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CM 1019 (Barcode: 5904259353564) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2012 Released: 2012

This is the 3rd album by the Polish acoustic Jazz quintet New BoneFind albums by this artist, founded and let by trumpeter Tomasz KudykFind albums by this artist, who also composed all the music included herein, and including in its current lineup saxophonist Marcin SlusarczykFind albums by this artist, pianist Pawel KaczmarczykFind albums by this artist, bassist Maciej AdamczakFind albums by this artist and drummer Dawid FortunaFind albums by this artist. Two guest musicians: saxophonist Tomasz GrzegorskiFind albums by this artist and percussionist Jan PilchFind albums by this artist participate on most of the tracks. All these young musicians are excellent players with a proven record and evident abilities, but the music they perform here presents them with no real challenges. It is mainstream Jazz with strong Afro-Cuban rhythmic tendencies, which sounds good at all times but disappears from one´s mind the minute the sound is over. It seems that New Bone tries very hard to sound exactly like an average American Jazz ensemble, which they definitely manage perfectly, rather than search for a unique identity, which is characteristic of most Polish Jazz. I´m sure many listeners, perhaps even the majority, will enjoy this music immensely, but honestly we should expect more from an ensemble of such high potential. Hopefully they´ll do better next time.
 CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

CM 1023 (Barcode: 5904259354417) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2014 Released: 2014

This is the fourth album by Polish Jazz ensemble New BoneFind albums by this artist, led by trumpeter Tomasz KudykFind albums by this artist and also including bassist Maciej AdamczakFind albums by this artist, who has been with the ensemble from day one, excellent young drummer Dawid FortunaFind albums by this artist, who played also on their previous album and two new members: saxophonist Bartlomiej PrucnalFind albums by this artist (Prucnal and Fortuna are also members of the NSI QuartetFind albums by this artist) and the fabulous pianist Dominik WaniaFind albums by this artist, one of the biggest stars on the polish scene at the moment.

The album presents seven new arrangements of film music written by two Polish (of Jewish origin) and later American composers: Henryk WarsFind albums by this artist and Bronislaw KaperFind albums by this artist. The arrangements are all kept in the middle of the road mainstream Jazz, making sure nobody is offended but also providing very little intellectual or aesthetic reward to the listener. Although pleasant on the ear and sweetly melodic, this music is simply forgotten as soon as it stops playing.

Of course there are some excellent players involved in making this music, so it has its moments. Wania couldn´t be boring even if he tried very hard and his contributions are splendid, but by far not enough to save this album from its blunders. Prucnal doesn´t get an opportunity to show his chops until the fifth track, by which time I was already yawning. Hiring great musicians to play on an album always presents the problem that their performances stand out even more dramatically. Definitely not my cup of tea…
 CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

CM 1030 (Barcode: 5907996083732) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2019 Released: 2020

This is the sixth album by Polish Jazz quintet New BoneFind albums by this artist founded in 1996 and led by trumpeter / composer Tomasz KudykFind albums by this artist and including in its current lineup saxophonist Bartlomiej PrucnalFind albums by this artist, pianist Dominik WaniaFind albums by this artist, bassist Maciej AdamczakFind albums by this artist and drummer Dawid FortunaFind albums by this artist. The album presents nine original compositions, eight by Tomasz Kudyk and one by his late father Jan KudykFind albums by this artist, who was one of the pioneers of Polish Traditional Jazz, trumpeter / composer and founder / leader of the Jazz Band Ball OrchestraFind albums by this artist.

The music of New Bone was initially characterized by strict mainstream Jazz tendencies, but with the arrival of Wania in 2013 it took a slow but consistent turn towards more modern approach, which on this album reaches an apogee of bravado and creativity. Still firmly based on melodic themes, full of melancholy and typical Polish lyricism, the music now ventures into much more complex, both harmonically and rhythmically, explorations, moving even further away from the old-fashioned customary mainstream doodling.

Kudyk weaves beautiful themes, which on this album reflect his feelings resulting from his Father´s passing, which are sometimes heartwrenching, and which is completely understandable. All five members of the band are clearly experienced and highly talented musicians, who mange to maximize the qualities of the themes, stretching them into beautiful mini suites. The soloing by Kudyk and Prucnal is stronger than ever, highly inspired by the collective input of all the players, producing a well structured and attractive result time after time.

Wania is, as always, the alpha and omega of everything that happens around him, taking the music into another dimension (or more than one for that matter), playing wonderful accompaniments all along the way and wondering into stratosphere when soloing. He is one of the most unique players today on the European and every album in which he takes part is irresistible.

The rhythm section does a wonderful job supporting the soloist and providing a steady flow to the music, all this without being obtrusive, which probably is the best compliment one can offer to a rhythm section.

Overall this is by far the best album by New Bone so far, miles ahead (pun intended) of everything recorded previously and an enormous promise as far as their future is concerned.

As much as I was sorry in the past to criticize the band for conventionality, it gives me an enormous pleasure now to praise them now for their success. This is Polish Jazz at its best!
Updated: 11/07/2020Posted: 11/07/2020CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend


Recorded: 2015 Released: 2015

This is the fifth album by Polish Jazz quintet New BoneFind albums by this artist, led by trumpeter Tomasz KudykFind albums by this artist and including saxophonist Bartlomiej PrucnalFind albums by this artist, pianist Dominik WaniaFind albums by this artist, bassist Maciej AdamczakFind albums by this artist and drummer Dawid FortunaFind albums by this artist. It presents seven compositions by Jerzy ChruscinskiFind albums by this artist, the resident composer of the WitkacyFind albums by this artist Theater in Zakopane, which were scored for seven different spectacles produced and performed by the Witkacy Theater over time and are now dressed up as Jazz pieces arranged by the members of New Bone.

Although Wania, who joined the quintet just before they recorded their previous album, upgraded the overall level of their playing considerably, the quintet struggles from day one with their tendency to copy American Jazz from the 1960 and stay safely within the mainstream idiom, which was a waste of their potential. This album comes as a surprise in some respect, since New Bone make for the first time a serious effort to step up their antiquated approach and move into modern Jazz, still within the mainstream guidelines but at least using wider and less constrained tools to make the music more interesting, thanks more often than not to Wania´s superb playing.

The arrangements work very well transforming the compositions, which were initially not meant as Jazz compositions, into the Jazz milieu, and are all good examples of the incredible importance and strength of a good arrangements. The performances are also quite excellent, vigorous and well rounded, as appropriate for musicians of such statue. Wania plays a myriad of small accents, chords and little ditties, which add a whole new dimension to this music and which would have sounded much less excitement without them. Prucnal gets at last an opportunity to show his chops and plays some exciting solos, although does not follow Wania in the "thinking beyond the box" approach. The rhythm section does a good job supporting the soloists and keeping the rhythmic dynamics working, but again avoids any attempt to try innovative rhythmic techniques.

Overall this is definitely the best album recorded by New Bone, which finally shows hope that they might make it after all into an exciting and interesting musical unit, which they deserve to become. Let´s hope for the best.
Updated: 30/04/2022Posted: CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

SJP 001 ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2016 Released: 2016

This is a criminally overdue tribute album to the Polish Jazz trumpeter / composer Andrzej PrzybielskiFind albums by this artist (born 1944), who died in 2011, recorded by an ensemble which features six Polish Jazz trumpeters: Maciej FortunaFind albums by this artist (born 1982), Marcin GawdzisFind albums by this artist (1972), Wojciech JachnaFind albums by this artist (1976), Tomasz KudykFind albums by this artist (1976), Piotr SchmidtFind albums by this artist (1985) and Maurycy WojcinskiFind albums by this artist (1988), i.e. mostly members of the middle aged and young generation of the Polish Jazz scene. The ensemble also features a rhythm section which comprises of guitarist Jakub KujawaFind albums by this artist, bassist Grzegorz NadolnyFind albums by this artist and drummer Grzegorz DaronFind albums by this artist. Together they perform four compositions by Przybielski and three collectively improvised pieces. The album also includes a conversation with Przybielski recorded in 2007 at the legendary Mozg club in Bydgoszcz, Przybielski´s home town, which also includes fragments of his performances.

The recording and the release of this album was the initiative of Fortuna, who felt an obligation to document and commemorate Przybielski´s contribution to Polish Jazz, which is of course highly praiseworthy. However it is difficult to ignore the fact that Przybielski died a dissolute, lonely, sick, neglected and forgotten man, which left a huge black stain on the Polish Jazz scene. Not less significant is the absence on this album of the top Polish Jazz trumpeters of his generation, which painfully emphasizes the fact that Przybielski never received the recognition he so much deserved from his contemporaries and was mostly adored and respected by musician much younger than himself. His life´s story is a classic epos of Avant-Garde being denied recognition at its peak only to be recognized in the aftermath.

Personally I had the pleasure of knowing Przybielski and working with him on several projects in the 1980s, being immediately convinced that he is the most interesting Polish Jazz trumpeter on the local scene at that time. My admiration for his work never ceased, being only rekindled following the tragic news of his death.

With all respect to the actual music present on this album, which is very good, it is only secondary to the very existence of this project. Thanks and salutations are of course due to Fortuna and the many people who made this project possible and which, as the Vol.1 suggests, will be continued in the future.

There are many fascinating moments on this album, some superb trumpet passages and solos, great group improvisations and so on. The musical concept is however a bit unclear, as far as I am concerned. Also the idea of six trumpeters playing together, as potentially interesting as it might appear is less effective in reality in my opinion. Perhaps a collection of pieces featuring prominently just one trumpeter or at most two, playing in turn might have been more effective? But these are just matters of personal taste.

Of course all these trumpeters can play and they do play well, but as far as a tribute is concerned, the music is supposed to be spiritually convergent to the music of the subject to whom the tribute is dedicated, which, as already mentioned above, is not really apparent herein.

But all things considered, this is a very important album, not only for its music but primarily for what it symbolizes, for its historical importance and for the example it sets. As such it is undoubtedly a major event and a great success!
Updated: 12/04/2019Posted: 15/11/2016CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Slipcase Recommend To A Friend

SJP 004 ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2016 Released: 2017

This is second volume of the wonderful project which pays tribute to the great Polish Jazz trumpeter Andrzej PrzybielskiFind albums by this artist, who died in 2011. Six relatively young but already established Polish Jazz trumpeters: Maciej FortunaFind albums by this artist, Marcin GawdzisFind albums by this artist, Wojciech JachnaFind albums by this artist, Tomasz KudykFind albums by this artist, Piotr SchmidtFind albums by this artist and Maurycy WojcinskiFind albums by this artist and a rhythm section comprising of guitarist Jakub KujawaFind albums by this artist, bassist Grzegorz NadolnyFind albums by this artist and drummer Grzegorz DaronFind albums by this artist perform five pieces, three of which are original compositions by Przybielski, one is a long improvised piece (over half an hour in duration) and the last is the bugle call of Bydgoszcz, the home town of Przybielski. A DVD filmed during the premiere of the first volume of this album is also included.

The music is of course a continuation of the content of the first album and readers wishing to read more about the historical background and Przybielski´s contribution to Polish Jazz are invited to read my review of that album and other albums by Przybielski. By a weird coincidence I am writing these words just a few days following the death of Tomasz StankoFind albums by this artist, the Polish Jazz Colossus. The many parallels, stylistically and otherwise, and of course great differences between these two trumpeters is one of the most fascinating stories of Polish Jazz, definitely worth a book on the subject.

Beyond the music per se, these two albums are an important glimpse into Polish Jazz history and an effort to bring Przybielski into the awareness of the Polish Jazz fans, which he sadly almost completely missed during his lifetime. They also show the will of the young generation of Polish Jazz players to continue the tradition and remember the idiom´s heroes.

For Polish Jazz fans this is definitely something they should have in their collections. Hats off to all the people who contributed to this project and made it happen.
Updated: 01/08/2018Posted: 01/08/2018CD+DVD 2 Mini-Sleeve Slipcase Recommend To A Friend

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