Record Reviews
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  | ALGORHYTHM ~ MANDALA ALPAKA 001 (Barcode: 191061415527) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz Recorded: 2016 Released: 2017
This is the second album by Polish Jazz quintet AlgorhythmFind albums by this artist, which comprises of trumpeter Emil MiszkFind albums by this artist, saxophonist Piotr CheckiFind albums by this artist, pianist Szymon BurnosFind albums by this artist, bassist Krzysztof SlomkowskiFind albums by this artist and drummer Slawomir KoryznoFind albums by this artist. The album presents eleven original compositions, three each by Miszk and Burnos, two co-credited to them both and three short (not-credited) pieces.
The music on this album is a significant step forward in comparison to what the quintet offered on their already quite excellent debut. It is much more complex, diverse and ambitious and includes many twists and turns, polyrhythmic layers, odd meters and multifaceted dynamics within each composition. Some World Music influences are also present. Therefore, again in comparison to their straight ahead debut album, this one is a whole new game.
The performances are also more energetic and focused, with the entire crew taking part in the proceedings, contribution and supporting each other vigorously. The teamwork on these difficult pieces it truly wonderful. The overall sound of the quintet is very contemporary and sparkling with talent and oomph, placing Algorhythm on the list of Polish Jazz ensembles, which deserve to be closely watched and which are definitely very promising in their quest to better themselves.
This is European Jazz at its best, bursting with talent, ideas and courage to explore rather than imitate, which of curse is what great music is all about. It makes me very happy to see the quintet to make such a giant step forward and I hope to catch them on stage soon. In the meantime hats off!
| Updated: 09/04/2017Posted: 09/04/2017 | CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend |
  | ALGORHYTHM ~ SEGMENTS NOT ON LABEL ~ POLAND ~ Jazz Recorded: 2014 Released: 2015
This is the debut album by the young Polish Jazz quintet AlgorhythmFind albums by this artist, which comprises of trumpeter Emil MiszkFind albums by this artist, saxophonist Piotr CheckiFind albums by this artist, pianist Szymon BurnosFind albums by this artist, bassist Krzysztof SlomkowskiFind albums by this artist and drummer Slawomir KoryznoFind albums by this artist. It presents seven original compositions, five by Burnos and two by Miszk.
The classic Jazz quintet setting and the music are all well within the mainstream Jazz tradition, presenting modern, vital and interesting European version of the standard Jazz idiom, as usual drenched in the Polish lyricism and melancholy, which characterizes Polish Jazz. The compositions are well rounded and definitely non-trivial, with many odd rhythmic patterns; with altogether create an interesting listening experience. Personally I think the two compositions by Miszk are the best on the album, but the ones by Burnos do not fall far behind. The dynamic development and atmosphere of these pieces is quite remarkable.
All three soloists perform splendidly and play several impressive passages and the rhythm section does a superb job supporting them all the way through, handling the complex rhythms elegantly and flawlessly. Again Checki seems to be the most impressive soloist on this album, but his colleagues are all gifted musicians and in time are sure to join the ranks of top Polish Jazz players.
This is definitely an impressive debut, which deserves praise and support and as always makes me wonder how such young people are able to produce such mature and well developed music. Well done indeed!
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  | ALGORHYTHM ~ TERMOMIX ALPAKA 010 ~ POLAND ~ Avant-Garde Jazz Recorded: 2018 Released: 2019
This is the third album by young Polish Jazz ensemble AlgorhythmFind albums by this artist, this time reduced to a quartet which includes trumpeter Emil MiszkFind albums by this artist, saxophonist Piotr CheckiFind albums by this artist, keyboardist Szymon BurnosFind albums by this artist and drummer Slawomir KoryznoFind albums by this artist. It presents fourteen short compositions, which are not credited on the album´s artwork and therefore assumed to be co-composed by all four members of the ensemble. In fact even the name of the ensemble is (almost) missing from the artwork.
The music and the ambience of this album are radically different from their earlier work and moves almost completely away from the traditional Jazz idiom into contemporary ambient / electronic music, Avant Rock and Avant-Garde explorations. However, Jazzy improvisations, are still an important ingredient of the music, and as such are an obvious link with the past. This album must have taken the followers of the group and the Polish Jazz scene by surprise, as it is both quite unexpected and stylistically revolutionary.
In order to appreciate this music properly one has to put aside the ensemble´s earlier work and accept the music for what it is rather than judging what it should / could have been, which some "critics" graciously implied. Of course experimenting and searching for new ways of expression is always welcome, even if it produces a less appealing or immediately accepted result.
Obviously this music sets a challenge in front of the listeners, who have to decide if they are willing to follow the musicians on their new path or let this music pass them by. The audiences are more often than not much more stagnant and conservative than the music makers, which creates the commonly accepted reserved attitude towards Avant-Garde, blaming the musicians for leaving the listeners behind, but it fact it is the listeners who are lingering behind of their own choice.
Personally I find this album as a bold and important experiment, which finds the ensemble in a transitory stage between the established and safe musical environment and a new experimental milieu, without actually quite making up their mind. The future will tell if this was just a one time venture or a start of a new aesthetics which will be further developed.
Whatever the future may hold for them, Algorhythm deserve respect for daring to experiment and looking into new forms of expression, threading the less travelled road. Their individual ability as instrumentalists is already well established and now is the time to forge their unique personal musical identities. May the Force be with you ;)
| Updated: 16/06/2019Posted: 16/06/2019 | CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend |
  | TOMASZ CHYLA ~ CIRCLESONGS POLSKIE RADIO 2208 (Barcode: 5907812244033) ~ POLAND ~ Avant-Garde Jazz Recorded: 2018 Released: 2018
This is the second album by young Polish Jazz violinist / composer Tomasz ChylaFind albums by this artist, recorded with his quintet which also includes saxophonist Piotr CheckiFind albums by this artist, pianist Szymon BurnosFind albums by this artist (also in charge of the electronic effects), bassist Krzysztof SlomkowskiFind albums by this artist and drummer Slawomir KoryznoFind albums by this artist. The album presents fifteen relatively short original compositions, all of which were collectively composed by the quintet members, grouped into three "circlesongs".
In complete contrast to the debut album, the music on this album is a cosmic jump into Avant-Garde, Free Jazz and Improvised Music, which comes as an overwhelming and complete surprise. One can expect development and progression, sometimes gradual and in other cases quite rapid, but taking such a dramatic and drastic step, like in this case, is almost unheard off.
As a result the music almost completely shuns any effort to be described. "Making love via telephone" comes to mind in this case, as words are simply inadequate to express the essence of this music, surely not adequately. So what can be said? There is almost no melody, at most short bursts of a few consecutive notes, no steady rhythm, but rather drone like passages, little dynamics and no soloing in the traditional sense. At times the music sounds like contemporary minimalist music, at others like Free Jazz group improvisation, and yet at others like Avant-Garde soundscapes of cinematic or theatre music.
But enough of trying to describe the music; which is an a priori futile attempt anyway. The most important thing is that this innovative and courageous approach works out amazingly well and the music is simply astounding. It manages to drown in the listener completely and entangle his attention like a spider´s web. The continuity and constant development creates a natural flow, which when succumbed to, takes the listener on a phantasmagorical journey into the unknown. Listening to the music for the first time is a shocking experience but consecutive listening sessions have the power of addiction.
It makes no sense to write about the individual contributions by the quintet members, as this album is a classic team effort. My praise goes to the leader, who keeps his playing on the same level, and perhaps even more modest, that his cohorts, which in this case is the most sensible decision. These players have already proved their chops on numerous other recordings, and this music is all about unison.
It is not often that a new genre / idiom / form is created in music, especially so in Jazz (in its broad meaning), but this album definitely is an eye (ears) opener in many aspects. Many of the elements used here have been tried out earlier on, but placing them together in this specific climate, order and context is completely innovative, even for the Polish Jazz scene, which bursts with innovation. One can not predict the future of course, but this album is definitely a Giant Step as far as Polish / European Jazz are concerned and only future will tell of its influence on the genre. It epitomizes everything that European Jazz stands for: innovation, inventiveness, boldness, open-mindedness, elegance and beyond all musical aesthetics, which exists only in Europe.
To put things boldly: this is a fucking great album (excuse my French) and you better believe it!
As far as I am concerned, this album is already the winner of the best Polish Jazz album for 2018 and it will take a miracle to change my mind. I am not so sure if the usual bunch of Polish Jazz "critics" will be able to swallow this music so easily, but who gives a damn. Hopefully they will, as usual, follow my lead, even when they hate the music.
| Updated: 12/04/2019Posted: 21/10/2018 | CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend |
  | TOMASZ CHYLA ~ ETERNAL ENTROPY POLSKIE RADIO 2033 (Barcode: 5907812241988) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz Recorded: 2017 Released: 2017
This is the debut album by Polish Jazz violinist / composer Tomasz ChylaFind albums by this artist, recorded in a quintet setting with saxophonist Piotr CheckiFind albums by this artist, keyboardist Szymon BurnosFind albums by this artist, bassist Krzysztof SlomkowskiFind albums by this artist and drummer Slawomir KoryznoFind albums by this artist. These four players are also members of the quintet called AlgorhythmFind albums by this artist. The album presents nine original compositions, three of which were composed by Chyla, three were co-composed by him and other members of the quintet, one was co-composed by him and his teacher at the Gdansk Music Academy Witoslawa FrankowskaFind albums by this artist and two were composed by Slomkowski.
The music is mostly modern mainstream Jazz, but allows a lot of freedom to the quintet members to spread their wings. The melodic themes are very solid, mostly lyrical, with strong ties to Polish Folklore and typical Polish melancholy, felt even on the up-tempo numbers. The level of the compositions is surprisingly mature and coherent for such young musicians / composers, and again emphasizes the incredible strength of the young Polish Jazz scene. All three soloists play some amazing solo parts on this album and the rhythm section manages to support them amicably all the way through. Slomkowski deserves special mention as his bass pulsations are a stronghold of stability on which this entire music rests. Koryzno also plays exceptionally well, proving that drumming can be creative and atypical and at the same time fulfill the role assigned to the instrument.
All five musicians are superb instrumentalists and they perform the music with passion and obvious mixture of talent and professionalism. Chyla has a surprisingly original tone and stylistic approach, quite different form other violinists active on the Polish violin scene. His playing is much closer to Polish Folklore than to classical music, which is usually the starting point for violinists and he is more open to less constrained improvisation, which at time borders with Free. He is definitely the most interesting new arrival on the crowded Polish Jazz violin scene, and a most welcome one due to his divergence.
Overall this is an outstanding debut offer, one of the strongest on the Polish Jazz scene so far this year. The creativity and inventiveness of these young musicians simply never ceases to amaze. Hats off!
| Updated: 09/06/2017Posted: 09/06/2017 | CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend |
  | EMIL MISZK / THE SONIC SYNDICATE ~ ARTIFICIAL STUPIDITY ALPAKA 013 (Barcode: 308175527811) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz Recorded: 2019 Released: 2020
This is the second album by Polish Jazz trumpeter / composer / bandleader Emil MiszkFind albums by this artist and his octet called The Sonic SyndicateFind albums by this artist, which also includes saxophonists Piotr CheckiFind albums by this artist and Kuba WiecekFind albums by this artist, trombonist Pawel NiewiadomskiFind albums by this artist, pianist Szymon BurnosFind albums by this artist, guitarist Michal ZienkowskiFind albums by this artist, bassist Konrad ZolnierekFind albums by this artist and drummer Slawomir KoryznoFind albums by this artist, same lineup as on the debut. The album presents six original compositions, which strangely are not credited on the album´s artwork and are therefore assumed to be all by the leader. The total playing time of the album is just below thirty-five minutes, which is closer to an EP than a full album.
The brilliant debut album released a couple of years earlier created enormously high expectations from the sophomore release, which are almost impossible to be fulfilled. Considering the fact that the music on this album is significantly different from that on its predecessor, any attempt to compare the two is practically fruitless. Combined with loosing the element of surprise, the resulting effect is somewhat less exciting.
Nevertheless this is still brilliant music, beautifully performed by some of the best young generation Polish Jazz musicians. The compositions are complex and combine several melodic and rhythmic themes within each of the pieces. They are all carefully designed, ordered and planned, cerebral and refined, oriented towards the "big sound" the octet is able to create, at times offering up-to-date Big Band mannerisms.
There is no doubt that Miszk and his Sonic Syndicate offer some of the cleverest music on the Polish Jazz scene, which can eventually lead to some level of estrangement with the audience. This album, as already mentioned, has a short playing time, but is so intensive and demanding that perhaps any additional material might have been simply over the top. Miszk obviously gives up almost completely his role as an instrumentalist and is completely absorbed by his role of a composer and arranger.
Overall this is a dazzling piece of music, which concentrates on highly complex, sophisticated compositions, which are difficult to follow but highly rewarding to advanced Jazz listeners. The (almost) orchestral arrangements are devilishly tricky and must have been a real challenge to perform and record, which makes me wonder if this music is possible to be played live. In any case Miszk is surely an Artist to be watched closely, as he obviously is just worming up.
| Updated: 21/07/2022Posted: 17/07/2020 | CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend |
  | EMIL MISZK / THE SONIC SYNDICATE ~ DON`T HESITATE! ALPAKA 005 (Barcode: 191924149736) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz Recorded: 2017 Released: 2018
This is the debut album as a leader by young and upcoming Polish Jazz trumpeter / composer Emil MiszkFind albums by this artist, who has made a significant mark on the local scene lately. On this album he leads an impressive octet, called Sonic SyndicateFind albums by this artist, which also includes saxophonists Piotr CheckiFind albums by this artist and Kuba WiecekFind albums by this artist, trombonist Pawel NiewiadomskiFind albums by this artist, guitarist Michal ZienkowskiFind albums by this artist, pianist Szymon BurnosFind albums by this artist, bassist Konrad ZolnierekFind albums by this artist and drummer Slawomir KoryznoFind albums by this artist. The album presents seven original compositions, all by the leader.
The stunning music consists of some of the most original Jazz compositions I have heard in many years. Miszk uses brilliantly the power of the octet, which has almost the strength and possibilities of a Big Band / Orchestral scale, to express his complex, suite like compositions, which are all multilayered, with twisted melody lines and constant tempi changes, but which in spite of their devilishly clever intricacy sound completely coherent and complete. The music moves between melodic statements of the composed themes and almost Free Form mini-improvised passages, presenting a fresh and invigorating approach to Jazz composition, which is simply phenomenal. At times the music ventures into the Brass Rock approach, fondly remembered from the work of ensembles like ChicagoFind albums by this artist and ChaseFind albums by this artist (and many more), but of course is completely brought up to date and modernized.
All the members of the octet are of course radiant instrumentalists, who are able to execute the convoluted and challenging twists and turns of the music spotlessly. The music calls mostly for an ensemble / orchestral sound and presentation, which means that individual soloing, is not the focus of this music, but rather creating sound vistas that require discipline and collaboration by all the participants; which of course does not exclude some blood-curdling solo work by the leader and others and surprising Rocky guitar statements by Zienkowski.
This music is also the epitome of European Jazz, being completely open to all musical styles and influences, managing to amalgamate them in a perfect way. There is a lot of tradition here, some conscious and some subconscious, but absolutely no stagnation or repetition. This is exactly what European Jazz aesthetics is all about – experiment and elegance, good taste and talent. This kind of music can probably only be made in Poland.
Any attempt to describe this beautiful piece of music is of course completely futile and does not replace the experience of listening to it, which of course I absolutely recommend. It is very rare that a debut album of this magnitude appears and usually it happens only once or twice in a given year, and for 2018 this is definitely it. Absolutely not to be missed!
| Updated: 07/05/2018Posted: 24/04/2018 | CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend |
  | SEKSTANS ~ SEKSTANS MULTIKULTI 010 (Barcode: 5907529223376) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz Recorded: 2011 Released: 2013
This is an excellent debut album by the young Polish Jazz sextet called SekstantFind albums by this artist and originating form the Baltic Tricity, founded and led by saxophonists Lukasz JuzkoFind albums by this artist and including saxophonist Piotr CheckiFind albums by this artist, trumpeter Dawid LipkaFind albums by this artist, pianist Szymon BurnosFind albums by this artist, bassist Maciej SadowskiFind albums by this artist and drummer Tomasz KoperFind albums by this artist. The album comprises of seven original compositions, two of which (the opening and closing tracks) are improvised pieces, three are composed by Juzko and one each by Sadowski and Koper.
As usual with the young Polish Jazz ensembles the music crosses all possible boundaries and is almost impossible to be neatly categorized. On top of the obvious Jazz tradition there are traces of Rock and even Punk (especially in the somewhat hassle-free attitude), Free Jazz and even Improvised Music excursions and many other elements, which of course make this music fascinating and unpredictable. The usage of electric piano and the brass arrangement on certain pieces take the ensemble close to Jazz-Rock Fusion, but then electronics and Ambient elements remind the listener that this is 21st Century and music is constantly changing and expanding its idioms. Underlying these stylistic explorations, the compositions present solid melodic themes, which are all quite impressive.
Both the individual abilities of these players and their collective cooperation are very impressive. As usual it´s hard to believe that these are such young players only starting their musical life´s journey. The open-mindedness and personal courage to explore non-trivial music and eschew mediocrity are truly admirable.
I eagerly anticipate the next step on this ensemble´s path, which in view of this promising debut could be even more thrilling. In the meantime this is a true little gem, which should give Jazz connoisseurs a most pleasurable listening experience. Well done!
| | CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend |