley deserves a very special place on the pedestal of great 20th Century composers and this loving tribute is a proper example of the recognition of her talents. The presence of two electric guitarists on this album gives it a certain slightly Fusion touch, but definitely of the gentle sort, which suits the music perfectly. Brilliant stuff!
 CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend

CONCORD 013431480327 (Barcode: 013431480327) ~ USA ~ Jazz

Recorded: 1997 Released: 1998

This is an album by iconic American vibraphonist / composer / bandleader Gary BurtonFind albums by this artist, recorded in a quintet setting with a dreamy lineup, which includes pianist / composer Chick CoreaFind albums by this artist, guitarist Pat MethenyFind albums by this artist, British bassist Dave HollandFind albums by this artist and drummer Roy HaynesFind albums by this artist. The album presents ten tracks, nine of which are original compositions (four by Metheny, three by Corea and two by Burton) and one is a standard.

Apart for the fact that this is the first album on which Corea and Metheny play together, everything else about it is completely ordinary: the music is all within melodic mainstream Jazz, no challenge whatsoever, all perfectly executed of course by these brilliant musicians, but a classic example of music going nowhere really.

Of course many Jazz listeners can enjoy this album immensely, but in retrospect it left no lasting impression. Burton, Corea and Metheny play exactly like they always do on their own albums and the quintet does not reach an ensemble sound. The rhythm section is as perfect as possible, but again they just play completely ordinarily. As much as I love and respect the individual musicians playing here, this album just ain’t cutting it. And yes – it won the Grammy in 1999…

Overall, this is a typical American Jazz album of the late 1990s, which offers smooth, likeable music, which shows exactly what is wrong with American Jazz – it is just frozen in time for decades. Great for cocktail parties…
Updated: 03/03/2022Posted: 03/03/2022CD 1 Recommend To A Friend

EDITIO PRINCEPS 02 ~ BRAZIL ~ Jazz-Rock Fusion

Recorded: 1986

Recorded live, this album presents the Fusion oriented performances by the legendary Brazilian guitarist / composer Sérgio DiasFind albums by this artist and his group Jazz ManiaFind albums by this artist. Dias was the leader of the legendary Brazilian group Os MutantesFind albums by this artist, which was the most important Brazilian Rock group in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s. After the group disbanded at the end of the 1970’s, Dias left for the US, where he pursued mostly Jazz / Fusion music, playing extensively with his Brazilian expatriates Airto MoreiraFind albums by this artist and Flora PurimFind albums by this artist and with such giants as John McLaughlinFind albums by this artist and Jaco PastoriusFind albums by this artist. Upon his return to Brazil in the mid-1980’s he formed the group Jazz Mania with some of the best local players at the time, which is documented on this album and heard for the first time after almost 20 years. The music and the performances are excellent and any Fusion fan will have a feast listening to this album, which easily compares to the work of Pat MethenyFind albums by this artist of Weather ReportFind albums by this artist.
 CD 1 Remastered Recommend To A Friend

NOT ON LABEL (Barcode: 884501309998) ~ ISRAEL ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2009 Released: 2010

This is a debut recording by Israeli guitarist / composer Koby HayonFind albums by this artist with his trio featuring veteran bassist Kermit DriscollFind albums by this artist and drummer Jerome MorrisFind albums by this artist. Hayon composed nine of the eleven tunes performed here and the two remaining compositions originate from such diverse sources as Israeli / Yemenite folk tune and the Beatles. Most Israeli Jazz players, many of which live in the US, as does Hayon, incorporate Middle Eastern influences in their music, and the same applies here. Although in most cases these influences are pretty subtle, hidden between the contemporary Jazz idioms, they can be discovered by an attentive listener with ease, and sometimes they become pretty obvious. Hayon´s technique is excellent throughout, regardless if he plays a straight-forward Jazz or crosses over to Fusion pyrotechnics. Although the influence of his teachers and mentors, like John AbercrombieFind albums by this artist and Pat MethenyFind albums by this artist is also evident, Hayon contributes enough originality and personal input to make his statements sound unique and distinctive well beyond plagiarism. The most impressive aspect of this recording is the interplay between the musicians and the performance of these three musicians as team. Driscoll´s bass is beautifully supportive and complementary and Morris´ drumming delicately ornaments the music rather than trying to force the rhythmic patterns on top. Personally I enjoyed more the delicate, slow and contemplative compositions here, rather than the more expressive Fusion oriented pieces, but one has to admit that Hayon´s performances are beautifully executed in all cases. The recording quality is also excellent, with every single note perfectly audible and the overall sound ambience just right for this kind of music. This is definitely a most impressive debut and I hope to hear more from Hayon in the not too distant future. Warmly recommended!
 CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

LE CHANT DU MONDE 2037 (Barcode: 3149024203725) ~ ISRAEL ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2010 Released: 2011

This is the 3rd album by the sensational Israeli guitarist / composer Gilad HekselmanFind albums by this artist, who resides in NY since 2004, as do many other Israeli Jazz players. Hekselman quickly established himself as one of the top guitar players on the NY scene, a fact that is not a result of any publicity stunts but simply his incredible talent. With his tone very similar to early Pat MethenyFind albums by this artist, he is often compared to Metheny, but that kind of comparison is somewhat superficial. Hekselman is much more Jazz oriented than Metheny ever was in fact. Critics and more importantly fellow musicians agree unanimously that Hekselman was blessed with exceptional talent and his meteoric rise to fame is fully justified. This album, recorded with Hekselman´s regular trio: bassist Joe MartinFind albums by this artist and drummer Marcus GilmoreFind albums by this artist and with guest appearance on four tracks by saxophonist Mark TurnerFind albums by this artist, presents eight original compositions, which are all ideal vehicles for the leader´s display of his guitar magic, which is pretty amazing from start to finish. Clear, elegant, pure and melodic, his playing is always right on top of what is best for the music at any particular moment. Never clotted or overcrowded by too many notes, which usually plagues guitar players, he dances on his strings like leaves on a spring breeze, as if fingers and brain commands had nothing to do with it. But honestly, and most importantly, this is 100% unadulterated Jazz, free of any attempts whatsoever to become a neck-breaking Fusion trip, another plague of today´s guitar players. If this is what Hekselman is capable of at the tender age of 28, his future seems to be laid out for him on a golden path to stardom. Hopefully his head is not lost in the process. Hats off to you, Gilad and God Bless!
 CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

UNIVERSAL 602527877860 (Barcode: 602527877860) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2010 Released: 2011

Polish pianist / composer / arranger Krzysztof HerdzinFind albums by this artist is without a doubt not only the most versatile musician in his country, but also extremely prolific and obviously accordingly talented. He likes to work with as many different musical settings as possible, from a piano trio to large scale orchestral extravaganzas, seemingly with equal ease and success. This is one of such "out there" projects, which features Herdzin´s original music played by a Jazz ensemble and accompanied by a full scale string and woodwinds orchestra.

The ensemble comprises of Herdzin´s regular trio, with bassist Robert KubiszynFind albums by this artist and drummer Cezary KonradFind albums by this artist, and three guests: guitarist Marek NapiorkowskiFind albums by this artist, saxophonist Piotr BaronFind albums by this artist and Swiss harmonica player Gregoire MaretFind albums by this artist (of Pat MethenyFind albums by this artist Group fame), who is the featured soloist. The Sinfonia VivaFind albums by this artist Orchestra is responsible for the orchestral parts.

The music belongs broadly to the Jazz & Strings format, which of course was tried many times before. The Jazz ensemble plays a set of very melodic, relaxed and lyrical compositions, taking solos in turn, with Maret being the principle soloist. The harmonica is relatively rarely used as a solo instrument in the Jazz framework and with the exception of a few known cases (most notably the Belgian Toots ThielemansFind albums by this artist) is usually associated with less challenging music. Of course in the hands (and mouth) of a very talented player it can sound quite virtuosic, as is the case here, but it adds another dimension of "sweetness" to the proceedings, which borders with overdoing it. Personally Baron´s contributions on this album are the most interesting, albeit being decisively too limited.

The orchestral arrangements are elegant and kept in good taste, playing only the second fiddle (pun intended) in the proceedings. Although excellently played and masterfully arranged, they seem to be merely ornamentation, contributing little to the actual musical content other than setting an atmospheric background. There is definitely a fine balance and cooperation between the ensemble and the orchestra, but full musical integration is not achieved here, perhaps purposely. Herdzin of course proves that he can easily handle the orchestral arrangements any way he pleases.

Overall this is a very nice album, which many listeners will find pleasing and enjoyable. For hardcore Jazz fans this might be a bit too sweet to swallow (especially those with diabetes like myself), but nevertheless it is professionally executed classy music, accessible to a wide audience, which definitely has its merits.
 CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

MTS 014 ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-Rock Fusion

Recorded: 2008 Released: 2009

This is the debut album by the young Polish Jazz quintet Jazz ConstructionFind albums by this artist, which comprises of saxophonist Marcin KaniaFind albums by this artist, guitarist Krzysztof LenczowskiFind albums by this artist, pianist Wawrzyniec PrasekFind albums by this artist, bassist Jacek KaliszewskiFind albums by this artist and drummer Wojciech BylicaFind albums by this artist. Lenczowski also plays cello in the string quartet, which accompanies the group. The album presents eight original compositions, five of which were composed by Lenczowski and three by Prasek. The album was recorded at the wonderful Studio Tokarnia with Jan SmoczynskiFind albums by this artist at the console, which of course is immediately audible, as the sound quality is gorgeous.

Although the music is quite diverse stylistically, the overall ambience presiding is that of melodic Jazz-Rock Fusion. The guitar, which stands out as the most effective solo instrument, is sonically very close to the classic early Pat MethenyFind albums by this artist sound, round and slightly melancholic, but always very effective. Each of the guitar solos on this album is a masterpiece of construction and a perfect example of showmanship by Lenczowski. But his colleagues are not far behind and they all display formidable technique and feel for the music. As usual with young Polish Jazz groups one keeps wondering how it´s possible for such young players to sound so mature.

The group displays its Jazz roots by offering a couple of tunes, which are clever tributes to Jazz Giants like John ColtraneFind albums by this artist and Miles DavisFind albums by this artist and their overall approach is also Jazzier than most Fusion groups. The individual contributions of all the band members are truly praiseworthy. Overall, although hardly groundbreaking, this is a very solid debut effort, which features excellent original music and first-class performances, which are as good if not better from most similar material released anywhere in the world.

For some strange reason this album slipped under my radar at the time of its release, but it´s never too late to acknowledge a worthy effort. Very well done gentlemen!
 CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

UNIVERSAL 602517348424 (Barcode: 602517348424) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-World Fusion

Recorded: 2006 - 2007 Released: 2007

Twelve brilliant albums in just ten years are surely an awe-inspiring record for even a most accomplished musician. Polish singer / composer / lyricist extraordinare Anna Maria JopekFind albums by this artist (a.k.a. AMJFind albums by this artist) seems to be unstoppable in her continuous path towards a secure position in the Pantheon of contemporary Jazz vocal achievements. Classically trained (at The Warsaw Music Academy) as a concert pianist, her Jazz singing was a second career opportunity, inspired by her stint at the Manhattan School of Music. The world of Jazz opened an entire new universe, which she embraced wholeheartedly and never looked back. Stars certainly smiled upon her as her career in her native Poland literally exploded, with her albums reaching Gold and Platinum sales one after another.

Her big international break happened when Pat MethenyFind albums by this artist agreed to record an album with AMJ entitled "UpojenieFind albums with this title" (note also Metheny’s memorable cooperation with Israeli singer NoaFind albums by this artist a.k.a. Achinoam NiniFind albums by this artist). This opened a gate for AMJ to cooperate with many more world-class musicians, as demonstrated on this album. AMJ sings mostly songs she either wrote herself or were written by her husband / musical soul mate Marcin KydrynskiFind albums by this artist. Over the years the couple created a vast songbook, which deserves praise and admiration for it’s consistent quality. This album is in many respects a glorious expansion of AMJ’s already remarkable accomplishments.

The creative process took over a year until fruition, with recordings in studios located across Poland, Paris and New York, with tragic personal events lurking in the background, which inevitably had a momentous influence on the outcome. The list of participating musicians is very impressive and includes such renowned Jazz and World Music artists as saxophonist Branford MarsalisFind albums by this artist (his solos are a sweet reminder of his fabulous work alongside StingFind albums by this artist), percussionist Mino CineluFind albums by this artist, bassist Christian McBrideFind albums by this artist, bassist Richard BonaFind albums by this artist, singer and oud player Dhafer YoussefFind albums by this artist, singer and guitarist Oscar Castro NevesFind albums by this artist and percussionist Manu KatchéFind albums by this artist. Top Polish players like Robert MajewskiFind albums by this artist (flugelhorn) and Leszek MozdzerFind albums by this artist (piano) also participate, alongside AMJ’s regulars: Pawel Bzim ZareckiFind albums by this artist (keyboards), Marcin Kydrynski (guitar) and Marek NapiórkowskiFind albums by this artist (guitar). The music (as already mentioned) is an extension of AMJ’s existing repertoire, with the usual deeply lyrical / melancholic ballads and highly expressive vocal improvisations beautifully spiced with World Music elements. Vocal duets with the African / Middle-Eastern motifs sung by Youssef are among the best of the kind ever attempted.

Although profoundly melodic, AMJ’s music is full of surprises, with ever changing rhythm patterns, unusual harmonies and intelligent instrumentation. Songs are often multi-layered and complex technically, but the overall effect is easy on the ear and goes straight into the listener’s heart. This fantastic talent to weave this musical tapestry is something I admire in AMJ above all her many virtues. Of course her outstanding delivery is right on the money time after time. Regardless of the mood, tempo or harmony, her deep voice modulating between whisper and shout remains clear, expressive, sexy and enchanting. The entire album is very skillfully put together, with exceptional sound quality and superb recording. Definitely a masterpiece of contemporary Jazz-World Fusion and an essential piece of evidence pointing to the fact that music (and Art in general) know no bounds, no borders and no limits. 100 % Brilliant!

Side Note: This is a Polish edition of the album. Apparently an international edition (with different contents) is due to be released later this year. Well, I can’t wait to put my hands on that. BTW the album went Platinum in Poland just 3 weeks after its release – apparently I’m not the only person who loves this stuff.
 CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

LJB 006 (Barcode: 7090025839429) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-Rock Fusion

Recorded: 2012 Released: 2013

This is the eighth album by the multi-national Jazz-Rock Fusion ensemble called Loud Jazz BandFind albums by this artist, which was founded in 1989 in Poland by guitarist / composer Miroslaw KaczmarczykFind albums by this artist and a decade later moved to Norway. The current edition of the band includes musicians from Poland, Norway and Bulgaria and the octet lineup which recorded this album includes, in addition to Kaczmarczyk the following players: trombonist Erik JohannessenFind albums by this artist, saxophonist Wojciech StaroniewiczFind albums by this artist, pianist Oystein SkarFind albums by this artist, keyboardist Piotr IwickiFind albums by this artist, bassist Kristian EdvardsenFind albums by this artist, drummer Ivan MakedonovFind albums by this artist and percussionist Maciej OstromeckiFind albums by this artist. The album, which was recorded live, includes seven original compositions by Kaczmarczyk.

After listening to just a few moments of this music, it becomes immediately apparent that this is a highly professional ensemble of skilled and experienced musicians, playing polished arrangements of very melodic music spiced with very impressive solo spots. The music, perhaps not very challenging or adventurous, is nevertheless skillfully put together and "easy on the ear", sounding simply beautiful and pleasant. And yet this is far from being elevator music or God forbid muzak, even if it sounds "nice"; on the contrary, it is simply perfectly designed to fit a precise niche of what is usually referred to as the "easier side of Jazz". If Pat MethenyFind albums by this artist can play this kind of music, and be universally praised for it, why not the Loud Jazz Band, especially if they are at least as good?

The sound quality of this album, especially in view of the fact that it was recorded live, is simply stunning and the balance and separation between the instruments and overall ambience are truly magnificent. This album should be used in all the Hi-Fi stores to test the audio equipment. The album is also beautifully and tastefully designed and packaged, suiting well the music it contains. For people listening to more melodic Jazz / Fusion this is a true gem!
 CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Audiophile Recommend To A Friend

MUSEA 4638 (Barcode: 3426300046383) ~ JAPAN ~ Progressive Rock

Recorded: 2002 - 2006 Released: 2006

1st album by LU7Find albums by this artist, one of the hottest new Japanese instrumental Prog ensembles, which is basically a duo of Luna UmegakiFind albums by this artist – keyboards and Tsutomu KuriharaFind albums by this artist – guitar, with occasional guest musicians. Both players are superb instrumentalists and gifted composers and the album is a true delight from start to finish. The music is melodic, but has enough internal tension to sustain interest. There is a strong jazzy feel and the album could be classified as fusion, but since the emphasis is more on the melody than on the rhythmic patterns, I decided to stick with Prog. The guitarist is influenced by Pat MethenyFind albums by this artist and Allan HoldsworthFind albums by this artist, but has a definite personal sound and style. Guitar freaks will delight in his explorations. The (female) keyboards player provides most of the multi-layered sounds, which are elegant and imaginative. Her solos are mostly done on acoustic piano, which sounds excellent on top of the synthesized background. In short a great surprise and a superb debut album by all standards. One bonus track was added to the original Japanese album for the Musea release.
 CD 1 Bonus Tracks Recommend To A Friend

ARMS 01 (Barcode: 5907445298007) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 1997 Released: 2004

This is a solo piano album by Polish pianist / composer Leszek MozdzerFind albums by this artist, one of the most famous Polish Jazz musicians worldwide with a distinguished legacy of playing with top Polish (Tomasz StankoFind albums by this artist, Zbigniew NamyslowskiFind albums by this artist, Michal UrbaniakFind albums by this artist) and international (Pat MethenyFind albums by this artist) Jazz musicians. On this album Mozdzer presents twelve solo piano pieces, seven of which are his original compositions, two are standards and the rest are his interpretations of Classical or folk music. With his classical training and seemingly impressive technique, his performances are way to flashy to be considered seriously. No wander this album was the best selling Jazz album in Poland.
Updated: 01/12/2021Posted: CD 1 Gold Recommend To A Friend

NOT ON LABEL ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-Rock-World Fusion

Recorded: 2009 Released: 2012

This album presents a live recording of a trio, which comprises of world famous Indonesian (living in Netherlands) percussionist Nippy NoyaFind albums by this artist and two veteran Polish Jazz musicians: keyboardist Zbigniew JakubekFind albums by this artist and vibraphonist Bernard MaseliFind albums by this artist. The album includes six original compositions, four of which were composed by Maseli and two by Jakubek. Three of these compositions receive extended treatment and carry on for twelve and up to seventeen minutes, while the other three last the usual six / seven minutes. The sound quality is excellent and every detail of the music is perfectly audible, even though it was recorded live.

The music is mostly ambient and atmospheric, with a strong Jazz-Rock orientation, although much more fragile and delicate than the usual output of the genre. A strong World Music influence is also evident. The melodies are stated clearly and are the basis of the extended improvised passages. Jakubek often plays the bass lines using his instruments, so at times the music sounds like being performed by a quartet. The overall atmosphere is reminiscent of several Pat MethenyFind albums by this artist recordings with his group featuring keyboardist Lyle MaysFind albums by this artist.

The music is relaxed and flows gently from one track to another, but manages to stay inside the creative limits of the Jazz parameters, without spilling over into the muzak territory, which is usually where such undertakings eventually arrive at. Both Jakubek and Maseli play some truly great solos here and keep the music interesting, with Noya sticking to his percussive background. This is obviously an album, which belongs to the "lighter" side of Jazz, but it is does neither compromise the participating musicians nor insult the listener.

Not exactly my cup of tea, but I suspect that many listeners will love this album to bits, which is perfectly fine with me. This album is definitely recommended to those folks, who love melodic and well played music, which does not make your teeth ache.
 CD 1 Recommend To A Friend

UNIT 4582 (Barcode: 7640114795824) ~ UKRAINE ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2014 Released: 2015

This is the debut album by Ukrainian (resident in Berlin) guitarist / composer Igor OsypovFind albums by this artist, recorded in a quintet setting with American saxophonist Logan RichardsonFind albums by this artist, Austrian pianist Elias StemesederFind albums by this artist, Danish bassist Martin BuhlFind albums by this artist and alternating drummers: American Jesus VegaFind albums by this artist and Polish Kuba GudzFind albums by this artist. All these musicians, except for Richardson, are students at the Jazz Institute Berlin. The album presents nine original compositions, all by Osypov.

The music is typical modern Jazz, basically pretty mainstream, with some unusual rhythmic patterns, but other than that quite straightforward. The melodies are a bit thin and forgettable, but the idea here is to play as many notes as possible by everybody on board, so the improvisation and soloing are at the centre.

These are very talented, but also very young players, which becomes immediately apparent. The quintet has some sync / timing problems and everything starts to sound a bit alike after the third tune or so. The guitar sound is a bit to sharp and Pat MethenyFind albums by this artist like, the pianist seems to live in a separate universe and the only thing that sounds truly coherent is the bass. In short parts of this album are really difficult to listen to.

Overall this album was perhaps recorded a bit too early, before the music and the quintet matured enough, to be able to achieve the effect they deserve. Better luck next time!
Updated: 27/04/2018Posted: CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

MGP 008 (Barcode: 5060237700123) ~ UK ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2011 Released: 2012

This is the debut album by the fabulous guitar duo comprising of British guitarist / composer Pete OxleyFind albums by this artist and Swiss (resident in UK) guitarist / composer Nicolas MeierFind albums by this artist. The album, recorded live during the duo´s 2011 tour, presents ten compositions, three originals each by Oxley and Meier, two pieces by Chick CoreaFind albums by this artist and one each by Pat MethenyFind albums by this artist and Milton NascimentoFind albums by this artist. In spite of the technical problems involved with recording this delicate music live, the resulting album has a wonderful sound quality.

Readers interested in more detailed analysis of the music by Oxley and Meier and cordially invited to read my reviews of their albums: "Chasing TalesFind albums with this title" and "The Colours Of TimeFind albums with this title". Suffice to say that the duo presents the ultimate experience in virtuosity, elegance, good taste and human teamwork of the highest caliber and this album is every bit as good as those that followed.

Presenting a wide rage of stylistic influences, the duo already at this early stage of their work together displayed superb intelligence and sensitivity. Mixing Jazz with World Music influences they created their own individual sound, by using a plethora of different guitars, each with its unique sound idiosyncrasies. As a result they managed to amalgamate a highly effective approach to the listener, making their music simply irresistible.

If you don´t have any of their albums, this one is a great place to start, and if you do have others, but not this one, grab it as soon as possible, since your record collection is not complete without it!
Updated: 30/09/2017Posted: 30/09/2017CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

PROVOCATEUR 1021 (Barcode: 5038491102120) ~ UK ~ Jazz

Recorded: 1999 Released: 2000

British guitarist / composer John ParricelliFind albums by this artist ranks amongst the most respected players on the contemporary British Jazz scene. His work with Andy SheppardFind albums by this artist and Colin TownsFind albums by this artist (also on the ProvocateurFind albums on this label label) shows his versatility and technical skills, but this, his debut album as a leader, focuses the attention on his compositional skills. All the music on this album was composed by him and is performed by an excellent quartet, featuring Mark LockheartFind albums by this artist on saxophone, Dudley PhillipsFind albums by this artist on bass and Martin FranceFind albums by this artist on drums. Stylistically the album moves across a wide spectrum of contemporary Jazz, from up-tempo Fusion oriented tunes to slow dreamy ballads. Some World Music influences are also apparent. Parricelli plays with gusto and obvious sensitivity. People who like Pat MethenyFind albums by this artist (not that Parricelli is copying Metheny in any way) will love this album, and all Jazz guitar lovers should find it interesting. Definitely worth investigating.
 CD 1 HDCD Recommend To A Friend

HEADS UP 3115 (Barcode: 053361311520) ~ USA ~ Jazz-Rock Fusion

Recorded: 2006 Released: 2006

One of the pioneers of Fusion, Mike SternFind albums by this artist ranks this day among the best guitar players. Throughout his illustrious career, since his Miles DavisFind albums by this artist days and up to now, Stern released a long series of excellent solo album (this is his 15th release as a leader) and was very prolific as a sidemen taking part in hundreds of projects. His playing always borders elegantly between Fusion and Jazz, occasionally emphasizing one genre or another. This album presents a perfect mixture of both genres and includes players from both genres as well, such as Roy HargroveFind albums by this artist – trumpet, Chris Minh DokyFind albums by this artist – bass, Dave WecklFind albums by this artist – drums, Anthony JacksonFind albums by this artist – bass and many others. Stern wrote all the music and plays some mighty guitar here, with traces of Pat MethenyFind albums by this artist sound, but overall quite original and technically brilliant. This is a true fun album and I wholeheartedly recommend it to all fusion-heads.
 CD 1 Recommend To A Friend

VOICE MUSIC 1004 (Barcode: 5906489287220) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-World Fusion

Recorded: 2022 Released: 2022

This is an album by Polish Jazz guitarist / composer Przemyslaw StraczekFind albums by this artist, recorded in a quintet setting with Taiwanese erhuist / vocalist Chiao-Hua ChangFind albums by this artist, bassist Maciej KitajewskiFind albums by this artist, Columbian (resident in Poland) percussionist Edilson Sanchez-MoyanoFind albums by this artist and drummer Patryk DoboszFind albums by this artist. Kora player / vocalist Kandara DiebateFind albums by this artist and saxophonist Marcin KaletkaFind albums by this artist guest on selected tracks. The album presents eight tracks, seven of which are original compositions by the leader and one is by Diebate.

Straczek has been quite prolific over the years and recorded several albums over time, and I am only familiar with some of them. Those that I know are all Fusion oriented and lately they also involve strong ethnic influences, which is also the main theme of this album, which firmly belongs to the Jazz-World Fusion idiom.

Although the music is well played, it lacks focus, constantly moving between African, Chinese and other ethnic influences and straightforward Fusion, which is good for diversity but makes it difficult for the listener to find a clear thread to identify with the music. The Polish rhythm section is providing an excellent backbone, but Straczek continues to explore the Pat MethenyFind albums by this artist influenced Fusion and the other musicians follow their ethnic roots, which somehow does not work together all that well.

Overall, although created by very able musicians, the album lacks clear aesthetic center and sounds like a random collection of tracks put together. There are some very nice moments here and there, but as a whole I’d rather pass. Of course this is only my personal view and what do I know…?
Updated: 21/01/2023Posted: 21/01/2023CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

NOTAMI 043 (Barcode: 8054729511219) ~ ITALY ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2022 Released: 2022

This is an album by the Italian Jazz duo comprising of pianist / composer Stefano TravagliniFind albums by this artist and clarinetist / saxophonist Achille SucciFind albums by this artist. The album presents nine tracks, eight of which are original compositions by Travaglini and one is by Pat MethenyFind albums by this artist.

The music is excellent modern European Jazz, based on the solid melodic themes composed by the pianist with a considerable degree of Freedom during the extended improvised parts. The omnipresent Italian lyricism and romanticism are still very much in the air or course.

The rapport between the two players is truly excellent and they function like one mind for the duration of this album, which is obviously fascinating. I personally love the clarinet, so every time Succi switches to that instrument my ears rise high, never to be disappointed.

The music was superbly recoded and offers a first class sound quality, which allows for all the aural nuances to be perfectly audible. The warmth and intimacy that this music displays, is a wonderful example of human communication, which music is general and Jazz even more intensely relays on, and which was brought to perfection on this album.

Overall, this is a very intense album by the duo with superb interplay between them, obvious mutual respect and understanding, which all are the basis for great Jazz performances. This is a typical display of the “Art of the Duo” idiom and a worthy part of any decent Jazz records collection.
Updated: 09/04/2023Posted: 09/04/2023CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend

ARTA 10161 (Barcode: 8595017416125) ~ CZECH REPUBLIC ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2007 Released: 2008

The piano trio is the perfect Jazz format; it has everything that Jazz is all about: melody, harmony, rhythm, interplay, individual and collective improvisation, in short the essence of Jazz. To make it work as a perfect format, one needs three great musicians to play together in a piano trio setting, and this one is as close to perfect as one dares to hope for, sending that delightful thrill down the listener´s spine, when listening to a Keith JarrettFind albums by this artist or Bill EvansFind albums by this artist piano trio recording. This trio comprises of three Czech Jazz veterans: leader / pianist / composer Emil ViklickyFind albums by this artist, extraordinary bassist Frantisek UhlirFind albums by this artist and drummer Laco TroppFind albums by this artist. All three have been active on the local, as well as international scene for decades. Both Viklicky and Uhlir are recognized worldwide as top performers on their respective instruments and have been my personal favorites since hearing them for the first time ages ago. For this album Viklicky decided to perform a set of Jazz standards rather than playing his own music, which is what he usually does. Only one of the thirteen tracks is his original composition by Viklicky and another one by Uhlir. The rest of the music is composed by well known Jazz artists as diverse as Keith Jarrett and Pat MethenyFind albums by this artist or standards. For a pianist with such a rich songbook, as the one composed by Viklicky, playing compositions by other composers is a matter of choice and of course a great challenge, considering of course the need to present an interpretation worthy of a masterful musician, such as Viklicky indisputably is. Of course the result is exactly as expected: intelligent, delicate, touching, elegant and simply brilliant. Viklicky´s interplays with Uhlir are nothing short of the legendary Bill Evans / Scott LaFaroFind albums by this artist magic and his solos are masterly and aesthetically perfect. Tropp plays mostly very subtly and distinctly low level, which is exactly right for this kind of music. Altogether this is a beautiful and deeply touching piano trio album, one of those you never get tired of, never!
 CD 1 Recommend To A Friend

MULTICULTI MPJ 018 (Barcode: 5907796319819) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-Rock Fusion

Recorded: 2015 Released: 2016

This is the debut album by Polish Jazz drummer / composer Radek WoskoFind albums by this artist and his new Atlantic QuartetFind albums by this artist, which also includes Israeli guitarists Gilad HekselmanFind albums by this artist, Danish pianist Soren GemmerFind albums by this artist and Polish bassist Mariusz PrasniewskiFind albums by this artist. Together they perform eight pieces, seven of which are original compositions by Wosko and one is by the late Polish violinist Zbigniew SeifertFind albums by this artist.

It seems that Wosko finally found the perfect formula for his music, which is presented here by this quartet, i.e. a melodic Jazz-Rock Fusion, which does full justice to his compositions. Coupled with beautiful execution by all the quartet members, this album guarantees a pleasurable listening experience, without lowering the musical standards.

The album is dominated by the enchanting sound of Hekselman´s guitar, with virtuosic phrasing and crystal clear sound bringing on immediately fond memories of early Pat MethenyFind albums by this artist, but definitely presenting a unique and personal approach. Gemmer offers a wonderfully sensitive accompaniment, but sadly does not play too much solo. The rhythm section moves the music forward amicably, playing exactly what is needed in such environment.

Although Wosko states in the liner notes that this music represents the meeting of European and American influences, as symbolized by it´s title, personally I find it to be almost completely dominated by contemporary American Jazz approach, with very little of the European aesthetics left, which of course does not diminish its quality.

Overall this is a wonderfully crafted Jazz-Rock Fusion album, perfectly executed by the musicians on board and accessible to a very wide range of music lovers, which hopefully will result in at least some commercial success.
Updated: 21/02/2017Posted: 21/02/2017CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend

FRESH SOUND 478 (Barcode: 8427328424783) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2015 Released: 2015

This is the debut album by young Polish Jazz bassist Pawel WszolekFind albums by this artist recorded with his quartet with also includes guitarist Lukasz KokoszkoFind albums by this artist, pianist Sebastian ZawadzkiFind albums by this artist and drummer Szymon MadejFind albums by this artist. The album presents nine original compositions, all by Wszolek and was released on the Spanish Fresh SoundFind albums on this label label as part of the prestigious New Talent series.

The music is all within the melodic modern mainstream boundaries, solid and well crafted, but not particularly ambitious. It is, however, excellently executed, especially due to the superb piano parts by Zawadzki and sensitive drumming my Madej, who have both already appeared with great success on other Polish Jazz recordings in the last few years. Wszolek also plays well, handling the bass solos with self confidence and playing alongside his cohorts amicably. Of course, although he is the quartet´s leader, playing a bass solo on every track of the album is a bit excessive. The guitar, however, I find a bit overbearing, as it is loud in the mix and its sound is slightly harsh (too much echo?), not fitting ideally to the acoustic piano trio setting of the rest of the band. Stylistically the round guitar sounds are definitely way too related to Pat MethenyFind albums by this artist for my taste.

Nevertheless this is still a very strong debut effort, which should satisfy most mainstream Jazz fans and serve as a sold proof of the talents of these young musicians, who are after all at the very early stages of their career. I look forward to hear more of Wszolek´s music in the future, after he matures a bit and gains the experience so much needed when playing Jazz.
 CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

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