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ALLEGRO 032 (Barcode: 5901157049322) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2015 Released: 2015

This is a live recording of a concert that celebrated the 80th Birthday Anniversary of the veteran Polish Jazz saxophonist Przemek DyakowskiFind albums by this artist. The music, recorded at Radio Gdansk, was performed by a group of Dyakowski´s friends, which included, in addition to him of course, vocalist Joanna KnitterFind albums by this artist, saxophonist Wojciech StaroniewiczFind albums by this artist, vibraphonist Dominik BukowskiFind albums by this artist, keyboardist Artur JurekFind albums by this artist (who also arranged all the songs), bassist Janusz MackiewiczFind albums by this artist and drummer Tomasz SowinskiFind albums by this artist. A few guest musicians also took part in the proceedings. The album presents eight songs (and a bonus track with vocalese by Hanna BanaszakFind albums by this artist), seven of which are originals: two each by Staroniewicz and Knitter, and one each by Dyakowski, Bukowski and Mackiewicz. Knitter also wrote the lyrics (in English) to all these original songs. The last song is a standard.

The music is exactly what the album´s title promises: a set of songs kept within the mainstream Jazz tradition, all of which sound as if they were well known Jazz standards, which of course means that they are all beautifully crafted to the highest standard. The performances are also excellent, executed with flair and obvious professionalism, spiced with many beautiful solos. The relaxed atmosphere and good sound make the music flow smoothly from one song to another, with an overall effect of joyous occasion and great fun had by all the musicians present

Knitter manages to pass the test of singing in English, which usually has a disastrous result on Polish Jazz albums. Her pronunciation, although obviously non-English, is charming enough and highly musical, which makes the overall result comparable to other great non-native English language singers. Her singing here and her warm timbre fit the general concept of the music like a glove. Her lyrics are also quite excellent, so she comes out of this recording definitely on the winning side.

Overall this album is definitely as good, if not better, than most American mainstream / Swing albums, and the original music herein is way better, which of course means that Polish Jazz is not inferior anymore to anything from across the pond.
Updated: 12/02/2016Posted: 12/02/2016CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

SOLITON 892 (Barcode: 5901571098920) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2018 Released: 2018

This is an album by veteran Polish Jazz trumpeter / composer Marcin GawdzisFind albums by this artist recorded in a quartet setting with other veterans of the Polish Baltic Jazz scene: pianist Cezary PaciorekFind albums by this artist (mostly known as an accordion virtuoso), brilliant bassist Piotr LemanczykFind albums by this artist and drummer Tomasz SowinskiFind albums by this artist. The album presents seven original compositions, all by Gawdzis.

The music is a highly melodic mainstream Jazz, somewhere between Bebop and Hard Bop, but with the usual Polish twist, adding elements of Slavic melancholy and lyricism. Al the melodies are wonderfully crafted and harmonically coherent, serving as excellent examples of contemporary Jazz firmly based in the classic Jazz tradition. If blind tested this album might be easily mistaken as a Blue Note session from the 1960s, and I mean this as a compliment.

All four instrumentalists present a proficient technical level and a high sensitivity, which is obviously world class in every respect. Gawdzis has a clear and precise tonality and his solos are perfectly structured. Paciorek is the romantic of the four and his harmonies are always where they belong and his solos are heartbreaking. Lemanczyk, as always, pours his heart out and his bass lines are elegant and sophisticated, as expected from one of the top bass players in the country. Sowinski plays delicately, in accordance with the character of the music, staying mostly in the background, but his presence is felt in the places where a rhythmic support is needed.

Polish Jazz scene is famous for its young generation of superb Avant-Garde / modernist trumpeters, which is truly amazing in every respect, but there are still several excellent conventional players, like Gawdzis, who also deserve the attention of Jazz fans; this album is definitely the proof of such well deserved attention.

Overall this is a splendid mainstream Jazz album with excellent compositions and admirable performances, which should be interesting to every Jazz connoisseur on this globe. Very well done Gentlemen!
Updated: 03/05/2019Posted: 03/05/2019CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

SOLITON 305 (Barcode: 5901571093055) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2013 Released: 2013

This is the debut album as a leader by Polish Jazz trumpeter / composer Marcin GawdzisFind albums by this artist recorded in a quintet format with saxophonists Szymon LukowskiFind albums by this artist, vibraphonist Dominik BukowskiFind albums by this artist, bassist Maciej SadowskiFind albums by this artist and drummer Tomasz SowinskiFind albums by this artist. The album includes seven compositions, six of which are Jazz standards and one is an original composition by Gawdzis.

The format is, as expected, a straightforward mainstream Jazz, which basically offers the "more of the same" formula of this format, which was previously used countless times earlier. Of course all these musicians are perfectly well trained professionals and their playing is spotless and even inspired at times, but the question is why listen to this specific album as opposed to countless others exactly like it? Let´s leave the Americans to keep repeating themselves ad nauseam with their mainstream Jazz and look for something at least slightly different?

But all things considered this is after all a very good mainstream album, which will surely keep listeners of such music very happy. Gawdzis has a nice round tone and plays solidly, without taking many risks or offering bravado displays. Bukowski, who is the most interesting player in this quintet, displays his usual virtuosity, but the battered standards don´t leave him with many options to show up his true abilities. The rest of the guys schlep on happily and without much effort.

Not really my cup of tea, as this is nice, but banal music as far as I´m concerned, but I´m sure many other listeners will be able to enjoy it.
 CD-R 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

MULTIKULTI 024 (Barcode: 5907529223246) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2012 Released: 2012

This is the debut album as a leader by Polish Jazz saxophonist Dariusz HerbaszFind albums by this artist and his double tenor saxophone quintet, which also includes saxophonist Tomasz GrzegorskiFind albums by this artist, pianist Piotr ManiaFind albums by this artist, bassist Adam ZuchowskiFind albums by this artist and drummer Tomasz SowinskiFind albums by this artist. The album comprises of six original compositions, all by Herbasz and was recorded at the superb Studio Tokarnia with engineer Jan SmoczynskiFind albums by this artist presiding.

If I would have been subjected to listening to this album in a blindfold test situation, I would be sure this is an unknown recording of mid 1960s Blue NoteFind albums on this label period, as this music has the distinctive feel of modern mainstream, which flourished at the time and was captured for posterity by Rudy Van GelderFind albums by this artist. The warmth and presence of the overall sound and the crisp piano sound are quite remarkable.

But of course there is also the music, which stylistically returns to that wonderful period that summarized the Jazz tradition bringing it to sheer perfection on one hand and opening doors for the free form just wide enough to make it interesting on the other hand. These wonderful compositions are truly grand on every level; there are some beautiful melancholic melodies, several great vamps, and a strange feeling of familiarity even upon the first hearing. I must admit that it´s been a while since I´ve heard a collection of such superbly crated tunes on one album.

Herbasz takes a considerable risk with the double tenor saxophone frontline, since such setting is often prone to clashes and outright contest rather than cooperation, but also opens intriguing opportunities of harmonizing and completing each other. It´s a pleasure to hear how well this situation was handled here, enabling both players to solo as well as play together in a variety of quite distinct musical surroundings and atmospheres. Both saxophonists [lay remarkably well, both when simply stating the lyricism of a melody or venturing into almost free form excursions.

The rhythm section is excellent as well, providing the ideal support for the soloists and framing the musical expressions with just the right amount of direction, allowing space for less constrained experimentation at times. The pianist is an ideal harmonizer and his vamping is a classic form obviously learned from the best. Bass is round, clear and worm and the drums play exactly the amount of time keeping to keep everything tick, with some great topping of inventive drumming. The overall dynamic sensitivity of the entire rhythm section is simply just what the doctor ordered to make the music perfect.

This is a remarkable debut and a brilliant Jazz album, which comprises of everything that makes Jazz such a great music: it´s interesting, artistic, intelligent, well played and above all honest, simply stating the artist´s credo and not trying to be something it isn´t. Well done indeed!
 CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend


Recorded: 2001 Released: 2002

This is the debut album by Polish Jazz pianist / composer Slawomir JaskulkeFind albums by this artist, recorded live in a classic trio / quartet setting with saxophonist Maciej SikalaFind albums by this artist, bassist Piotr LemanczykFind albums by this artist and drummer Tomasz SowinskiFind albums by this artist. The album presents five original compositions; three of which are by the leader and two are by Sikala. The first two numbers are performed by the trio and the other three by the quartet.

Jaskulke is considered as one of the most brilliant representatives of the young generation of Polish Jazz pianists and his achievements during the first decade of the 21st Century are indeed remarkable and include performances around the globe and numerous recordings as leader and sidemen (including those with the veteran Polish Jazz icon Zbigniew NamyslowskiFind albums by this artist). He has also composed music for theatre and cinema.

Anybody listening to this album at the time of its release should have expected great things from Jaskulke, as it is a truly outstanding debut. The trio numbers present Jaskulke as an amazing piano virtuoso, playing in a unique style, which is incredibly percussive and powerful, whereas the quartet numbers present his gentler side as a balladeer, playing beautifully restrained melodic phrases or as an ensemble player of great sensitivity. Such incredible versatility is very rare indeed and when executed with a magic touch like the one he presents here, it is simply marvelous. Considering the fact that Jaskulke was only twenty two years old at the time of the recording one must admit that this is a discovery of an extraordinary talent.

Musically the trio and the quartet are also quite different, with the material written by the leader being much more open and often freely structured, whereas the numbers written by the saxophonist are pretty standard mainstream Jazz compositions, both very good, but not special in any way. In a sense it seems as if these two different settings belong on two separate albums, but what was done can not be undone, so one should enjoy the fact that this marvelous music was captured for posterity and we can listen to it again and again.

The rhythm section performs exactly as expected, changing the volume and presence according to the specific requirements of the moment, always there when one expects them to be, keeping perfect time (which is not always easy here) and modestly displaying another level of virtuosity. Together the ensemble sounds like an unstoppable locomotive, which runs amok, especially in the last tune.

This is definitely an album every Jazz piano lover should listen to, sooner or later, an experience he´ll never regret nor forget. Wholeheartedly recommended!
 CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

SOLITON 1338 (Barcode: 5903684233380) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-Classical Fusion

Recorded: 2022 Released: 2023

This is a live album by Polish Jazz pianist / composer / educator Leszek KulakowskiFind albums by this artist, recorded with a classic piano trio with bassist Adam ZuchowskiFind albums by this artist and drummer Tomasz SowinskiFind albums by this artist, a large orchestra Sinfonia Baltica PhilharmonicFind albums by this artist conducted by Tadeusz WicherekFind albums by this artist, and two opera singers: soprano Anna FabrelloFind albums by this artist and tenor Lukasz ZaleskiFind albums by this artist. The album presents ten tracks, which are Jazzy arrangements by Kulakowski of operatic pieces by Polish composer Stanislaw MoniuszkoFind albums by this artist, Italian composer Giacomo PucciniFind albums by this artist, French composer Georges BizetFind albums by this artist and a couple of other pieces.

Obviously the music is a Jazz-Classical Fusion attempt to combine the two genres, which is rather unusual, as such projects rarely tackle operatic music. The contrast between the two genres is not easy to achieve, since the arias do not allow much space for improvisation, and as a result the music offers something of a “two for the price one” show, which do not always go hand in hand.

Kulakowski is without a doubt one of the best Polish Jazz pianists, and his improvisations in the piano trio format, or with the orchestral accompaniment, are all perfectly executed, but when the vocal parts take over the central stage, the Jazz element is almost completely lost. This does not mean of course that the album is not a great fun to listen to, but the listener has to be prepared to accept this dichotomy. Personally, I had no problem whatsoever with this format, being a music lover of all shapes and shades, but I can imagine some people objecting.

Overall, this is a bold effort to place Jazz and Opera together on one stage, but without integrating them to closely. It offers an opportunity to hear some great Jazz piano playing by Kulakowski, interesting orchestral arrangements and a few operatic arias beautifully sung by the soloists. A musical feast by all means, but probably not for everybody.
Updated: 04/04/2024Posted: 04/04/2024CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

SOLITON 768 (Barcode: 5901571097688) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-Classical Fusion

Recorded: 2017 Released: 2017

This is an album by veteran Polish Jazz pianist / composer / bandleader / educator Leszek KulakowskiFind albums by this artist, recorded in a quintet setting with Polish rhythm section: bassist Piotr KulakowskiFind albums by this artist (Leszek´s son) and drummer Tomasz SowinskiFind albums by this artist and with Swedish saxophonist Mikael GodeeFind albums by this artist and percussionist Ebba WesterbergFind albums by this artist. Together they perform eight compositions by the Polish Classical composer Frederic ChopinFind albums by this artist, arranged for a Jazz quintet by Kulakowski and Godee, each contributing four arrangements.

Over the years Chopin inspired Polish Jazz musicians very often and the number of Jazz albums based on Chopin´s music is truly abundant. Kulakowski visited Chopin´s music several times throughout his recording career, but obviously his fascination with the essence of Polish music, which Chopin represents more than any other Polish composer, refuses to let go.

This album presents a more gentle and reflective approach to Chopin´s music than Kulakowski´s earlier recordings. The intrinsic melancholy dominates the proceedings and the minimalistic and delicate touches of the keyboard are the most essential and enjoyable moments this music offers. The saxophone parts are mostly straightforward leaving the centre stage as far as improvisation is concerned to the piano. The soprano saxophone sounds a bit like flute at times. The rhythm section does a beautiful job filling the blanks and keeping the pulse of the music clear and steady. The percussion parts are mostly decorative and are typically heard on the up-tempo pieces.

Overall this is a fine album, which should make the many connoisseurs of Jazzed up version of Chopin´s music very happy, especially since it includes some of the most well known pieces composed by Chopin. It is made with obvious love of the subject matter and profound dedication and is a true joy to listen to.
Updated: 16/01/2018Posted: 16/01/2018CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

SOLITON 733 (Barcode: 5901571097336) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2017 Released: 2017

This is a live album by veteran Polish Jazz pianist / composer / bandleader / educator Leszek KulakowskiFind albums by this artist recorded in a classic quintet setting with American (resident in Vienna) saxophonist Andy MiddletonFind albums by this artist, trumpeter Jerzy MalekFind albums by this artist, bassist Piotr KulakowskiFind albums by this artist (Leszek´s son) and drummer Tomasz SowinskiFind albums by this artist. Together they perform six original compositions, all by Leszek Kulakowski. The sound quality of the live recording is excellent.

The music is all within the boundaries of contemporary modern mainstream Jazz, with melody based compositions which serve as basis for the quintet to carry the tunes in orderly manner and present individual solos. Kulakowski is a superb composer and his elegant tunes sound as if they originate from a collection of standards, but in fact are his originals.

The performances are all spotless of course, as expected from these highly experienced and talented musicians. Middleton, who is also an educator, same as Kulakowski, has a wonderful tone and elegant flow, and his solos are a true delight. Malek is also a superb player and his phrasing is full of emotion and skill. Kulakowski is a very original pianist, who plays remarkably not only when soloing but also while accompanying his colleagues. Piotr Kulakowski is one of the best bassists on the crowded Polish Jazz scene and his pulsations are always right on the money. Sowinski is exactly the right drummer for this quintet, pushing the other players during the up-tempo numbers and gently paving the way during the ballads. In short a mainstream A-Team, which delivers nothing but the best.

This album slaughters a few "holy cows", namely: "European musicians can´t swing", "Those who can´t play teach" and other popular misconceptions. Any true Jazz lover listening to this album should be completely satisfied in every respect.

Side Note: Since a few years, every December, Leszek Kulakowski, Andy Middleton and me meet in Katowice to serve as jury members of the International Jazz Composition Competition, held at the local Jazz Academy (together with Jerzy JarosikFind albums by this artist, the head of the Jazz Department of the Academy and our host, and fantastic trumpeter / educator Piotr WojtasikFind albums by this artist). Over the years we not only forged a wonderful friendship between ourselves, discussed music and life for endless hours and of course managed to consume many a gallon of beer, vodka and eventually anything that is humanly drinkable. Who says Jazz is not a platform of friendship ;)
Updated: 12/01/2018Posted: 12/01/2018CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

FOR TUNE 0148 (Barcode: 5906395808632) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-Classical Fusion

Recorded: 2019 Released: 2020

This is an album by veteran Polish pianist / composer / arranger / bandleader Leszek KulakowskiFind albums by this artist. It presents a live concert recording of Kulakowski´s arrangements of film music by the Godfather of Polish Jazz, Krzysztof KomedaFind albums by this artist, for a Symphony Orchestra. These arrangements were originally written by Kulakowski in 2001 and performed the same year by the Lodz PhilharmonicFind albums by this artist with the participation of the brilliant Polish Jazz trumpeter Tomasz StankoFind albums by this artist as a soloist. Almost twenty years later the concert was repeated and recorded, this time with slightly changed arrangements featuring a Jazz quartet with Kulakowski on piano, bassist Adam KowalewskiFind albums by this artist and drummer Tomasz SowinskiFind albums by this artist, and the sadly departed Stanko replaced by three trumpeters: Piotr WojtasikFind albums by this artist, Tomasz DabrowskiFind albums by this artist and German Christoph TitzFind albums by this artist, playing with the Sinfonia BalticaFind albums by this artist Philharmonic Orchestra, directed by Radoslaw DronFind albums by this artist.

The genius film music by Komeda is of course a wonderful subject matter, and in Kulakowski´s hands (or rather mind) it metamorphoses into its Classical form gracefully and "willingly", proving the greatness of both the composer and the arranger. The transformation sounds absolutely naturally and manages to bring to light many aspects of the original compositions, which often remain hidden in their Jazz interpretations. Although the arrangements may appear bold and "invasive" in some ways, they are absolutely justified and artistically coherent.

The performances are also absolutely brilliant from start to finish. The balance between the orchestra and the quartet is perfect all along the way and the focus on the trumpet soli is holding the internal tension and creates a superb continuity, which keeps the listener mesmerized. Having three trumpeters, each with his idiosyncratic approach, adds another layer of diversity to the entire project. Kulakowski spices the proceedings with his superb piano solos, full of delicate touches and melancholic twists.

It is a well known fact that Komeda´s music has been abused and mistreated many times by Polish Jazz musicians, thinking that by playing his music they would be automatically immune from criticism. It gives me a great joy to see (and hear) Komeda treated with respect and love, and mastery and imagination, which he truly deserves, like in this case.

Overall this album is an instant classic, a must have by Polish Jazz fans and Komeda admirers all over the world and a sublime example of Polish / European Jazz ingenuity, which does hesitate to reach boldly beyond the obvious. Well done my Friend!
Updated: 22/12/2020Posted: 22/12/2020CD 1 Recommend To A Friend

FOR TUNE 0043 (Barcode: 5902768701524) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2014 Released: 2014

In the last few years preceding the release of this album celebrated Polish Jazz pianist / composer Leszek KulakowskiFind albums by this artist concentrated on producing large orchestral works, which had either no direct connection to Jazz while pushing the boundaries of contemporary Classical idiom or floated somewhere within the Jazz-Classical Fusion, combining the two genres. Therefore this album comes as most welcome return to his Jazz roots. Recorded in a sextet setting with German trumpeter Christoph TitzFind albums by this artist, saxophonist Tomasz GrzegorskiFind albums by this artist, cellist Krzysztof LenczowskiFind albums by this artist, bassist Piotr KulakowskiFind albums by this artist and drummer Tomasz SowinskiFind albums by this artist, the album presents nine original compositions, all by Leszek Kulakowski.

Kulakowski was always first and foremost a superb song-weaver, which is very evident on this album from start to finish. The various melodies are the deepest root of this music, which then gets expanded into the modern mainstream language, floating gently and elegantly from one tune to another, caressed and pampered on its way by the musicians, who add their individual touches. There is plenty of freedom and breathing space within this music to inspire a relaxed, moderate approach by the players, which proves to be ideal in this context. Of course certain traces of Classical compositional tricks and arrangement devices can be picked up by the experienced listeners. The overall atmosphere of this recording is reminiscent of the Scandinavian sound, more so than to the usual Polish Jazz recordings. A certain ECM-ism can also be detected.

The individual contributions by its participants are another forte of this album; everybody´s playing sounds truly inspired here. Titz is a wonderful trumpeter, who somehow never really gets the credit for his work that he usually deserves. His performances on this albums rank among his best work done on record, and although his phrasing derives from other great European trumpet Masters, his deep lyricism and feel are uniquely his own.

The most surprising and at the same time impressive soloist on this album is the young cellist Krzysztof Lenczowski, whose name pops up on the local scene with a feverish frequency and in some most unexpected places, in addition to his regular work with the Atom String QuartetFind albums by this artist. Kulakowski relays on his solo parts in several of the compositions presented here, and his decision to engage Lenczowski in this project pays off splendidly.

Grzegorski and Kulakowski also play some excellent solos in the various tunes, which perhaps are less spectacular but no less expressive and supportive in the common effort invested to create this music. The rhythm section is extremely supportive throughout and plays with precision and sensitivity, exactly when and as needed.

In many respects this is probably the most "conventional" album released by the For TuneFind albums on this label label so far and it´s good to see that the people running the label have no preconceptions overshadowing their judgment and recognize great music even if it is decently (but not to conservatively) dressed. It´s good to see Kulakowski playing and composing Jazz again, especially when the music is as good as what we can hear on this album. Chapeau bas indeed!
 CD 1 Recommend To A Friend

NOT ON LABEL ~ POLAND ~ Jazz & Poetry

Recorded: 2016 Released: 2017

This is a beautiful album by Polish pianist / composer Leszek KulakowskiFind albums by this artist, who shows herein yet another facet of his multitalented persona, this time as a songwriter. The album presents ten songs composed and arranged by Kulakowski to the lyrics by Polish poet Zbigniew KsiazekFind albums by this artist, all of them being love songs in the good old meaning of the idiom. The songs are performed by vocalist Joanna KnitterFind albums by this artist, accompanied by a classic piano trio with Leszek Kulakowski at the piano, his son Piotr KulakowskiFind albums by this artist, who plays bass and drummer Tomasz SowinskiFind albums by this artist, and by the Progress Chamber OrchestraFind albums by this artist. Saxophonist Tomasz GrzegorskiFind albums by this artist and guitarist Maciej GrzywaczFind albums by this artist guest on a couple of tracks.

The music is everything one might expect from nontrivial love songs: exquisite melodies, sophisticated harmonies, unforeseen twists and highly developed swing, which keeps the songs flowing one after another, arriving at the album´s last song way sooner that one might expect. Combined with the intelligent lyrics and vigorous execution, these songs are a true delight.

Of course these songs have very little to do with contemporary popular music, which of course is meant as a compliment. They belong to the era when songs had a melody, a message and some aesthetic values, in short the era when all great Jazz standards were written. In many respects these songs belong to the same "standards" category, and the fact they are new and unknown only make things more interesting, as any new material of such quality is truly scarce these days.

As far as Polish Jazz is concerned, these songs continue the tradition of Jazz & Poetry, which flourished in the 1960s, and are a warm reminder of those days as well as a most welcome continuation of that tradition. Kulakowski turns out to be a romantic at heart, which is perhaps one more good reason why I like him so much both as a musician and a human being and honored to be his friend.

Overall this is an inspired collection of beautiful love songs, excellently executed by all participants, which creates moments of blessed tranquility and joy, which help the listener to survive the hellish barrage of noise which passes for music in the world we now live in.
Updated: 30/03/2017Posted: 30/03/2017CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend


Recorded: 2002 Released: 2003

This is the debut album as a leader by Polish Jazz bassist / composer Piotr LemanczykFind albums by this artist. It was recorded by several different lineups, mostly quartets, with the following participants: saxophonists Janusz MuniakFind albums by this artist, Przemek DyakowskiFind albums by this artist, Wojciech StaroniewiczFind albums by this artist, Maciej SikalaFind albums by this artist and Dariusz HerbaszFind albums by this artist, guitarist Maciej GrzywaczFind albums by this artist, vibraphonist Dominik BukowskiFind albums by this artist and drummer Tomasz SowinskiFind albums by this artist. Of the seven tracks on the album, six are original compositions by Lemanczyk and one is a standard.

The music is kept well within the modern Jazz mainstream, but the excellent compositions and performances create a superb piece of Jazz music, which should satisfy every sensitive listener. The use of the vibraphone instead of the usual piano gives the entire recording a "cool" ambience, which suits the music perfectly. The leader gets several solo spots, which emphasize his beautiful tone and sensitivity, rather than needless pyrotechnics.

As usual with Polish Jazz albums, the music is the center of the attention, in spite of the truly excellent playing, which is beyond reproach from start to finish. The melodic content and the rhythmic structures are simply incredible and a source of real joy.

Overall this album is a perfect example of what mainstream Jazz is all about and should be greatly enjoyed by any Jazz connoisseur anywhere in the world. Highly recommended!
 CD 1 Recommend To A Friend


Recorded: 2002 Released: 2002

This is a beautiful album by Polish saxophonist / composer Wojciech StaroniewiczFind albums by this artist, recorded with his quintet, which is somewhat unusual, as it also includes accordionist Cezary PaciorekFind albums by this artist, a rare combination these days. The other musicians are: guitarist Maciej GrzywaczFind albums by this artist, bassist Piotr LemanczykFind albums by this artist and drummer Tomasz SowinskiFind albums by this artist. These are all excellent and experienced players, so the result is spotless on the technical front as well as very interesting from the musical standpoint. Staroniewicz has a wonderfully worm tone on his tenor saxophone and an unusually melodic approach, which does not diminish his improvisational qualities, which are truly impressive. The accordion adds a wonderful fuzzy "old time feel" to the entire session, and the Fusion guitar solos are a nice contrast. The music is mostly original with just two standards included for good measure. Overall this album is a lot of fun to listen to and a great proof that solid, melodic Jazz can be also of high quality and interest. Most warmly recommended to listeners who love their mainstream Jazz with a twist!
 CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend


Recorded: 2005 Released: 2017

As the title suggests, this is a tribute album to the great American saxophonist Illinois JacquetFind albums by this artist, recorded live by top Polish Jazz musicians. The album presents eight tunes recorded over a period of one year at the Gdynia Jazz club UCHO and two bonus tracks recorded earlier at the NOSPR concert hall in Katowice. The album features ten Polish tenor saxophone players, whose ages span four generations: Piotr CheckiFind albums by this artist, Michal Jan CiesielskiFind albums by this artist, Przemek DyakowskiFind albums by this artist, Tomasz GrzegorskiFind albums by this artist, Dariusz HerbaszFind albums by this artist, Janusz MuniakFind albums by this artist, Maciej SikalaFind albums by this artist, Wojciech StaroniewiczFind albums by this artist, Irek WojtczakFind albums by this artist and Jan Ptaszyn WroblewskiFind albums by this artist. They are accompanied by various rhythm sections comprised of organist Wojciech KarolakFind albums by this artist, vibraphonist Dominik BukowskiFind albums by this artist, guitarists: Maciej GrzywaczFind albums by this artist, Marcin WadolowskiFind albums by this artist and Michal ZienkowskiFind albums by this artist, bassist Janusz MackiewiczFind albums by this artist and drummers: Eric AllenFind albums by this artist (an American in Gdynia who played with Jacquet´s quintet and Big Band) and Tomasz SowinskiFind albums by this artist. Two of the tracks are originals by Jacquet and the rest are standards. Although recorded live, the album offers excellent sound quality.

The music is everything one might expect form a tribute album like this one: familiar tunes, superb playing and an obvious joy ride. This is Swing and Bebop at its best and the participants seem to have great fun but the performances are all professional and heartfelt. It is great to see four generation of Polish Jazz musicians cooperating on one stage and playing every inch as good as any American musician might do, again simply wiping out any inferiority complexes still present among Polish Jazz musicians and many Jazz fans in Poland.

Mainstream classic Jazz fans all over the world should have a great fun with this music, as it is full of the Jazz spirit and offers a high standard of playing well beyond of what is present on similar album recorded over the pond.

The entire project, including this superbly produced album with beautiful artwork and fabulous photography is an obvious labor of love and the people standing behind it deserve all the praise we can offer them, including buying the album. Great stuff!
Updated: 24/11/2019Posted: 31/07/2018CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

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