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AUDIO CAVE 2024/008 (Barcode: 5908298549889) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-Ambient Fusion

Recorded: 2023 Released: 2024

This is an album by Polish Ambient composer / arranger Tadeusz LuczejkoFind albums by this artist, who uses the AquavoiceFind albums by this artist moniker. He invited several prominent Polish Jazz / Avant-Garde musicians to participate in this project: vocalist / keyboardist / flautist India CzajkowskaFind albums by this artist, electronics wizard Tadeusz SudnikFind albums by this artist, trumpeter Wojciech JachnaFind albums by this artist, bass clarinetist Mikolaj TrzaskaFind albums by this artist and author Andrzej StasiukFind albums by this artist, who recites some of his texts. The album presents sixteen short tracks, all composed by the leader. This album is a second part of the album “WavesFind albums with this title”, recorded by the same participants and sessions and released a year earlier on the Requiem label.

The album is a typical Ambient outing, spiced by some Jazz / Avant-Garde improvised soloing, almost completely lacking any distinct melodic continuity, which of course makes it rather specifically oriented to hard-core Ambient listeners. The invited guests are all excellent musicians of course, but their role here is quite limited, so Jazz listeners looking to hear their favorite artists will be disappointed.

Although I usually don’t have enough patience for Ambient music, unless it is used as background for film or theatre, I found this album quite interesting, not only thanks to the improvised parts, which are more or less decorative, rather than substantially integrated, but because it makes sense as an aural experience, engaging the listener to fill in the blanks. Perhaps it is a form of escapism in these trying times, but I listened to the album a couple of times in a row and enjoyed it without reservations.

Overall, this is an interesting Ambient album, which should make enthusiasts of the genre quite happy. The Jazzy elements are marginal and limited, buy offer some spicing to the proceedings. Definitely worth investigating!
Updated: 25/09/2024Posted: 25/09/2024CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

MULTIKULTI MPI 040 (Barcode: 5907529223543) ~ POLAND ~ Free Jazz / Improvised Music

Recorded: 2015 Released: 2018

This is the debut album by the Polish Improvised Music duo comprising of trumpeter Tomasz DabrowskiFind albums by this artist and bassist Jacek MazurkiewiczFind albums by this artist. The album presents seven compositions, all co-credited to both participants.

Both Dabrowski and Mazurkiewicz are very prolific musicians who released quite a few albums on various labels, and it is a bit difficult to follow their rich output, especially in view of the incredible number of albums released on the Polish scene year after year. Mazurkiewicz released a couple of excellent albums with another young Polish trumpeter Wojciech JachnaFind albums by this artist, so playing with a trumpet is certainly not unfamiliar to him. Dabrowski, who recorded dozens of albums in many different musical environments, proved that he can handle virtually anything. Therefore it is not surprising that their collaboration on this album works smoothly and effectively.

As with all Improvised Music the most important test is if the music makes sense in recorded form. Improvised Music almost always makes some kind of sense live, as it is able to express the mutual relationship between the musicians and the listeners in the audience, but when captured on record it has to make sense to a random listener, who does not hear the musicians playing live and the sound captured on the album is his only source of cerebral information.

Thanks to the incredible versatility of Dabrowski, who can create a myriad of sounds and moods on his trumpet, and the clever usage of electronics Mazurkiewicz employs in addition to his imaginative bass playing, this music works in its stand-alone recorded version and constitutes an interesting aesthetic experience to the listener, presenting a very varied and fascinating musical adventure.

Of course a priori this music appeals to a tiny minority within the minority of Jazz listeners, who are open minded enough to even try and listen to Improvised Music to start with. One has to admire the musicians who consistently tread on this treacherous path against all odds, disregarding popular trends and often facing open animosity not only from ignorant listeners, but even from other musicians.

Admittedly not for everybody, this album offers some fascinating Improvised Music, which is as good as Improvised Music gets. Certainly worth investigating!
Updated: 17/04/2019Posted: 17/04/2019CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend

FM 021 (Barcode: 5903240365180) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2015 - 2016 Released: 2016

This album by Polish Jazz trumpeter / composer Maciej FortunaFind albums by this artist finds him returning to the trio setting, which was his favorite format during the early days of his career a few years earlier. The trio includes bassist Jakub MielcarekFind albums by this artist and drummer Frank ParkerFind albums by this artist, both musicians that Fortuna played with earlier on. The album presents eight original compositions, all by Fortuna. These compositions are all rather concise and as a result the entire album lasts only slightly above half an hour, which really means in today´s standards that it is an EP rather than a full album.

The music is up to the usual Fortuna´s high class, presenting modern acoustic Jazz with little touches of electronics. The melodies are very melancholic and even somber, displaying the typical Polish Jazz tendency towards sustained tension and long lingering notes. Fortuna performs these tunes masterfully and is supported amicably by the rhythm section, which adds additional layers in parallel to the trumpet notes floating loftily above.

Fortuna is a master of the trade, capable of creating atmospheric pieces full of beauty and suspense. His somewhat distorted tone makes things interesting and shows him experimenting while searching for new ways to express his Art. His prolific recording activity presents a vide scope of stylistic diversity, which is quite unique.

The Polish Jazz trumpet triumvirate, which includes Fortuna, Tomasz DabrowskiFind albums by this artist and Wojciech JachnaFind albums by this artist, is an unprecedented phenomenon in the Jazz world. Such amount of talent and ingenuity, held by just three relatively young Master players is a clear testimony as to the vitality and unprecedented strength of the Polish Jazz scene in the last decade, especially in view of the fact that similar triumvirates could be named for other instruments.

Getting an album by Fortuna is a completely risk-free deal as far as Jazz connoisseurs are concerned, and this one is no different. Although short and concise, this is a powerful statement, which should be listened to by all Polish Jazz and trumpet fans anywhere in the world.
Updated: 24/05/2016Posted: 24/05/2016CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend

INSTANT CLASSIC 019 ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-Rock-World Fusion

Recorded: 2013 Released: 2014

This is the second album by the Polish Improvised Music group Innercity EnsembleFind albums by this artist, which comprises of trumpeter Wojciech JachnaFind albums by this artist, guitarists Artur MackowiakFind albums by this artist and Jakub ZiolekFind albums by this artist, drummer Tomasz PopowskiFind albums by this artist and percussionist Rafal IwanskiFind albums by this artist, Rafal KolackiFind albums by this artist and Radek DziubekFind albums by this artist, who is also in charge of electronics. A guest percussionist Witold BargielFind albums by this artist also participates. The double CD album documents the output created during three-day long meeting dedicated to spontaneous improvisations and the six tracks on CD one and five tracks on CD two are all improvisations not credited to any specific musicians and are therefore assumed to be co-composed by all the participants.

The music is a wonderful amalgam of Ambient / Electronic / Industrial / Jazz / World Music and a plethora of other influences, all combined to create dreamy sound vistas and atmospheric soundtracks, which flow gently influencing a serene and relaxed feeling of Nirvana. The music is completely non-aggressive and accommodating, which is a rarity as far as Improvised Music is concerned.

Jachna plays some remarkable trumpet parts all along the developing pieces and his contributions are of course the most distinctive, whereas the rest of the musicians are more subdued into the amalgamated multilayered background.

As I have already stated in the past Innercity Ensemble is one of the most original and interesting Polish acts of this kind and all three of their albums so far are absolutely worth getting and should bring a lot of joy to open minded listeners.
Updated: 10/05/2017Posted: 10/05/2017CD 2 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend

ISTANT CLASSIC 047 ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-Rock-World Fusion

Recorded: 2015 Released: 2016

This is the third album by Polish Improvised Music group Innercity EnsembleFind albums by this artist, which consists of trumpeter Wojciech JachnaFind albums by this artist, guitarists Jakub ZiolekFind albums by this artist and Artur MackowiakFind albums by this artist, drummer Tomasz PopowskiFind albums by this artist, percussionists Rafal IwanskiFind albums by this artist and Rafal KolackiFind albums by this artist and Radek DziubekFind albums by this artist, who is in charge of electronics. In fact all the members play a plethora of different, mostly percussive, instruments on this album, which is characterized by this powerful percussive sound. Together they perform seven original compositions, which are not credited on the album´s packaging and therefore are assumed to be co-composed / improvised by all seven members of the band.

For improvised music this album is remarkably well organized, with clear melodic themes and steady, although polyrhythmic intense percussive background. The music is beyond simple classification, as it mixes many diverse genres, like Jazz, Ethno, Jungle, Ambient and many other flavors, but the important thing is of course that the result sounds beautifully coherent and highly fascinating. The music creates a trance-like atmosphere, which absorbs the listener completely, taking him away from reality into an imaginary world of its own.

Jachna plays most of the solo parts and his heartwrenching performances are the absolute centerpiece of this album. In the course of just a few years Jachna established his position as one of the most creative Polish trumpeters on a scene exploding with talent and fiercely competitive. Music connoisseurs with a developed imagination could envisage this music as "Miles DavisFind albums by this artist in a jungle".

But of course the rest of the band also contributes beautiful sound vistas and percussive backgrounds, which are rich in textures and intricate details. Although there is a certain element of repetition, the mantra-like parts are never long enough to become boring and are always ornamented by a multitude if minimalistic musical gems.

Overall this is a beautiful and fascinating piece music, which explores and probes uncharted territory, as music always should. This is definitely something ambitious music livers should enjoy immensely and as such is wholeheartedly recommended!
Updated: 11/11/2016Posted: 11/11/2016CD 1 Recommend To A Friend

WET MUSIC 04 (Barcode: 5904259353915) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-World Fusion

Recorded: 2011 Released: 2012

The Polish Innercity EnsembleFind albums by this artist is one of many experimental music groups, which pop up on the local scene like mushrooms after rain. The incredible beehive of frenzy activity, which encompasses the Polish improvisational music scene is a phenomenon of truly gigantic proportions, and most surprisingly unparalleled by any other country in the world. As usual in such a case, the quality of the music varies significantly, but the exploration and sense of urgency prevail universally. The group is a septet and the musicians come from several different Jazz, Rock and Ambient groups. The most dominant musician is trumpeter Wojciech JachnaFind albums by this artist, who is a member of the excellent Sing Sing PenelopeFind albums by this artist. Not surprisingly, for those familiar with the Polish Avant-Garde scene, the album was recorded at the Mozg Club in Bydgoszcz, one of the epicenters of the improvisational activity.

In addition to Jachna, whose trumpet is the leading voice of the album, the ensemble includes also two guitar players, three percussionists and one person using electronic devices. This unusual lineup dictates the overall musical direction of the proceedings, which basically features ambient and percussive background, with trumpet solos on top. There is limited melodic content and the music develops slowly, if at all, like in a meditative trance. The trumpet solos are, in contrast, quite spectacular.

Although potentially interesting the album somehow leaves me cold, except for the trumpet solos. Lovers of Ambient and perhaps World Music originating in Far East will probably enjoy this music, others might enter the meditative mood and float with it, but for me this music simply does not go anywhere. Nevertheless I appreciate the energy and effort that went into making this album.
Updated: 12/04/2019Posted: CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend


Recorded: 2014 Released: 2015

This is the debut album by a Polish Jazz quartet comprising of trumpeter Wojciech JachnaFind albums by this artist, pianist Jacek CichockiFind albums by this artist, bassist Pawel UrowskiFind albums by this artist and drummer Mateusz KrawczykFind albums by this artist. The quartet performs nine original compositions: three by Cichocki, two each by Urowski and Jachna and another two co-composed by all four members of the quartet. Saxophonist Wojciech Piorkowski guests on one track.

The music is a typical contemporary modern Polish Jazz, somewhat more "conventional" than what one might expect from such names as Jachna and Urowski, but nevertheless excellent. This musical environment serves as a perfect opportunity to hear Jachna play more melodically than on most of his recordings, showing one more of his excellent qualities as a trumpeter.

The atmosphere of this recording and the music bring a fond memory of the modern Polish Jazz period of the 1960s, especially the revolutionary Krzysztof KomedaFind albums by this artist and Tomasz StankoFind albums by this artist recordings. All the tunes herein have the same melancholic touch of Polish lyricism, which was so archetypal of that period, and which makes them sound quite "retro". It is difficult to say if this effect was intentional, but regardless of the actual intentions, the "spiritual" similarity is very apparent.

The performances are, as expected, excellent from start to finish and although Jachna´s trumpet is the most evocative instrument, all four members of the quartet are superb instrumentalist and the quartet plays together like a dream, even when the music gets to be complex and demanding. Cichocki, whom I have not heard earlier, is especially impressive as a newcomer and I certainly hope to hear a lot more of him in the future.

Overall this is a superb album, which definitely stands among the best achievements of the current year, even if it is not especially innovative or groundbreaking. Such music continues a tradition that is worth preserving invigorates it and refreshes it with new creative powers. These still relatively young musicians are already the main creative power of the Polish Jazz scene, and the next generations are already puffing on their necks. These are good times for Polish Jazz and it´s great to be alive while they last!
Updated: 28/05/2020Posted: CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

AUDIO CAVE 2023/007 (Barcode: 5908298549643) ~ POLAND ~ Free Jazz / Improvised Music

Recorded: 2022 Released: 2023

This is the third album by Polish Free Jazz / Improvised Music trio comprising of trumpeter Wojciech JachnaFind albums by this artist, bassist Jacek MazurkiewiczFind albums by this artist and drummer Jacek BuhlFind albums by this artist. The album presents seven tracks, all co-credited to the trio members.

These three musicians are part of the hardcore of the Polish Avant-Garde Jazz since years, with dozens of albums to their collective credit, including four albums by Jachna and Buhl as a duo. As such, they are already established Artists, for good and for bad, since it certainly becomes more difficult in time to produce music, which will surprise the listeners and perhaps show some new direction, if such a development is at all possible in Avant-Garde Jazz music?

But of course they are Masters of their trade and the music they produce is always fascinating and exciting, despite the minimalist setting and conceptual restrictions. The music leaves more to the listener´s imagination than it actually states, which is always inspiring and stimulating. But less open-minded or less cooperative listeners might be perhaps left behind this time…

Jachna’s tone is, as always, irresistible to the trumpet lovers, who always long for more, but his statements are even more concise and shorter than usual (or perhaps it’s only my personal impression). But when he does play, he captivates as always, no question asked. The rhythm section, if they can be called that at all, is brilliant, and with the delicate usage of electronics and extended percussion, manages to create sound vistas, which flow on their own behalf.

Overall, this is a complex piece of music, which requires total involvement from the listener, but offers, as usual in the case of these three magicians (sorry, musicians) unusual stimulation and unexpected experiences. Sublime instrumental performances are obviously there, but this music is more an out of the body experience than something one gets during the usual listener / performer relationship. It certainly takes more than one encounter with this music in order to establish a spiritual contact, but patience is always a virtue.
Updated: 14/05/2023Posted: 14/05/2023CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

INSTANT CLASSIC 044 ~ POLAND ~ Free Jazz / Improvised Music

Recorded: 2015 Released: 2016

This is the debut album by Polish trio comprising of trumpeter Wojciech JachnaFind albums by this artist, bassist Jacek MazurkiewiczFind albums by this artist and drummer Jacek BuhlFind albums by this artist. Jachna and Buhl recorded several albums earlier on as a duo but this is their first encounter in a trio setting. Mazurkiewicz is active on the Polish Improvised Music scene since several years. The trio performs eight improvised pieces, spontaneously composed during the performance in a Synagogue in Bydgoszcz.

The music, which also uses some electronic effects, is mostly very introvert, subdued and in a strange way melancholic. Obviously improvised, it displays clear melodic motifs and regular rhythmic patterns, which makes it remarkably accessible in contrast to its complexity and sophistication. This music is a wonderful example of freedom, which does not transform into anarchy.

Jachna is of course one of the top Polish trumpet players and his numerous recordings present an Artist of remarkable consistency and enormous talent. Following several years of searching, he now has an individual sound and phrasing, which make his playing instantly recognizable. His performances on this album are all breathtakingly beautiful and prove that he finally reached the level of confidence and maturity that fully fits his artistry.

Mazurkiewicz and Buhl also play splendidly, as expected from highly talented and professional musicians. They become an integral part of the trio functioning symbiotically with each other and contributing many remarkable solos and interplays. In many respects they are ideal partners for Jachna in this specific setting and hopefully this trio will record more music together in the future.

Overall this is a wonderful example of Improvised Music, which manages to continue its existence beyond the moment of creation, which happens very rarely. Elegant and contemplative, moving and absorbing, this is Improvised Music at its best, and I honestly wish that many other musicians would follow this as an example.

An absolute must to all Polish Jazz / Improvised Music connoisseurs!
Updated: 23/05/2016Posted: 23/05/2016CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend

AUDIO CAVE 2018/006 (Barcode: 5905669566551) ~ POLAND ~ Free Jazz / Improvised Music

Recorded: 2017 Released: 2018

This is the second album by the Polish Improvising Music trio comprising of trumpeter Wojciech JachnaFind albums by this artist, bassist Jacek MazurkiewiczFind albums by this artist and drummer Jacek BuhlFind albums by this artist. Jachna and Mazurkiewicz employ also various electronic devices to produce sound. The album presents seven original compositions, co-credited to all members of the trio.

The music is an organic development of the music on the trio´s debut album, spontaneous yet well organized, undoubtedly influenced by the fact that it was recorded in the studio rather than live, where Improvising Music is usually recorded. This time the music is certainly more relaxed and often even lyrical, and the use of electronics is subtle and more sophisticated.

Jachna, with over two dozen albums under his belt as a leader, co-leader and band member, is certainly emerging as one of the leading personalities on the Polish Improvising Music scene, not only as a superb performer but also as a "mover" who constantly seeks for new opportunities to develop and create new musical environments. Jachna´s steady progress over time, which I have been lucky to follow at first hand since several years, is a wonderful chronology of his personal development, as well as a superb illustration of the renaissance of the Polish Jazz scene, which he exemplifies perhaps better than most.

The cooperation between Jachna and Buhl also goes back several years, and their phenomenal telepathic bond is clearly present on this album. Buhl takes the notion of "drumming" way beyond the conventional concept, with puts the traditional role of time keeping completely out of the picture. His contributions on this album are as much revolutionary and innovative as the work of Tony OxleyFind albums by this artist in the late 1960s. Mazurkiewicz completes the molecular bond of the trio with his beautifully harmonic work and rhythmic pulsations, which are crucial in absence of traditional drum parts.

Overall this is a beautiful and highly rewarding musical experience, which in spite of its Improvised Music labeling, is quite accessible to a large Jazz loving audience. For the many fans these musicians already have, this is a must of course, but at the same time this is a great opportunity to get exposed to some superb music, regardless of stylistic connotations. Wholeheartedly recommended!
Updated: 24/07/2018Posted: 24/07/2018CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

FOR TUNE 0039 (Barcode: 5902768701418) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2013 - 2014 Released: 2014

This is the debut album by Polish Jazz trio fronted by trumpeter / composer Wojciech JachnaFind albums by this artist with two very young newcomers to the scene, pianist Grzegorz TarwidFind albums by this artist and drummer Albert KarchFind albums by this artist. The album presents seven original compositions, one of which is repeated twice and another three times, producing ten tracks all together. The music includes individually composed pieces, others which are co-composed by Jachna and Tarwid and still others co-composed by all three members of the trio.

In the last decade Jachna has been slowly, but firmly establishing his position as one of the top Polish Jazz trumpet players. His work with the Sing Sing PenelopeFind albums by this artist ensemble and his duets with drummer Jacek BuhlFind albums by this artist belong to some of the most impressive achievements of Polish Jazz during the last decade, which after all is densely populated in the trumpet department. In time he developed a unique voicing on both trumpet and flugelhorn, which for old people like me constantly bring fond reminiscences of the early days of Tomasz StankoFind albums by this artist. Jachna is not imitating Stanko nor is he trying consciously to sound like him, but his way of phrasing and the "dirty", coarse tone are simply so characteristic, that the immediate resemblance is unavoidable.

The two youngsters share common music studies in Denmark, where hordes of young and talented Polish Jazz players go to polish their knowledge and chops, but most importantly they evidently share their talents and passion for music. Tarwid, who has been called a musical prodigy after winning several piano competitions at a ridiculous young age, proves that he is no gimmick and his piano work certainly fills the heart with hope for days to come. Karch, who studied with Polish Jazz drumming icon Czeslaw BartkowskiFind albums by this artist, is also quite a hot potato, as the music herein firmly confirms.

Together the trio is definitely one of the freshest and most impressive new ensembles on the Polish Jazz scene and this debut emerges as one of the most striking recordings released in Poland this year. Everything that makes Polish Jazz so unique and outstanding is reflected on this album: a search for new ways to express emotions, a complete freedom from conventions, a disregard towards obvious and boring musical methodology and at the same time a deep respect towards the music´s profound tradition and aesthetics. As always, the fact that music of such magnitude can be produced by musicians of such remarkably young age is nothing short of astounding.

The true depth of this music can be fully appreciated only if one takes a much broader view of it, beyond the Jazz conventions. It is no less relevant as a component of improvised chamber music, an imaginary ambient soundtrack or any other open minded musical exploration, which is genre free and at the same time cross-genre.

Over the last decade I have invested a lot of emotions and hopes into Jachna´s music and it makes me extremely happy that he was able to come up with this culminating work, which was unquestionably worth waiting for. His choice of partners and his persistency finally came into fruition, which should make him and his companions tremendously proud. Chapeau to all the Young Lions!
 CD 1 Recommend To A Friend

HEVHETIA 0130 (Barcode: 8588005257879) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2016 Released: 2016

This is the second album by the excellent Polish Jazz trio consisting of trumpeter Wojciech JachnaFind albums by this artist, pianist Grzegorz TarwidFind albums by this artist and drummer Albert KarchFind albums by this artist. It presents nine original compositions, four of which were composed by Tarwid, two were composed by Karch, one was composed by Jachna, one was co-composed by Jachna and Tarwid and the final one was co-composed by all three members of the trio.

The trio´s previous album, which created quite a stir on the Polish scene when it was released two years earlier, has set an incredibly high hurdle before the musicians to follow up and even more so to further develop their music, with the usual "second album dread" hovering above. I am delighted to say that they did not disappoint and managed very successfully to surmount all the perils.

The main element of this album is the decisive role of the composition, which takes over the role of improvised music, which was the primary modus operandi on the debut album. It becomes very apparent after just a few moments of listening, that this music is carefully composed and structured, which takes it even closer to the contemporary Classical idiom and further away from Jazz, than previously. The music is mostly very serene, relaxed and minimalistic, with prolonged pauses and a vast amount of space between the notes, except for a few highly intensive passages. Tarwid, who is the primary composer this time, plays long solo piano passages, which resemble the characteristic atmosphere of the music by the great French composer Erik SatieFind albums by this artist. Jachna almost completely avoids his blistering staccatos and mostly just plays the melody lines and variations. Karch also does not play traditional rhythms, just adds percussive layer to the music, mostly using mallets and playing very modestly. As a trio they are extremely effective, balanced and expressive, using the silence and space as their most efficient tool.

Together the trio creates an amazing amalgam of contemporary music, which simply eschews any simplistic classification. For a lack of a better definition it could be described as belonging to the very liberal and broad definition of the Jazz idiom, but in truth it could be also perceived as a next step in the development of contemporary music. Free yet organized, unconventional yet coherent, composed yet unexpected, this is definitely some of the best music that is being played in Europe these days.

One can only speculate what these young musicians will come up with in the future, but it is pretty sure it will be fresh and intellectually challenging. This level of composition and performance happens only very rarely, even on the European Jazz scene, which is blessed with remarkable quantity of extremely talented young musicians. In the meantime we can enjoy every second if this superb album, filling our hearts with the joy of creation these musicians share with us. Absolutely brilliant!
Updated: 27/10/2016Posted: 27/10/2016CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

HEVHETIA 0186 (Barcode: 8588005258593) ~ POLAND ~ Avant-Garde Jazz

Recorded: 2018 Released: 2019

This is the third album by the excellent Polish Jazz trio consisting of trumpeter Wojciech JachnaFind albums by this artist, pianist Grzegorz TarwidFind albums by this artist and drummer Albert KarchFind albums by this artist. This time the trio is expanded into a quartet with the inclusion of the veteran saxophonist Irek WojtczakFind albums by this artist. The album, recorded live, presents nine original compositions, all composed or co-composed by the trio members.

It is quite a challenge to follow the two superb albums which the trio recorded earlier with another extraordinary piece of music, which will continue the same level of emotional depth and sophistication. This is perhaps the reason why the trio members decided to reinforce their ranks with the addition of Wojtczak, who has achieved a remarkable level of respect and appreciation on the Polish scene, being one of the most creative and open-minded musicians on the scene. In retrospect this decision proved to be most fruitful and successful musically.

The music on this album is even more open and adventurous than on the two earlier albums, still offering a pre-composed skeleton but relaying more on spontaneous improvisation than ever before. It is therefore further removed from the Contemporary Classical tendencies followed earlier on and moves toward Avant-Garde contemporary music, with an emphasis on both group and individual improvisation. The melodic themes become more minimalist and nebulous, strongly related to the Krzysztof KomedaFind albums by this artist legacy he defined in the mid-1960s. I am pretty sure this music would put a smile on his face.

As usual, the individual contributions by the trio members are highly inspired and perfectly executed. Wojtczak integrates with the trio completely and unconditionally, becoming entirely naturally an integral part of the music making unit. Obviously his presence enhances and deepens the overall sound and adds new possibilities, which are immediately sized upon by the trio members. One could hardly hope for a more innate combination of improvising powers than this. The future will tell weather Wojtczak joins the trio on a permanent basis, turning it into a quartet or this was just a one time only collaboration, but the potency of this ensemble is fully exposed on this album.

It is only natural that musicians of this caliber refuse to stand still and keep searching constantly, and therefore it is completely normal to see the music evolving and developing from one album to the next. As long as they manage to keep it interesting, inspiring and deeply satisfying, like in this case, we should be grateful and feel blessed that such music is being made.

Overall this is a remarkable album, certainly marking a noteworthy event in the 2019 list of Polish Jazz releases and deserving the admiration and respect reserved only for the very best of its kind. Thank you for the music, as always!
Updated: 24/05/2019Posted: 24/05/2019CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

MULTIKULTI MPI 043 (Barcode: 5907529223536) ~ POLAND ~ Free Jazz / Improvised Music

Recorded: 2015 Released: 2018

This is a solo trumpet album by Polish Jazz trumpeter / composer Wojciech JachnaFind albums by this artist. The album examines the relationship between sound and space and was recorded in several locations around Jachna´s home town of Bydgoszcz, like the Synagogue and the Water Tower, and other locations with a specific architectural design, which influences the acoustics. The album presents fourteen relatively short improvisations on themes, mostly composed by Jachna (eight tracks). Guitarist Jakub ZiolekFind albums by this artist guests on one track, which was composed by Ornette ColemanFind albums by this artist.

For several years now Jachna has been consistently paving his way towards the top of the Polish Improvised Music / Jazz trumpet scene, obviously influenced by the two major / celebrated Polish Jazz trumpet figures, sadly both not with us any more: his hometown hero Andrzej PrzybielskiFind albums by this artist and of course Tomasz StankoFind albums by this artist. It is not surprising therefore that a composition by each of these two great musicians is present next to each other on the album. Also present is a composition by the godfather of Polish Jazz, Krzysztof KomedaFind albums by this artist. As a result Jachna seems to pay tribute to the Masters, recognizing their influence, along with his own contributions, which mark his own path. The music was recorded three years before the album´s release, which means that Jachna released several albums after this music was recorded, allowing us a glimpse into the past.

The sound of the trumpet reflected by the acoustics of the various architectural structures is a lonely journey, minimalist and introvert, but full of emotion and beauty, which should keep all Improvised Music enthusiasts perfectly happy. Jachna has a rare talent to express his emotions and musical ideas clearly and effectively, which is even more powerful in the solo setting. This album is a document of an experiment, which proves that Jachna is at all times searching for new ways to express his music.

Overall this is an unusual and interesting album, which is definitely worth investigating by Polish Jazz, Improvised Music and trumpet connoisseurs the world over.
Updated: 05/01/2019Posted: 05/01/2019CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend


Recorded: 2013 Released: 2014

This is the third album by Polish Jazz duo comprising of trumpeter Wojciech JachnaFind albums by this artist and drummer Jacek BuhlFind albums by this artist. Although they released in 2013 a digital-only album of archival Lo-Fi material, called "TapesFind albums with this title" (recorded between 2009 and 2011), which could be theoretically counted as their third release, it was a side-kick project and therefore not a part of the duo´s formal discography, in spite of it´s high quality musical content. The current album includes nine original compositions, all co-composed by the duo members.

Musically the duo continues the formula they developed earlier, which mixes ambient atmospheric themes with improvisation and Jazzy expressions, creating a fascinating mixture of sounds, which is absolutely their own. This music is quite beyond classification, and fortunately the local Polish scene nurtures such experimentation, which has a solid fan base there, certainly more opened towards unusual music than in other parts of the world.

Jachna is surely one of the most interesting trumpeters arriving on the scene in the last decade or so, with a completely individual sound and phrasing, which I personally find irresistible. It has an edge of suspense and griminess that most straight-forward trumpeters both eschew and find unaesthetic, whereas in reality simply sound marvelous. He also remains a minimalist, playing just the right little notes exactly when they are needed and absolutely nothing more, a quality rarely found among his peers.

Buhl is an ideal partner for Jachna, attentive and supportive, filling the space with a wealth of percussive sounds of all sorts but also often carrying the actual melody line. His subtle playing is a showcase of good taste and elegance, as well as incredible musicality and technique. Together they create music, which in spite of its unfussiness is full of expressiveness and emotion.

As this album clearly shows, the Jachna / Buhl duo managed to create a music microcosm for themselves, which is a considerable achievement for such relatively young musicians playing together for just a few years. I´m looking forward to their endeavor, which apparently is already underway. Well done again gents!
Updated: 01/06/2018Posted: CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend

AUDIO TONG 14 (Barcode: 859706101586) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2010 Released: 2011

This wonderful album by the Polish duo: trumpeter Wojciech JachnaFind albums by this artist and drummer Jacek BuhlFind albums by this artist, is a superb example of how Jazz reinvents itself and updates itself constantly thanks to new and talented musicians. Of course the concept of the trumpet-drums duet in Jazz is not completely unusual, with the legendary Don CherryFind albums by this artist / Ed BlackwellFind albums by this artist album "MuFind albums with this title" being an early example. Originally released in 1969 that double LP was a revolutionary step forward, redefining and expanding the genre´s borders.

In the course of history several other noticeable trumpet-drums duet albums were also recorded. This album, as mentioned above, updates this concept thanks to the new technology available today, which allows electronically generated ambient vistas to be incorporated into some of the tracks, but basically it´s up to the two players to create the substance. The music, although mostly improvised and close to the Free Jazz movement, has a strong melodic content and atmospheric / ambient feel about it, which is characteristic of movie soundtracks.

Buhl´s ability to play the drums as a melodic instrument (as opposed to a purely rhythmic one) is truly remarkable. His extended solo passages never cease to amaze as far as inventiveness and sensitivity are concerned. Jachna´s minimalism, combined with his complete command of his instrument is highly effective and artistically sublime. Their duets are wonderful example of two musicians listening to each other at all times, giving up their egos in order to achieve a fusion of their powers and a higher level of unity.

This is definitely one of the most interesting Polish Jazz albums I´ve come across lately and I can´t imagine any true Jazz enthusiast not finding this album worthy of their attention. Great stuff!
 CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend


Recorded: 2009 Released: 2009

This is the debut album by Polish Jazz duo consisting of trumpeter Wojciech JachnaFind albums by this artist (Contemporary Noise SextetFind albums by this artist, Sing Sing PenelopeFind albums by this artist) and drummer Jacek BuhlFind albums by this artist (SyfonFind albums by this artist, GlabulatorFind albums by this artist). It presents eleven original compositions, all co-composed by the duo members.

The music is beautifully innovative and embodies a new sub-genre of the thriving Polish Jazz scene, which combines the tradition of trumpet / drums duos combined and expanded here with electronic and ambient sound vistas. A somewhat similar approach to music was also adopted a few years later by the An On BastFind albums by this artist / Maciej FortunaFind albums by this artist duo, which shares many sonic similarities with this duo. This music consists of expanded melodic themes developed by the trumpet and accompanied harmonically and rhythmically by the ambient electronic background and the drum parts. This approach seems to offer a wide plane of new possibilities, with are just being discovered lately.

Such recordings like this one emphasize the vitality and the constant drive of the young Polish Jazz musicians to innovate and discover new possibilities, rather than stay on the beaten track of mainstream Jazz, which is probably the most important characteristic of the entire scene. Of course Jachna and Buhl already demonstrated their creativity and pioneering spirit as members of other ensembles they played with, but their work in this duo is the most impressive in that respect. Their next album as a duo ("Niedokonczone KsiazkiFind albums with this title"), recoded a year later, brought this wonderful concept to perfection.

Sadly this album is relatively quite anonymous and known mostly to a small number of Polish Jazz Avant Garde fans, which is a pity. It is definitely worth searching for and deserves an honorable place in any serious Polish Jazz collection, especially for people following new trends and bold pioneering progress.
Updated: 17/12/2018Posted: CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend


Recorded: 2014 Released: 2015

This is the fourth album by Polish Jazz duo comprising of trumpeter / composer Wojciech JachnaFind albums by this artist and drummer / composer Jacek BuhlFind albums by this artist. It includes eleven original compositions, all apparently co-composed by the duo members. DJ YakiFind albums by this artist guests on a couple of tracks.

Musically the album continues the path set by its predecessors, which finds the duo creating ambient collages of sounds created by their instruments and those created electronically. In many respects this album is the most advanced search for the duo´s identity, being less Jazzy oriented than any of their earlier albums and almost completely immersed in ambient / electronic music. It is accordingly less melodic and more rhythmic, as is most contemporary electronic music.

Of course Jachna is a superb trumpet player, as he proves time after time on his Jazz releases, storming mercilessly the Polish Jazz top trumpet league. However his playing on this album is distinctly different and includes extensive use of electronic sound effects and other devices, which distort the trumpet sound considerably. They are of course no less interesting, but might prove difficult to swallow by hardcore Jazz enthusiast. Buhl´s drumming is also quite distant from a steady Jazz rhythm and involves a lot of imagination in order to follow the patterns.

Overall this is, as usual, a beautiful soundscape, which needs to be approached with open mind and complete lack of preconceptions in order to be fully appreciated. Full of imaginary worlds, eerie sound bits and distant trumpet cries, this music is a soundtrack of the private movie screening in the listener´s head. Surely not for everybody, but those who are able to appreciate and enjoy this duo´s Art are truly blessed. Well done indeed!
Updated: 19/01/2018Posted: CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend

MELLOW YELLOW 1 ~ POLAND ~ Avant-Garde Jazz

Recorded: 2016 Released: 2017

This is the debut album by the Avant-Garde Polish Jazz / Improvised Music duo comprising of trumpeter Wojciech JachnaFind albums by this artist and accordionist Zbigniew ChojnackiFind albums by this artist, two of the most interesting musical discoveries in the last two decades on the burgeoning local scene. The album presents seven improvised pieces, not credited on the minimalistic album´s artwork, and assumed being co-composed by both musicians, as usual in such circumstances.

Although both players use electronics to enhance and expand the sonic capabilities of their instruments, the music is mostly acoustic, especially as far as the trumpet parts are concerned. As a result this album features Jachna more immediately and practically "naked" than most of his numerous other recordings, which of course is a splendid opportunity to get exposed to his virtuosic abilities. Chojnacki provides more of the ambient background and space layer of this music, soloing less prominently here, but his contributions are as much important for the overall result as are Jachna´s.

Intimate dialogues often face the hazard of being too personal to reach a wider audience, but in this case the music created by the duo is completely universal and any open-minded listener should be able to identify with this music, even if it requires undivided attention and some intellectual and emotional effort. The Polish Avant-Garde Jazz / Improvised Music often excels in its lyricism and harmonic elegance, rather than in dense aggressiveness that characterizes American Avant-Garde. As a result listening to this music is able to bring the listener to a highly relaxed state of mind, almost a nirvana.

During last year´s Singer Jazz Festival (2017) I invited Chojnacki to play a solo accordion concert on the intimate "small scene" of the Kwadrat Theatre. He arrived armed with his accordion, hooked up to a plethora of electronic devices and played an out of this world non-stop concert with the intensity of an interstellar journey. Of the hundred people who arrived for the concert about half left while he was playing, obviously dazed and confused by what they heard, but those who lasted till the end enjoyed a mind-blowing experience. In my closing statement I told the remaining audience that the fact that so many people left is the best possible proof of how superb the music was. Great music is definitely not for everybody and many sublime musicians were exposed to similar experiences at the early stages of their careers, before their fame became more important than their Art.

This album is also not for everybody. It is exquisitely put together by two extraordinary musicians, who already accomplished so much in such a short time and those listeners who are able to comprehend and enjoy their greatness are always gratified and touched. This is a highly recommended album to all true music connoisseurs, who are able to "think out of the box". Brilliant stuff!
Updated: 12/04/2019Posted: 05/01/2018CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend

AUDIO CAVE 2025/004 (Barcode: 5908298549926) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2024 Released: 2025

This is the 3rd album by Polish Jazz ensemble Wojciech Jachna SquadFind albums by this artist led by trumpeter / composer Wojciech JachnaFind albums by this artist and including also keyboardist Jacek CichockiFind albums by this artist, guitarist Marek MalinowskiFind albums by this artist and drummer Rafal GorzyckiFind albums by this artist. The album presents six tracks, three original compositions by Jachna two by Gorzycki and one is an adaptation of a composition by Polish Classical composer Karol SzymanowskiFind albums by this artist.

This new version of the ensemble was reduced to a quartet, leaving out a bass player, and the “new” drummer is an old collaborator of Jachna, since the days of the fabulous Sing Sing PenelopeFind albums by this artist ensemble days, and his presence has a major influence on the sound and ambience of the music.

The music is almost entirely acoustic, with the exception of the electric guitar and synthesizers, which come up front momentarily, and strongly influenced by modern Classical music elements and Free Improvisation, which results in a much more demanding outcome than the two previous albums. As mentioned before, Gorzycki’s compositions and his dominant drumming give the music a somber, dense effect.

Jachna’s trumpet parts are as fabulous as always, and he never fails to grab the attention of the listener, but his role is someway less central and leading on this album, with much more space given to the other three members of the ensemble. The balance between the instruments is also somewhat shifted towards the heavy drumming, which might sound a bit “unearthly” at first. This album definitely needs several listening sessions in order to embrace its unique qualities.

It is very interesting to see the ensemble developing and changing the direction, especially when this leads towards a more ambitious and demanding results, but might also present a challenge to listeners, who are expecting something else, based on earlier exposure. For me personally this new direction is all for the good of course.

Overall, this is a very interesting, captivating effort by Jachna and his colleagues, going back to his more Avant-Garde days of the mid-2000s, updated of course by the experiences gained since. It might surprise some of the listeners, but please give it some tome and open-mindedness and everything will work splendidly. Well done!
Updated: 11/03/2025Posted: 10/03/2025CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

AUDIO CAVE 2022/002 (Barcode: 5908298549407) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2021 Released: 2022

This is the second album by the Polish Jazz ensemble Wojciech Jachna SquadFind albums by this artist led by trumpeter / composer Wojciech JachnaFind albums by this artist and including also guitarist Marek MalinowskiFind albums by this artist, keyboardist Jacek CichockiFind albums by this artist, bassist Pawel UrowskiFind albums by this artist and drummer Mateusz KrawczykFind albums by this artist. The album presents seven original compositions, two composed by Urowski, two co-composed by all five members of the ensemble and one each by Jachna, Cichocki and Malinowski.

The music seems to follow a somewhat different path than the debut album, being distinctly tamer and well-behaved than the debut. Lyrical melodic themes, gentle melancholic trumpet parts, synthesizer / moog ambient harmonic background layers, Fusiony guitar and steady rhythmic pulse are definitely not what one expects to hear on a Jachna album, but everybody has the freedom to change and evolve, and Jachna definitely does not need to prove anything to anybody anymore, being a master of his own music destiny.

Of course here and there the music features some less polite moments and even almost free improvisations, which are a link to the familiar past, especially so on the group co-composed improvisation pieces but also partly in the other pieces. Personally I find this to be the most ambitious aspect of this album, but of course Jachna has already proved himself well beyond any doubt in that specific direction.

Overall, this is, as always, an excellent album, probably the most accessible Jachna recording ever, but without any compromises aesthetically, artistically or creatively. The Squad manages to establish a distinctive sound and ambience as an ensemble, which of course is no less important. Despite the fact that this music more caresses than bites, it is still amongst the finest on the Polish Jazz scene. Well done!
Updated: 24/02/2022Posted: 24/02/2022CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

AUDIO CAVE 2020/005 (Barcode: 5908298549025) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2019 Released: 2020

This is the debut album by the Polish Jazz ensemble Wojciech Jachna SquadFind albums by this artist led by trumpeter / composer Wojciech JachnaFind albums by this artist and including also guitarist Marek MalinowskiFind albums by this artist, keyboardist Jacek CichockiFind albums by this artist, bassist Pawel UrowskiFind albums by this artist and drummer Mateusz KrawczykFind albums by this artist. Four of these musicians (except for Malinowski) recorded already an album together five years earlier, called "The Right MomentFind albums with this title". The album presents seven original compositions, three composed by Jachna, two co-composed by all five members of the ensemble and one each by Cichocki and Malinowski.

During the last decade (2010s) Jachna emerged as one of the leading representatives of the young (but rapidly maturing) Polish Jazz musicians, leading and taking part in many projects, which cover a diverse stylistic range between modern mainstream to advantageous avant-garde, managing to sound equally convincing regardless of the circumstances. The fact that his name appears on about thirty albums released during that period is no less than astonishing.

This album seems to fall somewhere in the middle of the range, based on strictly composed and melodic themes on one hand, but being widely open to momentary free improvisation excursions. The addition of the guitar added new colors and influences like Blues and even Fusion, albeit subtle enough to be distinguishable primarily by a trained ear. The overall sound of the ensemble is brighter and spacier than on the a.m. album and noticeably more electric, with the addition of synthesizer and electric guitar sounds.

Jachna´s trumpet parts, superb as always, seem to gradually gong more and more mellow and lyrical, loosing the rough edge that characterized his early days, which for me works all for the best. He is an absolute Master of minimalist expression and manages to create a remarkable amount of tension within relative brief solo parts.

But the rest of the ensemble players all perform beautifully as well, emerging as ideal partners to the leader and contributing impressive soloing and collective performances and excellent rhythm section backbone support, which is inventive and contributes essentially to the entire musical fabric. It is truly satisfying to see Jachna and his partners evolving and exploring, continuously producing wonderful albums on the way.

Overall this is a most impressive and deeply moving album, another great achievement for Jachna and his colleagues and a superb addition to his extensive recorded legacy. For all lovers of Polish / European Jazz this is an absolute must!
Updated: 28/05/2020Posted: 28/05/2020CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

FSR 2018/04 (Barcode: 5905279364271) ~ POLAND ~ Free Jazz / Improvised Music

Recorded: 2017 Released: 2018

This is the second duo album by Polish Jazz duo: trumpeter / composer Wojciech JachnaFind albums by this artist and bassist / composer Ksawery WojcinskiFind albums by this artist. Saxophonist Tomasz GlazikFind albums by this artist guests on one track. The album was recorded in two Warsaw locations (Ladom / Mozg) associated with Free Jazz / Improvised Music and presents eleven original compositions co-credited to the duo members and one traditional tune arranged by the duo members.

Some people following the Polish Avant-Garde music scene might be quite surprised by the music presented on this album, since it is overall remarkably melodic and tame, and as such accessible to a wide scope of Jazz listeners. The short pieces, averaging about three minutes each, are based on a clear melodic line and the improvisations are kept within the scope of the basic melody, both harmonically and rhythmically. The traditional / religious hymn is perhaps the most surprising piece of the entire album and a brilliantly executed amalgam of improvisation and medieval music.

Both musicians display tremendous skills and imagination, which is evident every step of the way. Jachna continuously develops his trumpet chops and watching his progress over the last two decades was an uplifting experience. Wojcinski is able to create a cascade of sounds from his bass and his plucking technique is ferocious. But even more important than their individual abilities is their cooperation, which fully belongs in the "Art of the Duo" idiom. Despite the limitations imposed by just two instruments in action, this music is complete and full and needs nothing to make it better. The trio on the single track where the saxophone is added is also excellent, but definitely not superior to the rest of the tracks.

Overall this is a beautiful example of highly spirited Improvised Music at its best, which should make all connoisseurs of the genre perfectly happy. Hopefully listeners from other spheres of interest will also take a while and listen, as this music is definitely too good to be ignored.

The Polish FSRFind albums on this label label continues to document the Polish / European Improvising Music scene with dedication and passion, for which it and the people running it deserve our gratitude and praise. Wholeheartedly recommended!
Updated: 12/04/2019Posted: 23/06/2018CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend

FSR 2015/03 (Barcode: 5905279364028) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2014 Released: 2015

This is a "live in a studio" recording of spontaneously composed Improvised Music performed by two prominent Polish Jazz musicians: trumpeter Wojciech JachnaFind albums by this artist and bassist Ksawery WojcinskiFind albums by this artist. The album presents eleven pieces "carved out" from the music recorded during a night session, hence the album´s title.

I have been following the development of Wojciech Jachna for over a decade now, closely watching his recordings and inviting him to play at the concerts I organize simply for the reason that he is a symbol of the new generation of the Polish Jazz scene and a wonderful person: immensely talented, always searching, unconventional, open minded and above all modest and unpretentious. Such qualities are very rarely found in one individual, which makes Jachna a true phenomenon.

Jachna can be a bit timid when playing with musicians he is not familiar with, and therefore it is very constructive that he and Wojcinski played together before this session was recorded. Consequently there is no timidity or hesitation here whatsoever and these two musicians play as if they played together for ages.

Wojcinski is a wonderful bassist and even if I criticized severely his solo album a while ago it does not mean that I don´t admire his talent and virtuosity. On this album he not only serves as a part of the duo but assumes the role of "master of ceremonies", gently pushing the music forward and suggesting the next move, with Jachna responding swiftly and amicably. His arco work is absolutely stunning here.

The music is lyrical and melancholic, developing slowly and delicately moment after moment. Obviously nobody is in a rush to just make a statement, and the long lasting tones little by little evolve spontaneously. Although Jachna is obviously the "leading" voice here, it is nevertheless a duo album from beginning to end and the contributions are simply inseparable.

After listening to the album a few times it definitely emerges as one of the best Polish Jazz albums released so far this year. Another "Art of the Duo" masterpiece of international scale!
Updated: 27/10/2016Posted: CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

AUDIO CAVE 2017/009 (Barcode: 5905669566414) ~ POLAND ~ Free Jazz / Improvised Music

Recorded: 2017 Released: 2017

This is the debut album by Polish Avant-Garde Jazz quartet JazabuFind albums by this artist, which consists of trumpeter Wojciech JachnaFind albums by this artist, saxophonist Tomasz GlazikFind albums by this artist, guitarist Marek KadzielaFind albums by this artist and drummer Jacek BuhlFind albums by this artist. The album presents ten original compositions / improvisations, which are not credited on the album´s artwork and therefore assumed to be all co-composed by the four quartet members.

The music is quite typical Free Jazz / Improvised music offering, with short melodic lines stated at the beginning of the tracks, which are then developed into group improvisations and feature solos by the individual quartet members. Some of the tracks lack even the basic melodic theme and are completely improvised. The music appears to be working best when it is more contemplative and introvert, and as such delivers a deeply atmospheric musical aura. The more energetic pieces sometimes move into chaotic intensity. The lack of bass, which is only partly compensated by the guitar, creates a fluid, less rigorous rhythmic setting, which suits this music well.

Jachna and Glazik were members of the legendary Sing Sing PenelopeFind albums by this artist ensemble, which was active since the turn of the Millennium, and their musical attitude was largely influenced by their formative years. Jachna and Buhl recorded several albums together in duo and trio formats and all three of them come from similar background. Kadziela is a bit of an outsider here, having been mostly associated with young Polish Jazz musicians active on the Danish scene, but since his return to Poland he is certainly more active on the local scene in several quite diverse environments. Together they represent an interesting amalgam of talent and musical experience, which definitely has a lot to offer.

Although I was not overwhelmed by the music on this album, probably mostly due to the fact that although beautifully performed it offers little innovation, I believe that their future offers might be much more exciting, considering their potential. Of course the album offers some great moments and impressive soloing and the connoisseurs of the Polish Avant-Garde scene should be quite happy with this music, which more than anything proves that Polish musician are still searching and making an effort to cover uncharted territory, rather than succumb to lethargy.
Updated: 12/04/2019Posted: 29/12/2017CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

NOT ON LABEL ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-Ambient Fusion

Recorded: 2021 - 2023 Released: 2023

This is the debut solo album by Polish Jazz bassist / composer Piotr KomosinskiFind albums by this artist. The album presents twelve short compositions (total time just about half an hour), on which he plays several instruments: acoustic and electric bass, ukulele bass, kalimba and electronics. Five of the tracks are duets with trumpeters, Michal MikeFind albums by this artist plays on four tracks and Wojciech JachnaFind albums by this artist on one.

The music is a brilliant collection of miniatures, sometimes ambient, sometimes melodic, always concise and coherent, which are an excellent example of the “less is more” concept. These pieces take the listener on a magical sonic ride, which keeps constantly changing the “view in the window”, but constitutes a logical and aesthetic continuity of rare depth.

The five duets with the trumpeters are obviously the most Jazz oriented pieces on the album, but they are organically consistent with the rest of the material. Personally I’d love to hear a whole album consisting of just such duets, which might be an island of serenity in the cacophonic environment we have to deal with in our everyday life.

One can hope that this short album is just a glimpse into Komosinski’s musical world, which will be expanded soon by further explorations. The soon the better!

Overall this is a wonderful little gem, different from most releases that land on my desk with an ever-growing pace, which is a breath of fresh air and inspires a true Nirvana. Thanks!
Updated: 14/12/2023Posted: 14/12/2023CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend

DELMARK 591 (Barcode: 038153059125) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2009 Released: 2010

This is the debut album by Polish Jazz duo MikrokolektywFind albums by this artist, which includes trumpeter Artur MajewskiFind albums by this artist and drummer Kuba SucharFind albums by this artist. Both musicians play also electronic keyboards. The album includes eleven tracks, all composed by the duo members, either individually or collectively. The album was released on the veteran US (Chicago) DelmarkFind albums on this label label and was the label´s first release by Eastern European Jazz musicians.

Mikrokolektyw creates a wonderful musical world of their own, with the trumpet and drums becoming one as if fused together and the electronic effects and sounds provide a background upon with the melodic content is spread. Although very close to Free Jazz, the music is lyrical and surprisingly melodic, not crossing over to the spontaneous Improvised Music territory. It is obvious that the music is carefully planned, before being executed, but during the actual performance a wide range of musical freedom is involved.

Although the concept of a trumpet / drums duo is seldom seen in Jazz, the Polish Jazz scene seems to be an exception, with several such duos active on the local scene. The excellent Wojciech JachnaFind albums by this artist / Jacek BuhlFind albums by this artist album "Niedokonczone KsiazkiFind albums with this title" is in fact quite similar to this album, but there are several others. Of course one can always go back to the roots and seek out the Don CherryFind albums by this artist / Ed BlackwellFind albums by this artist collaboration "MuFind albums with this title".

Of course the music of Mikrokolektyw is well based on the Jazz tradition, but tries to innovate on many fronts, including the electro-acoustic sound and the World Music influences. They also display a phenomenal level of communication with each other, which is essential especially in an intimate setting like a duo.

Overall this album is a great example of Jazz being alive and kicking, developing and growing, with an interesting future ahead. Hopefully other US and European labels will decide to release more albums originating in Poland, as that country seems to have more to offer than most others these days.

Jazz enthusiasts, who like their music with an interesting twist, will have a field day with this album!
 CD 1 Recommend To A Friend

FENOMMEDIA 012 (Barcode: 5907604327128) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2014 Released: 2015

Trumpet / drums duo recordings are a very special chapter in Jazz history and they include some fascinating interplays recorded over time by American Jazz musicians, such as the legendary Don CherryFind albums by this artist / Ed BlackwellFind albums by this artist or Max RoachFind albums by this artist / Dizzy GillespieFind albums by this artist recordings. Some American / European trumpet / drums duos are also worth mentioning, such as the Leo SmithFind albums by this artist / Gunter SommerFind albums by this artist, Dave DouglasFind albums by this artist / Han BenninkFind albums by this artist or Bill DixonFind albums by this artist / Tony OxleyFind albums by this artist, documented on their respective recordings. On the contemporary Polish Jazz scene this relatively rare pairing of instruments seems to be quite favorable, with such excellent examples like Wojciech JachnaFind albums by this artist / Jacek BuhlFind albums by this artist, Artur MajewskiFind albums by this artist / Kuba SucharFind albums by this artist and others. Trumpeter / composer Tomasz DabrowskiFind albums by this artist already has one trumpet / drums album under his arm, recorded with the American drummer Tyshawn SoreyFind albums by this artist and now he joins the brilliant drummer / composer Bartlomiej OlesFind albums by this artist in a new trumpet / drums duo, captured on this album.

Bartlomiej Oles is of course known to all Polish Jazz connoisseurs as half of the Oles Brothers rhythm section, which in time achieved a legendary status as one of the best modern Jazz rhythm sections around, but this album focuses on his work as composer. Of the ten pieces presented on this album, Oles composed eight, and co-composed one with Dabrowski, with the remaining piece, which closes the set, being a Thelonious MonkFind albums by this artist composition.

In comparison to the trumpet / drums albums listed in the opening paragraph, this recording is definitely the most lyrical and deeply melodic of them all. Oles demonstrated his lyricism and love of melody over the years in the numerous compositions he contributed to the vast Oles Brothers recorded legacy. Additionally, his treatment of the drums as a melodic instrument has always been his particular trademark, as he almost never simply sets a rhythm but rather plays the drums in par with his musical partners in various ensembles. The intimacy of just two instruments is an ideal opportunity to place these compositional and performance qualities at the center of the listener´s attention.

Dabrowski, whose meteoric rise to fame is fully justified, seems to be an ideal partner aiding Oles to achieve his goals. His virtuosic attack, combined with the intrinsic lyricism, turn his trumpet into a seemingly unlimited tool able to express an enormously diverse set of emotions, from whisper to shout, anger to joy, despair to mellow melancholy. Playing side by side with Oles, who is of course more experienced and mature, pushed Dabrowski really hard to reach and than cross his limits, which resulted in the best performance of his life so far. Oles managed to catalyze and crystallize Dabrowski´s unique style and mannerism, molding them into a perfect musical entity.

There is so much music on this album that a true comprehension and appreciation of it requires several listening sessions even for the most experienced music lovers. Peeling off the layers of aesthetic and emotional essence captured herein by these two Masters is a delightful and rewarding experience. There is no doubt that this is a monumental achievement in every sense and a model of lofty, almost spiritual communication between an Artist and his audience.

Personally I have a deep satisfaction from the fact that I have always considered these two musicians as representatives of what is best about Polish Culture in general and Polish Jazz in particular: honesty, consistency and a proper usage of a God given talent. Thank you both for such a wonderful gift!
Updated: 02/01/2017Posted: CD 1 Recommend To A Friend

REQUIEM / LYDIAN 2019/6 ~ POLAND ~ Avant-Garde Jazz-Classical Fusion

Recorded: 2018 Released: 2019

This is the debut solo album by Polish flautist / multi-instrumentalist / composer Tomasz PawlickiFind albums by this artist, recorded with the help of seven additional Polish instrumentalists from various genres, including trumpeter Wojciech JachnaFind albums by this artist, drummer Jacek BuhlFind albums by this artist and others, each appearing on between one and four of the tracks. The album presents twelve original compositions, all by Pawlicki.

The music is a minimalist, chamber Jazz-Classical Fusion presented by the relatively short pieces, which although unrelated melodically, can be easily conceived as parts of a suite like coherent whole. Since Pawlicki is usually associated with the Polish Avant-Garde Jazz scene, this music seems at times somewhat "tame", but it is in fact a logical continuation of his work with the Ecstasy ProjectFind albums by this artist ensemble or the trio with Rafal GorzyckiFind albums by this artist and Jakub ZiolekFind albums by this artist.

Both the compositions and the performances are brilliant all the way through and although this music is targeted towards the more refined audiences, it can be enjoyed by a relatively wide range of listeners from the Avant-Garde contemporary Classical Music and / or Jazz echelons to any member of the open-minded and curious public. The subtle use of electronics adds another interesting layer to the music, without changing the overall chamber effect.

I have enjoyed immensely listening to this unusual, ambitious and beautiful music, with the solo violin piece played by Filip LipskiFind albums by this artist being my favorite piece on this album. But all the music offers a highly aesthetic experience and deserves to be heard by as many people as possible. Definitely well done!
Updated: 07/08/2020Posted: 07/08/2020CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend


Recorded: 2006 Released: 2006

This is the 2nd album by the incredible Polish Jazz ensemble Sing Sing PenelopeFind albums by this artist, led by drummer Rafal GorzyckiFind albums by this artist and also including trumpeter Wojciech JachnaFind albums by this artist, saxophonist Tomasz GlazikFind albums by this artist, keyboardist Daniel MackiewiczFind albums by this artist and bassist Patryk WeclawekFind albums by this artist. Violinist Sebastian GruchotFind albums by this artist guests on one track. They play all original music, composed mostly by Gorzycki and Jachna or credited to the ensemble. Stylistically this is an incredible mixture of many elements from Jazz, Rock, Ambient, RIO and other areas, completely eluding any attempt of pinpointing or categorization. They are definitely one of the most interesting and most consistently excellent ensembles currently active on the Polish scene, which of course is a major compliment. All these players are excellent instrumentalist, the music is fresh, unusual and truly intelligent, but in spite its complex nature manages to embrace the element of melody, which is often mostly lost in adventurous attempts tried by others. I suppose that if Frank ZappaFind albums by this artist was alive today, he´d have loved to play with these young musicians behind him, but so would a lot of other great musicians. In any case this, and the other recordings by this group, is a beacon of hope that not all is lost in music in the 21st Century. Absolutely not to be missed!
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TONE INDUSTRIA 009 (Barcode: 5905912550863) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-Rock Fusion

Recorded: 2004 Released: 2005

This is the debut album by the sensational Polish ensemble Sing Sing PenelopeFind albums by this artist, founded in Bydgoszcz in 2001 by four musicians: keyboardist Daniel MackiewiczFind albums by this artist, bassist Patryk WeclawekFind albums by this artist, drummer / percussionist Rafal GorzyckiFind albums by this artist and saxophonist Tomasz GlazikFind albums by this artist. They were joined in 2003 by trumpeter Wojciech JachnaFind albums by this artist and the quintet lineup, which recorded this album, was born. Obviously based on the Jazz-Rock and modern Jazz roots, this ensemble acts as a creative unit and treats their original music (credited to all the five members) as an experimental canvas, expanding it into new and uncharted territory. Rather that use well established patterns and musical structures they try to innovate constantly, which puts them apart from most of their contemporaries. Combining melodic themes, pulsating rhythms and a lot of freedom in the improvisations they mange to create something fresh, challenging and often unexpected, which will be their trademark in all their future recordings. In fact this little known (at the time of its release) album marks the birth of was to become the most interesting ensemble active on the Polish scene in the first decade of the 21st Century. By now this is already a classic recording, which sadly is very difficult to find today. A must!
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MW 004 (Barcode: 5903292102245) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2011 - 2012 Released: 2012

This is the 6th album by the brilliant Polish ensemble Sing Sing PenelopeFind albums by this artist, formed and led by drummer Rafal GorzyckiFind albums by this artist, which includes also trumpeter Wojciech JachnaFind albums by this artist, saxophonists Aleksander KaminskiFind albums by this artist (new member) and Tomasz GlazikFind albums by this artist, keyboardist Daniel MackiewiczFind albums by this artist and bassist Patryk WeclawekFind albums by this artist. Two guest artists, who played on the ensemble´s previous recordings, are also present here: violinist Sebastian GruchotFind albums by this artist and DJ StrangefruitFind albums by this artist from Norway on live electronics. It seems that SSP (as they are known in this age of shortcuts) can do no wrong and this album is every bit as grand as everything else they attempted previously, which after six albums and ten years amounts both to a substantial body of music as much as their impeccable reputation. The music, contributed collectively or individually by all participants, is as usual a completely original mix of styles and sub-genres, disregarding boundaries and freely moving from one territory to another. Atmospheric / ambient electronic sounds over strong, pulsating rhythmic patterns and Jazz solos on top seems to be shortest way to describe this music, although it manages to escape any simple depiction, which of course means there is interesting stuff happening here. In many respects this album sums up the decade of the ensemble´s existence, covering everything from their Jazz-Rock efforts, through the Free Jazz improvisations and recent ambient vistas. In retrospect SSP emerge as perhaps the most interesting phenomenon of the first decade of the 21st Century on the Polish scene, being the most consistent, searching and completely disregarding fads group of young musicians around. An absolute must to any serious Jazz listener, wishing to reach beyond the obvious!
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ELECTRIC EYE 003 (Barcode: 5905912552874) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-Classical Fusion

Recorded: 2006 - 2007 Released: 2008

This is the 3rd album by excellent Polish ensemble Sing Sing PenelopeFind albums by this artist, led by drummer / composer Rafal GorzyckiFind albums by this artist, one of the most versatile and diligent Polish musicians, who also created and leads other ensembles, like Ecstasy ProjectFind albums by this artist. Gorzycki incorporates Jazz tradition with contemporary Classical music, Avant-Garde, Rock, Punk and a myriad of other genres and sub-genres, completely ignoring conventions, like many of his Polish contemporaries on the off-centre music scene. His recording legacy in the last decade is quite prolific, presenting many quite contrasting, but always intriguing musical vistas. This album is definitely one of the most interesting of his recordings, and one of the best albums coming out of Poland in the first decade of the 21st Century. On this album the ensemble includes trumpeter Wojciech JachnaFind albums by this artist, saxophonist Tomasz GlazikFind albums by this artist, keyboardist Daniel MackiewiczFind albums by this artist and bassist Patryk WeclawekFind albums by this artist. Violinist Sebastian GruchotFind albums by this artist guests on four tracks. The music, all original of course, is a stunning amalgam of Modern Jazz, Avant-Rock, RIO, contemporary Classical; in short completely beyond classification. Somehow all this makes perfect sense musically and leaves the innocent listener completely stunned. The strange thing is that this music might appeal to Jazz and Rock (especially Progressive Rock) audiences with equal might, but certainly it´s extremely unlikely someone might stay indifferent to it. In short this is a blast of an album, which took me by complete surprise and made me return to it several time already. As to the album´s title, I have no idea what the ensemble really meant, even after watching the short video included on the album, but my guess would be that it´s a pun on the many Polish Jazz albums dedicated to the memory of Krzysztof KomedaFind albums by this artist, including the famous "We`ll Remember KomedaFind albums with this title" album? In any case this album is an absolute must!
Updated: 12/04/2019Posted: CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

MOZG 001 ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2010 Released: 2010

This is the 5th album by the sensational Polish ensemble Sing Sing PenelopeFind albums by this artist, recorded in cooperation with Norwegian DJ StrangefruitFind albums by this artist (real name Pal NyhusFind albums by this artist) and Polish (resident in Norway) violinist Sebastian GruchotFind albums by this artist. The regular SSP lineup (trumpeter Wojciech JachnaFind albums by this artist, saxophonist Tomasz GlazikFind albums by this artist, keyboardist Daniel MackiewiczFind albums by this artist, bassist Patryk WeclawekFind albums by this artist and drummer / percussionist Rafal GorzyckiFind albums by this artist) is slightly changed with saxophonist Aleksander KaminskiFind albums by this artist fulfilling the position of the absent Glazik. The circumstances surrounding the recording of this album are connected to the Smolensk catastrophe, in which a plane carrying Polish Government officials crushed killing everybody on board. The musicians who recorded this album were suppose to tour Polish clubs, but as a result of the mourning the concerts were cancelled and instead they recorded the album, which was distributed free of charge in the clubs, where the concerts were supposed to be played. Of course today this album is a rare collector´s item. Musically this album marks another expansion of SSP already adventurous music into new territory, with the inclusion of electronics and ambient elements. The music becomes more contemplative and spacey, in comparison to their earlier efforts, but the Jazz solos and overall atmosphere is unmistakably SSP. Another innovation is the use of World Music percussive elements by Gorzycki, which adds another dimension to the music. The album´s ac hoc nature and the short (EP size) repertoire are all results of the on the spot decision to make the album at the time and the fruition of the ideas contained herein was fully realized in their next album. In retrospect this little gem appends a valuable add-on to the splendid recorded legacy of the ensemble so far and as usual is a splendid piece of contemporary music of rare quality.
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MONOTYPE 022 (Barcode: 5908310927084) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-Rock Fusion

Recorded: 2008 Released: 2009

This phenomenal recording presents a somewhat unlikely cooperation between young Polish ensemble Sing Sing PenelopeFind albums by this artist and the dark prince of Polish Jazz Avant-Garde, genius trumpeter / composer Andrzej PrzybielskiFind albums by this artist (now sadly departed). Sing Sing Penelope, formed by Polish drummer / composer Rafal GorzyckiFind albums by this artist also includes brilliant trumpeter Wojciech JachnaFind albums by this artist, saxophonist Tomasz GlazikFind albums by this artist, keyboardist Daniel MackiewiczFind albums by this artist and bassist Patryk WeclawekFind albums by this artist. They recorded three albums since the mid-2000s, all of which are excellent, and this is their fourth release. Przybielski was a key figure on the Polish Avant-Garde scene since the 1960s, and his scarce, but mostly brilliant recorded legacy is a prime example of the Eastern-European Jazz at its most creative best. The music created by the young members of the ensemble and the veteran trumpeter is a wonderful surprise, completely unexpected not only due to the age and musical background differences but mainly because of the vibrancy and vitality of the result, which resembles the power and verve of the early electric Miles DavisFind albums by this artist ensembles. The sound is very modern and up to date, mostly up tempo and sometimes quite Rock oriented, but always within the Jazz aesthetic and always simply radiant. Of the seven composition presented on the album Przybielski is credited with three, another three are co-credited to him and the group and the last one is by the group. The most striking feature of the album is of course the double trumpet front line, which is simply phenomenal. Jachna already proved his ability as a player on several albums featuring his unique talents and playing alongside a genius such as Przybielski must have proven a unique inspiration, which is evident from the result. Przybielski himself simply plays beautifully all the way and this recording is definitely one of his best moments. As much as two saxophones lineups are very popular in Jazz, a two trumpets ones are almost inexistent, which is a great pity, as this recording proves beyond any doubt. But of course all the participants of this recording deserve to be praised, as everybody contributes towards the unprecedented success. Overall this is one of the strongest Polish Jazz albums recorded recently and a grand memorial to the talents of Andrzej Przybielski, who received almost no recognition before his untimely and tragic death. Definitely a must to every connoisseur of Polish and Eastern-European Jazz!
Updated: 12/04/2019Posted: CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend

AUDIO CAVE 2019/008 (Barcode: 5905669566797) ~ POLAND ~ Electronic & Ambient

Recorded: 2018 Released: 2019

This is the fourth album by Polish Alternative Rock group So SlowFind albums by this artist, which includes vocalist Michal GlowackiFind albums by this artist, who is also in charge of electronics, guitarist Daniel KryjFind albums by this artist, bassist Adam StepienFind albums by this artist and drummer Arek LerchFind albums by this artist. The former bassist of the group, Lukasz LembasFind albums by this artist, played on three of the tracks, before he was replaced by Stepien. Jazz trumpeter Wojciech JachnaFind albums by this artist played a solo on one of the tracks. The album presents five tracks, all collectively credited to the group´s members, with lyrics by Glowacki. The opening track is a short introduction and the remaining four tracks are extended pieces lasting on average about ten minutes each.

Glowacki, Lembas and Lerch are also members of the Non Violent CommunicationFind albums by this artist quartet, which released its stunning debut album "ObserwacjeFind albums with this title" earlier this year (2019), and not surprisingly there are some musical parallels between these albums, although So Slow are definitely more Ambient / Electronic oriented and their music is dramatically less contents oriented, intended rather to serve as an imaginary soundtrack to whatever goes through the head of the listener at the time the music is playing.

The electronics provide a steady "wall of sound" effect; the rhythm section supplies a steady pulsation, although attentive listening will allow the listener to hear many subtle variations. The guitar is the only source of melodic riffs, usually repeated continuously with subtle variations as well. The "vocals" are heard only well back in the background and serve more as a hint than real source of acoustic information. In total an atmosphere of mystery and tension prevails.

One can only wonder how the album would have sounded if Jachna was a permanent member of the group and played for the entire duration of the music, but for the few minutes he does play here the music crosses into an entirely new dimension and becomes absolutely magical.

The minimalist / monotonous background that this music is based on offers a possibility to the listener to enter a hypnotic state of total submission, which creates a unifying experience between the musicians and their audience. Personally I found it to be fascinating, but other listeners unable to "follow" might find this music eccentric and uninviting.

Overall this is definitely a piece of music worth exploring and offers highly emotional, although seemingly minimalist scenery. Sadly I am not familiar with the group´s earlier recordings, which would have enabled me to offer some comments on the group´s musical path over time, but based just on just this limited glimpse, they are searching and exploring, which is already highly unusual and certainly commendable. Hoping to hear more soon!
Updated: 09/11/2019Posted: 09/11/2019CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

REQUIEM 194 ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-Ambient Fusion

Recorded: 2020 Released: 2020

This is the debut album by the duo comprising of Polish guitarist / composer Maciej StanieckiFind albums by this artist and Jazz trumpeter / composer Wojciech JachnaFind albums by this artist. The album presents nine pieces, not credited on the album’s artwork and assumed to be co-created by the two musicians.

The music is an amalgam of Electronic / Ambient layers of background sounds and trumpet improvisations floating on top of this background, creating a relaxed, almost lethargic atmosphere of contemplation and bordering on cinematic aural excursions.

As I have already stated repeatedly, there seems to be a distinct movement in Polish music lately, which offers a “protest” / counterbalance attitude, characterized by minimalistic / subdued musical forms, as a reaction to the incisive noise (musical or otherwise), that we are all drenched in and which completely blocks our contact with the world and other humans around us. This album is a “classic” representative of this new wave.

Although the layers of sound created by Staniecki are very creative and often inspiring, the focus of this album is naturally on the wonderful performances by Jachna, who perfected his sound and intrinsic lyricism over the years, bringing it to such unprecedented level, that today there are but just a few other trumpeters on the European scene with equal capabilities. Combined with his improvisational strength, Jachna is a poet of his instrument and every moment of his playing on this album is a pure aesthetic delight.

With well over twenty excellent albums recorded in the last decade, spanning a wide and diverse stylistic range between modern Jazz and Avant-Garde, Jachna steadily climbs to the position of top Polish Jazz trumpeter, and this album is a clear example of his genius.

This album, although fully immersed in Jazz, is likely to find its way to a large audience of listeners, who do not listen to Jazz on a regular basis. The music works like a balsam for every human soul, inspiring healing and inward escape away from our troubles. This is truly an outstanding offering of music, which deserves to be embraced by us all.
Updated: 27/02/2021Posted: 27/02/2021CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend

ALPAKA 020 (Barcode: 3663734142902) ~ POLAND ~ Electronic & Ambient

Recorded: 2022 Released: 2022

This is a solo guitar / electronics album by Polish guitarist / composer Maciej StanieckiFind albums by this artist. It presents eleven tracks, presumably composed by Staniecki, all named “Spiral” with a number added. The album’s artwork gives no information about dates of recording and seems to be as minimalist as the music.

Staniecki has been active on the local scene since the 1990s and released several albums as well as composed music for several Polish movies and theater shows and is a prolific music producer. His musical orientation seems to be multi-disciplinary / multi-genre. I am only familiar with the album “Two SoulsFind albums with this title” recorded with Polish Jazz trumpeter Wojciech JachnaFind albums by this artist. I liked that album, as my review shows, but this solo outing is a different case.

The music on this album is completely abstract, almost completely devoid of melody, continuity and rhythm, which personally leaves me completely cold, but I can appreciate the aesthetics behind it. The minimalism is quite typical of contemporary Polish music scene, which seems to find escapism from the horrific non-Culture that surround us all by concentrating on saying as little as possible. Although guitar is audible, one can hardly call this a guitar album in the conventional meaning of the term.

Overall, this is an Ambient / Electronic album, which fans of the genre might find interesting, but anybody outside that sphere will find weird / uninviting and probably boring. To each his own…
Updated: 12/05/2022Posted: 12/05/2022CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

AUDIO CAVE 2025/002 (Barcode: 5908298549940) ~ POLAND ~ Avant-Garde Jazz

Recorded: 2022 Released: 2025

This is an album by Polish Jazz flautist / composer / bandleader Dominik StrycharskiFind albums by this artist and his CoreFind albums by this artist quintet, which also includes pianist Barbara DrazkovFind albums by this artist (a.k.a. Barbara DrazkowskaFind albums by this artist), trumpeter Wojciech JachnaFind albums by this artist, bassist Zbigniew KozeraFind albums by this artist and drummer Pawel SzpuraFind albums by this artist. Strycharski and Jachna employ electronics and Drazkowska plays a prepared piano. The album presents five tracks, all original compositions by the leader.

The music is a brilliant amalgam of composed, but highly unusual, modernist music and controlled Improvised interludes, which combine acoustic and electronic sounds, odd pulsations, Avant-Garde contemporary approach and a plethora of other wonderful weirdness, which immediately bring fond memories of Zappaesque complete disregard of conventions, in short everything one might desire in order to hear some exciting, unusual, challenging music, brilliantly performed by these highly talented musicians.

As expected, Jachna is the direct link to Jazz within this marvelous madness, and his trumpet soli are like bright stars on a night sky, showing the way to lost mariners. The rhythm section plays some inhumanly difficult rhythmic patterns, the piano is in charge of the almost melodic layers and Strycharski uses his flute / recorder skills sparingly, concentrating on electronic effects, but the little bits here and there are like cherries on top of the cake.

The music as a whole completely eschews categorization, and as a result a proper description, so it should be of course heard and not read about, so my humble efforts are a mere attempt to encourage as many people as possible not to miss this album. Mind you, it might take some patience, open-mindedness and a true love of unconventional music to enjoy it in full, but I have faith in my readers to possess these qualities, ergo fully equipped for the voyage.

I admit of being sometimes quite critical about Strycharski’s recordings, which simply means I don’t judge the books by their covers but listen carefully. This time I can’t utter anything but deep appreciation and admiration for his efforts as composer and leader, which are amicably and splendidly supported by his cohorts, producing a true work of musical Art.

Overall, this is a brilliant piece of modern music, completely cross-genre in nature and masterly designed and executed by the entire quintet. This is Avant-Garde, which breaks barriers and rules, without being rude and careless, which is demanding, but pleasing, and which expands our musical horizons! My deepest thanks to all of you!
Updated: 14/03/2025Posted: 11/03/2025CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

AUDIO CAVE 2021/005 (Barcode: 5908298549247) ~ POLAND ~ Soundtracks

Recorded: 2017 - 2021 Released: 2021

This is an album by Polish Jazz flautist / composer Dominik StrycharskiFind albums by this artist and his ensemble CoreFind albums by this artist, which includes pianist Barbara DrazkowskaFind albums by this artist, trumpeter Wojciech JachnaFind albums by this artist, bassist Zbigniew KozeraFind albums by this artist and drummer Pawel SzpuraFind albums by this artist. The Ursus Brass OrchestraFind albums by this artist also takes part in this recording. The album presents five original compositions, all by Strycharski. The music was used as a soundtrack to the award winning documentary film about the Ursus factory, which ceased to exists in 2011, and which was famous for producing Polish tractors for more than 100 years.

The music, although performed by a Jazz quintet and a Brass Orchestra, includes hardly any Jazz elements per se and offers a dark, ambient, Cinematic Music, which is slow moving and minimal in its scope. It might be very appropriate as a soundtrack (I have not seen the documentary), but as a stand-alone piece of music it is much more difficult to swallow.

The industrial character of the music, as well as its lack of development, may emphasize / illustrate the labor done by the ex-workers of Ursus, who are the focus of this documentary, but out of that context it is rather daunting.

One of the tracks, which is performed just by the quintet, is the closest that this music gets to Jazz / Improvised Music, and features some great playing by Jachna, but again the twelve minutes long piece is completely static and monotonic, and even Jachna’s trumpet parts are unable to redeem it.

Overall, this album proves that Cinematic Music is not always able to stand by itself, unrelated to the visual layer. Despite the fact that it is performed by highly esteemed Polish Jazz musicians, it simply does not work for me. My fault of course.
Updated: 01/07/2021Posted: 01/07/2021CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

SJP 001 ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2016 Released: 2016

This is a criminally overdue tribute album to the Polish Jazz trumpeter / composer Andrzej PrzybielskiFind albums by this artist (born 1944), who died in 2011, recorded by an ensemble which features six Polish Jazz trumpeters: Maciej FortunaFind albums by this artist (born 1982), Marcin GawdzisFind albums by this artist (1972), Wojciech JachnaFind albums by this artist (1976), Tomasz KudykFind albums by this artist (1976), Piotr SchmidtFind albums by this artist (1985) and Maurycy WojcinskiFind albums by this artist (1988), i.e. mostly members of the middle aged and young generation of the Polish Jazz scene. The ensemble also features a rhythm section which comprises of guitarist Jakub KujawaFind albums by this artist, bassist Grzegorz NadolnyFind albums by this artist and drummer Grzegorz DaronFind albums by this artist. Together they perform four compositions by Przybielski and three collectively improvised pieces. The album also includes a conversation with Przybielski recorded in 2007 at the legendary Mozg club in Bydgoszcz, Przybielski´s home town, which also includes fragments of his performances.

The recording and the release of this album was the initiative of Fortuna, who felt an obligation to document and commemorate Przybielski´s contribution to Polish Jazz, which is of course highly praiseworthy. However it is difficult to ignore the fact that Przybielski died a dissolute, lonely, sick, neglected and forgotten man, which left a huge black stain on the Polish Jazz scene. Not less significant is the absence on this album of the top Polish Jazz trumpeters of his generation, which painfully emphasizes the fact that Przybielski never received the recognition he so much deserved from his contemporaries and was mostly adored and respected by musician much younger than himself. His life´s story is a classic epos of Avant-Garde being denied recognition at its peak only to be recognized in the aftermath.

Personally I had the pleasure of knowing Przybielski and working with him on several projects in the 1980s, being immediately convinced that he is the most interesting Polish Jazz trumpeter on the local scene at that time. My admiration for his work never ceased, being only rekindled following the tragic news of his death.

With all respect to the actual music present on this album, which is very good, it is only secondary to the very existence of this project. Thanks and salutations are of course due to Fortuna and the many people who made this project possible and which, as the Vol.1 suggests, will be continued in the future.

There are many fascinating moments on this album, some superb trumpet passages and solos, great group improvisations and so on. The musical concept is however a bit unclear, as far as I am concerned. Also the idea of six trumpeters playing together, as potentially interesting as it might appear is less effective in reality in my opinion. Perhaps a collection of pieces featuring prominently just one trumpeter or at most two, playing in turn might have been more effective? But these are just matters of personal taste.

Of course all these trumpeters can play and they do play well, but as far as a tribute is concerned, the music is supposed to be spiritually convergent to the music of the subject to whom the tribute is dedicated, which, as already mentioned above, is not really apparent herein.

But all things considered, this is a very important album, not only for its music but primarily for what it symbolizes, for its historical importance and for the example it sets. As such it is undoubtedly a major event and a great success!
Updated: 12/04/2019Posted: 15/11/2016CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Slipcase Recommend To A Friend

SJP 004 ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2016 Released: 2017

This is second volume of the wonderful project which pays tribute to the great Polish Jazz trumpeter Andrzej PrzybielskiFind albums by this artist, who died in 2011. Six relatively young but already established Polish Jazz trumpeters: Maciej FortunaFind albums by this artist, Marcin GawdzisFind albums by this artist, Wojciech JachnaFind albums by this artist, Tomasz KudykFind albums by this artist, Piotr SchmidtFind albums by this artist and Maurycy WojcinskiFind albums by this artist and a rhythm section comprising of guitarist Jakub KujawaFind albums by this artist, bassist Grzegorz NadolnyFind albums by this artist and drummer Grzegorz DaronFind albums by this artist perform five pieces, three of which are original compositions by Przybielski, one is a long improvised piece (over half an hour in duration) and the last is the bugle call of Bydgoszcz, the home town of Przybielski. A DVD filmed during the premiere of the first volume of this album is also included.

The music is of course a continuation of the content of the first album and readers wishing to read more about the historical background and Przybielski´s contribution to Polish Jazz are invited to read my review of that album and other albums by Przybielski. By a weird coincidence I am writing these words just a few days following the death of Tomasz StankoFind albums by this artist, the Polish Jazz Colossus. The many parallels, stylistically and otherwise, and of course great differences between these two trumpeters is one of the most fascinating stories of Polish Jazz, definitely worth a book on the subject.

Beyond the music per se, these two albums are an important glimpse into Polish Jazz history and an effort to bring Przybielski into the awareness of the Polish Jazz fans, which he sadly almost completely missed during his lifetime. They also show the will of the young generation of Polish Jazz players to continue the tradition and remember the idiom´s heroes.

For Polish Jazz fans this is definitely something they should have in their collections. Hats off to all the people who contributed to this project and made it happen.
Updated: 01/08/2018Posted: 01/08/2018CD+DVD 2 Mini-Sleeve Slipcase Recommend To A Friend

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