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MULTIKULTI MPF 005 (Barcode: 5903068683374) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-World Fusion

Recorded: 2019 Released: 2020

This is the third album by Polish Jazz-World Fusion ensemble BabooshkiFind albums by this artist, formed by Polish vocalist / violinist Karolina BeimcikFind albums by this artist and Ukrainian vocalist / pianist Dana VynnytskaFind albums by this artist, and including top Polish Jazz players: trombonist Michal TomaszczykFind albums by this artist, pianist Jan SmoczynskiFind albums by this artist, guitarist Rafal SarneckiFind albums by this artist, bassist Michal JarosFind albums by this artist and drummer Bogusz WekkaFind albums by this artist. A couple of guest musicians play on selected tracks. The album presents nine traditional songs of Polish / Ukrainian and Byelorussian origins, performed in the original languages, all arranged by the ensemble members. The music was recorded at the excellent Studio Tokarnia, owned by Smoczynski, and offers a splendid sound quality.

Musically, the album offers a pretty faithful interpretation of the original Folkloristic material, with the Jazzy arrangements being pretty minimalist and delicate, not disturbing the authenticity of the songs, but enhancing the result and bringing it closer to contemporary listeners.

The vocal duets by Beimcik and Vynnytska are the epicenter of the music, beautifully performed and cleverly synchronized, amalgamation two pretty diverse vocal traditions (Polish more Western and Ukrainian more Eastern), which complement each other splendidly. The instrumental work is also brilliant, as expected by the level of the participating musicians. Sarnecki, Smoczynski and Tomaszczyk add a few splendid soli, and Jarosz plays stunning bass parts, but overall this music is all about team work.

Listeners interested in the East European vocal tradition should be absolutely delighted by this little gem, as should all Jazz-World Fusion fans, especially since this is one of the best projects on the Polish scene recorded in this sub-genre in the last years.

Overall this is a beautiful piece of music, beautifully authentic, highly aesthetic and brilliantly executed from start to finish. Hats off!
Updated: 04/06/2021Posted: 04/06/2021CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend

MULTIKULTI MPJ 017 (Barcode: 5907529223581) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-World Fusion

Recorded: 2018 Released: 2018

This is an ambitious debut album by Polish vocalist / violinist / composer Karolina BeimcikFind albums by this artist with her new project called "Zorya", which is her interpretation of Polish / Ukrainian Folklore of the ethnic minorities like Boykos, Lemkos and Kurpie people, who maintain their linguistic dialects and traditions. Beimcik is accompanied by four excellent Polish Jazz musicians: guitarist Rafal SarneckiFind albums by this artist, pianist Jan SmoczynskiFind albums by this artist, bassist Michal JarosFind albums by this artist and drummer Michal MiskiewiczFind albums by this artist. The album presents eight tracks (actually the album´s artwork lists eight tracks but credits refer to nine tracks, go figure), six of which are traditional tunes and two were composed by Beimcik. The music was recorded by Smoczynski at his excellent Studio Tokarnia, with excellent sonic quality as usual.

In spite of the presence of the Jazz musicians, the music itself has very little to do with the essence of Jazz and is dominated by the Folkloristic themes. The Jazz influences stay mostly in the background and are more ornamentation than the actual quintessence. The basic melodies have, as expected, a strong East European disposition, being all rather melancholic and gloomy, quite similar to each other. The two original compositions, and especially the title track, are much more Jazz oriented and Beimcik performs on them nice wordless vocalese parts in addition to instrumental solos.

The instrumental work by the team is all quite excellent, as appropriate from highly talented musicians of this class. Smoczynski takes most of the accompaniment on his shoulders, staying relatively in the background, Sarnecki adds tasteful guitar embellishments and the rhythm section provides a solid basis for the music, with a few exceptional bass solos by Jaros.

Overall this is another example of the amalgamation between Folklore and Jazz, which seems to be more popular and successful in Poland than anywhere else in recent years. Preservation of ethnic traditions is of course an obligation of any Cultural people, and projects like this one are all important, but some or more successful musically than others. Personally I´d prefer an entire album of music as represented by the two original compositions.
Updated: 08/06/2018Posted: 08/06/2018CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend

MULTIKULTI MPJ 024 (Barcode: 5907529223994) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-Pop Fusion

Recorded: 2016 - 2017 Released: 2018

This is the debut album by Polish Jazz ensemble Bossa NorkahFind albums by this artist, led by vocalist Honorata KozuchowskaFind albums by this artist, which also includes some of the top Polish Jazz instrumentalist: pianist Andrzej JagodzinskiFind albums by this artist, guitarists Rafal SarneckiFind albums by this artist / Piotr AleksandrowiczFind albums by this artist, bassists Wojciech PulcynFind albums by this artist / Michal JarosFind albums by this artist, drummer Krzysztof SzmandaFind albums by this artist and several other guests appearing on selected tracks playing brass and a plethora of percussion instruments. The album presents thirteen songs (two of which appear twice in alternate versions), all of which were written by Polish songwriter / poet Antoni MurackiFind albums by this artist.

The music has a distinct Bossa Nova flavor, which is the main climate of all the songs. On the other hand the album is also clearly a Jazz & Poetry project, since Muracki´s songs are all deeply lyrical and evocative. The songs are kept in pretty reticent attire, featuring the vocals clearly in the center of the attention and the instrumental work kept to a bare minimum, with the piano providing the steady accompaniment and the rhythm section keeping the rhythm in check. There are only a few instrumental solos, which is a pity as those might have added a spark to the proceedings.

Kozuchowska handles the vocals well, which is not an easy task in this case for many reasons; the lyrics are complex and often difficult to express in rapid succession and admittedly South American rhythms are hardly native to East European singers. The vocals therefore lack the sensual and often plainly erotic sensitivity of Bossa Nova, which are native and natural to Brazilian vocalists. But all things considered, the album works fine and offers a pleasant listening experience with an added value of excellent texts (sadly relevant to Polish-speaking listeners only).

Overall this is an album floating between Pop and Easy Jazz, which can be enjoyed by a wide range of listeners, offering both musical and lyrical values combined with highly professional musicianship.
Updated: 21/02/2019Posted: 21/02/2019CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

NOT ON LABEL (Barcode: 9787799319759) ~ CHINA ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2017 Released: 2019

This is the second album by Chinese (resident in US) Jazz vocalist / songwriter Annie ChenFind albums by this artist recorded with her octet, which includes Polish (resident in US) guitarist Rafal SarneckiFind albums by this artist, who was in charge of the arrangements, except in one case. The album presents nine tracks, seven of which are original compositions by Chen featuring her lyrics (in English), except for one tune which features wordless vocalese, and two are arrangements of folk songs with lyrics in Chinese.

The music is quite complex, richly orchestrated and excellently performed by the octet. Surprisingly it shows relatively little influence of Far Eastern motifs, even in the folklore based tunes, and the Chinese vocals are the only real connection with Chen´s roots.

Chen offers an original approach to vocals, mixing effectively lyrics and vocalese, and as a result turns her voice into one of the instruments of the octet. Her approach to vocals, and in fact the entire aesthetics of the album are unexpectedly non-American, much closer to what one might expect from European Jazz, which is probably due mostly to Sarnecki´s approach to the arrangements and Chen´s open-mindedness.

Overall this is an excellent album, full of unusual, highly intelligent music, superb vocals and instrumental performances by all the members of the octet, and most importantly a breath of fresh air in the dull mainstream vocal Jazz produced usually in the US. This gem is definitely worth investigating!
Updated: 07/01/2020Posted: 07/01/2020CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

REQUIEM / LYDIAN 2020/08 ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-Classical Fusion

Recorded: 2020 Released: 2020

This is the debut album by a Polish Jazz quartet called Modern Blues QuartetFind albums by this artist, which comprises of flautist / composer Ryszard BorowskiFind albums by this artist, violinist Mateusz SmoczynskiFind albums by this artist, guitarist Rafal SarneckiFind albums by this artist and bassist Michal JarosFind albums by this artist. The album presents eight original compositions, all by Borowski.

As the title suggests, the music is "inspired" by compositions of Johann Sebastian BachFind albums by this artist, and follows many similar Jazz projects mentioned in the album´s liner notes. The liner notes also state that there is very little of Bach´s music as such on this album, and the proximity is mostly associative, which is quite correct. The resulting music is easy on the ear and quite entertaining, obviously meant for wider audiences.

The musicians are of course some of Polish Jazz top instrumentalists, as their individual performances attest, providing plenty of excellent solo showcases. The delicate sound of a drumless quartet works very well and the excellent bass parts manage to keep the music swinging, even without percussive support. Smoczynski´s parts take the music into the Gypsy Jazz idiom and are (for me) the highlights of this project. Sarnecki plays some tasty swinging guitar parts, but is less dominant.

Overall this is a nice amalgam of Jazz-Classical Fusion and Smooth Jazz, which many listeners on the lighter side of the Jazz idiom can enjoy immensely.
Updated: 09/01/2021Posted: 27/09/2020CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend

REQUIEM / LYDIAN 2024/37 ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-Classical Fusion

Recorded: 2023 Released: 2024

This is the third album by Polish Jazz ensemble called Modern Blues QuartetFind albums by this artist, led by flautist / composer Ryszard BorowskiFind albums by this artist, which features a changeable lineup around the leader, this time featuring violinist Mateusz SmoczynskiFind albums by this artist, guitarist Rafal SarneckiFind albums by this artist and bassist Michal JarosFind albums by this artist. The album presents nine tracks, all credited as compositions by the leader, but as the title suggests, the music was heavily “inspired” by the music of Duke EllingtonFind albums by this artist, including the track titles, which are all puns of titles of well-known pieces by Ellington.

The almost completely acoustic sound of the quartet offers a nice, relaxed and almost playful atmosphere, offering a mixture of the hinted Ellingtonian themes with semi-classical arrangements and elegant improvised soli by the four musicians, all of which are true Masters of their trade. This is definitely an “out of the box” approach to the music of the great composer, but the result certainly does not offend or belittle the seriousness of the origin.

Borowski has strong ties to Classical music, which are more than evident in all his recordings, but he certainly knows the Jazz idiom well enough to tie the two together skillfully and intelligently, despite the possible criticism of taking the liberties too far. Nevertheless, the music, although somewhat stiff at times, is beautifully performed and both Smoczynski and Sarnecki (both among my favorite Polish Jazz musicians) show their respective virtuosic abilities at all times, with the solid and rhythmic support by Jaros.

Overall, this is a very nice, highly entertaining and perhaps even educational exercise in the Jazz aesthetic, probably intentionally meant not be taken too seriously to start with, with a wink of humorous homage to the great Ellingtonian tradition. I had a great time listening to this album, but admittedly the music did not leave a lasting impression.
Updated: 18/05/2024Posted: 18/05/2024CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

OUTSIDE IN MUSIC 1814 (Barcode: 888295805841) ~ USA ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2018 Released: 2018

This is an album by American Jazz saxophonist / composer Lucas PinoFind albums by this artist recorded with his No Net NonetFind albums by this artist ensemble, which includes the Polish (resident in NY) guitarist / composer Rafal SarneckiFind albums by this artist. Chilean vocalist Camila MezaFind albums by this artist guests on two tunes. The album presents six original compositions, four by Pino and one each by Sarnecki and saxophonist Alex LoreFind albums by this artist and an additional short piece of unknown origin.

The nonet sounds almost like a small Big Band, mainly due to the intricate arrangements and extensive use of unisono phrasing, which is wonderfully executed throughout the album. Combined with the superb compositions, this album is a beautiful example of American Jazz brought up to date and aesthetically inspired, which sadly happens all too rarely lately. The music is just perfect, untouchable as a form of expression and needs absolutely nothing in addition to what it already offers, which is an événement exceptionnel indeed.

This music is simply too good to be described in words, sort of like attempting to dance architecture. Being fed new music constantly, I rarely get excited about an album, but this is a proverbial "something else". Elegant, sophisticated, lyrical, exciting…this music has an uplifting quality about it that literally "puts a spell on me".

If blind tested I would have probably gambled that this is a European ensemble, as the overall musical approach sounds similar to what the Vienna Art OrchestraFind albums by this artist and other European ensembles were doing (and still do), especially on those two tracks featuring Camila´s vocals, which are simply sublime. But the entire album just kicks ass big time and is definitely one of the most exciting pieces of music that arrived on my desk lately. I surely have to explore Pino and his music and wholeheartedly advice all true music connoisseurs to do the same ASAP!
Updated: 23/05/2019Posted: 23/05/2019CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend

ART EVOLUTION 01/2022 (Barcode: 5903819630022) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2021 Released: 2022

This is the fifth album by Polish Jazz guitarist / composer Rafal SarneckiFind albums by this artist, recorded in a quintet setting with saxophonist Lukasz PoprawskiFind albums by this artist, pianist Piotr WylezolFind albums by this artist, bassist Wojciech PulcynFind albums by this artist and drummer Patryk DoboszFind albums by this artist. The album presents nine original compositions, all by the leader. The music was recorded at Studio Tokarnia and engineered by Jan SmoczynskiFind albums by this artist, with the usual excellent sonic quality.

I have been following Sarnecki’s musical path since his debut album from 2008, and he emerges as one of the most surprising and constantly developing artists on the Polish Jaz scene. His long stay in US obviously influenced his creative process, but luckily did not manage to destroy his European ancestry, and this album, his first since his return to Poland, is the best evidence of that.

The music is extremely eclectic, with each of the compositions on the album being completely different, which potentially might have been enormously hazardous and chaotic, but surprisingly Sarnecki managed to develop a sonic coherence, which makes listening to this music not only an intellectual challenge but also a highly rewarding experience. This collection of highly unique and even weird tunes, is in my opinion absolutely delightful and stunning.

Part of the success is undoubtedly due to the superb team of Polish Jazz musicians selected for this project, who are able to overcome the devilishly complex chord and rhythm changes without a hitch. Poprawski, who is relatively less recognized on the local scene, does a sublime job taking care of most of the soloing. Wylezol, one of my favorite Polish Jazz pianists, who also gets way less respect and recognition that he deserves, is also perfect for the job, as is the fabulous rhythm section. Most importantly, the leader plays rather sparingly, mostly participating in the ensemble sound rather than feature his guitar parts, which is way more typical of European Jazz that the American approach, which puts the soloing in the center of attention.

Overall, this is a brilliant, highly unique album, which offers some of the most fascinating music I happened to listen to lately, and is probably the most interesting Polish Jazz album of 2022, so far. It leaves the listener with a longing to hear more, which happens so rarely these days. Congratulations, my Friend, this is definitely your best work so far and I wish you to uphold this path in the future!
Updated: 26/10/2022Posted: 26/10/2022CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

BJU 045 (Barcode: 5908254159367) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2013 Released: 2014

This is the third album by the Polish Jazz guitarist / composer Rafal SarneckiFind albums by this artist, who currently lives in NY. It presents eight original compositions, all by Sarnecki, which are performed by a sextet led by him, which also includes vocalist Bogna KicinskaFind albums by this artist, saxophonist Lucas PinoFind albums by this artist, pianist Glenn ZaleskiFind albums by this artist, bassist Rick RosatoFind albums by this artist and drummer Colin StranahanFind albums by this artist. One of the tunes uses lyrics by the great Chilean poet Pablo NerudaFind albums by this artist.

The music is a beautiful blend of many influences, based on the Jazz tradition but incorporating various other influences, like World Music, Fusion, Progressive Rock and Contemporary Classical, creating a unique universe of sound. The compositions are very diverse and present a wide vista of Sarnecki´s inventions; also distinctly melodic, they are quite complex with frequent tempi changes and intertwined melodic themes, which keep developing, often unexpectedly. In fact this music requires quite an attentive listening in order to be properly comprehended. It is truly refreshing to hear such ambitious music being made today.

The individual performances are all excellent and the album is above all an ensemble effort. But the talents of all the players are plainly exposed. Kicinska sings wordless vocalese (except for one case), using her voice as an instrument, which blends well with other instruments in the ensemble. Her presence is a stimulating factor, which adds to the overall success of this album. Pino plays some excellent solos throughout, which are fluent and expressive. Zaleski and the rhythm section keep the music moving ahead smoothly and elegantly, exactly as needed, obviously keeping their ears open and handling the tricky parts with ease and elegance. I´d love to hear them in a piano trio format. And of course Sarnecki and his guitar are, as always, the cherry on the cake. I´ve always liked his tone and phrasing, but his playing on this album is definitely stronger than ever.

Overall this is an ambitious effort, splendidly performed and beautifully recorded, adding up to an album of true artistic value, so rare these days. Sarnecki shows a distinctive process of growing up and developing his talents, one of which is surrounding himself with great musicians. This is definitely one of the most interesting recordings released so far in 2014 and I hope it will be received open-mindedly both by the audiences and the critics, which for projects like these is, sadly, far from being self-understandable. This is the kind of aesthetic approach I´d personally love to hear in many other recordings, especially those originating in the US, but in the case of Sarnecki he simply managed to maintain his European qualities unblemished. Brilliant stuff!
 CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

OUTSIDE IN MUSIC 1804 (Barcode: 5908254159800) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2017 Released: 2018

This is the fourth album by Polish (resident in NY) guitarist / composer Rafal SarneckiFind albums by this artist and the second album recorded with the same sextet, which includes vocalist Bogna KicinskaFind albums by this artist, saxophonist Lucas PinoFind albums by this artist, pianist Glenn ZaleskiFind albums by this artist, bassist Rick RosatoFind albums by this artist and drummer Colin StranahanFind albums by this artist. The album presents ten original compositions, all composed by Sarnecki.

The music is a continuation of the path paved by this album´s predecessor "Cat`s DreamFind albums with this title", which amalgamates a plethora of different influences, including modern mainstream Jazz, but also adding World Music influences and contemporary Classical approach. This album is significantly more open and Freely Improvised than his previous recordings, and as such is noticeably more difficult and complex than anything he recorded earlier on.

All of the sextet members contribute significantly towards the overall result, each in his special way. Kicinska´s vocalese parts are a highlight of the music and she manages to handle the complex and neck breaking parts with stunning ease and elegance. Zaleski lays down the harmonic layers and plays splendid solos, Pino is the calm and cool cat, who adds almost romantic elements, before his improvisations wander into the Free vicinity. The rhythm section handles the tricky tempi and constantly changing beat with flair and obvious dedication and finesse.

Sarnecki limits his guitar performances to the same level of presence as the rest of the band, definitely not dominating the music with his guitar parts, which are just one more voice of the sextet´s overall output. He is obviously a very gifted instrumentalist, but his role on this album concentrates on the compositional level, leadership of the sextet and production.

Overall this is a strong, mature statement, which takes Sarnecki one step further towards his own voice as a composer and instrumentalist, with the music being certainly more ambitious and demanding. Some listeners might need several listening sessions before penetrating the depth of this music, but this ambitious music definitely deserves to be heard and admired. Well done!
Updated: 12/09/2018Posted: 12/09/2018CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

ARMS 05 (Barcode: 5900238791044) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2008 Released: 2008

This is an excellent debut album by Polish guitarist / composer / arranger Rafal SarneckiFind albums by this artist, one of Poland´s most promising young Jazz musicians, recorded with his quartet which also includes pianist Pawel KaczmarczykFind albums by this artist, bassist Wojciech PulcynFind albums by this artist and drummer Lukasz ZytaFind albums by this artist (all four musicians are also members of the pianist´s Audiofeeling BandFind albums by this artist and can be heard on the superb "Complexity In SimplicityFind albums with this title" album). Guest flautist Thomas AbbottFind albums by this artist appears on one track. Sarnecki composed all the music on this album, except for one standard, and arranged all the compositions. The music is typical European Jazz, deeply melodic and well structured, with well developed harmonic patterns and rhythmic complexity. Sarnecki emerges as a major talent both as a composer and as a player on this album, with his unique voicing and delicate, yet firm grasp of the guitar´s role in Jazz. In fact this is one of very few and rare albums recorded recently, where the guitar is treated as a Jazz instrument, rather that taking the beaten track treaded by most, which leads straight to Fusion. Sarnecki picks up the Jazz guitar idiom from the place it arrived at in the 1960s and leaps over to the present, purposely ignoring and successfully eschewing any Fusion influences. The effect is truly refreshing and uplifting and enables the listener to enjoy the wonderful sound of Jazz guitar once again, as if listening to old Masters like Joe PassFind albums by this artist, where one can savor each note separately as well as the beautiful flow of many notes building up heavenly structures. The other three young musicians accompanying Sarnecki on this album are all extremely talented as well and display a high level of professionalism and sensitivity, contributing greatly to the overall success of this recording. It´s great to see that the splendor of Polish Jazz is now being continued and expanded by a third generation of players and composers, which is a good omen for the future. This is brilliant stuff and a must to all serious Jazz connoisseurs, wherever they might be, especially the guitar lovers in their ranks.
 CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

FRESH SOUND 381 (Barcode: 8427328423816) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2010 Released: 2011

This is the 2nd album by the excellent Polish guitarist / composer / arranger Rafal SarneckiFind albums by this artist, following his outstanding debut released a couple of years earlier. Sarnecki manages to repeat the same level of freshness and quality, but the new album is different in many ways, mostly due to the fact that Sarnecki lived in NY for some time, absorbing some of the Big Apple´s influences, which are evident in the brass arrangements, Latin rhythms and overall sound of the recording. But fortunately this amalgamation of American influences did not replace his European roots, which remain intact, especially in his superb compositions. He composed seven of the eight tracks on the album and included one standard, same as last time. His musical cohorts consist partly of the same excellent musicians who recorded the debut album: pianist Pawel KaczmarczykFind albums by this artist, bassist Wojciech PulcynFind albums by this artist and drummers Lukasz ZytaFind albums by this artist (on six tracks) and Pawel DobrowolskiFind albums by this artist (on two tracks) (all five are members of the pianist´s Audiofeeling BandFind albums by this artist), strengthened by a brass section: US saxophonist / flautist Lucas PinoFind albums by this artist and trumpeter Jerzy MalekFind albums by this artist. Percussionist Jose Manuel Alban JuarezFind albums by this artist (despite the name he´s Polish) guests on two tracks. The sextet format allows Sarnecki to develop a much richer orchestration and complex arrangements for his superb compositions, which he does beautifully, carefully avoiding overdoing it, which is a rare and commendable approach. The performances are of course stellar and these young musicians bring a wide smile on veterans´ (like me) faces, seeing that Jazz has a future after all. What I particularly admire about Sarnecki is his ability to eschew the Fusion trap – he manages to keep this album 100% Jazz, which is extremely rare for guitar albums these days. The album was released on the Spanish Fresh SoundFind albums on this label label, which releases albums by young and promising Jazz musicians from all over the world, giving them a chance of international exposure, an admirable policy deserving support. Polish Jazz legend Tomasz StankoFind albums by this artist gives Sarnecki some warm compliments on the album´s cover, and I´m only happy to concur with his opinion – this is definitely a great piece of music, which deserves repeated listening and an honorable place on the shelves of Polish Jazz discography. Wholeheartedly recommended!
 CD 1 Recommend To A Friend

RECART 0021 (Barcode: 5908285287206) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2015 - 2016 Released: 2017

This is the debut album by the Polish (resident in Denmark) singer / songwriter Karolina SmietanaFind albums by this artist recorded with an excellent Polish / Danish quartet comprising of Polish guitarist Rafal SarneckiFind albums by this artist and drummer Radek WoskoFind albums by this artist and Danish pianist Soren GemmerFind albums by this artist and bassist Anders FjeldstedFind albums by this artist. The album presents nine tracks, six of which are original compositions by Smietana, one is co-composed by her and Wosko and the remaining two are standards. Smietana also wrote the English lyrics to five of the songs, one is a poem by the Polish poetess Wislawa SzymborskaFind albums by this artist (and is the only case of Polish lyrics on the album) and the remaining three texts originate from other sources. The album was recorded (mostly) at the excellent RecPublica Studios and engineered by Lukasz OlejarczykFind albums by this artist with great sonic results, as expected.

Smetana´s music is quite typical of the Polish Jazz vocal idiom, with solid melodies and coherent structures, which are pleasant and easy on the ear, without being trivial or boring. The songs are diverse enough to show her compositional palette and the lyrics are not an insult to the intelligence, which in today´s musical world is a success by itself. On the other hand, however, not everything is perfect; Smietana has a nice mellow voice, which she uses wisely, but her vocal range is limited and there are no virtuosic vocal performances herein. The usual problem with singing in English, when it is not the singer´s native tongue, produces the common pronunciation and accent problems.

What gives the album a great boost are the great instrumental performances by the quartet, which does a superb job accompanying her. Sarnecki plays superbly and manages to create a few brilliant solos. Gemmer also proves to be a great accompanist, with a great feel for melody and excellent technique. The rhythm section does an amicable job all along and plays along with the vocals and the lead instruments with elegance and flair. In short the instrumental parts are top notch.

Overall this is a nice vocal Jazz album, which exposes Smietana as an able vocalist and solid composer, marking a positive kickstart of her career. I am already looking forward to her next project!
Updated: 05/05/2017Posted: 05/05/2017CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

SJ 071 (Barcode: 5905489720027) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-Rock Fusion

Recorded: 2021 Released: 2023

This is the debut album as a leader by Polish Jazz bassist / composer Andrzej SwiesFind albums by this artist, recorded in a trio setting with guitarist Rafal SarneckiFind albums by this artist and drummer Pawel DobrowolskiFind albums by this artist. The album presents eleven original compositions, nine composed by Swies and two improvised and credited the trio members.

It is hard to believe that after recording dozens of albums as a sideman and two albums as co-leader it is only now that Swies gets to record his true debut, but on the other hand many great musicians share this fate and sometimes never actually get to record as leaders, despite their achievements. Happily, in this case we get to hear this “baby” finally coming to fruition.

The music is everything one would expect from a bass-centered album, offering great melodic lines with Funky, Jazzy and sometimes even Rocky rhythmic approach, wonderfully executed by the trio. The sound is saturated by a plethora of bass sounds, some created directly by the instrument and others electronically enhanced / transformed, which allow Swies to display his virtuosity and boundless imagination in full. Contrary to the accepted formula, the music is not dominated by the guitar, which usually captures the front stage, but by the acrobatic bass guitar barrage of notes, which is absolutely dazzling.

Swies managed to select two perfect partners for the recording. Sarnecki, definitely one of the top Polish Jazz guitarists, takes a step back and amicably supports the leading bass guitar lines in the background, soloing sparingly, only when appropriate. Dobrowolski, another Polish Jazz maverick, who also likes to stand in the shadows, supports the music by his intense, but highly sensitive barrage, which never disturbs the leader thanks to the right sound balance of the recording. Together the trio manages to achieve a collective sound, which fully conveys the leader’s music, expanding and supporting his ideas constructively and with great aesthetic sensitivity.

Overall, this is a highly unique, unusual album, which explores the world of the bass guitar and presents many previously hidden vistas of the instrument. It is not an attempt to show off and prove something, which Swies really does not need to do any more, but an honest attempt to create a bass-centered experience, which is no less than heaven for the lovers of the bass guitar and its world of sound. Now, that the deed is done, we can only hope that it will be repeated, and in the meantime thanks for this revealing piece of bass Artistry.
Updated: 18/03/2023Posted: 18/03/2023CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

WM 358852 (Barcode: 191061145806) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2017 Released: 2017

This is the debut album by the WM ProjectFind albums by this artist ensemble, which was formed by expatriate Polish Jazz musicians living in the US: saxophonist Krzysztof MedynaFind albums by this artist and pianist Andrzej WinnickiFind albums by this artist. The core quartet also includes American bassist Jeff DinglerFind albums by this artist and drummer Michael WinnickiFind albums by this artist. Trumpeter Jeremy PeltFind albums by this artist, trombonist Marshall GilkesFind albums by this artist and another Polish expatriate guitarist Rafal SarneckiFind albums by this artist play on selected tracks. The album presents nine compositions, seven of which are originals written by or co-written by Winnicki and Medyna and two are standards.

The music is typical American mainstream, which has little to offer as far as musical innovation is concerned. The original tunes are well written and coherent, but lack any special characteristics which would make them outstanding in any way.

The personal performances are all very professional, with Sarnecki being by far the most impressive instrumentalist on this album, but the prevailing mainstream attitude prevents the music from sparkling.

Nevertheless this album is entertaining and can be enjoyed by mainstream Jazz fans, who are, after all, still a majority in the US. It certainly proves that Polish Jazz musicians can stand shoulder to shoulder with their American peers.
Updated: 09/10/2018Posted: 06/10/2018CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

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