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Recorded: 2021 Released: 2022

This is the debut album by the European Jazz quartet Off The RecordFind albums by this artist, led by German guitarist / composer Ronny GraupeFind albums by this artist, which also includes Polish vibraphonist Dominik BukowskiFind albums by this artist, British bassist Phil DonkinFind albums by this artist and German drummer Oliver SteidleFind albums by this artist. The album presents fifteen original compositions, all by the leader, first five and last nine grouped into two “mini-suites” and one solitary tune separating them.

Graupe first came to my attention as a member of the (then) new quartet led by Rolf KuhnFind albums by this artist, which included two young German Jazz musicians. I followed his career via his later recordings for the excellent WhyPlayJazzFind albums on this label label, which documents the burgeoning young German scene, of which Steidle is also an important member. Bukowski is of course an old acquaintance and surely one of the very best European vibraphone players since many years. I am less informed of the activities of Donkin, although he seems to be frantically busy as well, but somehow his albums never reached me so far.

The music is an excellent example of contemporary European Jazz, which is highly imaginative, exploring and inventive, rhythmically liberated and free-spirited, and yet completely coherent, and to some degree melody based. Guitar and vibraphone playing together always take me back five decades back to the prophetic Gary BurtonFind albums by this artist / Larry CoryellFind albums by this artist quartet recordings, which were Fusion precursors but never actually played Fusion per se, exactly what happens here. There is perhaps just a tinge of Fusiony moments, but none of its drudgery.

The individual and group performances are of course stellar, but nothing less should be expected from these highly experienced musicians. Graupe made an excellent choice by taking Bukowski aboard, creating a magical amalgam not only of sounds but more importantly of ideas. The polyrhythmic pulsations delivered by the rhythm section fit this music like a glove and are a true delight from start to finish.

Overall, this is European Jazz at its best, sophisticated and emotional, organized and free all in the best measures. This is definitely a piece of music modern Jazz lovers should put their hands on, with no regrets or hesitation whatsoever. Years of hard work and persistence pay off in music, and when combined with great amounts of talent, they work wonders.
Updated: 09/07/2022Posted: 09/07/2022CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend


Recorded: 2005 Released: 2005

This is the debut eponymous album by the young German (based in Berlin) quartet called SONNEFind albums by this artist, which comprises of saxophonist Philipp GropperFind albums by this artist, pianist Carsten DaerrFind albums by this artist, bassist Johannes FinkFind albums by this artist and drummer Christian Lillinger.Find albums by this artist The album presents nine original compositions, three composed by Lillinger, two each by Daerr and Gropper and the remaining two credited to the entire quartet.

The music of SONNE is quite typical of young European Jazz, which rebels against the mainstream Jazz tradition by decomposing its basic structures and putting them together in a form of a new collage, which is fresh and daring, but not disrespectful. Although unconventional and somewhat Avant-Garde / Free, this music still preserves the basic Jazz qualities of improvisation on a theme and cooperation with the other band members to create a new form of creative expression.

This music might prove challenging to the less experienced listeners at first, but after a while it becomes in fact quite logical and even melodic, in spite of the initial strangeness and alienation. It is also beautifully preformed and well recorded, which sums up to quite a satisfactory aesthetic challenge, with should last. Gropper and Lillinger are both members of the excellent trio Hyperactive KidFind albums by this artist, which is also worth following.

This album is also the debut release of the small independent German label WhyPlayJazzFind albums on this label, which in the decade since releasing this album became one of the sources of most consistently interesting European Jazz, for which it deserves our gratitude and praise.
Updated: 12/04/2019Posted: CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

WHYPLAYJAZZ 002 (Barcode: 5707471006665) ~ DENMARK ~ Jazz-Rock Fusion

Recorded: 2006 Released: 2007

This is the debut album by the young Danish quartet QuartzFind albums by this artist, which comprises of trumpeter Mads la CourFind albums by this artist, guitarist Frederik VedersoFind albums by this artist, bassist Andreas LangFind albums by this artist and drummer Kasper Tom ChristiansenFind albums by this artist. When this album was recorded nobody could have predicted that Vederso would soon become one of Denmark´s top Pop / Rock / Folk stars. This is also the debut recording of the Lang / Christiansen rhythm section, which in the decade following this recording was about to turn into one of the best Jazz rhythm sections in Europe. The album presents nine original compositions, all credited collectively to the quartet.

The music of Quartz floats constantly somewhere between Jazz-Rock Fusion and contemporary modern Jazz. The Rocky guitar tends to pull the music towards Fusion, but the trumpet and rhythm section are obviously Jazz oriented, hence the duality. Regardless of the stylistic umbrella, this music is fresh, intelligent and full of intrinsic freedom, which allows for interesting improvisations and interplay between the band members. La Cour is a hell of a trumpet player and his solos soar high with a blood curdling intensity and speed. The rhythm section immediately presents their unique approach to providing the backbone for an ensemble, which is done with a specific twist of roles, with the bass being the rhythmic chronometer and the drums working with, against and above the expected rhythm patters, actually playing the instrument. The mutual understanding, respect and level of telepathic cooperation between these two guys are simply marvelous.

There are also plenty of great tunes on this album, with some great melodies and catchy riffs, which make this music immediately accessible to most listeners. Although the music is quite sophisticated, it is also seemingly "easy on the ear", which of course is the best way to win over the listeners attention. In retrospect this is by far the most accessible album on the excellent WhyPlayJazzFind albums on this label label. This is definitely a superb debut effort and a piece of music that is certainly worth returning to from time to time.
 CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend

WHYPLAYJAZZ 005 (Barcode: 4050486034583) ~ DENMARK ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2010 Released: 2011

This is the debut album by the Danish / German quartet FUSKFind albums by this artist led by Danish drummer / composer Kasper Tom ChristiansenFind albums by this artist, which also features the Danish bassist Andreas LangFind albums by this artist and the German saxophonist Philipp GropperFind albums by this artist and bass clarinetist Rudi MahallFind albums by this artist, who is also a member of the Kasper Tom 5Find albums by this artist ensemble. The album presents nine original compositions, seven of which are by Christiansen and the remaining two are group compositions.

This album is a superb example of contemporary modern European Jazz developed and created by a young generation of greatly talented individuals who are lucky to grow up in the affluent borderless Europe, which enables a much wider access to musical education and international cooperation than just a few decades earlier. These young musicians are able to size the moment and exploit this new reality, which results in an explosion of young international groups playing Jazz and Improvised Music all over the continent.

Christiansen, who has been recoding music both as a leader and a sideman for several years before forming FUSK, established his position as one of the leaders of this new European scene, playing extensively with Scandinavian, German, Polish and other young musicians and additionally developing his skills as a composer, which came to full fruition with FUSK. Here he presents his most adventurous works and the quartet turned out to be an ideal vehicle for exploring his music. He is one of the relatively few drummers, who are bandleaders and principal composers in their ensembles.

As a team Christiansen and Lang are one of the strongest and most imaginative rhythm sections on the European scene and this album is full of wonderful examples of their telepathic interplay. Supported by such an excellent rhythm section the two soloists are able to spread their wings and explore the freedom of improvisation in full. Both Gropper and Mahall gently weave their lush structures, both individually and collectively, creating a highly aesthetic whole.

Overall this is an exciting and wonderful album from start to finish, full of surprises and one that keeps the listener on his toes from start to finish. Considering the fact that it is a debut recording, the result is even more commendable. Well done indeed!
 CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend

WHYPLAYJAZZ 006 (Barcode: 4050486062128) ~ GERMANY ~ Jazz-Rock Fusion

Recorded: 2011 Released: 2012

This is the debut album by the young German quartet EderFind albums by this artist, which comprises of saxophonist Johannes MoritzFind albums by this artist, guitarist Felix FranzkeFind albums by this artist, bassist Hendrik KrauseFind albums by this artist and drummer Friedemann PrussFind albums by this artist. Two additional musicians also participate on selected tracks: DJ IllvibeFind albums by this artist (a.k.a. Vincent von SchlippenbachFind albums by this artist, son of the legendary pianist Alexander von SchlippenbachFind albums by this artist) and saxophonist Niklas KraftFind albums by this artist. The album presents nine original compositions, four by Franzke, three by Krause, one by Moritz and one credited to the entire quartet with DJ Illvibe.

The music of Eder is a strange mixture of Jazz improvisation, Rock rhythms, Hip Hop, ambient and many other less apparent elements. The overall atmosphere is rather dark and depressing, the sound muddy and muffled, in short this is more an alternative Rock album with some Jazz influences rather than a bona fide Jazz or even Jazz-Rock Fusion outing.

Although the album has its moments and is definitely non-trivial, it lacks focus and sounds largely as a continuous searching, rather than getting somewhere. Of course there is nothing wrong with experimenting and searching, but in this case they are somewhat tedious and non-engaging. The individual performances by the group members are also unimpressive and fragmented, so there is little to draw the listener´s attention. Of course this is just my personal impression and other listeners might have a different opinion. This is after all a debut album, so the band deserves a chance to be heard again in the future, hopefully with a more solid material and focused statement.
 CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend

WHYPLAYJAZZ 007 (Barcode: 4050486070048) ~ GERMANY ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2011 Released: 2012

This is the debut album by the quartet called PhilmFind albums by this artist, led by German saxophonist / composer Philipp GropperFind albums by this artist and including Norwegian pianist Havard WilkFind albums by this artist, Danish bassist Andreas LangFind albums by this artist and German drummer Oliver SteidleFind albums by this artist. Gropper is also known as the leader of the trio Hyperactive KidFind albums by this artist and the group TauFind albums by this artist, as well as a member of FUSKFind albums by this artist, SONNEFind albums by this artist and several other projects. With over thirty albums as a leader and sideman he is one of the most prolific German (Berlin based) Jazz musicians since the turn of the Millennium. The album presents six original compositions, all by Gropper.

The music presents a set of passionate statements, beautifully crafted by their composer and wonderfully executed by the quartet, which combines four individual talents into a fresh amalgam, where the total is greater than the sum of its parts. Since I´m already familiar with Gropper, Lang and Steidle from other recordings, it is Wilk who is the nicest surprise of this album, playing some superbly imaginative lines and proving to be pianist definitely worth following in the future. Lang plays his usual wonderful bass staccatos and keeps the rhythm section as an integral part of the collective improvisation. Steidle, who is another veteran on the German scene and has a fine reputation as a highly imaginative and gifted drummer justifies his standing in full.

Although most of the music is improvised, it has a strong melodic ingredient, sometimes clearly noticeable but most of the time only present subconsciously. This music has a clearly defined direction and a sense of purpose, which many Free Jazz / Improvised Music recordings simply lack completely. To be completely free and unrestrained within specified harmonic and melodic boundaries is a much more sophisticated form of expression than complete tonal anarchy, something free improvisers tend to forget.

Overall this is an excellent debut group effort and I´m looking forward to hearing more from where this music came from, hopefully soon!
 CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend

WHYPLAYJAZZ 008 (Barcode: 4050486078013) ~ GERMANY ~ Jazz-Classical Fusion

Recorded: 2011 Released: 2012

This is the debut solo album by German pianist / composer Johanna BorchertFind albums by this artist, which comprises of thirteen relatively short solo piano pieces, nine of which are freely improvised and four are improvisations based on her compositions.

Although mostly spontaneously improvised this music has very little if anything to do with Improvised Music as in the Avant-Garde Jazz idiom and is deeply rooted in contemporary Classical music, mainly in the vicinity of the French modernists like Claude DebussyFind albums by this artist, Eric SatieFind albums by this artist, Oliver MessiaenFind albums by this artist and others. Some of these pieces are minimalist, others more developed, but the overall atmosphere is predominantly characterized by the sonorities typical of these composers and their particular approach to music.

The music is mostly very delicate and introvert, which makes it quite difficult for most of the listeners, who have little experience with such demanding and ambitious ventures. Therefore this music might work well when played live but listening to it at home might prove to be over the top for most people.

Of course one must support artists willing to take risks and statements like this one are always a sign of the intellect overcoming the musical futility that overwhelmingly surrounds us. Sadly I´m probably one of very few people who really like this music, as it unfortunately falls in between; the Jazz oriented people will find it to romantic and the Classical buffs to bold.

So ye brave-hearted embrace this little gem wholeheartedly and others, please investigate other recordings by Borchert, which are surely of the same quality but probably slightly more accessible.
Updated: 12/04/2019Posted: CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend

WHYPLAYJAZZ 009 (Barcode: 4050486086735) ~ DENMARK ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2012 Released: 2013

This is the second album by the Danish / German quartet FUSKFind albums by this artist led by Danish drummer / composer Kasper Tom ChristiansenFind albums by this artist, which also features the Danish bassist Andreas LangFind albums by this artist and the German saxophonist Philipp GropperFind albums by this artist and bass clarinetist Rudi MahallFind albums by this artist, who is also a member of the Kasper Tom 5Find albums by this artist ensemble. The album presents eleven original compositions, eight of which are by Christiansen and the remaining three are group improvisations.

Christiansen is one of the most prolific young European Jazz personalities in the last decade and participates in several diverse ensembles in parallel, both led by him and by others, which involve musicians from different European countries. This kind of international collaboration is one of the most creative ingredients of the new European Jazz scene, where the artists can enjoy the freedom of movement without any restrictions and some take advantage of it quite broadly.

As a result of his recordings Christiansen has established quite a reputation not only as a player and bandleader, but particularly as a superb composer of diverse stylistic approaches. His work is worth following across the broad spectrum of his creative output, of which FUSK is just a singularity. The music presented here emphasizes the freedom and openness in his compositions, which are based on short melodic themes which are then explored by the quartet quite liberally and without limitations. Of course even if the music is mostly improvised, both harmonically and rhythmically, it is neither chaotic nor disorganized, keeping well within the boundaries of group improvisation. The quartet members obviously listen to each other attentively and support each other constantly. There is an overall feeling of tenderness and respect and none of the aggression often associated with group improvisation is present here. The individual performances are all first class, with the two soloists obviously standing up front most of the time, but with the rhythm section firmly involved as well. Lang´s bass and Christiansen´s drumming are an excellent example of superb contemporary rhythm section work, which is nonabrasive and nonaggressive and yet keeps the music moving forward on a solid track.

The music recorded on this album was also recorded live at the legendary Warsaw Pardon, To Tu club shortly before being recorded in the studio, and it´s highly recommended to listen to both versions, in order to appreciate the dramatic influence of a live audience on a Jazz performance. The live album is scheduled to be released on the Polish For TuneFind albums on this label label.

Kasper Tom Christiansen and his cohorts are the new generation of European Jazz and judging by their accomplishments we have little to worry about the quality of the music they will create. What kind of impact this kind of music will have on the general Culture of the continent is another question…
 CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend

WHYPLAYJAZZ 011 (Barcode: 4050486096789) ~ GERMANY ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2013 Released: 2014

This is the debut album by the German clarinetists / saxophonist / composer Benjamin WeidekampFind albums by this artist and his quartet, which also includes clarinetists / saxophonist Uli KempendorffFind albums by this artist, guitarist Ronny GraupeFind albums by this artist and drummer Christian MarienFind albums by this artist. The album presents six original compositions, all by Weidekamp and was recorded by the legendary Walter QuintusFind albums by this artist, with the sound quality of this recording being excellent, as expected.

Active on the Berlin Jazz scene since the turn of the Millennium, Weidekamp was as the leader of several different ensembles (Odd ShotFind albums by this artist, Olaf TonFind albums by this artist, Stereo LisaFind albums by this artist) and participated in other Improvised Music ventures. He founded this quartet in 2010 but the debut recording followed only a few years later.

The music presented on this album is very Avant-Garde, near the extreme edge of Improvised Music, which of course means that it is completely uncommunicative to the vast majority of the people, who listen to music, even the most open-minded among them. It is constructed of shredded melody pieces, often repeated continuously in a manner similar to minimalist / serial music, which seemingly have no beginning or end and stay on the same emotional level for extensive periods of time. Balinese and other Far East folkloristic motifs also come to mind as do many other Avant-Garde explorations, many of which were tried out already decades ago.

As much as I support individuality and originality, this kind of extremism serves in my view only the musicians, who play this music, contributing very little to the actual aesthetics of music as such. Although some listeners might find this music interesting or even fascinating, it rests largely within the artistic self-indulgence zone.

Of course it is also possible that I have no idea what I am talking about and this music simply is beyond my limited comprehension. Whichever way, I´ll probably not return to this album in the foreseeable future.
Updated: 12/04/2019Posted: CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend

WHYPLAYJAZZ 012 (Barcode: 4050486098578) ~ GERMANY ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2012 Released: 2014

This is the debut album by the quartet called Lotus EatersFind albums by this artist, led by German saxophonist / composer Wanja SlavinFind albums by this artist and including pianist Rainer BohmFind albums by this artist, Danish bassist Andreas LangFind albums by this artist and drummer Tobias BackhausFind albums by this artist. Saxophonist Philipp GropperFind albums by this artist guests on one track. For Slavin, who in the past was a student of my dear friend Leszek ZadloFind albums by this artist, this is a second album as a leader, following the debut entitled "SciroccoFind albums with this title" from 2010. The album presents six tunes, five of which are originals and one is a standard by Billy StrayhornFind albums by this artist, which gives both the album and the group their respective names.

In the liner notes Slavin refers to his original compositions as "inspired by" certain Jazz tunes or Jazz musicians, like Charles LloydFind albums by this artist or Hermeto PascoalFind albums by this artist. These compositions are very melodic, mostly low key ballads, full of melancholy and lyricism. The quartet performs them delicately and with an obvious respect, trying not to push them beyond their original framework. The last rack is the most open and includes an extended freely improvised section, but the overall impression is quite "conventional", which is rather unusual for the albums released on the WhyPlayJazzFind albums on this label label.

The individual statements by the quartet members are all splendid. Slavin´s alto saxophone has a mellow, enchanting tone, which caresses the listener´s ears gently. Bohm does a wonderful job supporting the leader and although plays little foreground solos, his background layers are as much important. Lang is as usual simply outstanding and step by step becomes one of my favorite bassist of the young European scene. Backhaus is a bit too busy for my taste and not completely compatible with the album´s concept, but perhaps his activity provides a contrast which has a positive influence on the overall sonic result.

This kind of music should be accessible to a wide range of Jazz listeners, as there is so much to like herein, that everybody can hand on to something else that strikes a chord; some will like the tunes, others the splendid performances and yet others might be delighted by the degree of freedom and space present, in spite of the seemingly "simple" approach. Regardless of the specific viewpoint, it is very hard not to like this album from the first hearing. Well done!
 CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend

WHYPLAYJAZZ 013 (Barcode: 4050486903179) ~ GERMANY ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2012 Released: 2014

This is the debut album by the duo comprising of German pianist / composer Stefan SchultzeFind albums by this artist and saxophonist / composer Peter EhwaldFind albums by this artist. The two played together in several ensembles during the last decade but this is their debut as a duo. The album includes six original compositions, four by Ehwald and two by Schultze.

The music is a wonderfully romantic / lyrical contemporary Jazz, very melodic but absolutely non-trivial. The tunes are masterfully woven by both composers, clearly a continuation of the European Classical Neoromanticism transferred into the Jazz idiom. There is also a certain elegant minimalism, which is manifested by the "less is more" approach, where the essential notes and chords are stated without much ornamentation.

The performances are similarly modest, crystal clear and stylishly beautiful, without a shade of unnecessary sweetness or overdue syrupy tendencies, which often characterize similar efforts. Ehwald has a gorgeous tenor saxophone tone, which is unmistakably top-class. Schultze displays wonderful dynamics in his usage of the piano, cleverly moving between the foreground as a soloist and the background as an accompanist. Most impressive of course is their work as a team, which is the essence of this album, being truly exemplary. This is clearly a team effort without any attempts to dominate, and as a result the listener is treated to a piece of music, which is both emotionally moving and intellectually intriguing.

This album is a classic example how melodic / romantic music can be artistic and ambitious, a complete antidote to the dreaded muzak of smooth Jazz, and as such deserves to become a scholarly model. Gentle souls and die-hard romantics like me will definitely have a field day with this music, as should most Jazz loving listeners. Wholeheartedly recommended!
 CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend

WHYPLAYJAZZ 014 (Barcode: 4050486906163) ~ AUSTRIA ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2013 Released: 2014

This is the debut album by the trio called Z3Find albums by this artist, led by Austrian pianist / composer Philip ZoubekFind albums by this artist and including German clarinetist Benjamin WeidekampFind albums by this artist and Swiss bassist Christian WeberFind albums by this artist. The album presents seven original compositions, all by Zoubek.

Zoubek points to the legendary Jimmy GiuffreFind albums by this artist trio with pianist Paul BleyFind albums by this artist and bassists Steve SwallowFind albums by this artist as the source of inspiration to create this trio, and many points of reference are indeed present, although there is no attempt to directly follow or copy the work of Giuffre and his cohorts. The piano "plays the first fiddle" on this album, clearly navigating the music towards a melodic progression, which is followed by the clarinet and bass in a series of tête-à-tête and ménage a trios encounters. The overall atmosphere is completely relaxed and non-aggressive, which always helps in an Improvised Music environment, creating a true close encounter between the trio members.

Weidekamp plays magnificently here and his beautiful tone reminds me of the performances by my beloved Harold RubinFind albums by this artist. Short phrases and delicate breathing-like uttering, little melodic statements and fragile triplets create an ornate aura around the piano stating the melody and the overall result is simply magical.

Weber, who is one of the busiest and most prolific bassists on the European Improvised Music scene, with three solo albums and dozens of recordings to his credit, displays a certain measure of respect and distance, playing sparingly but superbly on time and exactly where his contribution is needed. This kind of subtle support is amongst the most difficult contributions a musician can offer to his partners.

Together the trio creates a continuous flow of excellent and fascinating music, which keeps the listener on his toes from start to finish. In fact this is definitely one of the best releases on the first-rate WhyPlayJazzFind albums on this label label to date. There is definitely nothing pale about the fire found on this album, I assure you!
 CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend

WHYPLAYJAZZ 015 (Barcode: 4050486915066) ~ GERMANY ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2014 Released: 2014

This is the debut album by German actress Anna Maria SturmFind albums by this artist, recorded with her quintet which also includes German multi-reedman and arranger Wanja SlavinFind albums by this artist and drummer Peter GallFind albums by this artist, Israeli pianist Uri GincelFind albums by this artist and Danish bassist Andreas LangFind albums by this artist. The album includes nine songs, which are a mixture of Jazz standards, French chansons (written by Serge GainsbourgFind albums by this artist) and other popular material, sung in German, French and English.

From the very first notes of this album it is obvious that Sturm is not a singer, but honestly neither was Marlene DietrichFind albums by this artist, Brigitte BardotFind albums by this artist or Marilyn MonroeFind albums by this artist for that matter. Therefore rather than dismissing this album outright one should not judge it by the same criteria as those applied to vocal Jazz albums, but rather consider it in a framework of a cabaret performance, which is more suitable here. It is obvious that Sturm loves these songs and interprets them in her own theatrical manner, which works fine despite of her vocal limitations.

The accompanying quartet is absolutely wonderful, as are the arrangements, which make this album a continuous pleasure to listen to. Slavin, who plays a myriad of instruments, is the main instrumental soloist, but Gincel´s piano work is the most important layer which stays with Sturm´s vocals. The rhythm section does everything that is expected of it, providing wonderful bass pulsation and steady beat, but stays unobtrusive and elegantly in the shadows.

Overall this is a "different" vocal album from most other similar efforts appearing on the scene and one that is a true fun to listen to. I suppose that this music works even better live. Definitely worth investigating!
 CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend

WHYPLAYJAZZ 017 (Barcode: 4050486926864) ~ GERMANY ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2014 Released: 2015

This is a very ambitious project by German pianist / composer Stefan SchultzeFind albums by this artist, which occupied his mind for five years that passed since the release of the previous album with Large EnsembleFind albums by this artist, before it was finally recorded. Schultze, whose love of the big form Jazz is well documented, composed this seven-part suite for his Large Ensemble, which comprises of eighteen musicians and features a special guest, the Chinese sheng (mouth organ) player Wu WeiFind albums by this artist, who is the principal soloist.

The music is a diverse collection of cross-genre compositions, which float between contemporary Classical, Romanticism, Avant-Garde and Fusion, but somehow manage to present a coherent musical entity, which is both intricate and beautifully melodic. The wonderful orchestrations and the sound of the Large Ensemble are especially impressive and bring fond memories of such superb ensembles like the NDR Big BandFind albums by this artist, which of course is a great model to follow.

Although Wu Wei is an important contributor to this album, the music does not reflect many World Music elements per se. Nevertheless the Chinese instrument sounds perfectly at home with the Western instruments played by the ensemble and adds a valuable sound variety. This music is definitely quite different from what is being released as orchestral Jazz music today and deserves special attention just for being an attempt to search for new forms of expressions.

The album is very well recorded and each of the instruments can be clearly heard in the mix, which is also quite rare these days. Overall this is a very unusual album, which is definitely worth of the attention of connoisseurs searching non-trivial musical explorations. Schultze, on the other hand, deserves praise and encouragement for pursuing his dreams, which eventually result in such superb recordings as this one.
Updated: 12/04/2019Posted: CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend

WHYPLAYJAZZ 018 (Barcode: 4050486927960) ~ GERMANY ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2014 Released: 2015

This is the second album by German saxophonist / composer Philipp GropperFind albums by this artist and his quartet called PhilmFind albums by this artist, which also includes Austrian pianist Elias StemesederFind albums by this artist, Danish bassist Andreas LangFind albums by this artist and German drummer Oliver SteidleFind albums by this artist. The album presents nine original compositions, all by Gropper.

The music on this album is much more Avant-Garde oriented than on its predecessor, and is much more intense, primarily due to the presence of Stemeseder, who is a completely different player from Havard WilkFind albums by this artist, who played on that album. The melodic element is almost completely gone and most of the album sounds somewhat like Musique Concrete mixed with Free Jazz. It takes a while to get used to the harsh tone and aggressiveness of this music, but eventually its intricate nature becomes more penetrable.

Although all four members of this quartet are obviously highly skilled musicians, the overall effect of this music is probably way beyond the pain threshold of an average Jazz listener, even those open-minded enough to listen to Free Jazz. This music seems to mock everything there is in music as conceived by most listeners: melody, chord structure, rhythm, even the very sense of music. This is the risk Avant-Garde takes when it questions the very fabric of music, and sometimes such experiments simply take it outside the human perception.

There is no doubt this album has its moments, especially when it becomes quieter and almost minimalistic. Lang´s bass lines are always a delight and they are the candle in the dark as far as this music is concerned. Steidle also does a great job keeping time when there is no time, like only the best drummers can. Gropper plays relatively sparingly, especially in view of the fact this is his music and his band, and his dark tone suits the overall scenario perfectly. Stemeseder is definitely too busy, and has a problem letting go, amassing unnecessary intensity in places where it is not appropriate, but he is a very interesting player, which I haven´t yet properly digested.

Overall this is a challenging and difficult album, which requires a lot of patience to get into, but eventually can be a stimulating and interesting experience. It is definitely suitable for hard core Free Jazz / Avant-Garde connoisseurs only.
Updated: 12/04/2019Posted: CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend

WHYPLAYJAZZ 019 (Barcode: 4050486928226) ~ DENMARK ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2015 Released: 2015

This is the debut album by the AlmugiFind albums by this artist quartet, led by Danish cornetist / composer Mads la CourFind albums by this artist, which also includes clarinetist Lars GreveFind albums by this artist, bassist Andreas LangFind albums by this artist and drummer Kasper Tom ChristiansenFind albums by this artist. The album presents nine original compositions, all by la Cour.

Christiansen, Lang and la Cour were members of the QuartzFind albums by this artist quartet, which recorded a debut album almost a decade earlier and which was also released at the time on the excellent German WhyPlayJazzFind albums on this label label.

The music is a an open form of modern Jazz, which ignores genres and conventions and freely floats between melodic passages and free improvisations, presenting the complete palette used by today´s new generation of European Jazz players, who are constantly trying to expand the Jazz idiom.

These musicians are all very experienced players, having participated in numerous recordings as leaders and sidemen and played countless gigs, so there is nothing surprising about their proficiency and brilliance. Their functionality as a group is also beyond reproach, both when playing straightforward and improvising.

The cornet solos are excellently structured and for some strange reason bring an association of the work by Don CherryFind albums by this artist in the early Ornette ColemanFind albums by this artist´s quartets. Of course la Cour has his own individual language and this is just a nostalgic whim on my part. He also weaves excellent melodies, which serve as vehicles for the quartet to improvise and express the individual statements.

Greve is very expressive and skillfully uses the clarinet and bass clarinet to create atmospheric layers and solos, expanding the sonic scope of the music. The rhythm section is, as usual, exceptional. Lang and Christiansen are already well known for their skills and adaptability to every imaginable musical setting, and they don´t disappoint here as well.

Overall this is another superb album coming out of Denmark, where Jazz is enjoying an impressive Renaissance in the last decade, which makes all connoisseurs of Scandinavian Jazz extremely happy. Very well done indeed and I am looking forward to hear more from this group in the future. Two more albums: a duo and a large ensemble recording by la Cour are also available.
Updated: 11/06/2016Posted: 11/06/2016CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend

WHYPLAYJAZZ 022 (Barcode: 4050486933633) ~ SWITZERLAND ~ Avant-Garde Jazz

Recorded: 2014 - 2015 Released: 2015

This is the debut album by the Aberratio IctusFind albums by this artist trio, which consists of Swiss vocalist Rea DubachFind albums by this artist, Swiss violinist Laura SchulerFind albums by this artist and German guitarist Ronny GraupeFind albums by this artist. The album presents nine pieces, two by Dubach, three each by Schuler and Graupe and one co-composed by all the trio members.

The music is a unique amalgamation of many elements, combined into an Avant-Garde tapestry of sounds, which touches Folklore, Jazz and contemporary Chamber Classical music, but beats any attempt of classification. It offers very little melody as such, and rhythmically is uneven and sometimes almost chaotic; in short it is mainly concerned with momentary happenings rather than development which follows a pattern. As such it is very difficult to be absorbed by most conventional music listeners and has a very limited audience.

That does not mean of course that this music is not interesting or not worth listening to, not at al; experienced Avant-Garde connoisseurs will find here many fascinating elements, both in the vocal explorations and the instrumental contributions, which are innovative, bold and even pioneering. Sadly such music falls into a very narrow niche as far as listeners are concerned and the dilemma between the musicians´ artistic integrity and their ability to communicate is perfectly demonstrated here.

The aesthetics and the intellectual aspects of music like this one are often a subject of heated discussions between those who believe that music is all about communication between people and those who tend to think that it is a means of communication between a musician and his imagination. Regardless of what stand one takes, let´s remember that whatever was considered as Avant-Garde in the past often becomes the mainstream, often within a relatively short period of time.

It gives me a lot of pleasure to see young musicians searching for their own voices, regardless of the consequences. Not less important is the fact that the WhyPlayJazzFind albums on this label label released this and many other unconventional music projects, with full awareness of the lack of their commercial potential. As long as we have musicians like these and record labels like this not everything is lost and our culture stands a chance of survival, at least for a while.
Updated: 12/04/2019Posted: 27/06/2016CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend

WHYPLAYJAZZ 023 (Barcode: 4050486940235) ~ GERMANY ~ Jazz-Rock Fusion

Recorded: 2014 Released: 2015

This is the second album by the German trio PlotFind albums by this artist, which consists of saxophonist Sebastian WehleFind albums by this artist, bassist Robert LucaciuFind albums by this artist and drummer Philipp ScholzFind albums by this artist. The album presents nine classis Pop / Rock songs, adapted for a Jazz trio, which include five songs by the BeatlesFind albums by this artist, two by Creedence Clearwater RevivalFind albums by this artist and one each by Led ZeppelinFind albums by this artist and SantanaFind albums by this artist.

The concept is both very familiar and very innovative. Pop / Rock songs have been the subject of Jazzed up interpretations for ages and most Jazz standards originate from Pop songs one way or another. However this trio takes the idea into a new dimension, creating a unique universe, which mixes Punkish nonchalance with highly aesthetic sensibility. The result is a surprising and vibrant musical experience, which catches even experienced listeners completely off guard.

All three members of the trio perform exceedingly well, with Wehle carrying the melody and improvising, Lucaciu supplying the riffs that are the spine of Pop / Rock songs and Scholz taking care of the rhythmic layer. The arrangements are based on minimalism and expression and as a result are able to create a completely nontrivial new interpretation of the familiar material.

There is really no need to say much more about this album except that it is one of the most interesting pieces of music I happened to come across in a long time and an absolute must hear to all true Jazz connoisseurs, especially those who also have an affinity to Pop / Rock music. It also is an example of originality and good taste that should be taught in music schools that today produce mostly clones of a rigid conception conceived ages ago. Additionally the album has a superb sound quality, which adds another reason why it deserves to be a part of every respectable music collection.

Roland SchulzFind albums by this artist, the owner and guru of the WhyPlayJazzFind albums on this label label deserves special merit for releasing this album, as most label owners would have probably considered it as a freak show failing to see how wonderful this experience truly is. Hats off!
Updated: 12/06/2016Posted: 12/06/2016CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend

WHYPLAYJAZZ 024 (Barcode: 4050486942987) ~ AUSTRIA ~ Avant-Garde Jazz

Recorded: 2014 Released: 2015

This is a solo piano album by the Austrian pianist / composer Philip ZoubekFind albums by this artist, performed on prepared piano, i.e. a piano that produces sounds which are not normally heard when a piano is played, achieved by putting different stuff inside the instrument on the strings and hammers. The album presents eight original compositions, all by Zoubek.

Zoubek manages to create a plethora of wonderfully weird sounds, which are then weaved into tapestries of sound, gently flowing in the time / space continuum, like chimes in a gentle breeze. Although completely devoid of melodic or harmonic structure, this music, or collection of sounds, is a manifestation of the Artist´s vision at the particular moment of creation.

These Avant-Garde sound vistas are beautifully non-offensive and non-aggressive, which works in favor of the relationship between the aesthetic content and the potential listener. When faced by such gentle and civil manifestation of sound, an open minded listener is much more open to spare his attention to this offering than to a barrage of angry notes, which brings on a defensive mechanism and closure.

This album is probably way too strange for most music connoisseurs, but honestly it deserves to be heard as it could be able to communicate with a much wider audience that one might expect. I personally had great fun listening to it, although I might understand how this might be rejected by others.

Since air is the medium, in which sound travels before it reaches our ears, it becomes in fact an integral part of the sound phenomenon, and as such deserves to serve as this album´s title.

This is another bold release by the wonderful WhyPlayJazzFind albums on this label label, which emerges as one of the most significant sources of excellent New Music in the last few years, and which deserves to be watched closely by fearless music lovers.
Updated: 12/04/2019Posted: 14/06/2016CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend

WHYPLAYJAZZ 025 (Barcode: 4250459990339) ~ SWITZERLAND ~ Free Jazz / Improvised Music

Recorded: 2015 Released: 2016

This is the fourth album by the Swiss piano trio FM TrioFind albums by this artist, which consists of pianist Fabian M. MuellerFind albums by this artist, bassist Kaspar von GrunigenFind albums by this artist and drummer Fabian BurgiFind albums by this artist. Together they perform ten original compositions, five by von Grunigen, three by Mueller, one by Burgi and the final one co-composed by all three members of the trio.

The music is a blend of several modern Jazz elements, from melodic pieces to Improvised Music explorations, which characterizes many of contemporary young European ensembles, who are still trying to explore the boundaries of the Jazz idiom. From the very onset of the album it becomes clear that this is not a typical piano trio album where the piano stands in the center of the listener´s attention. This trio equalizes the position of all three instruments to the same level, sharing the music-making responsibility equally.

Another characteristic of this music is the fragmentation of the melodic elements info small pieces, which are than interposed over a polyrhythmic layer created by the bass and drums. This means that the flow of the music is often dictated by the bass lines rather than by the piano lines, which are often uneven and episodic. This technique makes this music less immediately approachable but adds an element of tension and suspense, elevating the overall depth and impact of the music.

It is heartwarming to hear young musicians playing nontrivial music, sometimes even very difficult music, simply because they believe that this is their unique way to express their Art. These musicians are obviously very skilled and able to play basically anything, and yet they chose to challenge and stimulate rather than superficially please the listener.

This album requires perhaps several listening sessions to discover its full depth and intrinsic beauty, but the effort is definitely worth it. Kudos is due again to the WhyPlayJazzFind albums on this label label for releasing this meaningful and obviously noncommercial music, as usual against all odds, following the prophetic understanding that such demonstration of human ingenuity deserves to be shared, even just among a handful of open-minded and intellectually stimulated individuals all over the world. One can only hope that eventually this music manages to reach as many listeners as it truly deserves.
Updated: 06/06/2016Posted: 06/06/2016CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend

WHYPLAYJAZZ 026 (Barcode: 4250459990360) ~ GERMANY ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2015 Released: 2016

This is the second album by the German FieldFind albums by this artist quartet, led by saxophonist / composer Uli KempendorffFind albums by this artist, which also includes guitarist Ronny GraupeFind albums by this artist, Danish bassist Jonas WestergaardFind albums by this artist and drummer Oliver SteidleFind albums by this artist. The album presents seven original compositions (one repeated twice), all by Kempendorff.

The music is a vibrant and excellent example of contemporary European Jazz, which offers superb musicianship and intriguing contents bundled in an attractive albeit challenging exterior. Based on composed themes, the music tends to shift towards collective improvisation, which becomes very intensive at its apex, but retains an internal organization saving it from crossing over to chaos.

The saxophone and the guitar exchange rapid licks between them on the up tempo swinging tunes, with the rhythm section supporting the soloist admirably. As usual the bass keeps the rhythm flow and the drums play around, often polyrhythmically. The more introvert pieces are also excellent, featuring much more expressive soloing by the leader and a laid back rhythm section, creating an atmosphere somewhat similar to the Scandinavian sound.

Overall this is a very solid statement by excellent musicians, who know exactly how to express their ideas and how to play in ensemble setting, sharing responsibilities and inspiring each other. The atmosphere may sound cold and alienated at first, but in time the listener is drawn into the internal universe these musicians create.

This album joins the rest of the catalogue offered by the excellent WhyPlayJazzFind albums on this label label, proudly representing new European Jazz created by young and upcoming musicians, which clearly points to the fact that this is where Jazz is at these days.
Updated: 13/06/2016Posted: 13/06/2016CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend

WHYPLAYJAZZ 027 (Barcode: 4250459990377) ~ GERMANY ~ Avant-Garde Jazz-Classical Fusion

Recorded: 2015 Released: 2016

This is the second album by German vibraphonist / composer Simon KanzlerFind albums by this artist, recorded in a quintet setting with pianist Elias StemesederFind albums by this artist, bassists Italian Igor SpallatiFind albums by this artist and Polish Max MuchaFind albums by this artist and drummer Max AndrzejewskiFind albums by this artist. A chamber ensemble consisting of eight additional players also participates in the recording. The album presents six pieces and a three-part suite which gives the album its name, all composed by Kanzler.

The music is a contemplative form of Improvised Avant-Garde, very introvert and minimalistic, which deals mostly with the relationships between sound and silence, and the exchanges between the participating musicians. There is no melodic stream in the conventional form, but there is continuance and development. The music happens on three juxtaposed planes, created by the vibes / drums conversation, the piano contributions, which are the only link this music has with the conventional Jazz idiom, and lastly the double bass conversations. By bringing these planes closer or further away from each other and by changing the focus on the specific plane is where the dynamics of this music fluctuates. Volume and emotional wise the music stays almost on the same level throughout the entire duration, which obviously makes this music quite challenging and difficult to follow.

But regardless of the intellectual effort this music demands from the listener, it definitely has its merits, expanding the boundaries of contemporary music. There are many innovative and imaginative moments, which will surprised even the most experienced connoisseurs of contemporary music, and those should find this music as much entertaining and aesthetically pleasing, as educational.

There is no doubt that this music derives a lot of its content and form from contemporary Classical music, especially the suite. In the expanded instrumental form the music keeps its basic characteristics, but becomes much more impressive and evocative, and as such sounding much more emotional than the quintet pieces, which tend to be a bit chilly.

Overall this is another piece of music created by young European musicians, who keep searching for new forms of expression, boldly ignoring limitations and traditionalism, which keeps music stagnant. Kudos to the WhyPlayJazzFind albums on this label label for serving as a faithful home to these visionary souls, spreading their musical gospel to the world.
Updated: 12/04/2019Posted: 10/06/2016CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend

WHYPLAYJAZZ 028 (Barcode: 4250459990384) ~ DENMARK ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2015 Released: 2016

This is the second album by Danish pianist / composer Soren GemmerFind albums by this artist, recorded in two quartet settings: one with trumpeter Mads la CourFind albums by this artist and the other with guitarist Per MollehojFind albums by this artist and with the rhythm section which consists of Finnish bassist Tapani ToivanenFind albums by this artist and drummer Andreas FrylandFind albums by this artist. Together they perform thirteen pieces, all composed by Gemmer.

The music is an open form modern European Jazz, based on melodic themes but incorporating rhythmic irregularities, odd meters and group improvisation, which together create a wonderfully weird tonal experience. The decision to use condensed, relatively short pieces turns this album into an emotional rollercoaster, with themes, rhythms and splintered interplays somehow making a perfect musical sense. A few intimate piano solo and piano / trumpet duets are also present.

The album works so well thanks to the exceptional level of playing by all the participants, who are the young Lions of Scandinavian Jazz, taking the idiom into the future without any inferiority complexes. The music enables everybody to contribute splendid solo spots, as well as superb ensemble playing, which requires careful listening and mutual respect. This music is certainly quite challenging but these musicians seem to have no problem to overcome the technical obstacles.

The presence of la Cour is especially heartwarming here, as his wonderful trumpet tone and attack add an additional layer to this already great album. He is certainly one of the young European trumpet players, which are worth to be watched carefully, as they progress. Mollehoj gets the least exposure on this album, but his unique approach to the instrument is intriguing and I´m looking forward to hear more of his work. Toivanen has already quite a name on the young European scene and his bass lines are the epitome of good taste, modesty and elegance. Fryland stays mostly in the background, adding his rhythmic touches exactly where needed, but carefully holding back in order not to throw this delicate music off balance.

As usual with the splendid WhyPlayJazzFind albums on this label label, this music demands a lot of involvement from the listener and even intellectual effort, but the listening experience, perhaps only after more than one tryout, turns out to be exceptionally rewarding. The sound quality of this album is super, which makes it easy for the listener to pick up every individual note. Warmly recommended!
Updated: 05/06/2016Posted: 05/06/2016CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend

WHYPLAYJAZZ 029 (Barcode: 4250459990391) ~ GERMANY ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2015 Released: 2016

This is the debut album by the Berlin based trio Themroc 3Find albums by this artist, which consists of German clarinetist Benjamin WeidekampFind albums by this artist, Austrian trumpeter Richard KochFind albums by this artist and German drummer Michael GrienerFind albums by this artist. Although existing since 2002 the trio apparently did not make an album earlier. The album presents eight original compositions, four each by Weidekamp and Griener.

The music of the trio is a refreshing mixture of Circus, Cabaret, and German brass music and of course Jazz elements, which is a pure delight from start to finish. The humorous and often arrogant / punkish attitude is all in good taste and makes the listeners simply to put a huge smile on their faces. But beneath the imaginary simplicity there is a deep layer of sophistication and clever inventiveness, which turns the seemingly simple elements into a fascinating puzzle.

This is of course typically European music, which could not have been created anywhere but in Europe and Berlin in particular. Echoes of the 1920s Berlin nonchalance and intellectual mayhem are plainly audible in this music, and if Kurt WeillFind albums by this artist was alive today it is highly possible he would have loved to join the trio on stage. There is something liberating and mind-blowing about this music, which puts things in their right perspective. Fun is fun, humor is humor and life is life…

I had to listen several times to this album before I was ready to make up my mind what to write. Its impact is so "right in your face" that only very few albums a year come even close to this effect. Therefore don´t judge this album after just one listening session; let it sink and simmer down before it hits you again, like an old wine getting better with every sip. Truly amazing stuff!

Congrats to Roland SchulzFind albums by this artist for releasing this gem and his WhyPlayJazzFind albums on this label label for being a home to so many great recordings!
Updated: 20/09/2016Posted: 20/09/2016CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend

WHYPLAYJAZZ 030 (Barcode: 4250459990902) ~ GERMANY ~ Avant-Garde Jazz

Recorded: 2015 Released: 2016

This is the sixth album by the German Avant-Garde trio, which exists since 2003, formerly known as Hyperactive KidFind albums by this artist, which consists of saxophonist Philipp GropperFind albums by this artist, guitarist Ronny GraupeFind albums by this artist and drummer Christian LillingerFind albums by this artist. The album presents eleven original pieces, four each by Gropper and Graupe and three by Lillinger.

The trio decided to drop the Hyperactive Kid moniker and open a new chapter of their creative path, with an immediate result of going even further away from the conventional musical world into extreme Avant-Garde, which completely beats classification. One can hardly hear any melody, cohesive continuum or structural development in the trio´s music, only a sequence of sounds produced by the musicians, who interact which each other at times but soon seem to venture into individual explorations. The thin line between freedom and havoc can be defined here individually by every listener, as the music obviously refuses to set any boundaries itself.

It is impossible to express any judgmental statement about such music simply for the luck of conventional criteria, which could be applied. Therefore the only reference should remain on the emotional level, basically concerning the fact if this music touches the listener at all, and if so, how profoundly. As a result my opinion in this case is truly irrelevant to other listeners, as everyone will be facing it completely differently on their own. One can only admire the consistence and the artistic courage displayed by these three still quite young musicians, who refuse to give up their individuality and pursue a path less traveled.

This album is the thirtieth release on the extraordinary independent German WhyPlayJazzFind albums on this label label, run and owned by Roland SchulzFind albums by this artist, which sets an example of great taste and artistic courage since 2005. It is thanks to people like Schulz that European Jazz still manages to discover new territory day after day. Hats off!
Updated: 12/04/2019Posted: 19/09/2016CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend

WHYPLAYJAZZ 031 (Barcode: 4250459990315) ~ GERMANY ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2015 Released: 2016

This is the second album by the German trio Zur Schonen AussichtFind albums by this artist, comprising of guitarist Joachim WespelFind albums by this artist, saxophonist Paul BerberichFind albums by this artist and drummer Florian LauerFind albums by this artist. The album was recorded "live in the studio" and presents ten original compositions, seven by Wespel, two by Berberich and one by Lauer. These young musicians are representatives of the "Dresden School", which is developing under the supervision of the German Jazz legend Gunter SommerFind albums by this artist.

The music, although highly improvised, is based on clear melodic themes and mixes modern Jazz with some Improvised Music and even Rock elements. The result is a very interesting and expressive amalgam of cross-genre explorations, which is quite accessible to the general Jazz audience.

The pre-composed themes are all very solid and might have been played with a much more conservative approach, but the trio wisely takes them in unexpected directions. There is however a lot of close cooperation, including many unisono parts between the guitar and saxophone, which point out to the music being well rehearsed and planned in advance.

Overall the trio plays very unique music, floating between composed and improvised planes, often swiftly changing tempi and using dramatic climaxes. The album offers a fascinating musical journey, which is absorbing from start to finish with no weak points or senseless wandering. The level of musicianship is excellent and heart worming considering the young age of the musicians.

As usual with the WhyPlayJazzFind albums on this label label´s releases, the journey of the discovery of highest quality of contemporary European Jazz and Improvised music continues!
Updated: 10/09/2022Posted: 03/06/2017CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend

WHYPLAYJAZZ 032 (Barcode: 4250459999325) ~ DENMARK ~ Free Jazz / Improvised Music

Recorded: 2016 Released: 2017

This is the debut album by the trio consisting of Heavyweight Champions of the European Improvised Music scene: Danish drummer Kasper Tom ChristiansenFind albums by this artist and German pianist Alexander von SchlippenbachFind albums by this artist and clarinetist Rudi MahallFind albums by this artist. They perform eleven relatively short improvised pieces credited to the three participating musicians.

The trio is a wonderful example of the continuity of the European Improvised Music tradition, bringing together musicians from three generations: Kasper Tom (born 1981), von Schlippenbach (born 1938) and Mahall (born 1966). The age and experience differences are of course completely irrelevant as far as the music is concerned. The album also crowns the fast developing career of Kasper Tom, who with his consistently excellent contributions as performer and composer pawed his way from anonymity the international repute in this extremely competitive field in a relatively short period of time.

The music also emphasizes the nature of European Improvised Music, against its parallel from across the pond. These relatively short pieces are concentrated expressions of Freedom, which is articulated by the unity of the trio and not by a race of musicians trying to blow each other off the stage.

The music is of course everything people familiar with these musicians in particular, and the European Improvised scene in general, might expect: brilliant musicianship, wonderful respect and attention towards each other, minimalism and elegance, all these of the highest caliber. Improvised Music does not get better than this.

The individual statements are also very interesting, being completely different from each other. Von Schlippenbach plays long beautiful arpeggios and harmonic chords, which constitute the basic layer upon the music is floating. Mahall carries the role of a story teller, spinning his short, dramatic tales consisting of long series of notes. Kasper Tom plays everything but a steady rhythm, but at the same time he still is the metronome of this music. His tribal approach turns the rhythmic patterns into a multicultural experience. Of course the performances present a series of wonderful solo, duo and trio improvisations, which spontaneously emerge in the process.

Overall this is an instant classic, an album which other Improvised Music recordings will be measured against, not in the sense of competition but in the sense of setting an example others should learn from. Absolutely essential to all Improvised Music connoisseurs!
Updated: 03/06/2017Posted: 03/06/2017CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend

WHYPLAYJAZZ 033 (Barcode: 4250459991336) ~ GERMANY ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2014 Released: 2017

This is the second orchestral / Big Band album by the German pianist / composer Stefan SchultzeFind albums by this artist released on the WhyPlayJazzFind albums on this label label and his third recording with the Large EnsembleFind albums by this artist. The music is performed by an eighteen piece orchestra and Schultze composed five of the six extended pieces the album presents. The remaining piece was composed by Carla BleyFind albums by this artist. Schultze himself does not play on this album. The Chinese sheng player Wu WeiFind albums by this artist guests on one track.

The music is a brilliant amalgam of Jazz sub-genres and orchestral sound, which characterizes the European approach to Big Band music, which although powerfully swinging, is able to extend the idiom in many different directions, often simultaneously, encapsulating decades of the Big Band tradition and European instrumental music.

The compositions, although melody based, are very modern and always fascinating. Schultze wrote intricate and masterly woven arrangements, which present the full scale of possibilities of the Big Band and the many balances existing between the orchestra´s sections, the soloists and the overall sound.

The performances by all the musicians involved in this project are absolutely stunning, especially so in view of the complexity of the music and the challenges it presents both to the ensemble players and the soloists.

Overall this is a brilliant album from start to finish, especially so in view of the fact that Big Bands are almost extinct on the contemporary Jazz scene, a sad reflection of the cultural climate today. Both the music and the performances are inspired and highly aesthetic, which makes this album an absolute delight for all Big Band enthusiasts and in fact all Jazz connoisseurs. A must!
Updated: 06/06/2017Posted: 06/06/2017CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend

WHYPLAYJAZZ 034 (Barcode: 4250459990346) ~ GERMANY ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2016 Released: 2017

This is the third album by German drummer / composer Max AndrzejewskiFind albums by this artist and his HutteFind albums by this artist quartet, which also includes saxophonist Johannes SchleiermacherFind albums by this artist, guitarist Tobias HoffmannFind albums by this artist and Danish bassist Andreas LangFind albums by this artist. On this album the quartet is joined by a thirteen piece choir, called The Homegrown Organic Gospel ChoirFind albums by this artist, led by Tobias ChristlFind albums by this artist. Guest vocalist Dorrey Lin LylesFind albums by this artist appears on four tracks. Together they perform eleven original compositions, all composed by Andrzejewski.

The music is an attempt to mix contemporary / Free Jazz with Gospel Music, an innovative idea, which sadly fails to achieve its purpose. Taken separately the music played by the quartet and the choir parts might work out well, but when they are superimposed each on top of the other, there is a clash which is hard to reconcile. The Jazz parts are complex and free spirited, while the Gospel parts are based on simple melodies, with exaggerated theatrics.

The quartet is an excellent ensemble, which offers top class modern Jazz and is definitely worth following, as are other project Andrzejewski takes part in, but this particular project simply leaves me cold since its ingredients simply do not mix at all, as far a I am concerned.

Overall this is an interesting and innovative project, which has some great quartet performances, sadly constantly disturbed by the simplistic and repetitive Gospel vocals. Not my cup of tea.
Updated: 06/06/2017Posted: 06/06/2017CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend

WHYPLAYJAZZ 035 (Barcode: 4250459999356) ~ GERMANY ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2016 - 2017 Released: 2018

This is the second album by German saxophonist / composer Wanja SlavinFind albums by this artist and his European Lotus Eaters ensemble, recorded over a period of almost a year in three studios and with three slightly different lineups of the ensemble. The collective personnel includes some of the best contemporary European Jazz musicians mostly resident in Berlin: British trumpeter Tom ArthursFind albums by this artist, Norwegian trumpeter Erik Kimestad PedersenFind albums by this artist, German saxophonist Philipp GropperFind albums by this artist, German pianist Rainer BohmFind albums by this artist, Danish bassist Andreas LangFind albums by this artist, Swedish bassist Petter EldhFind albums by this artist, German bassist Bernhard MeyerFind albums by this artist, German drummer Tobias BackhausFind albums by this artist, Latvian drummer Ivars ArutyunyanFind albums by this artist and finally American drummer Nasheet WaitsFind albums by this artist. The album presents seven pieces, six of which are original compositions by Slavin and one is standard.

From the very first notes of the album it is immediately apparent that this is a modern Jazz masterpiece in every respect. The melody based compositions are dressed up in contemporary arrangements, which include unusual rhythmic patterns and harmonic structures, creating a unique kaleidoscope of superb music, which is fascinating from start to finish and does not cease to explore uncharted territory and create new aural vistas. The level of these compositions is completely breathtaking and has very little competition elsewhere within music belonging to the same Jazz dialect. The ability to create an amalgam of the Jazz tradition, Classical influences and up to date approach, which incorporates elements form electronic music and above all allows a generous amount of space and freedom for improvisation is overall extremely effective.

Combined with the creative performance abilities by these excellent European musicians, the overall result that is put in front of the listener as simply a knockout. The album is full of exquisite solos by the ensemble members and of course the ensemble performance as a whole is marvelous. The subtle, but easily distinguishable differences between the three lineups are also a most effective factor that makes this music so powerful.

This album is a brilliant example of what European Jazz is all about; it is evident in its highly aesthetic values, its elegance and subtlety, its refinement and sophistication, which is simply unmatched anywhere else on this planet. The young Jazz Artists from Berlin, Warsaw, Copenhagen and Oslo manage to take the Jazz idiom to the next level, leaving the old world tarried far behind.

If this album is an indication as to what can be expected in 2018, life is definitely worth living and there is no better way to kickoff another year of sublime music!
Updated: 02/03/2018Posted: 02/03/2018CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend

WHYPLAYJAZZ 038 (Barcode: 4250459991381) ~ GERMANY ~ Avant-Garde Jazz

Recorded: 2016 Released: 2017

This is the third album by German saxophonist / composer Philipp GropperFind albums by this artist and his quartet PhilmFind albums by this artist, which also includes Austrian keyboardists Elias StemesederFind albums by this artist, Danish bassist Andreas LangFind albums by this artist and German drummer Oliver SteidleFind albums by this artist. The album presents three original compositions, the first comprising of two parts and the second and third comprising of three parts each.

This time, in contrasts to the quartet´s previous album, the music, although obviously still very much Avant Garde and Free Jazz oriented, manages to present a coherent approach and less self-indulgence, which result in a more communicative whole. Of course this is still highly specialized music, which a priori is intended for a very narrow audience, but the correct balance of Freedom and Discipline makes it all happen this time.

All four members of the quartet are obviously highly talented musicians, which is apparent outright. The individual statements as well as the collective interplays are all outstanding, with each musician being allowed enough space to show his chops. The synthesizer is a nice innovation to the quartet´s overall sound and expands the scope of possibilities and adds a fresh sound layer to the overall sound, all for the best.

Personally I enjoy the ragged, odd and unexpected rhythmic aspect of the music on this album, which is truly fascinating and quite innovative. The ability of the musicians to keep the time together is obviously remarkable and the hats off goes to the superb rhythm section of Land and Steidle, which is simply brilliant. But of course Gropper and Stemeseder create many wonderful statements all along, which are true delight to an attentive listener.

Overall this is a beautiful example of European Free Jazz at its best, with shows the renewed German Jazz scene, especially in Berlin but also in other parts of the country, revitalized by the tremendous young generation of players and open to international cooperation, like it once was in the golden 1960s and 1970s. What a joy!
Updated: 17/12/2018Posted: 08/07/2017CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend

WHYPLAYJAZZ 040 (Barcode: 4250459991404) ~ GERMANY ~ Jazz-Classical Fusion

Recorded: 2017 Released: 2018

This is the second album by the German octet Peuker8Find albums by this artist, led by guitarist / composer Paul PeukerFind albums by this artist, which also includes pianist Clemens Christian PotzschFind albums by this artist, saxophonist Mark WeschenfelderFind albums by this artist, violin quinton (five strings violin) player Alina GropperFind albums by this artist, viola quinton (five strings viola) player Filip SommerFind albums by this artist, cellist Elizabeth CoudouxFind albums by this artist, bassist Eugen RolnikFind albums by this artist and drummer Florian LauerFind albums by this artist. Vocalist Sissi RadaFind albums by this artist guests on one track. The album presents ten original compositions, all by Peuker.

The music immediately strikes the listener with its originality and immense intensity, which are entirely unprecedented. It is a variety of Jazz-Classical Fusion, but no other music of that category has previously reached such level of natural symbiosis as this music, which amalgamates Jazz tradition with contemporary European chamber music, expanding the idiom´s boundaries tremendously.

In fact the octet sounds like modern version of a chamber orchestra, where the string section, the rhythm section and the Jazz instruments take the roles of the traditional classical instrument, but the concept of creating music together as an ensemble stays basically the same, with a modernized sound and possibilities of course.

The music, although obviously composed, allows huge amount of individual improvisational freedom, which adds spice and pizzazz to the proceedings and allows the musicians to create some superb solo contributions throughout the album. Although noticeably complex and multilayered, the music sounds coherent and focused at all times, and should be accessible to a relatively wide listening audience, in spite of its potent contents.

It will take a while for this music to reverberate and achieve the recognition it truly deserves, but it definitely marks a milestone in European contemporary music, including the Jazz idiom but also way beyond. The aesthetic and intellectual ingenuity, talent and effort this album offers to the listener are all extraordinary and deserve the highest praise, which will be hopefully followed by acknowledgment as well.

Hats off to Peuker and his cohorts for creating this music and to Roland SchulzFind albums by this artist, the head of the WhyPlayJazzFind albums on this label record label, for releasing it against all odds!
Updated: 03/03/2018Posted: 03/03/2018CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend

WHYPLAYJAZZ 043 (Barcode: 4250459991442) ~ DENMARK ~ Free Jazz / Improvised Music

Recorded: 2017 Released: 2018

This is the fourth album by the European Jazz quartet FUSKFind albums by this artist, led by Danish drummer / composer Kasper Tom ChristiansenFind albums by this artist, which also includes for the first time Polish trumpeter Tomasz DabrowskiFind albums by this artist, and founding members: German bass clarinetist Rudi MahallFind albums by this artist and Danish bassist Andreas LangFind albums by this artist. The album presents ten original compositions, all by the leader.

Christiansen and Dabrowski cooperated and recorded together many times in the past and therefore the fact that Dabrowski joined the quartet is only natural, replacing German saxophonist Philipp GropperFind albums by this artist, who was a member since the inception of the quartet. Although the music of FUSK is first and foremost a reflection of Christianson´s compositions, the presence of Dabrowski changed the internal balance and the overall sound of the quartet, taking it slightly back towards the American Jazz tradition and the early Free Jazz explorations of the late 1950s and early 1960s. Of course it is only one of the many aspects of this music as a whole and FUSK retains all its European Jazz qualities, but at the same time pays tribute to the Free Movement innovators.

As usual, the music is based on highly complex and yet wonderfully melodic themes, which Christianson so ably creates, which in turn provide ideal platform for the quartet members to develop their individual and collective statements. The beautiful bass clarinet / trumpet double parts are one of the highlights of this album, as both Dabrowski and Mahall are able to keep an almost "romantic" form of dialogue between them, which is intriguing without being aggressive. Lang and Christiansen are a highly sensitive and technically fabulous rhythm section, which is standing shoulder to shoulder with the two soloists, participating equally in the process of group improvisation and mutual creation.

The scope of the compositions, and as a result the scope of the music presented on the album is very diverse, which creates an element of tension with the listener not sure as of what to expect next. The music movies in and out between the improvised and precisely composed parts, often several times within the same track, with the rhythmic parts changing from no time to almost swinging time in an blink of an eye. However a blissful and relaxed feeling of order and coherence is present at all times and the music never falls apart in spite of its intricacy.

For an experienced Jazz connoisseur this album is a lecture of Jazz, and especially Free Jazz history, delightfully illustrated by the music. Not surprisingly it is a wonderful piece of music, which should be enjoyed by as many listeners as possible and another milestone in Christiansen´s path, which is one of the most consistently excellent on the burgeoning European Jazz scene. Hats off, again, Maestro!
Updated: 12/05/2018Posted: 12/05/2018CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend

WHYPLAYJAZZ 044 (Barcode: 4250459991442) ~ DENMARK ~ Free Jazz / Improvised Music

Recorded: 2017 Released: 2018

This is the second album (well, second physical album, as two more download only albums were also released on the excellent German WhyPlayJazzFind albums on this label label) by the European Jazz quartet AlmugiFind albums by this artist, led by Danish cornetist / trumpeter / composer Mads la CourFind albums by this artist, which also includes Danish clarinetist / saxophonist Lars GreveFind albums by this artist, Polish bassist Mariusz PrasniewskiFind albums by this artist and Danish drummer Kasper Tom ChristiansenFind albums by this artist. The album presents nine original compositions, all by the leader.

The music is a beautiful collection of melodic themes, mostly serene and melancholic, with a lot of space and breathing air, which allows for each note to be heard distinctly and clearly. The trumpet / clarinet and trumpet / saxophone duets roll on like intimate conversations with the rhythm section defining the scope and tempi of these conversations, always respectfully in the background but always being an inseparable part of the complete musical unity. Prasniewski and Christiansen already appeared together as a rhythm section on earlier recordings and their playing together tightens telepathically in time.

The individual contributions as well as collective improvisations and ensemble performances are all superbly executed and convey the European Jazz aesthetics, elegance and flair. Obvious respect between the musicians and a common goal of achieving the most fulfilling effect are fully realized herein, and the album is a truly delightful listening experience. The balance between the Jazz tradition and the new forms of expression, treatment of time, rhythm and harmony are a perfect example of the strength and ingenuity of contemporary young European Jazz, which is bursting with talent and creativity.

This album also exemplifies the rapidly developing musical ties between Danish and Polish Jazz scenes, which results is some of the most ambitious and searching Jazz explorations heard today. This album is highly recommended to all modern European Jazz connoisseurs, who are open-minded enough to deal with some degree of Free Jazz, which is well behaved enough to please and avoid chaos, but challenging enough to keep the listener on his toes. Very well done indeed!
Updated: 13/05/2018Posted: 13/05/2018CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend

WHYPLAYJAZZ 049 (Barcode: 4250459991497) ~ GERMANY ~ Free Jazz / Improvised Music

Recorded: 2013 Released: 2020

This is an archival album by German Jazz pianist / composer / bandleader Stefan SchultzeFind albums by this artist, recorded live seven years prior to the release date. The septet includes American trumpeter Herb RobertsonFind albums by this artist and flautist Helen BledsoeFind albums by this artist (both frequently active on the European scene) alongside German musicians. The album presents eight original compositions, all by Schultze.

The music is captivating, as always in Schultze’s case, and his recorded legacy clearly shows his fascination with big formats / orchestras, and the septet certainly often sounds as an entire orchestra on this album. His impressive recording activity (over twenty albums since the turn of the Millennium) places him among the most prolific contemporary German Jazz figures.

The music is a wonderful amalgam of composed motifs and extensively improvised ensemble playing, full of mysterious tension and superb individual contributions by the participants. The album offers a coherent musical flow, which combines the separate tracks into a continuous aural experience, which flows unobstructed from start to finish. The septet offers an instrumental diversity, which enhances the listening experience considerably.

Lovers of contemporary European Jazz, with strong Improvised Music proximity and challenging approach, should find this album irresistible. Schultze is a Master of suspense and manages to use the potential of the septet to the max, often offering several motifs being performed in parallel, but what might have sounded as complete havoc in fact sounds absolutely orderly and logical – a very rare quality for Improvised Music.

This is the fifth album by Schultze for the fantastic German WhyPlayJazzFind albums on this label label, which manages to release some of the most vibrant and mindboggling music originating in Europe since 2005, all of which are certainly worth checking out and are highly recommended, including this one of course!
Updated: 14/02/2021Posted: 14/02/2021CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend

WHYPLAYJAZZ 060 (Barcode: 4250459992609) ~ DENMARK ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2022 Released: 2022

This is the fifth album by International Jazz quartet FUSKFind albums by this artist, led by Danish drummer / composer Kasper Tom ChristiansenFind albums by this artist, with Polish trumpeter Tomasz DabrowskiFind albums by this artist, German clarinetist Rudi MahallFind albums by this artist and Danish bassist Andreas LangFind albums by this artist. The album presents ten original compositions, all by Christiansen, recorded “live” in the studio. This album celebrates 15 years of the quartet’s existence and is released five years after the previous album “The Jig Is UpFind albums with this title” from 2018.

The music continues pretty much where it was left before the lengthy break, with excellent modern Jazz padded by a large degree of freedom, based on the excellent and very complex compositions by the leader. All members of the quartet are first class musicians, with extensive experience, so nothing can really go wrong.

FUSK offers a unique sound as it misses a harmonic support and the trumpet / clarinet front line has to create all the melodic messages, which they of course manage to handle beautifully. The excellent rhythm section offers full support for the two soloists, who play most of the time in tandem, often unisono, which creates the distinctive sound effect the quartet offers.

Overall, this is another splendid offer by this quartet, which explodes with talent and creativity. The open borders of the European Union make it easy for international cooperation to blossom, which this quartet personifies, but it is by far not the only gathering of the kind. Hopefully we won’t have to wait for another five years to hear the next outing by FUSK.
Updated: 26/02/2023Posted: 26/02/2023CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend

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