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OZELLA 077 (Barcode: 4038952000775) ~ UK ~ Avant-Garde Jazz-Classical Fusion

Recorded: 2016 Released: 2018

This is an album by British trumpeter / composer Tom ArthursFind albums by this artist recorded in a trio format with his long time collaborator pianist Richard FairhurstFind albums by this artist and Finnish drummer Markku OunaskariFind albums by this artist. The album presents six original compositions, all by Arthurs.

The music is beautifully intimate, with melodic themes sketched lightly and later improvised upon just by being gently touched by the trio members, like a balloon floating in the air. Obviously minimalist and brilliantly transparent, the music is deeply moving and in complete contrast to its form completely overwhelming and mesmerizing.

All three musicians are masters of achieving the maximum effect with a minimal number of notes and sounds. As a result the music they create consists as much of the sounds they produce as of the silence trapped within the music. The calmness and the elegance of this music are completely unique and stand above most of contemporary Jazz / Improvised Music efforts of this kind.

Arthurs indicates that the inspiration to his open compositions originates in the process of cinematic work by the Russian director Anderi TarkovskyFind albums by this artist (especially the making of his masterpiece "Mirrors"), which was based on filming a huge amount of scenes and then shuffling the selected material around until the end product was finally reached. Arthurs describes his process of creating the music on this album as "Composing like Tarkovsky", which in his case manages to achieve the same astounding outcome as in the case of Tarkovsky´s movies.

It is impossible to categorize this music by the existing genre categories, as it escapes classification, perhaps even pointing to a new musical direction, which is based on European modernism but incorporates all the beauty and emotion from all known genres and is an absolute mind-blowing and soul-expanding experience. "Quiet is the new loud", which was initially coined to describe the Nordic pop music, is hereby expanded to apply to all contemporary music.

Perhaps subconsciously, but unmistakably, this album marks a new phase for British Jazz as well, with the Kenny WheelerFind albums by this artist / John TaylorFind albums by this artist spirit omnipresent here, but taken a step further no doubt.

Overall this is a magnificent piece of music, one of the best to arrive on my desk in 2018, and wholeheartedly recommended to everybody who still looks at music as a source of joy and enlightenment.
Updated: 23/10/2018Posted: 23/10/2018CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

BABEL 2767 (Barcode: 5028159027674) ~ UK ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2006 Released: 2007

This is the debut album by the British Jazz duo, comprising of trumpeter / composer Tom ArthursFind albums by this artist and pianist / composer Richard FairhurstFind albums by this artist. The album presents nine tracks, five of which are original compositions by Arthurs, two by Fairhurst, one is co-composed by the two and finally one is by German saxophonist / composer Lothar OhlmeierFind albums by this artist.

This intimate and absolutely beautiful album is one of several recordings involving these two brilliant musicians, which are all exemplary. Both are among my favorite cotemporary British Jazz musicians and excellent composers, who manage to continue the legacy of the previous generation, which established the British Jazz sound in the 1960s and 1970s. Arthurs proudly carries on the sonic tradition of Kenny WheelerFind albums by this artist and Fairhurst that of John TaylorFind albums by this artist, and as such they simply can’t go wrong as far as my ears are concerned.

The difficult and unconventional piano / trumpet duo works absolutely perfectly here, despite the complexity, both harmonic and rhythmic, of the music, which can be also heard on their second duo album “Postcards From PushkinFind albums with this title” and their trio album “One YearFind albums with this title”, which are also absolutely delightful. They have both recorded extensively with many European Jazz musicians.

It took me a while to find a copy of this album, which is a great example of the “Art of the Duo”. I think it is still available, so my warm recommendation is to grab one ASAP, as you simply can’t go wrong with these two young pillars of the British Jazz scene, especially if you haven’t heard anything by them so far. Once you hear it, you will be hooked, I promise!
Updated: 28/04/2023Posted: 28/04/2023CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

BABEL 1194 (Barcode: 5028159000011) ~ UK ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2009 Released: 2011

This is the second album by splendid British Jazz duo comprising of trumpeter / composer Tom ArthursFind albums by this artist and pianist / composer Richard FairhurstFind albums by this artist, which presents an ambitious Jazz & Poetry project of compositions based on poems by the Russian literary genius Alexander PushkinFind albums by this artist. Commissioned and recorded by the BBC, the music was composed by Arthurs, but includes obvious improvised stretches. Of the seven pieces included on the album, one is a trumpet solo and the remaining ones are duo performances based on six fragments of Pushkin´s poems.

Since his arrival on the scene Arthurs rapidly achieved a reputation of a brilliant player and composer, backed up by a series of impressive recordings, of which this one is only a tip of an iceberg. His tonality and phrasing often display a fond memory of the work by Kenny WheelerFind albums by this artist, but having said that, he certainly has his very own voice. Arthurs seems to feel perfectly comfortable in any Jazz idiom, both the restrained melodic context and a completely improvised setting, which of course makes him one of the most versatile trumpet / flugelhorn players out there.

These intimate duets are wonderful examples of Jazz minimalism, where less is more every inch of the way. Both musicians obviously share a telepathic communication, which only happens amongst the best out there. The composed melodies and the improvised parts flow completely naturally and merge the two instruments into one voice. The wonderful natural ambience of the St. Giles Cripplegate church (located in the heart of the Barbican, London) adds its beauty to the tones made by the musicians, creating an unforgettable overall result.

Of course music like this requires the listener to immerse himself totally within the sound waves; nothing less will do. But the resulting aesthetic reward is sure to follow suit, fulfilling and overwhelming. Minimalistic environment with a stunning depth is all this is about.

Perhaps not for everyone, but this music should not be missed by any serious music connoisseur, especially by those particularly attached to British Jazz. This album proves beyond any doubt that the British Jazz scene still has a lot to offer, even if the pioneering generation of its Godfathers is slowly disappearing. Young Lions like Arthurs have a heavy responsibility to keep the splendid tradition alive and judging by his achievements he´s certainly up to it.

A beautiful, delicate, sophisticated gem of an album – a must have!
Updated: 10/09/2016Posted: 10/09/2016CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

VISION OF SOUND 002 (Barcode: 5060268641266) ~ UK ~ Free Jazz / Improvised Music

Recorded: 2015 Released: 2016

This is an album by the British Improvising Music duo comprised of trumpeter / composer Tom ArthursFind albums by this artist and Simon VincentFind albums by this artist, who generates electronic sounds. The music was recorded in real-time in a Berlin church and is completely improvised and presented on this album as two separate pieces, the first of which is divided into two and the second into three tracks.

The music is almost completely detached from the basic elements of melody, harmony or rhythm, and ventures into the abstract exploration of sound. As such it can only be absorbed on a pure emotional level, which naturally depends on the listener´s frame of mind at the time of listening to the music. There are long passages of almost complete silence or very low volume level of electronically generated sounds, which repeatedly test the listener´s patience.

Arthurs´ contributions are of course, as always, aesthetically overwhelming and the sound sculptures the musicians create together are fascinating, even though they are extremely challenging. This extreme Avant-Garde minimalism and free spirited sound creation is therefore definitely for the average listener.

Nevertheless this is definitely a valid form of musical cooperation and artistic expression, and open-minded listeners who are not afraid of experimentation should find this unique album intriguing and demanding, which is more than one can say about most of the music created these days.
Updated: 12/04/2019Posted: 16/11/2016CD 1 Recommend To A Friend

CREATIVE SOURCES 257 (Barcode: 5609063402575) ~ UK ~ Free Jazz / Improvised Music

Recorded: 2012 Released: 2013

This is the second album by the Improvised Music trio GlueFind albums by this artist, consisting of three Berlin based musicians: British trumpeter Tom ArthursFind albums by this artist, Canadian bassist Miles PerkinFind albums by this artist and Greek drummer Yorgos DimitriadisFind albums by this artist. Together they perform eight original pieces all attributed collectively to the trio members and of course all improvised.

The music is an intimate conversation between three musicians, who give each other a lot of space and respect, creating an on the fly trialogue of rare beauty. Listening to this music is like eavesdropping on a tête-à-tête by three friends, who are freely exchanging ideas and supporting each other to express them. In complete contrast to most Improvised Music recordings, this music is so minimalistic and non aggressive, that listening to it requires nothing more than an open mind and pushing conventional approach to music aside.

The trumpet work by Arthurs is obviously the most impressive piece of the puzzle, with futuristic sound vistas, virtuosic triads and single notes thrown in the air like fireworks and innovative approach to the trumpet, changing its role within the Free Jazz / Improvised Music idioms, like Don CherryFind albums by this artist did five decades earlier.

But of course Glue is all about communal experience and the work of Perkin and Dimitriadis is an integral part of the end result. Both play little of what might be considered as traditional role of the rhythm section, exploring their degrees of freedom to the max. The bass, used very percussively, in addition to the usual plucking, adds an entire layer which gives this music its bodily essence, whereas the percussion plays constantly, but never any steady rhythmic patters, simply ornamenting the overall result with a myriad of one note accents and pulsations.

The resulting music becomes a one of its kind experience, which miraculously holds water after it was recorded. Most of Improvised Music may be communicative or fascinating enough to be heard live but fails to retain the magic on record. This album proves that creating a lasting Improvised Music piece is possible.

Although Improvised Music connoisseurs are a tiny minority even among the Jazz lovers, they tend to be extremely faithful as fans, and therefore I hardly recommend to all of them to listen to this album as this music is truly worth being discovered and followed in the future.
Updated: 18/09/2016Posted: 18/09/2016CD 1 Recommend To A Friend

H3B ~ H3B
ABALONE 005 (Barcode: 3760199740046) ~ FRANCE ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2010 Released: 2010

This is the debut album by the H3BFind albums by this artist quartet, led by French pianist / composer Denis BadaultFind albums by this artist and including British trumpeter Tom ArthursFind albums by this artist and French violinist Regis HubyFind albums by this artist and bassist Sebastien BoisseauFind albums by this artist. Together they perform six original compositions, all by Badault, one of which is a two-part mini-suite.
The music of H3B is a beautiful example of European Jazz, which combines elements of Contemporary Classical music, Jazz, Free improvisation and other typical European musical forms like cabaret, burlesque, circus music and many others.
Badault manages to create incredible sound vistas, which are superbly executed by the quartet, which often sounds like a small orchestra in spite of its real size. The individual virtuosity of these four musicians and their incredible cooperation and mutual respect is truly extraordinary, and consequently so is the music.
I received the second album by the quartet ("Songs, No Songs"), recorded a couple of years later, a couple of months before I received this debut album. Reading the review of that album I see that everything applies in full here as well, proving not only the quality of the quartet but also its consistency and vision. There is so much music, elegance and aesthetics on this album, that it could be spread over several albums and still make them all extraordinary.
I hope this quartet will record again, hopefully soon, as two albums, as excellent as they are, are definitely not enough to satisfy the thirst for music of such scope and quality. Thank you for this music Messieurs!
Updated: 18/11/2016Posted: 18/11/2016CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

ABALONE 013 (Barcode: 3760199740121) ~ FRANCE ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2012 Released: 2013

This is the second album by the brilliant H3BFind albums by this artist quartet, which comprises of French pianist Denis BadaultFind albums by this artist, British trumpeter Tom ArthursFind albums by this artist, French violinist Regis HubyFind albums by this artist and bassist Sebastien BoisseauFind albums by this artist. The album presents thirteen relatively short original compositions, eight of which were composed by Badault and have distinct melodic motifs (Songs), while the remaining five are improvised by the quartet (No Songs).

The music is a stunning display of modern European Jazz, which amalgamates European Classical Chamber music, Jazz tradition and Improvised Music techniques. From start to finish, every second of this music is an absolute bliss of paralyzing intensity and staggering depth.

All four members of the ensemble are obvious virtuosi. Arthurs contributes most of the melodic content, with his deeply lyrical phrasing and crystal clear sound. Badault provides the harmonic layers beyond the trumpet solos and Huby adds his orchestration to expand the overall sound. Boisseau brilliantly keeps the rhythmic undercurrents flowing with vigor and expert sensitivity, doing such a splendid job that the obvious lack of percussion is completely forgotten.

Over time countless people have asked me for a definition of European Jazz and its characteristics. Listening to this album holds absolutely all the answers: the European aesthetics, the music tradition both Classical and Folklore, the elegance and the sophistication, which creates layer upon layer of ornamentation above the basic Jazz tradition, with an outcome, which is infinitely more satisfying. Absurdly enough, despite its complexity and intricacy this music remains beautifully melodic and coherent, even at its apex of free improvised moments.

I realize that only a handful of music listeners will ever hold this album in their hands, which of course is tragic as far as our Culture is concerned, but those touched by it will hopefully remain mentally altered for lifetime. If it was up to, me I´d have a copy of this album in every music academy around the world, Jazz Department or not, to educate our future musicians where the directions should be pointing to. Alas, this is of course but a dream…
Updated: 12/09/2016Posted: 12/09/2016CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

ECM 2306 (Barcode: 602537177776) ~ GERMANY ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2012 Released: 2013

This is the third album as a leader on the ECMFind albums on this label label by German pianist / composer Julia HulsmannFind albums by this artist, recorded in a quartet setting with British trumpeter Tom ArthursFind albums by this artist and German bassist Marc MuellbauerFind albums by this artist and drummer Heinrich KobberlingFind albums by this artist. The album presents thirteen relatively short compositions, four by Hulsmann, one by Arthurs, four by Muellbauer, one by Kobberling and the remaining three originating outside of the quartet lineup. The album was recorded at the legendary Rainbow Studio in Oslo with Jan Erik KongshaugFind albums by this artist presiding at the controls.

The first and immediate impression the listener is exposed to on this album is the stunning trumpet / flugelhorn work by Arthurs, which brings on a potent resemblance to the work of the lamented British trumpeter Kenny WheelerFind albums by this artist. However, soon enough it becomes very apparent that Arthurs has his very own personal voice, and the Wheeler resemblance is simply our desire to find a successor who would continue Wheeler´s magic rather than what Arthurs in fact delivers herein. But obviously Arthurs is destined to suffer from the "Wheeler likeness" syndrome for a while

But yes, Arthurs definitely steals the show on this album, as Hulsmann and the rhythm section are often reduced to an accompanying trio, which seems to suit everybody concerned just fine. Her solo work is mostly limited and she is happy to step back and leave the center stage to Arthurs, which is a very smart move under the circumstances.

The music itself suffers from a lack of compositional coherence and continuity and sounds somewhat alike for the entire duration of the album, with just slight tempi changes and limited harmonic versatility. As a result this album is a classic example of what ECM critics call "much ado about nothing".

So eventually it all boils down to this: an album that would have been altogether quite unremarkable is saved by the brilliant trumpet parts, which are fabulous but can´t really hide its flaws and weakness.
Updated: 11/09/2016Posted: 11/09/2016CD 1 Slipcase Recommend To A Friend

FOR TUNE 0080 (Barcode: 5902768701883) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2014 Released: 2015

This is the third album by the international ensemble led by Polish Jazz saxophonist / composer / bandleader Maciej ObaraFind albums by this artist, which includes also Polish pianist Dominik WaniaFind albums by this artist and the Norwegian rhythm section comprising of bassist Ole Morten VaganFind albums by this artist and drummer Gard NilssenFind albums by this artist, and which was expanded to a quintet with the addition of British trumpeter Tom ArthursFind albums by this artist. The album was recorded live and presents seven original pieces, five of which were composed by Obara and one each by Vagan and Arthurs. The accompanying DVD is a straight-ahead documentation of the concert and offers no additional material.

Listeners familiar with Obara´s extensive recording legacy are of course familiar with his extraordinary qualities, but his work with this ensemble surely finds him at his artistic pinnacle. The music, which ideally balances the concept of composed music with the idiom of Free Jazz and extended improvisation, is a wonderful example of what contemporary European Jazz is all about.

With the addition of Arthurs to its ranks, the ensemble, in its classic Jazz Quintet setting, finally reaches the full power of expression, which enables it to present the full scale of solo and group improvisation. The musical approach if completely open, allowing the musicians to make lengthy individual statements, but also to create internal subset ensembles, like duets or trios, which are spontaneously created jus for a relatively brief duration. This fluctuating lineup and constant mutations are both fascinating musically and demanding intellectually, which of course is the best possible combination of stimuli.

The individual contributions by the ensemble members are all stellar. Arthurs is perhaps the best partner that Obara had so far, matching his powers of creativity and his virtuosic skills. Their work together, exchanging licks and playing unisono, is simply breathtaking. Wania consistently makes his way to the very top of European piano players and his brilliant work as soloist and accompanist is unprecedented. The rhythm section supports the soloists with flair and obvious camaraderie, but keeps a distinct identity and contributes solo statements as well.

Overall this is a classic example of European modern Jazz at its best, which is imaginative, creative and highly advanced. Based on the Jazz tradition, it expands the idiom towards new frontiers, keeping it alive and relevant. This is a one-hour concentrated capsule of Jazz at its best, which should keep every connoisseur of good music happy for a very long time. Brilliant from start to finish, this is a nectar we, Jazz enthusiasts, are always thirsty for.
Updated: 22/02/2016Posted: 22/02/2016CD+DVD 2 Recommend To A Friend

UNIT 4551 (Barcode: 7640114795510) ~ GERMANY ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2013 Released: 2014

This is a brilliant debut album by a trio consisting of German pianist / composer Marc SchmollingFind albums by this artist (a son of Czech poetess Inka MachulkovaFind albums by this artist), female vocalist Almut KuhneFind albums by this artist and British trumpeter Tom ArthursFind albums by this artist. The eight pieces (one composition is repeated twice as the opening and closing track of the album) are based on pre-composed themes, which are then freely improvised upon by the trio members.

The unique piano / trumpet / vocals lineup invokes an immediate associative comparison to the legendary British trio AzimuthFind albums by this artist (John TaylorFind albums by this artist, Kenny WheelerFind albums by this artist, Norma WinstoneFind albums by this artist), and some similarities are of course detectable, but this album is much more oriented towards the Free Jazz / Improvised Music openness, whereas Azimuth, as revolutionary and amazing as it was at the time, was overall much more melodic and structured in form.

All three individual contributors are first class musicians of course: Schmolling plays delicately and lyrically, Arthurs is simply brilliant with an incredible technique and extraordinary sensitivity, emerging as one of the top British contemporary trumpeters and Kuhne is a sensational surprise, with stunning vocal abilities combining the powers of modern female Jazz vocal Divas, like Julie TippettsFind albums by this artist, Norma Winstone, Jeanne LeeFind albums by this artist, Lauren NewtonFind albums by this artist and others. She is definitely worth watching very carefully in the future.

The trio works also perfectly as a unit; Arthurs and Kuhne converse fiercely, exchanging vocal and trumpet phrases like never heard before, while Schmolling keeps the music in control with his guiding chords. The overall ensemble result is simply breathtaking. This is a kind of music that combines the free spirit with the essence of European culture, often based on reserve and intrinsic discipline.

Overall this is a excellent piece of music, which holds new surprises with every time it is played, full of wonderful aesthetics and urgency to discover, an example of ambitious creation that works out perfectly and in spite of its intimacy creates a whole universe of sounds and feelings.

It is great to see that intelligent music is still being made in our cultural void, which of course keeps those, who are open enough to listen to it, resistant to the brainlessness out there. Wholeheartedly recommended!
Updated: 26/04/2016Posted: 26/04/2016CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

WHYPLAYJAZZ 035 (Barcode: 4250459999356) ~ GERMANY ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2016 - 2017 Released: 2018

This is the second album by German saxophonist / composer Wanja SlavinFind albums by this artist and his European Lotus Eaters ensemble, recorded over a period of almost a year in three studios and with three slightly different lineups of the ensemble. The collective personnel includes some of the best contemporary European Jazz musicians mostly resident in Berlin: British trumpeter Tom ArthursFind albums by this artist, Norwegian trumpeter Erik Kimestad PedersenFind albums by this artist, German saxophonist Philipp GropperFind albums by this artist, German pianist Rainer BohmFind albums by this artist, Danish bassist Andreas LangFind albums by this artist, Swedish bassist Petter EldhFind albums by this artist, German bassist Bernhard MeyerFind albums by this artist, German drummer Tobias BackhausFind albums by this artist, Latvian drummer Ivars ArutyunyanFind albums by this artist and finally American drummer Nasheet WaitsFind albums by this artist. The album presents seven pieces, six of which are original compositions by Slavin and one is standard.

From the very first notes of the album it is immediately apparent that this is a modern Jazz masterpiece in every respect. The melody based compositions are dressed up in contemporary arrangements, which include unusual rhythmic patterns and harmonic structures, creating a unique kaleidoscope of superb music, which is fascinating from start to finish and does not cease to explore uncharted territory and create new aural vistas. The level of these compositions is completely breathtaking and has very little competition elsewhere within music belonging to the same Jazz dialect. The ability to create an amalgam of the Jazz tradition, Classical influences and up to date approach, which incorporates elements form electronic music and above all allows a generous amount of space and freedom for improvisation is overall extremely effective.

Combined with the creative performance abilities by these excellent European musicians, the overall result that is put in front of the listener as simply a knockout. The album is full of exquisite solos by the ensemble members and of course the ensemble performance as a whole is marvelous. The subtle, but easily distinguishable differences between the three lineups are also a most effective factor that makes this music so powerful.

This album is a brilliant example of what European Jazz is all about; it is evident in its highly aesthetic values, its elegance and subtlety, its refinement and sophistication, which is simply unmatched anywhere else on this planet. The young Jazz Artists from Berlin, Warsaw, Copenhagen and Oslo manage to take the Jazz idiom to the next level, leaving the old world tarried far behind.

If this album is an indication as to what can be expected in 2018, life is definitely worth living and there is no better way to kickoff another year of sublime music!
Updated: 02/03/2018Posted: 02/03/2018CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend

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