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ALLEGRO 022 (Barcode: 5901157049223) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2010 Released: 2011

This is the debut album by a Polish Jazz sextet, which changed its lineup and name several times before settling with the name Special Jazz SextetFind albums by this artist, before this album was recorded. It is led by keyboardist Bartek KrzywdaFind albums by this artist and includes saxophonist Szymon ZuehlkeFind albums by this artist, trombonist Artur OlewniczakFind albums by this artist, trumpeter Marcin GawdzisFind albums by this artist, bassist Janusz MackiewiczFind albums by this artist and drummer Grzegorz SyczFind albums by this artist. Saxophonist Przemek DyakowskiFind albums by this artist guests on five tracks and guitarist Jaroslaw SmietanaFind albums by this artist and violinist Jerry GoodmanFind albums by this artist each guest on one track. The album presents eight original compositions, all by Krzywda.

The music is melodic mainstream Jazz bordering on Jazz-Rock Fusion. The brass section is skillfully used in the arrangements to support the keyboards / rhythm section passages and overall the sextet functions as a solid well synchronized unit, achieving a polished and highly professional effect. There are plenty of excellent solo parts by all the participants and the guests.

The individual contributions by all the participants are truly outstanding and although these are not "famous" Polish Jazz musicians, their level of technical proficiency and skillful delivery are as good as those by musicians from the "premier league", which of course is a testimony of the incredibly high level of Polish Jazz in general.

Overall this is a very well played mainstream Jazz album, which should be satisfying to all listeners the world over. It is fun to listen to and presents first-class musicianship and interesting compositions.
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