Record Reviews
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  | AN.KARA ~ SELMAS HUS GLACIER 010 (Barcode: 739608137435) ~ NORWAY ~ Jazz-World Fusion Recorded: 2022 Released: 2022
This is the debut album by the Norwegian trio An.KaraFind albums by this artist, which comprises of Polish (resident in Norway) violinist Sebastian GruchotFind albums by this artist, bassist Audun RamoFind albums by this artist and percussionist Arild NyborgFind albums by this artist. The album presents ten tracks, nine of which are original compositions credited to the trio members and one is a Norwegian Folk tune.
The music is dominated by diverse World-Music influences with a Jazzy undercurrent, offering a delightful carpet ride around the world, with Scandinavian, Balkan, Turkish, Polish and even Caribbean accents, all cleverly put together.
All three members of the band are excellent instrumentalist with vast experience in many different Musical areas, spanning from Blues to Avant-Garde Jazz (Gruchot was a member of the brilliant Sing Sing PenelopeFind albums by this artist ensemble), and that experience is clearly evident in what they are able to put forward on this album.
Despite the seemingly limited instrumental range, the trio manages to create a rich, colorful and sophisticated musical tapestry, which is a great fun to listen to and offers a highly aesthetic listening experience.
Overall, this is a great album for Jazz-World Fusion enthusiasts, modest and minimalist, but full of great original melodies and breathtaking performances, which should keep the listeners delighted for the entire duration.
| Updated: 06/03/2023Posted: 06/03/2023 | CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend |
  | GORZYCKI & DOBIE ~ NOTHING REQUIEM 086 ~ POLAND ~ Jazz Recorded: 2014 Released: 2015
This is the third and last part in a triptych of duo recordings by Polish drummer / composer Rafal GorzyckiFind albums by this artist (see his duo albums with Sebastian GruchotFind albums by this artist and Kamil PaterFind albums by this artist), this time with British guitarist / composer Jonathan DobieFind albums by this artist. The album presents seven original pieces co-composed by Gorzycki and Dobie.
In the last decade or so Gorzycki firmly established his position on the Polish scene as one of the most individual voices, amalgamating Jazz with contemporary Classical music, electronic and ambient influences and above all standing firmly as a symbol of uncompromising music creation. His work as a leader and member of such forward thinking ensembles as Sing Sing PenelopeFind albums by this artist or Ecstasy ProjectFind albums by this artist and his individual projects in duo, trio and quartet settings are all exceptional examples of individuality and excellence.
In many respects this duo album is a culmination of Gorzycki´s modus operandi, which presents a minimalistic and fragmented approach to melody and harmony, which often hints at some musical statements rather then expressing them in full, leaving it to the listener to connect the dots. Dobie is obviously an ideal partner and cohort in such circumstances, playing short fragments of rapid guitar fire, which reminds early improvising electric guitarists such as John McLaughlinFind albums by this artist or Jimmy HendrixFind albums by this artist and utilizing ancient fuzz and other sound devices. This retro sound combined with the modern approach creates an absolute stunning effect.
Of course, as in every other duo album, the interplay between the two partners is the essential ingredient of the entire project. Gorzycki´s seemingly endless palette of drums and percussion instruments and Dobie´s guitar pyrotechnics are perfectly suited for each other and their dialogs reach telepathic levels.
I am very glad that Gorzycki manages finally to achieve at least some recognition by the Polish musical "establishment", after years of being ignored and neglected beyond the small circle of his musical partners. Hopefully this recognition will enable him to create even more of his groundbreaking projects, to the delight of old and new fans. Visiting his personal web site will allow a glimpse at his huge achievements so far. This album is a must have for the many fans of the alternative Polish Jazz / contemporary music scene and is of course is highly recommended.
| Updated: 19/01/2018Posted: | CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend |
  | GORZYCKI & GRUCHOT ~ EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY FOR TUNE 0021 (Barcode: 5902768701210) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz Recorded: 2013 Released: 2013
This is the debut album by a new duo, in which two Polish musicians combine forces to create new, experimental, adventurous music: drummer / percussionist / composer Rafal GorzyckiFind albums by this artist and violinist / composer Sebastian GruchotFind albums by this artist (resident since many years in Norway). Gorzycki is one of Poland´s most prolific and fascinating activist known to listeners of contemporary Polish music from his activities as a member of such ensembles as Sing Sing PenelopeFind albums by this artist, Ecstasy ProjectFind albums by this artist and other collaborations. Gruchot also participated on several Sing Sing Penelope albums, but most of his work is in the sphere of contemporary Classical, Avant-Garde and electronic music. The album presents eight original pieces, seven of which were co-composed by the duo and the last one is by Gorzycki.
The music is a wonderful glimpse into a new musical universe, which is intimate and often minimalistic, but extremely expressive and captivating. As difficult as it is to come up with something truly innovative these days, the duo manages to do it brilliantly. The seemingly endless array of percussive sounds, rhythms and patterns that Gorzycki manages to produce is simply awe-inspiring. He is one of the very few drummers, who actually play on their instrument, rather than beat the hell out of it. Gruchot is an ideal partner in this process, as his idiosyncratic contribution on strings or electronics are also very "percussive" and compliment the sounds produced by Gorzycki.
There is very little melody here in the conventional sense, and it is up to the listener to discover and possibly to weave his own melodic content around the ambient vistas produced by the duo. Perhaps this is an opening of a new Art Form, where the listener actually participates with the musicians in the process of creation on an imaginary plane, or perhaps it´s just my feverish imagination. In any case this music is definitely something else in every sense.
In his liner notes Gorzycki says that he wanted to move away from the familiar Jazz patterns he operated within for many years. He surely managed to do it here, but rather than abandoning them he transformed them into new tools of expression. True, this is not straightforward Jazz in any sense, but why should it be. The path of constant progress, discovery and exploration is the only true path of every Artist, and we, the audience in this case, should be grateful for the gift bestowed upon us as a result.
This is definitely one of the best experimental albums recorded in Poland in 2013 and hopefully will be discovered by open-minded listeners. I ca only salute Gorzycki & Gruchot for being honest to themselves and doing their own thing. Chapeau!
| Updated: 12/04/2019Posted: | CD 1 Recommend To A Friend |
  | SING SING PENELOPE ~ MUSIC FOR UMBRELLAS MONOTYPE 008 ~ POLAND ~ Jazz Recorded: 2006 Released: 2006
This is the 2nd album by the incredible Polish Jazz ensemble Sing Sing PenelopeFind albums by this artist, led by drummer Rafal GorzyckiFind albums by this artist and also including trumpeter Wojciech JachnaFind albums by this artist, saxophonist Tomasz GlazikFind albums by this artist, keyboardist Daniel MackiewiczFind albums by this artist and bassist Patryk WeclawekFind albums by this artist. Violinist Sebastian GruchotFind albums by this artist guests on one track. They play all original music, composed mostly by Gorzycki and Jachna or credited to the ensemble. Stylistically this is an incredible mixture of many elements from Jazz, Rock, Ambient, RIO and other areas, completely eluding any attempt of pinpointing or categorization. They are definitely one of the most interesting and most consistently excellent ensembles currently active on the Polish scene, which of course is a major compliment. All these players are excellent instrumentalist, the music is fresh, unusual and truly intelligent, but in spite its complex nature manages to embrace the element of melody, which is often mostly lost in adventurous attempts tried by others. I suppose that if Frank ZappaFind albums by this artist was alive today, he´d have loved to play with these young musicians behind him, but so would a lot of other great musicians. In any case this, and the other recordings by this group, is a beacon of hope that not all is lost in music in the 21st Century. Absolutely not to be missed!
| | CD 1 Recommend To A Friend |
  | SING SING PENELOPE ~ THIS IS THE MUSIC / VOLUME 1 MW 004 (Barcode: 5903292102245) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz Recorded: 2011 - 2012 Released: 2012
This is the 6th album by the brilliant Polish ensemble Sing Sing PenelopeFind albums by this artist, formed and led by drummer Rafal GorzyckiFind albums by this artist, which includes also trumpeter Wojciech JachnaFind albums by this artist, saxophonists Aleksander KaminskiFind albums by this artist (new member) and Tomasz GlazikFind albums by this artist, keyboardist Daniel MackiewiczFind albums by this artist and bassist Patryk WeclawekFind albums by this artist. Two guest artists, who played on the ensemble´s previous recordings, are also present here: violinist Sebastian GruchotFind albums by this artist and DJ StrangefruitFind albums by this artist from Norway on live electronics. It seems that SSP (as they are known in this age of shortcuts) can do no wrong and this album is every bit as grand as everything else they attempted previously, which after six albums and ten years amounts both to a substantial body of music as much as their impeccable reputation. The music, contributed collectively or individually by all participants, is as usual a completely original mix of styles and sub-genres, disregarding boundaries and freely moving from one territory to another. Atmospheric / ambient electronic sounds over strong, pulsating rhythmic patterns and Jazz solos on top seems to be shortest way to describe this music, although it manages to escape any simple depiction, which of course means there is interesting stuff happening here. In many respects this album sums up the decade of the ensemble´s existence, covering everything from their Jazz-Rock efforts, through the Free Jazz improvisations and recent ambient vistas. In retrospect SSP emerge as perhaps the most interesting phenomenon of the first decade of the 21st Century on the Polish scene, being the most consistent, searching and completely disregarding fads group of young musicians around. An absolute must to any serious Jazz listener, wishing to reach beyond the obvious!
| | CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend |
  | SING SING PENELOPE ~ WE REMEMBER KRZESELKO ELECTRIC EYE 003 (Barcode: 5905912552874) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-Classical Fusion Recorded: 2006 - 2007 Released: 2008
This is the 3rd album by excellent Polish ensemble Sing Sing PenelopeFind albums by this artist, led by drummer / composer Rafal GorzyckiFind albums by this artist, one of the most versatile and diligent Polish musicians, who also created and leads other ensembles, like Ecstasy ProjectFind albums by this artist. Gorzycki incorporates Jazz tradition with contemporary Classical music, Avant-Garde, Rock, Punk and a myriad of other genres and sub-genres, completely ignoring conventions, like many of his Polish contemporaries on the off-centre music scene. His recording legacy in the last decade is quite prolific, presenting many quite contrasting, but always intriguing musical vistas. This album is definitely one of the most interesting of his recordings, and one of the best albums coming out of Poland in the first decade of the 21st Century. On this album the ensemble includes trumpeter Wojciech JachnaFind albums by this artist, saxophonist Tomasz GlazikFind albums by this artist, keyboardist Daniel MackiewiczFind albums by this artist and bassist Patryk WeclawekFind albums by this artist. Violinist Sebastian GruchotFind albums by this artist guests on four tracks. The music, all original of course, is a stunning amalgam of Modern Jazz, Avant-Rock, RIO, contemporary Classical; in short completely beyond classification. Somehow all this makes perfect sense musically and leaves the innocent listener completely stunned. The strange thing is that this music might appeal to Jazz and Rock (especially Progressive Rock) audiences with equal might, but certainly it´s extremely unlikely someone might stay indifferent to it. In short this is a blast of an album, which took me by complete surprise and made me return to it several time already. As to the album´s title, I have no idea what the ensemble really meant, even after watching the short video included on the album, but my guess would be that it´s a pun on the many Polish Jazz albums dedicated to the memory of Krzysztof KomedaFind albums by this artist, including the famous "We`ll Remember KomedaFind albums with this title" album? In any case this album is an absolute must!
| Updated: 12/04/2019Posted: | CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend |
  | SING SING PENELOPE / DJ STRANGEFRUIT ~ ELECTROGRIDE MOZG 001 ~ POLAND ~ Jazz Recorded: 2010 Released: 2010
This is the 5th album by the sensational Polish ensemble Sing Sing PenelopeFind albums by this artist, recorded in cooperation with Norwegian DJ StrangefruitFind albums by this artist (real name Pal NyhusFind albums by this artist) and Polish (resident in Norway) violinist Sebastian GruchotFind albums by this artist. The regular SSP lineup (trumpeter Wojciech JachnaFind albums by this artist, saxophonist Tomasz GlazikFind albums by this artist, keyboardist Daniel MackiewiczFind albums by this artist, bassist Patryk WeclawekFind albums by this artist and drummer / percussionist Rafal GorzyckiFind albums by this artist) is slightly changed with saxophonist Aleksander KaminskiFind albums by this artist fulfilling the position of the absent Glazik. The circumstances surrounding the recording of this album are connected to the Smolensk catastrophe, in which a plane carrying Polish Government officials crushed killing everybody on board. The musicians who recorded this album were suppose to tour Polish clubs, but as a result of the mourning the concerts were cancelled and instead they recorded the album, which was distributed free of charge in the clubs, where the concerts were supposed to be played. Of course today this album is a rare collector´s item. Musically this album marks another expansion of SSP already adventurous music into new territory, with the inclusion of electronics and ambient elements. The music becomes more contemplative and spacey, in comparison to their earlier efforts, but the Jazz solos and overall atmosphere is unmistakably SSP. Another innovation is the use of World Music percussive elements by Gorzycki, which adds another dimension to the music. The album´s ac hoc nature and the short (EP size) repertoire are all results of the on the spot decision to make the album at the time and the fruition of the ideas contained herein was fully realized in their next album. In retrospect this little gem appends a valuable add-on to the splendid recorded legacy of the ensemble so far and as usual is a splendid piece of contemporary music of rare quality.
| | CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend |