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  | INTUITION ORCHESTRA ~ CASE OF SURPRISE FOR TUNE 0071 (Barcode: 5902768701753) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz Recorded: 2014 Released: 2015
This is the second album released on For TuneFind albums on this label Records and their fourth consecutive release by the Polish Improvised Music ensemble The Intuition OrchestraFind albums by this artist. On the previous album, entitled "To The InsideFind albums with this title", they created a bridge between the origins of their activities by including archival material of early recordings going back as far as 1993, and their (then, 2011) current material. Listeners interested in the genesis of the ensemble (and the fascinating Polish Avant-Garde in general) should check out the fabulous Legendarne ZabkiFind albums with this title album as well as the Grupa W SkladzieFind albums with this title album, which are both related to Intuition Orchestra. On this album the ensemble is down to a trio lineup with saxophonist / clarinetist Ryszard WojciulFind albums by this artist, keyboardist / cellist Boleslaw BlaszczykFind albums by this artist and drummer Jacek AlkaFind albums by this artist. They are joined by three guests: vocalists Marta GrzywaczFind albums by this artist and Basia BlaszczykFind albums by this artist and recorders player Dominik StrycharskiFind albums by this artist. Together they perform twenty one short (averaging around two minutes) collectively improvised pieces. The titles of all the pieces are in fact lines from a poem by Grzywacz.
The music on this album can be treated as a continuous flow from start to finish, since the separation into the individual pieces is pretty arbitrary. It includes a wide variety of sounds produced by the instruments, voices and electronics, all combined into an unusual, bubbling amalgam, which is unpredictable and keeps the listener at his toes at all times.
There is very limited melodic content here, and when present it lasts just for a brief moment, before it is picked up by the improvisers and taken into another dimension. As such, this music is obviously much more difficult and challenging, but of course provides a much stronger emotional as well as intellectual interaction. Avant garde music is not supposed to be measured by its likeability, but rather by its ability to absorb the listener´s attention and take him unconditionally on a timeless, completely subconscious journey into sound aesthetics.
To an untrained ear this music can sound chaotic and even cacophonic, and yet it does make perfect "sense" and "intelligibility" to the cognoscenti. The trick is simply to let the flow of the sound engulf you and carry you on. This music seems to be able to serve as a vehicle to reach "higher planes", a rare and precious quality, which should be cherished.
Overall this is superb contemporary music, which still tries to expand the realm of what we consider as being sonic Art. Regardless of the current trend of music imploding into itself, people who are pushing outward at least try to slow the process.
This album is warmly recommended to open minded listeners, who have no Avant-Garde phobias!
| Updated: 17/12/2021Posted: | CD 1 Recommend To A Friend |
  | INTUITION ORCHESTRA ~ SUMMA INTUITIVA AUDIO CAVE 2021/010 (Barcode: 5908298549438) ~ POLAND ~ Free Jazz / Improvised Music Recorded: 2020 Released: 2021
This is the fifth album by Polish Improvised Music ensemble called Intuition OrchestraFind albums by this artist, which comprises of a core trio: saxophonist Ryszard WojciulFind albums by this artist, keyboardist / cellist Boleslaw BlaszczykFind albums by this artist and drummer Jacek AlkaFind albums by this artist. They are joined by no less than seven distinguished guest musicians from different musical idioms, including legendary bassist Krzysztof MajchrzakFind albums by this artist, World Music tsarina Maria PomianowskaFind albums by this artist, guitarist Wojciech BlazejczykFind albums by this artist, electronics wizard Krzysztof KnittelFind albums by this artist, drummer Krzysztof SzmandaFind albums by this artist and others. The album presents nine tracks, which as usual in such circumstances, are rather arbitrary parts of the continuum, all being collective improvisations.
The music offers a distinctly “younger” (unrelated to the musicians’ age) feel and groove, with Fusiony touches created by Majchrzak and Blazejczyk and contemporary electronics, in addition to the traditional acoustic instruments. As a result, the music is also a touch more approachable to wider audiences this time, perhaps not intentionally, but definitely de facto. All the instrumental and vocal performances, especially those by Wojciul, are exceptional.
As I have already stated previously, Intuition Orchestra is able to create genuinely Improvised Music, without sounding completely senseless, self-indulgent and artistically empty. This music has a wonderful natural flow, a feel of continuity and coherent direction, which makes listening to it an uplifting experience.
Overall, it is great to witness a continuous growth and development of this ensemble, which is able to rejuvenate its sound and retain its creative powers for many years, without giving up an iota of their conceptual freedom of expression. As far as Improvised Music is concerned, this is one of the relatively few examples where it is able to create a lasting aesthetic experience, which continues to satisfy beyond the moment of its creation. Hats off my friends!
| Updated: 17/12/2021Posted: 17/12/2021 | CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend |
  | KULPOWICZ QUARTET ~ EXPRESSION FOR TUNE 0145 (Barcode: 5906395808595) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz Recorded: 2007 - 2018 Released: 2019
This is an archive release of music recorded by the legendary Polish Jazz pianist / composer Slawomir KulpowiczFind albums by this artist and his quartet shortly before his untimely death in 2008. Following a long period of inactivity on stage Kulpowicz reformed his ensemble called simply The QuartetFind albums by this artist in 2006 with saxophonist Piotr CieslikowskiFind albums by this artist, bassist Wojciech PulcynFind albums by this artist and drummer Kazimierz JonkiszFind albums by this artist. They recorded this album in 2007 but it remained unreleased following the havoc of his death. This album presents six tracks selected from the studio tapes, all original compositions by Kulpowicz. Trumpeter Tomasz DabrowskiFind albums by this artist added (overdubbed) trumpet parts to three tracks of the original recording in 2018.
Kulpowicz, who was one of the most talented Polish Jazz composers / pianists and a fascinating personality, was a devoted follower of John Coltrane´s music and his own compositions followed stylistically and spiritually the legacy of the great Master, which the music on this album reflects beautifully. The material recorded by Kulpowicz constitutes one the absolute peaks of the Polish interpretation of American Modern Jazz, avoiding mimicking and replication and adding a fresh, independent approach, and this album beautifully solidifies this approach, being a valuable addition to the legacy Kulpowicz left behind him. I have written extensively about the music Kulpowicz created in the reviews of his other albums, which can be easily found on this site simply by clicking on his name.
I was somewhat taken aback by the idea of overdubbing the original recordings, which at first glance looks quite sacrilegious, but upon further examination it looks like the original material was intended to be overdubbed by guest musicians, with obvious rhythm section only gaps left within the music waiting to be filled. The musical producer Ryszard WojciulFind albums by this artist couldn´t have found a more appropriate musician to create the missing pieces of the puzzle than Dabrowski, who stood up to the challenge outstandingly. Sometimes doing the unthinkable is simply the right thing to do.
Overall this is an absolutely brilliant piece of music, an outstanding addition to the legacy of Kulpowicz in particular and Polish Jazz in general. For TuneFind albums on this label managed to create another must have item for the Polish Jazz connoisseurs and the release of this album is of the same level of importance for Polish Jazz like the releases of previously undiscovered material by John Coltrane for global Jazz scene. An absolute must!
| Updated: 21/01/2020Posted: 21/01/2020 | CD 1 Recommend To A Friend |
  | LEGENDARNE ZABKI ~ LEGENDARNE ZABKI REQUIEM 044 ~ POLAND ~ Jazz Recorded: 1984 - 1986 Released: 2011
This is a fascinating archival glimpse at the music created in the mid-1980s by the Polish ensemble Legendarne ZabkiFind albums by this artist (Legendary Teeth), which was one of the very few acts playing improvised music and creating Avant-Garde sound collages at the time. The ensemble comprised of saxophonist Ryszard WojciulFind albums by this artist, pianist Robert WyszynskiFind albums by this artist, bassist / cellist Boleslaw BlaszczykFind albums by this artist and drummer Jacek AlkaFind albums by this artist. Several other musicians also participate in these recordings, which were made during a two years period, after which the ensemble disbanded. The album includes twenty one tracks, recorded privately by Alka on amateur equipment at various locations.
At the time Legendarne Zabki were active Poland went through the roughest period in its post-WWII history, with the Martial Law imposed upon its population between 1981 and 1983 and a deep economic crisis lasting throughout the decade. Music was one of the escape routes for the young Poles, with the vast majority choosing Rock as their preferential genre, which resulted in the explosion of Rock music in the country. Young musicians, who selected Jazz and Free Jazz in particular, were a tiny minority. Therefore these historic recordings bring to light an almost completely lost chapter of the country´s musical history.
The music, presented chronologically, shows a steady development of the ensemble from Free Jazz towards experimental Improvised Music, which also incorporates literary works of philosophy, prose and poetry and Avant-Garde influences. The importance of such music is mostly in the fact that it was done at all at the time. Listening to it today exposes the lack of experience of the young participants and their detachment from other Improvised Music activities in Poland and abroad. Although the ensemble lasted only a couple of years, these musicians continued to make music together from time to time and are still a part of the Polish Improvised Music scene today.
The album is released in a beautiful unique packaging and is a Limited Edition of 300 copies only. It is a collectors´ item and enthusiasts of Polish music should find this an intriguing addition to their collection. Check it out!
| Updated: 12/04/2019Posted: | CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend |
  | RYSZARD WOJCIUL UNITED ORCHESTRA ~ ZORZA PRZESLICZNA WYNIKA FILMOTEKA NARODOWA (Barcode: 5908259554495) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-World Fusion Recorded: 2022 Released: 2023
This is an album by Polish Jazz saxophonist / clarinetist / keyboardist / bandleader / producer Ryszard WojciulFind albums by this artist, recorded by a large ensemble of some of the best Polish musicians from various stylistic associations. The list is way too long to be included here, but includes vocalists Grazyna AuguscikFind albums by this artist and Dorota MiskiewiczFind albums by this artist, multi-instrumentalist Maria PomianowskaFind albums by this artist, hurdy-gurdy player Joachim MencelFind albums by this artist, guitarist Marcin OlakFind albums by this artist, bassist Maciej SzczycinskiFind albums by this artist, drummer Krzysztof SzmandaFind albums by this artist and many others.
The album presents twenty-three tracks, twelve of which are short solo vocal cantos providing the continuity to the entire musical concept of this album, and eleven are Polish Folklore Easter songs, which served as inspiration to the new, much extended songs Wojciul and his team create, preserving the traditional lyrics but taking quite a lot of liberty with the instrumental and vocal arrangements. In his liner notes Wojciul explains that despite the beautiful and extremely rich Polish Folklore Easter songs tradition it remains mostly unknown, which prompted him to produce this wonderful album, and which I of course second wholeheartedly.
Wojciul manages to transform the highly sacral / religious character of the original material into completely universal / modern musical environment, which is accessible to a much wider audience and succeeds to open up the little know beauty of these songs to general audience. His arrangements, general concept, choice of material and the participating musicians is absolutely perfect, creating an uplifting, highly spiritual and moving musical experience, which is breathtakingly beautiful.
Overall, this is a very unique and highly sophisticated musical undertaking, creating a bridge across styles, cultures, genres and emotional frames, producing a superb piece of music, which has a universal aesthetic value, beyond its original source. This is a truly inspired piece of music and the producer and the entire team can be proud of their achievement, which is absolutely heartfelt and artistically inspired. Hats off!
| Updated: 05/04/2023Posted: 04/04/2023 | CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend |