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  | MACIEJ GARBOWSKI / KARI HEINILA ~ LINES OF POETRY IMP 001 (Barcode: 191061889045) ~ POLAND ~ Free Jazz / Improvised Music Recorded: 2016 Released: 2017
This is the debut album by the impromptu duo comprising of Polish Jazz bassist / composer Maciej GarbowskiFind albums by this artist and Finnish Jazz saxophonist / composer Kari HeinilaFind albums by this artist. The album presents twelve completely improvised pieces, all credited to Garbowski and Heinila.
This meeting between two mature and experienced musicians / improvisers is a wonderful example of spontaneity and mutual respect. Garbowski, well known as the bassist of the RGGFind albums by this artist trio and participant in many other top Polish Jazz projects, and Heinila famous for his work with Edward VesalaFind albums by this artist, the wonderful UMO Jazz OrchestraFind albums by this artist and his work as a leader, both bring into this meeting years of experience and more importantly unlimited amounts of sensibility and creativity.
For freely improvised music, the contents of this album could be considered as most communicative. Although there are no melodic motifs per se, Heinila´s saxophone lines are all extremely melodic, delicate and tender, flowing freely in time. Garbowski, who plays mostly in the background, is at all times in sync, both harmonically and rhythmically, with the saxophonist, listening attentively to his weaving of the notes.
Like all classic "Art of the Duo" albums, this music presents a document, which although of limited scope and intrinsic minimalism, is no less expressive than music created by much larger ensembles. It is up to the listener of course to expand the input received while listening to the music into inner emotions and virtual sound structures, but the contents of this album should be wonderfully supportive in such process.
This music works for many reasons; apparently the mutual affinity between the two musicians, but also perhaps due to the emotional similarities between the characteristic qualities of both Polish and Finnish music: melancholy, sadness, reflection and introvert perspective. But whatever the reasons, the meeting proved to be very inspiring and productive, as reflected by these recordings.
Improvised music has a priori a limited audience, but this album is quite accessible to a relatively wider circle of listeners, regardless of its improvised character. Therefore it is my suggestion to the open-minded listeners to try it out without any preconceptions – the result might prove to be pleasantly surprising. For more experienced improvised music connoisseurs this album is obviously a gem!
| Updated: 18/11/2017Posted: 18/11/2017 | CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend |
  | EERO KOIVISTOINEN ~ 3RD VERSION PORTER 1511 (Barcode: 656605793429) ~ FINLAND ~ Jazz-Rock Fusion Recorded: 1973 Released: 2010
Finland, the tiny Northern European country of ancient vast forest and crystal clear lakes is rarely ever considered, on the global scale of things, as a source of music. Some classical music connoisseurs might be familiar with the works of Finnish National composer Jean SibeliusFind albums by this artist, whose exquisite symphonies, concerti and suites are amongst the finest music ever written on this planet, but as far as Jazz, Rock or even Pop are concerned, only a minuscule group of people outside the country´s borders is aware of their existence and even fewer of their quality and significance. However, from the strictly statistical point of view, when calculated per capita, the number of bands, orchestras, choirs, composers, performers and records released in the country is calculated; Finland easily tops the list of countries. When one adds to that the highly developed musical schooling system and the open-mindedness of the Finns, who always welcome not only their own music, but any music from around the globe, it becomes quite clear that Finland, against all odds, is probably the most musical country in the word?
Finnish Jazz, which goes back in its history well before WWII and continuously developed over the years, is one of Finland´s most surprising and outstanding musical achievements. The post WWII generation of Finnish Jazz musicians was among the first to join the radical emancipation of European Jazz from the shackles of American conservatism and stagnation, developing themselves and with other European Jazz musicians a new Jazz idiom; based in the tradition and basic principles of improvisation, but also expanding the genre by incorporating elements of classical music and European folklore. These, mostly well educated players, who had a broader overall picture of music as an Art Form, turned Jazz into a highly intellectual, sophisticated and complex form of expression, which perhaps lacked some of the spontaneity and frivolity of their American counterparts, but definitely added other, not less essential elements, like elegance, multi-level and often poly-rhythmic approach and above all a much more delicate sense of melody, even if the music itself was sometimes completely free or spontaneously improvised.
Eero KoivistoinenFind albums by this artist (born 1946) ranks among the finest of Finnish Jazz musicians and is certainly one of the forefathers of modern Jazz in his country. Active on the scene since the mid-1960s, he was a member of the legendary Rock group Blues SectionFind albums by this artist and since the end of 1960s led his own Jazz ensembles. He was also one of the first Finnish musicians to study at the Berklee College of Music in Boston. He also cooperated closely with the UMO Jazz OrchestraFind albums by this artist, certainly one of the finest Jazz orchestras in the world, serving as its artistic director in the late 1990s. The complete list of his achievements is truly amazing.
Koivistoinen´s recording career as a leader began in 1968 with the recording of his first album "ValtakuntaFind albums with this title", a beautiful literary work based on poems by famous Finnish poets. This kind of Jazz & Poetry works is quite popular in Finland and the Finnish Jazz discography list many such efforts, another proof of the overall approach to music as part of culture in general. "3rd Version", his 7th album as a leader, finds Koivistoinen in the company of other excellent Finnish musicians: pianist Heikki SarmantoFind albums by this artist, guitarist Jukka TolonenFind albums by this artist, bassist Pekka SarmantoFind albums by this artist (Heikki´s brother) and drummer Reino LaineFind albums by this artist. American drummer Craig HerndonFind albums by this artist, a member of Sarmanto´s group and an old friend from the Boston days, also plays on the album. Except for Tolonen, who is mostly associated with Jazz-Rock Fusion due to his history as a member of the legendary Finnish bands Tasavallan PresidenttiFind albums by this artist and WigwamFind albums by this artist, the rest of the players are all pillars of the Finnish modern Jazz scene and all are virtuosi on their respective instruments.
Of the four lengthy tracks on the album, three were composed by Koivistoinen and one by Heikki Sarmanto. The music could be generally categorized as Fusion, but this is the European strain of Fusion, devoid of needless and endless doodling, with every moment contributing a new vista to the music. There is also a strong Latin feel to the album, with Cuban and other Latin rhythmic patters used often. The performances are of course stellar, as can be expected from such formidable participants. The solos are well structured and flow effortlessly, always faithfully supported by the fellow musicians. Koivistoinen´s saxophone (tenor, soprano and sopranino) sounds clear and eloquent at all times, soaring and diving like a bird. Sarmanto´s keyboards work is stunning, always elegant and flawless, his brother´s bass lines, steady as a rock and chronometer and yet playful and imaginative, are breathtaking.
It is truly a blessing to have this music available again, after years of neglect and lingering. Leaving it aside to be forgotten is simply a crime against culture! Thank God for PorterFind albums on this label Records, which finally makes this music available again to the general music-loving public, as they already did with other Finnish albums, hoping this splendid effort will be continued in the future. There is still so much music waiting to be unearthed. Side Note The above are my liner notes included on this album's artwork.
I am honored when asked by the Artists to write liner notes for their albums, always hoping that my words reflect the true spirit of the music. This is also a symbol of our mutual respect and friendship developed over the years.
The same is also true when Record Labels ask me to write liner notes for their releases, mostly in the case of reissues of archival albums, which is a symbol of their appreciation of my knowledge and historical perspective and my recognition of their dedication to the preservation of the history of recorded music and the effort to keep human Culture and Aesthetics alive.
| Updated: 19/09/2018Posted: | CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Remastered Recommend To A Friend |
  | UMO JAZZ ORCHESTRA ~ ELLINGTON TRIBUTE WARNER CLASSICS 825646188321 (Barcode: 825646188321) ~ FINLAND ~ Jazz Recorded: 1997 Released: 2004
This is a wonderful album by the Finnish UMO Jazz OrchestraFind albums by this artist, founded in 1975 by the great Finnish Jazz pioneers Heikki SarmantoFind albums by this artist and Esko LinnavalliFind albums by this artist. Over time UMO became one of the absolute top European Jazz Big Bands / Orchestras, recording a long succession of brilliant albums with famous guest stars. Although primarily dedicated to supporting and promoting Finnish Jazz, the orchestra is also involved in other projects, like this tribute to the great American pianist / composer Duke EllingtonFind albums by this artist. The album presents ten pieces composed by Ellington and two composed by Billy StrayhornFind albums by this artist, arranged especially for the UMO, featuring many of the orchestra members as soloists. The orchestra captured on this album is conducted by pianist Kirmo LintenenFind albums by this artist and includes, among others, such famous Finnish Jazz figures like saxophonist Pentti LahtiFind albums by this artist and bassist Pekka SarmantoFind albums by this artist.
The music includes some of the most popular tunes associated with Ellington and his Orchestra, which are (hopefully) well known to every Jazz fan all over the globe. UMO performs these tunes perfectly, which is of course obvious, but the fascinating aspect of this music is the comparison between how it sounds here in comparison to its original sound as recorded by Ellington and his Orchestra decades earlier.
In a nutshell it is a intriguing case study presenting the difference between American and European Jazz idioms. Whereas the original performances are classic examples of Swing, perfectly orchestrated and executed, the music here is all about sophisticated arrangements, unusual orchestration and elegant tricks of the trade played with tempi, dynamics and articulation, true to the original and yet cleverly different.
It goes without saying that this album, although little known, is a must to all Big Band and Ellington fans, and deserves to be listened to very closely by music scholars and educators, especially those who claim that Jazz must stay untouched.
| Updated: 01/07/2016Posted: 01/07/2016 | CD 1 Recommend To A Friend |