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16 Reviews Found. Use search to find more reviews or follow the links in the review text.

KAAN 003 (Barcode: 5908259907031) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-World Fusion

Recorded: 2012 Released: 2013

This is the third album by Polish guitarist / composer Piotr DomagalaFind albums by this artist, recorded in an intimate trio format with trumpeter / flautist Adam KawonczykFind albums by this artist and percussionist Slawomir BernyFind albums by this artist. The same lineup recorded also Domagala´s previous album called "Slavonic TalesFind albums with this title". The album presents nine original compositions, all by Domagala.

The music is a wide amalgam of influences, including World Music form Far and Near East and Domagala´s domestic Polish Folklore, obviously Jazz but also some Classical Music hints, in short a cross-genre offering, which sounds absolutely brilliant from start to finish. The music is serene and relaxed, based on exquisite melodies, which serve as a basis for extensive improvisations and elaborate expansions. Even the up-tempo numbers sound perfectly peaceful and focused.

The guitar is of course at the center of the listener´s attention, often multi-tracked to achieve a richer and more spacey sound, but the trumpet / flute and the superb percussion work all add up to make this album an unforgettable experience. In addition the music is beautifully recorded, with excellent detail and separation, which allows every singe note and tone to be perfectly audible.

Domagala´s guitar playing is nothing short of virtuosic and his technique allows him to express the depth of his aesthetics and the beauty of his compositions. When talent, experience and dedication come together, like on this album, the result is simply overwhelming and the minimalism of this music works in its favor, creating a superb result in which every single note counts.

Overall this is an album of rare beauty, which every guitar connoisseur on this planet should absolutely fall in love with. Although recorded a few years before it arrived on my desk (courtesy of the creator) it is definitely way too good to be ignored and I hope some people will discover this gem now; better late than never. An absolute must!
Updated: 10/06/2017Posted: 10/06/2017CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

GAP (Barcode: 5905669506014) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-Classical Fusion

Recorded: 2016 Released: 2016

This is the fourth album by Polish Jazz guitarist / composer Piotr DomagalaFind albums by this artist, recorded in an unusual setting with the Kwartet SlaskiFind albums by this artist String Quartet (violinists Szymon KrzeszowiecFind albums by this artist and Arkadiusz KubicaFind albums by this artist, violist Lukasz SyrnickiFind albums by this artist and cellist Piotr JanosikFind albums by this artist) and percussionist Slawomir BernyFind albums by this artist. Together they perform eleven original compositions, all by Domagala.

The music is an interesting amalgam of Jazz, Fusion, Classical Music and World Music, a true cross-genre voyage, based on beautiful melodic themes and featuring interesting and unique arrangements. The compositions are full of typical Polish / Slavic melancholy and mysticism, expressed both by the melodic / harmonic setting and the complex arrangements, fabulously executed by the string quartet, which often sounds like layers of synthesizers rather than violins, viola and cello. In that respect this is one of the most unique projects I came across in 2016 not only on the Polish scene, but worldwide.

Domagala is a very accomplished guitarist and plays many breathtaking passages on this album. Most of the guitar work is acoustic and uses a plethora of different guitar techniques. A few electric parts are also present, but those are overall less significant as the album presents mostly a serene, intimate atmosphere, which is best served by the acoustic approach, which of course also corresponds well to the string quartet.

The string quartet, as already mentioned, is absolutely superb, playing completely originally and free of any Classical Music conventions, which often limit classical musicians and cause their cooperation with Jazz musicians to fail miserably. In this case the cooperation works out perfectly and the string quartet contributions are equally important to those of the leader.

Berny is an ideal choice for this album, where his great sensitivity and rhythmic proficiency suit the music perfectly. Berny´s experience with World Music and Jazz oriented projects is very extensive and his contributions here emphasize the rhythmic qualities of the music gracefully.

Overall this is a striking album, which presents ambitious and innovative music, superbly executed by the participating musicians. It is a wonderful example of intelligent music, which can also be very emotional and aesthetically pleasing.

The album, which was recorded in the excellent RecPublica Studios, offers a stunning sound quality, which should satisfy even the sternest Hi-Fi connoisseurs. Wholeheartedly recommended!
Updated: 25/11/2016Posted: 25/11/2016CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

EMI 5099901770827 (Barcode: 5099901770827) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-World Fusion

Recorded: 2012 Released: 2012

In autumn of 2011 I had the pleasure of being present at the opening concert of the Singer´s Warsaw Festival, which featured Poland´s most prominent World Music ensemble KrokeFind albums by this artist and their guest, superstar vocalist Anna Maria JopekFind albums by this artist. Jopek, who in recent years discovered World Music herself, as evident on her latest recordings, was nevertheless quite a surprising partner for Kroke, and considering she only landed in Warsaw a few hours before the concert and managed only a brief rehearsal with them, things were quite tense. But when the lights went out and the music started, it was obvious that magic was in the air that night and for the next two hours the audience was completely mesmerized. Obviously the very same magic prompted Kroke to include Jopek on this, their next studio album.

Kroke, which consists of viola player Tomasz KukurbaFind albums by this artist, accordionist Jerzy BawolFind albums by this artist and bassist Tomasz LatoFind albums by this artist, started in the early 1990s as a Klezmer band, one of numerous such bands established in Poland as a result of the Renaissance of the Jewish Culture in the country. They started to perform at Krakow´s old Jewish district Kazimierz, which became a fashionable tourist attraction, and in time their reputation grew. They were lucky to gain international attention and soon became the resident ethnic stars. In time they left Klezmer music almost entirely and embraced World Music originating in many different cultural spheres and added noticeable Jazz influence to their music.

For this album Kroke joined forces with, in addition to the a.m. Anna Maria Jopek, also the excellent drummer Slawomir BernyFind albums by this artist and pianist / composer / arranger Krzysztof HerdzinFind albums by this artist, who co-produced the album, composed and arranged some orchestral intros to the band´s music and conducted the Sinfonietta CracoviaFind albums by this artist, which performed the orchestral parts. The album presents twelve pieces, eleven of which are original compositions by the band´s members and one is by the pioneer of modern Klezmer music Harry KandelFind albums by this artist. As the title suggests, the band intended to "take a step" into a more "symphonic" sound for their music, utilizing the orchestra.

Unfortunately, intentions aside, the album fails to achieve the same level of excitement and spontaneous inspiration, which characterized the live concert I witnessed. Although Jopek delivers some superb vocal parts, they constitute only a small contribution to the entire project. The orchestral arrangements sound quite out of place in this case, turning the free spirit of World Music into a housebroken animal, which is a pity. Some things simply don´t go well together. Overall there is plenty of great music here and even if the album sounds very commercial at times, it was created by excellent musicians, who meant well.
 CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

UNIVERSAL MUSIC POLSKA 602508282867 (Barcode: 602508282867) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-World Fusion

Recorded: 2018 Released: 2019

This is an album by veteran Polish Jazz-World ensemble KrokeFind albums by this artist, which consists of violist / multi-instrumentalist Tomasz KukurbaFind albums by this artist, accordionist Jerzy BawolFind albums by this artist and bassist Tomasz LatoFind albums by this artist. Percussionist Slawomir BernyFind albums by this artist guest on some of the tracks. The album presents ten original compositions three of which appear as reoccurring themes, together fourteen tracks, which were created as the soundtrack for the Warsaw´s Jewish Theatre performance of the spectacle "Rejwach", based on the book of the same title, directed by my Friend, Polish / American director Andrzej KrakowskiFind albums by this artist. All the music was co-composed by the Kroke members and their producer / sound engineer Dariusz GrelaFind albums by this artist.

The music is everything one can expect from Kroke, which in time reached the status of one of the leading ensembles active on the Polish scene, and which always emphasizes its empathy / connection with Jewish / Klezmer music in a most authentic, albeit at the same time completely original fashion. This music is completely up to date both in musical terms and its production approach, blending acoustic instruments with contemporary electronic sounds, as always with elegance and grace. Although the music has a distinct Jewish feel to it, it is also a rich amalgam of other influences, like Balkan and even Middle Easter tinges.

The themes are richly melodic, somewhat sentimental and lyrical, but never trivial or simplistic, which proves the true Artistry of its creators. "Rejwach" is a deeply charged spectacle and the music is in many aspects an antidote for the spectators, serving as a balancing factor between the often tragic subject matter and the world existing beyond the scene. It is undoubtedly one of the most successful and fitting original soundtracks created in Poland in the last few years.

But listeners, who had not been able to attend the theatre performance of "Rejwach" will be perfectly satisfied with listening to this album, which stands on its own ground perfectly securely as a separate piece of Art. Brilliantly performed by Kroke, superbly recorded and wonderfully put together, this is beautiful piece of music which is a true pleasure to listen to and surely deserves repeated periodic re-visits, as it is absolutely timeless and universal.

Hats off, my Friends!
Updated: 09/01/2025Posted: 07/11/2019CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

NOT ON LABEL (Barcode: 5902659802668) ~ POLAND ~ Xmas Jazz

Recorded: 2020 - 2021 Released: 2021

This is an album by veteran Polish trio KrokeFind albums by this artist, which comprises of violist Tomasz KukurbaFind albums by this artist, accordionist Jerzy BawolFind albums by this artist and bassist Tomasz LatoFind albums by this artist. They are joined by percussionist Slawomir BernyFind albums by this artist on four tracks and the album is, as usual, co-produced by arranger / sound engineer Dariusz GrelaFind albums by this artist. The album presents the trio’s arrangements of eleven traditional Christmas Carols, which originate from nine European countries as well as from some Classical sources.

Although Xmas Jazz albums are almost always a nauseating schmaltz, Kroke are not that kind of musicians to stoop so low and record some music just to make a buck, although making music and recording albums is not an easy path to earn money anyway these days. This means that this is by far not your usual Xmas Jazz album by any means; the choice of material, which eschews trivial and boring pieces, and the arrangements as well as the passionate execution are up to par with their reputation earned honestly by years of hard work.

Kroke have a rare ability to transform any kind of music they play into their own musical universe, which is well documented by their recorded legacy. Regardless if this is Jewish music, which was their initial passion, or World Music or various cross-genre excursions, they always manage to color the music with their individual voicing, often transposing the original music into quite different musical environment, as often happens also on this album. If heard without looking at the album’s artwork, Xmas music would probably hardly even cross the listener’s mind, as a result of this music offering such universal point of reference and combining so many traditions. They even manage to turn “Silent Night” into something that might come from Mongolia.

Personally I find this to be one of the best Kroke albums, despite the fact that I enjoy all of their recorded legacy. It offers a melancholic, moody, somewhat restrained atmosphere, which for me is more penetrating than complex and heavily orchestrated arrangements. The enchanting sound of the viola, which is rarely put up front, is completely mesmerizing, and the precise bass pulsations are the life rhythm of this music, with the accordion parts being like honey on a piece of cake, keeping it all together. Sounds corny? Well I am that kind of person, who lets the music get to me ;)

Overall, Xmas or no Xmas, this is a splendid piece of music, excellently performed and beautifully recorded, which is a pleasure to listen to regardless if it snows outside or hot winds are blowing (down under). A very Merry Xmas to you, my Friends!
Updated: 22/12/2021Posted: 22/12/2021CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

UNIVERSAL MUSIC POLSKA 602557487787 (Barcode: 602557487787) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-World Fusion

Recorded: 2016 Released: 2017

In 2017 the Polish Jazz-World Fusion trio KrokeFind albums by this artist celebrates its 25th Anniversary and this album is a part of these celebrations. Violinist / multi-instrumentalist Tomasz KukurbaFind albums by this artist, accordionist Jerzy BawolFind albums by this artist and bassist Tomasz LatoFind albums by this artist founded the band in 1992 in Krakow, initially as a Klezmer oriented band, but over the years expanded their horizons to encompass a wide kaleidoscope of ethnic inspirations, which embrace the entire world. The Mediterranean musical spices are at the heart of their music, which amalgamates Jewish, Greek, Turkish, Balkan, Arabic and many other influences, creating a rich tapestry of sounds and rhythms, rarely accomplished by other ensembles of this kind.

Kroke invited an old friend and wonderful drummer / percussionist Slawomir BernyFind albums by this artist to take part in the recording of this album, which presents ten (or eleven on this Deluxe Edition) original pieces of music, mostly composed by the members of Kroke, some with the participation of Dariusz GrelaFind albums by this artist, who also helped to arrange and was in charge of the recording of this album, which offers a spectacular sonic result.

The music of Kroke is a soundtrack, which takes the listener from one place on the surface of our small planet, to another, doing so with grace and elegance. The transition feels completely natural and the music more hints than actually points to a specific location, leaving a lot to the listener´s imagination. The album´s title, which symbolizes Kroke´s experiences gained during their extensive voyages and their encounters with People and their diverse Cultures, also describes no less accurately the experience that the listener is going through while listening to the music, as if travelling on a magic carpet with new vistas appearing before his eyes and ears while the journey continues.

Of course the level of performances by the musicians involved in no less than spectacular all the way through, but in the overall picture the instrumental intricacies are less important than the total effect this music creates. Only repeated listening can be dedicated to the discovery of the infinite riches this music offers, the elaborate arrangements and the virtuosic solo parts.

Overall this album is a beautiful piece of World Music, which emphasizes the beauty of Cultures all over our planet and demonstrates what happens when openness and acceptance overcomes barriers of fear and estrangement.

The secret of cooking tells us to use as many seemingly incompatible spices in one dish, as long se we keep the proportions right. Kroke cooked a wonderful musical meal for us, which leaves us simply to feast on it. Like good wine, Kroke still gets better with the passing of time, which is a true celebration and a blessing!
Updated: 16/09/2017Posted: 16/09/2017CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

SJ 051 (Barcode: 5902596066611) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz & Poetry

Recorded: 2018 - 2019 Released: 2020

Although hardly a newcomer on the Polish Jazz scene, this is the bona fide debut album by vocalist / composer / lyricist Inga LewandowskaFind albums by this artist. Recorded in a quintet setting with trumpeter Piotr SchmidtFind albums by this artist, keyboardist Przemyslaw RaminiakFind albums by this artist, bassist Grzegorz PiaseckiFind albums by this artist and drummer / percussionist Slawomir BernyFind albums by this artist – a formidable team by all means. The music also features the Baron Chamber OrchestraFind albums by this artist, led and conducted by Piotr BaronFind albums by this artist.

The album presents eleven original songs, all composed by Lewandowska and featuring her lyrics, as well and ten poems and numerous paintings also by her, included in the lavish digibook packaging of the album.

It is not surprising that the album firmly belongs to the Polish Jazz & Poetry idiom, since Lewandowska´s earlier recordings were also strongly connected to literary / poetry subject matter. She continues this heartfelt affiliation splendidly also herein.

The songs are all absolutely wonderful, offering modern Jazz without compromise and shortcuts, melody based and precisely arranged, but in many respects also unconventional and innovating, still within the mainstream but obviously at the very edge of the idiom. Not surprisingly the Polish melancholy is omnipresent, but not overbearing.

Surprisingly Lewandowska utilizes a significant amount of vocalese in addition to straightforward singing of the lyrics, which transports this album somewhat away from a traditional vocal Jazz album. Her highly theatrical delivery of the texts, full of wonderful mannerisms that seem to pop out of nowhere, but make perfect sense time after time, is really refreshing. As a result the vocals become as much an instrument performing side by side with the four instrumentalists, with the vocals standing "separately" on their own. Her vocal abilities and surprisingly "youthful" timbre, which creates a charming contrast to the content of the lyrics, ale absolutely delightful.

The four instrumentalists are all Masters of the trade and they manage to utilize their experience and talents to suit this music ideally. Schmidt torches the air with his trumpet soloing, Raminiak lays out layers of delicate harmonic accompaniment and most of the time stays in the background. Soloing sparingly. Piasecki is a pillar of stability and precision, keeping the music chronometrically in time and swinging, whereas Berny brilliantly ornaments the proceedings with his percussive paraphernalia, rather than just keeping the time. The string arrangements are no less brilliant, very delicate and sophisticated, adding another layer of sound and harmony, which takes the music far and beyond.

Overall this is a wonderful album, long expected and deserving a lot of praise in view of its qualities, which arrives late, but the awakening (pun intended) is never too late, and in these gloomy days of despair and desolation, is a true ray of sunshine. Well done Milady, Godspeed!
Updated: 29/10/2020Posted: 29/10/2020CD 1 Digibook Recommend To A Friend

UNIVERSAL MUSIC POLSKA 602557360660 (Barcode: 602557360660) ~ POLAND ~ Sung Poetry

Recorded: 2016 Released: 2017

This is a live recording of a concert, which presents a series of compositions by composer Zbigniew PreisnerFind albums by this artist with texts by poetess Ewa LipskaFind albums by this artist. The music is performed by several vocalists, including Lisa GerrardFind albums by this artist, Edyta KrzemienFind albums by this artist and others, a large mixed choir and many instrumentalists, including pianist Dominik WaniaFind albums by this artist, organist Jozef SkrzekFind albums by this artist, percussionist Slawomir BernyFind albums by this artist and others. Both Lipska and Preisner also contribute spoken / sung parts. The 2CD album presents twenty-two tracks, which are also available on the enclosed DVD.

The music, which encompasses Classical, Folkloristic and Popular music elements, offers a form of a contemporary oratorio, but the subject matter is completely secular, and touches on deeply philosophical / political / social matters, which trouble the Polish society, as much today as it did through the ages. Lipska’s tongue, sharp as a razor, is completely ruthless and slaughters holly cows by the dozen, often shockingly “in the face”, which often is the only way to jiggle people out of their lethargy. Preisner’s music fits the “wild” and provocative lyrics perfectly, creating an amalgam of somber, deadly serious atmosphere with seemingly lighter interludes of cabaret-like textures.

Of course one can always ponder on the effectiveness of “protesting” in Art, and the realization that even the most talented human beings, like Allen GinsbergFind albums by this artist and the entire Beat Generation, or Bob DylanFind albums by this artist and the entire Protest Generation, or Marek GrechutaFind albums by this artist, or Julian TuwimFind albums by this artist managed to change anything in the long run, prevent wars, social injustice or human stupidity. And yet, the Artists simply must do, what they do, since they just wouldn’t be Artists if they wouldn’t do what they do, hoping that someone will hear what they mean.

Overall, this is a monumental stage enterprise, which forces the listener to face a mirror, and which uses an entire arsenal of Cultural armament: music, poetry, spoken word, etc. to make one simple, but powerful statement: “wake up! I consider myself extremely happy to be able to count several of the protagonist of this ambitious masterpiece as my friends. Thank you for the words and the sounds!
Updated: 24/05/2024Posted: 24/05/20242CD+DVD 3 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

FLID 001 ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2011 - 2012 Released: 2012

This is the fourth album by the Polish vocalist Beata PrzybytekFind albums by this artist and her debut as a singer / songwriter. After releasing three consecutive albums between 2003 and 2005, Przybytek took almost seven years to come up with this album, which presents sixteen songs written by her to lyrics (in English) by Alicja MaciejowskaFind albums by this artist (thirteen songs) and her own (the remaining three songs). She is accompanied by a wonderful ensemble of gifted and sympathetic instrumentalists, which includes the keyboardist / arranger Tomasz KalwakFind albums by this artist, who is responsible for the truly excellent and highly skilled musical settings created for her songs. Other players include guitarist Damian KuraszFind albums by this artist, pianist Boguslaw KaczmarFind albums by this artist, bassists Tomasz KupiecFind albums by this artist and Adam KowalewskiFind albums by this artist, drummers Arek SkolikFind albums by this artist, Krzysztof DziedzicFind albums by this artist and Filip MozulFind albums by this artist and percussionist Slawomir BernyFind albums by this artist. Several guest musicians also appear, among them trumpeter Piotr WojtasikFind albums by this artist, vibraphonist Bernard MaseliFind albums by this artist, organist Jan SmoczynskiFind albums by this artist and others.

Przybytek started her career as a Jazz vocalist, but her last album ("WonderlandFind albums with this title"), which comprised entirely of songs by Stevie WonderFind albums by this artist, saw her already flirting with Pop, Soul and Rhythm And Blues. This album, which focuses on her songwriting as much, if not more, as on her performances, takes her into new territory, which in a beautiful amalgam of Pop, Blues, Gospel, Soul and Jazz. The artistic level of her songwriting is formidable and these sixteen songs are all jewels in their own right, quite diverse and beautifully full of character. I must admit that at first hearing I could hardly believe my ears as I haven´t heard such a sublime collection of new songs in a very long time.

The vocal performances are also first-class, somewhat similar to the mannerisms of Etta JamesFind albums by this artist / Amy WinehouseFind albums by this artist, but with a wonderfully warm tone and total control of timbre and expression. It´s a pity she chose to sing in English as I personally am quite convinced that if she sang these songs in her native language the result would have been even more stunning. Well, one can´t win them all. Still this is one of the best albums of its kind that I´ve heard in a very long time.

The instrumental parts are, as already mentioned, simply delightful. Each song gets quite a different treatment, which keeps the album changing mood and ambiance often, as well as the instrumentation. The guest musicians get to deliver their respective solo spots and it sure looks like a great time was had by all during the recording sessions.

This album is also a wonderful example of high quality music, which can be overtly accessible, without compromising even an iota of its intrinsic value. Every music lover should have a field day with this brilliant piece of music. Hats off, Beata! Silesia rulez again!
Updated: 08/05/2023Posted: CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

FLID 003 (Barcode: 5908254159718) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-Soul Fusion

Recorded: 2015 - 2017 Released: 2017

This is the long anticipated fifth album by Polish singer / songwriter Beata PrzybytekFind albums by this artist. It presents twelve original songs composed by Przybytek, nine of which feature English lyrics by Alicja MaciejowskaFind albums by this artist, two feature Polish lyrics by Dariusz DuszaFind albums by this artist and one features Polish lyrics by Grzegorz WasowskiFind albums by this artist. There is also a bonus track (lucky thirteen) written by Polish poet Andrzej PoniedzielskiFind albums by this artist and guitarist / composer Jakub ChmielarskiFind albums by this artist. The recording of the album lasted for almost two and a half years, spans several recording studios and features some of the best Polish Instrumentalist, many of them associated with Polish Jazz. Keyboardist Tomasz KalwakFind albums by this artist is again in charge of the arrangements and production and other musicians involved include keyboardists Boguslaw KaczmarFind albums by this artist and Pawel TomaszewskiFind albums by this artist, guitarists Damian KuraszFind albums by this artist and the a/m Jakub Chmielarski, bassists Adam KowalewskiFind albums by this artist, Robert SzewczugaFind albums by this artist and Andrzej SwiesFind albums by this artist, drummers Pawel DobrowolskiFind albums by this artist, Filip MozulFind albums by this artist and Arek SkolikFind albums by this artist, percussionist Slawomir BernyFind albums by this artist, saxophonists Marek PodkowaFind albums by this artist and Mariusz MaczkaFind albums by this artist and trumpeter Sebastian SoldrzynskiFind albums by this artist. Vocalist Beata BednarzFind albums by this artist guests on one track.

About five years ago the previous album by Przybytek ("I`m Gonna Rock YouFind albums with this title") landed accidently on my desk and my enthusiastic review expressed my delight and joy experienced while listening to it, heralding her as one of the great hopes of the Polish vocal scene, despite the fact that she was almost completely unknown at the time. After a long wait it is even more delightful to hear that my "discovery" proved to be spot on and Przybytek delivered another masterpiece, not only on the Polish scale, but surely on a world scale as well. There are only a handful of other singer / songwriters active today who are able to write such wonderfully heartfelt songs and deliver them with such passion, conviction and seductive magnetism. Each and every one of these songs is an absolute gem, with no weak moments on the entire album.

Although rooted in Jazz, Przybytek made a very conscious and in retrospect astute decision to move towards Soul, Rhythm And Blues and sophisticated Pop, which suit both her warm, sexy voice and obviously also her musical inclinations better than the Jazz idiom she started with. It takes a lot of intuition and self-confidence to make decisions like that, which in Przybytek´s case paved the way for her spectacular success. She truly "found herself" perfectly on this album, which directly projects on its quality, making it as "perfect" musically as albums get.

Of course Przybytek´s vocals are more polished than on her earlier recordings, luckily not destroying her natural vocal qualities, which are still convincing and heartbreaking. Although I prefer her singing Polish lyrics (as usual in my case) her delivery of the English lyrics are spotless and completely natural. The instrumental work by all the musicians involved is absolutely stunning, as expected. My personal favorites are the organ parts played by Tomaszewski, who is superb as always, but the overall level of performances is simply extraordinary.

This is obviously one of the best Polish albums released in 2017, regardless of what other critics may say. Over the years I have completely lost confidence in the Polish music awards scene, including the "Fryderyki", which have become a complete farce, but if any Polish album deserves the title of album of the year 2017, this is it! Przybytek is the epitome of talent and professionalism, which sadly are not in high esteem any more.

Personally I wish to thank you Beata for fulfilling my belief in you, for writing such beautiful songs, for singing them so exquisitely and for making this dark, sad world a better place, even if only for some fifty six minutes and twenty two seconds ;) Go Women!
Updated: 08/05/2023Posted: 24/12/2017CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

NOT TWO 767 (Barcode: 5907589871678) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2005 Released: 2005

This is the third album by Polish Jazz vocalist Beata PrzybytekFind albums by this artist, recorded with her quartet, which comprises of pianist Dorota ZaziabloFind albums by this artist, bassist Konrad BasiukFind albums by this artist and drummer Ryszard BalcerFind albums by this artist. Guest artists include percussionist Slawomir BernyFind albums by this artist, guitarists Jacek KrolikFind albums by this artist and Jaroslaw SmietanaFind albums by this artist and veteran saxophonist Janusz MuniakFind albums by this artist. On this album Przybytek says farewell to the Jazz standards songbook, which she used on her two earlier recordings, and dedicates this entire project to songs by the great Stevie WonderFind albums by this artist, selecting ten of his well-known tunes and presenting them in new arrangements, which results of course in a tribute album of sorts.

Wonder´s songs, although catchy and beautifully melodic, are by no means straightforward musically and Przybytek takes quite a risk here attempting to re-invent the Master singer / songwriter by changing his original songs utilizing a Jazzy arrangement but also playing around with the melodies harmonically, twisting them and altering their tempi, usually to half the original speed. Somehow magically all this works out fine and the resulting music has a life of its own; still close enough to the source to be easily identified but at the same time significantly different to make things interesting.

Her vocal performances are her best to date, showing undeniably that she sings well when not limited by stylistic restrictions, i.e. her Jazz education and experience, utilizing mannerisms and vocal routines commonly used in Soul, Rhythm And Blues and even Rock. All these influences finally amalgamate in her vocal performance on this album, which immediately put her on a completely new plane musically. Her vibrato is simply irresistible, causing goose bumps and other inexplicable physical and metaphysical effects to the innocent listener.

She gets a very sympathetic support from the quartet, especially the acoustic bass, which is right at her side at all times supporting her wonderfully. The percussionist plays on several tracks, keeping his arsenal to minimum, which is very tasteful and rare since percussionists often tend to dominate every recording they´re on. Both guitarists and the saxophonist solo briefly, ornamenting the album but not adding any vital contributions, which would change its quality.

All in all this is a very bold statement, beautifully executed and full of wonderfully sensitive musical tricks and treats. It takes more that a single listening sessions to really appreciate this album, but that is quite customary for all quality musical ventures as this one. A few more spins and the listener is hooked entirely. In many respects this album could appeal to a wide range of music connoisseurs, both those who prefer Jazz and those who like Pop material. Quality is a universal heart opener, and this album definitely opens many hearts!
Updated: 08/05/2023Posted: CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend

SLOWMUSIC 04 ~ POLAND ~ Smooth Jazz

Recorded: 2023 Released: 2024

This is the 4th album (1st live) by Polish Jazz ensemble SlowFind albums by this artist (now Slow The BandFind albums by this artist), which comprises of guitarist Tomasz KaczmarczykFind albums by this artist, saxophonist Leszek SzczerbaFind albums by this artist, keyboardist Krzysztof WerminskiFind albums by this artist, bassist Tomasz GrabowyFind albums by this artist, percussionist Slawomir BernyFind albums by this artist and drummer Lukasz SobolakFind albums by this artist. The album presents eleven tracks, eight of which are co-composed by Kaczmarczyk and Werminski and three are composed by Kaczmarczyk. The live recording offers excellent sound quality and a robust funky vibe.

The music continues the same attitude the ensemble assumed from its very early stage, which is playing highly melodic, solidly composed, almost danceable and entertaining music, which does not pretend to be anything beyond what’s out there: a high quality entertainment, without compromising artistic values and avoiding pretentious assumptions. These are all excellent, professional and dedicated musicians, who want to bring to the audience some fun, relaxed music, which is a true pleasure to listen to.

All three soloists offer first-rate soloing, and the guitar parts are certainly as good as those produced by some of the most famous international names. The rhythm section is also absolutely perfect for the job and Berny shows his amazing percussion technique, which is always breathtaking.

Overall, this is an excellent piece of Jazz music from the easier side of the spectrum, which is surely accessible to a wide audience, and which is a great opportunity to relax and enjoy some great tunes without too much brain-hacking. Perhaps some Jazz snobs will, as usual, turn their long noses, but it’s them who are missing all the fun. In these depressing time, this is a true ray of sunshine!
Updated: 22/06/2024Posted: 22/06/2024CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

SM 002 (Barcode: 5905068087008) ~ POLAND ~ Smooth Jazz

Recorded: 2020 - 2021 Released: 2022

This is the third album by Polish ensemble SlowFind albums by this artist, co-led by guitarist / composer Tomasz KaczmarczykFind albums by this artist and pianist Krzysztof WerminskiFind albums by this artist. The current lineup includes also saxophonist / flautist Leszek SzczerbaFind albums by this artist, bassist Tomasz GrabowyFind albums by this artist and drummer / percussionist Slawomir BernyFind albums by this artist. The album presents nine original compositions, all by Kaczmarczyk.

The album continues the path set by its two predecessors, offering a melody based Smooth Jazz / Fusion, which is perfectly executed by the ensemble. Some changes are noticeable, since this time the album is entirely instrumental, with more emphasis on the guitar, and of course the brilliant percussion work by Berny, which is immediately recognizable and highly effective.

Slow cover an ungrateful territory on the Polish Jazz scene, as the kind of music they play is often trivialized by critics and social media, who are unable to distinguish between schmaltz and genuine Smooth Jazz, which is a legitimate sub-genre and often produces more rewarding music that other sub-genres preferred by the Jazz snobs. It takes real talent to compose a beautiful tune, and play it with taste and skill.

Overall, this is a kind of album that is great fun to listen to, without burning too many cerebral cells, and which brings a smile on the listener’s face rather than push him into despair and misanthropy. Personally I respect the choices the musicians made, as long as they stand behind them honestly and consistently, which is true in this case. If you are looking for some good time, this is definitely an album to put on in the background.
Updated: 12/08/2022Posted: 12/08/2022CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

JSR 0011 (Barcode: 5901119902399) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-Rock Fusion

Recorded: 2009 Released: 2009

This is a stunning tribute album to the Polish violin virtuoso / composer Zbigniew SeifertFind albums by this artist by the great Polish guitarist Jaroslaw SmietanaFind albums by this artist and his band: pianist Piotr WylezolFind albums by this artist, bassist Zbigniew WegehauptFind albums by this artist, drummer Adam CzerwinskiFind albums by this artist and percussionist Slawomir BernyFind albums by this artist. Keyboardist Janusz GrzywaczFind albums by this artist guests on two tracks. Smietana invited nine leading Jazz violinists to play along with this fabulous band, performing Seifert´s wonderful compositions. They are: Jerry GoodmanFind albums by this artist (ex-Mahavishnu OrchestraFind albums by this artist, USA), Mateusz SmoczynskiFind albums by this artist (Poland), Didier LockwoodFind albums by this artist (France), Krzesimir DebskiFind albums by this artist (Poland), Christian HowesFind albums by this artist (USA), Mark FeldmanFind albums by this artist (USA), Maciej StrzelczykFind albums by this artist (Poland), Adam BaldychFind albums by this artist (Poland) and Pierre BlanchardFind albums by this artist (France). These nine virtuosi play like there´s no tomorrow and the resulting music is simply a breathtaking trip into Seifert´s world. This is such a conglomerate of talent, that anything said beyond this would be simply superfluous. Simply grab this ASAP, as you are about to take trip of your life – violin heaven indeed!
 CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

ALLEGRO 021 (Barcode: 5901157049216) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-World Fusion

Recorded: 2010 Released: 2011

This is a very interesting concept album by veteran Polish Jazz saxophonist / composer Wojciech StaroniewiczFind albums by this artist, dedicated to African music. Staroniewicz assembled an unusual lineup, fronted by a four-saxophone brass section: himself on tenor, Przemek DyakowskiFind albums by this artist on tenor, Dariusz HerbaszFind albums by this artist on baritone and Irek WojtczakFind albums by this artist on tenor and soprano saxophones. There are no keyboards, as appropriate for African music, which are replaced by typical African instruments like marimba and kalimba, with some vibraphone, all played by Dominik BukowskiFind albums by this artist. The rhythm section comprises of bassist Janusz MackiewiczFind albums by this artist and drummer Adam CzerwinskiFind albums by this artist and two percussionists complete the lineup: Larry Okey UgwuFind albums by this artist and Slawomir BernyFind albums by this artist. The album includes seven original compositions, all by the leader, and was recorded "live" in the studio.

Rather than copying obvious African elements, Staroniewicz creates a set of compositions, which are African more in spirit than in form, a task which is most commendable and of course much more difficult. The brass arrangements sound similar to African Brass Bands, mostly those from Southern part of the continent, but what is most impressive, is that Staroniewicz presents Africa as a whole, with music influences originating from all the four corners of the Black Continent – North with its Middle-Eastern flavor, West with its typical rhythm signatures, East with its enchanting expressive melodies and South with its highly energetic, danceable spirit. The decision not to include keyboards, especially electronic ones, adds significantly to the authenticity and genuineness of the overall result.

Although obviously a team effort, especially in light of the live recording circumstances, there are plenty of great solos by all the players involved. These are all experienced and talented musicians, mostly leaders of their own ensembles and the common strength of their conglomerated effort is quite impressive. One should note that although this is obviously a Jazz-World Fusion album, the ethnic elements are not dominating the basic Jazz feel and order of things here, which happens so often in this genre. After all these are European musicians, who grew up on European aesthetics and heritage, and for them pretending to be native Africans would be ridiculous. Therefore this subtle and intelligent approach is much more effective.

In addition to the great musical content the album is also beautifully packaged and the graphic design of the digipak enclosure is simply wonderful and highly original, which proves how much thought and love went into making this album.

Highly recommended to Jazz-World Fusion enthusiasts, who should enjoy this music wholeheartedly and repeatedly, discovering the many layers it has to offer. Nice stuff!
 CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

SOLITON 1186 (Barcode: 5903684231867) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2020 Released: 2021

This is an album by veteran Polish Jazz ensemble Walk AwayFind albums by this artist, formed in the mid-1980s by drummer / composer / bandleader Krzysztof ZawadzkiFind albums by this artist. The lineup of the ensemble was remarkably stable over the years and still includes vibraphonist Bernard MaseliFind albums by this artist, saxophonist Adam WendtFind albums by this artist and bassist Tomasz GrabowyFind albums by this artist. Master percussionist Slawomir BernyFind albums by this artist joins the quartet, expanding the lineup to a quintet and guitarist Grzegorz SkawinskiFind albums by this artist guests on couple of tracks. The album presents eight tracks, seven of which are originals (three by Maseli and two each by Wendt and Grabowy) and one is by Larry CoryellFind albums by this artist.

The music is a continuation of the musical path the ensemble preferred over the years, which is an easy going mainstream Jazz, with some touches of Fusion and Smooth Jazz, all excellently put together, arranged and performed. Although definitely on the lighter side of the Jazz spectrum, this music is honest, direct and highly professional, and for listeners who love this shade of Jazz, it is simply perfect. All these musicians are so experienced and professional that they simply cannot play anything below standard. Sometimes one wonders if Jazz musicians completely forgot the concept of having a good time and all try to be over complicated to prove their worth. Well, this album is certainly all about good time, without giving away the seal of quality.

Overall, this is a pleasant, highly melodic and entertaining Jazz album, which proves that the less complex Jazz explorations can be Artistically satisfying and highly pleasurable. Great to see all these guys in such a great form!
Updated: 04/11/2021Posted: 04/11/2021CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

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