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VOCALION 8405 (Barcode: 765387840525) ~ UK ~ Progressive Rock

Recorded: 1971 Released: 2005

This strange and beautiful album would have never been released at the time if not for the openness of the DeramFind albums on this label label to issue even the most eccentric material, as long as it had musical merit. The Chitinous EnsembleFind albums by this artist was as fictitious as they come, so named by cellist / composer / arranger Paul BuckmasterFind albums by this artist, who assembled the musicians to perform an ambitious piece of orchestral music he composed. Buckmaster was a gifted and accomplished musician, who was in great demand in UK as arranger and composer, working with top Rock stars like Elton JohnFind albums by this artist, the Bee GeesFind albums by this artist (see OdessaFind albums with this title) and even the Rolling StonesFind albums by this artist (see Sticky FingersFind albums with this title). He also composed numerous film scores, including the amazing soundtrack for Roman PolanskiFind albums by this artist’s MacbethFind albums with this title, where he cooperated with the Third Ear BandFind albums by this artist. The ensemble Buckmaster assembled to perform this complex extended composition includes a large string section and a large deployment of his Jazz buddies, all top British Jazz players like Ian CarrFind albums by this artist on trumpet, Chris LaurenceFind albums by this artist on bass, John MarshallFind albums by this artist on drums and many more. The music is a mixture of classical influences with Jazz-Rock rhythmic patterns and modern sound vistas, all combined together into a wonderful sonic experience. It sounds absolutely great today as if time only enhanced the intrinsic beauty included therein. Wholeheartedly recommended for more adventurous listeners.
 CD 1 Remastered Recommend To A Friend

POWER BROS 00185 ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

This album presents the Krzysztof KomedaFind albums by this artist Trio performing at the Warsaw Jazz Jamboree Festival in 1962. It is a wonderful opportunity to hear the great Polish pianist / composer in a most intimate situation as close to his music as possible. The material includes mostly Komeda´s wonderful compositions, including the music he composed at that time for Roman PolanskiFind albums by this artist´s film "Knife In Water".
 CD 1 Recommend To A Friend

BE! JAZZ 6087 (Barcode: 4251160250873) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 1963 Released: 2004

This is a reissue of the iconic debut album by the Godfather of Polish Jazz, pianist / composer / bandleader Krzysztof KomedaFind albums by this artist. This was not only Komeda’s full album debut release, but also the first Polish Jazz album released outside of Poland.

The album was recorded in a quintet / quartet setting, with Polish saxophonist Jan Ptaszyn WroblewskiFind albums by this artist and bassist Roman DylagFind albums by this artist, Swedish drummer Rune CarlssonFind albums by this artist and Danish trumpeter Allan BotschinskyFind albums by this artist (in quintet only). It was recorded in Copenhagen on May 3rd, 1963 and released on the Danish MetronomeFind albums on this label label. The album presents three tracks, all original compositions by Komeda. The title track, originally composed for the 1962 Jazz Jamboree festival appearance, lasts for almost twenty-two minutes and was of unprecedented length and complex structure for the time. It was recorded in the quintet setting. The remaining two tracks were recorded in the quartet setting. One of them is the legendary “Crazy Girl” from the soundtrack of the “Knife in the Water” 1962 Polish film directed by Roman PolanskiFind albums by this artist. The album’s liner notes were written by Danish poet / film director Jorgen LethFind albums by this artist, who was familiar with the Polish Jazz scene.

The music remains as revolutionary and prophetic as it was at the time of its recording, and lost absolutely nothing of its glory over time, which brilliantly exemplifies the fact that Jazz Music did not change radically in these sixty years, nor did it make a significant conceptual movement forward (or in any other direction). Komeda’s genius, although sadly appearing only briefly on the Jazz timeline, created enough impact to influence the shape of thigs on the Polish / European Jazz scene, which firmly lasts to this very day.

This album was reissued time and again, reappearing here and there unexpectedly, often completely illegally, with diverse sound quality, questionable graphic design and proper historic background information. This specific German edition offers good sound quality and is available, albeit pricey. Nor sure about the legality… The ultimate reissue edition is still waiting to be made.

Overall, this is a monumental historic document about the breakthrough of the Polish / European Jazz, searching for its identity independent from the American Jazz tradition and opening a new chapter in its history. For Polish Jazz fans / enthusiasts / connoisseurs this is a true Holy Grail.

Side Note:

On a personal side of this album – I was given a copy of this album, autographed by Komeda and Polanski, for my 12th Birthday in December of 1963. I already had a collection of vinyl albums, including Polish and foreign releases, and the collector’s plague was already well planted at that age.

When our family was expelled from Poland in 1967, we were allowed to take only US$ 5 per person and a small crate of family possessions, which was strictly controlled by Polish custom officers.

I naturally tried to take my vinyl collection with me, taking the most valuable (to me) items, including this album, but to my dismay and despair, the customs people confiscated the album, as well as all my original early Beatles albums, which I received from my aunt in London, claiming that they were illegally imported into Poland and were not allowed to leave the country. I was allowed to take only the albums manufactured in Poland, so obviously I took all the early Polish Jazz Series albums, which I had.

That incident did not break my collector’s passion, which only grew with time, but it left a bitter taste on my way to Freedom. It also did not blemish my love of the Polish Culture, which I cultivated even when living abroad. Sometimes I wonder where the autographed copy of this album eventually found its home?
Updated: 05/04/2024Posted: 05/04/2024CD 1 Digipak Remastered Recommend To A Friend

POWER BROS 00199 (Barcode: 5906295856429) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 1965 - 1966 Released: 2009

Although primarily identified as the soundtrack composer of the movies directed by Roman PolanskiFind albums by this artist, Polish pianist / composer Krzysztof KomedaFind albums by this artist cooperated with the entire Polish film industry during the revolutionary days of the 1960s New Wave of Polish Cinema, producing a long list of incredible cinematic scores. The post-WWII Polish cinema, struggling with the destruction of the country´s intellectual fabric, the Socialist regime and the economic hardships, managed to produce some of the most outstanding works of modern cinematography, equal in their power of expression and revolutionary approach to cinema as a modern cultural media to the achievement of the great British, Scandinavian, French and Italian film makers at the same time. Komeda´s soundtracks to the Polish (and Scandinavian) films in the mid-1960s and later Hollywood movies by the end of the 1960s are all absolute masterpieces of style, expression and sheer genius in creating a story-telling, often nerve-wrecking melody lines and wonderful themes, which expanded the visual content of the films and added another emotional dimension. The music is of course strongly influenced by the Jazz idioms, often even being pure Jazz. It is performed mostly by Komeda himself, accompanied by the members of his Jazz combos at the time, like trumpeter Tomasz StankoFind albums by this artist, saxophonists Zbigniew NamyslowskiFind albums by this artist and Michal UrbaniakFind albums by this artist and others. Sometimes larger instrumentation is also used, especially in the later scores. What is especially surprising and magical about this music is the fact that is stands alone as well as it functions as a part of the cinematic experience. All the albums with Komeda´s soundtracks are simply superb pieces of music and in retrospect constitute an incredible body of work of rarely equaled magnitude and importance. Komeda´s tragic and painfully premature death ended a career, which in many respects was at its early stage. This album includes the soundtrack of the movie "Bariera (Barrier)" by the director Jerzy SkolimowskiFind albums by this artist and the soundtrack of the movie "Niekochana (Unloved)Find albums by this artist" by director Janusz Nasfeter. Brilliant stuff!
 CD 1 Remastered Recommend To A Friend

POWER BROS 00165 (Barcode: 4011550716521) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 1960 - 1964 Released: 1998

This album collects early recordings by Polish pianist / composer Krzysztof KomedaFind albums by this artist, the legendary Godfather of Polish Jazz. Recorded live at the Warsaw Jazz Jamboree festival in 1960 (five tracks) and 1961 (eight tracks) it captures Komeda in the transition period when his abilities as a piano player / bandleader and most importantly composer come to full fruition. His ability to compose haunting melody lines and create a lyrical atmosphere is already clearly evident. These are basically piano trio recordings with bassists Adam SkorupkaFind albums by this artist and Roman DylagFind albums by this artist and drummers Andrzej ZielinskiFind albums by this artist and Leszek DudziakFind albums by this artist. The great Swedish saxophonist Bernt RosengrenFind albums by this artist joins the trio on six tracks and US guitarist Jimmy GourleyFind albums by this artist joins them on two tracks. Four tracks included here were included in the soundtrack of the Roman PolanskiFind albums by this artist movie "Knife In The Water". The last track on the album was recorded during Jazz Jamboree 1964 by the legendary Komeda quintet, which included at that time trumpeter Tomasz StankoFind albums by this artist, saxophonist Michal UrbaniakFind albums by this artist, bassist Janusz KozlowskiFind albums by this artist and drummer Czeslaw BartkowskiFind albums by this artist, playing the composition "Sophia´s Tune" Komeda dedicated to his wife Zofia. The music includes mostly Komeda originals (just four standards are played), which are of course all heavenly. The excellent recording quality and the lack of applause make this album sound like a studio recording. This is an absolutely vital piece of music history, which is a must to any connoisseur of modern Jazz, and Polish Jazz in particular. A must!
Enhanced CD with CD-ROM contents!
 CD 1 Remastered Recommend To A Friend

POWER BROS 00201 (Barcode: 5906295856436) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 1962 - 1964 Released: 2009

Although primarily identified as the soundtrack composer of the movies directed by Roman PolanskiFind albums by this artist, Polish pianist / composer Krzysztof KomedaFind albums by this artist cooperated with the entire Polish film industry during the revolutionary days of the 1960s New Wave of Polish Cinema, producing a long list of incredible cinematic scores. The post-WWII Polish cinema, struggling with the destruction of the country´s intellectual fabric, the Socialist regime and the economic hardships, managed to produce some of the most outstanding works of modern cinematography, equal in their power of expression and revolutionary approach to cinema as a modern cultural media to the achievement of the great British, Scandinavian, French and Italian film makers at the same time. Komeda´s soundtracks to the Polish (and Scandinavian) films in the mid-1960s and later Hollywood movies by the end of the 1960s are all absolute masterpieces of style, expression and sheer genius in creating a story-telling, often nerve-wrecking melody lines and wonderful themes, which expanded the visual content of the films and added another emotional dimension. The music is of course strongly influenced by the Jazz idioms, often even being pure Jazz. It is performed mostly by Komeda himself, accompanied by the members of his Jazz combos at the time, like trumpeter Tomasz StankoFind albums by this artist, saxophonists Zbigniew NamyslowskiFind albums by this artist and Michal UrbaniakFind albums by this artist and others. Sometimes larger instrumentation is also used, especially in the later scores. What is especially surprising and magical about this music is the fact that is stands alone as well as it functions as a part of the cinematic experience. All the albums with Komeda´s soundtracks are simply superb pieces of music and in retrospect constitute an incredible body of work of rarely equaled magnitude and importance. Komeda´s tragic and painfully premature death ended a career, which in many respects was at its early stage. This album includes the soundtrack of the movie "Jutro Premiera (Opening Tomorrow)" by director Janusz MorgensternFind albums by this artist and two soundtracks to documentaries "Kraksa (Crash)" / "Okolice Peronow (Near The Station)" by director Edward EtlerFind albums by this artist. Brilliant stuff!
 CD 1 Remastered Recommend To A Friend

POWER BROS 00189 (Barcode: 5906295856375) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 1964 - 1967 Released: 2009

Although primarily identified as the soundtrack composer of the movies directed by Roman PolanskiFind albums by this artist, Polish pianist / composer Krzysztof KomedaFind albums by this artist cooperated with the entire Polish film industry during the revolutionary days of the 1960s New Wave of Polish Cinema, producing a long list of incredible cinematic scores. The post-WWII Polish cinema, struggling with the destruction of the country´s intellectual fabric, the Socialist regime and the economic hardships, managed to produce some of the most outstanding works of modern cinematography, equal in their power of expression and revolutionary approach to cinema as a modern cultural media to the achievement of the great British, Scandinavian, French and Italian film makers at the same time. Komeda´s soundtracks to the Polish (and Scandinavian) films in the mid-1960s and later Hollywood movies by the end of the 1960s are all absolute masterpieces of style, expression and sheer genius in creating a story-telling, often nerve-wrecking melody lines and wonderful themes, which expanded the visual content of the films and added another emotional dimension. The music is of course strongly influenced by the Jazz idioms, often even being pure Jazz. It is performed mostly by Komeda himself, accompanied by the members of his Jazz combos at the time, like trumpeter Tomasz StankoFind albums by this artist, saxophonists Zbigniew NamyslowskiFind albums by this artist and Michal UrbaniakFind albums by this artist and others. Sometimes larger instrumentation is also used, especially in the later scores. What is especially surprising and magical about this music is the fact that is stands alone as well as it functions as a part of the cinematic experience. All the albums with Komeda´s soundtracks are simply superb pieces of music and in retrospect constitute an incredible body of work of rarely equaled magnitude and importance. Komeda´s tragic and painfully premature death ended a career, which in many respects was at its early stage. This album includes the soundtracks of three movies: "Kattorna (Kittens)", "Sult (Hunger)" and "People Meet And Sweet Music Fills The Heart" by Danish director Henning CarlsenFind albums by this artist. Komeda´s incredible talent as a film composer was discovered by the Scandinavian film makers and other intellectuals and Komeda spent considerable periods of time in Scandinavia in the mid-1960s, which was unprecedented for any Polish musician. Unfortunately the music for the first film directed by Carlsen, which Komeda composed the music for: "Hvad Med Os (What About Us)" is not included on this album and was not released to date. Komeda was also supposed to compose the music for a fifth film by Carlson, but his tragic death prevented this from happening. The music from "Kattorna", in a different version, can be also found on the legendary "AstigmaticFind albums with this title" album by Komeda. Brilliant stuff!
 CD 1 Remastered Recommend To A Friend

POWER BROS 00175 ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

The names of Krzysztof KomedaFind albums by this artist and Roman PolanskiFind albums by this artist were associated forever by the powerful combination of the director`s work and the composers`s music, which enriched and emphasized the atmosphere. This CD includes soundtracks from the first 3 films Polanski directed in Poland: "Two Man And A Wardrobe", "When Angels Fall" and "Knife In The Water". Sheer genius.
Enhanced CD with CD-ROM contents!
 CD 1 Recommend To A Friend

POLSKIE RADIO 1862 (Barcode: 5907812248628) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 1959 - 1963 Released: 2014

This is the second installment in a new series of albums launched by the Polish Radio, which presents radio recordings by the Godfather of Polish Jazz, pianist / composer / bandleader Krzysztof KomedaFind albums by this artist. Komeda is of course the most familiar name associated with Polish Jazz and his legacy is of crucial importance to Polish and European Jazz. Considering the fact that Komeda´s studio recordings are relatively scarce, the radio recordings are in fact the main source of his recorded legacy, as they include among others the Jazz Jamboree festival appearances by Komeda and his various ensembles over the years.

Recorded between 1959 and 1963 this volume collects only original music that Komeda composed for ballet and cinema and performed with his groups during the 1961 edition of the Jazz Jamboree festival in Warsaw (one track), the 1962 edition (four tracks) and 1963 edition (one track). The remaining two tracks are radio studio recordings. The music includes the following compositions: "Ballet Etudes", written by Komeda to be performed by a Jazz ensemble accompanying ballet dancers, which had its premiere during the 1962 Jazz Jamboree with dancers from the Warsaw Opera, theme from the film "Innocent Sorcerers" directed by Andrzej WajdaFind albums by this artist and the monumental music from the debut full length film "Knife In The Water" directed by Roman PolanskiFind albums by this artist. As any Polish Jazz enthusiast knows, this is the cradle of modern Polish Jazz and includes some of its most defining moments, as well as the essence of Komeda, the composer.

The list of the musicians participating in these recordings reads like the who´s who of early modern Polish Jazz: vocalist Wanda WarskaFind albums by this artist, saxophonists Zbigniew NamyslowskiFind albums by this artist and Michal UrbaniakFind albums by this artist, trumpeter Tomasz StankoFind albums by this artist, bassists Roman DylagFind albums by this artist, Adam SkorupkaFind albums by this artist, Jan ByrczekFind albums by this artist and Maciej SuzinFind albums by this artist, drummers Leszek DudziakFind albums by this artist, Czeslaw BartkowskiFind albums by this artist and Tadeusz FederowskiFind albums by this artist and percussionist Jozef GawrychFind albums by this artist. Three Swedish musicians also participate: saxophonist Bernt RosengrenFind albums by this artist, trombonist Eje ThelinFind albums by this artist and drummer Rune CarlssonFind albums by this artist.

Overall this is a collection of brilliant music, superbly performed, which is an absolute revelation to anybody who loves Jazz. It is a fundamental piece of every decent Jazz record collection.

The recordings are splendidly restored and remastered and nicely packaged in an elegant digipak / slipcase. Dates, places and lineups are faithfully included and even personal liner notes by young Polish Jazz critics are present, but there is no in-depth background material about Komeda and his music, however considering the plentitude of published material and several excellent books on the subject, an intelligent listener can easily bridge the knowledge gap. The only small reservation one might have is the fact that these recordings have been already released many times, more or less legally on the somewhat untamed Polish music market, which means they is already owned by the serious Polish Jazz collectors, probably more than once.
 CD 1 Digipak Slipcase Remastered Recommend To A Friend

ANEX 401 (Barcode: 5907513047957) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz & Poetry

Recorded: 1967 Released: 2012

This is not just an album; for people who love Polish Jazz and Polish Culture, this is a monumental piece of Art and History… And for Polish Jazz this is probably the most important recording ever made, surely as far as international exposure of Polish Jazz is concerned.

This album was devised, planned and eventually completed thanks to the efforts of Joachim BerendtFind albums by this artist, a German writer, critic, producer (and my dear personal Friend and Mentor), one of the most important figures on the European Jazz scene during its formative years. Berendt, a devoted intellectual, was an enthusiastic supporter of early multi-media collaborations involving Jazz, especially in the Jazz & Poetry realm, fell in love with Polish Jazz from the moment he heard it during the groundbreaking second Sopot Jazz Festival in 1957, which he attended accompanying a delegation of German Jazz players.

The plans to make this album were planted in his mind then and there, but unfortunately the Iron Curtain, the invisible great divide splitting Europe in two during the Cold War era, was stronger than the goodwill of the people who wanted to make it happen. It took a whole decade until Berendt was able to invite pianist / composer Krzysztof KomedaFind albums by this artist and his group, which included trumpeter Tomasz StankoFind albums by this artist, saxophonist Zbigniew NamyslowskiFind albums by this artist, bassist Roman DylagFind albums by this artist and Swedish drummer Rune CarlssonFind albums by this artist, to his SWF radio studio in Baden-Baden to finally record the music.

In parallel Berendt invited the German translator Karl DedeciusFind albums by this artist, who was the most important and pioneering translator of Polish and Russian literature and poetry into the German language, to select and translate the poems, which were to be combined with Komeda´s music and recited by actor Helmut LohnerFind albums by this artist. Dedecius made a brilliant job, obviously a labor of lave for him, both as a translator and editor, selecting twenty four poems by Polish poets, many of which were at the time relatively obscure and politically "problematic" for the Socialistic regime. In retrospect two of these poets: Wislawa SzymborskaFind albums by this artist and Czeslaw MiloszFind albums by this artist were eventually to be awarded the Nobel Prize in literature – not a bad guess indeed.

By the time this album was recorded Komeda was of course already the undisputed Godfather of modern Polish Jazz, as well as a world-famous composer of film music, most notably those directed by Roman PolanskiFind albums by this artist, but also many others. His quintet was one of the best European Jazz ensembles at the time, which of course is clearly evident on this recording. Komeda´s themes are perfect companions to the poems, full of lyricism and deep emotions, expressive and often quite free form, enabling the soloists to expand the basic structure into improvised passages.

The album was originally released in West Germany by EMI / ColumbiaFind albums on this label in 1967 and the original vinyl is a super-rare collectors´ item. This new edition adds as bonus tracks three of the themes used on the original album, recorded in extended instrumental versions by the same quintet, which are of course sensational. The album is beautifully packaged in a book-like digipak, which includes the original liner notes by Berendt and many splendid photographs. The texts (both Polish and the German translations) of the poems are unfortunately not included (except one), which is a pity, but obtaining all the copyrights was probably too much of a nightmare. An extended essay about this album should have also been appropriately written.

The fact that this album was not available (at least in a proper form) for forty five years is a shame and this new edition falls under "better late than never" category. Polish Jazz connoisseurs should of course be delighted, finally being able to savor this timeless piece of Art. I can´t imagine any serious Polish Jazz enthusiast not having this album in their collection. I think I can see the late Joachim Berendt smiling, somewhere in the "higher sphere", seeing his brain-child resurrected…
Updated: 29/12/2023Posted: CD 1 Digipak Remastered Bonus Tracks Essential Recommend To A Friend

POWER BROS 00157 ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 1956 - 1967

A selection of various pieces recorded between 1956 and 1967, includes Krzysztof KomedaFind albums by this artist´s first ever composition "Memory Of Bach" recorded at the legendary first jazz festival in Poland and also some of his film music from the Roman PolanskiFind albums by this artist´s early film "Knife In The Water". As usual the music is brilliant and incredibly sophisticated.
Enhanced CD with CD-ROM contents!
 CD 1 Remastered Recommend To A Friend

POWER BROS 00161 ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 1961 - 1967

This album presents mostly Krzysztof KomedaFind albums by this artist´s film music recorded between 1961 and 1967 and includes music from Roman PolanskiFind albums by this artist´s "Knife In The Water" and music to animated films. A great showcase of Komeda´s sensitivity as a composer and his special feel for the film industry and its needs. With Tomasz StankoFind albums by this artist, Michal UrbaniakFind albums by this artist.
Enhanced CD with CD-ROM contents!
 CD 1 Remastered Recommend To A Friend

POLSKIE RADIO 1600 (Barcode: 5907812246006) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 1957 - 1962 Released: 2013

This is the fourth installment in the new series of releases initiated by the Polish Radio, which presents archive Jazz recordings. Radio recordings are always a fabulous source of remarkable material, and as far as Polish Jazz history is concerned, the Polish Radio, which was a state monopoly for 45 years, recorded over time a plethora of invaluable material, which apart from the albums released by the Polskie Nagrania record company (also a state monopoly), is the only additional source of Polish Jazz recordings. For many years Polish Radio recorded concerts presented during Poland´s most important Jazz venue, the annual Jazz Jamboree Festival and many other festivals as well.

The material presented here was recorded between 1957 and 1962 and presents the iconic figure of the Godfather of Polish Jazz, pianist / composer Krzysztof KomedaFind albums by this artist. Of the twelve recordings, first five are studio radio recordings and seven are live recordings from the 1961 and 1962 Jazz Jamboree Festivals. Most of the material was recorded in a trio / quartet setting except for the four 1957 recordings, which were recorded by a larger ensemble. The remastering work is incredible and the sound quality brigs this music back to life at its full bloom, which of course is great news for the numerous Komeda fans all over the world.

The music presents a retrospective look at Komeda´s early phase, which shows the remarkable development of his immense talent both as a player and a composer. The transition from the early period when Komeda is performing American Jazz standards into the later period when he plays almost exclusively his original compositions shows the birth of European Jazz, of which Komeda was one of the earliest leaders, caught live in action. It also shows his role as a composer of film music, including his early score to the Andrzej WajdaFind albums by this artist film "Innocent Sorcerers" and his monumental music for the Roman PolanskiFind albums by this artist debut film "Knife In The Water". This is the Holy Grail of Polish Jazz, which certainly deserves to be kept alive and passed from generation to generation as part of the Artistic heritage, Polish and Worldwide alike.

However, some questions arise as to the actual selection of the material for this release; although I have been assured by the people in charge of the production of this album, that all the music included herein is previously unreleased, it is hardly conceivable considering the plethora of Komeda releases (legal, semi-legal or completely bootleg) over the years, with the extended "complete" Komeda series by both Power BrosFind albums on this label and PoloniaFind albums on this label labels and even the Polskie Nagrania / MuzaFind albums on this label 3CD set of Komeda performances at Jazz Jamboree, released in 2011, which seems to duplicate some of the music included here, and of course the lack of a proper booklet with proper liner notes, photographs and other well deserved details, which this monumental music truly deserves. Polish Radio really should have made a better judgment and more of an effort here. A pity!

As usual with this series, this is a great document of the era and an integral part of the Polish Jazz saga, which deserves to be told and studied. My advice is to get hold of this gem ASAP, as Polish CDs are often out of print before the paint dries on the booklets.
 CD 1 Digipak Remastered Recommend To A Friend

POWER BROS 00203 (Barcode: 5906295856443) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 1964 - 1965 Released: 2009

Although primarily identified as the soundtrack composer of the movies directed by Roman PolanskiFind albums by this artist, Polish pianist / composer Krzysztof KomedaFind albums by this artist cooperated with the entire Polish film industry during the revolutionary days of the 1960s New Wave of Polish Cinema, producing a long list of incredible cinematic scores. The post-WWII Polish cinema, struggling with the destruction of the country´s intellectual fabric, the Socialist regime and the economic hardships, managed to produce some of the most outstanding works of modern cinematography, equal in their power of expression and revolutionary approach to cinema as a modern cultural media to the achievement of the great British, Scandinavian, French and Italian film makers at the same time. Komeda´s soundtracks to the Polish (and Scandinavian) films in the mid-1960s and later Hollywood movies by the end of the 1960s are all absolute masterpieces of style, expression and sheer genius in creating a story-telling, often nerve-wrecking melody lines and wonderful themes, which expanded the visual content of the films and added another emotional dimension. The music is of course strongly influenced by the Jazz idioms, often even being pure Jazz. It is performed mostly by Komeda himself, accompanied by the members of his Jazz combos at the time, like trumpeter Tomasz StankoFind albums by this artist, saxophonists Zbigniew NamyslowskiFind albums by this artist and Michal UrbaniakFind albums by this artist and others. Sometimes larger instrumentation is also used, especially in the later scores. What is especially surprising and magical about this music is the fact that is stands alone as well as it functions as a part of the cinematic experience. All the albums with Komeda´s soundtracks are simply superb pieces of music and in retrospect constitute an incredible body of work of rarely equaled magnitude and importance. Komeda´s tragic and painfully premature death ended a career, which in many respects was at its early stage. This album includes the soundtrack of the movie "Prawo I Piesc (The Law And The Fist)" by directors Jerzy HoffmanFind albums by this artist / Edward SkorzewskiFind albums by this artist, two soundtracks to animated movies "Sztandar (Standard)" / "Rondo (Roundabout)" by director Miroslaw KijowiczFind albums by this artist and the soundtrack to the movie "Pingwin (The Penguin)" by director Jerzy Stefan StawinskiFind albums by this artist. Brilliant stuff!
 CD 1 Remastered Recommend To A Friend

POWER BROS 00205 (Barcode: 5906295856450) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 1963 - 1964 Released: 2009

Although primarily identified as the soundtrack composer of the movies directed by Roman PolanskiFind albums by this artist, Polish pianist / composer Krzysztof KomedaFind albums by this artist cooperated with the entire Polish film industry during the revolutionary days of the 1960s New Wave of Polish Cinema, producing a long list of incredible cinematic scores. The post-WWII Polish cinema, struggling with the destruction of the country´s intellectual fabric, the Socialist regime and the economic hardships, managed to produce some of the most outstanding works of modern cinematography, equal in their power of expression and revolutionary approach to cinema as a modern cultural media to the achievement of the great British, Scandinavian, French and Italian film makers at the same time. Komeda´s soundtracks to the Polish (and Scandinavian) films in the mid-1960s and later Hollywood movies by the end of the 1960s are all absolute masterpieces of style, expression and sheer genius in creating a story-telling, often nerve-wrecking melody lines and wonderful themes, which expanded the visual content of the films and added another emotional dimension. The music is of course strongly influenced by the Jazz idioms, often even being pure Jazz. It is performed mostly by Komeda himself, accompanied by the members of his Jazz combos at the time, like trumpeter Tomasz StankoFind albums by this artist, saxophonists Zbigniew NamyslowskiFind albums by this artist and Michal UrbaniakFind albums by this artist and others. Sometimes larger instrumentation is also used, especially in the later scores. What is especially surprising and magical about this music is the fact that is stands alone as well as it functions as a part of the cinematic experience. All the albums with Komeda´s soundtracks are simply superb pieces of music and in retrospect constitute an incredible body of work of rarely equaled magnitude and importance. Komeda´s tragic and painfully premature death ended a career, which in many respects was at its early stage. This album includes the soundtracks of two movies "Smarkula (Chit Of A Girl)" and "Przerwany Lot (The Broken Flight)" by director Leonard BuczkowskiFind albums by this artist. Brilliant stuff!
 CD 1 Remastered Recommend To A Friend

POWER BROS 00183 ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

At last available two of Krzysztof KomedaFind albums by this artist´s most famous film scores he composed for the Polish director Roman PolanskiFind albums by this artist: "Rosemary´s Baby" and "Fearless Vampire Killers". Polanski just moved to Hollywood to direct those films and obviously he asked Komeda to write the music for his films, as he did when he was making films in Poland. Komeda went to Hollywood to score both movies and it is there he had the tragic car accident that severed his life and illustrious career.
Enhanced CD with CD-ROM contents!
 CD 1 Recommend To A Friend

POWER BROS 00197 (Barcode: 5906295856412) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 1962 Released: 2009

Although primarily identified as the soundtrack composer of the movies directed by Roman PolanskiFind albums by this artist, Polish pianist / composer Krzysztof KomedaFind albums by this artist cooperated with the entire Polish film industry during the revolutionary days of the 1960s New Wave of Polish Cinema, producing a long list of incredible cinematic scores. The post-WWII Polish cinema, struggling with the destruction of the country´s intellectual fabric, the Socialist regime and the economic hardships, managed to produce some of the most outstanding works of modern cinematography, equal in their power of expression and revolutionary approach to cinema as a modern cultural media to the achievement of the great British, Scandinavian, French and Italian film makers at the same time. Komeda´s soundtracks to the Polish (and Scandinavian) films in the mid-1960s and later Hollywood movies by the end of the 1960s are all absolute masterpieces of style, expression and sheer genius in creating a story-telling, often nerve-wrecking melody lines and wonderful themes, which expanded the visual content of the films and added another emotional dimension. The music is of course strongly influenced by the Jazz idioms, often even being pure Jazz. It is performed mostly by Komeda himself, accompanied by the members of his Jazz combos at the time, like trumpeter Tomasz StankoFind albums by this artist, saxophonists Zbigniew NamyslowskiFind albums by this artist and Michal UrbaniakFind albums by this artist and others. Sometimes larger instrumentation is also used, especially in the later scores. What is especially surprising and magical about this music is the fact that is stands alone as well as it functions as a part of the cinematic experience. All the albums with Komeda´s soundtracks are simply superb pieces of music and in retrospect constitute an incredible body of work of rarely equaled magnitude and importance. Komeda´s tragic and painfully premature death ended a career, which in many respects was at its early stage. This album includes the soundtrack of the movie "Wyrok (The Sentence)" by the director Jerzy PassendorferFind albums by this artist. Brilliant stuff!
 CD 1 Remastered Recommend To A Friend

NOT ON LABEL (Barcode: 5902904120011) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2000 Released: 2001

This is a beautiful and sadly completely obscure solo piano album by Polish Jazz pianist / composer Wojciech KonikiewiczFind albums by this artist. It comprises of thirteen impressions composed by Konikiewicz as musical "illustrations" to an exhibition of thirteen paintings and sculptures portraying the great Polish film director Roman PolanskiFind albums by this artist, which was held in the Adi Art gallery in Lodz. The music created by Konikiewicz to accompany the exhibition turned it into a multi-media happening.

The figure of Polanski is of course synonymous with Polish Jazz, since his films always featured soundtracks performed by Polish Jazz musicians and composed usually by the Godfather of Polish Jazz, pianist / composer Krzysztof KomedaFind albums by this artist. Therefore the presence of this music as part of the artistic homage to Polanski makes perfect sense.

The music is very lyrical and contemplative, flowing gently from one impression to another, somewhat in contrast to the tempestuous character of Polanski himself. Perhaps Konikiewicz is able to see the gentle side of the great director or responds to the artwork at the exhibition, but whatever the reason the music is definitely non aggressive. Based on rather veiled melodic themes, these impressions are more about letting the musical flow embrace the listener and carry him along on a subconscious voyage of emotional happening. Calling these pieces impressions is much more accurate than calling them improvisations, as they are a result of a continuous process of subconscious flow of creation, unbounded by the need to improvise on a actual given themes or chord changes.

This is very personal music and as such requires openhearted and attentive listening and a kind of mental submission to let the music enter into the listener´s soul. Once such a process takes place, the aesthetic experience is fully realized. I can only recommend to people to try and find a copy of this album, which surely won´t be easy, in order to listen to enjoy this music and to discover yet another side of Konikiewicz, who obviously is a multifaceted Artist.
 CD 1 Recommend To A Friend

ACT 9972 (Barcode: 614427997227) ~ GERMANY ~ Jazz-Classical Fusion

Recorded: 2022 Released: 2023

This is an album by German Jazz pianist / composer Joachim KuhnFind albums by this artist and his (not so) New Trio with Canadian bassist Chris JenningsFind albums by this artist and drummer Eric SchaeferFind albums by this artist and the Polish Atom String QuartetFind albums by this artist, which comprises of violinists Dawid LubowiczFind albums by this artist and Mateusz SmoczynskiFind albums by this artist, violist Michal ZaborskiFind albums by this artist and violinist Krzysztof LenczowskiFind albums by this artist. As the title suggests, the album is dedicated to the music of the Godfather of Polish modern Jazz, pianist / composer Krzysztof KomedaFind albums by this artist. The album was recorded live at the Berlin Philharmonic, and presents nine tracks, eight of which are Komeda’s compositions and one is a composition by Joachim Kuhn, dedicated to the memory of his older brother (and my Dear Friend) clarinetist / composer Rolf KuhnFind albums by this artist, who sadly departed almost exactly a year ago.

The seeds of this album were planted almost sixty years ago: in December of 1965, the twenty-one years old Joachim Kuhn was invited to take part in the most important East European Jazz festival at the time, the annual Jazz Jamboree in Warsaw, where he performed with his trio. Kuhn, who still lived in East Germany (DDR or GDR) at the time, was considered a prodigy and a rebellious pioneer, playing Free Jazz / Improvised Music, which for some strange combination of political circumstances, was allowed at the epicenter of Eastern Block’s stern Cultural censorship and oppression, similar in many ways to what happened at the time in the neighboring Socialist States, as far as Jazz Music was concerned. In Warsaw, Kuhn met many Polish Jazz musicians, most importantly Krzysztof Komeda, who also performed at the festival with his quintet. Komeda invited Kuhn to attend the recording session for his epic debut album “AstigmaticFind albums with this title”, which was held a couple of days after the quintet’s appearance and recorded at the same Philharmonic Hall. As a result, Kuhn was among the first people to hear the album and even to discuss the music with Komeda shortly after it was recorded. Less than a year later Kuhn would join his older brother in West Germany and later move to Paris and Komeda would leave for Hollywood, where his cinematic career promised to explode, only to be dead, following a tragic accident, by April 1969. Their musical paths never crossed again but, as said earlier, the seeds of this album were planted.

The link to the Atom String Quartet, Poland’s most versatile, inventive, prestigious and unique string quartet, is also obvious, following the duo album recorded by Joachim Kuhn and Mateusz Smoczynski in 2019, called “Speaking SoundFind albums with this title”, which evidently planted another seed.

I have repeatedly criticized the almost brutal, often opportunistic misuse of Komeda’s music and memory by numerous musicians over the years, which not only did not pay tribute to Komeda’s Genius and revolutionary contribution to European Jazz, but in some cases tarnished it completely. Therefore, it gives me deep pleasure to say that this album beautifully fills all the requirements to serve as an appropriate tribute to Komeda and his legacy.

The carefully selected material depicts both the revolutionary aspects of Komeda’s Avant-Garde approach to Jazz, but also reflects his wonderful lyricism and deep Polish melancholy, which are the base of most of Komeda’s cinematic music. The album offers the entire content of “Astigmatic” (three compositions) and the "Roman II" piece as examples, which reflect the former as well as the beautiful ballads from the soundtracks of Roman PolanskiFind albums by this artist’s movies like “Rosemary’s Baby” or “Knife in the Water”, which reflect the latter.

The idea of using a string quartet as part of the arrangements of Komeda’s music seemed extremely risky at first, especially being exposed in the past to some horrific attempts in that direction, but upon hearing the result my instinctive reservations melted without a trace. Obviously adding individual string instrument soloing is much more straightforward, but Kuhn’s arrangements skillfully utilize the entire quartet to enhance the dramatic effects of the music. Nevertheless, it takes the extraordinary skills of all four “Atoms” to achieve such a level of fusion, like what can be witnessed herein, which emphasizes their unique capabilities.

It seems that Kuhn manages to sound more like Komeda would have liked to sound himself. Komeda’s virtues as a composer and visionary overshadow his role as a piano player and he lacked perhaps the virtuosity and spark as a pianist, which Kuhn certainly has plenty of. As a result, Komeda’s music on this album sounds in many respects more invigorated than ever before, perhaps even elevated to another level by sheer concentration of musical talent and sincerity, which dominates this album. Since I have had the pleasure of hearing every album Kuhn ever recorded, I must say that this album is not only one of his best ever, but also one of his most wholehearted ones. It certainly is a kind of a life circle closure for Kuhn, although I do wish him many more years of successful career and happy life.

Overall, this is a monumental recording for the true Jazz enthusiasts and lovers of the genre. Polish Jazz fans will find here an exquisite reminder of their beloved and legendary pioneer, German Jazz fans will discover a little known chapter in Kuhn’s life, which left a significant mark on his future career, European Jazz lovers will find here everything European Jazz stands for: versatility, innovation, pursuit of excellence and aesthetics and true love of all forms of music, and finally for all Jazz lovers, a beacon of true talent, which is eternal and omnipresent. This is an absolutely essential piece of music in every serious music collection!
Updated: 04/08/2023Posted: 04/08/2023CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

V 009 (Barcode: 5903111377076) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2014 Released: 2015

This is the fifth album as a leader (or co-leader in this case) by Polish guitarist / composer Marek NapiorkowskiFind albums by this artist, one of the most respected musicians on the local scene. This time Napiorkowski teams up with another Polish guitarist / composer Artur LesickiFind albums by this artist, and as a duo they deliver a series of wonderful tunes, dedicated, as the title suggests, to the Polish Cinema and the music associated with Polish Cinematic Art. The album´s nine tracks feature music from six classic Polish movies (or TV series), composed by such luminaries as Krzysztof KomedaFind albums by this artist, Tomasz StankoFind albums by this artist, Wojciech KilarFind albums by this artist, Andrzej KurylewiczFind albums by this artist and others, directed by no less iconic figures such as Roman PolanskiFind albums by this artist, Andrzej WajdaFind albums by this artist and others. Both Napiorkowski and Lesicki contribute one original composition each, with the title tune (by Napiorkowski) repeated twice.

The intimate and delicate duet setting creates a truly magical atmosphere, with the perfect balance between the acoustic and touches of electric sound, melody and improvisation, lyricism and inspiration. In fact this is definitely one of the best guitar duo albums I had the pleasure to listen to ever since I can remember. It is a perfect example of a case when two musicians simply amalgamate into one completely symbiotic and integral musical unit. Although obviously at some moments one of the players does play the lead and the other accompanies him, interchangeably of course, they are at all times simply one instrument, producing a coherent and fused soundscape.

The music selections as well as the original compositions are all beyond reproach and the affectionate and intelligent treatment applied by the musicians awards everything such great music deserves: respect, love and personal involvement. Although seemingly basic and simple, the resulting music is full of intricacies that can be revealed only by very attentive and open-minded listening, which this exquisite album truly deserves.

It is such a pleasure to see Napiorkowski move forward and try new things on his musical path. Compared to the complexity and sophistication of his previous album "Up!Find albums with this title" the intimacy and modesty of this album might appear as strikingly different, and yet Napiorkowski manages to preserve the quality and total dedication in full, regardless of the external form of his work. There are but a few musicians around with such class.

In short this is simply a gem of an album, which enchants and uplifts spiritually from the very first to the very last note delivered. Superb sound quality and production turn it into a superb aesthetic treasure, which should not leave any listener unmoved. Hats off to both magicians!
 CD 1 Slipcase Recommend To A Friend

V 001 (Barcode: 5903111377007) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2013 Released: 2013

This is finally the full album (preceded by a teaser EP), which presents one of the best Polish Jazz pianists Kuba StankiewiczFind albums by this artist playing his interpretations of music written by the great Polish contemporary Classical and Cinematic music composer Wojciech KilarFind albums by this artist. The music is performed on solo piano, the most "naked" of all formats but also the most unlimited one. Kilar, who is unfortunately less know outside of Poland than his contemporaries like Krzysztof PendereckiFind albums by this artist, Henryk GoreckiFind albums by this artist or Witold LutoslawskiFind albums by this artist, is by no means less important and neither is his wonderful musical legacy. His work as a composer of film scores is truly legendary and his music accompanies over 100 films by all major Polish directors, like Roman PolanskiFind albums by this artist and Andrzej WajdaFind albums by this artist, and also those beyond Poland, both in Europe and the US (for example Francis Ford CoppolaFind albums by this artist). Although a modernist, Kilar´s music is full of romanticism and lyricism, and his sublime sense of melody is second to none.

This album includes twelve compositions by Kilar, ten of which are from film scores and the remaining two from TV serials. Stankiewicz treats Kilar´s music with a lot of respect and obvious love. The relaxed and delicate interpretations are full of charming moments, where the improvisations move out and return to the melodic theme. Stankiewicz has a wonderful touch on the piano, which sounds full-bodied and expressive even at a low volume. The overall effect is simply delightful. I especially admire the pianist´s humility and modesty which are the predominant features of his approach to the music. He firmly leaves the focus on the amazing compositions, taking only very limited liberties with the original notes and making his personal input subtly concealed, exposed only to the sensitive listener. Contrary to many other Jazz pianists, who often like to dominate their interpretations of other composers´ music with their own statements, Stankiewicz simply serves as a vessel bringing Kilar´s music to a new audience.

Following decades of Polish Jazz musicians obsessively interpreting the music of Frederic ChopinFind albums by this artist and Krzysztof KomedaFind albums by this artist, it´s truly refreshing to hear some musicians turning the attention to other great Polish composers, like the sensational "Experiment: PendereckiFind albums with this title" released recently by pianist Piotr OrzechowskiFind albums by this artist or the new album by the superb RGGFind albums by this artist trio performing the music of Karol SzymanowskiFind albums by this artist. This music is very different, but also very interesting and no less challenging intellectually. An absolute must to all piano, solo piano and Jazz-Classical Fusion listeners everywhere. This is a heartwarming piece of music, which is a balsam to the ears, weary from the noise that surrounds us all.

This album was released on a new Polish Jazz record label, called VFind albums on this label Records, steered by the producer Adam DomagalaFind albums by this artist. I look forward impatiently to hear the future releases by this label and in the meantime wish the best of luck with this admirable project to both maestro Stankiewicz and his producer.
 CD 1 Slipcase Recommend To A Friend

V ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-Classical Fusion

Recorded: 2013 Released: 2013

This EP is a brief glimpse at a work in progress, which hopefully will be completed very soon, which presents one of the best Polish Jazz pianists Kuba StankiewiczFind albums by this artist playing his interpretations of music written by the great Polish contemporary Classical and Cinematic music composer Wojciech KilarFind albums by this artist. The music is performed on solo piano, the most "naked" of all formats but also the most unlimited one.

Kilar, who is unfortunately less know outside of Poland than his contemporaries like Krzysztof PendereckiFind albums by this artist, Henryk GoreckiFind albums by this artist or Witold LutoslawskiFind albums by this artist, is by no means less important and neither is his wonderful musical legacy. His work as a composer of film scores is truly legendary and his music accompanies over 100 films by all major Polish directors, like Roman PolanskiFind albums by this artist and Andrzej WajdaFind albums by this artist, and also those beyond Poland, both in Europe and the US (for example Francis Ford CoppolaFind albums by this artist). Although a modernist, Kilar´s music is full of romanticism and lyricism, and his sublime sense of melody is second to none.

Stankiewicz treats Kilar´s music with a lot of respect and obvious love. The relaxed and delicate interpretations are full of charming moments, where the improvisations move out and return to the melodic theme. Stankiewicz has a wonderful touch on the piano, which sounds full-bodied and expressive even at a low volume. The overall effect is simply delightful.

Following decades of Polish Jazz musicians obsessively interpreting the music of Frederic ChopinFind albums by this artist, it´s truly refreshing to hear some musicians turning the attention to other great Polish composers, like the sensational "Experiment: PendereckiFind albums with this title" released recently by pianist Piotr OrzechowskiFind albums by this artist. This music is very different, but also very interesting and no less challenging intellectually.

I look forward impatiently to hear the complete album soon and with Stankiewicz a priori the best of luck with this admirable project.
 CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend

UNIVERSAL 044001434723 (Barcode: 044001434723) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2001 Released: 2001

Polish trumpet virtuoso / composer Tomasz StankoFind albums by this artist is universally recognized as one of world´s top Jazz musicians since many years. However, his contributions as composer of music for cinema is somewhat lesser known, which is a pity. Stanko´s work in that area started way back to the early 1970s, but even earlier, when he was a member of the legendary Krzysztof KomedaFind albums by this artist ensemble, he already became intimate with the art of writing for cinema from his mentor, who was one of the greatest soundtrack creators ever, mostly known for his work for Roman PolanskiFind albums by this artist. It is therefore understandable that Stanko´s music for films would become heavily influenced by Komeda´s approach, which culminates with this soundtrack, written to a brilliant film by Polish director Filip ZylberFind albums by this artist. In fact this is the second time Stanko contributes the soundtrack to a film by Zylber, with "A Farewell To MariaFind albums with this title" being the predecessor to this one. Stanko is accompanied by some impressive players on this album, most notably by singer Justyna SteczkowskaFind albums by this artist, who contributes some breathtaking vocalese parts. Also present are Janusz SkowronFind albums by this artist on synthesizer, Slawomir KurkiewiczFind albums by this artist on bass, Michal MiskiewiczFind albums by this artist on drums, and Zbigniew BrysiakFind albums by this artist on percussion, as well as a string quartet. But Stanko´s trumpet dominates this music completely and overwhelmingly, when it plays completely solo or is accompanied by other instruments. Stanko´s virtuosity and magic sound are truly magnificent and supported by the atmospheric and often melancholic melodic motifs, the overall effect is simply stunning. It is a rare occasion when a soundtrack stand alone as a full fledged Jazz album, and this is a superb example of this being the case. I can only say that every Stanko fan should try and listen to this album, even if finding it today, only 10 years after it was released, is virtually impossible. The album was released as a double set with a CD and DVD Audio (Surround Sound) version of the music, which present different mixes of the same music. An absolute must!
 CD+DVD 2 DVD-A Recommend To A Friend

ARTMONIA 5902768831009 (Barcode: 5902768831009) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2013 Released: 2013

Polish pianist / composer Wladyslaw SzpilmanFind albums by this artist was one of the great icons of the country´s musical scene for many decades. He achieved popularity already as a very young and exceptional pianist in the 1930s. During the Nazi occupation of Poland during WW II Szpilman, who was a Jew, was hiding in Warsaw and managed to survive the Holocaust, helped by his Polish friends and even a German officer, who was a music connoisseur. Szpilman´s WW II fortunes were the subject of his memoirs and after his death in 2000 it was the subject of Roman PolanskiFind albums by this artist´s movie "The Pianist", which won three Oscars and worldwide acceptance as a cinematic masterpiece.

The lesser know facts about Szpilman, certainly outside of Poland, are his numerous activities in post-war years as the director of Music Department of the Polish Radio, creator of the Sopot Song Contest, which runs now consecutively for over fifty years, composer of many Classical works, concert pianist touring worldwide and additionally also author of hundreds of songs, many of which were extremely popular and eventually became evergreens.

This album by Polish Jazz vocalist Kasia StankowskaFind albums by this artist takes twelve of Szpilman´s popular songs and presents them in Jazzed up versions. She is supported by a trio with pianist Lukasz PerekFind albums by this artist, who is also responsible for the arrangements, bassist Jakub OlejnikFind albums by this artist and drummer Przemyslaw JaroszFind albums by this artist. Saxophonist Maciej SikalaFind albums by this artist is the guest star and contributes some spectacular solos on several of the songs.

Stankowska has a warm and expressive voice, which suits these songs ideally. The piano trio accompanying her does a perfect job, creating a nostalgic atmosphere of a smoky cabaret set sometime in the late 1950s / early 1960s, which I still recall from my childhood, when I was often smuggled under heavy long coat into these sinful establishments, getting my first-hand Jazz experiences. The piano parts are brilliantly arranged and perfectly executed and the rhythm section keeps the music steady and firm, with delicate dynamics and intelligent accents, always at the right moments. Sikala adds great ornamentation, breaking the nostalgic and relaxed mood with his delicate yet forceful solos, which shine like white pearls on a black dress. Szpilman´s status allowed him to select superb lyrics to his songs, written by famous Polish poets and lyricist, that are classy, coherent and elegant, and Stankowska makes the best of that asset, which deserves a special mention.

All in all this is a most pleasant and rewarding musical experience, a classic example of "less is more". Keeping a low profile and avoiding excessive experimentation proves exactly right in this case. Beautifully simple, but not simplistic, beautifully melodic, but nor trivial, beautifully lyrical, but not banal…just beautiful. Diana KrallFind albums by this artist, eat you hat!
 CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

KILOGRAM 039 ~ POLAND ~ Soundtracks

Recorded: 2017 - 2018 Released: 2019

The close cooperation between a film director and a cinematic music composer, which last for many years, is quite a common phenomenon in the Film industry, and of course has its long tradition in Polish cinema as well. Such famous couplings include Roman PolanskiFind albums by this artistKrzysztof KomedaFind albums by this artist, Krzysztof KieslowskiFind albums by this artistZbigniew PreisnerFind albums by this artist and of course also Wojciech SmarzowskiFind albums by this artistMikolaj TrzaskaFind albums by this artist. Trzaska wrote the music for all the films by Smarzowski ("Dom Zly", "Roza", "Drogowka", "Pod Mocnym Aniolem", "Wolyn" and "Kler"), except for his debut film ("Wesele").

Trzaska, one of the leaders of Polish Free Jazz / Avant-Garde / Improvised Music scene, seems to find himself at ease with writing music for films, which of course works quite differently than his usual modus operandi on stage or in the studio, surrounded by other improvisers. The magic that happens when Smarzowski´s often harsh, shocking and deeply troubling visual expressionism gets combined with Trzaska´s music, and the two fit together perfectly, as if created in one mind.

Trzaska, who plays saxophones and clarinets, involved in creating this music the "usual suspects", i.e. artists he worked with earlier, like clarinetist Pawel SzamburskiFind albums by this artist, Danish vibraphonist / drummer Peter Ole JorgensenFind albums by this artist, multimedia Artist / musician Marek RogulskiFind albums by this artist and The Sejny Theater Klezmer OrchestraFind albums by this artist. The album presents nine original compositions, all by Trzaska, which last together for almost thirty seven minutes, and served as a source of the incidental music incorporated within the film.

As usual in the case of film soundtracks released as stand alone albums the crucial test is if the music is able to hold its ground on its own, without the presence of the visual element being involved. Trzaska managed to achieve this with his previous cinematic projects and he does not disappoint here as well. The album delivers a coherent, quite diverse series of atmospheric / ambient pieces, which are a fascinating journey, and the listener is able to create his own scenography and plot on the fly or simple accept the music on a purely emotional plane.

Although not involved directly with Jazz per se, the spirit of improvisation is an integral part of this music, as appropriate for Trzaska and his usual sound environment. It takes a while to enter this enigmatic world of sounds, but the more one listens to this music the more addictive it becomes.

I have but to agree with Smarzowski (who writes so on the album´s cover) that this album is very much different from the film, which of course is pretty obvious, but the overall effect of Trzaska´s music is absolutely phenomenal on its own.

I am grateful to be able to call this great Artist a Friend!
Updated: 19/02/2020Posted: 19/02/2020CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend

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