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  | ADAM PIERONCZYK ~ A-TRANE NIGHTS FOR TUNE 0040 (Barcode: 5902768701395) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz Recorded: 2008 Released: 2014
This is an "archival" album by the veteran Polish Jazz saxophonist / composer Adam PieronczykFind albums by this artist and his quartet, which also includes Australian (living in Germany) trombonist / didgeridoo player Adrian MearsFind albums by this artist, American bassist Anthony CoxFind albums by this artist and Polish drummer Krzysztof DziedzicFind albums by this artist. The music was recorded live at the Berlin A-Trane International Jazz Club (hence the title) in 2008, immediately following the studio recording of the same material, which was released a couple of years later as "El BuscadorFind albums with this title" on the German JazzwerkstattFind albums on this label label, on which Pieronczyk releases his albums in the last few years. The album presents eight original compositions, seven of which were composed by Pieronczyk and one which was co-composed by Pieronczyk and Mears, exactly the same as the studio album and in almost identical sequence.
Naturally these live versions are expanded and provide a much broader basis both for individual explorations and ensemble interplay. Three of the pieces have a duration of over fifteen minutes and two others of over ten minutes, which obviously emphasizes the relaxed atmosphere and creative frame of mind of the quartet members at the time.
The music is quite deceiving, as it does sound a bit simplistic at first, but careful listening reveals a depth much beyond the exterior layer of the melodic themes in each of the pieces. There is an intrinsic dimension of freedom in this music, which never actually crosses over to the Avant-Garde or even free form, but is sufficiently removed from straightforward mainstream to be both aesthetically elegant and intellectually intriguing. As I have already said on previous occasions, Pieronczyk seems to have developed a niche of his own within modern Jazz, which came to full fruition on his recent solo saxophone album "The Planet Of Eternal LifeFind albums with this title".
The sound of the quartet is another challenge; a pianoless saxophone and trombone / didgeridoo fronted ensemble is obviously significantly less "user friendly" than a traditional harmonically supported lineup. But whatever is lost from the absence of the piano is gained by the sonic space stretched between the brass instruments. The "air" or empty space plays a significant role in the overall effect the quartet members achieve collectively as a group.
Of course the individual performances are all quite splendid. Pieronczyk has a superbly mellow tone, which contrasts nicely with the somewhat rough trombone and didgeridoo sound. The soloists are supported admirably by the rhythm section, which of course is solid like a rock and flexible like a breeze.
Big kudos is due to For Tune for putting this music out and saving it from getting stale and lost in the tunnels of history, as it surely deserves to see the light of day and make the music lovers happy!
| Updated: 12/04/2019Posted: | CD 2 Recommend To A Friend |
  | ADAM PIERONCZYK ~ EL BUSCADOR JAZZWERKSTATT 064 (Barcode: 4250079758517) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz Recorded: 2008 Released: 2010
This is an album by Polish Jazz saxophonist / composer Adam PieronczykFind albums by this artist, recorded with an international quartet, which also features Australian (residing in Germany) trombonist / didgeridoo player Adrian MearsFind albums by this artist, American bassist Anthony CoxFind albums by this artist and Polish drummer Krzysztof DziedzicFind albums by this artist. Together they perform eight compositions, seven of which are original compositions by Pieronczyk and one is co-composed by Pieronczyk and Mears.
The material present on this album was also recorded live in Berlin´s A-Train Club immediately following the studio recording and that live version of the music was released in 2014 by the For Tune label as "A-Trane Nights". Comparison of the two versions, i.e. studio and live, is very educational.
The music is an excellent example of modern European Jazz with strong World Music influences, both harmonically and rhythmically. The sound, which is characterized by the absence of a harmonic instrument (i.e. piano), is very original and requires some effort to get used to, but eventually turns out to be very effective. The tribal feel dominates the music and the superb saxophone / didgeridoo duo featured on one of the tracks is definitely one of the highlights of the album.
The individual contributions by all the musicians are excellent from start to finish. Pieronczyk is obviously one of the top saxophonists on the Polish Jazz scene and his performances are always beyond reproach. Mears is an obvious virtuoso player and his trombone parts are wonderfully structured. Cox has a beautiful warm tone and his pulsations are the glue upon which the music moves forward. Dziedzic is a versatile drummer and his elegant and very intelligent work on this album is nothing short of inspirational.
Overall this is a brilliant album and a milestone in Pieronczyk´s career, which over time earned a well deserved place in the pantheon of the Polish Jazz recorded legacy. Absolutely not to be missed by all Polish Jazz connoisseurs and listeners who enjoy less obvious musical thrills.
| Updated: 10/01/2017Posted: 10/01/2017 | CD 1 Slipcase Recommend To A Friend |