Record Reviews
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  | GRAZYNA AUGUSCIK ORCHESTAR ~ INSPIRED BY LUTOSLAWSKI FOR TUNE 0044 (Barcode: 5902768701470) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-World Fusion Recorded: 2013 Released: 2014
This extraordinary album is a superb example of intelligent contemporary music, which is completely unlimited by the imaginary bounds set up by genres and other labeling concepts. Polish vocalist Grazyna AuguscikFind albums by this artist embarked on this ambitious project with the help of some of the most important musicians on the Polish scene, who cover a wide scope of stylistic spheres including Classical Music, Folklore and Jazz, all of which have been already visited by her during her prolific career.
The music combines Polish Folk songs and the work of the esteemed Polish modern Classical composer Witold LutoslawskiFind albums by this artist, which were based on or inspired by Polish Folklore. Lutoslawski, like all the composers living and working behind the Iron Curtain, was forced (directly or indirectly) by the regimes ruling Eastern Europe at the time, to include folkloristic motives in his compositions, often completely artificially and against all aesthetic or compositional reasoning. The refusal to do so would effectively mean an artistic ban by the authorities and in extreme cases political persecution. The compositions included here were created by Lutoslawski in the 1950s, the most oppressive period in the Socialist era, and for many years thereafter were considered as his less important and definitely less appreciated works. However, in retrospect the composer´s genius obviously overcame the obstacles and this music turns out to be a completely relevant component of his grand legacy.
Auguscik combined forces with the brilliant keyboardist / composer / arranger Jan SmoczynskiFind albums by this artist, who was entrusted with the enormous task of arranging all the music, both the Classical and Folklore pieces, and than participate in the recording, as well as being the sound engineer, since the recording took place in his now legendary Studio Tokarnia, with spectacular sonic results, as usual in his case. In many respects this album is as much a credit to Auguscik as it is to Jan Smoczynski. The research of the Polish Folklore as well as the leadership of the ensemble performing the folk songs was left in the hands of violinist Janusz PrusinowskiFind albums by this artist.
Overall twelve musicians take part in the entire project in addition to Auguscik, who sings the lead vocals: the Jan Smoczynski Trio (with bassist Wojciech PulcynFind albums by this artist, drummer Tomasz WaldowskiFind albums by this artist and vocalist Sylwia SmoczynskaFind albums by this artist), the Janusz Prusinowski Trio (with clarinetist Michal ZakFind albums by this artist, percussionist Piotr PiszczatowskiFind albums by this artist and bassist Piotr ZgorzelskiFind albums by this artist) and Poland´s most celebrated string quartet, the Atom String QuartetFind albums by this artist (violinists Dawid LubowiczFind albums by this artist and Mateusz SmoczynskiFind albums by this artist, violist Michal ZaborskiFind albums by this artist and cellist Krzysztof LenczowskiFind albums by this artist).
The album comprises of twelve pieces (and a radio edit bonus), ranging from "pure" folklore songs, which were the original songs upon which Lutoslawski based his compositions, to more arranged pieces of folk songs and Lutoslawski´s pieces performed by the ensemble and finally to a quite Jazzy songs based on folkloristic motifs. In spite of the variety and wealth of the musical material the album creates a coherent and aesthetically pleasing outcome, which is a music connoisseur´s wet dream. The beautiful arrangements, passionate performance and depth of respect for the Polish musical tradition and legacy are all combined herein with truly spectacular results.
Auguscik takes a step back from the limelight on this album, preferring to play the role of an integrator rather than the leading person. She sings beautifully, as always, but with less spectacular attitude, almost leaving out completely her Jazzy improvisations and vocalese acrobatics, which are her trademarks. This is a very courageous artistic decision, for which she deserves a lot of respect.
There is no doubt that this is definitely one of the most important and beautiful albums released in Poland in 2014, a "complete" multi-layered, multi-faced effort involving the talents of many wonderful musicians and setting a golden standard for future projects, which will be very difficult to match end even more so to rise above. Polish music scene and Polish Culture is glorified by this project, which should make all Poles proud. Being realistic, however, it will probably reach only e very limited scope of listeners, which of course is tragic. My deepest thanks to everybody involved in this project for the pleasure it causes to this humble listener.
| | CD 1 Recommend To A Friend |
  | JOANNA BEJM ~ JESTES SOLITON 972 (Barcode: 5901571099729) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz & Poetry Recorded: 2019 Released: 2019
This is the debut album by Polish vocalist / songwriter Joanna BejmFind albums by this artist recorded with a Jazz trio consisting of keyboardist Rafal StepienFind albums by this artist, bassist Wojciech PulcynFind albums by this artist and drummer Sebastian FrankiewiczFind albums by this artist. Violinist Marcin SkabaFind albums by this artist plays on six tracks and several additional guests participate on selected tracks. The album presents ten original songs, all composed by Bejm or co-composed by her and Skaba. All the lyrics are by Polish poetess Halina PoswiatowskaFind albums by this artist, one of Poland´s most striking literary figures. As such the album falls comfortably within the Polish Jazz & Poetry idiom.
As someone familiar with Poswiatowska´s poetry I admit approaching this album with great anticipation mixed with some trepidation, considering the depth and intellectual complexity of the literary layer. I am glad to say that Bejm managed to embrace the poetry with considerable talent and respect, carefully selecting the poems and dressing them in appropriate musical attire. There is always a danger that profound literary work could be trivialized by inappropriate musical treatment, which sadly does happen from time to time, but certainly did not happen in this case.
The music is, as expected, full of typical Polish melancholy and lyrical emotionality, which Polish Jazz warmly embraces on a day to day level, but in particular within the Jazz & Poetry projects. Low key ballads with slow intrinsic motion are like a gentle wind carrying the words like yellow autumn leaves. The deep sadness, which characterizes the poetry, is somewhat softened by the music, making it perhaps more approachable to the listeners.
The instrumental parts are all excellent, as expected from these seasoned veterans. The rhythm section is steady like a rock and sensitive like velvet, Stepien is a superb player both on the acoustic piano and the electric keyboards, always playing only what is truly needed and his piano soli are the cherry on top. The guests add their part amicably and the entire album offers a coherent musical continuity.
Bejm manages the vocal parts with respect and restrain, which of course is ideal in this case. She is an instrument delivering the poems, which are the focus of this album and she cleverly eschews unnecessary theatrics, which would have spoiled the magic. Considering the fact that this is her debut album, she does a remarkable job.
The only small criticism I could think of is the packaging of the album, which sadly does not include the printed version of the poems – an addition that as a Jazz & Poetry buff I consider absolutely necessary. Of course there are copyright issues, etc, but it would have been nice to have them.
Overall this is a beautiful piece of Art, an absolute must for all Jazz & Poetry lovers around the world, even those who are not native Polish speakers – the music transcends language barriers. Well done Milady!
| Updated: 25/11/2019Posted: 25/11/2019 | CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend |
  | OLGA BOCZAR ~ TESKNO MI, TESKNO FOR TUNE 0137 (Barcode: 5906395808496) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-Pop Fusion Recorded: 2016 Released: 2018
This is the second album by Polish vocalist / flautist / songwriter Olga BoczarFind albums by this artist, recorded with the same quartet of Polish Jazz musicians who accompanied her on her debut album: pianist Jan SmoczynskiFind albums by this artist, guitarist Andrzej GondekFind albums by this artist, bassist Wojciech PulcynFind albums by this artist and drummer Pawel DobrowolskiFind albums by this artist. The album presents eight songs, four of which are Polish Folk songs and the other four are original compositions by Boczar, three of which feature her lyrics (one of them in English) and one is based on a poem by Polish poet Boleslaw LesmianFind albums by this artist.
Both the Folk songs and the original compositions get a Jazzy arrangement (which remains uncredited), but are not really transformed into the Jazz idiom, remaining mostly somewhere between Pop and Folk music after all.
Boczar sings both lyrics and vocalese, holding her ground skillfully and even gracefully at times, but her vocal parts are somewhat low in the mix being often overshadowed by the instrumental accompaniment. Her flute parts are only marginally featured here. All four Jazz musicians that participate in the recording are of course highly professional, but the music leaves little ground for them to show their skills except for occasional solos.
Overall this is a pleasant album, easy on the ear and well put together, mostly for listeners who prefer to be entertained rather than challenged, but one that can be enjoyed by a wide spectrum of music lovers.
| Updated: 19/02/2019Posted: 19/02/2019 | CD 1 Recommend To A Friend |
  | OLGA BOCZAR MUSIC ESSENCE ~ LITTLE INSPIRATIONS NOT ON LABEL 001 (Barcode: 5905279086005) ~ POLAND ~ Pop & Rock Recorded: 2013 - 2014 Released: 2014
This is the debut album as a leader by Polish vocalist / flautist / songwriter Olga BoczarFind albums by this artist, recorded with her ensemble called Music EssenceFind albums by this artist, with core members: keyboardist Jan SmoczynskiFind albums by this artist, guitarist Andrzej GondekFind albums by this artist, bassist Wojciech PulcynFind albums by this artist and drummer Pawel DobrowolskiFind albums by this artist. In addition several other musicians also participate on selected tracks, including bassist Krzysztof PacanFind albums by this artist, saxophonist Radek NowickiFind albums by this artist, trumpeter Dominik GawronskiFind albums by this artist, trombonist Michal TomaszczykFind albums by this artist and several background vocalists; altogether quite a formidable team. The album presents ten original songs all composed by Boczar and with lyrics mostly written by her as well. Only two of the songs feature lyrics in Polish and eight have English lyrics. The music was recorded in three different studios, including the Studio Tokarnia where Smoczynski also served as the sound engineer recording the rhythms section tracks.
In spite of the fact that the album features some very prominent Polish Jazz musicians, it is by no means a Jazz album. Except for a few piano solos, the album presents a singer / songwriter Pop / Rock effort with slight Jazzy accents mostly present in some of the arrangements. There is of course nothing wrong with that, but promoting and marketing this album under a Jazz moniker is a conceptual mistake.
The music is a collection of mostly low key melancholic melodies, which all sound a bit similar and leave no lasting impression. Everything is "nice" and "smooth", but there is no excitement, zest or attempt hit the listener between his eyes. Boczar´s voice and delivery don´t help much either, as she has a limited range and sings in the same narrow spectrum using repeatedly the same mannerisms, regardless of the text she is singing. Except for a few vocalese attempts, the rest is rather unexciting. And on top of this all these there is the problem with lyrics in English, which sound pretty inappropriate. In contrast, plainly audible, the two songs sung in Polish sound infinitely better.
The instrumental work is all quite all right, but again lacks any spark. The arrangements are all rather trivial, and the potential of such mighty team of musicians seems completely wasted. Except for the already mentioned piano solos, there is no attempt to put some excitement into this music. Overall this is all professionally done, but sadly completely uninspired.
This album has a potential on the Polish Pop market, if promoted properly. It might even win a Fryderyk award next year, as anything can happen there, but hopefully not in the Jazz category.
And before an outcry of angry responses accusing me of ruining young people´s careers erupts again, let me emphasize that this is just my private, subjective opinion, which has absolutely no bearing on anybody´s fate.
| | CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend |
  | BOSSA NORKAH ~ NA MOIM BRZEGU MULTIKULTI MPJ 024 (Barcode: 5907529223994) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz-Pop Fusion Recorded: 2016 - 2017 Released: 2018
This is the debut album by Polish Jazz ensemble Bossa NorkahFind albums by this artist, led by vocalist Honorata KozuchowskaFind albums by this artist, which also includes some of the top Polish Jazz instrumentalist: pianist Andrzej JagodzinskiFind albums by this artist, guitarists Rafal SarneckiFind albums by this artist / Piotr AleksandrowiczFind albums by this artist, bassists Wojciech PulcynFind albums by this artist / Michal JarosFind albums by this artist, drummer Krzysztof SzmandaFind albums by this artist and several other guests appearing on selected tracks playing brass and a plethora of percussion instruments. The album presents thirteen songs (two of which appear twice in alternate versions), all of which were written by Polish songwriter / poet Antoni MurackiFind albums by this artist.
The music has a distinct Bossa Nova flavor, which is the main climate of all the songs. On the other hand the album is also clearly a Jazz & Poetry project, since Muracki´s songs are all deeply lyrical and evocative. The songs are kept in pretty reticent attire, featuring the vocals clearly in the center of the attention and the instrumental work kept to a bare minimum, with the piano providing the steady accompaniment and the rhythm section keeping the rhythm in check. There are only a few instrumental solos, which is a pity as those might have added a spark to the proceedings.
Kozuchowska handles the vocals well, which is not an easy task in this case for many reasons; the lyrics are complex and often difficult to express in rapid succession and admittedly South American rhythms are hardly native to East European singers. The vocals therefore lack the sensual and often plainly erotic sensitivity of Bossa Nova, which are native and natural to Brazilian vocalists. But all things considered, the album works fine and offers a pleasant listening experience with an added value of excellent texts (sadly relevant to Polish-speaking listeners only).
Overall this is an album floating between Pop and Easy Jazz, which can be enjoyed by a wide range of listeners, offering both musical and lyrical values combined with highly professional musicianship.
| Updated: 21/02/2019Posted: 21/02/2019 | CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend |
  | WERONIKA GROZDEW & MUSOS ~ WANDERING SONGS FOR TUNE 0167 (Barcode: 5906395808809) ~ POLAND ~ World Music & Folklore Recorded: 2021 - 2023 Released: 2024
This is an album by Polish vocalist / ethnomusicologist Weronika GrozdewFind albums by this artist, a prominent activist on the local scene with impressive academic career, but also a great performer and of course Folklore Music lover. She is accompanied by an instrumental ensemble fondly named MusosFind albums by this artist, which includes dulcimer player Marta MaslankaFind albums by this artist, violinists Dorota Blaszczynska-MogilskaFind albums by this artist and Kacper MaliszFind albums by this artist, violist Alexandra Demowska-MadejskaFind albums by this artist, cellist Bartlomiej PalygaFind albums by this artist, bassist Wojciech PulcynFind albums by this artist and percussionist Wojciech LubertowiczFind albums by this artist. A few additional guests appear on selected tracks, including the celebrated vocalist Grazyna AuguscikFind albums by this artist. The album presents ten tracks, with songs originating from various sources, including Greece, Bulgaria and of course Poland, several of which were written by Polish folk violinist Bartosz NiedzwieckiFind albums by this artist. Four of the songs were arranged by accordionist / composer Jaroslaw BesterFind albums by this artist.
The music presents a stunning collection of Folk songs, which although originating from diverse origins and being a random collection, form a perfectly coherent continuity, brilliantly sung and played by everybody involved, including some virtuosic voice modulations and other tricks of the trade. The album perfectly demonstrates the fact that beneath the seemingly naïve and simplistic Folklore music there is a great aesthetic depth and often musical complexity, which puts to shame much more “prestigious” music genres.
The album shows an absolute love and admiration of all the participants towards the music and the absolute seriousness it is treated by them. I was particularly impressed by the superb parts played by Pulcyn, who is usually associated with the Polish Jazz scene. His steady pulsations hold the music together perfectly. But the string quartet also does an amazing job by setting the melodic / harmonic background, which often becomes quite tricky. Auguscik adds a lengthy improvised vocalese on one tune, which is a knockout.
I am happy to see the For TuneFind albums on this label Records label becoming a steady supporter of Folk Music recordings, which are consistently of the highest quality and sadly badly missing on the Polish scene. Their “green” series is certainly a mark of quality in that respect, and deserve both attention and support.
Overall, this is a beautiful vocal Folk Music album, which offers an ambitious stream of wonderful songs, excellently supported and accompanied by the instrumental ensemble, all of which offers a brilliant listening experience and for Folk Music lovers a truly heavenly moment of joy.
| Updated: 28/03/2024Posted: 28/03/2024 | CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend |
  | BOGDAN HOLOWNIA / WOJCIECH PULCYN ~ HENRYK WARS SONGBOOK HOBO 009 (Barcode: 5907527959093) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz Recorded: 2013 Released: 2013
The great Polish (of Jewish origin) composer Henryk WarsFind albums by this artist (a.k.a. Henryk WarszawskiFind albums by this artist) was one of the most important music personalities of the interwar Polish music scene. He wrote music for many Polish films made during that period and composed countless popular songs, which were performed by the top Polish singers. He was also the musical director of the first Polish record company Syrena RekordFind albums on this label, which produced many thousands of recordings during the period. In addition he also wrote several Classical compositions and was one of Poland´s Jazz pioneers. Wars survived the WWII as a member of the Polish Army and after being demobilized in 1947 he emigrated to the USA, where he continued his music career, mostly as cinematic composer and songwriter until his death in 1977.
Polish Jazz musicians: pianist Bogdan HolowniaFind albums by this artist and bassist Wojciech PulcynFind albums by this artist present a selection of nine evergreens composed by Wars, with words by the best lyricists of the time, including the sublime poet Julian TuwimFind albums by this artist, which during the interwar period were smash hits on the local scene. In an intimate duo format and stripped from the lyrics, these performances emphasize the melodic sensitivities of the composer, which undoubtedly stand up to all other popular music composers of that period, who produced the inexhaustible source of musical gems, called "standards" in Jazz.
The performances by the duo are all kept in a low key and the improvisation is kept to a minimum, concentrating on the delivery of the melodic contents. Therefore as a Jazz album it is relatively limited, but as an important document of the Polish popular music history and a tribute to the great composer it´s invaluable. The album will surely bring on some nostalgic moments from the older generation of listeners (sadly almost gone) and its primary role is to introduce this wonderful music to the younger generation, which should not forget the tradition, which is so full of musical treasures. Definitely worth investigation!
The album was recorded at the excellent Studio Tokarnia and engineered by Jan SmoczynskiFind albums by this artist, which of course means that the sound quality is super as always in such case.
| | CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend |
  | WITOLD JANIAK ~ CINEMA MEETS JAZZ NOT ON LABEL ~ POLAND ~ Jazz Recorded: 2012 - 2013 Released: 2013
This is the third album by Polish Jazz pianist / composer Witold JaniakFind albums by this artist, and his debut recording in the piano trio format. There are actually two different trios present on this album, one with bassist Wojciech PulcynFind albums by this artist and drummer Cezary KonradFind albums by this artist and the other with bassist Andrzej ZielakFind albums by this artist and drummer Kamil MiszewskiFind albums by this artist. All the tracks were recorded at the excellent Studio Tokarnia and engineered by Jan SmoczynskiFind albums by this artist, which guaranties the highest sound quality. The album includes nine tracks, all of which are, as the title suggests, famous movie themes arranged by Janiak for the piano trio.
Playing cinematic music in a Jazzy manner is of course a treacherous ground, since such projects have been attempted numerous times in the past, and by the absolute top Jazz players all over the world. Therefore the idea is hardly innovative or original and anybody attempting such a project has to be prepared to offer some bonus values, like extraordinary virtuosic performance or highly inventive arrangements. Sadly this album offers none of the above.
Of course Janiak and his rhythm sections are skilled players with years of experience behind them, which results in excellent performances, but the music lacks sparkle and inspiration. This is painfully evident on the trio´s interpretation of Krzysztof KomedaFind albums by this artist´s theme from Rosemary´s Baby, which has been performed incessantly by other Polish Jazz musicians. Overall the album presents some pleasant and well played piano trio Jazz, but fails to cross over into prominence.
| | CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend |
  | KAZIMIERZ JONKISZ ENERGY ~ 6 HOURS WITH RONNIE FOR TUNE 0070 (Barcode: 5902768701739) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz Recorded: 2014 Released: 2015
This album documents the meeting between veteran Polish Jazz drummer Kazimierz JonkiszFind albums by this artist and his ensemble EnergyFind albums by this artist with legendary American baritone saxophonist Ronnie CuberFind albums by this artist. The following musicians also take part in the recording: saxophonists Borys JanczarskiFind albums by this artist and Tomasz GrzegorskiFind albums by this artist, trumpeter Robert MurakowskiFind albums by this artist, pianist Jan SmoczynskiFind albums by this artist and bassist Wojciech PulcynFind albums by this artist. The album was recorded at the fabulous Studio Tokarnia, owned by Smoczynski, who also engineered and mastered the album, with the usual spectacular sonic result. The music includes six compositions, two of which are originals by Pulcyn, one is by Cuber and the remaining three are standards.
The music is, as expected, straightforward mainstream Jazz, with the two Pulcyn tunes being by far the most refreshing pieces on this album. It is executed without a flaw by all the participants, although the session seems to be lacking any high energy or particular joy of life, which is typically present on the best Jazz recordings.
Overall this is a nice, well played and well recorded mainstream Jazz album, which is no different from thousands of similar albums recorded before. As such it contributes nothing to the Jazz milieu and with all due respect is simply banal. Smoczynski plays some great introvert piano parts and Pulcyn, as always, keeps time beautifully, but other than that it´s all déjà vu.
Of course since baritone saxophone is not heard very often, this is a good opportunity to enjoy this beautiful instrument being played well.
| | CD 1 Recommend To A Friend |
  | MICHAL KOBOJEK ~ THE OUTSIDE MANXIMUM 5908254159596 (Barcode: 5908254159596) ~ POLAND ~ Smooth Jazz Recorded: 2015 Released: 2016
This is the second album as a leader by Polish saxophonist / composer Michal KobojekFind albums by this artist, recorded in a quartet setting with pianist Witold JaniakFind albums by this artist, bassist Wojciech PulcynFind albums by this artist and drummer Przemyslaw KuczynskiFind albums by this artist. Guitarist Marek KadzielaFind albums by this artist appears as a guest artist. The album presents eight original compositions, all by Kobojek.
Kobojek´s career is mostly associated with the Polish Pop / Rock scene due to his cooperation with many top Polish artists / groups in that area. But obviously the Jazz streak has always been there as part of his musical personality.
The music is, as expected, definitely on the lighter side of the Jazz idiom, somewhere near the Smooth Jazz concept, which, as I have stated many times, does not mean that the music is necessary inferior in any way to other Jazz styles, as this album overwhelmingly proves. The album is full of absolutely beautiful melodies, all of which manage to avoid the schmaltzy stigma of the bad side of Smooth Jazz. The music is romantic and beautifully lyrical and presents Kobojek as a gifted composer, who mixes feeling with professionalism.
The performances are all highly professional, but relatively constrained without presenting any virtuosic solos or complex improvisations, which of course goes hand in hand with the album´s intended character. Kobojek plays with a sweet timbre and stays close to the melody lines, but his skills are obvious as is his feel for the music. Janiak plays excellent accompanying chord structures, exactly what is required in this case, inserting several nicely structured solos. The rhythm section is doing a superb job in the background, with Pulcyn, as always, being the Master of bass accompaniment.
Overall this is a very good straightforward Smooth Jazz album, full of great melodic music, which does not make any compromises as far as the quality is concerned. Listeners, who are Romantics at heart, regardless of their age, should find this album exactly what they need to make their day (or night).
| Updated: 12/05/2017Posted: 12/05/2017 | CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend |
  | KULPOWICZ QUARTET ~ EXPRESSION FOR TUNE 0145 (Barcode: 5906395808595) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz Recorded: 2007 - 2018 Released: 2019
This is an archive release of music recorded by the legendary Polish Jazz pianist / composer Slawomir KulpowiczFind albums by this artist and his quartet shortly before his untimely death in 2008. Following a long period of inactivity on stage Kulpowicz reformed his ensemble called simply The QuartetFind albums by this artist in 2006 with saxophonist Piotr CieslikowskiFind albums by this artist, bassist Wojciech PulcynFind albums by this artist and drummer Kazimierz JonkiszFind albums by this artist. They recorded this album in 2007 but it remained unreleased following the havoc of his death. This album presents six tracks selected from the studio tapes, all original compositions by Kulpowicz. Trumpeter Tomasz DabrowskiFind albums by this artist added (overdubbed) trumpet parts to three tracks of the original recording in 2018.
Kulpowicz, who was one of the most talented Polish Jazz composers / pianists and a fascinating personality, was a devoted follower of John Coltrane´s music and his own compositions followed stylistically and spiritually the legacy of the great Master, which the music on this album reflects beautifully. The material recorded by Kulpowicz constitutes one the absolute peaks of the Polish interpretation of American Modern Jazz, avoiding mimicking and replication and adding a fresh, independent approach, and this album beautifully solidifies this approach, being a valuable addition to the legacy Kulpowicz left behind him. I have written extensively about the music Kulpowicz created in the reviews of his other albums, which can be easily found on this site simply by clicking on his name.
I was somewhat taken aback by the idea of overdubbing the original recordings, which at first glance looks quite sacrilegious, but upon further examination it looks like the original material was intended to be overdubbed by guest musicians, with obvious rhythm section only gaps left within the music waiting to be filled. The musical producer Ryszard WojciulFind albums by this artist couldn´t have found a more appropriate musician to create the missing pieces of the puzzle than Dabrowski, who stood up to the challenge outstandingly. Sometimes doing the unthinkable is simply the right thing to do.
Overall this is an absolutely brilliant piece of music, an outstanding addition to the legacy of Kulpowicz in particular and Polish Jazz in general. For TuneFind albums on this label managed to create another must have item for the Polish Jazz connoisseurs and the release of this album is of the same level of importance for Polish Jazz like the releases of previously undiscovered material by John Coltrane for global Jazz scene. An absolute must!
| Updated: 21/01/2020Posted: 21/01/2020 | CD 1 Recommend To A Friend |
  | NIKA LUBOWICZ / ALL STARS ~ NIKA SINGS ELLA FOR TUNE 0157 (Barcode: 5906395808717) ~ POLAND ~ Pop & Rock Recorded: 2020 Released: 2022
This is the third album by Polish vocalist Nika LubowiczFind albums by this artist, this time recorded by a classic Jazz combo comprising of veteran Polish Jazz players led by Wieslaw PieregorolkaFind albums by this artist, who also arranged most of the tunes. The excellent rhythm section with pianist Andrzej JagodzinskiFind albums by this artist, bassist Wojciech PulcynFind albums by this artist and drummers Kazimierz JonkiszFind albums by this artist or Marcin JahrFind albums by this artist provide the backbone. Vocalist Wojciech MyrczekFind albums by this artist guests on a couple of tunes.
As the album’s title suggests, Lubowicz performs a collection of Jazz standards associated with the repertoire of the great American Jazz vocalist Ella FitzgeraldFind albums by this artist, which of course sets an incredible challenge in view of the Majestic status held by Fitzgerald in the Vocal Jazz tradition.
Lubowicz approaches the classic repertoire with a straightforward attitude, sticking to the convention and intelligently avoiding mimicking her model but at the same time eschewing any extravagant innovations. As faithful as the music is to the source, Lubowicz manages to put forward her personality as a vocalist, which is beyond reproach. Her vocalese parts are especially interesting.
The instrumental performances are all exactly what one might expect from a collection of such experienced players, with brief, but excellent soli and obvious empathy to the material. The arrangements are very conservative, which in this case is just what the doctor prescribed.
Overall, this is a tribute to the tradition of a great Artist and a kind reminder of what Jazz sounded like more than half a Century ago. For the many fans of the great Ella Fitzgerald and classic Vocal Jazz tradition this is a most welcome effort, which will surely be enjoyed immensely.
| Updated: 10/09/2022Posted: 10/09/2022 | CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend |
  | SZYMON LUKOWSKI ~ SHORT SKETCHES HEVHETIA 0197 (Barcode: 8588005258753) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz Recorded: 2019 Released: 2020
This is the third album by young Polish Jazz saxophonist / composer Szymon LukowskiFind albums by this artist, recorded in a quartet setting with keyboardist Adam LemanczykFind albums by this artist and superb veteran rhythm section comprising of bassist Wojciech PulcynFind albums by this artist and drummer Sebastian FrankiewiczFind albums by this artist. The album presents seven original compositions, four by Lukowski and one each by Lemanczyk, Pulcyn and Stankiewicz. The music was recorded at the excellent Studio Tokarnia and engineered by Jan SmoczynskiFind albums by this artist, with the usual first class sonic quality.
The music is all within the modern mainstream Jazz convention, but Lukowski´s progress as a composer and instrumentalist is again clearly apparent in comparison to his earlier work. His bass clarinet parts expand the sonic palette considerably and his compositions are more complex and excellently arranged for the quartet, which results in these performances being highly absorbing from start to finish.
The strength of the quartet as a tight musical unit also adds to the success of this material. Lemanczyk is equally effective on acoustic piano and electric keyboards, playing some truly mesmerizing parts. Pulcyn, as always, keeps everything in check and his highly melodic bass lines offer a steady ground for the music to lean on. Frankiewicz adds a highly percussive and dynamic drum parts on the up-tempo numbers and delicate ornamentation on the ballads, like a professional he truly is.
Overall this is a truly fine piece of Jazz music, diverse, interesting and aesthetically satisfying, which all Jazz lovers should find worth listening to. As usual it perfectly reflects the high level of original music being created in Poland these days, which is as good, if not better, as Jazz created all over Europe these days, without any inferiority complex. Well done indeed!
| Updated: 21/02/2020Posted: 21/02/2020 | CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend |
  | LENA PIEKNIEWSKA ~ COS PRZYJDZIE: MILOSC LUB WOJNA POLSKIE RADIO 2265 (Barcode: 5907812247256) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz & Poetry Recorded: 2019 Released: 2019
This is a live recording at the Polish Radio of a wonderful Jazz & Poetry project by vocalist Lena PiekniewskaFind albums by this artist and her quartet, which includes clarinetist / saxophonist Michal GorczynskiFind albums by this artist, pianist Jacek KitaFind albums by this artist, bassist Wojciech PulcynFind albums by this artist and drummer Sebastian FrankiewiczFind albums by this artist. It presents ten songs composed by Pawel SkorupkaFind albums by this artist with lyrics by Jewish / Polish poets, mostly children, who all bar one perished during the Holocaust. They were Abram CytrynFind albums by this artist from Lodz, who died in Auschwitz at the age of seventeen, Zuzanna GinczankaFind albums by this artist (real name Sara GinzburgFind albums by this artist), who was executed in Krakow at the age of twenty seven, Janka HeschelesFind albums by this artist (today Janina AltmanFind albums by this artist), who is the only survival now living in Israel and finally Abramek KoplowiczFind albums by this artist from Lodz, who died in Auschwitz at the age of fourteen. One poem is by an unknown author, found in Auschwitz after liberation. This project was premiered during the third edition of the Singer Jazz Festival (2016) in Warsaw, of which I am the Artistic Director.
It is impossible to describe the emotional upheaval involved in listening to this song cycle, especially to people like myself, who have a direct Holocaust involvement. Everything connected with the memory of the Holocaust, and in this case also Holocaust children, is always immeasurably painful and this is why when I was first introduced to this project I did not hide my skepticism. I am very happy to say that Skorupka, Piekniewska and her team managed to shatter my skepticism completely and when the music was over my eyes were full of tears but my heart was full of joy upon realizing that this project certainly does not trivialize the memory of the Holocaust victims and pays a loving tribute to the loss and the bitter destiny of Polish Jews, being an important document of times and souls lost but not forgotten, as well as the integration of Polish Jews in creating Polish Culture.
Of course this project can be also viewed on pure aesthetic ground, detached from its historic legacy. Skorupka composed truly beautiful melodies, full of the typical Polish Jazz melancholy, which suit the often extremely difficult lyrics absolutely ideally. The instrumentalists, some of Polish Jazz finest of course, stand up to the challenge with flying colors, as expected. Gorczynski is the absolute star of the evening as his brilliant soloing expresses simply magnificently the anguish and suffering inherent in these songs, sometimes only indirectly, emphasizing the dichotomy between some of these poems and the circumstances in which they way created, which is often astounding and heartwrenching. And finally Piekniewska, with her delicate, as if reserved delivery, manages to create the magic atmosphere of this project. She beautifully eschews theatrics and unnecessary boastfulness, which might have hurt the essence, deciding to take the "less is more" path, with grace and elegance as well as full of deep emotion.
I would like to thank all the people involved in this project for creating such an important tribute to the tragedy and pointing towards hope. It is wonderful to see this project finally available on record, better late than never of course. This is an absolute must have for every Polish Jazz connoisseur and Jazz & Poetry lover, wherever they might be.
| Updated: 01/11/2019Posted: 01/11/2019 | CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend |
  | WOJCIECH PULCYN ~ TRIBUTE TO CHARLIE HADEN FOR TUNE 0125 (Barcode: 5906395808274) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz Recorded: 2016 Released: 2017
This is the debut album as a leader by veteran Polish Jazz bassist Wojciech PulcynFind albums by this artist, dedicated as the title suggest, to the great American bassist / composer Charlie HadenFind albums by this artist. The music was recorded live at the Polish Radio studio by a group of Pulcyn´s cohorts, which include trumpeter Tomasz DabrowskiFind albums by this artist, saxophonist Mateusz SliwaFind albums by this artist, pianist Kuba StankiewiczFind albums by this artist and drummer Sebastian FrankiewiczFind albums by this artist. Vocalist Grazyna AuguscikFind albums by this artist and Pulcyn´s eight years old son Piotr PulcynFind albums by this artist (who plays cello) appear on one track each. The album presents nine pieces, six of which were composed by Haden, two by Ornette ColemanFind albums by this artist and one is a traditional tune.
Over the years I have had the immense pleasure to hear Pulcyn live many times and his performances were always impeccable and inspiring. His affinity with his instrument is as close as humanly possible and his humility and kind manners are an example of musical chivalry. Therefore this album, which finally puts the spotlight on his musical skills, is a long overdue opportunity to pay dues to his talents and personality.
The music should be pretty familiar to serious Jazz listeners, in particular those who follow the long and impressive career of Haden from his early days as a member of the revolutionary Ornette Coleman quartet, which changed the face of the Jazz idiom, to his work as a leader of his own ensembles. It is modern, often groundbreaking music, which remains completely relevant to this very day, and to be honest it is still on the forefront of the genre, despite the years that have passed sine it was originally composed.
The really fascinating aspect of this album is the fact that this music, created and performed originally by American musicians, is treated here with a completely new and more importantly European approach, which sets new meaning to the music and invigorates it immensely. I am tempted to say that this specific treatment of the music is more fascinating than the original in many respects, and for sure it is as far from imitation as can be imagined.
The performances are all stellar, as expected from the participating musicians. Dabrowski, who consistently earned a position of one of the top European Jazz trumpeters, fondly fits the shoes of the great Don CherryFind albums by this artist, again displaying his personal style and approach rather than imitating the Master. Sliwa, a young and upcoming player, stands shoulder to shoulder with the veterans, playing like a pro. Stankiewicz, a marvelous pianist, is a symbol of lyricism and never misses a note, always knowing when to touch the keyboard ever so delicately and Frankiewicz, a faithful companion in endless rhythm sections, supports the bassist amicably and telepathically.
From the opening solo bass track to the very last moment of this album Pulcyn´s bass is prominently featured in many diverse roles and intonations, always perfectly in accord with the music and the rest of the band, a true silent hero behind the scenes, who makes everything perfect.
This album is definitely a superb tribute to Haden´s genious, but at the same time it is a tribute to Pulcyn´s legacy as one of the top Polish Jazz bassists and an icon of stability, perfection and personal standing. Thank you Wojtek for all those beautiful moments!
| Updated: 21/10/2017Posted: 21/10/2017 | CD 1 Recommend To A Friend |
  | GRZEGORZ ROGALA PROJECT / SAGIT ZILBERMAN ~ POEZJAZZ SOLITON 382 (Barcode: 5901571093826) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz Recorded: 2014 Released: 2014
This is the second album by the Polish / Israeli ensemble, co-led by Polish trombonist Grzegorz RogalaFind albums by this artist and Israeli saxophonist Sagit ZilbermanFind albums by this artist. The ensemble includes also pianist Witold JaniakFind albums by this artist, bassist Wojciech PulcynFind albums by this artist and drummer Krzysztof SzmandaFind albums by this artist. Two vocalists also take part in this recording: Barbara RogalaFind albums by this artist, who sings (in Hebrew) on one track and Malgorzata HutekFind albums by this artist, who sings (in Polish) on two other tracks. The album presents seven original compositions, five of which were composed by Rogala, two were composed by Zilberman and the remaining track is a traditional melody arranged by Rogala. The lyrics of two of the vocal tracks are by the Polish / Jewish writer Bruno Schultz, murdered during the Holocaust, and the third vocal track uses the Biblical text taken from the "Song of Songs". The album was recorded at the excellent Studio Tokarnia, with Jan SmoczynskiFind albums by this artist presiding, which of course is a trademark of excellent sound quality.
The album´s title is misleading, as it implies that the entire album belongs to the Jazz & Poetry sub-genre, which of course is more popular in Polish Jazz than anywhere else on this planet. However since only the three vocal tracks fall within the idiom´s boundaries, this extrapolation is unjustified and confusing.
The album presents a series of fine mainstream compositions, mostly well built and quite interesting, all very well executed by the musicians, who are all professional and talented. Rogala is the main soloist and his trombone parts are always a pleasure to listen to, displaying sparks of virtuosity and highly personal stylistic approach. The rest of the instrumental parts are, as already stated, well done, but somewhat lack a flicker of inspiration or luster, which would make this music truly exciting. The vocal parts don´t work very well, as the singers struggle with the text trying to fit it within the complex melodic and harmonic structure of the songs or with a language (Hebrew) they are not familiar with, but of course are by and large acceptable.
In short this is a nice album, which many listeners will find satisfactory, but considering the incredible high level of albums released in Poland these days, it certainly does not reach the level of excellence one would hope for.
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  | RAFAL SARNECKI ~ A VIEW FROM THE TREETOP ART EVOLUTION 01/2022 (Barcode: 5903819630022) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz Recorded: 2021 Released: 2022
This is the fifth album by Polish Jazz guitarist / composer Rafal SarneckiFind albums by this artist, recorded in a quintet setting with saxophonist Lukasz PoprawskiFind albums by this artist, pianist Piotr WylezolFind albums by this artist, bassist Wojciech PulcynFind albums by this artist and drummer Patryk DoboszFind albums by this artist. The album presents nine original compositions, all by the leader. The music was recorded at Studio Tokarnia and engineered by Jan SmoczynskiFind albums by this artist, with the usual excellent sonic quality.
I have been following Sarnecki’s musical path since his debut album from 2008, and he emerges as one of the most surprising and constantly developing artists on the Polish Jaz scene. His long stay in US obviously influenced his creative process, but luckily did not manage to destroy his European ancestry, and this album, his first since his return to Poland, is the best evidence of that.
The music is extremely eclectic, with each of the compositions on the album being completely different, which potentially might have been enormously hazardous and chaotic, but surprisingly Sarnecki managed to develop a sonic coherence, which makes listening to this music not only an intellectual challenge but also a highly rewarding experience. This collection of highly unique and even weird tunes, is in my opinion absolutely delightful and stunning.
Part of the success is undoubtedly due to the superb team of Polish Jazz musicians selected for this project, who are able to overcome the devilishly complex chord and rhythm changes without a hitch. Poprawski, who is relatively less recognized on the local scene, does a sublime job taking care of most of the soloing. Wylezol, one of my favorite Polish Jazz pianists, who also gets way less respect and recognition that he deserves, is also perfect for the job, as is the fabulous rhythm section. Most importantly, the leader plays rather sparingly, mostly participating in the ensemble sound rather than feature his guitar parts, which is way more typical of European Jazz that the American approach, which puts the soloing in the center of attention.
Overall, this is a brilliant, highly unique album, which offers some of the most fascinating music I happened to listen to lately, and is probably the most interesting Polish Jazz album of 2022, so far. It leaves the listener with a longing to hear more, which happens so rarely these days. Congratulations, my Friend, this is definitely your best work so far and I wish you to uphold this path in the future!
| Updated: 26/10/2022Posted: 26/10/2022 | CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend |
  | RAFAL SARNECKI ~ SONGS FROM A NEW PLACE ARMS 05 (Barcode: 5900238791044) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz Recorded: 2008 Released: 2008
This is an excellent debut album by Polish guitarist / composer / arranger Rafal SarneckiFind albums by this artist, one of Poland´s most promising young Jazz musicians, recorded with his quartet which also includes pianist Pawel KaczmarczykFind albums by this artist, bassist Wojciech PulcynFind albums by this artist and drummer Lukasz ZytaFind albums by this artist (all four musicians are also members of the pianist´s Audiofeeling BandFind albums by this artist and can be heard on the superb "Complexity In SimplicityFind albums with this title" album). Guest flautist Thomas AbbottFind albums by this artist appears on one track. Sarnecki composed all the music on this album, except for one standard, and arranged all the compositions. The music is typical European Jazz, deeply melodic and well structured, with well developed harmonic patterns and rhythmic complexity. Sarnecki emerges as a major talent both as a composer and as a player on this album, with his unique voicing and delicate, yet firm grasp of the guitar´s role in Jazz. In fact this is one of very few and rare albums recorded recently, where the guitar is treated as a Jazz instrument, rather that taking the beaten track treaded by most, which leads straight to Fusion. Sarnecki picks up the Jazz guitar idiom from the place it arrived at in the 1960s and leaps over to the present, purposely ignoring and successfully eschewing any Fusion influences. The effect is truly refreshing and uplifting and enables the listener to enjoy the wonderful sound of Jazz guitar once again, as if listening to old Masters like Joe PassFind albums by this artist, where one can savor each note separately as well as the beautiful flow of many notes building up heavenly structures. The other three young musicians accompanying Sarnecki on this album are all extremely talented as well and display a high level of professionalism and sensitivity, contributing greatly to the overall success of this recording. It´s great to see that the splendor of Polish Jazz is now being continued and expanded by a third generation of players and composers, which is a good omen for the future. This is brilliant stuff and a must to all serious Jazz connoisseurs, wherever they might be, especially the guitar lovers in their ranks.
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  | RAFAL SARNECKI ~ THE MADMAN RAMBLES AGAIN FRESH SOUND 381 (Barcode: 8427328423816) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz Recorded: 2010 Released: 2011
This is the 2nd album by the excellent Polish guitarist / composer / arranger Rafal SarneckiFind albums by this artist, following his outstanding debut released a couple of years earlier. Sarnecki manages to repeat the same level of freshness and quality, but the new album is different in many ways, mostly due to the fact that Sarnecki lived in NY for some time, absorbing some of the Big Apple´s influences, which are evident in the brass arrangements, Latin rhythms and overall sound of the recording. But fortunately this amalgamation of American influences did not replace his European roots, which remain intact, especially in his superb compositions. He composed seven of the eight tracks on the album and included one standard, same as last time. His musical cohorts consist partly of the same excellent musicians who recorded the debut album: pianist Pawel KaczmarczykFind albums by this artist, bassist Wojciech PulcynFind albums by this artist and drummers Lukasz ZytaFind albums by this artist (on six tracks) and Pawel DobrowolskiFind albums by this artist (on two tracks) (all five are members of the pianist´s Audiofeeling BandFind albums by this artist), strengthened by a brass section: US saxophonist / flautist Lucas PinoFind albums by this artist and trumpeter Jerzy MalekFind albums by this artist. Percussionist Jose Manuel Alban JuarezFind albums by this artist (despite the name he´s Polish) guests on two tracks. The sextet format allows Sarnecki to develop a much richer orchestration and complex arrangements for his superb compositions, which he does beautifully, carefully avoiding overdoing it, which is a rare and commendable approach. The performances are of course stellar and these young musicians bring a wide smile on veterans´ (like me) faces, seeing that Jazz has a future after all. What I particularly admire about Sarnecki is his ability to eschew the Fusion trap – he manages to keep this album 100% Jazz, which is extremely rare for guitar albums these days. The album was released on the Spanish Fresh SoundFind albums on this label label, which releases albums by young and promising Jazz musicians from all over the world, giving them a chance of international exposure, an admirable policy deserving support. Polish Jazz legend Tomasz StankoFind albums by this artist gives Sarnecki some warm compliments on the album´s cover, and I´m only happy to concur with his opinion – this is definitely a great piece of music, which deserves repeated listening and an honorable place on the shelves of Polish Jazz discography. Wholeheartedly recommended!
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  | MATEUSZ SMOCZYNSKI ~ BEREK UNIVERSAL 602557610710 (Barcode: 602557610710) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz Recorded: 2016 Released: 2017
This is the third album as a leader by Polish violinist / composer Mateusz SmoczynskiFind albums by this artist, recorded again in a quintet setting with guitarist Konrad ZemlerFind albums by this artist, his older brother pianist Jan SmoczynskiFind albums by this artist, bassist Wojciech PulcynFind albums by this artist and drummer Michal MiskiewiczFind albums by this artist. The album presents twelve original compositions, one of which is repeated twice, seven of which were composed by Jan Smoczynski, two were composed by Mateusz Smoczynski, two were co-composed by the Smoczynski brothers and one is credited to all five members of the quintet. The album was recorded in the legendary Studio Tokarnia and engineered by Jan Smoczynski, with spectacular sound fidelity.
In the last decade Mateusz Smoczynski, both as a solo artists and member of the already legendary Atom String QuartetFind albums by this artist, has been consistently paving his way to the Top of the Polish Jazz violin school, which has very little competition in any other part of the world. That top, extremely overcrowded by young musicians, is simply exploding with talent and incredible dexterity, to the delight of Jazz lovers, both in Poland and the world over, and is just one of the symptoms that characterize the Polish Jazz scene in general.
On this album Mateusz Smoczynski does not have to prove anything anymore, and therefore he is able to concentrate on his total delivery of the music, his personal style and the finesse of his skills. The exquisite compositions by Jan Smoczynski suit ideally his expressive style and their intrinsic elegance and lyricism, as well as superb Swing are simply ideal vehicles for the music to come forward.
Of course he is splendidly supported by the members of the quintet, all of which are Top Polish Jazz players with extensive experience and outstanding talents. The almost completely acoustic sound of the album allows for delicate and intricate interactions between the musicians, full of mutual respect. The round sound of the quintet, and the blooming sound quality, create a wonderful aural experience, which should leave no listener cold.
The music is a wide amalgam of many influences, none of which are particularly dominant, but to a sensitive ear are obviously audible, such as some Classical stylistic hooks, Polish Folklore motifs, tribute to past Polish Jazz violin legends, and many others. Of course these elements are perfectly well balanced and manage to create a new entity, which simply speaks for itself.
Overall this is a "perfect" album, one that has nothing that should be changed or added to it in any sense. It is beautifully performed and offers wonderful music, full of European aesthetics. There are no false pretences, no exhibitionism and no boring derivative fillers, just honest, straightforward great music from start to finish. So far definitely one of the best offers in 2017 that landed on my desk (or in my ears). Chapeau bas!
| Updated: 25/05/2017Posted: 25/05/2017 | CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend |
  | MATEUSZ SMOCZYNSKI ~ EXPRESSIONS TMP 002 (Barcode: 5905912553239) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz Recorded: 2007 Released: 2008
This is the second album as a leader by the young Polish Jazz violinist / composer Mateusz SmoczynskiFind albums by this artist. Recorded with a superb quintet, which includes his brother Jan SmoczynskiFind albums by this artist on piano, guitarist Konrad ZemlerFind albums by this artist, bassist Wojciech PulcynFind albums by this artist and drummer Lukasz ZytaFind albums by this artist, the album presents his talent and obvious virtuosity to the fullest extent. Of the ten compositions included on the album Jan contributed four, Mateusz one, Wojciech another four and the last is credited to all quintet members.
The music is modern Jazz, which has solid roots in Jazz mainstream, but is open to glimpses of Free, which is not surprising since Mateusz points out John ColtraneFind albums by this artist as a major influence. Of course he also continues the Polish Jazz violin tradition, naming Zbigniew SeifertFind albums by this artist (who in turn was also strongly influenced by Coltrane) as another direct influence. However, attentive listening to his brilliant solos brings also memories of the other great Polish violinist, like Michal UrbaniakFind albums by this artist and Krzesimir DebskiFind albums by this artist and of course the French giant Jean-Luc PontyFind albums by this artist. Since recording this album, Mateusz recorded another superb album (again with his brother Jan) in a trio setting ("Simultaneous AbstractionsFind albums with this title"), participated in a Zbigniew Seifert tribute album ("A Tribute To Zbigniew SeifertFind albums with this title") and recorded with the Atom String QuartetFind albums by this artist. All these projects are impeccable pieces of intelligent, rewarding and highly aesthetic music and it seems that Mateusz is heading to the very top of the local (and perhaps also international) scene.
The album was recorded in the Studio Tokarnia owned by the Smoczynski brothers, and engineered and mastered by Jan. From several other Polish Jazz recordings I´ve heard, which were recorded there, one can hear that this is probably the best recording studio in the country and Jan (in addition to his musical abilities) as a great sound engineer. Well, it´s always a pleasure to give credit, where credit is due, as in this case. Altogether this is brilliant piece of music, which any Jazz connoisseur anywhere should cherish. Most warmly recommended!
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  | KUBA STANKIEWICZ ~ KOCHANOWSKI PIESNI KSQ 002 (Barcode: 5903796604009) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz & Poetry Recorded: 2020 Released: 2020
This is an album by Polish Jazz pianist / composer Kuba StankiewiczFind albums by this artist recorded in a classic quartet setting with saxophonist Maciej SikalaFind albums by this artist, bassist Wojciech PulcynFind albums by this artist and drummer Sebastian FrankiewiczFind albums by this artist. The album presents twelve songs composed by Stankiewicz and sung by vocalist Jacek KotlarskiFind albums by this artist, which feature poems by Polish Renaissance (16th Century) poet Jan KochanowskiFind albums by this artist, who is considered the Godfather of Polish Poetry and modern Polish language.
Stankiewicz undertakes a highly risky task in his attempt to write contemporary music to the poems by Kochanowski, which was attempted by Polish composers many times before with radically different results, especially so when this attempt is to be within the Jazz idiom. I must say that although I know Stankiewicz since many years, he managed to knock my socks off, as the music he managed to create here is simply sensational, both in its beauty and incredible sensitivity to the subject matter. It combines the best of the Jazz tradition, all sounding like a collection of wonderful standards that the listener is somehow familiar with, despite the fact that they appear here for the first time. He also uses the core of Polish folkloristic themes, that every Polish composer is unable to avoid, and which bring the music closer to its literary / linguistic source. And yes, Stankiewicz is the greatest contemporary Polish romantic composer, which is plainly apparent on this album.
The rest of the team are all seasoned veterans, who play with Stankiewicz since many years and are all top Polish Jazz figures, which guarantees the spectacular result achieved here. Kotlarski is also an excellent choice, fitting like a satin glove to this project. His extensive stage experience comes handy and his performances here are simply perfect.
During my recent visit in Warsaw, stuck between the returning Covid-19 waves, Kuba was one of the very few people we managed to meet and spend a lovely evening with, which is always a great experience. His charming personality and true friendship, as well as mutual respect that we share towards each other, are a rare treasure. He gave me this and one more album (which will be reviewed soon) and I had no idea how superb this music is going to be, so now is the time to thank him.
Overall, this is an exceptional Jazz & Poetry album, one of the best of its kind that appeared on the Polish scene in many years. I simply can’t imagine any Polish Jazz lover and poetry lover not to grab a copy of this album instantly, especially in these dark days of sickness and despair. This is a true out-of-body experience! Thank you, my Friend, for sharing your talent with us – you make the reality easier to bear.
| Updated: 20/11/2021Posted: 20/11/2021 | CD 1 Digipak Recommend To A Friend |
  | KUBA STANKIEWICZ ~ SPACES KSQ 001 (Barcode: ) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz Recorded: 2012 Released: 2012
This is a wonderful new album by the veteran Polish Jazz pianist / composer Kuba StankiewiczFind albums by this artist, recorded with his quartet, which includes also saxophonist Maciej SikalaFind albums by this artist, bassist Wojciech PulcynFind albums by this artist and drummer Sebastian FrankiewiczFind albums by this artist. The album comprises of nine original compositions, all by Stankiewicz.
The music is mainstream Jazz, or rather classic Jazz, with the typical Polish tinge; lyrical, romantic and brilliantly melodic. For some reason the new generation of the Polish Jazz players diverged largely into new areas, neglecting the unique approach that identified the early days of the scene, which placed composition above everything else. Stankiewicz seems to have returned to that principle here, with his compositions being the centre of attention. Both the beautiful ballads and the up-tempo numbers have splendid melody lines, which serve as perfect vehicles for the saxophone and piano solos. The actual performance of the music is also kept in very traditional form, without any adventurous undertakings, which would have been out of place here.
Sikala, who is the principal soloist here, plays excellently, especially on the soprano, with his long, somewhat sentimental twisted lines being absolutely perfect for this kind of music. The rhythm section plays a refined and tight background, which is always right there, when needed and always balanced with the soloing instruments keeping the music afloat. Stankiewicz plays superbly in the background, but solos sparingly, avoiding drawing too much attention to himself, which is quite unusual for a leader. When he plays solo, he does so with exquisite taste and humility. He obviously prefers the ensemble sound as best suiting his compositions.
In spite of all that "retro" setting, this is a great Jazz album by all means. It´s been quite a while since I´ve had the pleasure of listening to such refined music, which is both aesthetically and artistically pleasing. There is nothing wrong with mainstream Jazz, as long as it is so elegantly performed and presents intelligent and heartfelt music.
There is little to be added here, except for the fact that this is an album every true Jazz lover around the world should be able to cherish wholeheartedly. I can only prompt everybody to try. Satisfaction guaranteed!
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